• Published 21st Jan 2016
  • 846 Views, 1 Comments

My Little Digimon: Friendship is Digital - RainbowDashRules

A peaceful day in the digital world, until several gates opened at once sucking in eggs. Breaking into six, this story follows the Equestrian team as they deal with rouge Digimon, terrified ponies and Discord. HUMAN AND ANTHRO TAGS FOR HYBRIDS

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Chapter 1 - The Begining

The day was peaceful, in-training Digimon were running around playing, fresh level digimon were sleeping and the few Rookie levels we had around the the nursery/daycare were helping out with the chores. I was currently in the eastern nursery cheaking in on the Fresh level digimon, the newly hatched.

The room was full of bright colors, like any nursery would be. A rainbow carpet and sunset-like colored paint on the walls, The room was full of numerous cots, each the color of the rainbow. Stuffed animals were scattered every where. Many of the cots housed an occupant.

Out of the corner of my eyes i saw my partner digimon Gabumon walk in with the newest hatchling.

"Hey Gabu" I smiled.

"Luna" Gabumon nodded in greeting.

"What do we have here?" I questioned petting the hatchling wth my right index finger under its floppy ear by its cheek, it purred softly melting into my touch.

"Paomon here just hatched, im bringing it over to Draco for a check up."

I blushed slightly at the thought of Draco but shook it off.

"Oh, i wonder...." I started, looking at the hatchling softly. "Will we have a cute little Xiaomon or a strong Labramon?"

I kissed the hatchling softly on the top of its head.

"Who knows" Gabumon replied.

"Well, i wont keep you long" i said standing up and stretching. "Go on, little one here needs its check up."

Gabumon nodded then walked past me towords the Infirmary.

With a sigh i looked over the baby digimon again before walking out the door Gabumon just entered, the door to the incubator.

It may be called an incubator but it looks nothing like one. There were shelves lining the walls, cushions were lined up right next to each other and on those cushions sat digieggs. Currently there weren't many, twenty at most and considering how usually there's at least a hundred. The room was basically empty.

The walls were colored charcoal, the floor was covered in light grey carpet. A huge computer monitor was on the wall opposite the door, on both sides of the monitor were tubes. The Computer was used for checking the growth rate of the eggs.

I looked over all the eggs. Checking each for cracks, shine, temperature and design. Seeing nothing worrying i went to the monitor and looked up the progress for each egg, they were about ready to hatch, maybe within the next week.

Unless of course someone with there energy signature appears.........

But we aren't expecting any new tamers or guardians so.....

When i was done, i left the incubator and went back to the nursery, in total i was probably in there for twenty-five minutes. A minute per a egg and five on the monitor. All fresh level digimon were still asleep and Gabumon just walked in from the infirmary, Paomon snuggled in his arms.

I smiled slightly.

"Well?" I asked.

"Clean bill of health." Gabumon answered.

I nodded. "Good, theres a empty cot over here."

I led Gabumon over to the empty cot where he put down Paomon who quickly went to sleep.

The hour and a half following was peaceful, taking care of any fresh levels who woke up. Feed, bring to the infirmary, stuff like that.

It was durning the shift change that all hell broke loose.

The lights started flickering, the air felt stuffy and tremors came from the ground.

"The Hell?" I shouted as the ground shook.

I looked at Gabumon in realization who looked back.

"A GATE!!!!" We yelled.

A gate is a portal that leads from the Digital world to several others. I met Gabumon from a gate that opened leading to my world, well the one i grew up in.

We looked at the map on the wall next to the door and we both paled.

"four gates" Gabumon gulped.

"And thats only in the base." I replied shaking.

Wild gates aren't very active but when they are only ten at most will open through out the entire digital world, and only one in a sector. There has never been a case of more then one wild gate opening in a single sector.

The doors from the Infirmary burst open.

In ran a boy i knew all to well, his hair purple hair was styled in a mohawk, the tips were a lime green and his eyes the color of amethyst. He wore a black wife-beater, blue jeans and black and blue nikes. His digivice was like mine except with a maroon base instead.

"Luna! what's going on?!"

"Four gates opened in the base!" I answered.

He looked about read to faint.

"Four?!?!" He shouted wide eyed.

"And in the base?" His partner digimon Ryudamon questioned.

My eyes widened. I activated my digivice - which was strapped to my wrist - and had it on standby.

Turning and bolting to the doors of the incubator, I just barely realized Gabumon by my side, my five friends - four of which just arrived - and their Digimon following me.

"Luna!" they called after me.

When we arrived we gasped in horror as the remaining five digieggs were sucked into the portal.

Without a second thought I raced after them, everyone else following.

Celeste and Labramon just barley made it through before the gate closed.

"We don't know whats on the other side" I called behind me. "So we should call back all partner digimon"

They all agreed, i turned to Gabumon who was flying right next to me. I crossed my right arm - the one with the digivice attached - over my chest so the red part faced Gabumon.

"Gabumon Download!" I called pressing the rectangle button closest to the red part.

Gabumon was incased in green light, he then turned into green data particles and flew into my digivice.

Everyone else did the same, except they're digimon turned into different colored data.

I turned to them all.

"Get ready for anything" I called. "As i said, we don't know what could be on the other side."

They all nodded.

We were carried through the vortex at what seemed to be lightning speed.

When we came to the other side of the gate, we were launched out.

"HOLY SHIT!!!" I screamed as we fell from the sky plummeting to the ground.

Author's Note:

I hope i did a good job with this chapter.

For those of you who don't like The CMC as the daughters of AJ, Rare and RD, that subject with be very lightly touched. So i hope you'll try reading the rest.


~ RDR (RC)

Note: I don't own the digivice pics. Got them off google, who ever does however did awesome with the design.