• Published 12th Jul 2015
  • 357 Views, 0 Comments

Pint's Birthday Party - Part 2 - Yosh-E-O

Pint is turning seven and Fall's invited to his birthday party! This event is but one of many positive firsts for the orphaned Pegasus

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Chapter 7 - Pint's Family

Fall felt a bit nervous walking alongside Bucky and his parents. Bucky himself was nearly three times her size with his uncle being almost six times her size. His mom was a bit over four times her size and she really didn’t want to be stepped on. Fortunately, Bucky caught onto this and offered her a ride on his back all the way to Pint’s house.

As Fall rode on Bucky’s back, she got a good look at his uncle’s Cutie Mark. It appeared to be a star going between a Y-shaped something.

“Bucky?” she asked. “What’s that on your uncle’s Cutie Mark?”

“Hoofball posts!” boomed the brown-maned stallion. “I’ll have you know I was one of the best and was even offered a chance to play college hoofball on an all expenses paid scholarship!.”

Bucky’s mom sighed before asking, “Can we talk about something else?”

The uncle’s seafoam-green eyes seemed to grow wide. The way one’s eyes would get if they had realized they were in trouble.

“Oh, yeah,” he replied calmly. “Are you looking as forward to Blissy’s cooking as I am?”

Bucky’s mom nodded and smiled as she stated, “You bet. He’s amazing.”

“Blissy?” asked Fall.

“That’s Pint’s dad,” stated Bucky as he licked his lips. “And his food is super delicious!”

“Hmm,” thought Fall as she allowed herself to get comfortable atop Bucky’s back. Her mind filling with all sorts of thoughts on how this day had introduced her to so many happy things she never knew existed before.


Upon reaching Pint’s house, Fall was surprised to see so many fillies and colts gathered in a small yard playing and laughing together. There were also a number of stallions and mares huddled together in another part of the yard by something that was giving off the delicious scent of oats, potatos, carrots, and other vegetables.

“There you are!” called a spotted Unicorn in a pink apron. “Pint was starting to wonder when you guys would get here.”

“I’m sorry we’re late,” apologized Bucky’s mom. “Bucky and his new friend had a special project they wanted to do for Pint before coming to the party.”

“A special project, huh?” asked the Unicorn. “I’m sure Pint will love it.”

Fall looked beyond Bucky’s mane to see the stallion in the apron. He was very clean, very friendly, and had a Cutie Mark in which depicted a purple, patchwork heart being sewn into an apron.

“Oh!” exclaimed the Unicorn. “Is that our very special guest on your back, Bucky?”

“Yep!” the yellow Pegasus replied as he got down on his belly to allow Fall to get safely to the ground. “This is Fall.”

The Unicorn sat down on his hindquarters and slowly extended his front hoof towards the little, brown Pegasus.

“Hi, there!” he greeted cheerfully. “I’m Pint’s dad, but you can call me Blissy.”

Fall did as she had with Bucky’s uncle. She extended her hoof and touched Blissy’s extended hoof.

“There’s no need to be shy,” he assured. “All of Pint’s school friends are here and are having a wonderful time.”

Pint’s father gestured towards the side of the yard the kids had all gathered at. They were all having a wonderful time together with some presumably playing Backyard Brawlers while others were giggling as they played various chasing games.

“Blissy!” called a voice from near whatever it was that was giving off the good smells. “We need you over here!”

“Be right there, Patches!” he called back. He then faced Fall and said, “Why don’t you and Bucky go and have some fun while I make you all a tasty lunch that is so hoof-licking good you’ll be begging for seconds!”

“Sounds good to me,” said Bucky as he looked to find Pint amongst the crowd of children. “Follow me, Fall!”

“Okay…,” she replied while keeping as close to Bucky as possible.


On the way into the yard, a mare in overalls approached Bucky and Fall.

“Hey!” she greeted. “I’m Pint’s mom, Patch.”

Fall awed at how strong Pint’s mom looked. Her hooves were almost as muscular as Bucky’s uncle’s. She also didn’t have a horn on her head.

“Ha…, hello…?” Fall said.

“Is this the the sweet, little filly that Pint’s always talking about?” the overall-wearing, Earth pony asked.

“Sure is!” replied Bucky. “Her name is Fall and she’s in the Purple Class.”

Pint’s mom reached down, picked up Fall, and held her in front of her face.

“You are a pretty, little filly!” she exclaimed. “I can see why my Pint loves you so much!”

“…,” Fall gasped upon not only being lifted up as if she weighed next-to-nothing and then hearing of how Pint ‘loved’ her.

Pint’s mom smiled while looking into Fall’s eyes.

“You have beautiful, blue eyes,” she commented. “It’s like looking into the sky on a clear workday.”

“…,” Fall blinked.

Pint’s mother laughed and smiled at Fall.

“You are a pretty Pegasus,” she said. “Seems I’ll have to give Pint a talking to about girlfriends.”

The spotted mare put Fall gently back down onto the ground.

Bucky tried to hide his laughter by putting his hoof to his muzzle.

“Feel free to put your presents on the table inside before going out to play,” stated Pint’s mom while gesturing towards the front door of their home. “We don’t want Pint opening any of his gifts before he blows out the candles on his birthday cake.”

“Good idea,” remarked Bucky.

Pint’s mom held the door open for Bucky and Fall to go into the house.

Fall was lost in thought. Pint’s mom mentioning how Pint ‘loved’ her and how she nneded to talk to Pint about ‘girlfriends’. And what was with all the compliments about her appearance? And how she was now holding the door open for her to go into their house?

“Follow me, Fall,” stated Bucky upon realizing how the tiny Pegasus was still in the exact place Pint’s mom had placed her down at.

“Yeah,” the overall-wearing, Earth pony encouraged. “I just remodeled the dining room and I’d like to hear what you think.”

“What…, I think?” asked Fall in a whisper.

“This way, Fall,” said Bucky as he entered the house.

Wanting to stay close to her friend, Fall got up and trotted with Bucky into Pint’s house. Her head full of questions she really hoped Bucky could answer for her.

Author's Note:

This is the 6th story in the "Fallen Angel" series. Some details have changed since the inception of the story so please don't mind any slight variances between what the characters know and don't know. Particularly on Pint's part.

The characters are continually getting updates to improve upon the telling of their story. Though these are minor changes in which do not impact the story's whole. We hope you enjoy it.