Pint's Birthday Party - Part 2

by Yosh-E-O

First published

Pint is turning seven and Fall's invited to his birthday party! This event is but one of many positive firsts for the orphaned Pegasus

Pint is turning seven and can't wait to invite Fall to his birthday party! Little does Pint know how many things he and Bucky take for granted will be introduced to Fall as she is brought to this event.

Fall arrives at Pint's birthday party to discover how children outside of her orphanage behave very differently. She also gets to discover what it is like to have someone who looks up to you. There is also her first introduction to how not all teasing is done out of malice.

This is the 5th story in the "Fallen Angel" saga. All characters and concepts belong to Ari Angelcub. You can learn more about her and her characters by visiting

Chapter 7 - Pint's Family

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Fall felt a bit nervous walking alongside Bucky and his parents. Bucky himself was nearly three times her size with his uncle being almost six times her size. His mom was a bit over four times her size and she really didn’t want to be stepped on. Fortunately, Bucky caught onto this and offered her a ride on his back all the way to Pint’s house.

As Fall rode on Bucky’s back, she got a good look at his uncle’s Cutie Mark. It appeared to be a star going between a Y-shaped something.

“Bucky?” she asked. “What’s that on your uncle’s Cutie Mark?”

“Hoofball posts!” boomed the brown-maned stallion. “I’ll have you know I was one of the best and was even offered a chance to play college hoofball on an all expenses paid scholarship!.”

Bucky’s mom sighed before asking, “Can we talk about something else?”

The uncle’s seafoam-green eyes seemed to grow wide. The way one’s eyes would get if they had realized they were in trouble.

“Oh, yeah,” he replied calmly. “Are you looking as forward to Blissy’s cooking as I am?”

Bucky’s mom nodded and smiled as she stated, “You bet. He’s amazing.”

“Blissy?” asked Fall.

“That’s Pint’s dad,” stated Bucky as he licked his lips. “And his food is super delicious!”

“Hmm,” thought Fall as she allowed herself to get comfortable atop Bucky’s back. Her mind filling with all sorts of thoughts on how this day had introduced her to so many happy things she never knew existed before.


Upon reaching Pint’s house, Fall was surprised to see so many fillies and colts gathered in a small yard playing and laughing together. There were also a number of stallions and mares huddled together in another part of the yard by something that was giving off the delicious scent of oats, potatos, carrots, and other vegetables.

“There you are!” called a spotted Unicorn in a pink apron. “Pint was starting to wonder when you guys would get here.”

“I’m sorry we’re late,” apologized Bucky’s mom. “Bucky and his new friend had a special project they wanted to do for Pint before coming to the party.”

“A special project, huh?” asked the Unicorn. “I’m sure Pint will love it.”

Fall looked beyond Bucky’s mane to see the stallion in the apron. He was very clean, very friendly, and had a Cutie Mark in which depicted a purple, patchwork heart being sewn into an apron.

“Oh!” exclaimed the Unicorn. “Is that our very special guest on your back, Bucky?”

“Yep!” the yellow Pegasus replied as he got down on his belly to allow Fall to get safely to the ground. “This is Fall.”

The Unicorn sat down on his hindquarters and slowly extended his front hoof towards the little, brown Pegasus.

“Hi, there!” he greeted cheerfully. “I’m Pint’s dad, but you can call me Blissy.”

Fall did as she had with Bucky’s uncle. She extended her hoof and touched Blissy’s extended hoof.

“There’s no need to be shy,” he assured. “All of Pint’s school friends are here and are having a wonderful time.”

Pint’s father gestured towards the side of the yard the kids had all gathered at. They were all having a wonderful time together with some presumably playing Backyard Brawlers while others were giggling as they played various chasing games.

“Blissy!” called a voice from near whatever it was that was giving off the good smells. “We need you over here!”

“Be right there, Patches!” he called back. He then faced Fall and said, “Why don’t you and Bucky go and have some fun while I make you all a tasty lunch that is so hoof-licking good you’ll be begging for seconds!”

“Sounds good to me,” said Bucky as he looked to find Pint amongst the crowd of children. “Follow me, Fall!”

“Okay…,” she replied while keeping as close to Bucky as possible.


On the way into the yard, a mare in overalls approached Bucky and Fall.

“Hey!” she greeted. “I’m Pint’s mom, Patch.”

Fall awed at how strong Pint’s mom looked. Her hooves were almost as muscular as Bucky’s uncle’s. She also didn’t have a horn on her head.

“Ha…, hello…?” Fall said.

“Is this the the sweet, little filly that Pint’s always talking about?” the overall-wearing, Earth pony asked.

“Sure is!” replied Bucky. “Her name is Fall and she’s in the Purple Class.”

Pint’s mom reached down, picked up Fall, and held her in front of her face.

“You are a pretty, little filly!” she exclaimed. “I can see why my Pint loves you so much!”

“…,” Fall gasped upon not only being lifted up as if she weighed next-to-nothing and then hearing of how Pint ‘loved’ her.

Pint’s mom smiled while looking into Fall’s eyes.

“You have beautiful, blue eyes,” she commented. “It’s like looking into the sky on a clear workday.”

“…,” Fall blinked.

Pint’s mother laughed and smiled at Fall.

“You are a pretty Pegasus,” she said. “Seems I’ll have to give Pint a talking to about girlfriends.”

The spotted mare put Fall gently back down onto the ground.

Bucky tried to hide his laughter by putting his hoof to his muzzle.

“Feel free to put your presents on the table inside before going out to play,” stated Pint’s mom while gesturing towards the front door of their home. “We don’t want Pint opening any of his gifts before he blows out the candles on his birthday cake.”

“Good idea,” remarked Bucky.

Pint’s mom held the door open for Bucky and Fall to go into the house.

Fall was lost in thought. Pint’s mom mentioning how Pint ‘loved’ her and how she nneded to talk to Pint about ‘girlfriends’. And what was with all the compliments about her appearance? And how she was now holding the door open for her to go into their house?

“Follow me, Fall,” stated Bucky upon realizing how the tiny Pegasus was still in the exact place Pint’s mom had placed her down at.

“Yeah,” the overall-wearing, Earth pony encouraged. “I just remodeled the dining room and I’d like to hear what you think.”

“What…, I think?” asked Fall in a whisper.

“This way, Fall,” said Bucky as he entered the house.

Wanting to stay close to her friend, Fall got up and trotted with Bucky into Pint’s house. Her head full of questions she really hoped Bucky could answer for her.

Chapter 8 - The Wall of Love

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The entrance of Pint’s house had doors placed centrally on each wall. Pictures of Pint and his family were hung wherever there wasn’t a shelf, horseshoe stand, or some other storage, or display, furnishing.

“…,” thought Fall as she admired all the pictures of Pint and his family on the wall.

“Checking out Pint’s ‘Wall of Love’?” asked Bucky with a chuckle.

“Wall of what?” asked Fall.

“The ‘Wall of Love’,” replied Bucky while he gestured towards a picture of Pint as a newborn colt. “Pint hasn’t exactly changed much since being a baby, has he?”

Fall looked at the picture of Pint as a newborn and took notice of how there was a pattern going from left-to-right and top-to-bottom of him with his family as he grew from being a baby colt to the colt he was today.

“…,” blinked Fall.

“I think I know why I like you so much, Fall,” stated Bucky.

“Huh?” wondered Fall while continuing to notice how many pictures of Pint and his family were in just this one room.

“I used to think Pint was actually a foal,” he said while looking towards a picture of when he was with Pint’s family for a get together. “I didn’t understand how a foal could talk as well as he did. Nor did I know why he could wrestle, play Backyard Brawlers, or do all the things I could do when we first met.”

“Really?” asked Fall as she focused on the picture Bucky was moving towards.

“Would you believe I used to think all foals were like Pint?” he asked with a laugh. “My mom and uncle had quite the time explaining to me that Pint was just small for his age and that he wasn’t a foal despite looking like one.”

Fall gasped as her eyes widened.

“Like…,” she said with awe. “Me?”

Bucky looked at Fall and patted her on the head.

“I suppose so,” he remarked. “How weird is it that my two closests friends are older and smaller than I am?”

Fall didn’t know how to answer.

“Well,” said Bucky as he trotted towards the open door straight across from the home’s entrance. “I want to go play and I’m sure you do, too.”

Fall nodded in agreement.

“The presents go on the table in here,” he stated. “Follow me.”


Fall was surprised to see the kitchen that featured a sliding-glass door straight across from the room’s entrance. There appeared to be a small deck on the other side in which lead towards a fenced-in backyard where more children could be seen playing.

“This way,” said Bucky as he turned to the opening on the right.

Fall followed Bucky into what appeared to be a dining room. Both it and the kitchen were surprisingly clean and well kept. There were no yucky smells, stains, or signs of bugs anywhere. This was definitely a huge difference from what she was used to at the orphanage.

“Right here,” stated Bucky as he moved someone else’s present aside so his would stick out more on the table.

Fall trotted slowly towards the table. Her eyes admiring all the streamers, balloons, and a tablecloth that appeared to be covered in Backyard Brawlers.

“These…?” she asked. “All for Pint?”

“Yeah,” answered Bucky. “But mine’s the best.”

Fall sighed as she looked at the picture she drew for her Unicorn friend.

“Yours is great, too,” assured Bucky while moving more packages, boxes, and bags around on the table. “You should put it here.”

Fall saw a big opening amidst the collection of presents and gently placed her picture into the space.

“I wish…,” she said softly.

“What’s that?” asked Bucky as he began to trot back towards the house’s front door.

“…,” Fall sighed. “Nothing…,”

“Pint is no doubt out front greeting everyone who’s coming over for his party,” stated Bucky. “I know my parents make me do that when I have a party.”

Fall closed her eyes and thought to herself on how nice it would be if she could have a ‘party’. Ponies giving you gifts instead of taking things away from you would be so nice. It would also be nice to know ponies were there for her to make her feel special instead of unwanted.

Bucky stopped short of the kitchen’s entrance.

“Are you okay, Fall?” he asked. “Do you need to go to the potty?”

Fall looked up and said, “No… I’m fine.”

“Then let’s go play!” proclaimed Bucky as he darted for the front door and held it open for Fall. “Fillies first!”

Chapter 9 - A Very Special Friend

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The wonderful scent of grilled vegetables filled Fall’s nose upon walking into the front yard of Pint’s house.

“Mmm,” she hummed while taking in a deep sniff through her nose.

“Yeah,” remarked Bucky as he rubbed at his belly. “Pint’s dad makes the best food.”

Bucky looked out to see if he could spot Pint.

“Ah!” he proclaimed while facing towards the grill. “I should’ve figured he’d be over there.”

Fall looked around the grill and saw Pint amidst a group of children, Pint’s dad, Bucky’s uncle, and a few other adults.

“Hey!” cried a cheerful voice. “You’re here!”

Fall looked in the direction the voice had called out from and saw a familiar, pink Pegasus galloping towards her.

“Uh…,” thought Fall as she tried to remember the filly’s name.

“It’s me!” the pink Pegasus exclaimed. “Candy Cloud!”

Fall grew a bright smile upon being reminded of the friend she had made while attending Pint and Bucky’s school about two weeks ago during ‘Bring Your Sibling to School Day’.

Bucky smiled upon seeing Fall meetup with her friend from her school visit.

“I’ll go get Pint,” he said as he trotted towards the grill.

“What do you think?” asked Candy Cloud as she playfully shook her head. “I’m just like you!”

Fall didn’t quite know what to say until she noticed Candy Cloud’s white mane being tied in pigtails with a blue bow on top of her head.

“Your mane…,” said Fall.

Candy Cloud giggled before asking, “Do you like it?”

“Uh…,” thought Fall as she tried to figure out the right thing to say.

“Well?” persisted Candy Cloud. “Do you? Did I do a good job making my mane like yours?”

“Yeah…,” replied Fall. “But…, uh…, why?”

Candy Cloud’s green eyes glimmered as her smile grew from ear-to-ear.

“Because,” cheered the pink Pegasus as she embraced Fall. “You’re awesome!”

Fall put her hoof around Candy Cloud to better take in the hug she was so cheerfully receiving.

“I’m…, what?” she asked.

Candy Cloud stepped back and flapped her wings while letting out a whinny.

“You’re my best friend!” she announced.

“I am?” asked Fall as her blue eyes widened.

“Yep!” squeaked Candy Cloud. “Have you asked your mom or dad if we can have a play date yet?”

“A what?” asked Fall.

Candy Cloud lifted herself on her hind hooves and playfully peddled her front hooves in front of Fall.

“A play date!” she exclaimed. “It’s when you ask your mommy, or daddy, if we can get together to play!”

Fall didn’t know how to answer. The concept of a ‘Play Date’ was as new to her as a lot of other things she had experienced ever since Bucky helped her get out of the orphanage to attend Pint’s birthday party today.

“I know!” cried Candy Cloud. “How’s about we go and ask your mom and dad about having a play date?”

“Umm…,” gasped Fall.

The pink Pegasus pranced around in circles.

“You just point to where your mommy and daddy are at and I’ll go tell them about what besties we are so we can play together! Perhaps even tomorrow!”

“Tomorrow?” panicked Fall.

“Hey!” shouted another familiar voice. “I thought I saw you!”

Candy Cloud stopped her prancing as her fellow classmate, River Runner, approached.

“So…,” grinned River Runner as he slid his hoof on the ground. “Did you read my cards for me yet?”

“Your cards?” asked Fall. “Oh…, yeah! Those Backyard Brawlers cards you gave me.”

“I didn’t ‘give’ them to you,” stated River Runner. “You were supposed to read them, tell me about them, and give them back.”

“I was?” asked Fall while taking a step back.

“Hey!” shouted Candy Cloud as she faced the demanding, blue colt. “That’s not nice!”

“They’re ‘my’ cards!” griped River Runner as he faced down Candy Cloud.

“That you ‘gave’ to, Fall!” she snapped while flapping her wings and stomping her hoof.

The blue colt backed away and sighed.

“I’m sorry,” he said before putting his head down, his tail between his legs, and trotting off.

Fall watched sadly as River Runner headed back into the groups of playing children. The way he appeared reminded her a lot of how she felt after someone was mean to her at the orphanage.

“I’m sorry about that, Fall,” stated Candy Cloud. “River Runner still hasn’t learned how to share.”

“…,” Fall sighed as she watched the blue colt pout. Then, as if nothing had happened, his ears perked up, his tail raised, and he started to gallop towards what appeared to be a grouping of children kicking a ball around.

“Huh?” wondered Fall. How could he go from being so sad to so happy so quickly? When she was talked down to, or made to do chores, she never felt able to smile and be all happy again so quickly.

“Wait…,” said Fall as she put her hoof to her muzzle.

“Wait?” asked Candy Cloud. “Wait for what?”

Fall thought on how Bucky and Pint had given her something happy to think about even during the saddest of times in the orphanage. Perhaps River Runner was the same way? He felt sad about what Candy Cloud said to him, but was reminded of his friends and was able to feel happy again?

“Fall?” asked the pink Pegasus as she tilted her head in front of the little, brown Pegasus. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah…,” she said. “I’m fine.”

Candy Cloud resumed her prancing in circles.

“So let’s go get that play date for tomorrow!” she exclaimed.

Fall didn’t know what to do. She didn’t have a mom, or a dad. What if Candy Cloud found out she was an orphan? Would she’d still want to be her friend?

“Right here, Pint!” announced Bucky as he and the brown-spotted Unicorn trotted alongside Fall and Candy Cloud.

Pint gave Fall a hug as he said, “I’m glad you could make it, Fall.”

“Me, too!” squeaked Candy Cloud as she jumped in to join in all the hugging.

“Ah!” shrieked Pint as they all fell over.

Bucky laughed as he said, “That’s the best tackle hug I’ve ever seen.”

Pint got to his feet and said, “Yeah. I suppose so.”

Bucky smiled as he looked towards Pint and said, “How about a friendly game of Backyard Brawlers?”

Pint glared towards Bucky as he announced, “Today’s the day I take you down, Bucky!”

“Ooh!” cheered Candy Cloud as she clapped her front hooves together. “Can I watch?”

“Sure!” exclaimed Bucky. “Spoiler alert! I’m going to win!”

“Not today!” proclaimed Pint before using a stepping stone to reach the doorknob for his house, opening the door, and dashing inward.

“This is going to be awesome!” cheered Candy Cloud.

Fall smiled and waited patiently beside Bucky and Candy Cloud for Pint to return with his Backyard Brawlers.

Cgaoter 10 - Backyard Brawling

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Bucky made a big show out of his forthcoming Backyard Brawlers match with Pint.

“Come one! Come all!” he called. “See if seven is truly Pint’s lucky number in defeating the one, and only, true champion of Backyard Brawlers!”

Many of the fillies and colts stopped what they were doing to see what they knew would be a great match between the two biggest rivals in school.


Once a space was clear, and within eye shot of the grown-ups, Pint and Bucky got out all their Backyard Brawlers figures and cards.

“Ooh!” awed River Runner as he walked alongside Candy Cloud and Fall. “This is going to be good!”

“Yeah,” agreed Candy Cloud as she let out a giggle and flapped her wings. “And funny.”

“Funny?” asked Fall.

Candy Cloud pulled Fall in close to her as she audibly stated, “Pint and Bucky are the best in the school! But Pint never wins against Bucky and he gets so silly when he gets all angry over it!”

“I do not!” barked Pint as he shuffled Bucky’s deck of cards.

“You do, too,” stated Bucky as he handed Pint back his deck of cards.

The children watching all laughed and made various comments like, “You can do it, Pint!” and “Get him to do that thing again, Bucky! That thing where his nose looks all goofy!”

Pint’s eyes narrowed as he stared down Bucky.

“You’re going down!” he proclaimed.

“In history as the best Backyard Brawler ever!” exclaimed Bucky.

Candy Cloud let out the cutest giggle as she nudged Fall and said, “See? Aren’t they just the silliest?”

Fall didn’t say anything. Bucky’s actions towards Pint with respect to this game reminded her of how people picked on her, along with others, at the orphanage. It was hurtful and how any of the children here could find it funny bothered her.

“Stand back!” cried Pint as he picked up one of the Backyard Brawler balls he had beside his deck of cards. “Here comes the pain!”

“Right back at you, squirt!” exclaimed Bucky as he tossed a similar ball outward.







“Ooh…,” the children awed as Pint’s Backyard Brawler sprung to life from within the ball upon landing on the ground. It was a bird of some sort with eyes painted to look as if they were glowing an ominous, green color. Bucky’s then opened alongside Pint’s bird to reveal a purple, goat-like creature that was posed like it was ready to pounce.

“Ready?” asked Bucky as he drew five cards from his deck.

Pint did the same as he replied, “Brawl on!”

The two picked a card from the five they had in their hands and held it up so only the back was showing towards each other.

“Reveal the power!” proclaimed Pint as he flipped his card towards Bucky. It was a picture of a bird with air circles surrounding it with the words ‘Beak Blaster’ written on the top.

“Nice try!” stated Bucky as he revealed a card with a goat-like creature throwing a boulder into the air.

“My Coo-Cootrice blasts through your boulder with its stone smashing beak!” snapped Pint.

“Not when the boulder is made out of iron!” announced Bucky.

“Iron?” asked Pint.

“Iron,” grinned Bucky.

Pint pulled out another card that read, “Bird Pride” that illustrated his Coo-Cootrice puffing out its chest as light radiated off of its body.

“Now my Coo-Cootrice is super strong and breaks through your iron rock!” he proclaimed.

Bucky pulled out another card that showed his goat throwing a rock.

“Then I throw another at your bird that is made out of diamond!”

“Diamond?” asked Pint.

“BOOM!” exclaimed Bucky dramatically. “SQUISH!”

“No!” stomped Pint.

Bucky gestured towards the two Backyard Brawlers.

“Coo-Cootrice is grass pancakes,” he said. “Whose next?”

Pint’s eyes narrowed as he picked up and put away his Backyard Brawler.

“I’ll get you!” he yelled. “I’m just getting warmed up!”

“Bring it!” called Bucky as he made a face towards Pint. “Ain’t nothing taking down my Bahramutt!”


River Runner, Candy Cloud, and the other kids were all cheering, laughing, and making silly comments. Fall, on the other hand, felt miserable.

“What’s wrong?” asked Candy Cloud upon noticing how Fall appeared unhappy. “Do you need to use the potty?”

Fall looked up towards the pink Pegasus and shook her head.

“Perhaps you’re not ready for Backyard Brawlers?” asked Candy Cloud thoughtfully. “Come on. We’ll go play chase in the yard.”

Fall didn’t want to leave her friends, but the way they were acting seemed very wrong to her. It was like Backyard Brawlers made them mean. So she quietly followed after the white-haired filly.

Chapter 11 - Teasing Can Be Friendly?

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Fall admired how Candy Cloud had a very unique way of trotting. It was like she was in a constant state of happiness. Her smile seemed to never fade as she more skipped than walked. She also flapped her wings gently while bobbing her head about. This made her Fall-inspired pigtails appear as if they were little swings as they swung steadily about.

Watching her pink, Pegasus friend made Fall want to try and be like her, too. The small, brown Pegasus allowed herself to smile while moving her head so that her deep-brown colored pigtails could do as Candy Cloud’s were. She even attempted to let her wings do the little flap her friend’s were doing. However, due to how underdeveloped they were, the most Fall could get her wings to do was twitch.

“You’re smiling,” grinned Candy Cloud.

Fall nodded.

“You know,” said the white-haired Pegasus. “I used to think what Pint and Bucky did was mean, too.”

Fall appeared surprised as she stopped what she was doing and looked up towards her friend.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

Candy Cloud galloped about as she answered, “My mom and dad had to tell me about playful teasing.”

“Playful…, what?” asked Fall.

“It’s something boys do a lot,” stated Candy Cloud. “My daddy told me all about when he was a colt and how his friends would say a lot of things, but only for fun.”

Fall was confused.

“How can saying mean things be fun?” she inquired. “There’s nothing fun about being mean.”

The pink Pegasus fluttered her wings.

“That’s exactly what I told my daddy when he told me that!”

“Really?” asked Fall.

“Really, really!” squeaked the energetic, pink filly. “Mommy tells me boys are immature and say immature things to make each other do things.”

Fall put her hoof to her muzzle.

“I’m-a-what?” she asked.

“Yeah,” giggled Candy Cloud. “I don’t get it either. It did make daddy say some silly things while making a funny face towards my mommy. Then my mommy said something like the colts at school say to each other to my daddy before they got all silly.”

“NO!” cried Pint from within the crowd of kids. “NOT AGAIN!”

Fall went to turn back and see what was wrong, but Candy Cloud put her hoof in front of her before the tiny, brown Pegasus could move.

“Pint lost again,” said Candy Cloud. “I’m sure he’ll win one day.”

Fall didn’t understand why her friend was keeping her from heading back towards where her friends were.

“I’ve got to see if Pint’s okay,” she insisted.

“Oh, he’s fine,” giggled Candy Cloud. “I’ve told him he needs to use more magical Backyard Brawlers if he wants to beat Bucky, but, like my mom says, ‘boys don’t listen’.”

Fall looked at Candy Cloud with wide, blue eyes.

“How can you say that?” she asked. “How do you know?”

“Look,” squeaked Candy Cloud as she gestured her hoof out towards the dispersing crowd. Pint and Bucky were saying things that sounded not so friendly while picking up their Backyard Brawlers.

“They are saying not nice things!” snapped Fall. “Why would you want me to see that?”

“No, no,” replied Candy Cloud. “Look at their faces.”

Fall looked closer and could see something very odd on both Bucky and Pint’s face. They were smiling.

“They’re…, happy?” she asked.

Candy Cloud brought Fall in for a hug.

“My mom and dad told me how you can tell the difference between good and bad teasing can be seen on the faces of those doing it,” she said. “My dad said boys do it to be com, comp, compete-a-tive…?”

“So…,?” asked Fall. “Teasing can be a ‘good’ thing?”

“It can,” replied Candy Cloud. “But you have to make sure.”

“How do you do that?” asked Fall.

“You ask if everything’s okay,” stated Candy Cloud. “If you don’t know if they are being friendly, you go and ask. They’ll tell you.”

Fall looked with interest towards her friend.

“And what do you do if they say it’s not ‘good’ teasing?” she asked.

Candy Cloud stomped her front hooves down and stated, “You tell them to stop it. And, if that doesn’t work, you find a grown-up to make them stop.”

Fall thought on the ‘get a grown-up’ part. The grown-ups at the orphanage would, more ofteh-than-not, be meaner than the fillies, or colts, doing the teasing.

“It’s not hard to do the right thing,” said Candy Cloud. “You just got to ask and make sure nobody is getting hurt feelings. If some pony is feeling unhappy, you tell the pony who’s being mean to stop. If they don’t stop, you get a grown-up. Never hit.”

Fall sighed as she thought on how much she wished this was how things worked back at the orphanage. It amazed her how a three year old, like Candy Cloud, knew more about kindness than the grown stallions and mares at the orphanage.


“TIME TO EAT!” called out Pint’s father as he rang a hand bell.

“Yay!” cheered Candy Cloud. “Will you sit by me?”

“Uh, sure,” replied Fall.

“And me,” added Pint as he walked alongside Fall.

“It’s your birthday,” pouted Bucky. “So you get to choose who you want to sit with for your birthday meal.”

Pint gently nudged Bucky.

“We can all sit together on one of my dad’s picnic blankets,” he stated.

Bucky’s tummy rumbled.

“Well, then,” he said. “Let’s go and get some grub!”