• Published 12th Jul 2015
  • 674 Views, 8 Comments

Spike The Osu King! - Spideze

When spike is introduced to a strange rhythm game. His life is changed forever!

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Last Time

By this point, everypony in the cafe came to see what all of the noise was. "I have my friends here to cheer me to victory. I can't lose now!" shouted Spike. As the song ended, everypony fell silent, even spike was in disbelief. Him, a new player just full comboed a song as his first play. suddenly the entire cafe erupted into cheers and praises. Ponies crowded around him asking all of these questions like. "How did you do that" or "what is you're tablet setting?" and even "are you secretly a top Osu player."
The girls were sitting there, dumbfounded at what had just happened. Twilight was the first to speak. "Is that a normal thing Rainbow?"
"No..." Rainbow looked at spike with curious eyes. "In the entire run of Osu, nopony has ever done something like that."
The 6 mares stared at spike with astonished looks on their faces. One thought crossed all of their minds. "What has Spike gotten into?"

After all of the ponies calmed down in the cafe, the mane 6 decided that they should head home.

"See you tomorrow darlings." said Rarity

"Thanks for the show partner" Applejack said as she was waving to Spike

"Uhh...yeah no problem girls" Spike was still confused as to what had happened today. All he knew was he really wanted to play Osu again. "Hey Twilight, i am gonna go on home. You can hang out with Rainbow still if you want."

"Are you sure spike? We were just gonna go for a flying session. you can come with us you know." exclaimed Twilight. She didn't know why, but she really didn't want spike to leave her side.

"Aww let him be Twilight. He has some circles to conquer" Rainbow said winking at spike

"Well alright then. Have fun spike." Twilight said hesitantly

"Alright see you guys!" shouted Spike. When spike got home, he turned on his computer and searched for Osu. "Alright now i just need to make a account. What should my username be?" Spike thought long and hard about a name until he finally thought of the perfect name. "The Emerald Dragon..." proclaimed Spike

Twilight's POV

Twilight was deep into thought about why she wanted spike to stay by her side earlier.

"Twilight? helllo. Are you there" A voice knocked her back into reality

"Huh?" Asked twilight

"Jeez Twilight. What has got you into one of your egghead thinking sessions? Asked Rainbow

"Oh, i don't know. Just i didn't want spike to leave my side earlier. But i can't figure out why i was like that. And i am not a egghead!" protested Twilight. Rainbow laughed at her friend's over reaction, but then became very serious.

"Maybe you are in love with him" said Rainbow. Twilight's face was bright red. she wanted to hide her face or teleport away just to hide the blush.

"I don't love him" Twilight assured her friend "I don't love him...right?"

Spike's POV

"Alright. Skin? Check. Songs? Check. Pen&Tablet? Check. Okay everything seems good." Spike cracked his knuckles and started looking for a song to play. it didn't take long for Spike to find the song he wanted to play.

Spike started up the song and was immediately met with a barrage of circles. "Jeez you couldn't start off a little slower" Spike still managed to keep up with the circles without breaking a sweat. A minute in and spike has hit the chorus of the song. "These triples are so annoying!" Spike ignored the rising pain in his hand from the jumps in the beatmap. Spike was almost at his end. fortunately Spike noticed he was almost done with the song. "Come on just a little more...." Spike grunted from the pain he was feeling from this map. he was kinda mad at himself that he chose a song like this to start off. Spike hit the last note and started spinning. when the song ended, Spike fell back in his chair with a heavy sigh. "Well then, i think i should give my hand a break after that. how much PP did i get for that?" Spike looked at the Osu site, his eyes went wide when he saw the 3 digit number. "308 PP!"

Somewhere in Canada, a brown haired man was in the middle of streaming when he felt a disturbance. "I feel...as if someone just played my song..."

Spike took a ten minute break and was currently fixing some lunch when he heard the door open. "Spike i'm home!" announced Twilight

"Welcome home." Spike greeted her with a hug then with a plate full of hash browns and pancakes. Twilight eyed the food with a questioning look on her face.

"Hash brown and pancakes? it's one in the afternoon spike." Twilight said

"Ehh...i was craving breakfast. Want some? Spike's answer was Twilight's stomach growling. Twilight couldn't help but blush at that.

"I would love some. Plush i skipped breakfast anyways because of going to see Rainbow." Twilight sat down and started digging in. She hadn't noticed that spike was deep in thought.

"Today has been so weird. I mean how was i able to pick up a game and do that well right off the bat?" Spike noticed he hadn't touched his food yet, so he started digging in as well.

"I don't know. maybe since you have had practice with a tablet, you were able to play Osu easily. What do the top players play?" asked Twilight

"mainly seven star songs. thought I have seen some play higher. You may be right though. i have used a tablet for a while so i guess all i have to learn would be the maps." said Spike

"You know Spike, Rainbow said this hasn't ever happened before. this could mean something." said Twilight

"What could it mean? That i have good tablet skills?" Spike gave twilight a sarcastic questioning look. Twilight just rolled her eyes and stood up to go clean her plate.

"No Spike. it means you could have a hidden talent for Osu" explained Twilight

"Really? Hmm...maybe, speaking of which. i am gonna go practice some more." proclaimed Spike

"Alright. i am gonna go get my profile set up and then i will shoot you a in-game message. What is you username?" Spike turned back with a smirk of his face.

"The Emerald Dragon!" Spike said triumphantly. Twilight couldn't help but giggle at that. "What? It's a cool name." Twilight just continued to laugh as she headed to her computer.

30 Minutes Later

Spike and the girls were in a Skype call. Everypony had setup a account and were ready to play when rainbow posed a idea. "Hey, why don't we take turns playing? We choose one person to play while everyone else spectates. That way we can cheer them on and react when something big happens!" Everyone thought it over. it would be pretty cool to watch spike play was everypony's thought.

"Alright!" They all agreed. The girls were taking turns watching and playing. of course since the were new they could only do one to two star songs. "Alright Spike is up next." Spike was scrolling through when one song caught his eye.

"5.81 star huh..." Spike Hesitated for a moment but then picked it.

The girls were mesmerized by Spike's skill. They have never seen something so elegant and awesome.

"It's like a beautiful dance..." said Rarity

"I have never seen something so awesome!" shouted Rainbow

"Oh Spikey~ i could watch you play all day." Pinkie stated

"You must teach me how to play Spike." Twilight said

"Hes the best darn player i have ever seen." proclaimed Applejack

"You just found Osu. how could you know that many players?" Rainbow replied

"I don't. but out of all of us, he is the best i have seen" stated Applejack

"Then there is no point to say it." said rainbow

"Alright missy look here..." And so Applejack and Rainbow Dash started one of their famous arguments. meanwhile spike was holding a SS halfway through the song. Twilight decided to butt in so they don't distract Spike

"Will you two be quiet? Spike has a SS!" Twilight's words fell on deaf ears however as they continued their bickering.

"YES!" Shouted Spike. This caused Rainbow and Applejack to abruptly stop their argument. what they saw cause them along with the rest of the girls to gasp. On spike's screen was a SS on a 5.81 star song. "I can't believe i just did that!" Spike was celebrating his unbelievable and unexpected play.

"My word darling. Congratulations on the play" said Rarity. The rest of the girls were unable to give a congratulations or praise him as they were still sitting there, dumbfounded. The girls decided that they should stop for tonight so the rest of the night they went on talking about memories and what everyone wanted to do when they settled down.

"So Spike. What do you want to do when you settle down with a mare?" Asked Rarity. This caused Spike to fall silent for a while before he answered.

"I probably won't settle down with a mare." Spike had a slight sad tone in his voice.

"What do you mean darling? Do you umm...swing the other way?" Rarity knew it was un-ladylike to say it that way, but she couldn't find any other way to say it.

"No i mean i probably won't settle down at all." The mares gasped as Spike's words left his mouth.

"Why spike?" asked Twilight

"What do you mean why? I'm a dragon. Most people consider me a monster. i doubt anyone would love me in that way" Spike was happy that he didn't have the webcam on so he could let the tears flow without them knowing.

Twilight couldn't help but feel hurt by his words I would...wait WHAT! No! No! Spike is like a brother to me. i shouldn't have these thoughts! Why am i having these thoughts? Twilight tried to shake the thoughts out of her head but the just wouldn't go away. The rest of the night was quiet as nobody really knew what to say to Spike.

"Alright girls. i am gonna go to bed. i have to be up early to go help Big Mac with something at Sweet Apple Acres" Spike announced. Spike disconnected from the call and got ready for bed. Before he went to his room he felt a tap on his shoulder. he turned around to see Twilight already in her pajamas, looking at him with a worried expression.

"Spike, about what you said earlier..." Twilight was worried about Spike. but she also wanted to let him know that someone is out there for him.

"Don't worry about it too much Twilight. I's fine, who knows, maybe there is someone out there for me. but for right now there isn't." he pulled Twilight into a embrace and they stood there for what felt like forever. marveling in each other's comfort. Twilight was happy and sad for spike. On one hand he acknowledges that there might be someone out there for him. On the other. he still thinks that he will always be alone and unloved. Twilight wanted to fix that.

"Spike..." Spike heard Twilight's weak voice from under him "Can I..I..Sleep with you tonight, like we used to?" Spike looked Twilight in the eyes with shock. Her eyes were Pleading to stay with him tonight.

Spike stood there for a while deep in thought contemplating if he should say yes or no "I...uh..guess it would be fine." Spike couldn't hide his blush as he was allowing a mare to sleep in the same bed as him. Twilight's smile shined brighter then the sun as she slipped pass Spike and climbed into his bed. Spike laid on the other side continuing to blush.

"Spike. Could you...put your arms around me, for warmth?" Spike was redder then a tomato as he shakily put his arms around her. After a while he had calmed down and was about to fall asleep when he heard Twilight's faint voice "I love you Spike" Spike smiled and kissed her on the forehead.

"I love you too Twilight" The mare and Dragon drifted off to sleep. ready to wander the world of dreams.

Chapter End

Author's Note:

Wow this took a while! :pinkiegasp: I don't know weather i should do Everypony or Everyone. since it is anthro is Everyone and Everybody acceptable? Anyways i know my grammer and storytelling are pretty bad but it is my first story so they will get better :twilightsmile: Okay then....ONTO THE NEXT CHAPTER!:moustache:

Comments ( 6 )

Make spike play Centipede :trollestia:

6219093 Idk man. that map might be too easy for him :moustache:

This seems the obvious next choice for him.

Would have been sweet if he just had an fc on galaxy collabs.... But it's cancelled NOOOOOO


I could always bring the story back, it actually surprised me how many people actually enjoyed this story.

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