• Published 13th Jul 2015
  • 238 Views, 4 Comments

The Last Sacrifice - Soul of a Diamond

Equestria is in war and Rarity is doing her best to save it, but when she has to sacrifice something important will she be able to do it or will she fall in love with one of her best friends

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What has Happened

It has been five years since the war had started against the Shadows. It was hard and rough to all the ponies and creatures. Equestria was winning at first, but was struck with confusion and shock as there last hope of winning the war was lost. The Element of Harmony had vanished the day after they had concord some part of the Shadows land or territory. The elements were no longer in the in the Harmony Tree, though Princess Celestia didn't give up. She sent troops to look far and wide for the element, but found nothing. After ponies had found out, they ran in caves for shelter since their homes have been invented or burned down.

Equestria wasn't ready to face such a disgrace. It had been filled with love and joy from all the creatures that had lived their. Now there was nothing to see towards it. The grassy land were nothing, but filled with dirt and blood of the troops or ponies that have fought. Even if they win the war, the ponies souls will never be the same. They fought for food to feed their serving families or shelter to hide from the pouring rain and snow.

Equestria will never be the same as it did before.

Rarity was walking to Headquarters II to talk to the four princess's about what she had found out about the Shadows. Her long beautiful lavender curled hair was now straight down against her left cheek, even though you can see a little bit of the shine and curls that were once there. Her makeup was all gone and her once smoothed face had cut from the fighting. Her long curled tail was now being dragged behind her as she walked. There were nosies of metal hitting the floor as she walked by. She was wearing iron amour that went from her chest to her flank. Her hooves and iron shoes to protect them from harm too. Though Rarity wasn't wearing the head set since it bothered her, because of her horn.

As she walked by she saw armored troops marching in place. Psst please, that doesn't help at all then how is it going to help in war, Rarity thought to herself. She quickly took a glance of what other ponies were doing. She looked to her right to see some ponies battle training with their swords. Some mares were watching them and were staring at them while making flirty faces. Rarity rolled her eyes at the sight and remembered that she had gotten over love since the second year of war.

She looked to her left to see a small tent and nurses rushing to help the wounded ponies. One nurse was getting a needle ready to probably give to the mare so she wount feel much pain. Rarity snorted a little bit trying to get the image out of her head. She may look strong and independent, but she wasn't a fan of needles. She slowly made her way to Headquarters II by pushing or something saying excuse me which didn't always work. She walked up on the steps and looked at the two giant doors which signaled Headquarters. She slowly look at the sigh next to the huge door that said Headquarters II, don't pass with out a propose. She charge up her horn and opened the door ignoring the sigh.

She entered and was greeted by two guards. Probably because the princess's are here, she thought to herself as she walked into the hallway. The hallway was big with doors on each side. The walls had painting of famous ponies that had died during the war. As she got closer to the end of the hall she saw two giant doors leading into the mane room where the princess's must be. As she got there, she signed softly and charged up her horn once more and opened the door.

She entered and quietly closed the door not trying to disturb the princess's conversations. She walked and found the five alicorns sitting around a round table with a map of Equestria.

"Alright here's the plan we can send some troops here to attack fro........" The dark blue alicorn lifted her head to see the white unicorn standing by the door. The others lifted there head from the map as well and looked at Rarity. "Please excuse me from be so rude and not knocking my princess's." Even though Rarity did act a bit rough with other ponies she still was polite to the alicorns a who were trying to find a way of saving Equestria from destruction.

"There is no need for you to apologize Rarity, I called you here to talk about the mission not about you being rude." The purple alicorn smiled softly at her. Even though she was one of Rarity best friends. " Thank you Twilight darling, but what would you like to talk about," Rarity said walking a bit closer to them. "We want to talk about if you found anything about the Shadows, because leader Rainbow Dash did say she found something on one of the dead shadow pony," The white alicorn said while standing and walking towards her.

"If you are talking about that weird green amulet the shadow pony had, then yes my dear." Rarity said looking at Celestia. She nodded her head in agreement and put her hoof up telling her to continue. "Well before we were attacked some troops and I walked into the woods looking for any sort of information that can help us, but found nothing. We started to head back when a shadow pony came out of the bush and knocked one of our troops down. Many more came, luckily we defeated them and no pony got hurt. I walked over to a Shadow pony that had something around their neck. I took it and looked at it, but it didn't have much information. So I gave it to one of the troops to keep it in safe hooves and to bring to to my princess's." Rarity finished talking and looked at the alicorns who looked like they were thinking.

"It is something we can find out though." The pink alicorn said looking at Twilight. "Your right Cadence we can find a way," she said while looking at her sister in law. "Very well, we don't need anything else, thank you Rarity," the dark blue alicorn said.

"Thank you Princess Luna," Rarity said while bowing down to her in respect. The other nodded their heads and turned around to look at the map. Rarity was already walking to the door. "Oh and wait." Rarity turned around to see Twilight. "We are going to put your groups of troops with Rainbow Dash for a mission we want you guys to go in. Rainbow will have the rest of the information you need for the mission." Rarity nodded and smiled at Twilight who then smiled back and turned around to the map. It been a while since she seen Rainbow Dash or any of her friends except Twilight.

At least I can see one of my friends even though me and Rainbow Dash didn't get along so well in the past. It better then seeing no pony I guess, Rarity thought to herself as she exited the door. She looked on the windows and it look like it was sunset. Rarity walking out of Headquarters II before some pony stopped her. "Excuse me for interpreting you, but can you please show me the way to the leaders office." The light gray with white hair stallion asked. "Of course, keep going straight down the hall and look to the right and you will she the sigh that says leaders office." Rarity said to him. He was looking where she told him before trotting off and saying thank you.

As she got out the light and small fires from the camp began light up. Ponies gathered around it trying to keep warm. Rarity was making her way to the mountains. It was a huge place where ponies stayed. Larger families get to stay in the same room, but it was bigger then other rooms. Every pony lived with there family or by themselves if they didn't find their family. Rarity signed remembering that she hadn't found her mother and father. She tried looking around were they lived, but weren't there. The were probably captured by the Shadows as well as other ponies.

Rarity was to busy thinking that she haven't noticed that she was close the the mountain. She looked up at the sky which was getting dark and cold. She saw the star light up and she smiled remembering when she was small. Her mother told her when she fells lonely always look at the stars so they can make her feel safe and happy.

She was getting closer to the mountain. She looked around at the other camps who were busy making a fire or doing something else. Rarity looked at the big entrance and went in. As she got further in she saw ponies walk by her getting to there rooms. The mountain had an opening on the top, but was covered by a big glass dome. At the bottom some ponies were farming to keep everypony well feed and ready to fight.

There were a lot of tunnels that went into the rooms and there were also upstairs. Rarity room was on the third floor of the mountain. She made her way up the stairs that were crowded with ponies. She had to push them out of the way to get to the third floor. She went into the tunnel that was leading to her room. There were also room doors on each side of the tunnel. She trotted through the tunnel making a little bit of noise, because of her amour.

When she got to her door she slowly charge up her horn to perform the spell that only she knew to open the door. Her horn began to glow as the blue magic arena went around the doorknob. There was a small click as the door opened. Rarity entered and looked around before being tackled to the floor by a heavy weight added to her back. Rarity heard a bit of giggling as she tried to get up, but couldn't. Rarity charged her horn and lifted the heavy weight off of her. As she levitated it in front of her face only to see a small white unicorn looking at her.

"Sweetie Belle how many times have I told you not to do that," Rarity said while looking at her little sister. "Sorry sis, it just so funny how you react." She said while giggling. Rarity frowned at her which only made her laugh even more. "Alright, alright how did work go today sis," Rarity slowly put her sister on the ground. "Well.....it like other days nothing really new instead I talked to the princess's today," she said while walking into the small kitchen. "Oh, then what you talk about," Sweetie Belle said as she followed her sister to the kitchen. "It none of your business Sweetie darling." Sweetie just frowned.

"Let me guess, oh I got it......is it about the Shadows," she asked Rarity who was looking in the cabinets for any food. "Well I guess your close dear put we talked about something they had," she said while opening and closing cabinets. "Did that pony who brings the food to us even come today," she said looking at Sweetie belle. She only nodded her head and headed into the living room. Rarity followed her and saw there was two paper bags in the coffee table. "He did come this afternoon not the morning though... I had to wait to eat breakfast which isn't breakfast any more, but lunch." Sweetie said while looking at the two brown paper bags.

"I'll go talk to them tomorrow in the morning when I leave to go on another mission with Rainbo..." Rarity was cut of by Sweetie shouting. "RAINBOW DASH.....Your going with RAINBOW DASH," Sweetie shouted cheerfully. "Sweetie please lower your voice this isn't the boutique any more where you can shout when ever you want." Rarity said frowning at her sister."Sorry it just that your going with Rainbow Dash. You know she is a leader right," she said while smiling at her. "I know she is a leader..... Don't you remember I'm a leader too," Rarity said. "Oh right, forgot sorry," she said which only made Rarity frowned. "Well if you excuse me darling I need to go change," she said. Sweetie belle only looked at Rarity and remembered she was still in her amour. She only nodded and walked to the kitchen.

Rarity entered there bedroom which had two beds up against the wall and a closet next to them. Rarity opened it to revel her clothes and Sweeties. She sat on her bed and slowly began early to take of the amour from her hooves and chest. When she was done her white coat shined a bit. She did look younger and prettier with out her makeup and her hair straight down. "Hey Rarity I am going to..... Wow," Sweetie belle said while looking at her sister. "You look so younger and pretty like that." She only keep looking at Rarity and smiled. "Thank you darling," she said while walking to her sister and hugged her.

Sweetie embraced the huge. "Well I was going to ask you if I can eat the oats they brought in the bags," she said. Rarity nodded her head and softly nuzzled her sister. Sweetie smiled and let her sister go from the huge. She then trotted to the kitchen. Rarity saw her go and signed. I just hope she never breaks and understands that Equestria is never going to be the same as before.... Oh the poor thing she so sweet and fragile to live in this world so cruel,Rarity thought to herself while tears run down her cheeks. I will not let only thing hurt her, I will die for her if I have too, Rarity thought.

Rarity got up and wiped the tears from her face. She had to be strong for her sister, she just had to. She walked into the kitchen and saw Sweetie sitting down by the table eating oats. "Dear I understand you love oats, but can you at least save me some," she said while smiling at her sister. Sweetie on the other hoof was looking at her and smiled shyly as she past her the bowl of oats. Rarity laughed at the cute faces her sister was making. "Your starting to remind me of Fluttershy darling," Rarity said. "Sorry it just that I love oat and all you know." Rarity nodded in agreement. "Hey do you remember when we fought over that back of oats back in the boutique," Rarity asked. "Ya i remember I ran around and you whined a lot," she said laughing. "I do not whine," Rarity shot back. Sweetie belle just looked at her, "Of course you don't," she winked at her sister. Rarity just frowned.

"Well it is getting late dear, we should go to sleep what do you think," she asked Sweetie who only nodded in agreement. Rarity got up and walked to the bedroom. As she got in she walked to her sister bed so she can tuck her in. Sweetie Belle came in seconds later and got in her bed. She looked at Rarity, "Thank you Rarity, I'm glad to have you as a sister." Those words made Rarity almost cry. "Goodnight Sweetie darling," she said as she gave Sweetie a Kiss on her forehead as their mother always did. Rarity turned around and blow one of the candles off. She walked to her bed and when she got in she thought to herself.

Tomorrow is going to be another long day. I have to meet up with Rainbow Dash in the leaders office or at the camp. Though Twilight didn't say where to meet up, I guess I can ask her tomorrow or I can just look for Rainbow Dash. Rarity slowly closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Author's Note:

This is my first ever fanfiction so please be easy on me. It may take some time to update all the chapter. I hope you enjoy my story.

Comments ( 4 )

After the lost of the Elements of Harmony, Equestria is throne into a deep war against the Shadows. Rarity has fought a lot and has tried a lot to save Equestria from any danger, but when she most Scarifice something important to save a close friend. Will she be able to do it or will feeling she thought will never happen, take over her.

I count eight errors right there. It's good practice to read over your work before posting it.

I recommend reading over it for errors and maybe getting a friend to do so as well, because the more people checking, the less chance there is of anything slipping by.

"Aw, can't we have one more sacrifice?"

"Okay, but this is the LAST sacrifice."

It's very good. Keep it up!!

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