• Published 17th Jul 2015
  • 2,431 Views, 8 Comments

Sanity - Dark_Soliloquy

  • ...

Drowned Voices

"It's not real..."

"Luna, listen-"

"You're just like the others!"

"I can help-"

"It'll be over soon, it's almost over, just a dream..."

Luna was a happy pony. She had a loving sister, a big castle, and she was a princess. She had wondrous powers, and she was as beautiful as the night sky itself. She had everything.


Including, but not limited to: anger, hatred, greed, pain, sadness, fear, and nightmares. Nightmares, you say? The princess of dreams has nightmares?

Oh, not nightmares, little fillies. Nightmares. Capital N. What's the difference? Nightmares are living, while nightmares are just... Bad dreams.

Nightmares are much, much worse, believe me.

Poor, poor Luna. Nopony likes you, do they?

"What?" Luna turned around. She could've sworn she heard a voice, but nopony was there.

Whatever shall little Luna do? She is to dumb to notice what's going on right now.

Luna was still very confused. She also didn't exactly know what was going on at the moment, but she didn't want to give whoever that was any satisfaction. "Show yourself!" She shouted exasperatedly.

Weak Luna. This time the voice echoed and resonated throughout Luna's brain, making her ears ring.


Lonely Luna!


USELESS LUNA! The voice became louder and louder with every word.

"Shut up! Stop it stop it stop it...!" Luna found herself screaming, tears rolling down her face. Then she heard the sound of hoofsteps.

"Luna!" Called Celestia as the door to Luna's bedroom swung wide. "What-"

Luna rushed towards Celestia and embraced her, trembling fiercely.

"Luna... What is going on in here?" Celestia asked softly, much like a mother would.

"Nothing. Just... A bad dream, nothing more. I'm alright."

But of course that was a lie.

Those times were not rare. As time passed they happened quite often, even daily. But Luna was used to it. Her sister wouldn't believe her if she told her what was happening.

"Get some rest, Luna." Celestia would say, looking at Luna's bagged eyes.

"It's just another bad dream." She would say, seeing Luna's startled look.

"Perhaps you have a fever, and was hallucinating."

That's actually what Celestia had said every time Luna would confront her about the voices. So Luna knew there would be no point in telling her. Just ignore it, deal with it, they'll go away, Luna told herself. But the more she ignored them, the louder they became.

Your own sister doesn't care about you. Such a shame, such a shame.

"You're right... I know... I get it..." Luna murmured to herself, pacing back and forth. Her murmurings grew more frequent these days, as did her pacing.

Something must be done.

"Yes... Something..."

I can help, you know.

Luna's ears pricked up. Help her? How? After all, the voice was just... A voice, wasn't she?

I can help, Luna, I can.

"Help... I need help... Yes... You will help me, yes? Of course you will... You said you would, you are my friend, I trust you, yes, you will help me."

The clickity-clack of hoofsteps resounded the halls of the castle, but, of course, Luna was oblivious to it.

"Luna!" Celestia called. "Luna, come out of there." She knocked upon Luna's bedroom door. "Luna, you need to lower the moon now-"

"Lower it? Why? I don't have to. It should stay. Yes, it should. I want them to see it." The night princess rambled on.

"Want who to- never mind. Luna, enough of this nonsense. Lower the moon. Now."

"No. I want my subjects to see it. They sleep through it, don't they? They don't sleep through your day. I want them to see. I want them to experience my night."

"Luna, it is your duty. You know that. Is something wrong?"

"Is something wrong? IS SOMETHING WRONG?" Luna shook in anger. "EVERYTHING is wrong." She laughed, leaving Celestia quite worried. "But that's ok, isn't it? It's ok. Everything is wrong... To some. But I know. Oh, I know."

"Know what? Luna, stop. You're scaring me. Please, just lower the moon."

"You're just like them. You're one of them, aren't you?"

"Luna, please stop. I can help you, just-"

"She's one of them. She's one of them."


You are nothing. The voice in Luna's head starting chanting again.

"No..." Luna moaned.

But you could become something, you could. You could be a nightmare.

"Stop!" Luna shouted breathlessly.

Poor little Luna. Are you afraid?

The days passed by quickly. Luna never left her room, and spent her time staring out the window. She had not spoken a word. In fact, she wouldn't eat or drink, and was afraid to close her eyes. She was afraid to sleep, to dream.

But then something happened.

Luna lurched. Her face felt hot.

You've taken to long to decide. I'm deciding for you.

Frantically, Luna turned towards her mirror. Before she could see her reflection, she fell upon it, crashing to the floor.

"Who... Are you?" Luna whispered. "Are you... A Nightmare?"

No, child. I'm your shadow. I'm your dreams, hope, ambitions. I'm you darkest fears. I'm you. Luna's shadow laughed.

Pain surged through Luna's body like a knife.

"Celestia...!" She managed to moan. Luna's thoughts started to blur. Maybe... This is just a dream, right? It'll be over soon, Luna was sure of it.

"Luna? Luna!" Celestia raced towards her sister.

"It's fine, Tia, I'm fine, it's just a dream."

"No, Luna... Let me help you!"

"No!" Luna screamed as she used her magic to raise a force field around her.

"Luna, please!"

"Stop it! Stop... It!" Luna then laughed.

Celestia was too scared for words.

"It'll be over soon, it will." Luna's coat turned black and her pupils narrowed. "Yes..." Her horn lit up, and she aimed a beam of energy at her sister. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, but a smile was still fresh on her lips.

And, without thinking, Celestia shot her sister with a powerful beam of magic.

As Luna lay dying, Celestia shook, Her hoof laid upon Luna's chest.

"See... It will be over soon, right? It's... Just a dream... Right?" Luna coughed, her body limp. With every breath, she shivered.

"Yes... It will." Celestia forced a smile. A single tear lined her cheek, as her words gave her sister one last hope.

"Oh... Good." And with that, the Princess of the Night drew her last breath.

Author's Note:

I had a lot of trouble with this one.

Why, brain??? You choose the worst times!!!:raritydespair:

Comments ( 8 )

I like it. It is really well done. One can see this increasing madness, getting worse and worse. It is really well done.

That was unexpected ... :fluttercry:
Added to Sad Luna.

This is madness!!

Although Luna dying always tantalizes my heart, this is a nice interpretation.
I like how you showed Luna growing distant from her subjects as well as her sister. And I love Luna to be herself in both, Princess of the Night as well as Nightmare Moon, the same beings with the same mind. It makes the best stories.

No this is Sparta!!..... wrong time?.....:trollestia:

meh, just a year, not a big deal.

"No this is Patrick:flutterrage:" would have been better:trollestia:

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