• Published 5th Jul 2015
  • 2,456 Views, 20 Comments

My Little Pony: Transformers Prime - LibbytheKautz

The Autobots are working with a space bridge when a malfunction occurs, which leads them to a strange new dimension...

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Chapter 11: The House of Enchanted Comics

Princess Celestia looked over Canterlot at the six metal monsters accompanied by Twilight's friends advancing through the city. Canterlot ponies went in front of them, warning the other ponies of the creatures behind them, and then they went ahead as well. But instead of spreading panic, they seemed to spread calm. Greatly perplexed by this, she levitated a scroll and quill from the desk behind her and brought them to her side. Taking another glance at the city, she started to write:

Dear Twilight Sparkle,
As I am here in Canterlot,

She paused, unsure of how to describe the metal creatures. She furrowed her eyebrows, thinking back her 2000 years for some similarity to what she was seeing. But in all her lifespan, she could think of nothing that matched. Giving a sigh, she continued;

Creatures I have never seen before are moving through the city with your friends; peacefully, nonetheless. As I do not see you with them, I thought you could give me some insight as to what this means.

Thinking of nothing else to add, she finished,

Please notify me of anything you know as soon as possible.
Princess Celestia

She sent the letter off and closed her eyes. The sound of a letter returning caused her to open them again and ignite her horn to catch it. She unrolled it, begging for some answer to all this. However, as she started to read it became apparent that something more was going on than just the metal monsters.

Oops! Looks like the user you're looking for was moved or never existed. Make sure you typed the correct URL or followed a valid link.

Celestia's eyes widened with alarm, her mind scrambling for an answer. Why hadn't Twilight Sparkle replied? What did this letter mean?

In the span of five minutes she had seen two things she had never seen in her entire lifetime. The metal monsters? Error 404? What in Equestria was happening? This didn't make any sense!

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, regaining her composure. She could handle this. She was always able to. Looking out the window again, she saw that the metal creatures had stopped and Twilight's friends were entering... The House of Enchanted Comics. A trip for a comic book? Just another strange thing to add to her growing list.

She sighed, dropped the letter and let her head fall. Her eyes drifted over to the letter and caught on the seal, which she had rushed past seconds before. Instead of the usual gold seal of Canterlot, it was a pink cotton candy cloud.

She inwardly groaned. Why does Discord have to be part of this?

Celestia lit up her horn and brought a fresh scroll to her side. After less than a moment of thinking, she wrote a letter briefly explaining the situation and setting up a meeting. She duplicated it and sent it to Shining Armour and the next highest ranking guards. When she finished she spell, she brought her hoof up to her forehead and rubbed it. Oh, I can't wait until Twilight is ready to take over ruling Equestria.


"What do you mean you don't carry them anymore?" Rainbow Dash demanded, hovering above the ground as she held the store owner under her scrutinizing gaze.

The store owner, a pale green stallion with a dark blue mane shrugged. "We just don't. We received too many complaints about them, so we had to clear them out."

"But we need a Power Ponies book!!!" Pinkie explained, "the fate of Equestria depends on it!" she took a deep breath, but Applejack put her hoof in her mouth.

"Ya sure you don't have any kept in back?" she inquired.

The earth pony looked skeptically at the ponies. "No, we don't. Everything was cleared out. Your only chance would be if someone put one back in the wrong place and it was covered by other books since then," he turned back to his book, "Take a look if you want, but it is very unlikely you'll find anything."

The ponies looked back at the huge, maze-like store. Looking through it would take way to long. They turned back to the store owner.

"I don't think you quite understand the importance of this, darling," Rarity started, "Discord is posing a threat again, and we think that there might be more going on than meets the eye. We are the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, but Twilight Sparkle was sent to another world by Discord, so they can't be activated. Pinkie Pie has an idea of how we might be able to gain the Power Ponies' powers, but we need one of their books to do this.

"Is there anything that you might have overlooked? The fate of Equestria depends on it." she finished, looking at him with big pleading eyes.

The stallion rubbed his chin with his hoof, eyeing the five ponies and dragon again. "The Elements of Harmony, huh?" the mane five nodded. "I thought that you reformed Discord."

"We did," Fluttershy said, taking a step forward, "we have no idea why he's acting like this."

The store owner scratched his head, considering the consequences. His eyes darted to the ponies, to his desk, and to the strange metallic... things he could see part of through the window. Sighing, he motioned for them to come closer. "I'm a comic book collector. I was lucky enough to be working here on the day the Power Ponies comics were being cleared out and managed to sneak one into my collection," he bent down and rummaged under the desk, pulling out a set of bulging saddle bags. He pulled out a comic book and started to hand it to them, then stopped. "You have to promise that you'll return this to me. I have no idea where I can get another one or if I even can."

Pinkie dismissed him with a wave of her hoof, "Don't worry about it, we'll get it back to you for sure," she paused to rub her chin, "well, unless Discord were to take it..."

The store owner started to draw the book back, worry creasing his face.

"Uh, we're going to see Princess Celestia right after this." Rarity stammered, "we can get her to put a spell on it so Discord can't take it."

He raised an eyebrow, looked at the comic again, then sighed. "If the fate of Equestria depends on it, I guess I could sacrifice this." Taking one last look at it, he gave them the book.

"Yes!" Spike shouted, leaping up to take it. He looked at the cover. "Which one is this..." he looked up at the others, who's faces were subtly screaming at him to stop. Colour rose in his cheeks. "I mean, never mind," he gave the book Rarity. "Maybe you should take this," he offered.

Rarity took the book in her magic and looked to store owner. "We will return it." He nodded nervously. He watched the ponies with remorse as they headed to the door and left the building. He gave a final sigh. He had a feeling that he wouldn't see his book again.


"We've got the book!" Rarity called to the Autobots, "now we can..." she paused, "What are we going to do with this, Pinkie Pie?"

Pinkie turned around to face her with a quizzical look on her face. "I thought you knew?"

The others shook their heads.

"But you didn't ask me, doesn't that mean that you already knew?" she questioned.

The others shook their heads.

Pinkie shrugged. "Oh well, I'll explain on the way to the castle," she started on the way, the Autobots following close behind. "May I see the book Rarity?" she asked.

Rarity nodded and levitated the book to her. Pinkie grabbed it and balanced it on her mane. "We're going to take the magic from here," she said, giving it a bounce, "and put it in the portal Twilight made for the world with Canterlot High. Then we can go back to that world without being forced into it, and therefore be in control of it, to some extent. Upon entering we should transform into the Power Ponies again. Then we will leave through the portal, with our powers, and have them in the real world!" she turned around and bounced excitedly, "You get it?"

The others quickly pondered the plan and nodded.

"Yes, Pinkie, it sounds like very good plan," Rarity answered, "but..." she looked around nervously, "I'd hate to loose the book before we get to pull it off. Discord could be anywhere. We should probably hide it." she explained.

"Yea, I was beginning to think that too." Pinkie agreed as vaulted the book off her head to Rarity.

Rarity caught it with her magic and turned the Autobots. "Could one of you hold this?"

"Here," Bulkhead said as he slid his front panel open, "I'll keep it safe."

"Thank you, Bulkhead," Rarity said as she sent the book up and placed it carefully in Bulkhead's seat. Bulkhead sealed it in and they continued on their way, Optimus Prime taking up the rear. He was unsure of what to expect of Princess Celestia. The only description he had of her was very vague and made no sense to him. Although, if he tried to explain the political system from Earth or Cybertron to the ponies it probably wouldn't make any sense to them. All he could do for now was wait until they got there.