> My Little Pony: Transformers Prime > by LibbytheKautz > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: An Unexpected Journey > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Bulkhead, I needed that!" Complained a white and red robot, more formally known as a transformer, with the Autobots' logo on the upper left corner of his chest. Bulkhead, a bulky green and black Autobot with the same logo on his left arm, groaned. "Hope it wasn't too important," he muttered. "Too important!?" Ratchet answered, raising his voice, "That was the stabilizer for the space bridge! Without that, the chances of it taking us to the desired location are extremely minimal!" Bulkhead looked down at the crumpled metal mess stuck to the bottom of his foot. "Oops." Ratchet groaned once more, then turned back to his work. "Looks like I'm starting from the beginning." A yellow and black Autobot with the logo on his midriff let out a series of beeps. Ratchet smiled. "Thank you, Bumblebee, I needed to hear that." Bumblebee let out a beep in return, then the went back to his work. A blue, red, and silver Autobot with the logo on emblazoned on both of his shoulders walked into the cave that that Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Ratchet, and a blue and pink Autobot with the logo on her chest were working in. "How is the progress on the space bridge coming along?" He asked. "We would be farther along if Bulkhead hadn't stepped on the stabilizer," Ratchet answered, "but otherwise, it is coming along fairly well Optimus. Soon we will be able to travel to other planets in search of energon." "Great!" Called another Autobot as he walked into the cave through one of the walls, this one white with red and blue accents and the Autobot logo on his chest. "There you are Smokescreen! Where've you been? We've been working hard!" Inquired the peach-accented, blue and black Autobot. "Aww, Arcee, can't I have a little fun? This phase shifter is awesome!" Smokescreen pleaded, holding up the blue and silver device attached to his wrist. Arcee rolled her eyes and turned back to her work. Suddenly the space bridge whirred to life. Ratchet looked up. "What the..." he started, then the space bridge sucked them all in in before he could finish. ----- In a land far away, a small purple alicorn with a navy blue mane streaked pink and purple sat in a crystalline castle, looking out a window. A star surrounded by five smaller stars, her cutie mark, was on her flank. She sighed, looking at her companion, a purple and green baby dragon. "What is it, Twilight?" He asked. She sighed again. "Oh, Spike, it's just that, well, you see, I..." "You..." Spike prompted. "I... well, don't take it that I'm not thankful for this castle, it's just, well, I miss the Golden Oak Library so much." "Oh come on, this castle is awesome! It's big, made of cold crystal, has long empty hallways... and... I see your point. The Golden Oak Library was small, cozy..." "And had so many memories." Spike sighed. "How about we go and visit Fluttershy? She can find a way to take your mind off of things." "Well, I haven't visited her cabin for awhile. Sure." She smiled at Spike. "You sure are my number one assistant." "That's just what I want to be!" Spike answered with a smile. Twilight hopped up and left the castle, heading towards Fluttershy's cottage. Twilight Sparkle thought back to the times in the library, Pinkie Pie's surprise party for her when she first came to Ponyville, the sleepover with Applejack and Rarity, the meeting to help Rainbow Dash study for her Wonderbolts test, Tirek blowing it up... she sighed. They had defeated Tirek, but at what cost? She shook her head. The fate of Equestria was more important than some old library. However, they hadn't just lost a library, but the memories embedded in it. "Twilight? We're here!" Spike's voice pulled her out of her thoughts. They were standing in front of a small cottage. Twilight knocked on the door, and a small yellow mare with a long pink mane and pegasus wings answered. Her cutie mark was three butterflies. "Oh, hello Twilight, I wasn't expecting you." The pegasus said in a soft voice. "Sorry Fluttershy, I just need to get my mind off some things, is there anything I can do to help you?" "Oh yes, today I was planning on helping to clean out a bear's cave," she answered, ushering them in. Her cottage was filled with woodland animals. "A... bear?!" "Don't worry Twilight, he's a friendly bear. And even if he gets out of hand, I will be there to get him back in line." Twilight smiled sheepishly. Come on, Twilight, she told herself, Fluttershy's being braver than you. They headed out and were soon hard at work cleaning the bear's cave. Fluttershy was right about the bear. He had welcomed them in courteously and was helping them clean as well. Hours later they finished were heading back. "Thanks for letting me help you, Fluttershy." Twilight Sparkle said. "It was my pleasure. And really, I should be thanking you. It would have taken me much longer if I didn't have your help." Fluttershy noted. Twilight was about to respond when a bluish green light lit up the sky. "What in Equestira is that?!" She exclaimed. The light formed a whirlpool-like shape, then six beings dropped from it and fell through the sky. Seeing that they could obviously not fly and needed help, Twilight reached out with her magic and tried to slow them down, but that did little help. Gritting her teeth, the magical aura around her horn tripled in size and brightness. The beings slowed down just in time to gently touch the ground. Twilight and Fluttershy rushed over towards the six who fell, who appeared to be metalloid. Several ponies from the town rushed over as well. Four ponies from that group ran to Twilight's and Fluttershy's sides. "What in tarnation was that?" An orange earth pony with a blonde mane, a cowboy hat, and three apples for a cutie mark exclaimed. "I... don't know Applejack, there was a light in the sky and-" "Yeah, yeah, yeah, we all saw that," interrupted a cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane and a rainbow lightning bolt in a cloud for a cutie mark. "Oh, do be quiet, Rainbow Dash," said a white unicorn with a purple mane and three diamonds for a cutie mark, "they're getting up." The crowd hushed as the metal monsters stood up and faced them. ----- Optimus Prime couldn't believe his eyes. What were these small equines, and how could they talk? And their colours, too. They were coloured every colour of the rainbow, and most of them had a mark on their rump. No, they were definitely not on earth anymore. He thought back to the strange magenta aura that had slowed their fall. What kind of energy was that? He wondered. A purple pony with wings and a horn that was slightly taller than the rest came forward. "I hope the spell I used didn't cause you any damage," she said, "My name is Twilight Sparkle. And, may I ask, who, and what, are you?" > Chapter 2: Introductions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle waited for the metalloid to respond, but it was just staring at her with a facial expression that suggested confusion. "Come on, say something already!" Rainbow Dash urged. But the robots remained dumbfounded. "Well, I don't know why Optimus isn't talking, but my name is Smokescreen, and we're the Autobots," a white Autobot with red and blue accents said. "Ohh, so that's what an Autobot looks like. I'm Pinkie Pie. You transform, right! I can too!" exclaimed an excited pink mare with a wild darker pink mane and three balloons for a cutie mark. She rolled herself into a ball, then straightened her hind legs, brought her forelegs around to touch the ground in a circular motion, and finally brought her head up all while making a strange robotic noise. "...Yes, we do transform," said Optimus Prime, regaining himself. "Transform into what?" Twilight asked. A red and white robot sighed. "We change our appearance through the use advanced technology to mimic earth vehicles as to not shock earth civilians by our alien appearance." Twilight gasped. "You mean to say that you can reconstruct your infrastructure, changing your outward appearance? What are 'earth's' vehicles? Oo! Could we have demonstration of your transformation process?" Applejack leaned over to Rainbow Dash. "Any idea what they're sayin'?" "Nope," she whispered, grinning, "but I'm sure they'll get along juust fine." The red and white bot looked to Optimus Prime, who shrugged. "Very well." The six Autobots leapt into action, spinning gears, flipping metal limbs, and making the same robotic sound that Pinkie had made. When they were finished, the six were a little smaller in size and sat on wheels. Their arms and legs were no longer evident, and they were almost rectangular in shape. The pony crowd sat in silent awe at what just happened. "What are you supposed to be exactly?" Rainbow Dash said, her scratchy voice cutting through the silence. Twilight let out a gasp. "Oh! You all kind look like the... thing I rode in to get to the Fall Formal with my Canterlot High friends! It was called... I think it was called a limo? And Flash Sentry had a smaller one, looking more like, uh," Twilight cleared her throat, "could we make some introductions?" "Oh, yes yes yes!" Pinkie Pie shouted excitedly, "Introductions! Then a big welcome to Ponyville party!" The mane six lined up and started introductions. "I'm Rainbow Dash," "And I'm Pinkie Pie!" "I go by the name of Rarity," "You can call me Applejack," "I'm... I'm... F-Fluttershy." "And my name is Twilight Sparkle." "Your turn, your turn!" shouted Pinkie. The six Autobots transformed back into their original forms, then started introducing themselves as well. "As you already know, I'm Smokescreen," "The name's Bulkhead," "I'm Arcee," "Call me Ratchet," "Blip bleep, blowoop." "And my name, is Optimus Prime." Twilight looked in confusion at Bumblebee. "Sorry, I didn't quite catch your name," she said. "Oh, Twilight, didn't you hear? He said his name was Bumblebee! Duh! Did you know that he lost his voice in a battle, like, a loong time ago, but Ratchet was able to give him the voice he has now! But don't worry, he gets a voice that we can understand later, just you see!" The others all turned to look at Pinkie, both Autobots and ponies alike. "What?" She asked. Twilight broke the silence. "It's just Pinkie Pie. Don't question it." "Um... I can understand him, too." Fluttershy whispered, "but he didn't say anything about losing his voice." "Oh, you poor thing," Rarity said, "not being able to express your thoughts." Bumblebee let out a series of beeps. Fluttershy translated. "He said that all other, um, transformers can understand him, as well as some special people, like Pinkie Pie and um... me, as well as his friend Raf." "Is 'Raf' a pony?" Applejack inquired. "Raf, along with many of Earth's civilians, are humans," Ratchet corrected. "Uh... what are humans?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Humans are the inhabitants of the planet of earth, scientifically named Homo sapiens." Ratchet filled in. Twilight gasped. "Do you mean that there other species! I've never heard of humans, or Homo sapiens. What are they like?" Twilight Sparkle and Ratchet rambled on about planets, alternate dimensions, and Homo sapiens until everyone's heads hurt. Twilight finally turned to face them. "Girls, do you know what this means?" She asked excitedly. "Uhh..." Rainbow Dash began. "Not really," Applejack confessed. "Me neither," said Rarity. "Umm... I didn't quite understand..." Fluttershy mumbled. "Oh oh oh! I did, I did!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, jumping up and down, "That means that there could be other dimensions through the mirror, and other species in those dimensions. Humans, for one, who seem to resemble the students from Canterlot High, except they're not coloured pink and blue and yellow and such. This is so exciting!" Smokescreen cleared his throat. "Standing in the middle of a forest and talking is all very nice, but could we settle in somewhere, then continue talking?" he asked. "Of course, so sorry," Twilight said. "Let's head to Ponyville." ----- An hour later the Autobots were paired off with ponies and learning about Ponyville life. At Fluttershy's cottage, Bumblebee was meeting plenty of woodland animals. Fluttershy smiled at his gentleness. There was nothing to be afraid of. He may look scary, but he was actually very gentle and kind. Bumblebee let out a short series of beeps. "Oh, I've always been able to understand animals. It's my special talent, my cutie mark," Fluttershy answered, "I guess I can understand other creatures too." Bumblebee looked at her thoughtfully, then nodded. ----- Rainbow Dash was showing Smokescreen around, or, more specifically, they were showing each other their moves and having arguments over who was more awesome. "Oh, yeah?" Rainbow Dash argued, "I can do a sonic rainboom." "Oh, yeah?" Smokescreen argued right back, "I don't even know what that is." Rainbow Dash grinned. "It's really awesome. I'd do right now, but, I've only done it a couple times and it is very dangerous," she said proudly. "Well, I have a phaseshifter that lets me go through things," Smokescreen exclaimed, holding up his wrist. Rainbow Dash saw a silver and blue device. "So what?" She asked. "So this," he answered, turning in on and going right through a house, "and I'm taller than you." "Oh yeah, well I can fly." "But I can turn into a car." "What's a car?" ----- "Oh, I just love your colour scheme, um...," stumbled Rarity. "Arcee," she filled in. "Oh, yes. Arcee, I must remember that," Rarity said under her breath, "well, Arcee, would you like to see my latest fashion line? I must say, I am quite proud of this one." Arcee shrugged. Rarity inwardly groaned. Oh, Twilight, she thought, Couldn't I have helped one that appreciated fashion? ----- Applejack was doing her best to explain farm life to Ratchet, who seemed to be having trouble grasping the concept of apple bucking. "But considering the force you use and strength of the trees, you should shatter the trees on impact!" He pointed out. "But it doesn't, see?" She said, bucking another tree. Ratchet watched as the apples fell off the tree and into the baskets. "But that isn't scientifically possible!" Applejack shrugged. "Don't confuse me. Apple bucking has worked, works, and will always work for us all." Ratchet looked like he was about to say something, but quickly changed his mind and shook his head instead. ----- "Bulkhead! Come here!" Pinkie Pie shouted. Bulkhead rushed over to the small pink mare. "Yes, Pinkie? What is it?" "Can you reach waaay up there and get those balloons? I forgot to tie them onto something." Pinkie Pie and Bulkhead were working to throw a welcome to Ponyville party outside. A bunch of balloons had gotten stuck in a cloud. Bulkhead reached up and plucked them out. "Here you go, Pinkie," he said. "Oh, Bulkhead, you're so helpful, this party is going to be amaazing! Hey, I wonder if the cookies are ready yet!" "Cookies?" Bulkhead asked. "Yeah, cookies! I made them in the shape of you six Autobots!" She hopped insid and over to the oven. "Oo! They're ready!" She pulled the trays out and laid them on the table. "See, these ones are you!" "They're just shaped like me," Bulkhead pointed out. "That's because we haven't decorated them yet, silly!" Pinkie Pie said, opening a cupboard to reveal bottles upon bottles of coloured icing. "Let's get to decorating!" she exclaimed. ----- Optimus Prime looked to Twilight Sparkle. "The Elements of Harmony? What are those?" The two were sitting in front of her castle. Pinkie and Bulkhead could be seen in the distance planning their party. "Well, it's kind of complicated, but still simple. They are the elements of a good friendship; laughter, kindness, generosity, loyalty, honesty, and magic, but since friendship is magic, it can be said as the element of friendship instead." "What do they do?" Optimus questioned. "All ponies have magic, unicorns obviously from their horns, but pegasi also have magic in their wings which they use to fly, and earth ponies have magic that generally helps with tending the land, except Pinkie Pie. Where she lacks strength and knowledge of the land, she has... other... stuff. I can't really explain it, she has a pinkie sense... and... let's get back to the point. Equestria is not exactly a safe place. There are all sorts creatures that attack us. Sometimes the magic we have isn't strong enough to defeat them, and therefore we need the strongest magic of all, the magic of friendship. It can't be defeated unless our friendship is ruined." Twilight explained. "How do you defeat an enemy with friendship?" Optimus Prime asked in curiosity. "Friendship contains a special type of magic, more powerful than all types of magic put together. When our friendship is ignited, that magic comes to life to defeat an enemy." Twilight looked down thoughtfully, then back up. "Would you consider you and your fellow Autobots friends?" "Uh..." Optimus thought hard. Were they friends? The relationship they had more often felt like... comrades more than friends. "Twilight! Optimus! The party is ready!" Pinkie screamed from across the town. Optimus sighed in relief. He knew it was only delaying the question, but he needed more time to think about it. > Chapter 3: Threat > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a dark corner of Equestria, where nopony had ever been, two unlikely allies were plotting a plan. They were sitting in a cave, discussing any possible threats. "These ponies have stopped me before from taking over Equestria and turned me into stone," warned the first, "however, it was done by the two most powerful ponies in all of Equestria, and they are alicorns." "Will those two be a threat to my plan?" asked the second in a raspy metallic voice. "You do mean our plan, right?" reminded the first. "Yes, of course," assured the second, "will those two be a threat to our plan?" "They would be if they hadn't given up the Elements of Harmony," answered the first, "I heard that now some six ponies have them. Only one is an alicorn." "Excellent," said the second one with an evil grin, "there is literally nothing that can stop us." The first looked away. "To bad that there is not more of a challenge," he muttered under his breath, "things just don't get chaotic." A smile slowly formed in his lips, then he snapped his claw. "What did you do this time," groaned the second, waiting for a console to sprout wings and take flight or the portal to turn into jello. "I just brought a bit of a challenge," said the first innocently, " after all, I am Discord, the Spirit of Chaos, if there is no challenge, things just don't get fun." The second narrowed his eyes and low growl started in his throat. "Tell me exactly what the is challenge you brought." Discord smiled. "Oh, just some Autobots from your world." "WHAT!?" roared the second, getting up and storming over towards Discord, who pointed towards a screen. "And there they are now!" he said excitedly. The energy readings spiked up suddenly, then went back down just as quickly. "HOW COULD YOU!?" Megatron thundered. "Megatron, Megatron," Discord said, putting his arm around his shoulder, "Megatron, that's a mouthful, could I call you Mega, or just Meg... okay, okay, I'll call you Megatron. Now listen, together, what can stop us? With the spirit of chaos and one whose blood of a chaos bringer runs through his veins working together, this world will bow to us. Six Autobots won't be able to stop us, I just made things a little bit more... interesting." Seeing that Megatron was still about to have a fit, Discord shrunk himself to the size of a pea and sat himself on a ledge close the the top of the cavern, gave himself a bucket of popcorn, and watched Megatron rant. ----- Back in Ponyville, the Autobots and ponies were cleaning up from the party. The sun was set and the world hung in twilight. "That was sure a party," Bulkhead commented, tangled in streamers. "Yeah, I don't think I've partied harder in my life!" Smokescreen added, lifting up a stack of tables and putting them in a shed. "And I have to admit, those cookies were pretty cute, even though we couldn't eat them. Although, eating a cookie of yourself would be kind of weird." Arcee said as she started to help Bulkhead get untangled. The party had helped the Autobots gain the ponies trust, and Ponyville now had a much more relaxed environment. They had started the evening with an icebreaker game. The ponies then had a dinner of hayburgers and fries, followed by more games while Vinyl did what she did best. "When was the last time we went to a party and played games?" Arcee wondered out loud. "Well, Miko and I partied, kinda," Bulkead pointed out, "if you call seeing how loud a guitar can go partying." Bumblebee let out a content string of beeps. Ratchet smiled. "Yes Bumblebee, it is quite nice, being able to relax for once. This planet is currently free of war and Decepticons as well. However, we are not completely free of problems. We need to find a way back to earth, and until then, a reliable source of energon." A foal with a yellow coat and a scruffy sky blue mane with a streak of pale orange looked up at Ratchet. "Why you can't stay here?" he asked. Something inside of Ratchet melted, and he knelt down and laid his hand out for the foal to hop on. He looked at him right in the eye. "No, I'm afraid that we can't stay. The planet that we are from is in danger from our enemies, the Decepticons. But, it may take awhile for us to get back, so don't worry about us leaving just yet. The foal smiled. "I'm Perky Shine, in case you didn't know. But I know that you're Ratchet!" Ratchet couldn't help but love this little foal's attitude, he could see where he got the name 'Perky Shine' from. He put his hand down for Perky to hop off, then went back to his work. ----- After the party had been cleaned up and parents had lead yawning fillies back home to their beds, Ratchet headed over to Twilight's castle. He knelt down to the door and knocked at with his finger. It didn't take long for the door to be answered by a small purple and green dragon. "Ah, you're... Spike, right?" Ratchet said. "Uh, yes! That's me, Spike the Dragon!" Spike exclaimed. A moment of awkward silence hung in the cool night air. Spike cleared his throat. "Are you here to see Twilight?" he asked. "Yes, in fact I am." Ratchet answered. "I'll bring her right out!" Spike said with and awkward smile. He stood there for a couple seconds. "Uh... right out!" Spike finished, then dashed inside. Ratchet sighed. That was... awkward. Twilight Sparkle soon came to the door. "Hi, Ratchet. You wanted to see me?" she asked. "Yes, I wanted to talk to you about getting back to earth, and until then, finding energon. Without it, we will eventually cease to function." Twilight rubbed her chin with her hoof. "I'm pretty sure I can help you. I'll teleport you inside." her horn began to glow. "Wait, what?" Ratchet started, but then was swallowed by Twilight's magic, which opened up to reveal the inside of the castle. It was a bit cramped, but at least there was light. "Couldn't I have had a bit more of a warning?" Ratchet said. Twilight smiled sheepishly. "Sorry," she quickly apologized. "First things first, can you tell me exactly what energon is?" "Energon is our lifeblood, without it, we could not exist. It comes in the form of raw energon, which is much like a crystal or gem. It is blue in colour. However, there is also dark energon, which was the lifeblood of the bringer of chaos-" "Discord?" Twilight interrupted. Ratchet looked at her quizzically. "No, Unicron. He was defeated eons ago, but Megatron, the leader of the Decepticons and our archenemy now has the blood of Unicron in his veins." Ratchet looked curiously at Twilight. "Who is Discord?" "Discord was an evil chaos bringer, but then my friend Fluttershy befriended him and now he's our... friend you could say." Twilight replied. "So I take it that he won't be a problem?" Ratchet implied. "No, especially after what we went through which recently. Now, this energon, you said it comes in a crystal or gem-like form, correct?" Twilight asked. "Yes, but we can't use it in that state. It first must be turned into its stable form. But I don't know how we will be able to do that here, without the right equipment." Ratchet informed. "I'm sure I can find a spell for that, and about the search for energon, my friend Rarity has a talent for finding gems and crystals. There's a good chance it could find energon as well, as it is crystalline." Twilight offered. Ratchet sighed to himself. He was still sketchy about this whole magic business. Putting his trust in it entirely as thier only chance to get back to earth made him feel... stressed. What if didn't work? They would have wasted all their time and energy on something hopeless. Although, what other choice did they have? Ratchet put on a determined face. "Let's give it a try." > Chapter 4: Energon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning Rarity and Ratchet were out searching for energon. So far, they had had no luck. Rarity looked up at Ratchet. "So how come you are the one worrying about yours and your fellow Autobots' well being? I mean, didn't any of the others volunteer to help?" she inquired. Ratchet sighed. "One of us has to look over everyone. And it seems that that is me, again. Although, I really don't mind. Giving my time to help others is what I quite enjoy, actually." Rarity gasped. "Finally, someone who understands. Being generous is what I enjoy as well! It just fills me up with such a joy to help others." she said as she cast another spell. Ratchet smiled. He gazed off into the distance and spotted some caves. He cleared his throat. "Energon is most often found in caves or deep underground. We might have better luck over there," Ratchet said as he gestured at the caves. "Hmm?" Rarity asked as she looked up, then regained herself. "But of course then, let's head over." They switched directions and started towards the mountains. Ratchet thought to himself. Was it even possible for there to be energon here? This felt more like an alternate dimension than an actual planet. Although, finding energon deemed more likely than finding a way off this world. Once they arrived at the mountains, they picked a cave that went underground and entered it. Still, Rarity's spells didn't seem to have any luck. "I have a good feeling about this one," Rarity said, igniting her horn. "You've said that each time," Ratchet started, but was interrupted by blue crystals letting out their pale sheen through the the dirt. "It can't be..." Ratchet scratched away at the dirt floor and confirmed his suspicions. "Ooo!" Rarity squealed as her horn her lit up once more. "There's more!" Ratchet and Rarity both gasped as the entire cave wall lit up with Rarity's magic and the faint glow of energon. They tilted their heads back to capture the whole scene. Ratchet was the first to find his voice. "I thought that we wouldn't find any, but this is... so... much of it. What's it doing here?" Ratchet looked at Rarity, who shrugged. Ratchet gave an inward worried shrug, then went towards the wall. He was going to need the rest of the Autobots to help. Hopefully Twilight Sparkle now had a spell ready that could succeed in changing energon into its stable state. Rarity cleared her throat. "So, um, how do you plan on getting all this back, I mean, we obviously can't bring this all back by ourselves." "I was thinking that we would head back to Ponyville, and bring the Autobots and Twilight Sparkle back here with us. Once we harvest the energon it will be easier to transport back," Ratchet explained. "Right," Rarity said, slightly embarrassed, "of course." She turned back in the direction of Ponyville, but Ratchet transformed and drove in her way, surprising her. "We have no reason to head back slowly, as the way we came," Ratchet said as he opened his door, "you might as well get in and I will drive you back." Rarity gave a wary glance inside. It looked clean enough. She placed one hoof inside, then her other three. She sat down on a seat. She was surprised on how much she sank into it. She slightly relaxed. "Please fasten your safety belt." Ratchet stated. Rarity looked up in confusion. "What's a safety belt?" she asked. Ratchet gave out a slight groan. "A safety belt, or a seat belt, is a belt that would keep you safe in the event of a car crash." he explained. "Like this spell?" she inquired as her horn lit up, resulting in a shimmering blue band forming around her and attaching to the seat. Ratchet gave it a safety check. "It will work." He lightly pressed the gas, keeping his passenger in mind, then slowly built up to a faster speed. ----- "Discord! I told you bringing Autobots here was a bad idea!" Megatron roared. "They've found my energon supply!" Discord smiled almost sheepishly. "Megatron, calm dow-" "I will not calm down! Unless you do something to make them weaken them, considerably, you will be kicked out, and I will take over Equestria myself!" Discord found himself cowering and immediately stood up straight. "Of course, right on it." He snapped his fingers and disappeared. Megatron growled. He better do something good. ----- "There it is Twilight! All the energon is in that cave." Rarity exclaimed excitedly. She and Twilight Sparkle were sitting inside Ratchet and the caves were growing ever closer. "Have you figured out how it can be here? I mean, from the sounds of it, our worlds are basically alternate dimensions. What would the lifeblood of the Transformers be doing here? And why have we never seen it over the past thousands of years?" Twilight hammered. "We haven't figured it out entirely, but-" "We haven't figured it out at all," Ratchet interrupted. "Right," Rarity said flatly, "but on the bright side, it's energon!" she cheered, throwing her hooves in the air in an exaggerated manner. She stayed like that more a couple seconds, the let them fall at her sides as she gave a small pout. "Can't we look at the bright side of this?" "Energon being here could mean some very terrifying things. One in particular comes to mind. For your ponies' sake, I hope that I am wrong." Ratchet said gravely as they entered the cave. Rarity and Twilight sat in silence for the last few minutes of their drive. When they arrived at their destination, they hopped out and the Autobots transformed. Rarity lit up her horn to reveal the cavern's hidden treasure. The Autobots and Twilight gasped at the sight of it. Rarity looked at Twilight with a nod. Twilight looked at the wall separting the energon from them, then at the Autobots. Her horn started to glow. It built up to fiery burst that she sent out at the wall, engulfing part of it. It died down to reveal an archway the size and height of the Autobots. Crystals of energon poured though and scattered across the floor of the cavern. "That's a lot of energon," Bulkhead commented. Ratchet looked at it in confusion. Energon doesn't grow like that. It's almost as if someone stored it here... His thoughts went further to back up the nagging fear he had growing inside him. Optimus looked to Twilight. "What is the spell you plan on using to transform the energon?" he asked. Twilight cleared her throat. "It is solely based on a spell that can turn ice into water. Since, for us ponies, we cannot drink ice unless it is water, it should be pretty similar to changing energon's state, as you cannot use energon unless it is in its stable state. I made a few adjustments, and, well, here it is!" Her horn grew as bright as the sun as the her magic enveloped a section of the energon crystals. Rarity looked away as the whole cave filled with the light as it erupted from the energon. The light slowly faded away to reveal pink energon, the same shade as Twilight's magic. Twilight looked at the cubes of energon, then at the Autobots. She smiled sheepishly. "It's not usually pink, is it." The Autobots nodded. "Yeah, not normally," added Smokescreen. "Well, I'm afraid you'll have to do with pink energon," said a voice that appeared to come from everywhere. The Autobots and ponies looked around for the source. "Over here!" the voice laughed as Discord appeared sitting on the energon blocks. He looked towards them. "We're doing a little trade. Oh, I don't know, how about, the Element of Magic and Freindship for three teenagers from earth?" "Discord, what are you doing?" Twilight said frowning up at him, "I thought we reformed you, and after the incident with Tirek-" "What are you talking about? I've never seen you before in my life!" Twilight's eyes widened. "What?" she said softly. "Oh, enough of that." Discord said, "three kids it is then. He snapped his fingers. Twilight disappeared and, in her place, three ponies appeared. Discord burst into laughter and disapeared in a flash. ----- Twilight gasped as the cave filled with pink energon disapeared and was replaced with a grassy open space. Her hoofs were replaced with hands and feet. She stood up and looked at her cookie-coloured skin and plain brown hair. Her head was smaller than it was at Canterlot High and her hands bigger. She looked down at her clothes which were the exact same shade as her pony coat and gasped. I'm a human. > Chapter 5: Good News, but Mostly Bad News > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie Pie sat at the edge of Ponyville, watching for the Autobots, Rarity and Twilight. She squinted her eyes. Was that them? No... Oh! That's gotta be them! No, never mind. She sighed. What's taking them so long? Her pinkie sense was tingling in a way it never had before. A dust cloud billowing up in the distance caused her to look up. It has to be them this time! she thought excitedly. As it drew closer, it proved to be the Autobots. "Yepeee!" she exclaimed as she jumped up into the air and did a little dance. But the grim look around them as they grew closer stopped her. They pulled to stop and Rarity stepped out. Pinkie looked at her in confusion. "Where's Twilight?" Pinkie asked. Rarity looked at her and bit her lip. Pinkie looked up as Optimus Prime opened his door and three ponies she did not know stepped out. They turned to look at Pinkie. No one spoke. "Will someone please tell me what is going on!?" Pinkie yelled. The silence was overbearing. She needed to know what was going on! Rarity cleared her throat. "We have a bit of a... problem." "A problem? What sort of problem?" Pinkie pressed. "It's Discord. He doesn't seem to remember us. He sent Twilight somewhere and replaced her with them," Rarity said, motioning towards the three newcomers, "whom the Autobots seem to know..." "What!?!" Pinkie Pie said in shock, "How could Discord betray us? Especially after the Tirek incident? Are we in danger? Ahhh! I need to sing my Welcome to Ponyville Song!" she took a deep breath, but was interrupted by Rarity's hoof. "I'm afraid we have bigger problems than singing your song right now, Pinkie Pie. Yes, we are all in danger. With Discord on the loose again with no memory of our friendship, and without Twilight to activate the Elements of Harmony or our Rainbow Power, we have no way to protect ourselves. We need to tell the others-" "And all of Ponyville!" Pinkie Pie interrupted again. "PONYVILLE! DISCORD IS ON THE LOOSE! WE ARE ALL IN DANGER!!!" she ran off screaming towards Ponyville. Rarity daintily facehoofed. "Pinkie Pie! Get back here this instant!" Pinkie stopped in her tracks, then zipped back. "Yes Rarity?" she asked. "Instead of scaring everyone, would you be a dear and invite them all to town hall? We have some explaining to do." "Okey-dokey lokey!" Pinkie quipped, them turned bounced back towards Ponyville yelling, "PONYVILLE!!! COME TO TOWN HALL! WE HAVE SOME EXPLAINING TO DO!!!" ----- As ponies settled in to the hall, the three new ponies sat backstage and tried to figure out what was going on. The first, an orange unicorn colt with a brown spiky mane and a computer and mouse for a cutie mark looked back at his hooves. "I still can't get over the fact that we're ponies." "It's just, like, totally awesome!" said the second, a lavender-coloured pegasus with a pink mane tied into two messy buns and an electric guitar cutie mark. "I have wings!" she exclaimed, flapping them rapidly then falling on her face. She popped her face off the ground and rested her chin in her hooves. "I just wish I knew how to use them." "'Kay, guys, why aren't you freaking out?! We should all be freaking out! We should be getting out of here as fast as we can! We're magical multi-coloured talking ponies for goodness sakes!" The third, a light blue earth pony with a darker blue mane said as he huddled into a ball, trying to make sense of it all. "And why don't I have a butt tattoo?" he whimpered. "Jack, snap out of it. Aren't you supposed to be the calm and collected one?" asked the pegasus, waving her hoof in his face. "As for the butt tattoo, you'll just have to ask the other ponies, 'cause I have no idea." Pinkie Pie bounced in, interrupting their talk. "You guys can come out now!" she said with another bounce. The three ponies got up and followed Pinkie on stage. All the other ponies gathered looked at them with interest and whispered amongst each other. The walk to the other ponies in the middle of the stage seemed excruciatingly long. When they finally arrived, they nervously turned to face the crowd. "Hey everypony! This is Raf Miko and Jack!" Pinkie shouted, gesturing towards them. "They are from the world that the Autobots are from, in fact they are actually humans! Bet you didn't know that! And Raf is the unicorn and his cutie mark represents computuring and such and the pegasus is Miko and her cutie mark is an electric guitar and the earth pony is Jack and he doesn't have a cutie mark!" she finished breathlessly. "Blank flank," giggled two voices from the crowd. Pinkie didn't seem to notice and Rarity stepped forward. "You're probably wondering why they're here and Twilight isn't." she stated. Many heads nodded in agreement. Rarity took a deep breath. "Well there is good news, but mostly bad news. The good news is that we found energon and Twilight's spell worked. The bad news is..." she sighed. "Discord doesn't seem to remember us and is, well, on the loose again and he sent Twilight to another world and replaced her with them so we can't use the Elements of Harmony, or our Rainbow Power..." Rarity hung her head. The hall was silent. Everypony waited for somepony to say something. Some started to whisper among themselves. Others turned to study Raf, Miko and Jack again. Raf slightly waved his hoof, Miko grinned nervously, and Jack just looked ahead stone-faced. "Before we all start freaking out, please tell us that you're just kidding." a pony asked hopefully from the crowd. "Hate to break it to y'all, but we're not kidding. This is the truth. We are all in danger and have no way to protect ourselves." Applejack confirmed. "Well, not no way..." Fluttershy whispered. "We have the Autobots, but we don't know if they'll stay to help." Applejack continued. "Yes, but we still could..." "We could ask for the princesses' help, but even they could only defeat Discord with the Elements of Harmony." "Maybe we could try being the..." "And who knows what Discord has in plan?" "Power Ponies!" Fluttershy half-yelled, half-squeaked as she threw hooves in the air, then huddled into a ball. "I mean, if you wanted too..." Fluttershy shook her head and boldly stood up. "I mean, becoming the Power Ponies just might work to defeat Discord, or, fix whatever is wrong with him, I wouldn't dream of doing anything mean to him..." The rest of the mane five considered her words. "Power Ponies?" Rarity asked, restating Fluttershy's idea. "If we could figure out how to become them not in an enchanted comic book... it could work." pondered Applejack. "We could try," Rarity added, "but we had trouble defeating the Maniac with those powers, and Discord is much, much more powerful." "But if the Autobots stay to help, we'll have this in the bag." Rainbow Dash said, crossing her hooves. "Ehh, maybe." Pinkie shrugged. The other four turned to look at her. "What?" she asked, "even the magic of four alicorns couldn't equal to the Magic of Friendship." "Oh, we all know that," Fluttershy said, "but this is our best bet. It's worth a shot." "Yeah, I guess you're right. Power Ponies it is! Or is it it are? We are?" Pinkie Pie wondered out loud. The other four nodded in agreement and Rarity turned to face the crowd as they paid her their attention. She cleared her throat. "A little while ago we entered a comic book of Spike's and became the superheroes known as the Power Ponies, as some of you you may know. We believe that becoming them again, somehow, is our best bet to defeat Discord." The crowd murmured and waves of different emotions swept through the the crowd. Eyebrows were raised and opinions shared, some shouted and others argued with a neighbour. "How do you plan on being characters from a comic book in the real world?" One brown stallion shouted, "They're fiction and this is life! Science-" "Oh, don't worry," interupted Pinkie Pie, and those who heard her stopped talking to listen, "I think I know just how to do it. Good thing at least I can understand Twilight's ramblings!" > Chapter 6: The Everfree Forest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike sat in a steaming bubble bath with earplugs, several comic books, and a bowl of gems at his side. He didn't know what was taking Twilight so long, but he didn't really care, either. If she wasn't back soon maybe he would look into it, but for now, he relaxed. He flipped his page and settled deeper into the bubbles, soaking in the heat. BAM!!! Spike jumped into the air and landed back in the tub, splashing bubbly water all over the crystalline floor. "Ah!" he exclaimed, dropping his book. He popped his earplugs out and shoved a gem in his mouth as he scrambled about. "Where did I put the mop?" he wondered aloud. He ran downstairs to find Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash searching through books. "Oh, hey, what are you guys doing here? Have you seen Twilight? Or the mop?" The mane five looked at him wordlessly. Spike spotted the mop in a corner and went to get it. "Well, I found the mop! ...Twilight?" he questioned again as he reached to pick it up. "She's been sent to another dimension by... Discord." Applejack stated nervously. "What!?!" Spike yelled. "He didn't seem to remember us, darling, or any lessons he's learned." Rarity added. Spike opened his mouth, then closed it again. Of all the things going through his mind right now, it was, Well that it explains what was taking her so long. "We're going to turn into the Power Ponies, and Pinkie Pie seems to know a way to turn us into them, if we can find the Maniac comic book," Fluttershy said softly, "Do you happen to know where it is, Spike?" "And we don't exactly have much time, 'cause we're basically defenceless right now." Rainbow Dash included. Spike stood there, dumbfounded. The ponies stepped closer towards him, eagerly awaiting a response. But he could hardly think. The words "Discord", "dimension", "Twilight", "Power Ponies", and many others swam through his head. He found it hard to believe that a couple seconds ago he had been relaxed in a bubble bath. His mind tried to grasp it all, but instead the floor rushed up to meet him. ----- "Oh, dear," Fluttershy gasped, "do you think we shouldn't have said it like that?" "Yeah, it's a lot to take in when you say it all at once," Pinkie affirmed. Applejack walked up to Spike and poked his back. "Spike? Are you okay?" Spike remained unresponsive. Rarity cleared her throat. "Let me take care of this, Applejack." She trotted over to Spike, picked him and crooned, "Spikey-Wikey? I'm afraid we're in a bit pickle and we could really use your help. Could you wake up and help us find the comic book? For Twilight?" Spike moaned and his eyes fluttered open to her sweet words. "Rarity?" Rarity hugged him close. "Sorry about how blunt we were about Twilight. But now we need to find a way to protect ourselves without her." "And you want to become the Power Ponies." Spike finished. The mane five nodded. "Well, I think I left the book at Celestia and Luna's old castle... I hope nothing happened to it." "Oh, Ah'm sure it'll be just fine," Applejack dismissed with a wave of her hoof, "no one goes there besides us, anyway," she started to head towards the door and the others moved to follow her. "Wait wait wait!" Pinkie said, flinging her hoofs in the air and standing on her hind legs, "Rarity, we need you to stay behind and sew the Power Ponies outfits!" "Ooo!" Rarity sprung into the air and landed daintily back on her hooves. "I thought you'd never ask. I made the patterns for the outfits as soon as we came back but I haven't actually had the chance to sew the assembles yet. I'll be right to it!" she said with a swish of her mane as she continued out the door. The others watched as Rarity trotted outside. "Well, I guess we'd better start heading to the castle!" Rainbow Dash said, swooping into the air, "Let's go!" ----- On their way out they passed Smokescreen walking by. Pinkie bounced up to him and gave him a grin. "Hey Smokey, wanna come with us to Celestia and Luna's old castle? It'll be real fun and you'll get to do some sightseeing!" "Uhh..." Smokescreen took a step back in surprise. "That is, if you don't mind a big scary forest," Fluttershy added. Smokescreen smiled. "Why not?" he finished with a little laugh, "I'm sure I've seen scarier, and I would like some adventure, plus some more explanations." "Okey-dokey lokey!" she said, hopping off. The ponies and Smokescreen followed close behind. They soon reached the end of town and stood at the edge of the forest. Although it was a fairly warm day with no wind, cold radiated from deep within and wind whispered through the leaves. "This is the Everfree Forest," Pinkie said with a gesture of her hoof. "It seemed a whole lot scarier at the beginning of the show but now they don't seem as set at making it a scary place, except when the out-of-control-weeds that Discord planted a thousand years ago came into play. Who knows why? Anyway, just watch out for timber wolves and... really not much else." Pinkie started into the forest. "Come, let's go!" Smokescreen looked up ahead at Pinkie in confusion. "What does she mean by 'show'"? he asked Applejack as they followed her. She shrugged. "That's Pinkie Pie for you. Ya'll get used to it." "Uh huh..." Smokescreen nodded. They walked in silence for a bit. "So, who is this 'Discord' exactly?" "Discord's the spirit of chaos," Rainbow Dash explained slowly flying along,"he was turned to stone a couple times, once by the Royal Sisters and once by us, using the Elements of Harmony." "And the Elements of Harmony are..." "The elements of a good friendship. I represent the Element of Loyalty, Fluttershy kindness, Applejack honesty, Pinkie Pie laughter, Rarity generosity, and Twilight friendship." "How do they work?" "Well, before we gave the physical elements up, we would put them on and Twilight would ignite them and then there would be rainbows and lasers and such." "Why did you have to give them up?" "For the Tree of Harmony." Smokescreen nodded slowly, wondering what a tree of harmony was. "So you used the Elements of Harmony to defeat Discord, if I heard right?" "Yes," Fluttershy went on, "but after that we reformed him and... and... I was sure he was our friend... I just know that he wouldn't choose to abandon us... I just know it's not his fault, it must have been something else," she said trying to convince herself. "PSST!" Smokescreen looked up. Pinkie Pie was waving at him and motioning for him to come walk with her. He picked up him pace then stepped in line with her. "The script says that you're like me, and I wanna know how much. Do you know about the fourth wall?" Smokescreen looked at her quizzically. "The what wall?" "Well, do you like to plan parties?" "Not... normally." "Does your mane deflate when you're sad?" "...I don't have a mane." "Do you just love to bring laughter to others?" Smokescreen paused. "I... yeah, I guess I do, I mean, I'm the funny one in the group..." "Perfect! Everything might work out after all!" Pinkie blurted. Smokescreen smiled at the little pony's randomness. What did she mean when she said that he was like her? And how would that make everything work out? ----- They walked past trees after trees after trees, all looking vaguely the same, as in they were all a bit freaky. Otherwise, there were hundreds of shades of bark and leaves, resulting in thousands of tree types. Smokescreen's head was almost always in the leaves, and he had to take small steps so to stay in step with the ponies. It started off just as nuisance, but by now it was driving him crazy. He batted away another branch of leaves and gasped at the sight he saw. The castle he looked upon would have looked magnificent in its time, but now, it was a series crumbling, vine covered stone towers. "What is it, Smokey?" Pinkie pushed excitedly, "is it the castle? What am I saying, of course it's the castle!" Pinkie Pie started running and Smokescreen followed her. They finally entered a clearing and he saw the entirety of the castle. Pinkie dashed inside. Smokescreen followed her through the gaping entrance. He got in just in time to see a streak of pink turn down a hallway and pursued her through castle. He heard a huge gasp and picked up his speed. He found her sitting in front an empty pedestal. She looked at him, slightly in shock. "It's gone." > Chapter 7: More of an Adventure > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The others heard Pinkie's signature gasp and galloped forward with renewed energy. "Oh, dear, whatever could have happened?" Rarity wondered aloud. "In a situation like this, anything," answered Applejack, "I think Pinkie jinxed it." "Oh come on," Rainbow Dash said, flying alongside them, "you can't be thinking that sort of superstitious junk! I mean, she did say that everything would be fine... but it's just got to be a coincidence." "Or could have been her gasp of delight," Fluttershy offered, galloping as fast as she could. "No, Ah'm pretty sure that was her gasp of horror." Applejack cut off. The ponies heads filled with worrisome thoughts as they galloped faster towards the castle. As they arrived, Pinkie came running out. She zipped to them and fell down before them. "Oh, its just awful!" she exclaimed, dramatically bringing a hoof to her forehead. "What is it?" the others asked in unison. "Simply terrible!" she continued, collapsing onto her back. "Just tell us, dear!" Rarity pushed. "The comic book... is gone!!!" The others started to gasp, but Pinkie interrupted them as she hopped up on her hooves. "But that means that we get to go on a big adventure to find a new Power Ponies comic book!" she headed back into the forest. "Come on, lets go!" she said with a wave of her hoof. The others looked at each other in shock, then at Pinkie Pie. "Are you sure it was gone?" Rainbow Dash questioned. "What do you mean, are I sure?" Pinkie said as she dashed back to them. "It's am I sure, and we're just wondering if, perhaps, you went into the wrong room on accident." Rarity reassured. Smokescreen came through the gaping entrance. "Nope, it's not in there," he confirmed, "I checked all the rooms." Applejack tilted her head at him. "But how could you get through and check all the rooms so fast?" she inquired. "He has phaseshifter," Rainbow explained, "it lets him go through things." Smokescreen smiled at Rainbow Dash, then nodded in agreement. "I just turned it on and was able to walk through the castle as if it was one big floor. And I have to say, that place is full of trapdoors and secret rooms." "But how did you look through the entire library?" Rarity questioned. Smokescreen looked at them in confusion. "There's a library in there?" "Well, there should be," Applejack answered. Smokescreen gave a nervous laugh. "Maybe I didn't look through it as thoroughly as I thought." "But why would it be in the library?" Rainbow Dash asked, "we left it on a pedestal!" "We could just check all the pedestals around the castle," Rarity suggested. "But I know I checked the right one!" Pinkie protested. "Let's just make sure," Applejack said as she headed towards the castle. "Girls!" Fluttershy interrupted, flying into the air. The others turned to look at her. "I know that you are all upset that the book wasn't there, and you want to deny it, but we know Pinkie Pie, and she isn't wrong about these kind of things. We can trust her, it's gone, we'll just have to go back to look for a new book," she said, slowly flying down and landing on the ground. The others looked down in shame, and Applejack took her hat off. "Ah shucks, here I am, the Element of Honesty, and I couldn't see that you were telling the truth." She swung her foreleg over Pinkie's shoulder. "Ah'm sorry, Pinkie Pie." "Oh, it's okay," Pinkie assured with a grin, "I understand. You don't want to have come all the way out here for nothing. But now we get to go on a new adventure!" "Well that doesn't sound so bad," said Rarity with a wave of her hoof, "let's get to it!" ----- After a distastefully long trek back through the Everfree Forest, the mane five went back to the castle and told Spike about the situation. "Well, I pretty sure I found it at the... Enchanting Comic Books store in... Canterlot?" The mane five grimaced. "It'd be good if you could remember exactly, dearie," Rarity said, "do you at least remember anything else?" Spike's forehead wrinkled as he thought. "Uhh... no, I didn't really think that it would be important in the future. Sorry." "Oh, it's okay, sugar cube," Applejack said, lightly hoofing him in the shoulder, "as Pinkie's been saying, it means more of an adventure..." Rainbow Dash pawed the ground in frustration. "Uh, this is just turning out to be a big mystery with most of the clues missing. We're not getting anywhere, and I bet the Autobots are bored out of there minds!" "What have they been doing all this time?" Fluttershy wondered aloud. The others nodded in agreement and worry. Fluttershy sighed. "Oh, I just don't know what to do! Without Twilight, we're just so unorganized..." "Come on!" Spike said enthusiastically, "I've seen you take charge before. Fluttershy, you took care of the Cutie Mark Crusaders for an entire night and did amazingly on your first try at it! Rarity, you made dresses for all of you for the gala and were able to come out with a level head! Pinkie Pie, you babysat the Baby Cakes when they were just a month old! "You have all been in situations when everything seemed hopeless, but in the end, you came out victorious! All is not over, you can get through this together!" The ponies smiled at him. "Thank you Spike," Fluttershy said, giving him a hug, "for bringing us back to our senses." "Where would we be without you, Spike," Applejack added. "Yeah, that was pretty motivational!" said Rainbow Dash as she flew over to him. "I definitely feel like we can do this! All thanks to you, Spikey Wikey." The mane five looked to him. "Well, what are we waiting for?" he asked them, "to Canterlot!" > Chapter 8: Sugarcube Corner > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So, this is Sugar Cube Corner, where Pinkie Pie, the, uh, pink pony works." Spike explained, gesturing to the brightly-coloured building. He was giving a tour Ponyville to its three newest inhabitants, temporary they may be. "It's owned by Mr. and Mrs. Cake, a really nice couple. They recently had twins, a unicorn and a pegasus." Spike took a moment to think. "If you'd like, I brought some bits, I could buy you something to eat?" "I don't know..." Jack started. "Hey, it's food. Why not?" Miko pointed out. "Yea, come on, Jack. He's being generous. Don't turn down his offer." Raf said. Jack groaned. He pulled them aside. "Why don't you want to go?" Miko asked in a loud whisper. "Well, you-, I-, they-, uh, how do we know that they don't eat, like, hay?" Jack stammered nervously, hoping he wasn't overheard. "Don't be riduculous. I don't know if you've noticed, but these aren't normal horses. And Spike is a dragon. Do dragons eat hay?" Miko scolded. "No, as a matter of fact, I eat gems!" Spike said proudly, overhearing their conversation. Miko turned to Jack and shrugged. "He didn't say hay, and who said you have to eat gems?" Spike poked Jack's shoulder. "And just so you know, ponies do eat hay, but not primarily. We have plenty of Apple related products; apple fritters, apple pie, apple dumplings, plus we just have normal cupcakes, if you don't like apples." "Heh, heh..." Jack smiled nervously as he took a step back. "Oh, come on Jack!" Miko huffed, grabbing him by the hoof and pulling him inside. Raf smiled at Spike. "She can get kind of pushy." He started inside, and Spike followed, where they were greeted by Mr. Cake. "Well, hello there! Mrs. Cake is in the back taking care of the twins if you're looking for her," he said with a warm smile. Spike shook his head. "No, I was just giving Raf, Miko, and Jack a tour of Ponyville and I thought we'd stop by for a snack." Spike explained, fingering his bits. "Ohh, you're the new ponies, right? From the same dimension as the Autobots?" Mr. Cake said in realization as he got a note pad and pencil out. "Yup!" Miko said proudly, "we're their best buds! We met them really by accident, but now, they even let us come with them on battles against the Decepticons!" she said as she started to fly from excitement, but lost her balance and crashed to the ground. She smiled sheepishly. "You mean, you sneak along." Raf remarked as she pulled herself onto her hooves and folded her wings back in place. "Not all the time! Well, most of the time," she admitted, "but not always! And I'm not the only one!" Spike waved his arms to get their attention. "How about we get something to eat, then you can argue, er, talk about your adventures." "Oh, they're more than just adventures. Dangerous missions, more like." Miko retorted. Spike stared at her. "Right... um... what would you like to eat?" he inquired. Raf and Miko looked at the sign. After a few moments, Miko dramatically pointed to board. "That one. The super-ultra-delux-chocolate-thingy." "An apple fritter will be fine," Raf answered. "So a slice of chocolate cake, an apple fritter, and?" Spike said, looking to Jack, who rolled his eyes. "Just some pie or something." "What kind of pie would you like?" Mr. Cake asked, "perhaps the-" "Yeah, sure, whatever." Jack interrupted, shifting his weight. Mr. Cake nodded and looked towards Spike. "I'll have a sapphire cupcake for myself," Spike added, his mouth watering at the thought of its creamy icing and crunchy gems. "All right! Wait just a moment!" He busied himself filling out the order and placing the items on a tray. Raf and Miko watched with curiosity, but Jack seemed uninterested. "Okay, that will be five bits." Mr. Cake said, pushing the tray forward. Spike payed and carefully took the tray in his claws. They went to a table near a window and sat down. Miko grabbed her slice of cake, and Spike handed Raf his apple fritter and Jack his slice of golden pie, then took his cupcake for himself. Miko eyed her cake, then shrugged her shoulders as she dug her face into it. Raf looked at his apple fritter, to Spike's claws, then to his hooves as lines of worry crossed his face. "Why don't you just use your magic?" Spike suggested, his mouth full of cupcake and sapphire. "My... magic?" Raf questioned, looking back at Spike. "Well, you have horn, though I guess that that doesn't mean you know how to use it yet." Raf looked up at his horn, then back at Spike. "How do you use it?" he asked. "You have to learn certain spells for certain tasks. To lift your fritter, you would have to use a levitation spell," Spike explained as he took another bite of his cupcake, "for now though, you should just use your hooves to the best of your ability." Raf fumbled with his hooves as he tried to pick up his fritter for a couple minutes, but eventually gave in and used Miko's method, which proved effective. They all soon finished except for Jack. "Aren't you gonna eat your pie, Jack?" Raf asked. "Yea, it looks delicious. You'd better hurry before it gets cold." Miko added. Jack groaned and shifted in his seat. "But it's horse food." he complained. Miko leaned in and took a close inspection of his pie. "Well, I don't know about you, but I have never seen a horse eat that. That looks more like our food!" she retorted, leaning back. "And besides, you don't want to be rude to Spike. He bought it for you." Jack groaned again, bent his head down towards his pie, and took a tentative bite. He carefully chewed it, expecting the worst, but was taken by surprise at it's wonderful flavour. "This is... well, absolutely delicious!" he exclaimed, going down for another bite. Mouth full of pie, he continued, "this has got to be one of the best things I have ever tasted!" "I see you are enjoying your crispy golden apple hay pie?" Mr. Cake commented as he trotted by. "Yes! This is amazing! I-" Jack paused, a look of horror on his face. "Did you say, hay?" "Why yes!" Mr. Cake replied, "we use only the best golden hay, golden apples, and the sweetest crust in these pies." he looked closely at Jack, who remained motionless. "Oh, is that a bad thing?" Time seemed frozen for a moment as everybody awkwardly stayed still. Miko snickered. "You like hay!" she said in a taunting voice. Jack shook his head. "Stop it Miko. I- I guess I do, but, no, this has to some some sort of mistake." "See for yourself," Mr. Cake said, "lift up the crust." Jack nervously lifted up the crust to reveal bits of hay intermixed with baked golden apple chunks. Letting it fall, he slouched in his seat and closed his eyes. Raf and Spike looked at Miko. She looked at them questioningly, then got their message and turned to Jack. "Well, you like it," she said in an optimistic voice, "you might as well eat it." Jack groaned, but then sat up and took another bite. The awkwardness quickly vanished from the table and Raf spoke up. "So, why do Miko and I have butt tattoos?" he asked Spike. "Oh, your cutie marks? They represent your special talent. Miko... you must be a musical pony, your cutie mark is some sort of a guitar-" "It's an electric," she interrupted. "Right... electric. Anyway, and I don't recognize what yours is, Raf." Raf looked at his flank. "That's a computer and a mouse." "Uh huh..." Spike said, not understanding a word they said until he remembered his visits to Canterlot High. "Right!" he exclaimed, "I remember! Like Rainbow Dash and... yeah, never mind." Jack looked at his flank. "So, why don't I have one?" he inquired. "A cutie mark appears when you discover what your special talent is... I guess you haven't... that's strange," Spike pondered, stroking his chin, "a stallion your age should have found it by now." "But, I don't know what I'm good at," Jack replied, "how can I have a cutie mark if I don't know what I'm good at?" "If you're looking for your cutie mark, you should see the Cutie Mark Crusaders. I'm sure they can help you!" Spike said excitedly, "as long as you don't mind tree sap." "Maybe I could go visit them after I finish my pie?" he suggested. "Sure! I'll take you to their clubhouse." Spike answered. "Can we come to?" Miko asked, "I'm sure we could help you find your special talent!" "Okay, as long as you don't get in the way." Jack said as he took another bite of pie. I hope they know what they're in for, Spike thought to himself as he sat back in his seat and watched the three friends continue to converse with each other. > Chapter 9: Small Steps > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the name five and Smokescreen arrived back from the Everfree Forest, Applejack went to her farm to think. She sat under an apple tree and sighed, ashamed of herself. "Ah already apologized," she said to herself, "and Pinkie Pie forgave me." She looked up at the sky. "Why can't I forgive myself?" She waited, almost expecting a reply from the huge blue expanse. When no reply came, she bowed her head and pulled her hat over eyes. "Oh, Ah just feel awful. Pinkie was telling us over and over again that the book wasn't in there, but Ah didn't believe it. Ah let my worries get in the way of me seeing that my friend was telling the truth. Me, the element of honesty!" Applejack huffed. "It took Fluttershy to show me that I was wrong and Pinkie was right. And she's the element of kindness, not honesty!" Applejack rolled over and hit the ground with her hoof, then rolled back, rubbing it. "This is just awful!" She slumped over, resting her head in her hooves. She sat there in silence and her guilt as the sun slowly set. "Uh, I'm not much of a talker, but, if it would help you, I could do my best to talk with you." A gruff voice said, interrupting the silence. Applejack's head shot up at the sound of the voice. Her eyes darted around trying to find the bearer. She whipped her head around the tree to find the dark green Autobot, who threw his hands up in defence of her glare. "Were you eavesdropping on me?" She asked accusingly. "No no! I was sitting up here already when you came up, and I didn't want to scare you, cause you seemed pretty upset, so I decided to stay still. And, I wanted to see if there was a way I could help you after you said that about not seeing the truth, even though you're the emerald of honesty or something like that." His response piqued Applejack's interest. She looked at him thoughtfully. "You're... Bulkhead, right?" she inquired, turning the rest of herself around and moving out from behind the tree. "Uh huh, the one and only. And you're Applejack, that I know. Who could forget a name like that?" Applejack nodded slowly, wondering if that was why she never really had to tell ponies her name more than once. They sat there awkwardly for a couple seconds. "It's element of honesty, not emerald." Applejack cleared up, hoping for a conversation starter. "Oh, yeah, the elements. Optimus told us a bit about them." Bulkhead shifted to look up at they sky. "There's honesty, kindness... uh, loyalty..." he looked to Applejack for answers. "Generosity, laughter, and magic, or friendship." she concluded, sitting down across from Bulkhead. "And each of your friends represents an element, right?" Bulkhead inquired. "Yup. Really, any group of ponies could represent the elements, as long as they are friends." Applejack rubbed her chin with her hoof, "Heck, I bet they don't even have to be ponies. It could be griffins, yaks," her face turned sour, "Changelings?" she asked herself. She shook her head, realizing she was getting off-topic. "You get the idea." Applejack finished, leaning back and closing her eyes. Bulkhead looked at her. She was obviously upset, while she was doing her best to hide it. He found his courage and spoke up. "You're the element of honesty, right?" Bulkhead asked. Applejack looked to the side. "Yea, but, I don't feel worthy of that title right now." she admitted. Bulkhead furrowed his eyebrows as he tried to think of why this could be. "You said that you couldn't see that Pinkie Pie was telling the truth. Is that why you don't feel worthy?" he asked, hoping he wasn't going into dangerous territory. She looked back down at her front hooves as she pushed them against each other. She gave a little nod. So far, so good, Bulkhead thought to himself as he racked his brain for something to say. His eyes literally lit up as a line came to mind. "Everyone makes mistakes." he said. Applejack's eyes darted up to him, as if expecting him to continue, to give strength to his point. "Uh, I mean, I'm sure that you have lied before. In fact, I bet each of your freinds have done things that contradict the element they represent." Applejack huffed. "Yes, Ah have lied before. But this wasn't lying. I knew Pinkie was telling the truth. I just... didn't want it to be true." She's over-reacting, Bulkead thought to himself. But I can' trust say that. I get the feeling she won't take that very well. "Ah get the feeling that I might be over-reacting, if that's what you're thinking." Applejack said, looking back at Bulkhead, who let out an internal sigh of relief. "But this has happened before, and it had serious consequences," she buried her head in her hooves. "It was almost a year ago now, but it has stuck with me all this time." Her eyes loathed. "Discord, he manipulated all of us to do the opposite of our elements. He showed me a vision of what would happen if we were to do this, But Ah wouldn't believe it. It showed us breaking our friendship. Ah wouldn't accept the truth, so I decided that it was a lie, which then lead us to breaking our friendship in the end." Bulkhead looked at her, sympathizing with her. "You got back together, though, right?" Applejack nodded. "Of course. Twilight was able to bring us back by helping us remember our friendship with her magic, but she had almost given up hope. Imagine what would have happened if-" "Hey!" Bulkead interuppted. Applejack looked up at him, eyes filled with horror as her mind went on imagining a future without her friends. "Snap out of it!" Bulkhead reached over and rested a finger on her hooves, which were frantically rubbing each other. "Calm down. That didn't happen. Your friendship is very strong, I can see that." Applejack lowered her head in shame. "You said Pinkie Pie forgave you. You have to forgive yourself." Applejack lifted her head slightly and peeked at him though her hat. Uhhh... Bulkhead said to himself, stressed that he now had her attention and nothing left to say. Once again, Applejack came to his rescue by speaking. "Ah guess you're right." She admitted. "If Ah don't, it puts our friendship more at risk than if Ah just... forgive myself," she sighed. "It's okay to take small steps," he assured her, thinking of the time he had to relearn how to walk. Applejack looked at him right in the eye. "Okay." She stood up and smiled warmly at him. "Thanks, Bulkhead." Bulkhead gave a small laugh. "I didn't know I had it in me," he admitted. He looked with worry at the receding sun. "This Discord character doesn't sound so good." "But he really isn't," Applejack explained, "We don’t why he's acting like this." Bulkhead turned around and raised an eyebrow. "He was reformed," she explained, "by Fluttershy. And just about two weeks ago, we went through a very life-changing experience where he realized how special our friendship was to him." "So why did he send Twilight Sparkle away?" Applejack pawed the ground nervously. "That's the thing. We don't know." ----- Megatron looked up as Discord reappeared in the cavern. He had arrived wearing a Hawaiian shirt and sunglasses and was reclining in a hammock. "Well," he asked, waiting for an update on the mission. A glass of chocolate milk appeared in Discord's hand and he took a sip of the glass. "What did you do?!" Megatron said, his voice raising. "Hmm?" Discord asked lazily with a glance to Megatron, "Oh, right, the mission to hinder the ponies." "The Autobots." Megatron corrected with a glare. "Oh, you wanted me weaken the Autobots? Oh dear," Discord sighed, lowering his sunglasses, "I just replaced the leader of the elements of harmony, the alicorn, for those three kids from your world," he said as raised his sunglasses and took another sip of the glass. "WHAT!?" Megatron roared, "I thought I made it very clear that you were to weaken the Autobots!!! THEY are the strongest threat!" Discord flinched, then regained himself. "You might to re-think that," he said confidentially. "But you said that we didn't have to worry about them!" Megatron shouted, throwing his arms in the air in frustration. "I didn't want to worry you," Discord explained as stood up and snapped his claw, causing his hammock and sunglasses to disappear. "WORRY ME!?! What makes you think I'm not worried!?!" Megatron said furiously. "Well, you certainly weren't worried then," Discord pointed out. Uh, how do I put up with him? Megatron wondered. "I heard that," Discord called. Megatron frowned at him. "What? he asked innocently, "and you have no reason to worry about the elements of harmony." "And why is that?" Megatron asked, rolling his eyes. "Without the leader, they are useless." Discord explained. Hmm, Megatron thought to himself, he didn't do have bad, then. "I heard that!" > Chapter 10: Canterlot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "It's the 'House of Enchanted Comics' store, right Spike?" Applejack asked the dragon as she and Fluttershy studied a map of Canterlot. The Ponyville train turned up the mountain to Canterlot and slightly swayed. "Yup," Spike answered, steadying himself by the the mostly ornamental hoof rest on the edge of the seat, "I bet any book with the Power Ponies in it would work, though." He turned to Rarity, who pacing the length of their cabin, "so if that's something you're worrying about, you don't have to." Rarity stopped her pacing to sigh. "I'm not worrying," she denied, "I'm just, thinking obsessively over the matter. That's not worrying." Spike raised an eyebrow. "Ugh, fine!" she admitted with a light stomp of her hoof, "I guess I am worrying just a little bit about this." She paced a bit more, than sat down with a huff. The train entered a tunnel and the darkness ingulfed them for a few seconds. The light came back, making them squint momentarily. Fluttershy cleared her throat. "Well, while Twilight's worrying may have seemed, um, unnecessary at times, it almost always made sure that we paid attention to everything. If, that is, you're upset because you think that you're worrying like Twilight." "Basically," Rarity said as she slouched in the seat, "I mean, it's supposed to be Twilight's job to worry," she complained in a whiny voice as she extended her forelegs, "I'm usually the one to assure that everything this fine," she let her hooves fall onto the seat. "I can assure you, Rarity, that everything is not fine," Fluttershy said with a calm assurance, "Twilight is gone and Discord doesn't seem to remember us," she gave a small sigh. "You have every reason to worry." "Yeah, don't worry about it, Rarity," Pinkie said, looking up from her comic, "well, worry about the situation at hoof, but don't worry about worrying about the situation at hoof." Rarity took a deep breath and straightened her posture. "Thanks, girls," she replied, "and Spike." He puffed his chest up proudly. "Anything for you, Rarity," he replied. Rarity smiled at him, then got up to look at the map. She peered over edge and brought it flat with her hoof. "Where's the store?" she asked. Fluttershy pointed at a building near the centre of Canterlot with her wing. "Right there. It looks like it will be a bit of a walk, but we'll be fine." "Too bad the Autobots can't just drive us through." Rainbow Dash said as she peered out the window. The Autobots were running behind the train, "they sure are fast." "If they are too big to drive on the train track, they'll be to big to drive in Canterlot." Applejack said matter-of-factly, "we've already been over this. Heck, they're almost to big to run on the track!" "I know, I know," Rainbow Dash replied with a wave of her hoof, "I was just saying it would be nice if-" "But they can't," Applejack said stubbornly. "I know! I'm just saying-" "Speaking of the Autobots," Spike interrupted, "maybe we should contact them to tell them that we are almost there, and what we will be doing. Ratchet gave us this, uh," Spike looked at the device with question. "Comlink, dear," Rarity filled in, "and yes, we should contact them. May I have it, Spike?" Spike nodded and handed it to her. "Now, which switch was it..." Rarity muttered. The train pulled around a bend and Canterlot was now in sight. "Oh yes, it was this one!" Rarity said as she pulled with a dramatic flair. ----- Ratchet's comlink buzzed and he slowed his running to look at it. "Optimus, the ponies are contacting us," he called. Optimus glanced back at him. "Answer it, but keep running. We have to keep up with the train." Ratchet obeyed his instructions. Rarity's voice greeted him. "We're almost at Canterlot, which I'm sure you can see." she said. "Yes, we can see. I have to admit, it is quite a sight." Ratchet answered with a glance up to the city. Rarity cleared her throat. "When we get there, we're going to find the House of Enchanted Comics store to get the Power Ponies book we need. After that we will be going to Canterlot Castle, the reason you came along." "Yes," Ratchet replied, "we were to meet the... Princesses, correct?" "Princess Celectia and Princess Luna. They are the rulers of Equestria. Normally we tell them when unusual things happen, but we thought it be best for them to see you as it would be hard to describe giant metal beings to ponies who have never seen them." Ratchet gave a chuckle. "As would be hard for us to describe you to our kind." Rarity laughed in return. "I suppose that would be true." The train pulled up to Canterlot and the Autobots came up behind it and stopped. "You... might cause confusion among the ponies," Rarity explained, "just show them that you mean no harm and everything should be fine." "Will do." Ratchet turned off the comlink and relayed Rarity's message to the Autobots. He had just finished when Spike and the ponies came around the train to meet them. Optimus Prime turned to them. "We are to meet the princesses?" he inquired. "The rulers of Equestria," Ratchet said, sharing his newly learned knowledge. Optimus nodded slowly, trying to grasp the concept of their society. "So wait, princesses rule in your society?" Smokescreen asked. Oh Smokescreen, Optimus thought to himself as he mentally slapped his forehead, do try to be polite. "Yup!" Pinkie answered, delighted to tell the Autobots about Equestria's leaders, "Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. They're sisters, Celestia's the oldest, and she had to banish Luna to the moon (because she was trying to make eternal night), for thousand years, which is like, a really long time, but then she came back but she was still trying to make eternal night, but we fixed her right up with the Elements of Harmony," she finished, breathlessly. Optimus looked at the small pink pony in confusion. Ponies that live for over a thousand years? More mention of the Elements of Harmony? he furrowed his eyebrows. How did she talk in parentheses? "Any other questions before we enter?" Rarity inquired. The Autobots shook their heads, then proceeded around the train, Spike and the ponies in step with them. "I can't wait to see other ponies' reactions when they see the Autobots," Rainbow Dash snickered to Pinkie Pie. Pinkie giggled, "ME TOO!" she whispered loudly. They left the train station and the first high-society Canterlot ponies saw the Autobots. Everypony was frozen for a couple seconds, except for the odd pony whose back was turned and went about their business. However, the silence was short-lived. Some screamed in horror and ran away, others tried to but tripped over their hooves, others stayed frozen in shock, some even fainted. Rainbow Dash laughed along with Pinkie, then flew into the air. "HEY!" Rainbow yelled, "THEY'RE WITH US!" Most of the terrified ponies stopped their freaking out to see Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Spike standing with the monstrous metal monsters. A few continued on with their screaming and running, but majority of the ponies calmed down and turned to Rainbow Dash in expectation. Rainbow Dash took advantage of this attention to recruit them. "They're here from another planet," she explained, "they mean no harm. Go into Canterlot ahead of us and tell ponies this!" The crowd looked to each other, shrugged their shoulders, then went off ahead of them. Rainbow Dash smiled. "That's how you do impromptu." "Ah bet you don't even know what that means." Applejack contended, crossing her hoof over her foreleg. "What do you mean!" Rainbow argued back as she flew down, "I like to read, you know!" Ratchet sighed. Convincing ponies that they were friendly and meant no harm was going to be harder than it looked. ----- Discord frowned. He normally loved a chaotic scene, but the fact that the Autobots and the mane five had come to Canterlot worried him. What where they planning? > Chapter 11: The House of Enchanted Comics > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Celestia looked over Canterlot at the six metal monsters accompanied by Twilight's friends advancing through the city. Canterlot ponies went in front of them, warning the other ponies of the creatures behind them, and then they went ahead as well. But instead of spreading panic, they seemed to spread calm. Greatly perplexed by this, she levitated a scroll and quill from the desk behind her and brought them to her side. Taking another glance at the city, she started to write: Dear Twilight Sparkle, As I am here in Canterlot, She paused, unsure of how to describe the metal creatures. She furrowed her eyebrows, thinking back her 2000 years for some similarity to what she was seeing. But in all her lifespan, she could think of nothing that matched. Giving a sigh, she continued; Creatures I have never seen before are moving through the city with your friends; peacefully, nonetheless. As I do not see you with them, I thought you could give me some insight as to what this means. Thinking of nothing else to add, she finished, Please notify me of anything you know as soon as possible. Princess Celestia She sent the letter off and closed her eyes. The sound of a letter returning caused her to open them again and ignite her horn to catch it. She unrolled it, begging for some answer to all this. However, as she started to read it became apparent that something more was going on than just the metal monsters. ERROR 404 - USER NOT FOUND Oops! Looks like the user you're looking for was moved or never existed. Make sure you typed the correct URL or followed a valid link. Celestia's eyes widened with alarm, her mind scrambling for an answer. Why hadn't Twilight Sparkle replied? What did this letter mean? In the span of five minutes she had seen two things she had never seen in her entire lifetime. The metal monsters? Error 404? What in Equestria was happening? This didn't make any sense! She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, regaining her composure. She could handle this. She was always able to. Looking out the window again, she saw that the metal creatures had stopped and Twilight's friends were entering... The House of Enchanted Comics. A trip for a comic book? Just another strange thing to add to her growing list. She sighed, dropped the letter and let her head fall. Her eyes drifted over to the letter and caught on the seal, which she had rushed past seconds before. Instead of the usual gold seal of Canterlot, it was a pink cotton candy cloud. She inwardly groaned. Why does Discord have to be part of this? Celestia lit up her horn and brought a fresh scroll to her side. After less than a moment of thinking, she wrote a letter briefly explaining the situation and setting up a meeting. She duplicated it and sent it to Shining Armour and the next highest ranking guards. When she finished she spell, she brought her hoof up to her forehead and rubbed it. Oh, I can't wait until Twilight is ready to take over ruling Equestria. ----- "What do you mean you don't carry them anymore?" Rainbow Dash demanded, hovering above the ground as she held the store owner under her scrutinizing gaze. The store owner, a pale green stallion with a dark blue mane shrugged. "We just don't. We received too many complaints about them, so we had to clear them out." "But we need a Power Ponies book!!!" Pinkie explained, "the fate of Equestria depends on it!" she took a deep breath, but Applejack put her hoof in her mouth. "Ya sure you don't have any kept in back?" she inquired. The earth pony looked skeptically at the ponies. "No, we don't. Everything was cleared out. Your only chance would be if someone put one back in the wrong place and it was covered by other books since then," he turned back to his book, "Take a look if you want, but it is very unlikely you'll find anything." The ponies looked back at the huge, maze-like store. Looking through it would take way to long. They turned back to the store owner. "I don't think you quite understand the importance of this, darling," Rarity started, "Discord is posing a threat again, and we think that there might be more going on than meets the eye. We are the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, but Twilight Sparkle was sent to another world by Discord, so they can't be activated. Pinkie Pie has an idea of how we might be able to gain the Power Ponies' powers, but we need one of their books to do this. "Is there anything that you might have overlooked? The fate of Equestria depends on it." she finished, looking at him with big pleading eyes. The stallion rubbed his chin with his hoof, eyeing the five ponies and dragon again. "The Elements of Harmony, huh?" the mane five nodded. "I thought that you reformed Discord." "We did," Fluttershy said, taking a step forward, "we have no idea why he's acting like this." The store owner scratched his head, considering the consequences. His eyes darted to the ponies, to his desk, and to the strange metallic... things he could see part of through the window. Sighing, he motioned for them to come closer. "I'm a comic book collector. I was lucky enough to be working here on the day the Power Ponies comics were being cleared out and managed to sneak one into my collection," he bent down and rummaged under the desk, pulling out a set of bulging saddle bags. He pulled out a comic book and started to hand it to them, then stopped. "You have to promise that you'll return this to me. I have no idea where I can get another one or if I even can." Pinkie dismissed him with a wave of her hoof, "Don't worry about it, we'll get it back to you for sure," she paused to rub her chin, "well, unless Discord were to take it..." The store owner started to draw the book back, worry creasing his face. "Uh, we're going to see Princess Celestia right after this." Rarity stammered, "we can get her to put a spell on it so Discord can't take it." He raised an eyebrow, looked at the comic again, then sighed. "If the fate of Equestria depends on it, I guess I could sacrifice this." Taking one last look at it, he gave them the book. "Yes!" Spike shouted, leaping up to take it. He looked at the cover. "Which one is this..." he looked up at the others, who's faces were subtly screaming at him to stop. Colour rose in his cheeks. "I mean, never mind," he gave the book Rarity. "Maybe you should take this," he offered. Rarity took the book in her magic and looked to store owner. "We will return it." He nodded nervously. He watched the ponies with remorse as they headed to the door and left the building. He gave a final sigh. He had a feeling that he wouldn't see his book again. ----- "We've got the book!" Rarity called to the Autobots, "now we can..." she paused, "What are we going to do with this, Pinkie Pie?" Pinkie turned around to face her with a quizzical look on her face. "I thought you knew?" The others shook their heads. "But you didn't ask me, doesn't that mean that you already knew?" she questioned. The others shook their heads. Pinkie shrugged. "Oh well, I'll explain on the way to the castle," she started on the way, the Autobots following close behind. "May I see the book Rarity?" she asked. Rarity nodded and levitated the book to her. Pinkie grabbed it and balanced it on her mane. "We're going to take the magic from here," she said, giving it a bounce, "and put it in the portal Twilight made for the world with Canterlot High. Then we can go back to that world without being forced into it, and therefore be in control of it, to some extent. Upon entering we should transform into the Power Ponies again. Then we will leave through the portal, with our powers, and have them in the real world!" she turned around and bounced excitedly, "You get it?" The others quickly pondered the plan and nodded. "Yes, Pinkie, it sounds like very good plan," Rarity answered, "but..." she looked around nervously, "I'd hate to loose the book before we get to pull it off. Discord could be anywhere. We should probably hide it." she explained. "Yea, I was beginning to think that too." Pinkie agreed as vaulted the book off her head to Rarity. Rarity caught it with her magic and turned the Autobots. "Could one of you hold this?" "Here," Bulkhead said as he slid his front panel open, "I'll keep it safe." "Thank you, Bulkhead," Rarity said as she sent the book up and placed it carefully in Bulkhead's seat. Bulkhead sealed it in and they continued on their way, Optimus Prime taking up the rear. He was unsure of what to expect of Princess Celestia. The only description he had of her was very vague and made no sense to him. Although, if he tried to explain the political system from Earth or Cybertron to the ponies it probably wouldn't make any sense to them. All he could do for now was wait until they got there. > Chapter 12: Explanations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Megatron sighed and slumped in his chair. He leaned his head forward and rested it in his metal hand. "What am I even doing here?" he wondered aloud, "this is a dimension filled with magical talking equines!" Discord coughed. "And draquonequesi," he added, "as well as griffons, yaks, sea pon-" "I get the point!" Megatron interrupted, raising his head, "and shouldn't you be working on-" "Yes, yes, I know," Discord dismissed, "I just can't help but correct you when you make a mistake concerning Equestria's society." He snapped his claw and teleported back to the main cave. The deep purple ground bridge swirled endlessly, lighting the cave in a purplish light. As Discord walked passed it, his head throbbed. He scratched his chin and looked into it, feeling as though he was missing something. He struggled to put his paw on it for a little while, then muttered and continued on his way. He was probably just not accustomed to the portal, er, ground bridge's... magic, so to say. That would explain the frequent urges to join the bearers of the Elements of Harmony in stopping Megatron's plan, and why he questioned why he was even helping this strange metal beast that came from another world. He snorted. Come on, he thought to himself, turning all of Equestria's-- Discord stopped himself. "Oops, can't let you know that yet," ----- "Princess Celestia!" Rarity called frantically as she entered the throne room. Celestia stood up. "Why yes, my little ponies, what-" "Put the spell you put on the Elements of Harmony to keep Discord from taking them on this comic book!" she interrupted as Bulkhead took it out and handed it to her. Celestia frowned in surprise at the strange request. Rarity huffed. "We'll explain later, just do this now." Celestia eyed them in question, but grasped the comic in her magic and cast the spell. She started to give it back to them, then stopped. "Why do you need this comic?" she questioned, then turned to the Autobots. "And what are..." she paused, unsure of how to describe the metal monsters without being offensive to them. "They're the Autobots!" Pinkie started, "they came here from another world, where there are these creatures called humans! Although the Autobots aren't from that world, they're from Cybertron-" she stopped to rub her chin with her hoof. "Wait... did you tell us that yet?" "No, I do not believe so," Optimus Prime said gravely, "how do you know this?" "How do I know what?" Pinkie Pie batted her eyes innocently. Optimus opened his mouth to say something, then closed it. "Meanwhile," Pinkie continued, "they got brought here by Discord we think, then when we were looking for energon Discord sent Twilight to their world and sent some humans here. They're ponies now." "And because Twilight was sent to their world," Rarity added, "we can't use the Elements or our Rainbow Power.... however that works, to rein Discord in. But a little while ago we went into a comic book like that one and we turned into its superheroes, and Pinkie Pie has a way that we can become them in the real world again. That should help us with the Discord issue." Celestia looked at them, puzzled. "But why did Discord sent Twilight away and bring the... Autobots here? Didn't he just learn how important your friendship was to him?" "Yes, he did," Applejack sighed, "but he doesn't remember us." The princess' eyes widened with question. "Why?" "We don't know, princess," Fluttershy answered, "we just don't know." Celestia returned the comic book, then looked to the Autobots. "This is... very unexpected," Celestia said to them, "in my two thousand years I have never seen anything like you. Tell me, what are you?" Ratchet stepped forward. "We are a cybernetic organisms from the planet Cybertron. Although that planet is... no longer available for us to inhabit. We had been in exile on earth since... I'd say 1986." Celestia raised an eyebrow. "1986?" "It is how the inhabitants of earth measure their years, 1986 was... thirty years ago. I suppose that you measure your years differently?" "Yes," Celestia nodded, "it is currently the 207th moon of the Unicorn Century." Ratchet slowly nodded. "Sure." The conversation awkwardly died off. They stood there in silence until Celestia finally spoke up. "Is there another reason for your visit besides me putting spell on the comic?" she inquired. Rarity coughed. "Right, yes, to introduce you to the Autobots. Which they kind of already did. But still. On the way here we realized that we hadn't yet told you of the Autobot's arrival," she explained, "they arrived a few days ago." "It's been... pretty chaotic," Rainbow Dash added, "and with Twilight being, well, out of this world, I guess we just forgot," she finished with an apologetic shrug. "That's perfectly understandable," Celestia assured with a nod, "even I am in shock from this... predicament," she frowned and brought her hoof up to her chin. "Am I forgetting something?" "Well you do have that meeting with the representatives from Whinnypeg and Horsejaw in half an hour..." Pinkie Pie said, examining a watch that had appeared on her hoof. Celestia gasped. "I completely forgot," she said, walking towards the door, "and I guess also have to call off the meeting with Shining Armour and the other officers," she looked to the window, "and explain the situation..." her face pained. She turned to the mane five, Spike, and the Autobots. "Could you write a letter for that and send it to me?" she pleaded. They nodded. "Don't worry about it, Princess," Spike declared, "we'll do it for you!" She smiled. "Thank you so much." With a flash of her horn she disappeared. In a few minutes they had written up a letter and Spike sent it to Celestia. Then they headed out the castle and back through Canterlot. "So, what do you think?" Rarity asked the Autobots as they walked through the streets, "I suspect our society must be fairly different from yours." The Autobots nodded collectively. "Quite different," Smokescreen started, "for one we aren't ruled by a princess." "Yeah, and we sure measure our years differently," Bulkhead added. "Technically, we're ruled by two princesses," Applejack added, "Princess Celestia, and her sister, Princess Luna. Princess Celestia raises and sets the sun, and Princess Luna raises and sets the moon." The Autobots turned to the ponies in question. "You mean to tell us," Arcee started, "that those princesses actually raise and lower the sun and moon?" Spike and the mane five nodded, oblivious to the Autobots' confusion. They continued on their way. The Autobots looked at each other warily, but shrugged and followed the others. ----- Twilight Sparkle nodded at the overbearing officer. In turn she raised her eyebrow. Twilight groaned. "It's true! I have been a situation like this before," she explained, "well, except they actually believed me, but that's not the point." The officer sighed. This had to have been her strangest case yet. A teenage girl coming up to the station claiming to be a pony from an alternate dimension and asking for help in getting back to that dimension... even if it was true what kind of technology did she think they had? But it wasn't true. She knew that. "Please, Ratchet said that you couldn't use magic, but you do have technology similar to Canterlot High School's. Is there anything you can do?" Twilight pleaded. The officer raised her shoulders, then let them fall and leaned forward on the desk, folding her hands together. "Look. I don't know who you are or where you're from, but we don't have what you're looking for, and no one is going to believe you. I don't believe you," she said bluntly, "so you might as well just stop trying to get people to believe your story and accept the real world." Twilight shook her head. "No, I'm telling the truth. I know how crazy it sounds-" "Yes, it's crazy," the officer interrupted, "so stop telling people it." She pulled the window closed, cutting Twilight off. The misplaced princess sat there in shock. She had been... refused. They didn't believe her. She narrowed her eyes. She was the Princess of Friendship. She may not have her powers here, but thanks to her experiences and Ratchet she had knowledge. That would be enough. With a huff she stood up and left. She would get someone else to listen to her. > Chapter 13: Zip Lining > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Watch out!!!" a squeaky filly's voice called, "you're going to hit the--" Jack yelped as he reached the end of the zipline and continued on past the stopper, hitting the tree it was attached to with a whump. He moaned as the sharp pine branches mercilessly dug into his coat. "...tree." He let out a low groan as he peeled off the tree, falling through the branches and onto the ground. The sound of hooves scampered over to him as he spit out a wad of tree sap. He turned his head to see the three fillies who had been trying to help him find his 'cutie mark'. "Oh, sorry Jack," the red-maned filly apologized, smiling sheepishly. She turned to the light grey unicorn, "But how could that warning have helped him, Sweetie Belle?!" she accused, "He was going to hit the tree at that point!" The curly-maned filly winced. "I just thought I'd warn him of the inevitable, Apple Bloom, yeesh." Apple Bloom groaned, then turned back to Jack. "We're sorry, really." "But that was awesome!" added a third filly, an orange pegasus with a scruffy magenta mane. "Scootaloo!" Applebloom scolded, giving her a death glare. Scootaloo laughed nervously, then turned back to Jack. "Sorry," she said, rubbing the back of her neck, "I guess our zip line is made for fillies, not stallions." The three fillies nodded in unison. Jack sighed, then with a grunt pulled himself back onto his hooves. "S'okay," he lied, pulling some tree sap out of his mane, "what's fun without... risks?" The sound of hooves approaching and a snicker came to Jack's attention. He huffed. He knew that laugh. "It's not funny, Miko!" Jack retorted, "you promised you wouldn't laugh!" "I promised I wouldn't get in the way," she reminded him, "I never said I wouldn't laugh," the lavender pegasus crossed her hooves smugly. Jack rolled his eyes and turned back to the Crusaders. "So... what's... next?" he asked, laughing nervously. The three fillies rubbed their chins, looked to Jack, then to each other. They talked with their eyes for a couple seconds, then formed a huddle. After a few moments of whispering, they turned back to Jack. “We’re out of ideas,” Applebloom said dejectedly, “you’re a stallion, we’re just three filles. How are we supposed to help you?” “Oh come on!” Sweetie Belle squeaked, “we’re the Cutie Mark Crusaders! We’ll just sing a song and-” “No no!” Jack interrupted, “if you’re out of ideas that’s fine! I’d hate to bother you,” he continued, swinging a foreleg back and forth nervously, “I insist.” Scootaloo, Applebloom, and Sweetie Belle turned to each other, shrugged, then back to Jack. “If you want a break, go ahead,” Scootaloo sighed, “as long as you promise to come back later to try hang gliding!” Jack grimaced, but a look from Miko made him morph it into a forced smile. “Sure,” he coughed, “later... .” The Crusaders jumped into the air, connecting hooves. “I can’t wait!” Scootaloo grinned, “sure, we sucked at it but Jack will totally get a hang gliding cutie mark!” Jack’s smile feigned. He turned to Miko and Raf and mouthed ‘help me’. Miko nodded with a smile that didn’t look so sincere. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure he comes back,” she assured the fillies, smiling innocently. Jack moaned. "Let's just go," he said, turning around and starting through the forest. He walked for a couple paces, muttering to himself. "Cutie mark? Who needs one anyway? Not me." "Uh, Jack?" Applebloom called. "What?!" he snapped, swing around. Applebloom winced. "I don't suppose you know where you're going?" Jack saw the filly's flinch and face-hoofed. There he went, scaring kids. "Sorry, I didn't mean to sound so rude, I'm just a bit frustrated," he apologized, then looked around him, "and... no, I don't know where I'm going," he admitted. The Crusaders smiled. "That way!" they exclaimed, pointing their hooves in opposite directions. They looked to each other, confused, then to Jack, Miko and Raf, uneasy smiles plastered on their faces. "Heh, heh," Applebloom chuckled nervously. ----- The sun slowly neared the horizon as ponies headed to their homes, tired from their days and ready to hit the hay. At the edge of the forest by the Apple family barn leaves rustled, then six bedraggled ponies stumbled out. "Uh," Jack groaned, "that took way longer than it should have." They all sighed, wordlessly agreeing. It had been several long hours of trekking through the darkening forest and they were exhausted. "Our parents are probably worried sick!" Sweetie Belle realized, turning to her fellow crusaders. Worry creased their faces at the scolding they would receive on getting home. The sun was nearly set and they had missed supper. "We'd better get home as soon as we can," Scootaloo concluded, "better late than never." The Crusaders nodded. "See ya'll tomorrow," Applebloom waved, "as long as Ah'm not grounded..." "We'll probably all be grounded," Scootaloo sighed. Sweetie Belle huffed. "It's not out fault that the only good zip-lining trees are deep in the forest." Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle went on their way home as Applebloom turned to Jack, Miko and Raf. "So, you're stayin' at our barn, right?" The ponies nodded. Applebloom lowered her head. "Let's get going then," she said reluctantly, "Ah hope Applejack's not back from Canterlot yet." The filly had no such luck. She arrived at the door to be greeted by her glaring older sister. But Applejack quickly lost her angry front and pulled Applebloom into a hug. "We've been so worried, Applebloom," she started, "where were you and what were you doing?!" The filly sighed. "We were trying to help Jack find his cutie mark." Applejack looked up to the three awkwardly waiting ponies. "In what?" she questioned, noticing an excessive amount of tree sap slowly dripping off of them. "Zip linin'," Applebloom stated, pulling away to extend her hoof, "but then we got lost and had to walk through more trees and... yeah. Ah'm sorry." Applejack rolled her eyes, unable to resist her sister's pleading eyes. "But we're talking about this tomorrow, young filly." Said filly meekly nodded, then started on her way through the kitchen. Applejack watched her until she reached the stairs, then turned to face Raf, Miko and Jack. "Ya'll are staying upstairs," she explained, "we have more than enough guest rooms for each of you." Miko took the first step in, extending a hoof to Applejack. "Thank you, Miss Applebloom's Big Sister." "Applejack," the mare corrected. Miko nodded, then continued on her way in. Jack and Raf nervously shuffled in after her, taking in their surroundings. "Don't worry, we don't bite," Applejack said, noticing their discomfort, "our home is yours." The colt and stallion nodded, silently begging for Miko to say something. She had gone off into the living room, but seemingly read their minds as she came back to the kitchen. "Hey, don't be too hard on Applebloom, kay?" she asked Applejack, "it wasn't her fault," she paused, rubbing her chin, "well, kind of, but not entirely." Applejack nodded. "Ah know, I was just worried. Anything could happen to a filly lost alone in a forest-" "She wasn't alone," Miko interjected. Applejack nodded for Miko's sake, then continued. "I know, I should know that she's a big filly now. Heck, she'll be getting her cutie mark any day now." "So stop worrying!" Miko said, "she's a big filly- horse- pony- whatever. You get the point. What's fun without..." she looked past Applejack to Jack, "risks?" she winked. Jack rolled his eyes. Applejack sighed. "You're right." She started to the stairs, "I'll show you to your rooms, then I'm going to bed." Miko smiled, pleased with herself, then followed Applejack. Raf and Jack looked to each other. "Not quite what I had in mind, but it worked," Raf shrugged. Jack nodded in agreement, then headed up the stairs after Miko, Raf close behind.