• Published 26th May 2012
  • 551 Views, 4 Comments

The Dog Days Are Over - The Prez

A revenge plan is enacted by a diamond dog who was pushed too far.

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Chapter 4

Huski heard the cannons on the main deck and the sides of the Hammer firing constantly the further down this new corridor he moved. Eventually he came to a large room with a massive engine of some kind strung up in midair with cables streaming out to the sources of the cannon fire. He quickly pieced together what this was and decided to delay his revenge a few minutes more. He ran over to a ladder going up and began climbing it.
'Maybe Luna'll give me a medal for this! I'm only saving Equestria here!' he told himself between breaths. 'I mean yeah, I kinda caused this, but nopony has to know that! If Celestia comes back, she'll probably figure it out though!'

A Steel Dog moved into the great room and eyed Huski. It drew a large weapon and took aim.
'Agh! Hey! What the buck!' Huski shouted as the wall next to him was struck by a large metal spike. Two more hit the ladder below him. 'Stop that!' The Steel Dog firing at him did not heed his command and took another shot, this one going right through Huski's free paw and nailing it to the wall. 'AAAARGH, SONOFABITCH!!!' he screamed. He put his supersaw in his mouth and started tugging on the spike to free himself. The Steel Dog put the weapon away and approached the ladder. With an agonizing tug, Huski pulled the spike out of his paw and almost fell from the ladder, grabbing onto it with his good paw.
'Those bucking boltguns...' he growled through the supersaw between his teeth. He looked down to see the Steel Dog nearing the bottom of the ladder and started climbing faster with both forearms. He reached the top as the ladder was suddenly torn away from the wall.

He placed the supersaw back on his paw and performed a running jump onto the engine. It swayed a little bit and he struggled to hold on. Once his grip was solid, he started climbing to the top of it. The Steel Dog down below dropped the ladder and drew his boltgun again, taking aim. Huski swore when another spike smacked into the engine next to him.
'Are you bucking kidding me!?' he yelled at the Steel Dog. He turned back to his task, vautling himself over the top of the engine. He gave an experimental tug on one of the chains that kept the engine suspended above the floor and a spike blew through it, taking it in half and dropping the front of the engine a little bit, causing Huski to fall. He grasped desperately for something to keep him from falling off and latched onto a pipe.
'Thanks, mate!' he called to the Steel Dog as he reacquired his position and held his saw next to the other chain. He revved the saw and pressed it against the chain. It cut right through it. His victory was incredibly short lived, however, as the engine dropped forward, one of the rear chains breaking off as well, and the engine swung through the air, cables popping out of it in bursts of electricity. Huski swore loudly and grabbed onto the last chain.
'Oh, shit, I didn't think this through!'

The engine soared around the room, the chain creaking threateningly and the Steel Dog below taking as many shots at him as possible. He started shifting his weight to direct the engine towards a wall that cannons were likely placed on the other side of and moved back and forth to keep it on target. Once it was perfectly aimed, he moved up the chain and prepared to saw off the part below him. It gave out on its own and the engine fell, plowing through the wall and out of the Hammer itself. The cannons on that corner of the ship were now not only deactivated, but gone. He could actually hear the cheer wave from whatever broadside skyship was targeting that spot. Another bolt whizzed by him and he lost his grip, falling to the floor with an great thump and crack.
'OH! Those ribs had just healed five minutes ago, damn it!' he complained, massaging his side. The Steel Dog walked up to him and picked him up, pushing him against a wall and crushing more of his insides and bones, causing massive agony. He held in a scream and revved his saw.

'I have not come this far to die now!' he spat at the enemy dog's visor and shoved his blaring saw into its head. The solid metal absolutely destroyed the saw but at the same time it was getting through; one half of the visor exploded and blood spurted out but the Steel Dog was still unfazed. Something underneath the antenna on the side of the helmet sparked and suddenly the Steel Dog recoiled from Huski, roaring in even more garbled agony than Huski himself was in and grabbing instinctively at its face for a moment before falling onto its back, dead. He looked at the dead dog.
'Well, that's... different.' he remarked before ambling down the nearest corridor and dropping his saw.

As luck would finally have it, the next corridor he took led him right to Spark Lens' office. By the time he reached the end of the corridor his ribs and organs had reset themselves. He strode into the room with all the haughtiness of a Canterlot unicorn.
'Alright, Spark Lens! Your time is up! I have wrecked your stolen ship, slaughtered your enslaved lackeys and repurposed your illegal technology for my own uses! And now, it's your tur...' he trailed off as the figure hunched over the desk in the main part of the room turned around and gave him a twisted smile.
'Hello, Logan.' said the diamond dog before him.