• Published 26th May 2012
  • 552 Views, 4 Comments

The Dog Days Are Over - The Prez

A revenge plan is enacted by a diamond dog who was pushed too far.

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Chapter 3

'Chrysalis' Tits, this place is massive.' Huski observed as he wandered inside the Hammer Of Dawn's corridors and warehouses, alone and armed with a small vial on his belt and his supersaw on his paw. 'I knew Spark Lens did some serious renovating when he took this thing, but WOW. Crazy bastard.' He continued to himself, almost impressed by the scale of the architectural overhaul. He stopped for a moment and scoffed when he saw what appeared to be an oval symbol with a lightning bolt on it.

He was largely unconcerned with the lack of crew, attributing it to good luck. When he reached what seemed to be some hyper advanced power core, he started worrying about the level of technological superiority Spark Lens possessed. Trying to ignore the impossibility of the bottomless pit below him, he scampered along the catwalk that circled the blue glowing power core. A security camera tracked him the whole time as he occasionally sneaked a glance down at the blue, spazzing power core. A Steel Dog turned the corner ahead of him and started moving down the catwalk. When he finally stopped looking down into the dark depths below him he almost wet himself.
'Oh shit.'
It charged forward and took a swing at him, which he narrowly dodged, almost losing his footing on the catwalk.
'This is a very bad place to do this!'
The golem ignored him and took another swing, which Huski ducked under, but then knocked him with an uppercut, sending him sprawling back and almost losing his supersaw. The Steel Dog stepped forward and tried to grapple Huski, who scrambled to get away from both the edge and the golem.
'Shit shit shit!'
He got to his feet and the Steel Dog swung down, trying to squash Huski, but he moved back and the catwalk was torn away. The entire section shook dangerously and Huski saw his life flash before his eyes briefly before regaining his balance. Seeing an opportunity, he slammed his own fists down on the catwalk and the area beneath the Steel Dog caved. It got a hold of the section in front of it and Huski jumped over it, stomping on its head as he went. It tried one last time to grab him and subsequently let go, tumbling into the abyss. Huski watched it disappear, waiting for something. Finally, after several very awkward seconds of uncertainty, it hit a bottom with a loud 'wham'. The core shook and pulsed violently for a moment, shaking the rest of the catwalk loose. Huski nearly wet himself, again, and sprinted for the other end, only just making it before it collapsed to hang limply against the wall.

Brickfist fought hard to remain alive and divert attention from Huski, but he was slipping up and the Steel Dogs' organized attacks were leaving him weaker and weaker. As more of them surrounded him, he reflected upon his past battles, feeling very accomplished. Then the entire station shook and the Steel Dogs lost their unity, stumbling and looking about in confusion. Brickfist laughed at them and a few of them, not all, charged at him angrily. He beat them to death in seconds. They were much weaker than their predecessors, by far, and this made Brickfist very happy. He would live to continue killing things after all. Of course, when they started breaking out the boltguns, he lost some of his joy.

'I've fought muckcrabs more fearsome than you!'
Another swing from Huski took his opponent's fingers off and they clattered to the floor. It retaliated by trying to punch Huski, but he dodged and gestured rudely at the Steel Dog. It didn't seem any more or less offended and took another swing. It connected and cracked his ribcage, throwing him against the wall. He coughed and sputtered.
'Guh! That all you got, you tin plated freak!? Ah!' He spat a glob of blood onto the floor and revved his saw again. The Steel Dog came at him and he forced it in between its shoulder and its arm. The limb came off and hit the floor with an audible clatter and clank. Huski swore he heard the metal beast growl a little bit as it tried to reattach its arm. Not wasting any more time, he leapt up onto its back and brought the saw under its neck, killing it. He jumped off it as it collapsed to the floor and bolted back down the hallway.
'No more distractions...'

'Where is he?? Where is he?? He was there a minute ago, he couldn't have just vanished! He's a dog, for Sun's Sake!'
Spark Lens scrolled through the countless cameras he had placed trying to locate the intruder, but only found wreckage and dead Steel Dogs. An alarm sounded as several of the Hammer Of Dawn's guns were blown apart.
'Damn it, damn it, damn it...' he muttered as he brought up the bigger guns to compensate. While he wasn't looking, Huski just happened to whip past one of the cameras.