• Published 17th Aug 2015
  • 1,807 Views, 39 Comments

More Than Just A Nerd - SodaMcCan

Button Mash must reveal a life-long secret when Sweetie Belle convinces him to take part in a Ponyville talent show.

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Five Years Later

Beep! Beep! Beep! Rang an alarm clock sitting on Button Mash’s dresser. It read 6:30 a.m., the time Button would need to get up at Tomorrow, as today was the last day of summer. Button however, greatly detested the thought of getting up so early. So like any adolescent colt, he tried to block the noise by covering his head with his pillow. However, when the noise continued, even more annoying than before, he finally gave in.

“Dammit, SHUT UP YOU DEMON CREATION!!!” He yelled as he slammed his hoof onto the off button. Button threw off his covers and proceeded to drowsily get out of bed. He looked over to his cherished gaming PC, the one he built with his own to hooves back when he was twelve, he was thirteen now. “Damn you Gabe Neighwell and your amazing games and sales on Steam! You're the reason I deprive myself of sleep you bastard!” He half yelled and half yawned.

“Button! Your mom made prench toast! you better get down here quick if you want some!” A stallion yelled from downstairs.

“‘Kay dad! Gimme a minute!” Button yelled back, dragging himself along to the staircase.

“Hurry up! I can’t hold Gibson off for long!” His mom yelled.

“If that console plebian even lays a molecule of his filthy peasant hooves on my toast! Very R rated things are gonna happen!” Button shouted, walking faster down the stairs to get to the table before his punk brother took his breakfast. He wheeled to the left and raced down the hall to the kitchen. Once he got to the table, he saw his brother make a move for the last piece of toast, to which Button smacked his hoof on the edge of the plate it was sitting on, causing it to be flung towards him. He jumped like a dog catching a frisbee and caught the toast in his mouth.

“Button, be careful!” His mom exclaimed, worried that her son had might have broken a plate.

“Honey he’s fine, those were some pretty sick hops too!” His dad said, patting Button on the back. Gibson just sat back in his seat with a half smile on his face.

“GG little bro. GG.” He said. Button nodded in reply with a smug look on his face as he began eating his toast.

“Well, now that everypony has their breakfast, how about we talk about what we’re all doing today!” Said Button’s Mom as she sat down with her own meal. “How ‘bout you start Gibson, what exciting things are happening today?” She asked, leaning on the table using her hoof to prop up her head.

“Welp. Crash and I are heading’ over to Wave’s place for one last jam session before junior year starts. We’re also gonna try and plan a few gigs during the school year.” Gibson finished telling his plans for the day and got up to take care of his dishes.

“Oh, well thats nice!” His mom said half sarcastically. She wasn’t too fond of Gibson’s bandmates. She then looked to Button with a smile, one he was oblivious to because he was so focused on the sweet taste of Prench toast, his favorite breakfast dish. “Button here is going to be visiting some friends too today! Isn’t that right Button?” She said with a giggle.

“Oh yeah, those three fillies he hangs out with alot.” Button's father added teasingly. Making Button face-hoof to cover his blush. His brother came behind him, put his hooves on Button’s shoulder and started shaking him a bit.

“Button! Going on a date with three fillies! I might almost be jealous of him for once!” Gibson yelled, trying to get a rise out of Button. To which Button smacked his hooves down on the table and lifted his head with an annoyed look on his face.

“Lemme get something’ straight here, nothing, and I mean Nothing! Is happening between ANY of the CMC and me! Got it!” Button yelled through clenched teeth. He exhaled and began talking again. “I am though, going to meet the CMC for another celebration of all of them finally getting their cutie marks.” He glanced down to his still blank flank as he said this. “After we’re done with that Sweetie Belle is gonna come over to spend the night so we can head to school tomorrow together.”

“That last part sure sounds like a date to me.” His father joked.

“Thats it! I’m done!” Button yelled, getting out of his seat to get ready for his day. As he went up stairs he could hear his family members burst into laughter. “Assholes.” he muttered. Though in the back of his mind he also thought it was funny.

A couple hours later, Button began his trip into town to meet the CMC. While walking, he started thinking about the past five years of his life. Five years. Has it really been that long? He let out a quick laugh at how he lost track of that much time. He then thought about being friends with the CMC. He met them when he was eight and they were still very close. Its definitely been nice to have some dependable friends for once. He smiled at the thought. They’ve helped me alot, especially with Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon and their douchebag ‘coltfriends’. He shook his head as he thought of all the times the two school bullies picked on him for being both a blank flank and a huge nerd. He shook off the thought and kept walking towards his destination.

Eventually, Sugar Cube Corner, today’s meeting place, came into sight. Finally. Button thought. He sped up his walk to a trot to get there as fast as he could, as to not keep his friends waiting too long. He could smell the array of different sweet treats from the store even while he was outside. This made him take a deep breath at the door before he pushed it open. Once he opened the doors, the sweet aromas he smelled outside were increased ten-fold, making his mouth water.

“There’s the hang-around!” Yelled a filly with a strong country accent.

Button immediately snapped back into reality upon hearing one of his friends call to him from across the room.
He turned to where he heard his friends and saw them sitting in a corner booth. He waved at them from where he was standing, then began to walk over to their table. At the booth was the entire Ponyville CMC, including Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Applebloom, Dinky, Pipsqueak, and Rumble. The latter three had been recruited over the past couple years.

"Hey guys!" Button said, going around the booth giving hoof-bumps to everyone. But once he got to Sweetie, she got out of her seat and gave Button a hug. This elicited giggles from all the ponies at the table. Despite this, Button returned the hug, cheeks ever so slightly red. He was used to getting hugs from Sweetie Belle, as it had been the only way she said hello or goodbye to him for the past few years. The first couple times caught him off guard, but he eventually grew to be alright with it.

"Button! You made it!" She said excitedly, squeezing him harder.

"Wouldn't miss it." Button replied, getting short on breath.

"P.D.A!" Scootaloo yelled. Causing Sweetie to let go of Button. She scooted into the booth to give Button room to sit down, which he did. Almost as soon as he sat down, A pink mare with a curly pink mane appeared out of nowhere, startling Button.

"Hello Button Mash! I have your usual order right here." She placed a chocolate milkshake that she was holding with her curly hair on the table.

"Hehe...t-thanks Pinkie." He replied, taking the milkshake.

"Noooo problem!" Pinkie sang as she bounced off back to work. Button shook his head and started to sip on his milkshake.

"Alright, now that we're all here. Lets go over why we're all here in the first place." Applebloom said, Her voice had gotten a little deeper since Button first met her.

"To celebrate everypony in the club getting their cutie marks!" Dinky cheered.

"And that we're gonna be the big dogs of the middle school!" Rumble added.

"And it wouldn't possible without Button!" Sweetie sang, wrapping her forelegs around Button's neck and pulling him into another hug. This made him blush again.

"Ah, I didn't do that much." Button said modestly. Sweetie turned his head to look her in the eyes.

"NOT THAT MUCH?!?! You helped me get over my stage fright! I'm still trying to figure out how to repay you!" Sweetie yelled, she grabbed Button by the neck and pulled him into a third hug. Everypony at the table burst into a fit of laughter. After a couple more moments of being nearly strangled by Sweetie she eventually let him go.

"Um, No offense mate, but I think it is a little ironic that you've been partially the reason a few of us have gotten our cutie marks. Yet you still don't have yours." Pipsqueak said with a pondering look on his face.

"Hm, it still doesn't really bother me all that much, I guess I'll get mine when the time comes." Button said. They all nodded in agreement. He then spoke up again "Besides, that bitch Diamond is still gonna bully us, but we got each other." Button finished speaking what he had on his mind. They all nodded again, but this time the mood became a bit more somber. Not wanting this Button thought of a great idea for cheering everyone up.

"Hey guys I think I know how to start this party right!" He exclaimed, everyone looked at him with confused looks.

"And what would that be?" Scootaloo asked.

"Oh, I think you know." He said with smile. Everypony then realized what he was suggesting, and smiles were on all of their faces now. They all grabbed their milkshakes and prepared for the signal.

"MILKSHAKE RACE!!!!" Button yelled. Everypony at the table then began chugging down their milkshakes, until they all suddenly stopped.


Author's Note:

Yay. Turns out I can use Google Docs on my phone! So expect a couple chapters over the next few days. Sorry of there are a few were indents, I wrote alot of this on my phone so it made writing a bit weirder.