• Published 12th Jul 2015
  • 280 Views, 2 Comments

The Spark, The Storm and The Rainbow - Crux

Nexus Crux was just flying around in space until he finds a planet that is orbited by a moon and a sun. Adventure and friendships will be found.

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What would you do if you had all the time you wanted? This is a question that I find myself asking quite a few beings from time to time during my travels. Some explorers have said that they would travel to the furthest stars and just keep going till they hit an edge. Some scientists had stated that they would find compelling evidence for their strange theories about the universe or whatever they majored in. Some more simple beings just reply with simple, quick answers like get a better job or find the perfect partner or finally finish that new series of books or shows they they've been meaning to get through.

For me, however, the answer isn't quite so easy to find because ...... I've already done it. I've gone and explored the stars to my hearts content, I've help prove ground breaking theories that could change the way we see the universe, I've been the hero who had saved the world and I've experienced things that one couldn't rightfully explain in a sane mental state.

I keep asking the question because literally, I have run out of things to do in my spare time. I have tried holding a table job but they don't really keep my interest for very long and it isn't like I'm going to run out for money very soon, decades of doing favors for rich beings with power is very rewarding. I guess I just want a change, A kind of change that I hadn't experienced before, to go to a place that I've never seen before and to meet beings that could help me discover true happiness. Not some moments of joy that pass quite quickly but to feel like I couldn't be anywhere else in the cosmos than right there, in peace. But, I've been wishing that for quite a while now and it doesn't seem like that place will be showing up any time soon.

Have I mentioned that the universe just loves to prove me wrong.

I was traveling through the void of space, because I just decided to try another random direction out of boredom, and I came across a very strange source of energy, not like electricity or a form of radiation but something closer to what some planets had called Spiritual energy. I've seen and felt energy like this before but not in the middle of empty space and in such quantity. I had decided to investigate this new interest after leaving my frozen comet state that I use to travel the endless void while sleeping.

What I found was a planet that I had thought to be an impossibility of the highest understanding, a puzzle that would make even the most intelligent beings of the most technologically advanced species of the cosmos rethink their understanding of the universe. What I was looking at was a planet that was being orbited by both a moon AND a sun. A very small sun, about twice as big as the moon at about twice its distance from the planet, but still a sun. A source of near endless energy and a key to like in the universe had been pocket sized for the personal use of a single planet.

Another strange fact that had only just come to my attention was the pure lack of any other celestial bodies in the sector. Usually a planet would be part of a solar system, with other planets, comets and asteroid belts but this would was practically in the middle of nowhere, in the empty void between galaxies. The closest star might have been around 60 million light-years away from here, which considering the size of the universe wasn’t that far away but quite unheard of when dealing with planets.

Before advancing to get a closer look at the celestial bodies I had decided to just observe for a few hours just to see what might occur. To be slight boredom nothing or significance happened, only that the moon and sun did seen to orbit the planet normally. With that done, I traveled to the moon before traveling to the planet to see if there was anything of interest there.

The moon turned out to be visually very similar to most moons that I have visited in the past except it had appeared to have been visited quite a lot. Which isn’t very strange in itself but it was the evidence that had been left behind that confused me. Usually moons that orbit worlds with intelligent life would have some form of colonization present like a few buildings or remains of ships used to travel there. This moon's surface was littered with what appears to be several statues, scorch marks and craters. Not the natural craters created by meteors but ones created by small explosions.

There must of been thousands of statues littering the surface, some completely intact, most in pieces. The intact statues all resembled a tall, equine-like creature with large wings, a horn, a long mane and was covered in small pieces of armor around its hooves and chest. The armor being made out the same material as the statues, moon rocks.

After staring at the statue for several minutes, I noticed that the energy I had felt before had a much stronger presence here and was also flowing, traveling like a current of a river or a breeze that never changed. The current of energy seemed to be coming from a very specific point from the planet near by and observations seem to suggest that the sun was also being exposed to this energy.

Wit nothing more to see I decided it was best to investigate the area that the energy was coming from. With a location in mind, I headed towards the planet's surface, making sure to come in at the proper angle so my body wouldn’t take too much damage when entering the atmosphere.

However, what I didn’t account for the strange energy that filled the atmosphere. As my sight was taken over by a combination of my own energy trying to protect me and the flames of entering the atmosphere at an increasing velocity, there was only one thought that can to mind before it all went dark.

This was going to hurt when I land.

Author's Note:

So this finally starts...
I've been sitting on this for some time now and just decided to put it out there.
Can't really be any worse than just letting it go to waste in my Google Drive
If you have any suggestions or spelling mistakes you would like to point out then go for it
It can only help... hopefully