• Published 21st Jun 2015
  • 251 Views, 1 Comments

The Science Behind it All - Kramoisi

Shadowbane is a close friend of Twilight and an even closer friend to their timid and shy friend, Fluttershy. Science explains everything, but when emotions come knocking, only experimenting and smiles will help.

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Humble Beginnings

"Alright now we add a drop of hydrogen pentaoxide and a dash of aluminium-143. Set temperature to four hundred degrees kelvin and boom!" With my surplus army helmet firmly strapped to my head I quickly jumped back behind the makeshift blast shield of books I had made and waited. Just as I had calculated it took no more than three seconds before the concoction exploded with the power of an earthquake. Slowly I looked over the now charred book shield and began my observations. "Hmm... yes interesting." I said to myself softly as I pulled out my notepad and pencil from my lab coat pockets. I grasped the pencil firmly in my mouth as I began to write. "Substance has appeared to have created a charred, gaping hole in the floor with smoke arising from the epicenter. Further observations indicated that the explosion itself was, for lack of a scientific term, really cool. Will mop up mess and replace Aluminium element with Uranium-235 for better results." With a satisfied smile and marked the end of the log and dated it. "There. Results recorded in the name of science!" I said as I adjusted my glasses. "Hmm... maybe I used too much Hydrogen in that last one... smells like a burning airship in here." I commented as I walked to my personal room adjacent to my lab. Throwing my glasses onto my desk and the army helmet on the floor I sat down on my flanks in front of my mirror and started to fix my mane. Midnight black hooves met with my dark blue mane and fixed the out of place hairs and slicked it back to its normal state. "Well, at least my coat didn't fall out this time." I closed my eyes and chuckled softly before looking at myself again "But I bet the Uranium will chance that won't it chap." I say to my reflection as I stand back up. Looking now at my right profile I quickly checked myself and my trusty lab coat for any missing clumps of hair, fabric, and any build up of products from the explosion. Disappointingly I was clean and with a soft sigh I unbuttoned my coat and slid it off my body. Everything seemed to be in check. No missing fur, no build up, sadly no glowing radioactivity, and my Personality Birthmark was still there and as defining as ever. I never really liked the actual name for that. Cutie Mark just sounded so... bland. Personality Birthmark sounded so much more science like. With a rather egotistical smile and a soft nod I slipped back into my Lab coat and took my helmet and glasses. "Well, time to go and make some atom bombs Bane!" I said to myself as I put the two items on. "Oh Twilight is so going to sue me for this." I said with a chuckle and quickly ran to my storage room. Today was going to be a good day.


"Okay Angel, I'm going to run down to the market for some more yummy vegies and carrots for you and your friends alright? You be a good boy and watch over everything while I'm gone okay?" With a cute salute and a soft smile the little bunny, in his own way, assured me that everything was under control. Angel was a trouble maker at times but when I need to trust him the most to take care of things he always pulls through for me and the other critters. He is such a good bunny. "Okay Angel I'll be back." I leaned down and kissed him on the top of the head and, after a quick adjustment of my saddle bags, I headed out the door and began the long yet peaceful walk to Ponyville. I smiled happily as I looked around me at the sky, the trees, the bright meadows of tulips and roses as I continued. This was why I never flew from my cottage to Ponyville on my grocery runs. The environment was just too beautiful and peaceful to miss. Every time I can I make this walk into Ponyville to enjoy myself and see my friends. Although my own shadow scares me and it took me four months to figure out that hummingbirds don't hurt you, I do have moments I feel very self confident. Walking among the meadows is always one of those moments. It just looks so beautiful and makes me feel so happy inside. I stopped momentarily and sniffed a rather big and tall rose. The sweet smell filled my nose and filled my brain and body with joy as I sighed softly. "Oh sweet Celestia. I wish I could just live in one of these flowers." I said to myself as I leaned down and gave it another sniff. As I pulled away a small bee flew out of the flower and started to buzz around my head slowly. With a smile I held out my hoof for him to land on and patiently waited. With time the bee landed on my hoof and started to dig around my fur, obviously looking for pollen. I giggled softly and drew in my hoof so I could get a better look at the insect in my possession. "Hehe, I'm not a flower Mr. Bee, but I'm flatured you think I am." I said softly to him. After a few seconds of watching him dig around I slowly moved my hoof back to the rose and pushed him gently towards it. "Okay Mr. Bee, back to your flower now." With that the bee moved back to the flower and I stood back up. "Time to go into town" I said to myself as I continued my long walk into Ponyville. Today was going to be a good day.

"Well howdy there Fluttershy! What can I get ya today?" Applejack said warmly as I approached her apple stand. The question was kind of redundant but she was required to say it and it honestly make me smile to hear her say it with such confidence.

"Hello Applejack. Umm I'd like a half dozen apples please and two apple fritters please. I-if you don't mind" I said as i hid behind my mane partially. No matter how many times I tried I always felt bad for asking for things. Even if I have to pay for them.

"Ain't a problem one bit Fluttershy! So six apples and two fritters? Ten bits, if ya kindly!" She said with a friendly smile. I looked at her confused and reached for my bit bag.

"But I thought the fritters were five bits each?" I said as I slowly and carefully counted out the bits needed to pay.

"Well for a good friend of mine you get a discount!" she chuckled softly and smiled "Rarity ain't the only pony who can be generous ya know." I smiled back at her and nodded as I gently placed the ten bits on her stall counter.

"Th-thats very kind Applejack. Thank you very much." I said as I patiently waited for her to bag the items.

"Like I said Fluttershy, ain't a problem. Just gimme a moment and I'll have these bagged for ya." I nodded and sat on my flanks as I kept waiting. "So, how ya been Fluttershy? I haven't seen ya since last week when Twi took us to meet that Shadowbane fella." I blushed softly at the mention of my new found friend. Mr. Shadowbane had moved into Ponyville last week from Trottingham and he's already done so much for our little town. That pegasus has an amazing brain and a wild imagination. If I can recall correctly he even said 'I live and breath everything science! If it can't be solved by science then only magic can fix it, but I would rather give up than use magic to solve a fixable problem!' I guess you can say he's a little self centered and a bit egotistical, however he is a very nice and generous stallion. He even built me a new whistle dohicky to help train the puppies at home to be obedient and do tricks. He called it the Puppy Whistle and said that it makes a sound that only dogs can hear. He assured me it was safe and when I tested it the puppies stopped in their tracks and lined up right in front of me. I was so impressed that the next day I had personally gone to his house, laboratory as he calls it, to thank him. He wasn't home though so I just left him a small plate a cookies as thanks. I haven't seen or heard of him since then and I'm beginning to worry.

"Fluttershy?" What if something had happened to him! What if he got hurt and has been calling out for help?

"Umm Fluttershy?" Or what if he got sucked into one of his weird devices?

"Fluttershy." Or what if he blew himself up on accident and no one heard it!?

"Fluttershy!" I yelped and shook as I hid behind my mane from the loud noise. Applejack had a look of concern on her face as she blinked. "You ok Fluttershy? Ya spaced off there for a moment." I nodded softly and rubbed my foreleg with embarrassment as I looked down and away.

"Y-yes I'm ok. Sorry Applejack. Umm to answer your question I've been alright for the most part. Angel ate a bad carrot a few days ago and go a tummy ache but we fixed that quickly. I'm just out doing my normal grocery shopping for the week. Oh and that reminds me. You wouldn't happen to have anything that is soft on an animal's tummy would you?" She thought for a moment and ducked behind her counter. I couldn't tell what she was doing but by judging the movement of the top of her hat I could tell she was frantically looking for something. After a moment or two Applejack came back up and placed a golden colored apple on the counter.

"This is a golden delicious apple. It's soft, not very juicy, but still very good. It should help Angel with his belly problem. Take it as a gift Fluttershy." I smiled warmly at the gift and nodded as I added it to the bag of other apples.

"Thank you Applejack. I'm sure Angel will be very happy. S-sorry to leave so soon but I need to go to the library to check out a recipe book for a new salad I want to try. I hope you have a lot of business today." I said as I loaded the apple products into my saddle bags.

"Ain't a problem Fluttershy. I thank ya for yer business!" she said as she tipped her hat in thanks. I gave her a small flutter of my wings in response and started to make my way to the library.


"Holy Luna!" I hacked as I threw a bucket of water onto the raging fire that had ignited in my bomb testing room. Thick, black smoke filled the room as the purple and green flames raged in the same hole I had created earlier. I ran to the food storage room, the kitchen, and started to fill the bucket again with my water dispenser, sink. As the bucket reach the half way point of being filled I hear another explosion and smelled the distinct smell of fresh strawberries. I gasped as I took what water I had and rushed back into the room and threw it onto the flames. With a loud snap and a small crackle and a pop the water extinguished the fire and caused more smoke to bellow into the room. I coughed and hacked as I make my way to a window and opened it. With a quick snap I opened my wings and pushed the smoke out as best I could while trying to keep my oxygen receptors and recyclers, my lungs, working and clean. After a few moment of flapping, hacking, dying, and sputtering I had finally cleared the room and I landed on my flanks to take a breath of fresh air. I looked around for a moment as I quickly started to observe the damage that had occurred. My book shield was as charred as ever, the bomb hole had expanded and was slowly sizzling with the occasional spark of purple electricity, and my army helmet had some how found its way off my head and lodged into the bookshelf at the other end of the room. All in all... not bad for a Potassium bomb. I chuckled as I got back onto my hooves and walked to my element storage room. I strolled into the room but found utter horror awaiting me. That fire had caused a lot more damage than I had thought. All around me I could see element containers singed, melted, burned, and even exploded. My potassium burned, the iron melted, my titanium destroyed, and my uranium... "MY URANIUM!" I shouted as I sprinted over to the melted lead lined container the uranium was in and I fell back onto my flanks. That was the only uranium left in Equestria. Now I had to import it from Prance and Luna knows how expensive that was going to be. With a sad sigh and a pitiful kick at the glob of melted goo I stood back up and slowly walked out with my head hung low. "Well... now that my fun is ruined... I guess I can go bother Twilight for a little bit." I said sadly as I tossed my glasses onto my desk and I gently pushed the front door of my lab open. "Well this couldn't get any worse." I said matter of factly. But, knowing my luck, as soon as I finished that sentence rain immediately began to pour out of the clouds above me. I sighed softly and begin to run in the direction of the library. A quick glance behind me showed that I had a soft, purple glow radiation off of my tail. I grined as I kept running and make a mental note to myself. "Radioactive, purple glow caused as an after effect of the potassium bomb. Excellent!" As I kept running I started to laugh out loud at the thought of success. Today was a good day after all.

Author's Note:

OK! As far as I know this marks the end of chapter one! I'm hoping that this will turn out really well but then again ive been wrong. If anyone has any advice or anything they would like to share please by all means do so.

Comments ( 1 )

good story so far

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