• Published 11th Aug 2015
  • 2,999 Views, 24 Comments

A Canterlot Wedding: The Story of the Alternate Path - FE_A_Lover

A saddened Twilight, an invitation to her brother's wedding and a mysterious pony that comes from somewhere else. All these ingredients can only mean something big is about to go down. A tale of love born on the battlefield is about to unfold.

  • ...

Chapter 3: The Adapting

Though they had begun eating, Chrom was obviously having some trouble getting used to his body and how to even eat with his new hooves. Twilight tried her best to help him, but found little success in doing so. She realized that she would have to teach Chrom on how to hold things like a pony. And she had an idea on how to do that.

"Chrom?" She began.

"Umm, yeah Twilight?" Chrom replies, trying to put the sushi in his mouth.

"How would you feel about doing some sword training?" She then proceeds to ask. She thought that by getting Chrom to get used to sword fighting, something he was very proficient at back in his world and body, in this new body he'd be able to adapt to everything else rather well.

"Hmm...That sounds good." He says nodding. "But why?" He then asks.

"Oh, just to make sure you're not rusty." Twilight says smirking.

"Me? Rusty? HA! Says the girl who could barely hold a bronze sword in both hands!" Chrom says as a rebuttal.

Twilight blushes embarrassed by that clinching fact. "W-Well...let's just go to the training yard." She says, hiding her face.

Chrom chuckles and says "Sorry. Didn't mean to embarrass you like that. Sure, let's go." He says getting up.

Twilight then pays for Lunch and leads Chrom to the training yard.

Meanwhile, Cadence was making sure that everything for her wedding was going to plan. Her first stop was with Applejack and her cooking. Although...she seemed to have something on her mind. Why? She thought to herself. Why is there love so strong? A love like that...it is impossible to have. A love that would fight death itself and somehow come out on top...How?

"Uh...Princess? Y'all feeling alright?" Applejack asks, snapping the pink princess out of her daze.

"H-Huh? Oh...yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking of all the preparations I have to go through." Cadence told her.

"Well alright. Care to try out some of the videls I have planned for the wedding?" Applejack asks Cadence with a wide smile on her face.

"Umm...Actually, I...have to go make sure all the other preparations are going well. But I'm sure they'd be delicious!" She says and then heads off to Rarity for her dress...or so Applejack thinks. Actually, Cadence decides to go look for the pair of Twilight and Chrom. To her surprise she finds them in the training yard.

Twilight comes over to Chrom, levitating two wooden training swords. "Okay Chrom, for this exercise, we will test to see if your body still knows how to utilize a sword to the best of your ability. Now, I want you to wrap your hoof around the handle." She explains to him, as she holds a wooden training sword in front of him.

Chrom carefully examined the sword, then proceeded to successfully wrap his hoof around the handle. It was like his body just knew what to do, instead of his mind. "Wow." He says, giving the wooden blade a few swings.

"As I suspected. All that shadow fencing really paid off for you, as your body seems to remember what it's like when holding a sword, despite being changed into a new form." Twilight says to him. She then proceeds to wrap her own hoof around the remaining wooden training sword.

Cadence looked at this scene oddly. Just what were they doing? They looked like they were about to get into a fight of some sort.

"Twilight, are you sure you don't wanna use your magic to hold the sword?" Chrom asks.

"Maybe I should but...my body just feels right when I hold it like this." She replies, gripping the wooden blade tightly.

"Well...Okay then. Are you ready to do this?" Chrom asks her.

"Yep...Hehehe. This is going to be just like all those training sessions. Try not to break anything this time Chrom." Twilight says giggling.

Chrom chuckles. "I'll just have to try my best."

They both stare down each other, with Cadence and a few guards looking upon the scene with great intrigue. Then, almost instantly, Chrom rushes at Twilight with incredible speed and tries to slash at her. Twilight manages to parry it and try to strike back but Chrom dodges it in time with a swift side step.

The guards look on this with shocked faces, having known Twilight from before and never seeing her able to move around like this with a sword, let alone a weapon in general. Cadence, however, looks upon this differently, believing that the two are growing apart from each other and that this is how they are taking their anger out on each other. She smirks evilly, thinking that this is meant to be her chance to steal Chrom away from Twilight.

Meanwhile, back with the rest of the Mane 6 and Spike they are walking around looking for Twilight and Chrom. They went to the restaurant they thought the couple would be at, but couldn't find them there. They then see a couple of guards, a white unicorn and a gray pegasus, rushing somewhere.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Where's the fire at?" Rainbow asks one of them.

"Fire?! Where?!" Pinkie says, being her usual Pinkie self.

Rainbow Dash sighs and shakes her head saying "Not literally Pinkie Pie."

The white unicorn of the two guards, ignoring the crazy pink earth pony, answered RD saying "We heard that there was a sword fight going on in one of the training districts of the castle, and one of them was a pony a few of the guards know as Twilight Sparkle. The other is some random grey Earth Pony. But I heard that it's a really good fight, so we're going out to check!" He says and rushes out of the area with his grey pegasus colleague.

"Twilight? Sword fighting?" Applejack says confused and shocked.

"Oh dear...I hope they aren't mad at each other for something." Fluttershy says worried.

"We better head over there and fast!" RD says, flying off in the direction of the castle, with the others following on the land.

By this time a large number of guards was watching the fight unfold before their eyes. The guards who knew Twilight couldn't believe how well she was doing against this pony. By the time the remaining Mane 6 and Spike showed up, the two were looking very exhausted. The two knew that they were on their last breath, so they needed to end it now. Soon, they rushed at each other, shouting at the top of their lungs.

Suddenly, Rarity used her Magic to stop them both. "ENOUGH! Such barbarity shall not go by unnoticed!"

The two look at Rarity confused. Twilight speaks up "Rarity, what are you-"

Rarity then pulls Twilight closer to her. "Oh you poor darling! I'm so sorry we left you in the hands of that barbarian."

"Wait, what?! Chrom wasn't-" Twilight tries to say looking indignant.

"Hush now darling." Rarity said, putting the tip of her hoof on Twilight's mouth. "We must go to the spa, as I can smell your exhaustion from here."

She and the others take Twilight away from Chrom, both of them looking rather confused.

While the guards disperse, Cadence shows up in the parting crowd. There he is. He just got into a fight with Twilight...I guess their love wasn't as strong as I thought. No matter. I can still make it mine.

Chrom simply sits there, his rump on the ground, watching Twilight's friends carry her away. All the while he can't help but think aloud "What the heck just happened here?"

While he sat there dumbstruck by this, Princess Cadence decided to approach him. When she was by his side she said to him "Hey there handsome. How are you?"

Chrom took a moment to respond, then he turned to her immediately and said "Oh. Hello Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. What are you doing here?"

"I was just walking through the castle, taking my own personal tour." She explains. "Then I come across here, seeing you and Twilight fighting each other! I suppose you two just weren't meant to be." She starts leaning in on him.

Chrom leans away from her odd advances and asks her "What do you mean by that?"

Meanwhile with Twilight and friends, on the way to the spa...

"Girls, I need to go back to Chrom!" Twilight demands to her friends, who had abducted her away from him.

"Twilight, I understand you might want to patch things up, but a true gentleman would not dare fight his beloved in such a barbaric manner." Rarity says, flipping her mane.

"But Rarity, I-" Twilight tries to explain but is cut off by Applejack.

"Come on Twi, I know you think he's still nice and all, but what kind of man attacks you like that with a wooden sword?" She asks in a rhetorical fashion.

"But we weren't fighting! We were-" Twilight continues trying to explain but this time is cute off by Fluttershy.

"Oh Twilight, you don't need to deny the obvious. We're your friends, we'll help you through this." She says smiling innocently.

"Yeah! If he tries that again, this time he'll have to go through me!" Rainbow Dash adds in confidently.

Twilight looked ready to burst with anger.

"Girls, isn't it obvious they were training?" Pinkie Pie says to the group. They look upon her shocked. Twilight looked rather relieved.

"She's right you know. We were just training. I was trying to get Chrom used to his new body and getting him used to fighting with a sword in that body seemed the best approach." Twilight explains.

The four ponies blush at their mistake they made. "Now come on girls!" Twilight says. "Let's get back to my man!" She says trotting off in the direction they came from.

Meanwhile, back with Chrom...

"Well, Chrom..." Cadence said, leaning in closer to him. "It's obvious that you and Twilight were fighting. And with swords no less. No couple in their right mind would fight with swords unless they were in the military or were in a horrible argument. And I highly doubt that Twilight was ever in any military."

Chrom rolls his eyes, knowing that he'd be dead multiple times if not for Twilight. "Listen, we weren't fighting. We were merely-"

"Oh come now." Cadence says interrupting him. "I know that Twilight was never in any military training. What, did she somehow gain years worth of military strategy?"

"Actually, yes she was my tactician." Chrom says to her.

Cadence then laughs, as she believes that Chrom was joking. But then she looks upon his serious face and she realizes that he is actually serious about this. Oh my god, he's actually serious about it...and I can still feel his love for her...I need to change that, and now! Then she quickly tries to kiss him when...

A loud smack is heard...it was Chrom's hoof hitting Cadence's face. She holds the area where he slapped. "H...How could you do that to a lady?!"

"You mean how could I slap someone trying to kiss me that I neither expected or wanted? And especially when said pony was getting married?! You disgust me. Twilight loves you so much and Shining Armor does too, and THIS is how you repay their kindness!?"

As Chrom slapped Cadence, Twilight and her friends had just shown up. "C...Chrom?! Why did you just slap Cadence?!" Twilight asks in shock.

"T-Twilight! Oh it's so horrible! I was just asking Chrom here how he and you came to meet, then he slapped me! He's just so horri-" Cadence tries to get out.

"Twilight, you're not buying this are you?" Chrom asks.

"Of course not! It's not in your nature to slap someone without good reason! The only time you ever slapped Morgan or Lucina was when they nearly sent the entire camp into a panic over a silly roach!" Twilight said aloud.

"But...but..." Cadence seems shocked she instantly believes Chrom over her.

"I slapped her because she tried to kiss, despite her about to get married and me being in a relationship with you." Chrom explains.

"..." Silence falls from Twilight's mouth for a moment. "She...did...WHAT?!" Twilight's mane and tail catch fire while her coat becomes much brighter.

Everyone backs up from her, even Chrom. While everyone else backed up in anticipation, Cadence backed up in fear. "T...Twilight...I....I..." She stutters out.

Then Twilight calms down and sighs. "You know...hurting you won't solve anything. The only way to truly fix this is to tell my brother about you before you marry him." She then turns to leave. "Come on everyone. Let's leave this...someone to herself." The group then starts to leave.

No...I can't let this happen...I've come too far in my plans to be stopped by a pair of fake lovers! Cadence yells in her head.

Suddenly, a green flame surrounds the group of friends, freaking them all out.

"What in tarnation?! What is this stuff?!" Applejack yells in shock.

Chrom then pushes Twilight out of the way. Just as he did, a barrier formed around the group, taking them underground somewhere.

"CHROOOOM!" Twilight yells out with tears falling off her face as they disappear. She pats the ground where the fire once raged.

"Well, I suppose 6 out of 7 isn't too bad...though I need to get rid of you still." A strange voice says.

Twilight looks towards the voice, anger in her eyes. "You...WHO ARE YOU?!" She demands to know.

A black sort of insect pony stands where Cadence once stood. She had insect like wings with holes in them, legs with holes in them, a horn with holes in it, hair with holes in them...she has a lot of holes on her, okay? She then chuckles evilly. "Me? You may call me...Queen Chrysalis fool."

End of Chapter 3

Author's Note:

I hope you like this so far. I always liked entertaining the idea of having Chrysalis reveal herself sooner than normal. Though, I didn't know how to bring to life until this fanfic came to mind. A factor, unaccounted for in her plan, yet seemed like a golden opportunity to score some extra power. A mistake, forcing her to reveal herself early in hopes that her plan might carry on. A fight, far more grand than the battle between her and Celestia. That's what I wanted to bring to life. And I'll bring forth the fight...in the next chapter.

Comments ( 10 )

I can definitely imagine Twilight in Robin's robes now... Also, you earned a sub!

Most likely her crazy organization skills.

6642324 I can imagine Lucina going crazy if even a pin is outta place. If Twilight replaced Fem! Robin, then does Morgan exist?

Are you sure you read the chapter? Because Twilight makes mention of Morgan.

6643082 I've reread the chapters and I couldn't find any mention of Morgan. Huh, maybe I wasn't reading close enough or something.

You're looking at the chapter it's in right now. Like seriously, she mentions Morgan alongside Lucina, and the support conversation they had with each other.


The only time you ever slapped Morgan or Lucina was when they nearly sent the entire camp into a panic over a silly roach!

Is this the one you were talking about?

Yes, that is the one I was talking about.

6702760 I hope you're not dead. Lotsa stuff's happened since the last time you logged in and you can add the Fire Emblem tag to your fic now.

Gotta go fast!

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