• Published 11th Aug 2015
  • 2,999 Views, 24 Comments

A Canterlot Wedding: The Story of the Alternate Path - FE_A_Lover

A saddened Twilight, an invitation to her brother's wedding and a mysterious pony that comes from somewhere else. All these ingredients can only mean something big is about to go down. A tale of love born on the battlefield is about to unfold.

  • ...

Chapter 2: The Reveal

"It all started three days ago...at least in our world's time. I had learned about a new spell, one that allowed one's spirit to travel between worlds. It was a dangerous spell. If one failed to cast it properly, Their soul could never return to their body. I told Spike I would try and cast the spell, and told him if it looked like I might fail, then I would want to make me stop. I cast it successfully, but I had no control of which world I would go to...But I do not regret having no control, considering what has occurred." Twilight began her story, as her friends around her listened intently and were drinking in her every word. They had gotten on the train to listen to her story while they ride to Canterlot for the wedding.

"I was taken to another world, a beautiful world. At least from what I could tell at first sight. Unfortunately I, as a spirit, was floating around pretty...carelessly I should say. I didn't notice it until I had accidentally floated into an unconscious body. When I got into it, I had suffered memory loss along with the original owner of the body. Though, the body was a different species than what I was before, but that's not important right now." Twilight continues.

"Excuse me darling." Rarity spoke up. "I'm actually rather curious as to what this body you inhabited was." The others all voice their agreement.

"Well...what body I inhabited was something called a human. Think of them like Minotaurs without the horns and only had hair on their heads. Oh, and they didn't have hooves they had hands and feet." Twilight explains. The group then begins to imagine what humans look like exactly.

"Anyway, like I said after winding up in that body I lost my memory. While unconscious, I had this strange 'dream' where me and Chrom were fighting a man named Validar. I'll explain his role later on. When I woke up, I saw Chrom and his sister Lissa, along with their bodyguard Fredrick. Somehow I had forgotten my name temporarily, and yet I knew of Chrom's. I suppose the strange 'dream' I had taught me his name. Anyway, since I couldn't remember my name and I somehow knew his name yet had no idea where I was at the time, I was obviously suspicious to them, most of all to Fredrick whose nickname was Fredrick the Wary." Twilight explained.

"Okay, that explains how you met him, but that doesn't explain how you fell in love with him." Rainbow said.

"Was it love at first sight like in all those fairy tales?" Pinkie Pie asks.

"No...it was love born on the battlefield." Twilight said in a somber tone, shocking her Ponyville friends.

"B-B-Battlefield?" Fluttershy asks in fear.

Twilight nodded sadly. "Yes. Chrom here is actually the general and the prince of a nation called Ylisse. He lead his elite force, a group he called the Shepherds. I was the tactician of his group. However, that doesn't mean I didn't take part in actual fighting. I fought all sorts of enemies. From random brigands and bandits, to organized armies from nearby and over seas. The world had magic, but it was different from our world's magic. They used magic through special tomes and staves with powers unlike anything I'd seen from our world. However, if I must say, their world was a little bit more...primitive compared to ours. Meaning they didn't have things like trains or stereos of the sort. However, I noticed that the weapons used were very similar to the weapons we use here. Things like spears and swords were common place. However, they could also enchant these weapons. For example, the Levin Sword is a sword from their world that shoot Lightning out of it."

"Wow! That sounds super terrible Twilight!" Pinkie Pie says sadly.

Twilight sighed "It was...so much death, you couldn't rest for a moment on the battlefield. Even Chrom's sister Emmeryn died. Luckily, we managed to defeat all our foes, including Validar. See, he was-"

Suddenly, the train stopped. "Oh, it seems we've arrived." Chrom says then adds "I think we can continue this story later Twilight." He then starts to get up...and falls on his face.

"Whoa! You okay there?" Rainbow Dash asks him as she helps him up onto his hooves.

"Yeah. Still been trying to get used to this new body of mine." He explains.

On the way over to Twilight's, Chrom had tripped about 35 times total before reaching the door. He didn't any noticeable bruises thankfully, but every time he did he looked silly. Though half of those was because of him tripping over something like a rock, or the back wheel of a cart.

They get out of the train and see the city not only full of many more guards than as of normal, but also surrounded by a pink protective shield. Twilight knew that this shield must be from her brother's magic. He always was the best at casting shield spells.

The ponies proceed to their living quarters, while Twilight and Chrom go to see Shining Armor to learn who this Cadenza pony is. When they arrive in the courtyard, many guards point their spears ready to attack, while Chrom readies to draw his blade. But before they can possibly get into a fight, a white unicorn with a blue mane, wearing purple armor and helmet that had gold highlights. His cutie mark was a shield with magic stars in the center of it.

"Twiliy!" The white unicorn shouts "At ease soldiers." He tells the guards and takes off his helmet then rushes down to see Twilight "I'm glad to see you! And your...friend?" He says slightly surprised when he notices Chrom. "Twilight, who is this?" He then asks.

"Shining Armor, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, Chrom." She says introducing him.

"Your...BOYFRIEND?!" Shining Armor says in surprise with his jaw dropping to the ground.

Chrom holds out a hoof for him to shake. "It is an honor to meet you Shining Armor." He says smiling.

"O-Oh umm...Thanks. Nice to meet you too." Shining says shaking Chrom's hoof.

"Great! Now that that's out of the way...Who the heck is this Cadenza pony you're marrying?" Twilight asks.

"Oh, right. You never learned her full name as a foal, and always just called her Cadence." Shining inadvertently explains.

"Cadence?! Oh my gosh! You sly dog you!" Twilight says playfully elbowing Shining Armor, making him blush a bit.

"Forgive me for asking, but who is Cadence?" Chrom asks the two siblings.

"Oh right. Never told you about her. See, Cadence used to be my babysitter. And she was so nice to everyone! She also was incredibly skilled at love magic. I once saw a couple arguing and then Cadence used her magic to fix it! It was amazing. She always believed I was someone special too." Twilight says smiling.

"I see. She does sound like an incredible person." Chrom muses.

"Excuse me." A voice says. The group looks towards a pink alicorn with a mixture of light yellow, pink, and purple in her mane and tail coloring. She also wore the standard princess regalia and had a blue crystal like heart for a cutie mark. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything important here." She says, sounding annoyed.

"Cadence!" Twilight says gleefully and rushes over to her doing a little dance in front of her singing "Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves, and do a little shake!" She then realizes that Chrom is watching and blushes embarrassed that she did it in front of him.

"Do I know you?" Cadence asks in a sort of skeptical tone.

Twilight looked surprised Cadence had not recognized her. "It's me! Twilight Sparkle!"

Cadence doesn't seem to care much and simply goes "Uh huh." Shocking Twilight even more than before.

"I gotta be honest and say, that we couldn't be happier together." Shining Armor says.

Chrom then puts a hoof around Twilight, who looks towards him, and smiles saying "I think we both know that feeling." They then give each other a quick kiss.

Cadence looks at them surprised. What is this? She begins to think Their love...it's unlike anything I've seen before. It's so...powerful. It's as if they would risk death for each other with no hesitation.

"Cadence? Are you okay?" Shining asks snapping her out of her stupor.

"H-Huh?! Oh! Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking about the wedding is all." She says smiling.

"Oh, hey Chrom! There's really great place to eat! Let's go!" She takes Chrom there.

"Whoa, hey! Slow down Twilight!" Chrom protests.

They arrive at a nice outdoor restaurant, that would be rated as 4.5 stars. It was after the lunch rush, so it wasn't all that busy at the time, aside from the few ponies sitting out and eating their hay sandwiches and hay fries and such.

Twilight and Chrom are seated at a table and are given their menus. Chrom looks over it, trying to find meat of some sort.

"I don't know if they have any meat here Chrom." Twilight tells him.

"Hmm...I think you're right. I guess it makes sense, since you're all ponies and aren't typically meat eaters." Chrom admits.

"Yeah. I was so excited to finally have some time with you that didn't involve us either leading an army or nation that I forgot you usually eat meat." Twilight admits, embarrassed.

"Hmm...Oh wait! They do have some fish to eat. I've eaten and liked that before." Chrom says, pointing at the item on the menu.

"Oh yeah, sometimes ponies eat fish. Fluttershy can at least keep it in her mouth to feed her animal friends." Twilight explains, seeing the item Chrom points at.

Soon another waiter pony, this one being a unicorn, arrives and then asks "Are the sir and ma'am ready to order yet?"

"Yeah. I'll take the sushi and the lady will have a hay sandwich." Chrom says, and tries to hand the menus to the waiter but drops them by accident. "Oops. Sorry about that." He says, a bit embarrassed.

"It's quite alright." He says, picking up the menus with his magic while also writing down their orders for food. "And what would you enjoy for a drink?" He then asks.

"We'll just both have some water." Twilight says to him and he writes that down.

"I'll be out with your drinks and food shortly." He heads off to tell the chef the order.

"So...how long has it been since I...you know...'disappeared' from your world?" Twilight asks Chrom.

"Hmm...about a couple of months honestly. Everyone had moved on to their lives, yet still kept searching for you. Lissa and Lon'qu have really helped improve relationships between Ylisse and Regna Ferox, our northern bordering ally. They actually spar every now and then, though Lon'qu usually wins. Stahl and Sully have been extremely faithful to the cause of Ylisse. Whenever there's a bandit attack, they're usually the first to charge into action, usually with Sully being the one leading Stahl. Ricken and Maribelle have both greatly improved the livelihood of the common people. After a bandit group is driven out of a village, they send aid in the form of their treasury and servants from their households. Though sometimes when the damage is very extensive, I had to pitch in a bit more money for them. Luckily, our adventures in 'that' Outrealm had left with plenty of funds overall so it's really no trouble." Chrom says, talking of the comrades that Twilight had made over in the other world.

Twilight smiles when hearing this. "Glad to hear that things are going more or less good over there. Though..what will happen to Ylisse now that you're gone? In fact, how did you even get to this world in the first place?" She begins to wonder.

"Well, as for the first question, I guess Lissa will lead Ylisse until Lucina is old enough to lead...or maybe the future Lucina can lead instead. Either way, I'm confident that they can lead it fine. As for the second question, well...I'm not sure. I remember hearing a strange voice ask me if I wanted to see you again. It was definitely female and she said you were depressed. She told me where you lived and took me to your world. I woke up in this body, made my way to your house, and you know the rest." Chrom explains.

"Strange...who could that voice have been? Was it Naga?" Twilight asks him.

"No. It had a similar tone to her, a motherly tone, but it wasn't Naga." Chrom tells her.

"Hmm...Who could it have been?" Twilight wonders as their food is served.

"Let's not focus on it for now. I'm sure we'll find out sooner or later." Chrom says smiling.

Twilight smiles back and says "You're right. I'm so happy to see you again."

Chrom nods smiling and replies "I'm happy to see you again too. Now let's eat!"

They then begin to eat.

End of Chapter 2.

Author's Note:

NOTE: If your Fire Emblem Awakening OTP is not included here, then I am sorry. But please do not complain about it in the comments.

Also, if you don't understand any of the names thrown around let me know in the comments or a PM and I'll make a bonus chapter to explain the majority of this stuff.