• Published 18th Jul 2015
  • 601 Views, 1 Comments

The Past Of The Sun And Moon - kitkat0528

Celestia and Luna must have a past, like everypony! But what is that past.

  • ...

The Past

I woke up in my bed chambers. A golden room with orange, red, and pink sun's everywhere. My bed was gold too, with a beautiful yellow lace canopy over it.

I rubbed my eye's and sat up. I looked around for a moment, then slowly slid out of bed. I brushed my pink hair. I heard a knock from the door.

"Come in," I said in a high voice. The door opened and a maid with a cart of pastries and fruit's walked in.

"Your breakfast, miss. Is there anything else you would like me to get you?" The maid asked.

"No, not that I know of. But please take the cart in about twenty minutes," I replied. She bowed, and left the room with the door closed.

I ate a few pieces of fruit, and one pastry. I wasn't very hungry. After exactly twenty minutes, the maid came in, quickly grabbing the cart and leaving.

"Celestia?" A voice called. It was mother. I hastily jumped onto my hooves and walked as quickly yet as gracefully as I could. I almost tripped, I'm not the best at this yet.

I opened the door to my parent's chamber's, to see my mother in a rocking chair, with her big pregnant belly. My father was right beside her. He was whispering something before whipping his head to see me.

"Ah. There you are," He started. "How's my little sunshine?" He asked. I giggled. He always called me that.

"I'm very fine, thank you. May I ask how you are?" I asked. He smiled.

"Doing good, and having a lovely morning. Guess what we just found out!" He said. I jumped up and down.

"Is it a boy? Is it a girl? Oh how I want a little brother! Or a sister! It would be so fun!" I exclaimed. My mother looked down at her belly, and then back up at me.

"It's a girl, Celestia! And since I got to name you Celestia, you're father was dying to name her Luna. So, that is what we shall," Mother explained. I hugged her. Today was going to be happy just because of that!

* * * *

I woke up from a horrible nightmare. I was in a world where everything was complete chaos. My mane was different colors, and my little sister, Luna, was next to me. She was blue, and her mane was beautiful! She was by far the most beautiful of all ponies. We where standing in front of a Draconicis. Me and Luna took out six beautiful gems, then made a laser beam to turn the Draconicis to stone.

I only picked at the food that was brought to me, I wasn't hungry at all. I gave up on trying to get myself to eat, and brushed my hair, when I was done with that, I played with my dolls. Today, there was no big news, no tasks, no big dinner's or anything. Today, was the boring day.

I decided to practice magic, so I put my doll on the ground six feet away from me. I tried to make it stand, but that didn't work. I tried harder, finally, I made it float. I made it dance around. Made it's old button eye's sparkle, and made them blink at me. I made her old raggedy clothes look new and beautiful. I decided I'd make her mane look like Luna's, in my dream. Her body dark blue. Her eye's the cutest, yet most beautiful blue. I felt very happy with myself, thinking that this was the prettiest doll I've ever seen.

"You look stunning!" I said to her. I carried her to my parents' office. I knocked.

"Come in," Mother said. I opened the door and ran to my mother and father.

"Look Mother! Look! I made her pretty!" I said. I floated the doll to her. "I made it look like Luna!" Mother shuddered.

"How would you know what Luna would look like?" She asked.

"From my dream! Last night, I had a dream about Luna and me defeating a Draconicis! It felt so real!" I explained. My mother smiled.

"Hhmm. You're quite young to start having these," My father mumbled. I perked up.

"Having what?" I asked. He looked up from his paper's to me.

"Well, alicorns can have.... visions. You can see the future, the past, the present, problems that you would need to fix. But usually, Alicorns don't start until one hundred years old, you're only 6," Father explained. I smiled. I get to start before anyone else! Well, before Luna, we are the only alicorn family.

"Well, I guess you're getting them early, nothing wrong with that. You did very well on this doll!" Mother exclaimed. Father nodded and smiled. "Is this really what Luna looks like? How about you?" Mother asked.

"Well, maybe she looks like this full grown? Because I looked different! I have a mane that had blue, green, and pink! It's quite beautiful, though!" I said. Mother's face became pale. Her smile faded.

"It's time," She whispered. Father's smile faltered.

"What?" I asked. Mother looked up and it looked like pain was starting to develop.

"It's time," Mother said it louder this time. I smiled and clapped my hoofs. I'm going to become a sister!

"I'll get a maid!" I said. I rushed out of the room and found a maid dusting the halls. "Please, Miss! I need your help! My mother is in labor!" I said. The maid gasped and shouted something. Maids came flooding into the office. Soon, Mother was in the hospital wing.

"Can I see?" I asked. Father sighed.

"No, Celestia. You wait until I come back," He told me, then vanished into the room my mother was in. I could here my mother scream in pain. I sighed and squeezed my eye's shut. I hoped my mother would be okay. Twenty minutes later, Father came out with Luna. "Come and meet your little sister," He said. I grabbed her from his hooves, Luna started to cry. I panicked and rocked gently from side to side, but she didn't stop.

"What's wrong with the poor thing? Is she hungry?" I asked.

"Celestia!" My mother called. I scurried into the hospital room. "Celestia, let me hold, Luna," She said. I put Luna in her arms, and she stopped crying. Mother was panting, breathing quite hard.

"Mother? Are you okay," I asked. She shook her head.

"Celestia.... Take this filly, and make sure you love her with all you're heart," Mother said.

"Wha? I-I don't understand," I said. Mother shook her head again. She looked down at Luna, kissed her head, and tears started to fall. She tilted her head back on the pillow of the bed.

"I love you all," She said. Her face became blank. Her eye's like empty marble's staring at Celestia.

"No! I love you!" Father started to cry. He sat on Mother's body. Suddenly, it hit me. The realization pierced my heart. Mother was dead.

Tear's came pooling down my cheeks. Luna started to cry too. She was stuck in her dead mother's arms. I snatched Luna from Mother and cried. I ran to my room. I jumped into bed, holding Luna close. I cried for so long. No one came to comfort me. No one came to give me dinner. I was so glad of that. I soon fell asleep with Luna in my arms.

I awoke from a crying baby Luna.

"Well, a good morning to you-" I heard a banging sound. Dust came flying everywhere. Father came barging into my room.

"Come, Celestia. Danger is surrounded around the Palace," He said. I scurried out of bed onto his back. He began to fly to the dinning room, where I was guessing was the safest place.

"Celestia, take Luna into the bunker. Lock the door and do not even let me in! Understand?" He asked. I nodded. "Good. I love you, Celestia. Make sure that Luna knows that me and Mother loved her," He kissed me on the head, hugged me, then pushed me away. "GO!"

I ran as fast as I could to the bunker. What ever was out there must be bad. The walls were starting to crack, creature's were banging on them, trying to brake through. I bolted. As the door came into view, A Draconicis came from the floor, he tried to grab me but failed.

I pushed even harder. I opened the door, ran inside, and locked it as quickly as I could. Finally, I felt safe. I panted.

Luna became heavy in my arms, I gently laid her on the ground before collapsing next her. I felt hungry, tired, and was starting to feel sick. I puked. When I was done, I slid to the other side of Luna, hugging her tighter than before, falling into a dark deep sleep.

Luna was in my dream. She was on her back, sucking her hoof. Then she disappeared. That was weird. I started walking around the dark room. All the walls were black, the floor and ceiling too. As soon as I finished looking around, I woke up.

I woke up to a shuffling sound. The room was pitch black, so I couldn't see what it was. I rubbed my eyes. I knew that there wasn't any light switches here, so I decided to make light with my horn.

I walked closer to the sound. I screamed.

A Draconicis.

"Hello, um... Princess... um-"

"Celestia. What are you doing in here? This is the royal family's bunker! How long have you been in here anyway?" Celestia asked.

"Which royal family? You never said which. So technicallyI'm aloud in here. I've been here as long as you have.My father said to run in here, and when you opened the door, I slipped in. So I'm trying to open this can of soup because you might be hungry-"

"Wait, wait, wait! You're Discord?" I asked. Discord smiled and nodded.

"Yes. May I ask to have some of this too? If there is enough for the three of us," He said. I shuttered. Luna was not with me. Where was Luna? "It's okay. The baby right here!" Luna crawled to Celestia.

"Huh. Guess she's fine by herself-" Luna's horn sparked. the can of soup blew up. "Right. Babies have horn problems," Discord giggled.

"I've never seen a baby pony! That was so funny! Do it again Child! Do it again!" Discord danced around.

"Her name is Luna. Not 'Child'" I said. Discord laughed.

"Who is she anyway? She definitely not royal! There's only you," Discord said. I snorted.

"My Mother was in labor just this afternoon! And you guess what happened?" A tear came out of my eye. "She died! She died in child birth! Oh, how I'm just so happy Luna survived," I hugged Luna. Luna cried. "You're just hungry, aren't you?" Discord snapped his fingers.

"Milk for the poor filly," He said. I grabbed it and Luna snatched it. Luna drank hastily. She must have been so hungry.

"Well, better get another can and try to open it," I said. Discord nodded. He climbed on the rack to grab the soup. Once it was down, He pried the soup can top open. He tried to make it heated but that failed. I tried a few times before getting it a good temperature. I found two bowls, and brought them down for soup.

"Do you think that it's safe to go out?" I asked Discord. He thought for a moment.

"Yeah... Yeah I think so," He opened the door, leading me and Luna out. I slowly walked behind him, looking all around, thrusting my head in every direction. Luna trailed behind me, slowly crawling by my hooves. I decided to pick her up but when I looked back, A big Draconicis was standing in front of me. It tried to snatch me up, but it disappeared before it could grab me. Discord -who was in front of me- was looking back at me and smirking.

"Discord!" I snapped. He gave a "Hmph" before skipping around me in a circle, leaving a trail of fire behind him, and me inside the circle of fire. "Oh, you want to play that game, do you?" I flew out of the circle, before transforming him into a pony. He didn't have a cutie mark in pony form. He gasped, before turning back, and turning me into bird. I squawked. I turned myself back, then through a bucket of water on him. He shook it off, before making the ground under my hooves burn. I jumped, but my hooves were not burnt. I flew to him, knocking him over, but I couldn't stop myself, so I hit the wall. I fell backwards and landing with my mane on Discords face. He moved it away before we both started laughing.

Finally, we calmed our selves. I saw Luna sleeping on a fallen chair. I picked her up, and sat her on my chest. "Did Discord and have too much fun for you? Did that make you tired?" I asked in a baby voice. Discord chuckled.

"That was so much fun! You turned me into a pony! A pony!" Discord laughed for thirty more seconds before breathing normally and looking really tired. "Oh, but that made me tired, what do you say we ask a pony if we can stay in there home a while?" Discord asked. I nodded. I sat up, rolling to my hooves. I picked Discord up so he was the same. Luna was on my back. I led the way to the doors. They were really hard to open. Discord pulled on them, making it easier, finally, we walked out. We were in the city.

"Well, how about there house, they look like nice people," Discord pointed to a Pegasus family. I started walking. Discord disappeared.

"Discord?" I asked. Then I heard his voice.

"Celestia, if they see me they will scream. They think that Draconicis' are all bad," I nodded. But no one saw the attack behind the palace walls, right?

"Well, do you think they saw the attack behind the palace walls? Because everyone seems fine, it looks like an ordinary day in this city," I said. He sighed. I knew where he was. He was inside me, using me to talk, using me to do every action. Using me as a host.

"No, but we don't want to take any chances, right?" He asked. I nodded. I started walking towards the family. Luna's horn sparked. A colts hair turned purple. He gasped and looked at Luna with an angry face. He then noticed me, and he smiled at me.

"Everyone, after the attack to the palace! Princess Celestia is alive! Celestia is alive! And the queen has gone to labor, giving Celestia's little sister! Tell us, what is her name? And where is the king and queen" He asked. I gasped. Father would have come to the bunker, father would have searched night and day for that bunker, and would have never leaved me. If he was alive. Tears filled my eyes.

"They... They... Mommy died in labor... and Father... Father... was.. Draconicis..." I trailed off, tears falling down my cheeks. I grabbed Luna from my back and hugged her. "She won't ever have parents..." The ponies gasped. Some started to cry, other's just sat in shock.

"May I stay with a family? I don't want to live in that palace right now," Discord said. Discord's lack of knowledge in my parents stopped my crying, his emotions were mixing with mine.

"Us. We have room,"The Pegasus family said. I walked over to them, and smiled. I saw that the mare had a small pink filly in her hooves.

That night, I had a vision. The small pink filly, now in school, getting perfect grades, she has so many friends. Luna is Cadences age. The pink filly's cutie mark is a blue crystal heart. She learned an important lesson, and is now turning into an alicorn.

I bolted awake. I was on the family's sofa. I smiled. There little filly was going to become an alicorn.

* * * *

I was playing with Luna in the grass. I watched her walk to me. I watched her dance in the grass of the palace courtyard. Its been twelve years and me and Luna have our own castle that we call The Castle Of The Two sisters. And the filly has become an alicorn. Princess Cadence, is her name, and she is the princess of love. She now lives in a place called the crystal Empire.

"Celestia, Luna, your train will be leaving in an hour. Please come with me," The butler said. Luna smiled.

"We get to see Cadence! Oh, wonderful!" Luna jumped around.

"Luna, calm yourself. I know you two are great friends, but I can't have you bouncing off the walls in the train," I said. Then glanced at the butler. "We will come inside in five minutes," I told him. He bowed before going inside.

A dragon tail brushed my back. Then a laugh I would know any where. I smirked. I felt his claw in my hair before he appeared behind Luna, and picked her up.

Luna, startled by this, gasped before laughing uncontrollably. "Discord!" She shrieked. He put her back on the grass before coming to greet me.

"Hello, Princess Celestia," He said. Then kissed my hoof. Luna chuckled.

"Why do colt's have to kiss princess' hooves? It's so gross!" Luna jumped onto Discord.

"Because Colt's have to, its just proper," Discord said. He caught Luna before flying and giving her a ride on his back.

"Discord, put her down. We are just about leave for the train to Cadence," I told him. He pretended to look sad before sliding Luna off his back. His tail was like a slide for her. She shook her head before waving good bye to Discord, and trotting into the palace.

"How's the little family of mare's?" Discord asked. I flushed. "Well, I wish you the best on your trip," He raised his left paw. "I, Discord, promise not to pick on anypony, or cause any trouble," Discord said. His grin of a child made me blush.

"Okay. I trust you. Bye, Discord," I waved goodbye, before he disappeared.

On the train, Luna was dancing in her seat. Her face was so bright, and happy.

"Luna, your magic skills are are unmistakably wonderful," I started. Luna pursed her lips. She had know idea where I was going with this. "I was thinking, Last time we visited Cadence, she mentioned a colt that wants to learn magic. I was thinking that since you, well, have such great magical abilities, that he could be your protege. He is your age, like Cadence, but I guess they are acquaintances," I said. Luna smiled softly.

"Thank you," She muttered. I smiled and looked out the train window.

We arrived. I sighed as we walked out from the train. Cadence and Luna embraced each other. I Hugged Cadence when she and Luna were done, then we went to tour the crystal empire.
"Cadence," Luna started. Cadence whipped her head to Luna. "So, Celestia was telling me about, well on the train she was, about... about... The protege thing. I know she's already thinking about her own school-"

"Oh, right! His name is Sombra. He is our age but he is very mature. I know he is all about the fact of being a magical sorcerer. He loves magic and well, I just thought that it would be a great opportunity for both of you," Cadence explained. I smiled. I knew I was kind of the third weal but I loved listening to there conversation.

Discord appeared in the corner of my eye.

I turned to him, completely forgetting about Cadence and Luna.

"Come with me," He mouthed. I flew to him, Cadence and Luna not knowing that I'm gone. Discord smiled.

"Discord, why are you here?" I asked, pretending to be annoyed.

"Oh, well I just thought that the princess needed to have a little amusement. Please, trust me, a princess of the sun must be granted some fun, yes?" He explained. I smirked. His grin was unmistakably handsome to me.

"Well then, where my little show of amusement?" I asked. He snapped his fingers. I appeared in an empty hall. I knew immediately that this empty hall was in the castle. Discord appeared behind me.

I turned to see his face. When I did, I couldn't resist.

I leaned foward.

My lips meeting his.

My eye's closing.

His arms embraced me. He pulled me close to him. My legs collapsed. We both collapsed. My first kiss. My first kiss ever. My first kiss with Discord.

Discord leaned back to the wall. Then he slid so I was on top of him, and he was on the floor. I pulled back, and gasped.

"What amusement," I said. We both burst out laughing. I kissed him again and again. His kissed every part of my face, my neck.

We kissed for about twenty-five minutes. Cadence was talking and laughing in the hall with Luna. I didn't even notice them. I kissed Discord. I heard gasps.

"Celestia? Discord?" Luna startled me.

"Discord, what the heck are you doing?" Cadence asked. Discord and I whipped are heads. I jumped up, so did Discord. Luna's face became pale. Cadence's too,

"I.. we.. I.. um..." I stuttered.

"Well.. we... um... I.." Discord did the same thing. My eye's got watery, but I didn't cry.

"Yeah, that guest room that discord stays in, those hours spent in the study! What do you do in there that make it so messy?"

"Luna, I-"

"Nothing hurts more than no family, Celestia! For years, it's felt like your avoiding me! and I never even met mother and father! What do you think that feels like? You barely even let me see pictures of them. There is nothing of a family picture... or anything. I hardly know what they look like!" Luna cried. Her words hit me so fast. Then the tears came falling like when mother died. Tars came falling because I failed mother. Luna feels forgotten. Luna feels lost. Luna feels only a small amount of being loved. A single tear fell down Luna's face. She blinked more back. But her eye's flashed a light green with a snake like pupil. She blinked again, and it was gone.

"It hurts, Celestia. And you could never possibly feel this pain because... everypony loves you. They are scared of the night. I have to dreamwalk almost every night..." She trailed off. She ran to her room in the palace. Cadence was frozen in place.

"Cadence?" I asked. She tensed. She started breathing again, and she finally moved. She looked exhausted. Her face softened.

"I know it's a bit sad, but I've never heard the story of what happened. To your parents, I mean. What the deal with Discord is, and why. I mean, I remember parts of the war with Draconicis' but that was when I was like, two. I want to know it all," Cadence said. I suddenly felt very tired, but I knew that Cadence should probably know this stuff.

"Okay," I said. My heart was hammering, but I told the story of my parents, I remember every detail.

"Wow," Cadence said. My head was on Discord's shoulder, his arm wrapped around me. Cadence sighed.

"So, I can have... visions?" She asked. "And, Luna literally, no memory of her parents... and Discord and don't really study, or work hard, you just, play," Cadence recited. "So what me and Luna found was both your very first kiss?" She asked. Discord and I nodded. "Okay, well, Luna really needs to know this."

"She never asked, and I though I'd be doing her a favor by sparing her the details of her parents' death," I explained. Cadence nodded.

"Well, I'll go talk to her," Cadence said. She got up, and walked away.

"Discord, how are we going to make this work?" I asked. He smiled.

"The only way," He said. "By making it work."

* * * *

I woke up in my sun room. My yellow, sun room. I know I'd wake up like this for the rest of my life. Never in blue. Never purple. Never black. Always yellow, and I would never age again. And I haven't aged, or looked different since I was eighteen. Which means that I will always feel this way, look this way, have a life this way. Luna will wake up in her blue and black room every morning for the rest of her life. Her body always looking sixteen, because she hasn't aged since then.

I know that I will mature, and I will meet ponies, and feel things still, and though she may be my opposite, and she might not think it, or know it, but Luna is my everything.

Discord is too. He is My first, and last love. Sombra is Luna's. She thinks I don't know but I do. Sombra is hers, just like Discord is mine. Luna doesn't like me and Discord, but she still keeps it secret. She keeps Discord secret. Because he won't be loved by other ponies.

Snowdrop is Luna's everything. Luna will always love snowdrop. Because that filly will always love Luna. Snowdrop is the only pony that knows Luna better than herself.

A knock came from the door. "Come in Discord," I said.

Discord appeared by my bedside. "Good morning, princess," Discord said. I smiled, but he was almost ready to bounce off the walls. "Luna went out last night. She does every night, she goes to see Sombra. He is king of the crystal empire!" Discord said.

"Discord, I know. King Sombra and Luna have a thing! Cadence knows too," I told him, rubbing my eyes.

"Celestia, I must ask you a question," Discord said, changing the subject.

"What? And why are you so excited?" I asked.

"Well, I know this isn't the most romantic scene, but... Princess Celestia, as the princess of the sun, and the sister of Princess Luna, princess of the moon, will you marry me?" He asked in his proud voice. I gasped.

"Yes! Oh, yes, I will!" I jumped on him and kissed him. He snapped his fingers and a big golden necklace with a purple diamond on it appeared on my neck.

"Sorry, can't have ring. Can't make anypony asking who this husband of yours is," Discord explained. I smiled.

"It's still the most beautiful of all," I told Discord. We sat on my bed, laughing and kissing in happiness, until a knock at the door. Discord disappeared quickly, and I said come in.

A maid came in with a cart of french toast, and apples. I thanked her for the food, but right before she left, she asked: "Who... who were you laughing with? I could have sworn I heard a colt's voice. And.... If you don't mind me asking, what's that big necklace? I don't ever remember seeing it on you, ever."

I sighed. "Well, that colt was my father, just a hologram memory of my parents I was playing, with my horn. With me in it... and this necklace... is from... out of my old necklace. It just wasn't my style anymore and I decided to make it new and fun!" I said with a laugh. The maid thought for a moment before shaking her head and leaving the room with my cart of food.

When the door finally closed, I sighed and fell back on my bed. Discord appeared beside me. "How about we go play a game of magic with Luna in the courtyard, hmm?" Discord suggested. I smiled and nodded.

As Luna flew out into the courtyard, me and Discord slowly walked out.

"Come on! You two take forever! Celestia? What in Equestria are you wearing? Its big, and gold, and purple gem!" Luna said. I rolled my eyes.

"I proposed! And I'm sure you can figure out why it's not a ring," Discord said. Luna shuttered.

"Discord's going to be my brother in-law? What? How is... What did... Why... wha?" Luna was so confused, it looked like her brain was going to explode. "Okay... okay... well... I guess... MAGIC!" Luna yelled. She turned discord into a pony. This was how "magic" worked. You scream magic and do your trick. It's kinda like saying think fast.

Discord gasped. "MAGIC!" I was bird.

"Magic!" I tweeted. Luna had rainbow hair.

"Magic!" Discord turned me back, but accidentally turned himself into a bird. That's a new one. "Didn't intend that." Luna started laughing so hard.

"Well, an interesting round, everyone," Luna said. We all started laughing.

A guard jumped in front of me, his blade pointed in Discord's direction.

"Stay away from the princess', Draconicis!" The guard told Discord. Discord's smile faltered. Then he used his magic to bring Him, Luna and I, into the evil forest that keeps growing through the village. Some call it the everfree forest.

"Let's go to the Crystal Empire," I said. Discord snapped his fingers. The crystal empire's castle was surrounded around us.

"They can't get to us now... well, they can't get to us soon," Luna said. Sombra walked over to us.

"What are you doing here?" Sombra asked. Discord rubbed his neck.

"We... well, we were playing magic... and-"

"Oh, Sombra! They know about Discord! They want to hurt him! They think that Discord's bad," Luna said. Discord scowled.

"UGH!" He stormed off outside. I know it's dangerous for him to be out there.

"Why is he so mad?" I asked. Luna and Sombra shrugged.

"Why don't we just let him cool off. I'm sure it's nothing. In the mean time, why don't me and Sombra do some magic practice... stuff," Luna said. Sombra smiled and nodded. He was like a puppy wanting his owner. I chuckled at the the thought.

"Sure, you too go practice magic," I said. They both laughed and walked away to the study. "I wonder what Discord is so mad about?" I said to myself.

Discord never came into the castle that night. It seemed as if he would never come back. I can only hope he's okay.

"Discord?" I asked for no reason. "Discord?" I repeated. No answer. I grunted, and slammed my head into a pillow, face down. I waited for a long time. First I was just counting the minutes, but I lost track at seventy -eight.

Then I knew he was at the edge of my bed. I heard nothing, felt nothing, but now, he was on the right side of my bed, laying next to me, watching me. Then, he started stroking my hair. I didn't flinch, didn't make a sound. I didn't move.

"Celestia," He whispered. "Celestia," He repeated. "Celestia," He repeated over and over, admiring it. It was soothing in some way.

Slowly, I moved my body close to his, so he was hugging me, wrapped around me. We lay there, breathing, embracing each other. Then, I slowly looked up to his face, and he smiled down at me. I smiled back up at him.

"I love you," I whispered.

"I love you," He whispered. He leaned his head forward, so his lips were touching mine. I sighed, and kissed him back. He started kissing my cheeks, my hair, my neck, every inch of my face.

Soon, we were in our own little world. Where no problems occurred. Nobody hated Draconicis, and it was only me and Discord. My heart fluttered, and wrapped my giant wings around him, and he wrapped his all around me. Suddenly, he pulled back, and I sighed.

"I'm sure your wondering why I stormed off outside," He whispered. I nodded. "I just hate it... I hate hiding all the time, I hate being something that no pony will every like. I'm something that is against nature to them! I am chaos made into something living to them, I'm-"

"Discord! Stop beating yourself up! Stop thinking that way! I love you! I will always love you, no matter what! okay? Luna thinks differently! Sombra thinks differently! Cadence thinks differently! We can let you meet other ponies! We can help them! We can make them see differently!" I scolded. Discord smiled, then frowned.

"Celestia, there's something i have to tell you," Discord started. "And your not going to like it."

"Discord, if you did something bad, then don't d it again. Don't do anything like it, just I'll forgive you. I know you've had to deal with hiding almost all of your life," I told him. He shook his head.

My door slammed open. Luna and Sombra looked tired, both there mane's were ruffled. I giggled. "This is no laughing matter, a small village near the crystal empire has flooded. The dam of the river has broken!" Luna said. Discord crumpled into a ball. This is what he wanted to tell me, I thought. Luna sneered at Discord.

"How could you do such a thing?" Sombra growled. Discord sighed and looked at my pillow. "Ugh, let's just go fix it. Celestia? Have you know about this?"

"I... Sort of... I guess you could think of it in one way?" I asked to no pony but me. Sombra put his head in his hoofs.

"And you too are engaged!" He sighed. "Luna told me," He added.

"He won't do it again. Discord won't, I know he won't," I told them Sombra was blank.

"Let's just go and fix it," Sombra said. Discord looked at me pleadingly. I smiled softly. He smiled back.

Two weeks later, Discord and I headed for the chapel. Sombra married us, and Luna and Cadence watched. Cadence wrote the vows. Not the particular wedding I wished for, but it was enough for me and Discord.

The chapel was plain instead of a fancy normal wedding, there were few flowers, my dress was my mother's, and the sparkly silk ribbon that wrapped around our hooves to bind us was probably the fanciest thing there, other than my dress.

"To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, I, Princess Celestia of Equestria, take Prince Discord of Tumultin and Equestria, as my lawfully wedded husband," I vowed.

"To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, I Prince Discord of Tumultin and Equestria, take Princess Celestia as my lawfully wedded wife," Discord vowed.

"I now pronounce you, Colt and Mare," Sombra pulled off the ribbon. "You may now kiss the bride." Discord grabbed me and kissed me hard. I kissed him back. I caught myself before I became lost in our own little world again. Sombra, Luna, and Cadence clapped.

Our cake was small, and the reception wasn't big either. We decided to have our honeymoon at my family summer palace, we figured it would be the safest and best place for us, and we would only be there for one month, since I have a realm to rule, and ponies wouldn't freak out because there princess is gone.

"Discord?" I asked. He looked at me. We were laying on my parents' summer palace bed. "What do you think will happen in... twenty years? Do you think that we will have kids? Do you think that the ponies would like you then?" I asked. Discord sighed.

"I just don't know. I would love kids, and I would love to have ponies accept me, but I really can't say," He replied. I gave a "humph" before curling into his arms. He sighed in what sounded like relief.

He started to kiss my neck, then my shoulders, and finally, he met my lips. I rolled on top of him, waiting for I don't know what.

"I will always love you," I told him. He smiled, and laughed.

"I will always love you," He said. We both grinned brightly, before laughing, and becoming lost in our little worlds of dreams. I just hope that Luna makes a share dream for us.

* * * *

I sat on my throne, alone. I touched my necklace. Just two weeks ago, Discord couldn't hold his nature. He couldn't help himself. He held in his dark side of being a Draconicis for to long. I had to turn him to stone. In just 2,000 years, I will have him back. A small pony named Fluttershy will reform him; He will still be annoying at times but he will be mine. He will be my Discord. He will love me like he did before.

* * * *

I was walking through the crystal empire's palace, talking with Cadence, catching up after four months.

"Cadence, can I ask you something?" I asked. Cadence nodded. "Have you ever fallen in love before?" Cadence thought.

"Of course, you know that I have had many boyfriend's before... but I don't think I've ever felt any real connection to them," Cadence explained. I nodded and sighed. "Celestia, I know it hurts, But you will have him back. Maybe not soon but you will have him back," Cadence comforted. I smiled but she saw past it. I frowned.

I burst out crying. I fell to the floor, crying out it all. Cadence sat beside me, letting me wallow. Luna and Sombra were walking and kissing behind us, before Luna saw me crying on the floor.

"Oh my Celestia! What in Equestria is- oh. Him," Luna said. She rushed over to me, starting to stroke my hair. "Dear Sister, It's all right," Luna said. I wiped my eye's. This is what I want. Discord may be gone, but I have Luna.

I hugged Luna. "I love you, Luna. Don't ever leave me." Luna smiled. I wrapped my wings around her, around us. I don't want her to leave, ever.

"I love you too. And I promise, I won't ever leave you," Luna looked up at me. "Never."

* * * *

I woke up in the guest bedroom of the crystal empire.I had been feeling just so sick for two whole months, and I have kind of been zoning out, I can barely remember anything of it. I am feeling much better right now. I heard yelling somewhere. Like Luna's voice.

I walked down the stairs to the throne room. Where it sounded like it was coming from. I gasped as I saw Luna being pinned by Sombra.

Sombra looked so different. He had fangs, his horn was red, sharp, and curved, and his eye's had grey and green fog coming out of them, with purple pupils.

He whipped his head to me, Luna did too. She then rolled on top of him. "Sombra!" She screamed. "Don't do this!"

"Luna, You must know, you will forever be in your sister's shadow, you will forever-" Sombra teleported behind Luna, and pinned her to the wall-"Be ignored by your subjects! Come and join me, and We can rule together, Luv," He told her. I snapped into action and pulled Sombra away.

He was about to shoot a laser from his horn but Luna grabbed him.

"I will never enslave ponies! I will never reign beside you!" Luna said. Enslave ponies? What exactly has happened over the last two months? I spotted Cadence unconscious by the wall, her mane was ruffled and she had cuts and bruises all over. I bolted to her.

"Cadence!" I screeched. She was breathing hard in her sleep. I saw a wound on her shoulder, gushing out blood. Bruises all around it. I saw a sharp corner, with blood all over it. Must be where she hit her shoulder. I used a healing spell. A scar came across her shoulder. I heard Luna and Sombra talking.

"-Something dark and evil. I am your worst nightmare," Sombra said.

"You know nothing of a nightmare, I am your worst nightmare," Luna Boomed.

"No! Stop this! No! Please don't do this! Stop! Luna! No!" Then, I felt like I was shattered into a million pieces, and the world went into nothing.

Luna was looking out at the moon from her window. Her coat was black, and it looked like she had armor. This can't be.

I realized That this was not Luna. This was Nightmare Moon. My worst fear. Nightmare Moon started to laugh hystaricly. I don't know what to do.

"Why? Why are you so blind? Why do you think that this is happening? My sister is a coward! Loved by all of her subjects, loved by everypony! What do I get? Nothing. A shadow to sleep in. Your shadow," Nightmare Moon looked at me with cold eye's. "How could you do such a thing? Live like this? Knowing that your sister is falling apart? Why do you think she rejects most of your little get-together's? Don't fight it any longer, because you won't have to. Your sister is gone! Taken by the creatures that created ME!

I gasped. I started shaking. Cadence was awake, sitting next to me. Luna looked away from me. "What happened?" I did what I had to do... Sombra is... gone," Luna explained, still refusing to look at me. "Do-Do you really feel like your in my shadow?" I asked. She wouldn't answer. I sighed.

"Thanks for healing my wound," Cadence said, changing the subject. I nodded for no reason.

* * * *

I looked up at the stars. Luna did very nice tonight, I wonder what made her want to do it. She made a constellation, It looked like a sun, my cutiemark. I wonder why she made that.

I headed for Luna's room. I stopped at her doorway, a big crescent moon was painted on her door, she painted it herself. I opened the door a crack. "Lu-Lu?" I asked. She looked at me and sneered.

"Go away!" She snapped. I jumped. This is not like Luna at all. "Coward sister! Don't come in! Go away!"

"Luna? What has gotten into you? Why are you acting this way-"

"Are you blind?" She asked. I became so confused.

"Little sister-"

"Don't call me that, Celestia!" Luna pushed me out of her room and slammed the door. I lowered my head and closed my eyes.

"Dear Luna, what is wrong?" I said.

The next morning, I walked to the throne room, anger boiling up inside me. Luna has been acting this way for two weeks, but it's never been filled with such anger and hatred to me. Luna walked into sight from behind our throne's.

"Not another step," Luna snapped. "Did you really expect me to sit idly by, while they all basked in your precious light!" She continued. I sat in shock, and I couldn't process what was happening. "There can only be one princess in Equestria, and that princess-" She went up on her hind legs, and crashed down, sending a hole in he floor, her eye's flashing a bright blue of evil-"will be me!"

I finally comprehended what was going on. A dark shadow of what looked like a crown had arisen behind Luna, cracking the pink stained glass window, to show the sun. The window represented me, I thought. Luna rose up flying, the moon ascending behind her, taking the sun away, and turning it all into night.

Black surrounded Luna, then a bright ball of different shades of blue, then red and grey. Transforming her, slowly killing her own soul. No, I thought. Please, no! Nightmare Moon can't take my sister! I need her to stay!I blinked back tears, before I realized what I had to do. The ball descended smaller, as the Mare of the moon was reborn.

It turned into a big blast, letting the mare free. Her eyelids opened. Showing her green snake eyes, and laughing hysterically, showing her teeth turn into fangs. She slammed into the ground, standing tall, wings spread wide, regal. She is still laughing. I tried to blink back tears, knowing that I can't let her see me cry.

She shot a blue beam at the ceiling, sending rock falling to the ground, and making dust fly everywhere like fog. She walked forward from the dust, ready to fight, but I flew up to the air, ready to wield the elements of harmony. Nightmare Moon shot another beam, but I flew out of the way and dodged it, putting yet another hole in the domed ceiling.

"Luna! I will not fight you," I told her. Nightmare Moon scowled. "You must lower the moon, it is your duty!" As soon as I said it, I knew I was wrong. Luna doesn't have power over nightmare Moon's body.

"Luna? I am, Nightmare Moon!" She boomed. "I have but one royal duty now, to destroy you!"She blasted a beam at me.

I flew up into the air, Nightmare Moon following. "And where do you think you are going?" She asked, smirking. She shot countless beams at me, I keep dodging them, doing dives and cork screws. Then I felt a pain my chest, seeing a bright light. Screaming in pain, I fell to the castle of the two sisters. Slamming into the ground, I let out a small cry, barely able to hear. Nightmare Moon laughed hysterically again. I lay there for a few moments.

finally, I felt strength come to my body, but when I tried to move, all of my muscle's screamed at me to stop. I pushed through it, though. I looked up at Nightmare Moon, swooping around in circles like a vulture and it's food. "Oh dear sister," I say to no one but myself. "I am sorry, but you have given me no choice, but to use-" I pulled up the elements of harmony. "these!" I flew in the air.

I pulled each of the six elements, one by one, from there place on the stone to hold them. I started to spin them around me, making a rainbow blast off around me.

I flew into the sky, ready to fight Nightmare Moon, and send her to the moon! Nightmare Moon had a blue ring around herself, ready to send me to the sun. But she doesn't have the magic of friendship on her side. I couldn't hold the tears any longer, They came spilling out of my eye's as I shot my beam of rainbows to her. They hit her horn first, then it like she was disintegrated, but was really sent to the moon. A rainbow shot from the moon, before a Mare appeared in craters of the moon.

I almost fell to the ground before I caught myself. I lay on the floor of the castle, sobbing, and letting the tears fall. "I have failed so many! I have been so blind! First it was Discord, corrupted by nature, then Sombra, corrupted by the want, the need of magic! Now you, Luna! Oh, Luna, forgive! I have been so blind! So blind! I'm so sorry! I'm sorry, dear sister! Please... Please forgive me for being so blind!" I cried. A servent came rushing into the room, finding me crying on the floor.

"Oh, Celestia! Dear princess! We thought it was an earth quake, but no one was brave enough to go look for you, until ten minutes ago, when I came to find you! Oh are you okay-"

"She's gone! She's gone!" He winced.

"Wh-Who's gone? Who Princess?" The servant asked.

"Luna! My dear sister's gone!" I started crying like a baby over a lost toy.

"She's gone?" his eye's went wide. I sat up. "What happened, where did she go? Who took her away?"

"I did! I did this! I have ruined her! I took away her soul!" I told him. The servant shuddered. He was udderly confused and exasperated. He tried to speak but couldn't. "Just take me to my room!" I snapped. He wanted to ask something but thought better of it. I realized that it was still night. "Wait," I lowered the moon, and let day light shower me.

In my room, I found myself falling asleep, from this horrible event.

I was walking back to the castle, after a long week at the summer palace, I decided to walk home myself. I love walking on the little trail from the castle of the two sister's.

Luna, a small little filly, is on my back, sleeping. She's all tuckered out from playing with me and Discord in the pond. I chuckle as she lets out a huff. As home come's into view, I smile, knowing that this will forever be ours, and it is the castle that binds us together as sisters.

When I put her in her bed, she wakes up. "Don't leave me, Tia. I want to sleep with you,I don't want to sleep with the fishes," she says in a cute high voice.

"But I thought you liked sleeping with your little fish tank fishes," I told her. She nodded, but then shook her head. "Okay then. How about I sleep with you tonight, and you will sleep with the fishes tomorrow," She nodded, then fell asleep as soon as I got into her bed.

I woke up. That was my favorite memory with Luna. I cried as I thought of Luna turning into Nightmare Moon. I checked the time on the clock, eight o'clock! It's definitely time to lower the sun... and I have to raise the moon too. I haven't don't that since Luna and I were fillies.

Once The moon was up, I went strait to Luna's room. I entered, seeing the cloud bed that Luna loved, and her fishes. Her fishes that kept on swimming. "Can-Can I sing you a lullaby?" I asked Luna for no reason. No answer. I did it anyway. I took a deep breath.

"The sun, the sun, dancing in day. Loved and cherished by all. The moon, the moon, dancing in night, in the sun's shadow, ignored by all. The sun failed the moon, dancing and blinded by all of her light. The moon will fight back, lost in hatred, seeing the truth and losing all of her night. Like an evil contract, for sadness only, by sister of opposite only signed. Forgive me for being so blind," Tears came spilling out of my eye's. I lay on Luna's bed, crying. I will never forgive myself for my mistakes, but hopefully they can.

Author's Note:

I was really excited to wright this FanFiction! and I just thought that it would be really great to have a backstory of some sort, so I want to thank Hasbro studios, and Discovery Family, and Lauren Faust for making the show! I also want to thank who ever wrote discord, and the episode that showed How the fight went down between Celestia and Nightmare moon, and Sombra and all of you guys who read it! I love to wright, and I love watching my little pony, and I love having little theories and head cannons and Fan Fictions! Its just so great! And I want to thank the fandom for making this site, and letting me get my ideas, and stories out there! Thx!:trollestia::twilightsmile::raritystarry::derpytongue2:

Comments ( 1 )

I have one suggestion go back and check your spelling. You put 'know' instead of no at one point! But good story line.

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