• Published 16th Nov 2011
  • 1,083 Views, 4 Comments

Lightning Crash 2 - Pinkie's Secret - ChromeRegios

continuing from the my last story "the boy who became a pony"

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Chapter 2 - Killing Room

i wasn't sure. . . . i needed proof. . .

“Twilight I'm going out for a walk . . i need to clear my mind off a bit. . stay and take care of spike okay?” she nodded as i walked out the door . .

i went to sugar cube corner to investigate. . . examined the place outside, top to bottom.
looking for a way in. . . the window in the kitchen area was open. . . i went to get a wooden crate and used it as a boost to go it to the compound. . . i went in quietly. . it was dark. . .
and it was quiet. . . too quiet. . . . i crept into the place hoping no one could hear me. . . it was hard for me to move when the entire place is dark. . . then i remembered an infrared monocle that i recenty created while spare time in my world. . .using a ruby enchanted with twilight's magic days earlier. .

I picked it in the side of my small pocket near my hoof and put in on. . .it was like night vision, i only see red though .
but I could see much better now. . .. . i moved up the stairs towards a row of rooms. . i peeked in and saw a couple sleeping in the first room. . the second was locked. . . so was the other Three rooms. .

with no luck in the upper floors i went down the main floor to investigate some more, i noticed a strange trail of fluid coming from the counter and into the back door. . . someone went here recently. . . i wondered why this liquid started at the counter. . i never saw anything here earlier, just then i saw the rug that pinkie earlier tried to hide something in it. . . i brushed off the rug when i saw a latch. . .of what appears to be the basement of the house. . . i cautiously went down towards the dark abyss . . .
i used my monocle to look into the darkness. . . i followed the trail towards the dark. . . i could clearly see that the trail ended up in a bucket. . . i looked inside. . . its some sort of liquid. . i focused my monocle further to focus on the thing in the bucket.

to my horror. . . what i saw made me almost vomit. . . it was blood. . . no doubt about it. . .
i didn't notice it at first. . . but as soon as i lifted my monocle up more trails of blood the wall is literally drenched with blood and a hanging remains of a pony limbs torn apart . . parts of his. . or her body were on the table. . . and the head rest on the table eyes closed. . . . near the mangled corpse was a pelt of different colored skin. . . of what is seems to be.


this made me sick. . . . who would do such a thing!!!?? as i hold my self from vomiting i heard footsteps coming upstairs. . .
this is bad. . .who ever did this. . . must be a blood thirsty psycho killer. . .

i waited in the dark to see who it was. should i attack? how?! i left my sword in twilight's! this is bad. . . i waited. . as the killer went down the flight of stairs my heart pounded fast. . hooves ready to pounce at him. . just then . .pinkie went down. . i let out a sigh of relief. . .but i knew she was also in danger, i rushed to her to warn her about the killer in the place. . .

she almost jumped in fear when i rushed towards her. . .
“PINKIE!! there’s a killer in this freaking house we better get out of here" i spoke still gasping for air after being scared out of my wits. . she just laughed and giggles. . what could be so funny?! how could this pony laugh at a dire situation i shook her to get a grip as i showed her the horrifying scene in the basement. . . she looked at me smiling and said
“Silly pony. . . i’m the one who did this!”
i could not believe it. . my mouth was widely open . . . . “nice joke there pinkie. . . you really got me there” i hope that she was just joking. . .
“you know. . . .” she started “thats the same thing Rainbow Dash said before i tore her to shreds
"You were the one who did that to her?!" still shouting but more furious
"well of course i did! after all she help me bake cupcakes" She laughed
upon hearing that i immediately vomited. . . i regain my footing after wobbling in disbelief. . .
i cried a soft cry. . .knowing that she just came back from the real world to here, and this had happened to her. . . .

“I Didnt kill her!” she said in a laughing voice “they’re here with us cant you see??” she points to the dismembered corpses and stuffed skins of past ponies she cut opened. . .

“Your insane!” i started to back away a bit when suddenly i felt a sharp pain behind me. .
i slowly looked back when i saw apple bloom stabbed in me in the back with a syringe. . .
“Y-Your AppleJacks s-sister!! w-why??”
all i remember is falling down to the ground and hearing her laugh. . .right after that i passed out

i don't actually know how long i was out. . .

a cold liquid hits me directly in the face, then a splash of cold water . . . i coughed and gasped for air though the water entered my nose and mouth. . . .
i noticed immediately that i was shackled in the wall. . . arms,legs. . and my waist
but my wings are fully exposed and not tied. . .

i struggled to get free. . i kicked and wriggled with no effect at all. . .
“GOD DAMN YOU!!!” i shouted at pinkie. . .

the lights went on and sure enough pinkie was near the stairwell. . with applebloom right beside her. . .
“how could you do this apple bloom?! why are you helping this monster?!”
she kept silent. . .

“crash, crash, crash, crash. . . . what to do, what to do. . .”
she keeps repeating that sentence over and over while pacing back and forth
she is wearing of what it seems to be cutie marks. . . and wearing a necklace made out of unicorn horns! and wings of pegasians in her back. . this is bad. . . .
"YOUR SICK!!" i shouted at her once more. . "shut yer mouth" applebloom shouted at me

then i realized my monocle was still in my left eye. . . . i looked at pinkie closely. . .
i saw something that doesn't seem right about pinkie. . . . the former pink aura and cotton candy scented pony is NOT the pony facing me here. . . then it hit me. . i remembered that princess luna mentioned me something about pinkie. . . that a different side of pinkie that was hidden in a long time. . . “your not pinkie are you?”
the former pinkie stopped. . . its a case of an obvious sickness. . . a twin personality disorder.. .
“i know who you are” this sickness was common in my world. . . and the one facing me was non other than. . .
"Pinkamena Diane Pie"
She laughed so hard that she almost fell to the floor. .
i was really mad. . . the pinkie we all know and loved had gone crazy. . . .
“you’ll pay for this pinkamena. . .you will pay DEARLY FOR THIS!!!”

she laughed again. . . “and what could you possibly do huh?! are you gonna spit me to death? are you gonna beg me mercy? go ahead BEG!!! BEG!!” she really laughed so hard that she barely gasping any air.


The house started to shake. . . . “w-w-whats happening!?” Pinkamena stumbled as she tried to get her balance.. . . apple bloom stood there shaking. . .

“you underestimated me pinkamena.. .” i snapped the chains with my own bare hoof. . . and gave pinkamena a great punch. . . . she didnt even flinch when i hit her on the face. . . i grabbed apple bloom and went to the top floor at the kitchen where i locked her up on a cage. . . . “stay put you little brat” i yelled at her. . .
i flied to the door to the basement to finish the job. . but by the time i went back she was gone. . .
all that remains is the stuffed version of R.D . . . i could not bare the sight of what she did to her. i did the unthinkable. . . i took her internal organs her skull and her brain. . . or bits of it. . . and flown out of the sky. . . .

That evening. . . twilight was terrified and shocked to see the remains of R.D. . . spike then collapse on sight. . . my thoughts guessed that twilight was going to freak out. . . i was right. . . she then cried at the sight of her friend became like this. . .

Spike woke up then spots something near my back

“Whats that?” he points to it as i grabbed it. . . its a note. . .

Hi Lightning!
You’re probably so wrapped up in this investigation that you forgot that today is your birthday! Well, I went ahead and planned this whole thing JUST FOR YOU! hope you like it, because I went ahead and got you a present! Use it well!

its not my birthday. . . she IS crazy!

right behind my left wing was a box tied with rainbow’s colored mane. . .
it was dashies wings!!

“Looks like we got all parts of her. . .” i smirked

just then a note spits out of Spike. . . Twilight read it. . .

“My Faithful student

we regret to inform you that rarity has just been taken by Pinkamina

We are currently looking for her as we speak. . . “

this is bad. . . .

i wrote back to her telling that i had captured apple bloom in a cage at sugar cube corner. . .
and needed an immediate extraction of the troubled pony. . .

Celestia sent Twilight along with spike at the location. .

while i made my own investigation. . . on where pinkemina went. . and to find where rarity could be. . .
i tracked her day and night straight for 2 days. searching every place at ponyville.
the last place i looked was the mayors office . . what i found was her body opened and intestines where hanging, she's still alive but barely. . i fixed her a bit then flies to the hospital to check her up. . one night of searching later still was no luck. . . i was tired. . and went on top of a cloud to lay on. . "thats funny. . this might be the same cloud that dash used to sleep" i said to my self
i then looked at the map that Celestia gave me a day before, i couldn't understand it. . . i marked all the places of the disappeared ponies house and tried to make any connections, but to no avail. i went down to a nearby tree to heat my self up., . its was quite cold up there anyway . . just then flutter shy walked over to me. .
“don't you think that these disappearances are random?” she asked in a calm voice. .
“you think so?” i replied with curiosity“ then i showed her dotted places where the disappearances took place.
"its like there is a pattern" she said. . . she then looked at it closer. . inspecting every bit of it. . "the dots connects to one house to the other, see" she points to each house over to the other. . she was right. . and by the time we connected the dots we saw that rarity's house was the last one in the trail. she already knew that rarity went missing as well. .
"wait, something else is here" she said. . pointing to another building across ponyville. . .

“oh my god!!” i was suprised, we knew where the location of pinkamina was. . . “lets go flutter shy! we got no time to lose!!!”
“w-wha--?”she squealed as i dragged her towards twilights house. . . when i came inside. . .spike was the only one there “is there a problem?” spike said while reading
“wheres twilight?!” i asked him. . . . “She said that she’s going to applejacks farm!” he said while eating a bowl of gems

twilight was questioning apple bloom about the missing poinies. . .
she gave her an identical map to tell them where would rarity be. . .
“she might be in this area here. . . ah think. .”
The Place was. . . .


as we both run to the manehattan we met twilight at the intersection of sugar cube corner. she had the same idea where pinkie was. . .