• Published 18th Jun 2015
  • 182 Views, 0 Comments

Let's Get Serious - peacevic

Princess Celestia's birthday is coming up, and it's Pinkie's job to throw the party.

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Venue Planning

Let's Get serious- Venue Planning

"Pinkie, what are you doing?" Twilight asked, real concern welling up as she found her old friend hunched over a chemistry set.
The question startled the party pony, and she squeezed the pipette she'd been holding a little too hard. The additional droplets caused the mixture in front of her to blow, sending her tumbling backwards off her stool.
"Oh, hey Twilight." Pinkie tried to get the extra frizz in her mane from the explosion under control. "I was just perfecting the recipe for my new candy-flavored Super Amazing Party Power-er."
Twilight frowned, trying to cut a swathe through the hidden jungle that was Pinkie's meaning. "So it's some kind of... energy drink?"
"Energy drink, yes!" Pinkie lit up, latching on the phrase. "That's much easier to remember! You always have such great ideas, Twilight."
Twilight's horn glowed, lifting Pinkie up off her back and setting her on her hooves. It was hard enough to stay focused when Pinkie was standing still, let alone when looking at her upside-down face. The Princess cleared her throat, preparing for a well-practiced speech. "Most of the time, yes. Be that as it may, I have important news. I asked you to plan a party for Celestia's birthday next month-"
"Well yeah, Twilight." Pinkie interrupted. "I remember that. Jeez, it was yesterday. My memory's not that bad!"
Twilight sighed. "I figured you would remember, Pinkie, but what I'm trying to say is-"
"I mean, sometimes I forget to visit Gummy every other week like I should..." The Pink One continued, oblivious to Twilight's interjection. "And sometimes I forget to label which house an order is supposed to go to. But this is Celestia's birthday! There's no way I could forget something this big-ly important."
A moment passed as Twilight waited to ensure Pinkie was finished. "I didn't think you'd forgotten, Pinkie. I came to tell you that the party can't be in a month."
"What do you mean, Twilight?" Pinkie asked.
"I mean she's not going to be in Equestria in a month." Twilight explained. "I checked her schedule, and it turns out she has a big diplomatic trip planned. She'll be out of the country for three weeks, starting a week before the day we were going to throw the party."
Pinkie trusted her friend to have a solution to their problem. "So what do we do?"
"Well, Celestia's schedule is pretty packed." Twilight began. "Even with Luna and I to help, there's still so much for her to do. The only free time she has is next week. Can we move the party to then?"
"Next week?! But- AJ needs time to make the goodies, and I have to hang the decorations, and I don't have a musical act lined up yet..." Pinkie trailed off as her mind outraced her mouth.
A worried look spread across Twilight's face. "Does that mean you can't do it?"
""Of course I can do it, Twilight. I'm the Super Party Pony." Pinkie smiled as she reminded the Princess of that crucial fact. Twilight sighed in relief, hugged her friend, and left. After she was gone, Pinkie set her stool back up and sat, staring at her chemistry set.
What are you going to do, Pinkie?
"I'm gonna get some help."

"You want me to what?" The mare most ponies in Ponyville knew as Bon Bon asked incredulously.
"What do you mean by that?"
"What do you mean, what do I mean?" Bon Bon demanded. "Applejack's family has been taking business from my confectionery since I moved here! You can only sell so many treats in a town this size, and now you want me to help her get even more notoriety?!"
Before Pinkie could reply, Lyra emerged from the back of the store. "Hey, I'm going to the market. Want anything?"
"I'm fine for now, Lyra." Bon Bon told her.
Lyra started for the door. "Ok."
"Don't forget your hoodie!" Bon Bon called after her. "It's going to get cold later."
Pinkie leaned over the counter. "This is Celestia's birthday party, Bon Bon! It's super important to get the catering ready in a week. Isn't there any way you'd help?"
Bon Bon thought for a while. "Fine. But only if there are placards reading 'catering by Applejack and Bon Bon."
"Great!" Pinkie gave her a giant hug, almost dragging the poor pony over the counter. "I'll let Applejack know to expect you."
After leaving Bon Bon's shop, Pinkie was in pretty high spirits-
"I still want to know what you meant by that."
It's a secret.
But there was still the matter of the entertainment. While Pinkie had considered acting on Vinyl's suggestion, she was worried that Octavia's classical stylings would make the party reminiscent of the Grand Galloping Gala. Celestia hated the Gala.
Pinkie made her way to the Mayor's office, trying to remember what city Neon Lights was supposed to be performing at next as she did so. Musical act or no, she still had to get the permits to throw a party this big. Maybe she should have obtained them before beginning preparations...
"Did you really think I wouldn't find out about this?!" The Mayor demanded as she walked through the door, confirming Pinkie's concerns. Diamond Tiara was not a pony who enjoyed being left out of the loop. "The whole town is in a tizzy over this party you're planning."
"They're probably excited for the chance to show the Princess how much we love her. Pinkie smiled, hoping to mollify the politician.
It didn't work. "Whatever. As if I would let something this disruptive proceed. Just think of all the poor townsponies who'll be inconvenienced by this increased traffic alone."
Well, that was unexpected. Pinkie had to think fast. "But Mayor, think about how happy the business owners will be. All those tourists and guests coming here and buying things. I'm sure they'd be very appreciative of their Mayor, know what I mean?"
Diamond Tiara ran the idea through her head, and as she did the room was very quiet. "I'll think about it." The Mayor finally said. "Now get out of here."