• Published 11th Jun 2015
  • 2,206 Views, 23 Comments

Equestria Girls: How It Should Have Ended - PrometheusX

A two-shot alternate take on how Equestria Girls could have ended. Warning: Battle scenes imminent.

  • ...

How It Should Have Ended, pt. 2


Said alicorn barely reacted to her assistant's shout as she reappeared in the chamber with Celestia in tow, setting her gently down on one of the few cushions that wasn't burnt. She looked up when she saw Luna quickly move next to her to check out her sister's condition, horn alight.

"Is she-"

Luna's horn briefly flashed before it faded, the pony breathing a sigh of relief. At the same time, Celestia's pained grimace gradually softened as a faint light passed over her form. "She's fine...as long as she stays out of any combat situations for the rest of the night. If only the barrier spell was lifted..."

Twilight blinked and looked back towards the doors, noticing they were still shimmering with Sunset's magic. "Can't you break it?"

"Sadly, I lack the strength with my current power, divided between maintaining the sleeping spell I placed on your friends as well as breaking the control over Cadance, which proved to be more draining than I thought..." she gestured with her wing, showing a still unconscious Cadence, but no longer with demonic features. "I am too taxed to force it open, especially since Sunset Shimmer is still loose."

Twilight nodded. Considering the mad demon's actions both here and in the human world, anypony else was safe as long as they stayed out of her line of sight.


Both alicorns blinked before staring down at Celestia in surprise. The white alicorn's eyes were open, though it was clear she was struggling to maintain consciousness.

"This position...seems to be becoming a theme with me...isn't it?" she coughed out. "Once more...forced to rely on you to do that which I do not have the strength or will to... I have failed you as a teacher...just as I failed Sunset..."

"Don't say things like that," Twilight said softly. "I'm proud to be your student. I always have."

Celestia smiled. Luna looked concerned. "Sister, please. You need rest..."

"I know. But Twilight...promise me one thing first. Please...save Sunset...from herself. Don't let her stay a monster...she still has a chance."

For a moment, Twilight actually hesitated. Sunset Shimmer had threatened her home, attacked her and her friends, both original and alternate, and had injured the pony she saw as a second mother. She hadn't felt such anger at anypony since the Changeling Queen Chrysalis herself turned her friends, brother and mentor against her and nearly made her hurt the real Cadance. But she buried those feelings, knowing that even then she couldn't bring herself to go against Celestia's request. "...I will."

Celestia smiled as she shut her eyes again. Twilight looked back towards Luna and Spike. "Please keep her safe."

"You never had to ask," both of them said at the same time with the same amount of conviction. It took Twilight a moment to remember that Celestia had practically raised Spike when she herself was too young to care for him, so it made sense.

"What exactly is your plan for dealing with her, Twilight?" Spike asked right before she prepared to teleport away. She paused, looked at both of them, then at the mirror waiting patiently, and answered truthfully.

"Basically...make her as mad as possible."

She popped into existence just slightly above the roof of the Crystal Palace, instantly casting a spell to alter her sphere of gravity so she wouldn't go sliding off. Immediately she started scanning the skyline, searching for some trace of Sunset Shimmer. As she did, her mind started going over the plan she had developed on the run and wondered if it would be enough. It had the potential to work yes, but ultimately it came down to whether or not Sunset acted the way she hoped she would and, more importantly, whether she could make the Element upon her head work the way she desired.

'I told Sunset she couldn't wield this crown's power properly. I just hope she doesn't make me eat those words...'

So caught up in her thoughts she almost didn't see the bolt of magic until it was too late. It was only the faint whine of the blast that alerted her to the danger and thus allow her to teleport out of the way, the bolt blasting a new hole into the roof. She materialized some distance away, now on full alert and catching sight of the red demon barreling towards her, fire forming around her horn. Twilight casted a shield spell just as Sunset unleashed the attack, and nearly buckled under the raw power behind it, the flames so intense she could feel them through the magical protection.

"You again?!" Sunset roared over the crackle of flame. "How often have you continued to interfere with my plans? You dare think yourself my equal even now? That I have tolerated your meddling for so long is to laugh!"

Abruptly, the spell ceased. Twilight slowly lowered the domed shield, staring up as the demon slowly floated down towards her, an mixed expression of anger and amusement upon her features. Suddenly, a small black bolt sprung from Sunset's horn and struck Twilight, so fast that the alicorn didn't even register it until she saw Sunset's face split into a grin.

"That will keep you from teleporting away this time," she remarked. "You might be able to break through the spell in time, but you'd need far more power than what you have currently to actually make it matter."

Twilight immediately tested that, only to find that the demon was correct. It was as if a wall had been erected within her mind's eye, and all her effort accomplished was a burst of sparks. Still, she couldn't let that deter her.

"Before I finish you though, I have to ask: What exactly was it about you that made Celestia decide you were worthy of becoming an alicorn? I've clearly proven I'm stronger, smarter and all-around better than you, but obviously there was something about you that she apparently thought would make you a good ruler." Sunset chuckled. "Though I guess you are better at being a mindless little drone to her will, so I suppose it would make sense she would put such a loyal puppet on a throne next to her."

Twilight ignored the jab. "Your plans are crumbling again, Sunset," she taunted with much more confidence than she felt as the renegade landed on top of the Crystal Palace. She wanted the demon a little closer to the original hole in the roof before their true battle began if her plan was to have any measure of success. Considering she was essentially a novice at flying even if she could cheat a little with rapid teleportation, something no longer an option though if her plan worked that would become a moot point, she couldn't afford an aerial dogfight with her opponent. "They seem to have a bad habit of doing that."

"If there has been any fault in my plans," hissed the renegade, forgetting all else save the purple alicorn as her smile faded, "it's because I've been naive enough to trust the ability of others. In the end, I must always rely on myself to succeed at anything, just as my time with Celestia taught me."

"Yourself?" Twilight took a step forward, grateful for the fact that whatever spell Sunset casted had didn't limit physical movement, and towards the hole, quickly casting a spell to make her grip on the crystal surface stronger. To her relief, Sunset matched her steps, her movements making a crunching sound as the metal of her hoofguards dug into the crystal, unconsciously moving towards the necessary point. "It was your impatience that destroyed your plans. It was your hasty and careless nature that cost you my crown when you tried to steal and replace it two nights ago."

Demonic eyes blazed with an inner fire. Sunset was obviously finding it difficult to restrain herself. "That was the fault of bumbling dragons and cowardly fools!"

"Maybe, but who was it who was truly to blame for me becoming a princess, the very thing you wanted more than anything? Who was it whose ambition pushed Celestia to make the decisions she did?" The alicorn straightened as much as she could and stared Sunset in the eye without blinking, her face a mask as she devoted some of her concentration to the second important task she needed to complete. "Who was it who chose to abandon her studies under Celestia and escape through the portal to the human world, thus leaving behind a vacancy for Celestia to go seeking another worthy student? If not for you, I might never had met my friends and restored the Elements of Harmony, and, perhaps more importantly to you, Sunset, Celestia never would have chosen me to become a princess."

"I will have your tongue, little pony!"

Twilight had drawn upon the power she needed. There was but one more thing she wanted to say, one more fact she wanted Sunset to know, no matter the outcome of this fight.

"You've always wanted to shape Equestria into something more, Sunset Shimmer, but have you ever considered you already have? You've done more to make Equestria what it is today than almost anypony else. You allowed me to become Celestia's student and no doubt helped Celestia make Cadance who she is today, and in turn helped me meet my best friends, reunite the Elements of Harmony to purge Luna of Nightmare Moon and save Equestria from Discord's renewed reign, end Queen Chryaslis's invasion of Canterlot and stop King Sombra's return, and set in motion the events that would lead me becoming an alicorn just my teacher."

Twilight bowed humbly before the renegade, but her tone, she hoped, held just the right levels of both sincerity and ridicule. "For that, you deserve the thanks of all of us, especially me."

Sunset's mane seemed to literally burst into flames, her tongue snapping out like a whip as her eyes clouded in hatred and fury. "You arrogant little vermin!" she roared as she pointed her horn towards Twilight, crackling with cyan and black lightning. "You...you purple flea! I will destroy you! Not even dust will be left to mark your passing when I'm done with you! I don't care if one of the other alicorns defeats me after this; your end will make it worth it! You will be the magnum opus of those who have fallen and will fall before my glory!"

The two casted at the exact same time. Sunset's attack was a massive cyan and black blast, so focused and intense that Twilight believed that if she had aimed it down she could have destroyed the Crystal Palace beneath their feet, or at least turn it to ruins. It completely filled Twilight's vision, and it was so bright that she had to fight the urge to look away.

And yet despite staring what might very well had been her doom in the eye, she actually smiled.

'Checkmate,' she thought as she finished casting.

Sunset grinned madly as she saw her beam head straight for Twilight, who didn't even bother to dodge, likely out of fear. At last, that pathetic replacement of Celestia's would be gone, and with her all of her meddling. Then all she would have to do was go down into the palace and finish off the rest of them, starting with Twilight's little friends...

'No, that's too easy,' she thought, 'Cadence goes first, then Luna, then the trash, and finally Celestia. And when it's all over, the Empire, no, Equestria shall awake to its new lord and master!'

Yes, this world would know its new princess...no, empress! She would be the Eternal Flame that would rule Equestria for all time! She would be Empress Sunset Shimmer...no, that name meant nothing anymore. Empress... a name from a book she once read in the human world came to her, and the thought made her grin.

'Morningstar,' she thought eagerly. 'Empress Sunset Morningstar, lord of day and night, master of Equestria and Earth! Yes, that's more like it!'

'No, stop it! I never wanted it to be like this! This wasn't how it was supposed to go! Get out of my head!'

Her grin twisted into a snarl. 'How many times do I have to suffer that voice?!' she wondered angrily, but ignored it once again as she watched her beam finally reach Twilight's position. It always amazed her how fast the mind could think at times and make even light itself seem slow in comparison. She vaguely noticed a glow of pink suddenly flash right before beam, but she didn't care. Without teleportation, Twilight could only defend, and there was no way she had the magical might to do that. This attack would have torn through even Celestia's defenses.

"Let's hear you scream, Twilight Sparkle! Scream for your soon-to-be Empress!" she laughed as the beam finally struck. She eagerly awaited her enemy's cry as the beam incinerated her and blew off the top of the Palace.

Her laugh abruptly died when she realized the beam wasn't going anywhere.

The beam literally seemed to vanish but inches before Twilight's body, and no matter how much Sunset pushed she couldn't see it move any closer to blasting her rival.

"What?!" she screamed, "How is this possible?! You don't have the power to counter my attack!"

"You're right," Twilight's voice, thick with strain, came drifting over towards her, her body hidden by the beam. "But I do have a place where I can send it!'


Sunset's eyes widened as something started to shimmer before Twilight's body and in the path of the beam. Suddenly, whatever spell Twilight had used to cloak the item faded away, revealing the item in all its glory: The Crystal Mirror.

But not the Crystal Mirror as Sunset remembered it. The original mirror was only large enough to safely allow one pony through at a time. Somehow, it had expanded to encompass the entire beam, nearly as large as Sunset herself, into its glass surface. Even more so, she realized that the mirror was at angle, so that whatever went into it would no doubt come out of the Canterlot High statue at a rising angle as well.

"Had to make sure I didn't hit the school," Twilight informed her, still behind the mirror. "Didn't want to cause them even more trouble after all."

Sunset canceled her beam attack, already realizing the futility of it, yet clearly feeling the drain on her body. "So you used your magic to teleport the mirror up here, cloak it, and then shift its dimensions to take my attack. Not bad, but useless! To warp such a powerful magical artifact like that without destroying it would take massive amounts of power! I doubt you can even stand now!"

"You're right about that..." Twilight called, right before her voice suddenly strengthened with resolve. "But I still have a trump card!"

"What-" Sunset heard the distinct sound of something teleporting right behind her, but the sheer surprise at hearing what should have been impossible kept her from fully comprehending its significance. 'Impossible, she couldn't have-'

She turned, just in time to get a giant pink magic blast to the face. Unprepared both physically and mentally, all she could do was scream incoherently as she went flying right into the awaiting portal behind her.

Twilight charged headfirst after the screaming Sunset, jumping over the hole in the roof leading below. What Sunset hadn't realized when she materialized was that she had been quite literally directly across from where the Crystal Mirror was stories below. Twilight had teleported herself directly behind where the Crystal Mirror would have been, so as to lessen the magical requirements necessary to teleport the mirror several hundred feet straight to the roof. She needed every last drop in order to change the mirror dimensions as she required to avoid damaging Canterlot High, and even a little lost otherwise could have been devastating.

'Thankfully I had this to help it along,' she thought triumphantly, glancing up towards her Element of Magic, glowing with pure magical energy. Right as Sunset unleashed her attack, Twilight had poured every last bit of her will and concentration into the Element, hoping to tap into the power within just as she had done accidentally to protect her human friends and herself. To her relief, it worked, and the temporary power boost was enough to not only complete the mirror transformations, but also break Sunset's curse and fuel her counterattack.

But as much as she wanted to celebrate, there was still one last thing to take care of.

"Time to end this," she declared as she charged into the mirror.

It had to be said that this year's Fall Formal was without a doubt the most impressive night Canterlot High had ever experienced. First one of the students had turned into a demon and turned the student body into a zombie army. Then the new transfer student and five others turned into strange pony hybrids before reversing the transformation with a massive rainbow beam. Then a giant energy beam came blasting out of the statue in front of the school and shooting off into the night sky before the still-confused students and faculty.

And now, the demon from earlier came flying straight out of said statue screaming her head off, swiftly followed by the transfer student who still had wings and a crown on her head.

"Twilight!" Fluttershy shouted as the still transformed girls raced towards their friends, who was trying to orient herself before she crashed into the ground. Luckily, the girls managed to organize themselves into a net and catch her before she fell face-first into the asphalt.

"Th-Thanks," she managed to get out as she tried to get her bearings, the sudden change of form still wrecking havoc on her sense of balance. She looked up, blinking when she realized that their hair was still in their 'ponytail' forms and Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy still had their wings. "Your transformations are still going?"

"Yeah!" Rainbow said with a grin, proving her point by jumping and making herself float in place by flapping her wings. "It's pretty sweet."

A roar from near the school entrance suddenly broke their concentration and caused them to look over there, where they were greeted to the sight of students screaming as they ran from the slowly rising form of Sunset Shimmer.

"We can talk about this later!" Applejack remarked. "Let's just finish this!"

The others nodded, their faces grim and determined. As one, they turned and faced the school and the demon, holding hands as they felt the power from Twilight's crown surge through all of them...

"Twilight Sparkle..."

Those were the first two words out of Sunset Morningstar's mouth as she shifted inside of the small crater her impact with the ground had created upon landing. She quickly confirmed that she was once again in the human world as she felt separate fingers grip her face, not the solidness of a hoof.

"Twilight Sparkle..."

With those two words came the recollection of how she got here, how once again she had been played for a fool. More importantly to her though, were the feelings that came with the recollection.


Pure hatred.

With a wordless roar she forced herself out, not even noticing as students screamed and ran from her. For her, the only thing that mattered was the purple pony princess who ruined everything.

Blazing eyes sought out her nemesis, instantly drawn to the sight of a white glow near the portal statue. She saw Twilight and her friends holding hands, each staring at her defiantly as the power built up around their bodies.

"NO!" she shrieked, her mind finally snapping at the realization of what was about to happen. She slammed her hands together and gathered every last bit of power she had at her disposal, forming a ball of dark energy. "This ends now, Twilight Sparkle!"

"You're right, Sunset Shimmer!" Twilight called back.

They fired at the same time.

Cyan and black clashed with rainbows as the two sides attempted to overpower each other. Sunset poured everything she had into her assault, her only thought to utterly crush Twilight and her friends. She actually had to bite back a scream as her body started to buckle from the pressure of the power she was forcing out all at once, but she ignored it. Victory, even a costly one, was all that mattered now.

She grinned madly as she actually saw that she was forcing the rainbow beam back more and more ever so slowly, seeing the panic and worry that crossed Twilight's face. They were unwilling to commit everything they had, their very souls, to the struggle. That was their error, and now they would pay dearly for it.

"Time to say goodbye, Twilight!" she roared as she unleashed all of her power into the final push, eager to end it now.


The sheer suddenness and desperation of the shout within her mind was so startling that Sunset winced and lost focus for several seconds, her beam vastly decreasing in power and intensity. Even as she sought to recover, the girls before her seized the moment.

"No Sunset!" Twilight yelled back, "It's time to wake up!"

The rainbow beam tore through her attack instantly, traveling all the way back towards her.

"NO! HOW?! WHY?!" she screamed as the light enveloped her. "How could I lose?!"

'I refuse to be a monster!' the voice in her mind shouted in triumph. 'I will be free!'

'You fool!' she raged within, 'Now we'll both meet our ends!'

'Better than to live like this forever!'

Sunset Morningstar roared as the power of the Elements tore into her existence, feeling her power fading as it erased her very sense of self. She struggled physically and mentally against the inevitable, but the Elements were relentless as the rainbow swirled around her.

Still, she had enough strength to send one last message to her 'true' self.

'Fool...these humans care nothing for you...you revealed yourself as nothing but a monster in both mind and body tonight...you dared strike down your own teacher and harmed others. You might have freed yourself of me...but what are you without me, your power? Your ambition?

'You are alone, little Sunset Shimmer...a refugee of two worlds, forever alone...to the ends of time...'

At the front of the entrance of Canterlot High there was rubble and smoke and just yards away there was a huge crater, all evidence of the great battle that had just taken place. The students who had fled in fear for their lives now slowly returned, some whispering frantically among themselves but mostly just silent as they gazed at the destruction, trying to come to terms with everything that had happened tonight. Slowly they began to approach the smoking crater and as the smoke cleared the whole school could see the six teenage girls who had stood before the demon that had attacked standing together at the other end of the crater, staring down within at the crumpled form of Sunset Shimmer, human once more.

"You will never rule in Equestria," the purple one, Twilight Sparkle, called down to her. "Any power you may have had in this world is gone. Tonight, you've shown everyone who you really are. You’ve showed them what's in your heart."

Sunset said nothing. She was on her knees, her leather jacket torn, hair a mess, trembling but silent. Slowly, she crawled her way up the crater towards Twilight, and when she reached the top and but a few feet before the winged princess, she was still on her knees trembling and her hands were covering her face.

"Thank you..." she whispered.

The six girls looked at each other in confusion. Twilight most of all was dumbfounded. "What?"

"The voice...it's gone...I-I'm me again...but the things I did..." Sunset looked up, tears in her eyes. "Y-You were right. I-I really am a monster, aren't I?" She looked back down, her tone bitter and self-mocking. "You really are the better student. I never understood Celestia...never realized there was another way even when it was right there in front of me..."

Twilight found it hard to connect this image of a crying, remorseful Sunset with the prideful, condescending girl of before, and even less so with the murderous, hateful demon she had become. Just what had her transformation and subsequent exposure to the Elements done to her?

"The magic of friendship doesn't just exist in Equestria. It's everywhere," Twilight remarked as she looked back at her new friends. "You can seek it out, or you can forever be alone. The choice is yours."

"Not much of one..." Sunset replied hollowly. "All my life I've only driven people apart, and after tonight no one would ever want to be to be my friend. I've always been alone, and I don't know the first thing about friendship...so maybe it's better if I just stayed that way..."

Twilight remembered Celestia's last words to her, to save Sunset from herself. At first she hadn't entirely been certain she could bring herself truly do that, but upon looking at the broken figure before her she felt both pity and resolve fill her despite what her demon self had done. Without thinking she knelt down before the crying girl and put her hands on her shoulders, smiling just like Celestia had often done to her into the surprised and slightly fearful gaze of her predecessor.

For a moment, she wondered if this was what Celestia felt like whenever she comforted her during those times she had felt like she failed.

"I bet they can teach you," she stated softly as she gestured towards her friends, who looked back with various degrees of smiles, Pinkie's obviously the largest. "It's never too late to learn from your mistakes, Sunset Shimmer," she continued, causing the girl to look her in the eyes. "That the Elements of Harmony brought you back should be proof enough, right?"

"I-I don't deserve this..."

"I doubt Luna believed she deserved it either when we freed her from Nightmare Moon. How are you any different?"

Sunset was silent, then chuckled, a bitter sound. "...I see. That's why Celestia chose you after all. You really are the better mare, Princess Twilight Sparkle." She bowed her head in defeat. "You've won."

Twilight stood up and offered her hand. Sunset stared at it in surprise for a moment before slowly taking it, rising to her feet, her stance still humbled and defeated. For a moment they stared at each other, before someone cleared their throat. As one, everybody turned to see Principal Celestia walk forward with a smile on her face.

"It is said that a true ruler, in any world, leads not by forcing others to follow, but inspiring others to stand with her. It is also said that granting mercy bears richer fruits than demanding retribution. We have all seen you are capable of both of these things, Princess Twilight. I hope you see it too."

Twilight nodded. "I do."

As if the dam broke, a cheer erupted from the crowd of students. Twilight looked around, then grinned again. "So, who's up to finish the dance?"

As one, the crowd moved to go back into the gym. Twilight looked around for a second as she realized someone was missing.

"Hey, where's Flash?" she asked as she and the other five followed the students.

Rarity blinked before scratching the back of her head. "I'm afraid he's currently...in the nurse's office."

"What? Why?"

"He had a cracked rib and was unconscious," Rainbow Dash answered. "I think something hit him during the whole anti-zombie-rainbow-beams. He's fine, just not gonna be doing anything for the rest of the night."

Twilight looked over at Sunset Shimmer, who was still standing near the crater and whose face was a total mask as she watched them leave. "Right...well, as long as he's okay..."

Pinkie Pie just grinned. "C'mon Twilight, it's time to party!"

The dance was a brief one, due to the fact that Twilight had to leave before too long. Sunset spent most of that time staring at the demolished school entrance, still amazed that she had been able to do that. She hadn't called on such power since she was a pony. Even now she could remember the feeling of such power at her beck and call, more power than she had ever dreamed of...

But the memories always came with a strange feeling of displacement, like she was watching someone else and not really living the moment out. It was as if she had been a passenger in her own body, unable to do anything as she rampaged. She shuddered in spite of herself. She had finally had the power she had so long craved, the form she had so desired...

The demonic alicorn stared back at her from the reflection, recoiling as if struck. Blood-red coat, leathery wings, mane of fire, all stood out in horrific detail as she tried to deny the sight before her. It was the eyes that held her attention though, so filled with hate and madness she hadn't even realized it was really her...

She resisted the urge to puke. That was what she had become? She looked over the devastation caused by her rampage, a strange feeling tugging at her heart. She had never felt something like this before, and it only increased when she heard the echo of cheers and laughter from within the school.


'Is this all I am? A thief who steals what she thinks belongs to her; a monster who destroys everything and cares not a bit about others?'

She looked behind her, noticing the statue still waiting for someone to pass through. She could do it, she realized. She could jump through there and-

'And what? Fight the most powerful angry beings in Equestria?' She recalled what she did to them and realized there would be no mercy for her there.

Watching Celestia squirm as she was bombarded with black lightning, laughing as she increased the power behind it to-

She bowed her head. No, there was nothing for her in Equestria now. The regret felt like it was trying to tear a hole through her heart and out her chest now.

Still, she found herself standing in front of the statue, staring into the mirror surface and at her own reflection. For a moment, she swore it changed to resemble her demon form, but a blink was all it took to dispel it. She slowly reached out and pressed her hand against the surface, letting it stay there as the mirror shimmered around it, showing a faint reflection of a hoof on the other side.

Unbidden, tears began to form in her eyes all over again.

"Princess Celestia...I-I know you can't hear me, but...I'm so sorry..."

A polite cough from behind her caused her to whip her hand off and turn around, revealing Twilight standing there and looking at her with something resembling pity. Some distance back she could also see the rest of the girls staring at them.

"You could come back with me if you wanted to," the princess offered. "I-"

Sunset shook her head. "I don't deserve to be there, not after what I've done. Not yet." She moved aside and motioned towards the portal. "Tick-tock, Princess Twilight. You don't have long now."

Twilight sighed, but still she slowly reached out and touched Sunset's shoulder, offering her a smile. "Celestia doesn't blame you, Sunset. She still cares, believe me. And until next time," she gestured towards the others, "they'll be there for you too."

Sunset didn't respond for a long moment, trying to find some hint of a lie in Twilight's face or voice. Finding none, she simply sighed. "...Thank you...and tell her I'm sorry."

"I will."

With that, Twilight jumped into the portal. Right on cue, the moon above reached its zenith, and Sunset watched as the portal stopped shimmering, the connection shut. Looking behind her, she saw that the other's had changed back to normal, their pony traits gone.

Further back, she also saw Vice-Principal Luna standing at the entrance with a trowel in hand staring at her with a small smirk, Snips and Snails behind her with a wheelbarrow of bricks.

Sunset sighed. The next few months were gonna be a whole different ballgame from now on. There were lots of things she had to atone for, and plenty of well-deserved punishments to be handed. Whether friendship or guilt would kill her first was a matter of debate.

But for now...

'One day at a time, Shimmer,' she thought as she started to walk back towards the school. 'One day at a time.'

After all, things couldn't possibly get any worse, right?

Three teenage girls stood outside a café, staring up into the sky long after the brilliant display of lights from before faded. They might have dismissed it as nothing but daydreams brought about by desperate wishing, but none could deny the feeling that had surged through their bodies in those moments, a feeling that they had long ago given up hope of ever sensing again. From behind them they could hear the patrons of the café shouting in anger at each other, but they paid it no heed. After all, they had taken everything they could from the place already.

The one in the lead, a yellow-skinned teen with orange hair fashioned in a way that most 80's rock stars would admire, grinned wickedly as she held the red pendant around her neck possessively. Behind her the other two, a magneta-skinned girl with purple and green hair fashioned into twintails and a cyan-skinned girl with blue hair in a ponytail, stared in confusion as they waited for their apparent leader to address them.

"Did you feel that?!" she finally demanded, looking back towards her companions with that same expression as she gestured to where the lights had been. "Do you know what that is?"

The blue one just looked at the purple one before shrugging. "I 'unno."

The purple one, rolling her eyes, had a much more positive answer, glancing down at her own gem. "I can't believe I'm saying this but...it felt like Equestrian magic. But this world doesn't have that..."

"Normally I'd agree with you, Aria," the yellow one admitted as she looked back towards the skyline, imagining the lights reappearing all over again. "But our gems don't lie. Even if only briefly, that magic appeared in this world, and from the way it was being shot everywhere, it's obviously being controlled by someone who doesn't know how to utilize it efficiently."

The blue one blinked and grinned. "So does that mean we're gonna go and find them, Adagio?"

"Of course Sonata," Adagio responded. "It's only right that we show them how to properly use the gifts they have..."

"And take our just payments for our services," Aria finished with a smirk as she crossed her arms. "With that much raw power, surely they can spare a little for a few Sirens...I'm liking this plan already."

Adagio grinned again. "Come along, girls," she called as she started to walk. "We should get moving."

Author's Note:

Note: I don't hate Flash Sentry *awkwardly moves TwiDash & SunLight erotic fanfiction out of sight*, but I don't like him either. He is a nobody: I don't actively call for his blood and I frown upon excessive cruelty towards him when it gets out of character for others, but that doesn't mean I would risk my credibility to defend him and I will laugh with the best of them when the pain given is carried out with tact.

AKA: "Will he live, will he die? Do I care? Not at all."

And yes, I run with the idea that Sunset was actually at least partially self-aware within her demon self as a split-personality. She certainly didn't seem to enjoy her transformation into one and was rightfully horrified after the fact.

Anyways, I hope any of you readers found some enjoyment out of reading this. Good day to you then, my viewers. May we meet again someday.

Comments ( 6 )

It's my first time saying this, but...

FIRST!!! :trollestia: :rainbowlaugh:

Well done sir!

Well I like it! hope to see a sequeal.


That was a suitably epic fight, though it certainly does shoot down any prospect of Sunset ever returning home, unlike the Homesick Shimmer subplot that got cut out of Friendship Games. I suppose the only thing that could use some more detail is Sunset's grudge against Princess Cadance. While she does have a few lines about her despising of Cadance, some more oomph could be done.

I do admit to a little bit of disappointment, if only because I was expecting it to end with Sunset dying.

Okay, this is definitely what the ending the first movie was missing. It is suitably epic, good detail, love the emotions in the confrontation between Sunset and Princess Celestia, the "real" Sunset calling, struggling with the demon she had become was interesting to behold. Oh what can I say I loved it all.

Furthermore, you presented a rather believable scenario in which Demon Sunset could actually fight three alicorns and the rest of the mane six (barring Twilight) and temporarily come out on top. I read a comment in the first chapter saying how implausible it was, but that didn't make any damn sense to me: she had the element of surprise, didn't hold back-yeah, I'm surprised no one was more seriously hurt if outright dead.

Finally, I'm glad you kept true to the overall theme of redemption in Sunset's character and didn't just kill her off. It would have been very easy to do and would have led to a very different atmosphere in the conclusion and there wouldn't have been anything wrong with that path, but this stays true to the series theme of friendship and forgiveness overcoming all.

So, in conclusion, thanks for writing this. It was a fun ride, and I really wish this was how the movie actually ended.

I don't actively call for his blood and I frown upon excessive cruelty towards him when it gets out of character for others, but that doesn't mean I would risk my credibility to defend him and I will laugh with the best of them when the pain given is carried out with tact.

You might want to stay away form the Seven Days in Sunny June series, then.

Perfect. If this was the actual eqg movie I still loved it but this; this is perfection. I love all of it there's no flaws just perfection

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