• Published 9th Jun 2015
  • 1,802 Views, 22 Comments

The End of Starlight - literacy

Running into the caves, most likely one of my more rash decisions. However, the ending is unknown.

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Rocks are Terrible Conversationalists

The End of Starlight
by: The Mare in the Moon

I open up my eyes to the thunder of my dissatisfied stomach. Normally, I would satisfy that rumble with a hearty meal. But lately, a hearty meal is one of many unavailable luxuries. Normally, I would also check the time to see if I had overslept. But lately, there has been no need to do so. I close my eyes, and let the crisp and cold air fill my lungs. Unfortunately, now I am fully awake with nothing to do but think.


The only thing I know of time, it has been several weeks since I have entered the cave. How many weeks? I don't know, and frankly, I really don't care much about it. If I was planning to come out anytime soon, I wouldn't have blindly teleported into a complicated complex without preparation. Time is unimportant here in the mountain, I do exactly what I want to do, exactly when I want to do it. I sleep on different rock formations when I am tired. I lick the melting water off of icicles when I am thirsty. When I want to educate random rocks and boulders on equality, nopony can stop me! My actions aren't defined by the rising and falling of the sun anymore, they are defined, and determined by me. And me alone.

I re-open my eyes, and look up. All I can see is the gloominess of the tall and dark mountain. Even though it is completely unnecessary I try and cast a light spell with hopes that it will make things a little but more comfortable for me.

Mental comfort that is. Physical comfort is almost impossible to come by when all you have to work with are rocks. Normally, a unicorn of my ability would be able to cast a light spell without a problem. The simplest was to explain, is that a unicorn's magic is like a waterfall. If you were a healthy unicorn, magic would flow steadily to your horn. But, when there isn't enough energy to help the magic pass, it is much more difficult to cast even the simplest of spells. I struggle to get the magic to flow, and eventually a small potion of the cave lights up with a blue glow.

Faint, but better.

I used to be a leader of a new civilization, my goal was to bring equality, and everlasting friendship to all. Now look at me, I am narrowly escaping death in the most complicated cave complex in all of Equestria.

Many ponies that am here because I am stubborn. It's true, stubbornness is one of my many negative qualities. But, I would definitely leave if I was able to do so. Teleportation is complicated, and in my case, I don't have enough magic to go the distance. But, it keeps me from giving up my freedom.

However, with freedom, comes a very heavy toll. Isolation isn't the best of situations, but the boulders that I lecture are more loyal friends than any of those cutie mark loving ponies in the village. I am starving. No, really, I am literally starving. It isn't like any time a young foal complains of an ache in his belly, and whines to his mother saying that he is starving. There is a drastic difference between the foals situation, and mine. When I run my hooves over my chest, I can count each rib. Images of delectable and hearty food consumes most of the thoughts that pass through my mind. My stomach rumbles like thunder, and every breath I take hurts like a stabbing knife. Before, I was very confident that I would find a reliable food source. Now, there isn't and need for false hope. I must admit, knowing that death is on your doorstep isn't ideal, but one must learn how to persevere and thrive through the thick and the thin.

But, sometimes it is so thin, that is is almost nonexistent.

If it hadn't been for that alicorn and her so called friends, I would still be in the thick, and I wouldn't be stuck in the thin. When ponies don't see things the way that you see them, they can mistake a generous blessing for a vile curse. No matter how many ponies have given you a bad reputation, you just have to look past the judging eyes, and see what is truly inside your soul. But, every mare for herself in this world. It is their loss, not mine.

I sit up. Spots blur my vision, as pain stabs at my insides and the water sloshes around in my stomach. I let out a little sad chuckle that is followed by a coughing fit. Those who say that pain goes away with time obviously haven't experienced any pain before. When I gather myself, I look around. All I see are rocks.

Rocks aren't much for companionship, and I know that. But, all of them look lonely, and so am I. My muscles ache as I drag myself towards a specific stone. I cup him in my hooves,The texture shines like the sun under my flickering light. The surface feels glassy on my hooves. The color is as dark as a starless night.

I simply stare at him. He stares back at me with the same intensity. I tiredly smile at him, but he remains expressionless. My head spins like a top, and I harshly fall to my back with the stone still in my possession. I tiredly whisper "Hello" but does not reply.

I sigh as a tear rolls down my cheek. Rocks were never much for conversationalists. Nor were they every very social. With nothing left to do, I stare at the rock, and utter my final words.

"Help. Please."

But it's too late for help. My eyes are already closed.

Author's Note:

First shot at a grim fiction! Constructive criticism is encouraged, and I hope you guys liked it! And, yes she is dead. She teleported into a freaking complex cave, with nothing.

Comments ( 22 )

I wasn't expecting a stream of consciousness, but I was pleasantly suprised. Well written minus one or two gramatical errors. This would explain her not showing up in any of the new episodes thus far.

Oh wow I really loved this!

This is sad, very sad. Despite her being one of my favorite characters and in the end being dead, I did enjoy this fic.

Surprisingly dark, and sad. Would you mind if i were to write an alternate to this?

:applecry: This is so depressing.

We meet again...

Anyway great story. I love how you've highlighted why she hasn't returned and what such a defeat would to to one's psyche

Thank you guys! It means a lot for people to like the story :twilightsmile:

I guess it IS kind of depressing...

Be my guest.

Ha!! Take THAT you racist, arrogant, hypocritical, pseudo-communist bitch! That's what you get for refusing to listen to Best Pony Twilight Sparkle and her Best Pony friends and wanting to turn a nation of savants into a nation of cripples!

But anyways, other than a couple of grammatical errors, this was a great one-shot.

Very nice, a believable ending to that episode. Definitely going on my list.


Agreed. For a first fic, this is spectacular!

That... was pretty grim indeed. Even as an antagonist in the series, all I can say here is poor thing. A pretty bad way to go, in gripes of starvation and insanity that came from weeks of loneliness.

There were a few mistakes here and there, but otherwise it was pretty well written :twilightsmile:

I liked this story. Really sad. Your execution of the story was done well in my opinion. I found it really interesting to feel and understand her last moments being spent with rocks knowing what Starlight Glimmer used to be to what she was at the moment.

However, two sentences read a bit off for me.

But, sometimes it is so thin, that is is almost nonexistent.

Maybe removing "is is" with "it's" or "It is" could make it read smoother?

Nor were they every very social.

I think you meant "ever" in this sentence? That's what I think. I could be wrong. Still is a good story though.

So either Starlight starved to death in those caves, or she had an escape route and is just biding her time.

So, not bad, but you should go over it with I fine toothed comb (or better yet: an editor). There are a few lines with missing words like this one.

Many ponies that am here because I am stubborn

Author Interviewer

Agreeing with the above: this needs an editor.

And then at the start of season six, the Crystal Empire froze over.

What!? That’s cruel!:flutterrage::twilightangry2:

Comment posted by TheProAlpha deleted Sep 6th, 2020
Comment posted by TheProAlpha deleted Sep 6th, 2020
Comment posted by TheProAlpha deleted Sep 6th, 2020

There is a drastic difference between the foals situation, and mine. When I run my hooves over my chest, I can count each rib. Images of delectable and hearty food consumes most of the thoughts that pass through my mind. My stomach rumbles like thunder, and every breath I take hurts like a stabbing knife.

So sad:raritycry:

Well, you can’t say that now lol

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