• Member Since 12th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen Oct 30th, 2018


LOVES his friends ,likes mlp,bayblade,loz,TMNT,pokemon,ect!

Comments ( 75 )

Well nice story so far I knew it go well

6166040 how many people have this story already!?:heart::pinkiegasp:

6166209 still working on the base you made for the official coverart.and thanks

Good story, never read a story having two displaced in the same equestria. Thought it was a one shot but still good.

Ok ok you know the drill so I'll tell the sort version

What about you try writting an original fic who hasn't been sucked to death, without any spelling errors in the description ?

6166623 Says the guy without one story. If you don't like the story, go somewhere else.

6166657 Just voicing my opinion, if you don't like it, you can always not even look at it
i'm more an Editor than an Author, but trust me, you don't need to write 9 fics to know that writting a displaced fic is clearly showing a lack of imagination.
If not, you could have always take the real Raiden and the real Raven, who knows ?
It could have been more interesting than copying another's work once again.

6166623 hey this is my first fic I'm not gonna let any negative stuff bring me down so if you a problem with how do things fine.

but just so you know the reason it was relased just now is because i Couldn't get it out earlier!

6166669 I agree with BP you don't like you can leave.

6166997 I never said that you should stop your fic, or shut it down
just that as a first fic, you could have think of something better than a "Displaced" one.:facehoof:
Unless you don't have enough imagination to write the real Raiden going to Equestria with Raven at the same time, then it's your problem.

Anyway, i'm just repeating myself, re-read my previous comment, for further information .
By the way, not being happy, because you're receiving negative critisicm, isn't a good excuse for leaving terrible spelling errors in the description, remember that it's the first thing that peoples are going to read about your fic, better make it perfect.

6167127 1.Im just lazy to be honest 2. If you don't like 'UNoriginal' storys then why were you even reading this story!?:pinkiecrazy:

6167108 i'm saying this for him, trying to write something original would have been a better way to test himself
if you like this, then have fun reading it
for now if you don't like my opinion about it, then you can always block me, or something even easier for you
"not reading it"

6167127 its not then 'negative critisicm' i don't like its the unoriginal part i 'could give NO' Shits of.

6167151 i saw a pic of Raven on the cover,
so being a fan of Teen Titans, i choosed to give it a look, then i saw that it was another of those displaced fics who pops up everyday on this site.
yup i was disapointed, and i think i wasn't the only.

6167165 the cover-art is Temporary ! read the bloody description...

6167165 It even says:(displaced story) on the description !

6167173.... :rainbowhuh: :facehoof:
wow...so you're saying that i should have read the description,
and follow me on this one
to see that the coverart was only temporary, description who appear only after clicking on the title
before seeing this fic in the "new story" on the frontpage of the site.

try to guess what's wrong here

6167178 i know i read the small and big description, and it was the same result
disappointed to see that it was a displaced fic, disappointed that even with a plot who's already fully written for you, you still manage to make errors in the big description

6167165 Your disappointed....thats so vary sad for you .


hahaha! i don't care at all! me and BP worked hard on this want to Insult me for the the time we put into the story fine .

But than again you don't have a single story....

*sigh* fuck this ! this just rained my day bye

6167208 and ? :unsuresweetie:
So you feel better than me because you have a fic and i don't ?
good for you,
for my part i prefer to stay an Editor and don't have a fic than to write a "Displaced one" with no Originality whatsover

then again it's true that reading and copying one the numerous Displaced fics around must have been hard for both of you
here's a medal made of chocolate that you can share

For now have fun with your fic:twilightsmile:, if i can give you an advice though :
Stop acting like a kid and grow up
you want to compare yourself to others ?
learn to write properly first.

6167236 how do you im not way younger than you i could be 8.....

6166669 Fine, your an editor. But being unoriginal isn't what Displaced are. The start isn't what makes a story, it's how you tell that story. It's okay to voice your opinion, but being rude about it makes you look like a child. Calling Displaced fics unoriginal is like calling HiE unoriginal, which you could say, but someone else has a valid point for and against it.

I'm not saying you have to like it, just don't call it unoriginal. It is original if there is an idea that makes it the authors own. Displaced are just a way to get authors to co-op, so to speak. Help some authors learn, and more! It gives me meaning personally.

6167247 How do i know you're not way older than me either ?
what matters here is that your behavior on your previous comment is totally acting like a kid.
And since you must be on vacation (if you are 8 years old indeed), you have plenty of time to correct your errors, both in your fic and comments:raritywink:

6167252 of course it is original, at least it was original the first time, then everyone started to do it
why ? because every authors had lot of likes, and everyone though it was funny,
but then it's just like when you eat the same thing everyday for lunch and dinner
in the end, it's just annoying, to see so much peoples copying one.

Here i can find the same plot than thousands of fics, where is the fun in reading it ?
that's only the 144475th human send in Equestria by the merchant here.
Of course it's original

If that's his first fic, then what about trying something who really comes from him, for example, Raiden stranded in Equestria with the body of a ten years old kid, is he still a cyborg ? how is his body adapting if he's still a cyborg ?
How will he get along with Raven who's now far from her old friends

6167286 You're I's aren't capitalized. Can't take you seriously.

So anything with a similar/same beginning is the same thing... Let me guess, your a government supporter... Sorry, that was bad...

Whatever. If these are so annoying, why don't you just stay away from them. It had Displaced, so just ignore it. Like people do with anthro.

I respect your choice, but I don't get why you have to hammer your point into a brick wall. Even if I agreed with you, you can't change the minds of people. It's like DBZ!

6167322 As i already said, dissappointment:eeyup:.
So i just voiced my opinion about the fic here,
isn't it what the comment section is for ?

So anything with a similar/same beginning is the same thing... Let me guess, your a government supporter... Sorry, that was bad

I don't care that much about Government, but one thing that i know for sure, is when to write "your" and "you're":raritywink:.

Anyway, i said what i wanted to say, have fun both of you:eeyup:

6167252 I think we're be trolled......by a complete asshole


Was that really the only comeback you had!? Seriously!?


You are aware you don't need to be a writer to know what a good story is, right?
Take that slippery slope argument back to the trash.

6167577 Are you going to be a little bitch about that? I meant it like: "Could you do any better?"

I wasn't trying to make a good argument. I'm in a bad mood. Shut up asshole.


A little constructive criticism ruined your day!?


"Could you do any better?"

Yes. Yes I can. And I did. And I will continue to do so. But the problem here is your antagonistic responses to someone offering criticism, albeit negative, does have some valid points as to why his story comes off as convoluted and nonsensical.

Secondly, calling someone an asshole because they pointed out an error in your argument doesn't exactly get you top points for a rational dispute.

6167677 *groun* This is gonnig to be an Insane year

6167656 .....:rainbowderp:are you trying to make feel something , cause now I feel weirded out .

6167355 if i was trolling you i don't think i would have reply to that much answers comming from 2 peoples who actually can't reply to negative critisicm without saying "You're an asshole !"


I want you to feel Lord DIO all over.
Inside, outside, everywhere in the world, you are to embrace DIO!


Or someone who has a legitimate point that you refuse to acknowledge, but that's just me using my brain. Rare concept, I know.

6167765 Or just trying to piss me off. And failing. Don't like, don't read. I'm not even going to comment next time.

6167727 I hate negative "criticism". It isn't even that! All your doing is telling us how bad Displaced are. Plus, you spelled that wrong. I also see you not leaving. If you don't like the story, then leave. I'm trying to get us to stop arguing here.

You people are exactly why I hate people... You know what? Nevermind... Love and Tolerate. We're better than this.

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