• Published 14th May 2015
  • 235 Views, 2 Comments

The Adventures of Deadlock and Shoestring: The Everfree Forest. - ginger468

When Shoestring's cat Mr.Whiskers goes missing him and Deadlock find out that Mr.Whiskers is somewhere in the Everfree forest. What they find in there is more bizarre then you can think of.

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Chapter 2: The Tree With a Name

So our heroes (may Celestia bless they're souls) are off to the Everfree forest! Deadlock looks around nervous and afraid while walking through the forest remembering terrible things that happened at that very forest while Shoestring on the other hand was skipping Haply though the forest. "Here kitty kitty, time to go home. "Deadlock said nervously.

"Hey" Shoestring said joyfully "You look nervous is there a problem?"

Deadlock stopped and looked at Shoestring with a serious stare and asked "Have you ever been in the Everfree,HAVE YOU?!"

Shoestring paused and scratched his chin for a moment "Thinking,thinking, mmmm (gasp)." Then he answered joyfully "I remember now!Flashback (imitates harp poorly)"

"It all happened when i was little filly me and my friends and,"

Deadlock interrupted and said "Wait you had friends?"

Shoestring began talking again "Yes they always said "You make me look good in comparison" anyways me and my friends where camping and we learned a valuable lesson."

"And that was?" Deadlock asked

"Don't feed the bears they'll eat your face off." Deadlock gawked we he heard this then a fly flew into his mouth.

As they continued they bumped into a tree that looked like it had a face. "Oohhh vines." shoestring said with joy.

Deadlock took a closer look at the tree and realized something. SOME THING TERRIBLE "OHH NOO!"Deadlock shrieked. He looked over to Shoestring and said "DON"T PULL ON THE VINES!!!"

Shoestring looked at Deadlock "Now looky here i'am a grown adult I can do as I please!" Shoestring pulled the vine with his teeth.

"Well hello there sexy." Deadlock looked behind him and gulped. The tree's mouth started to move and his eyes glowed brightly with a yellowish glow. "Well well i have not seen you in a long time. Remember me boy, it's Trunk the sexual tree."

"OH SH:derpyderp2:T RUN!" Deadlock shouted. Before they could run they were grabbed by the vines and held upside down.

"Well boy it's been along time since we had fun."

Shoestring looked at Deadlock and said with glee "So this your friend please introduce me to him to me." The tree used one of his other vines to point at a sign. Shoestring looked at and said "Ohh, Trunk the rapping tree.COOL!"

Trunk looked at the sign and said "The idiot spelled it wrong. It was supposed to say...T"

"STOP, the idiot's mind is fragile enough." Deadlock yelled

"Idiot?" Shoestring said sadly.

Deadlock yelled "Shoestring what are going to do?!"

Shoestring replied angrily "I don't know, remember i'm stupid!"

Deadlock moaned and then thought of something. The vines of this particular tree are eaten as a erotic i mean exzotic food.

Deadlock shouted "You can eat the tenta, uh i mean vines!"

Shoestring thought to himself "Yeah that'll make me feel better!" He then started to gorge on the vines, while Deadlock was trying not to barf because he knew what the vines really where.

As the duo ran though the Everfree forest they could hear Trunk Screaming "Oh f:derpyderp2:k that nasty motherf:derpyderp1:kah I'll get you ba:derpytongue2:sterds!" And so that chapter of Deadlock and Shoestring ended with more weird things to come.