• Published 14th May 2015
  • 236 Views, 2 Comments

The Adventures of Deadlock and Shoestring: The Everfree Forest. - ginger468

When Shoestring's cat Mr.Whiskers goes missing him and Deadlock find out that Mr.Whiskers is somewhere in the Everfree forest. What they find in there is more bizarre then you can think of.

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There was a quiet tapping noise coming from the window from outside Deadlock's house. The tapping grew louder and louder until it turned into a loud banging sound. Deadlock woke up annoyed and thought "Who is making that dam banging sound?" Deadlock looked outside to find that it was best and only friend Shoestring."What the hell are you doing Shoestring?!" Yelled Deadlock "It's 5:00 in the Celestia dam morning!"

Shoestring ran into the house in tears and yelled "(sob) MR.WHISKERS HE'S (sob,sniff,sob)"

Deadlock yelled "Mr.Whisker's what?"

Shoestring stated "MR.WHISKERS IS GONE!"

A old pony walked by and said "Deadlock what did ya do now?"

"It wasn't me you old b#$%h!" The old pony came over and hugged Shoestring and started patting him on the head and said "Poor poor shoestring what's a matter."

"Well," Shoestring began to say "(sniff) I woke and called for my kitty (sniff) his name is Mr.Whiskers,and he didn't come so I looked inside the house and he was gone!"

"Oh you poor thing, say Deadlock deary can you help Shoestring find his little kitty?" the old pony asked nicely.

"Oh hell no i'm going back to bed." Deadlock stated.

"Help him or you will wake up with one less ear this morning." The old pony whispered, "Got it deary."

"Okay okay." Deadlock said with a scared look.

Shoestring jumped in the air and let out a big "YEAH!Come on dead lock let's go!" Deadlock and Shoestring asked all around and no body knew where Shoestring's cat was or cared for that matter.

"Dam we'll never find your cat." Deadlock said. He then whispered "There goes my ear."

Shoestring said "Wait i know what to do, I speak cat."

Deadlock looked at Shoestring and said "You speak cat, bullshit."

"I do in fact speak cat." Shoestring started meowing louder and louder.

Deadlock said "You sound like a dying," And before deadlock could say anything all the neighborhood stray cats walked towards Shoestring. The cats came by the tens. Deadlock counted the cats but lost count at a shocking amount of 66 cats. Shoestring meowed to the cats and the cats meowed back. "So um what did they say?" Deadlock asked.

So Shoestring answered,"6 of them said Mr.Whiskers went into the Everfree forest."

Deadlock then got reminded of terrible things has happened there. "I thought it was a bunch of vines," he said "It wasn't vines oh not vines."

"Hey what are ya talking about buddy?" Shoestring asked.

"NOTHING!" Deadlock answered nervously. Shoestring was a bit suspicious but that was wiped away with happiness.

"TO THE EVERFREE FOREST!" he said proudly.

"No!" Deadlock said "You can bring me to end of Equestria but i will never go into the Everfree forest never again!"

Shoestring looked at Deadlock with puppy dog eyes and said "What about Mr.Whiskers?"

That pony's sad look alone would would make him kinda want to go but the fear of losing one of his ears made it where he would definitely go. "Okay i'll go for you,"he said and began to whisper "and for my ear." So as they continued to the Everfree forest, but they didn't know what was going to happened on that day that would they're life, they're look on the Everfree Forest, and they're friendship.