• Published 10th May 2015
  • 696 Views, 5 Comments

Pinkie's Tense Boredom - BluesyTreble

Pinkie gets bored as often, and decides to pull some shenanigans.

  • ...

Chapter 1

"Psssssst!" She tugged the shirtsleeve of Rainbow Dash, crossing one pink thigh over the other and leaning toward her. The rainbow-haired athlete leant towards her, head tilted in curiosity. Her cyan fingers deftly spinning a ballpoint pen as she raised an eyebrow.

"Did you hear about Mr Filthy Rich's visit to the Canterlot casino?" Pinkie whispered, holding back a snigger as Rainbow turned toward her. After all, this hardly pertained to the double maths periods they were having, if at all. Pinkie could not hold it in any longer.

"Umm.... No...?"

"I heard he had SLOTS OF FUN!" She hissed, and mimed finger pistols.

"C'MONNNNNN PINKIE." Rainbow merely rolled her eyes as Pinkie held her sides in vigorous laughter. She bent forward, laughing so hard no sound came out.

"SLOTS OF FUN, RAINBOW, SLOTS OF FUN, GET IT?" She practically shrieked, startling several students, who turned to stare.

"Pinkie," A warning issued from the front of the class, and she looked back up to see Ms Cheerilee, head half-turned and still managing to write in straight lines. To Pinkie's relief, she said no more, turning back to the whiteboard whom she probably faced more than the class.

"Whaaaaaaaaat." She pouted back, two pencils tucked behind her ears and a third one between nose and upper lip. Rainbow Dash had returned to her work. What a prude, for someone whom many found cool. Ms Cheerilee was still scrawling workings on the board for the sum they were going through. Popping another piece of candy in her mouth, she looked up at the clock.


How was this possible?!She mentally screamed. The tremendous amount of energy she seemed to possess kept her from even slumping in her chair for long.

"Waaaaaaaaaiiittttt." She murmured, narrowing her eyes at Applejack, back turned towards her.


Applejack turned as a wrapped piece of candy tapped her on the back. Picking it up, the cowgirl looked at Pinkie, presenting an upturned palm that requested Pinkie deliver her rationale for the disturbance.

Pinkie motioned frantically with her chin, pointing towards the front of the classroom, successfully getting Applejack to comply, as the blonde ponytail whipped round to quickly scan the front for the source of anxiety. Nothing but Ms Cheerilee, who STILL was on that same sum.

"Dangnabbit this Pinkie..." She snarled in her signature drawl as she slumped in exasperation and put both hands on her hips. Welp, thought the farmgirl, bringing up a hand to adjust...

A draught blew over the top of her uncovered head.

She whipped back round again and glared across six seats.

"Howdy, sugarcube," Pinkie adjusted her newly acquired stetson. "Howd'ya like mah new hat?" She pulled the brim way down low, casting a shadow across her eyes.

"DANGNABBIT YER-" Applejack got up and started towards Pinkie, a half-grin spreading across her freckled face when-

"Applejack! Return to your seat this instant!" Ms Cheerilee barked. Applejack almost jumped out of her boots.

"Ah'm sorry, Miss, but mah hat..."

"It's on your desk, dear." She glanced towards her desk. And so it was.

"Back to your seat Applejaaaaack!" Pinkie mimicked, pointing with her pencil as Ms Cheerilee would with her marker.

Applejack dragged a palm across her forehead and again complied, stomping back towards her seat. Dangnabbit.


Head resting on her upturned palms, she pondered the next action she could take to occupy her time. I could pester Rarity! She brightened, and whipped out her phone, utilising the table as cover as any student would.


She stuck her phone back in her skirt pocket, and stared up at the ceiling. Lunchlunchlunchlunchlunch. What should I have? She mused, swinging her legs in deep though. I could grab salad again! Buuuut meh. Maybe one of those milkshakes? Maybe I'll get a pink one to match my hair? Or or or! I could- She awoke from her newly-formed thought bubble as her phone vibrated. Fumbling eagerly for it, she pulled it out eventually, dropping a few sweets in the process.

Rarity: >:C


Poor Pinkie was running out of ideas to keep herself occupied. She looked around, large baby-blue eyes sweeping across the class in search of entertainment. As she casually unzipped a dozing Rainbow Dash's guitar case and turned the tuning knobs till the strings flapped loose against the fretboard, she noticed a particular flamey-haired ex-demon occupying the seat in front of hers.

Much better, it was getting rather cold, she sighed in relief as she pulled the black leather jacket tighter about her body.


Sunset Shimmer began to shiver. She was never one with the cold, but now she felt especially cold, as if she had as good as lost her jacket. She sneezed once, twice, feeling her forehead for a possible approaching cold or fever. It was right smack in the midst of spring, where it still wasn't as warm as she'd liked, but she never felt this cold in sch-

"You look cold, Sunny! Here, you can borrow this!" She felt something being draped over her shoulders, it was warm, comfortable, and felt familiar, whatever Pinkie had lent her, it felt like something she took comfort in wearing, something as ubiquitous to her as cellphones to this technologically advanced society, usually borrowed clothing felt starchy, scratchy, stiff, and smelt of the owner. But this particular piece of apparel, felt so relatable, so fitting, like a well-worn jacket made of-

Suspicion befell her, and she pulled whatever Pinkie had covered her with over her head for a better look.

"Pinkie, how-"


"I could've sworn I was wearing it when you-" This time she was interrupted by a pink index finger on her lips, as the pink party girl leant forward, making bedroom eyes, raising her eyebrows and biting her bottom lip as she traced the creamy curve of Sunset's cheek down past her chin.

"I can take off more than just your jacket..." She softly purred, batting her dark pink eyelashes and leaning even closer. Sunset could smell her bubblegum breath, it usually smelt fresh and airy, like how a regular stick of the confectionary would smell, but now Pinkie smelt heavy, and warm. Passionate, suspiciously sudden heat rushed to her orange cheeks as she fingered aside a lock of yellow-red hair to-


Many of their classmates were staring, including Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Several male students had their schoolbags on their laps, for obvious reasons.

"Both of you. Out." Their maths teacher was blushing too, as she pointed towards the door.

"Damn you, Pinkie." Sunset teasingly chided, still blushing, as the couple complied.

Author's Note:

First try heheh. Tell me how it goes, I'm rather new here and eager to learn the ropes to fic-writing. Would prefer criticism to of course, be constructive, whether good or bad XD

Thanks in advance friends!