• Published 4th May 2015
  • 638 Views, 8 Comments

A Nightmare Knight for Luna's Night - Deroc83

An unknown Earth pony with a cursed gift has come to Equestria. Along with an unknown force that is creating chaos along its wake. Is he friend or foe? Will his curse bring balance to the world or destroy it?

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An Unexpected Guest

The sun slowly begins to set behind the mountains of Equestria, giving a bright red-orange light across the land. Signaling any pony whom sees it knowing that the day was ending on a peaceful note. It also signaled one of many great events held every year on Equestria. “The Grand Galloping Gala”. An event to which only a few are invited to attend. An event to those who are honored to go, dance within the great halls of Canterlot and have a chance to speak with the princesses on a somewhat normal basis.

High on top the observation tower within the city of Canterlot, Princess Celestial (Ruler of the Sun) and Princess Luna (Ruler of the Night) are performing their daily royal routine of the setting of the sun and rising of the moon. As soon as the sun has fully set and the moon risen high above Equestria, the princess of the night, Princess Luna turns to her sister.

“That was one of your best sunset yet dear sister.” Luna speaks with admiration.

“Yes sister, but I think that your raising of the moon was better than my sunset.” Replied Celestia as she started walking down the steps of the tower with Luna following behind.

“Nonsense my dear sister. Your lowering the sun was indeed better than ever. A performance of a life time if I do say so myself. It’s as if you are enjoying yourself and eagerly awaiting for the day to end. Could it have something to do with tonight’s festivities?” Luna speaks with a smirk across her face.

“I must admit it does Luna. I have every reason to be excited for tonight’s festivities. Tonight we will not only be celebrating with the defeat of Tirek, Chrysalis, Sombra, the reforming of Discord and Nyx, but we are also celebrating the growing of our family now that Princess Cadence is with child.” Celestia spoke with a smile across her face. “I can’t wait to see them.”

“Neither can I dear sister. It’ll be so wonderful to see them. By the way have you received any new from Twilight and Sunset?” Luna asks with some eagerness in her voice. “Did they receive the invitations along with the tickets for tonight? Will they be able to make it in time?”

“Calm yourself dear sister.” speaking to her sister while trying to calm her down as they continue down the corridor to the main hall. “Their invitations as well as the tickets have been sent to them two weeks in advance. I’ve received a letter from both stating that they will be able to make it to the Gala along with their family and friends. You seem anxious, is there a reason why? Could it have something to do with Twilight’s daughter?” Giving a smirk to her sister.

“Of course. Surely you know that after taking back the power, reforming Nyx to her original form, and officially making Twilight her adopted daughter. Who would not exceptionally be happy to have a niece that understands the value and beauty of my night? I’m happy that she understands her mistake and is trying hard to make amends of all the wrong she done. Surely you felt the same when Sunset returned from the other side of the mirror with the mission to make amends to not only you, but to everyone as well?” Speaking to her in a calm yet royal tone.

Celestia replies with a gentle smile as they’ve reached the main hall. “Yes, I feel the same way and you have every right to be happy that you too as well have an apprentice to teach about the magic of friendship.”

“But what if I’m not a good enough to be her mentor? What if she reverts back to Nightmare Moon or worse, something else?” Luna starts to panic as multiple questions start to accumulate within her mind making her hyperventilate. “What if the teachings I give her aren’t enough? What would I do if she asks me a question that I don’t know the answer to? What if. . What if. .” Before she finished asking another question, Celestia raised a hoof to her sister’s mouth and calmly quieted her down. She then gives her sister a gentle nuzzle and hugged her to assure her sister that everything is fine.

“Calm yourself dear Luna. You’ll do fine. I know first-hand that having an apprentice for the first time could be very difficult. I asked myself the same questions when I became a mentor as well. It can be nerve wrecking, but with patience and some help from your friends (and me)”, says with a giggle “You can achieve anything, especially at being a mentor.” With that said, Luna finally calmed down enough to take a deep breath. “Besides you first have to give her the news that you are taking her as an apprentice.”

“Your right Celestia. I shouldn’t worry. With you and our friends by my side, I know I can be a great mentor to Nyx.” Both princesses continued to walk down the main corridor and continued down towards the grand ballroom.
They turned left through the third set of doors and into to the ballroom. Inside, the room was just finishing up being decorated for tonight’s main event. Banners of each country hanging high in the rafters, tables set up all perfectly in several rows. On each table are complete sets of dishware and utensils and on the center of each table was a flower arrangement, carefully placed in a glass vase. All name plates are placed onto each designated table. A very long table was setup on the northern end of the ballroom. On it, set up all nice and neat, are various types of entrees and delectable meals made from the Canterlot chefs. Balloons of various sizes and shapes are floating around the ballroom. The stage is also setup ready for Octavia’s orchestra and Vinyl’s DJ mixes. The dance floor neatly swept and polished to where they can see their own reflections.

With everything set up and all is ready, they know that this year’s Galloping Gala will be the best yet. The princesses left the ballroom with high spirits knowing that everything will be fine and started heading towards Celestia’s Bedchamber. The royalties then decided to get a makeover. They’ve also decided to wear the dresses that were specially made and given to them by Rarity’s Boutique.
“This dress looks amazing dear Celestia! Rarity has outdone herself big time.” Luna exclaims ask she looks at her reflection in marvel and awe. Luna’s dress was like a gown extending beyond her hooves and onto the floor. It was a shade of midnight blue throughout the main dress with a silver collar of regal design. The bottom of the dress is slightly darker than the top, giving it the look of wearing a midnight cloak. The wing ports are a shade of dark magenta with a silver line that extends out to the tips of her wings. Rarity also used a combination of silver, misty rose and turquoise jewels of small various sizes all over the midnight blue sections so as she walks or as the wind blows, they would shimmer and glisten, making the illusion of the night sky. “Remind me to thank her for the elegant dress when she arrives.”

“I most certainly will Luna. Twilight’s friend sure has a knack at creating beautiful clothes for any occasions. In fact, I would like to thank her as well when she arrives.” Celestia replies back as she too observes in awe at the dress she’s wearing. Celestia dress consists of a pearl white inlay with gold outlines around the collar and bottom. The wing ports are silver with a gold line that too extends to the tips of the wings. Rarity infused the dress with crystal dust of every color so when the dress moves, it would seem that she’s like a prism crystal refracting the light into multiple colors. Looking like a phoenix shinning bright.

Gems of their cutie marks are also shaped and sewn into the chest area just below the collar. Earrings of the same designs were also given to the princesses to wear along to match the dresses that they wore. To complete their outfits, the princesses placed their respect crowns on their heads. Both princesses surveyed each other through the mirror in awe at how they looked. “With the way we look, we’ll definitely be the talk of the Gala tonight. Everypony will think that we’re looking for a special somepony to be with.” Celestia says.
“And what makes you think that a bad thing. Could be no worse than what Blueblood goes through.” Luna says with an evil smirk. With that remark, both princesses end up laughing.

Just then a loud bang can be heard from a distance. A bang so loud, it shook all windows in the castle. “What in Equestria was that dear sister? It sounded like thunder, but there’s not a single cloud in the sky.” Luna said with a shock from the loud bang as she continues to look out the nearest window.

“I don’t know Luna but we must…”

Before Celestia could finish her sentence, a humongous crash, which was felt throughout the castle, can be heard coming from the throne room. The princesses, along with a patrol sentry started heading towards the throne room. All have arrived at the doors to the throne room. ”Be cautious soldiers, we don’t know what we’re facing yet.” Celestia says to her commanding officer.

“Yes, your highness! Understood!” replies the commanding sentry.

The doors to the throne room were opened with caution. When fully opened, the sentry unit rushed in and surveyed the area. When given the all clear, both princesses walked into the throne room, cautious of who or what may be inside. Upon surveying the room, a huge hole appeared to have been made on the southwest side of the throne room. Debris of glass and stone made from the impact was thrown all over the throne room. The hole appeared to be busted through with great force. Upon looking further down, they noticed a huge crater near the center of the throne room. The crater appears to be about four yards in diameter. Smoke still bellowing from the crater.

The sentries then began to surround the crater and readied their weapons in case of an assault. The princesses then slowly approach the crater, magic at the ready. Suddenly, Luna notice a shadow within the crater beginning to slowly move out of the crater. “Something’s moving in there.” Everyone stood ready as they too saw the shadow move out of crater. “Be ready for anything!” Celestia ordered the units.

The shadowy figure kept moving slowly out of the crater. It was hard to see the figure until it started to take shape half way up the crater. It had the basic form of a pony, but something was off. It appears to have wings, but through every pony’s eyes, the wings started to crack and fall off. Pieces of the wings were making a shattering noise, like glass as soon as they hit the ground. Every pony was standing with a nervous expression as the pony figure became more visible with each step. It was then that everypony notice that the figure was limping with great agony. Breathing can be heard coming for the crater. It was shallow and erratic as if it was struggling. Multiple sounds of something liquid started to drip from the mysterious pony, hitting the ground. The dripping echoed throughout the room. Then a great shock came to all who are in view of the mysterious pony as it finally stepped out into the clearing.

The figure finally exited the crater and out into the opening for all to see. The figure is a male stallion of earth pony race. His build was that of a fighter. His coat is blue except it was darker than normal. Almost as if he was one with the night. His mane and tail housed two colors, a shadow black base lightening out to a slight darker gray, almost crystal looking. His mane and tail was a flame like style. His hooves were also as dark as night. He looked like he was about the age of a young adult. He was wearing armor unlike any other soldier pony on Equestria. It was as black as the night sky with some red, chrome and silver markings. It was as if he was of noble origin. What everyone noticed is that this stallion appeared to be the same size as the princesses, but what shocked everyone is the mysterious stallion’s state of appearance.

The stallion’s armor was nearly destroyed. Stubs on his back appeared to be the results of what was left of his wings. Big chunks of his armor have been broken off due to major impacts, some may have been caused by the impact of crashing into the throne room. He looked like as if he just arrived from a warzone. There were bruises, cuts, and gashes all over his body resulting in tremendous bleeding from the wounds all over. His left eye was sealed shut due to bruising and tremendous bleeding from a head wound. His front right leg appears to have been broken in multiple places. Burn marks can be seen on multiple locations of his body.

All ponies present are at a loss of words when gazing upon this mysterious stallion. It was then the mysterious started to look around at his surroundings. When he noticed the princesses, he turned to their direction and slowly stumbled across to them in agonizing pain. Blood continued to seep out of the multiple wounds as he continued to stumble towards their direction. The princesses looked on with frighten yet concerned looks as the stallion approached them. The sentry units started to see this as a potential threat and began to surround the stallion. The mysterious stallion stopped just a few feet away from the princesses. The sentries’ weapons are all trained onto him awaiting for the chance to see if he will bring harm or not. He then raises his head a bit and looked at them with the undamaged eye. As he continued staring at them, the princesses realized that he’s waiting for a reply from one of them.

Celestia and Luna stood in place in front of the stallion, maintaining their composure. Having the most experience in a situation like this, Celestia took a step forward, “I’ll handle this sister.” Celestia said as she looks at the badly wounded stallion. He stood there looking straight at her. She slowly approached him cautiously. With a firm, but gentle voice, “Whoever you are, please don’t be afraid. I’m Princess Celestia. Ruler of the Sun and one of the Protectors of Equestria. Please don’t do anything rash as it appears that you are injured and need medical help. We mean you no harm. Please tell us, who are you and where did you come from? We can help you.”
He responded with a low guttural growl and narrowing his good eye. He bared his teeth at her, showing what appears to be carnivorous fangs throughout his mouth. His body and mane started to glow darker than before. His mane and tail then began to grow out further as it was starting to have a life of its own. It appeared to Celesta that he was like a wild animal ready to fight anyone here, even in his current condition. Celestia took a few steps back from him with horn glowing, ready to fight. The sentry units stood ready for the oncoming attack.


Everyone stopped and turned as Luna shouted. During the pause of shock and confusion, Luna notice something odd. As she gazed into the stallion’s good eye, not only was his eye a fiery orange-red with a dragon slit iris she noticed that his eye was slightly hazy as if he was barely conscious. “Let me handle this sister. Please.”

Celestia, still shocked from the outburst, agreed to the request. She then backed up behind her sister with her magic ready. “Okay Luna. Please. Be careful.”

Luna turned her head to Celestia and nodded, then turning back to the injured stallion. Luna slowly approached the half conscious stallion as it was still in a position to attack anyone. She ordered the sentry units to back away slowly but to stay vigilant. She kept approaching until she was only a foot away. Realizing she’s is standing eye to eye, she gazed at him again, looking on him with more concern than the others. It is then she notice a huge gash across his chest. She looked on in horror as the gash continued to seep out blood with every breath he took. She also noticed something moving around the stallion’s coat. It was a black ooze like substance. It appeared to move about the body, gliding around the wounds. It was as if it was trying to repair the damage skin, but it was failing. She looked on as she began to speak with the stallion in a gentle tone.

“Please. I know you’re afraid. I know you’re willing to sacrifice yourself to continue fighting. But there is no need to do so. We are not your enemies. We will not fight you. I will not fight you. You are a stranger here, scared and confused, but I can assure you that you are among friends.” The stallion kept growling at her as his mane grew out more and turned into a shadow like form of a huge claw. The claw then started to reach towards Luna. The sentries then raised their weapons in response to the claw reaching her. Tears began to slowly form from her eyes as she continued on to calm the stallion.

“My name is Princess Luna. You are in Equestria. You have crashed into the Canterlot throne room and sustained heavy damage. You’re bleeding greatly and you need medical attention immediately. Please….Please…..Please, in the name of Equestria”, she slowly raises her front right hoof up and place it on his shoulder, “Let us help you.”

He continued to stare at Luna. She stood there, hesitant with her hoof shaking on his shoulder for a few minutes, trying not to show a frighten face, waiting for a response. She stood there thinking ‘Please. I hope this works. I’ve never been so afraid before. Will he attack me? Can he understand me? I can’t stop shaking. Even though he terrifying up close, I can’t help but feel sad. Why do I feel like this? What’s wrong with me?’ Gazing at him wondering if he’s going to harm her. The shadow claw then stopped by only a few inches from her. No one moved. The growling died down as he continued to look at her. It was quiet in the throne room. Then Luna gasps filled the whole room as she heard him speak to her in a weaken tone.

“Quaeso!” Her eyes widen more as she heard him. The other ponies present could not believe their eyes as well. Hearing for the first time, words coming from the stallion’s mouth. A language that was unfamiliar to Equestria. Luna continued staring into his eye as it changes from an orange-red dragon eye to a hazy crystal blue pony eye. His coat also started to change from the dark blue to a mid to light gray color. His hooves turned from a dark night into ivory white. His mane and tail changed to a lighter gray and clear crystal silver tone. Then the form and length of his mane and tail changed as it continued to retract back into him. Converting back to his normal mane and tail style. Every pony was surprised to see the stallion change appearance before their very eyes, including Princess Celestia and especially Princess Luna. The stallion continued to speak, but the words coming out of his mouth appear to weaken more and more. Blood also began to come out of his mouth whenever he tried to open it. “Quaeso! Auxilium Me?”

“Quaeso! Auxilium Me? Dico tibi quod capiat.” Luna backed away a bit from the stallion with a surprised yet frightened look on her face as if what he said has frighten her. The others stood there, dumbfounded and confused at the stallion. Trying to figure out what he said to Princess Luna. He then slowly approached her saying the same phrase again and again. Struggling to stay standing on his hooves, limping towards the princess as blood kept gushing out of his wounds. This frighten Luna even more as she continued to back away from him. This was the first time that any pony truly saw how frighten she was. Celestia grew more worried as she watched the mysterious stallion approach Luna. Just as Celestia was about to intervene, something unexpected happened.

With his struggling breathe and trying to attempt to reach out to Luna with his broken hoof, “Quaeso! Auxilium Me? Dico tibi quod capi…” the stallion finally collapsed onto the floor, surprising Luna to a point that left a shocked expression on her face. His armor shattered like glass upon impact, disintegrating into nothing. Every pony gasped and watched as he collapsed onto the floor. The loss of blood caused him to finally loose conscious. Her train of thought was lost as Luna stood there with tears in her eyes. Her breathing then began to speed up. Her eyes slowly trained on the collapsed stallion, barely breathing as he continued to bleed his life away. ‘This can’t be happening! Why me? How’s this possible? What do I do? Why is no one helping him? Didn’t they hear him asking for help? Or couldn’t they? What in Equestria is going on? Come on Luna, do something will you. Are you going to let this stallion die here in the castle, in front of you? NO! I will not! I will not let him die here! There’s still so many questions to answer?’

Everyone stood there for only a few seconds, observing the stallion that collapsed and is now lying in his own blood in front of Princess Luna. Nothing was done, until Luna regained her composure, stood tall and shouted out a command to the sentries.

“QUICKLY, GET THIS STALLION TO THE HOSPITAL AND GET HIM TREATMENT IMMEDIATELY. . . NOW!!!” Using the royal voice, her order boom throughout the throne room. Celestia stood in shock at how serious her sister became after the stallion spoke to her and then collapsed, bleeding in front of her. The sentry units began casting a blue aurora to lift up the stallion carefully using magic emanating from their horns and started carrying him off carefully through the castle’s hall. “Use my carriage! It’s faster than the normal carriages!” Luna Commands. “YES! YOUR HIGHNESS!”

The sentry units continued to carry the stallion down the hall and onto Princess Luna’s carriage. They carefully placed him and used a bind spell to ensure he doesn’t fall off during the trip. Then the carriage riders quickly took off to the nearby hospital in Canterlot.
Meanwhile, in the throne room, Luna turns to the nearest commanding officer. “Keep an eye on him and let me know right away if there any changes.” The sentry nodded at the command and headed straight off to the hospital. Luna watched on as the sentry left with the others towards the hospital.

A brief moment of silence filled the room. Celestia looked upon her sister with a look of concern, seeing tears continuously coming from Luna’s eyes, as if Luna knew who he was. Her breathing slowly returning to normal. It took a moment for Celestia to build up courage to break the silence and ask her.

“Are you okay Luna? Is there something wrong?” Luna looked back at her sister with a sad and frighten look.
She turned to her sister with a sad and worried look as she replied, “I don’t know dear sister. I was afraid. Completely afraid, but for some reason I had to help that stallion. I felt something when I spoke to him. I looked into his eye and saw that….he was….he was almost unconscious, but his eye….was still burning like a wild flame. I could tell that he was not only frighten, but he was angry at the same time. I think he thought we were enemies to him. I couldn’t tell if he was really going to attack us. It finally changed when I spoke to him and placed my hoof on his shoulder. I was surprised as anyone when he spoke to me, but when he collapsed, all I could think and do at the time was to stand strong and get him help. I hope he’ll survive to answer the many questions I have for him. ”

“I say that what you did was an act of courage and kindness.” Celestia replied as she approached and held her sister close. “Knowing the possible dangers that could have happened, you’ve faced it head on. You even took authority after the mysterious colt collapsed and had him sent off to the hospital for medical care. I admit, I was in shock as much as any pony here. Especially when you decided to take over after I’ve failed to calm him down. You saw something that not many of us have seen. Even though none of us could not understand what he said, you still managed to do that which not even I could do. You handled yourself well Luna and possibly saved a strangers life. I’m very proud of you, my dear sister.”

Luna was shocked at what she heard from her sister and began to cry even more as she hugged her sister. Celestia hugged her back and attempted to nuzzle her sister’s head in order to comfort her more, but Luna pulled back. It was then Celestia knew something else was frightening her sister. Luna continued, “That’s not (Hic) the only thing that frighten me. (Hic) What frighten me was what he said.”

“What…do you mean?” Celestia asks with a confused look.

Luna responded with a hesitantly. “I… (Hic).I… (Hic)...I knew what he said sister! I can understand him clearly! I can understand his language!”

Celestia looked on with a surprised look asking, “How? How sister? How is it possible? Even I couldn’t understand him. No pony present understood what he said. Do you know him? If you can understand him, tell me please. What did he say?”

Luna looked back at her sister and responds, “I don’t know dear sister. I don’t know, but I do know is this. What he said was this ‘Please...Please! Help Me! I mean you all no harm.’ That’s why I backed away in fear. Knowing what he said to me as everypony else looked on, confused. I did not know what to do when he started to approach me. He was trying to reach out to me, asking for help. But I did nothing. I just backed away, watching him with sadness and fear. Then to have him collapse in front of me, BLEEDING!” Luna paused as she started to cry uncontrollably. “Why? (Hic) Why me? I don’t know him. I didn’t know (Hic) I could understand his language. (Hic) What language is it? How can I understand the words? It makes no sense to me. (Hic) All I could do was to ease his pain and have him treated. So (Hic) many questions that needed to be answered. (Hic) I have never been this scared in all my life. Whenever I looked at him, I became terrified and yet, (Hic) all I felt was sadness and pain at the way he looked while standing there in front of me. (Hic) I really wanted to help him, more than ever. It felt like, (Hic) Oh Equestria! My heart is beating really fast. Why won’t it slow down? What is this series of mixed emotions that are swelling within me? I never felt this way before. What is this feeling? (Hic) Is this normal? I don’t know what to do. Please sister tell me. What should I do? (Hic) I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO!”

It was then Celestia knew her sister was in trouble and held her closer. Comforting her as much as a sister can give. Luna continued crying for a few minutes before quieting down. Celestia looked at her sister, seeing all the makeup that she has put on for tonight’s event has washed away. Worrying for her sister, Celestia put both her front hooves on her sister’s shoulders and calmly said, “Luna. I don’t what happening and what part you have in all this, but I can assure you this. Whatever’s happening, you’re not doing this alone. I’ll be here for you and this time, I’ll make sure to help you with this all the way. If you like, we can get the rest of our family and friends together and maybe they can lend a hoof on helping you through this as well. I know your future apprentice would love to help in this predicament. We can ask for her help, if you like?”

Luna looked back at her sister with a smile, “I would very much like that, but do you think it’s a good idea to let her and the others know of this incident? It may prove to be too much for them to handle all of this.”
Celestia replied back with a smile of her own, wiping away her sister’s tears. “They will find out eventually. Besides it would prove to be good experience to include Cadence, Twilight and Sunset on this, as well as their friends. Even Discord and Shining could lend a helping hoof (or hand) in this as well.”

Luna looked back with a concerned look. “Discord? I don’t know. Last time he helped with anything, he created those brownies that wreaked havoc at the Hearts Warming party. Not to mention the incident with Tirek.”

“He’ll be fine. He has been very helpful these past few months. You can count on him to be there to help.” Luna gazed at her sister for a few moments and then nodded, accepting the comment. Celestia then removes her hooves from Luna’s shoulders and sits in front of her. “Are you going to be okay after this ordeal? Maybe you should sit out tonight’s festivities and rest. I can arrange Twilight and the others to stay overnight and then you can give the news to your future apprentice later on. Would that be okay for you?”

Luna shook her head from side to side. “No, that won’t be necessary Celestia. I’ll be alright. I’ll just clean myself up and met up with you at the Gala later on. By then I’ll be ready to give Nyx the news.” Celestia smiled at the response knowing that her sister growing more mature than ever. “Well. I’ll be heading back to my chambers to clean up. You go on ahead and start the festivities without me. I’ll catch up with you later. Okay?”

“Okay Luna. Take your time.” Celestia watched as Luna walked back towards her room.
Just as she was about to leave, Luna turned back to her left and asks, “What do you want to do with the damages dealt to the throne room?”
Celestia looks over the room and replies, “Don’t worry dear sister. I’ll have the repair crew clean this up. Until then, let’s leave this place closed off for the time being. I’ll even have a couple of guards posted at the doors to ensure no one trespasses. Okay.”

“Okay, but should twilight or the others ask. Could you show them the damage? I think by letting them see it, they would understand the situation a bit more.”

“I couldn’t agree with you more Luna. I’ll show them should they ask about this ordeal.” Celestia says smiling back at Luna.

“Okay. Well. I’m off. See you in a bit sister.”

“Alright sister. Take care.”

“And Celestia…” Luna pauses right at the doors.

“Yes?” A brief moment of silence filled the room as Luna began to look over her left shoulder. Seeing Celestia in the distant and smiling, “Thank you. Thank you for being there when I needed help the most.” Luna says as a faint smile and tear could be seen going down her cheek. She then turns and walks back to her bedchambers.

Celestia looks at Luna as she leaves for her chambers. Tears begins to form from Celestia’s eyes as she replies back quietly, “You’re most welcomed. My dear sister. You’re most welcomed and don’t worry. You’re not alone in all of this. Not this time. ” With that being said, Celestia wipes the tears from her eyes and continues to head out the door. As she leaves through the doors, Celestia turns around half way. Using her magic, she closes the doors leading to the throne room and locks it. She then creates a barrier around the room, preventing any pony access into the room. She also created an illusion outside the throne room in order to cover the hole from plain view and then orders a couple of sentries to stand guard should any pony gets curious. With the room sealed from the public, she turns and heads off towards the main ballroom. Towards the Grand Galloping Gala.

Author's Note:

The language my main character speaking is Latin. I chose this language because its fits real well to the fantasy side of my character. Also, i'm studying Latin and Japanese so I thought it would be perfect to included one of the languages in this story line. There will also be an explanation as to why Luna could understand him clearly while the other's won't. She will also find out that she not the only one who could understand the language.
There will be a time when he will speak like everyone else. Just got to find away to work it in.