> A Nightmare Knight for Luna's Night > by Deroc83 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue-Tesalore > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [/center]A Nightmare to Protect The Lunar Night Prologue ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A mysterious world, filled with magic and wonder. Full of creatures of Ancients told long ago through children’s tales. A world that is in tune with the forces of the elements. Where magic and science is the life blood of all beings. Where this world’s elements are one and the same. A world still filled with mysteries. A world where balance is life. A world named “TESALORE” Tesalore, a world once made by the Ancients. Combining the purest of gems with rocks and dust gathered from the cosmos. Throughout time, they shaped and forged the land to their specific design. Once the world was formed, all that was left was to add life, but not just any life. A life with meaning and purpose. So they created crystal that’ll house the life energy of all living beings. The crystal was forged by a supernova, to make it denser than any known element of the world. The Ancients then, infused the crystal with the base elements to create life. Water, Earth, Fire, Light, and Darkness. With all elements combined along with the crystal, they’ve created the “LIFE MANA”. With the Life Mana now created and infused, the Ancients then embedded the crystal into the center of the world. Through the action taken, they watched as the crystal reacted to the world. It started glowing brighter and brighter as the world was finally taking life of it own. A sea of magma filled the center of the world creating a protective layer around itself. From there. Caves, crevasses, and chasms were formed. Water started to flow through openings in the mountains and crevasses, creating rivers, streams and oceans. Luscious greens and trees then started to grow creating a beautiful landscape. Desserts then formed in areas near and around mountains. Weather started to form around the world. Creating an atmosphere for which life can breathe and grow. The Ancients watched on as the world was being made, but something unexpected came as they watched, the world was creating sections within itself and from within each section, became a realm that only one element can grow. A fire realm, a water realm, an earth realm, a realm of light and a realm of darkness. A creation that was unexpected by the Ancients when they created the Life Mana. Though they’ve agreed to leave it be as it seems to create a balance within the world. Except that the energy was chaotic and was being released without control. It was then that they created a barrier around the crystal in order to channel the energy protruding from the crystal. They’ve then took the excess energy and created living being to live on the world created. They’ve created numerous wild creatures that can survive some of the areas of the world. Though it was a start, the Ancients then agreed to create beings with intelligence and freewill. Giving them the gift of survival on this world. A wonderful gift indeed except that to give a being freewill on this world will create chaos and possibly destroy the world they carefully created. So they gave all beings a sense of purpose in life, letting them know of life and death. By taking this action, the world was then complete. They watched as the world grew and evolved. There were good times, but mostly there were bad times. War would constantly breakout between multiple species and/or tribes. It would breakout so bad that the Ancients feared that the being would find the Life Mana, use it as a weapon and destroy the world. To resolve this conundrum, they searched throughout the world for beings with pure hearts and the capabilities to spread wisdom to others. They found six beings with these qualifications and gave them the quest to stop the never ending war. The Ancients watched as the chosen warriors journeyed all over Tesalore and with the experience gained throughout their journey, managed to stop every war on Tesalore. All accept one. A war was waging in the north. A war unlike any other. A war which decides the fate of the world. A demonic being was ravaging the lands. Destroying not only living beings, but also through its special ability, destroyed the land as well. The chosen warriors managed to band together all tribes from each realm to fight this being. The fight with the demonic being lasted for months without end. When all seems lost and the fate of Tesalore was hanging in the balance, the Ancients then decided to give a gift to the chosen warriors. They gave them the gift of the elements itself. Each warrior has been imbued with an element of their home. This give gave them the chance needed to defeat the demon. Together, they’ve defeated the demon. Though weak, they’ve realized that they cannot destroy the demon. So with the wisdom gained throughout their life and the power of the elements on their side, they’ve stripped all powers and sealed away the demon in a different dimension called “The Void”. With the final battle over, peace began to grow on Tesalore. All tribal citizens of Tesalore cheered and voted that the warriors would become leaders of Tesalore. Though honored, the warriors declined the offer and headed back to their respected home realms. Years passed and the warriors grew old with wisdom and passion for their fellow man. When the time came for them pass onto the next life, the Ancients visited them with noble cause. The Ancients told the warriors that their time has come to die and evolve into sentient being. With that said, the warriors then began to change. Their bodies changed into the elements that were given to them when battling the demon years ago. They became Elemental Sages. The Ancients then told the Sages to pass on the wisdom and skills of the elements to their fellow beings in order to maintain and grow the balance of Tesalore. The sages agreed to this quest with high honors and with that the Ancients left Tesalore. Never to be heard from again except in legend and historical folklore. The sages then began to spread the teaching of Tesalore to others. For years, Tesalore was at peace with all living beings. The five tribes became the best renowned and respected villages of all of Tesalore. Each village has been gifted by the Ancients with the knowledge and skills of the elements located in each of their land areas. One of Earth, One of Fire, One of Water, One of Light, and One of Darkness. With the power and vast wisdom contained within them, the sage continued to guide and protect their fellow being. Through them peace and balance is achieved throughout their homeland. Though wise in their own way, they always welcome new knowledge from each other. Once a year, the Sages meet at a hidden location and discuss to maintain and further progress the beings of Tesalore. Through their knowledge and compassionate wisdom, all life continues to grow and thrive. However, peace can only last for so long before an ancient enemy would awaken and again try to destroy all of Tesalore. To ensure that does not happen. The tribes created their own guilds for which many can understand and train for any outcome that comes their way. The sages agreed and sought out new future warriors to continue on their legacy. Through many trial and errors, the sages came across five warriors with the same qualities as them. Possible of having found these future legend warriors, the sages endowed them the gift of the elements. The chosen warriors, now empowered with their gifts, band together and created “The Hunters”. Swearing to use their skills and abilities to maintain balance on Tesalore. However not all the warriors were confident of the gift given to them by the sages. One of the warriors has shown little confidence as to consider the gift to be a curse. However the true fate of this warrior has yet to be shown. A fated path that will decide the outcome of Tesalore and one other world. A world that he’s about to take part in. What happens then remains yet to be decided as the future holds many outcomes for these warriors and the fate of their home worlds. -Chronicler Siegfried 10th Order of the Theo Recorded- 12th day after Hallow’s Moon > An Unexpected Guest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun slowly begins to set behind the mountains of Equestria, giving a bright red-orange light across the land. Signaling any pony whom sees it knowing that the day was ending on a peaceful note. It also signaled one of many great events held every year on Equestria. “The Grand Galloping Gala”. An event to which only a few are invited to attend. An event to those who are honored to go, dance within the great halls of Canterlot and have a chance to speak with the princesses on a somewhat normal basis. High on top the observation tower within the city of Canterlot, Princess Celestial (Ruler of the Sun) and Princess Luna (Ruler of the Night) are performing their daily royal routine of the setting of the sun and rising of the moon. As soon as the sun has fully set and the moon risen high above Equestria, the princess of the night, Princess Luna turns to her sister. “That was one of your best sunset yet dear sister.” Luna speaks with admiration. “Yes sister, but I think that your raising of the moon was better than my sunset.” Replied Celestia as she started walking down the steps of the tower with Luna following behind. “Nonsense my dear sister. Your lowering the sun was indeed better than ever. A performance of a life time if I do say so myself. It’s as if you are enjoying yourself and eagerly awaiting for the day to end. Could it have something to do with tonight’s festivities?” Luna speaks with a smirk across her face. “I must admit it does Luna. I have every reason to be excited for tonight’s festivities. Tonight we will not only be celebrating with the defeat of Tirek, Chrysalis, Sombra, the reforming of Discord and Nyx, but we are also celebrating the growing of our family now that Princess Cadence is with child.” Celestia spoke with a smile across her face. “I can’t wait to see them.” “Neither can I dear sister. It’ll be so wonderful to see them. By the way have you received any new from Twilight and Sunset?” Luna asks with some eagerness in her voice. “Did they receive the invitations along with the tickets for tonight? Will they be able to make it in time?” “Calm yourself dear sister.” speaking to her sister while trying to calm her down as they continue down the corridor to the main hall. “Their invitations as well as the tickets have been sent to them two weeks in advance. I’ve received a letter from both stating that they will be able to make it to the Gala along with their family and friends. You seem anxious, is there a reason why? Could it have something to do with Twilight’s daughter?” Giving a smirk to her sister. “Of course. Surely you know that after taking back the power, reforming Nyx to her original form, and officially making Twilight her adopted daughter. Who would not exceptionally be happy to have a niece that understands the value and beauty of my night? I’m happy that she understands her mistake and is trying hard to make amends of all the wrong she done. Surely you felt the same when Sunset returned from the other side of the mirror with the mission to make amends to not only you, but to everyone as well?” Speaking to her in a calm yet royal tone. Celestia replies with a gentle smile as they’ve reached the main hall. “Yes, I feel the same way and you have every right to be happy that you too as well have an apprentice to teach about the magic of friendship.” “But what if I’m not a good enough to be her mentor? What if she reverts back to Nightmare Moon or worse, something else?” Luna starts to panic as multiple questions start to accumulate within her mind making her hyperventilate. “What if the teachings I give her aren’t enough? What would I do if she asks me a question that I don’t know the answer to? What if. . What if. .” Before she finished asking another question, Celestia raised a hoof to her sister’s mouth and calmly quieted her down. She then gives her sister a gentle nuzzle and hugged her to assure her sister that everything is fine. “Calm yourself dear Luna. You’ll do fine. I know first-hand that having an apprentice for the first time could be very difficult. I asked myself the same questions when I became a mentor as well. It can be nerve wrecking, but with patience and some help from your friends (and me)”, says with a giggle “You can achieve anything, especially at being a mentor.” With that said, Luna finally calmed down enough to take a deep breath. “Besides you first have to give her the news that you are taking her as an apprentice.” “Your right Celestia. I shouldn’t worry. With you and our friends by my side, I know I can be a great mentor to Nyx.” Both princesses continued to walk down the main corridor and continued down towards the grand ballroom. They turned left through the third set of doors and into to the ballroom. Inside, the room was just finishing up being decorated for tonight’s main event. Banners of each country hanging high in the rafters, tables set up all perfectly in several rows. On each table are complete sets of dishware and utensils and on the center of each table was a flower arrangement, carefully placed in a glass vase. All name plates are placed onto each designated table. A very long table was setup on the northern end of the ballroom. On it, set up all nice and neat, are various types of entrees and delectable meals made from the Canterlot chefs. Balloons of various sizes and shapes are floating around the ballroom. The stage is also setup ready for Octavia’s orchestra and Vinyl’s DJ mixes. The dance floor neatly swept and polished to where they can see their own reflections. With everything set up and all is ready, they know that this year’s Galloping Gala will be the best yet. The princesses left the ballroom with high spirits knowing that everything will be fine and started heading towards Celestia’s Bedchamber. The royalties then decided to get a makeover. They’ve also decided to wear the dresses that were specially made and given to them by Rarity’s Boutique. “This dress looks amazing dear Celestia! Rarity has outdone herself big time.” Luna exclaims ask she looks at her reflection in marvel and awe. Luna’s dress was like a gown extending beyond her hooves and onto the floor. It was a shade of midnight blue throughout the main dress with a silver collar of regal design. The bottom of the dress is slightly darker than the top, giving it the look of wearing a midnight cloak. The wing ports are a shade of dark magenta with a silver line that extends out to the tips of her wings. Rarity also used a combination of silver, misty rose and turquoise jewels of small various sizes all over the midnight blue sections so as she walks or as the wind blows, they would shimmer and glisten, making the illusion of the night sky. “Remind me to thank her for the elegant dress when she arrives.” “I most certainly will Luna. Twilight’s friend sure has a knack at creating beautiful clothes for any occasions. In fact, I would like to thank her as well when she arrives.” Celestia replies back as she too observes in awe at the dress she’s wearing. Celestia dress consists of a pearl white inlay with gold outlines around the collar and bottom. The wing ports are silver with a gold line that too extends to the tips of the wings. Rarity infused the dress with crystal dust of every color so when the dress moves, it would seem that she’s like a prism crystal refracting the light into multiple colors. Looking like a phoenix shinning bright. Gems of their cutie marks are also shaped and sewn into the chest area just below the collar. Earrings of the same designs were also given to the princesses to wear along to match the dresses that they wore. To complete their outfits, the princesses placed their respect crowns on their heads. Both princesses surveyed each other through the mirror in awe at how they looked. “With the way we look, we’ll definitely be the talk of the Gala tonight. Everypony will think that we’re looking for a special somepony to be with.” Celestia says. “And what makes you think that a bad thing. Could be no worse than what Blueblood goes through.” Luna says with an evil smirk. With that remark, both princesses end up laughing. Just then a loud bang can be heard from a distance. A bang so loud, it shook all windows in the castle. “What in Equestria was that dear sister? It sounded like thunder, but there’s not a single cloud in the sky.” Luna said with a shock from the loud bang as she continues to look out the nearest window. “I don’t know Luna but we must…” Before Celestia could finish her sentence, a humongous crash, which was felt throughout the castle, can be heard coming from the throne room. The princesses, along with a patrol sentry started heading towards the throne room. All have arrived at the doors to the throne room. ”Be cautious soldiers, we don’t know what we’re facing yet.” Celestia says to her commanding officer. “Yes, your highness! Understood!” replies the commanding sentry. The doors to the throne room were opened with caution. When fully opened, the sentry unit rushed in and surveyed the area. When given the all clear, both princesses walked into the throne room, cautious of who or what may be inside. Upon surveying the room, a huge hole appeared to have been made on the southwest side of the throne room. Debris of glass and stone made from the impact was thrown all over the throne room. The hole appeared to be busted through with great force. Upon looking further down, they noticed a huge crater near the center of the throne room. The crater appears to be about four yards in diameter. Smoke still bellowing from the crater. The sentries then began to surround the crater and readied their weapons in case of an assault. The princesses then slowly approach the crater, magic at the ready. Suddenly, Luna notice a shadow within the crater beginning to slowly move out of the crater. “Something’s moving in there.” Everyone stood ready as they too saw the shadow move out of crater. “Be ready for anything!” Celestia ordered the units. The shadowy figure kept moving slowly out of the crater. It was hard to see the figure until it started to take shape half way up the crater. It had the basic form of a pony, but something was off. It appears to have wings, but through every pony’s eyes, the wings started to crack and fall off. Pieces of the wings were making a shattering noise, like glass as soon as they hit the ground. Every pony was standing with a nervous expression as the pony figure became more visible with each step. It was then that everypony notice that the figure was limping with great agony. Breathing can be heard coming for the crater. It was shallow and erratic as if it was struggling. Multiple sounds of something liquid started to drip from the mysterious pony, hitting the ground. The dripping echoed throughout the room. Then a great shock came to all who are in view of the mysterious pony as it finally stepped out into the clearing. The figure finally exited the crater and out into the opening for all to see. The figure is a male stallion of earth pony race. His build was that of a fighter. His coat is blue except it was darker than normal. Almost as if he was one with the night. His mane and tail housed two colors, a shadow black base lightening out to a slight darker gray, almost crystal looking. His mane and tail was a flame like style. His hooves were also as dark as night. He looked like he was about the age of a young adult. He was wearing armor unlike any other soldier pony on Equestria. It was as black as the night sky with some red, chrome and silver markings. It was as if he was of noble origin. What everyone noticed is that this stallion appeared to be the same size as the princesses, but what shocked everyone is the mysterious stallion’s state of appearance. The stallion’s armor was nearly destroyed. Stubs on his back appeared to be the results of what was left of his wings. Big chunks of his armor have been broken off due to major impacts, some may have been caused by the impact of crashing into the throne room. He looked like as if he just arrived from a warzone. There were bruises, cuts, and gashes all over his body resulting in tremendous bleeding from the wounds all over. His left eye was sealed shut due to bruising and tremendous bleeding from a head wound. His front right leg appears to have been broken in multiple places. Burn marks can be seen on multiple locations of his body. All ponies present are at a loss of words when gazing upon this mysterious stallion. It was then the mysterious started to look around at his surroundings. When he noticed the princesses, he turned to their direction and slowly stumbled across to them in agonizing pain. Blood continued to seep out of the multiple wounds as he continued to stumble towards their direction. The princesses looked on with frighten yet concerned looks as the stallion approached them. The sentry units started to see this as a potential threat and began to surround the stallion. The mysterious stallion stopped just a few feet away from the princesses. The sentries’ weapons are all trained onto him awaiting for the chance to see if he will bring harm or not. He then raises his head a bit and looked at them with the undamaged eye. As he continued staring at them, the princesses realized that he’s waiting for a reply from one of them. Celestia and Luna stood in place in front of the stallion, maintaining their composure. Having the most experience in a situation like this, Celestia took a step forward, “I’ll handle this sister.” Celestia said as she looks at the badly wounded stallion. He stood there looking straight at her. She slowly approached him cautiously. With a firm, but gentle voice, “Whoever you are, please don’t be afraid. I’m Princess Celestia. Ruler of the Sun and one of the Protectors of Equestria. Please don’t do anything rash as it appears that you are injured and need medical help. We mean you no harm. Please tell us, who are you and where did you come from? We can help you.” He responded with a low guttural growl and narrowing his good eye. He bared his teeth at her, showing what appears to be carnivorous fangs throughout his mouth. His body and mane started to glow darker than before. His mane and tail then began to grow out further as it was starting to have a life of its own. It appeared to Celesta that he was like a wild animal ready to fight anyone here, even in his current condition. Celestia took a few steps back from him with horn glowing, ready to fight. The sentry units stood ready for the oncoming attack. “Wait!” Everyone stopped and turned as Luna shouted. During the pause of shock and confusion, Luna notice something odd. As she gazed into the stallion’s good eye, not only was his eye a fiery orange-red with a dragon slit iris she noticed that his eye was slightly hazy as if he was barely conscious. “Let me handle this sister. Please.” Celestia, still shocked from the outburst, agreed to the request. She then backed up behind her sister with her magic ready. “Okay Luna. Please. Be careful.” Luna turned her head to Celestia and nodded, then turning back to the injured stallion. Luna slowly approached the half conscious stallion as it was still in a position to attack anyone. She ordered the sentry units to back away slowly but to stay vigilant. She kept approaching until she was only a foot away. Realizing she’s is standing eye to eye, she gazed at him again, looking on him with more concern than the others. It is then she notice a huge gash across his chest. She looked on in horror as the gash continued to seep out blood with every breath he took. She also noticed something moving around the stallion’s coat. It was a black ooze like substance. It appeared to move about the body, gliding around the wounds. It was as if it was trying to repair the damage skin, but it was failing. She looked on as she began to speak with the stallion in a gentle tone. “Please. I know you’re afraid. I know you’re willing to sacrifice yourself to continue fighting. But there is no need to do so. We are not your enemies. We will not fight you. I will not fight you. You are a stranger here, scared and confused, but I can assure you that you are among friends.” The stallion kept growling at her as his mane grew out more and turned into a shadow like form of a huge claw. The claw then started to reach towards Luna. The sentries then raised their weapons in response to the claw reaching her. Tears began to slowly form from her eyes as she continued on to calm the stallion. “My name is Princess Luna. You are in Equestria. You have crashed into the Canterlot throne room and sustained heavy damage. You’re bleeding greatly and you need medical attention immediately. Please….Please…..Please, in the name of Equestria”, she slowly raises her front right hoof up and place it on his shoulder, “Let us help you.” He continued to stare at Luna. She stood there, hesitant with her hoof shaking on his shoulder for a few minutes, trying not to show a frighten face, waiting for a response. She stood there thinking ‘Please. I hope this works. I’ve never been so afraid before. Will he attack me? Can he understand me? I can’t stop shaking. Even though he terrifying up close, I can’t help but feel sad. Why do I feel like this? What’s wrong with me?’ Gazing at him wondering if he’s going to harm her. The shadow claw then stopped by only a few inches from her. No one moved. The growling died down as he continued to look at her. It was quiet in the throne room. Then Luna gasps filled the whole room as she heard him speak to her in a weaken tone. “Quaeso!” Her eyes widen more as she heard him. The other ponies present could not believe their eyes as well. Hearing for the first time, words coming from the stallion’s mouth. A language that was unfamiliar to Equestria. Luna continued staring into his eye as it changes from an orange-red dragon eye to a hazy crystal blue pony eye. His coat also started to change from the dark blue to a mid to light gray color. His hooves turned from a dark night into ivory white. His mane and tail changed to a lighter gray and clear crystal silver tone. Then the form and length of his mane and tail changed as it continued to retract back into him. Converting back to his normal mane and tail style. Every pony was surprised to see the stallion change appearance before their very eyes, including Princess Celestia and especially Princess Luna. The stallion continued to speak, but the words coming out of his mouth appear to weaken more and more. Blood also began to come out of his mouth whenever he tried to open it. “Quaeso! Auxilium Me?” “Quaeso! Auxilium Me? Dico tibi quod capiat.” Luna backed away a bit from the stallion with a surprised yet frightened look on her face as if what he said has frighten her. The others stood there, dumbfounded and confused at the stallion. Trying to figure out what he said to Princess Luna. He then slowly approached her saying the same phrase again and again. Struggling to stay standing on his hooves, limping towards the princess as blood kept gushing out of his wounds. This frighten Luna even more as she continued to back away from him. This was the first time that any pony truly saw how frighten she was. Celestia grew more worried as she watched the mysterious stallion approach Luna. Just as Celestia was about to intervene, something unexpected happened. With his struggling breathe and trying to attempt to reach out to Luna with his broken hoof, “Quaeso! Auxilium Me? Dico tibi quod capi…” the stallion finally collapsed onto the floor, surprising Luna to a point that left a shocked expression on her face. His armor shattered like glass upon impact, disintegrating into nothing. Every pony gasped and watched as he collapsed onto the floor. The loss of blood caused him to finally loose conscious. Her train of thought was lost as Luna stood there with tears in her eyes. Her breathing then began to speed up. Her eyes slowly trained on the collapsed stallion, barely breathing as he continued to bleed his life away. ‘This can’t be happening! Why me? How’s this possible? What do I do? Why is no one helping him? Didn’t they hear him asking for help? Or couldn’t they? What in Equestria is going on? Come on Luna, do something will you. Are you going to let this stallion die here in the castle, in front of you? NO! I will not! I will not let him die here! There’s still so many questions to answer?’ Everyone stood there for only a few seconds, observing the stallion that collapsed and is now lying in his own blood in front of Princess Luna. Nothing was done, until Luna regained her composure, stood tall and shouted out a command to the sentries. “QUICKLY, GET THIS STALLION TO THE HOSPITAL AND GET HIM TREATMENT IMMEDIATELY. . . NOW!!!” Using the royal voice, her order boom throughout the throne room. Celestia stood in shock at how serious her sister became after the stallion spoke to her and then collapsed, bleeding in front of her. The sentry units began casting a blue aurora to lift up the stallion carefully using magic emanating from their horns and started carrying him off carefully through the castle’s hall. “Use my carriage! It’s faster than the normal carriages!” Luna Commands. “YES! YOUR HIGHNESS!” The sentry units continued to carry the stallion down the hall and onto Princess Luna’s carriage. They carefully placed him and used a bind spell to ensure he doesn’t fall off during the trip. Then the carriage riders quickly took off to the nearby hospital in Canterlot. Meanwhile, in the throne room, Luna turns to the nearest commanding officer. “Keep an eye on him and let me know right away if there any changes.” The sentry nodded at the command and headed straight off to the hospital. Luna watched on as the sentry left with the others towards the hospital. A brief moment of silence filled the room. Celestia looked upon her sister with a look of concern, seeing tears continuously coming from Luna’s eyes, as if Luna knew who he was. Her breathing slowly returning to normal. It took a moment for Celestia to build up courage to break the silence and ask her. “Are you okay Luna? Is there something wrong?” Luna looked back at her sister with a sad and frighten look. She turned to her sister with a sad and worried look as she replied, “I don’t know dear sister. I was afraid. Completely afraid, but for some reason I had to help that stallion. I felt something when I spoke to him. I looked into his eye and saw that….he was….he was almost unconscious, but his eye….was still burning like a wild flame. I could tell that he was not only frighten, but he was angry at the same time. I think he thought we were enemies to him. I couldn’t tell if he was really going to attack us. It finally changed when I spoke to him and placed my hoof on his shoulder. I was surprised as anyone when he spoke to me, but when he collapsed, all I could think and do at the time was to stand strong and get him help. I hope he’ll survive to answer the many questions I have for him. ” “I say that what you did was an act of courage and kindness.” Celestia replied as she approached and held her sister close. “Knowing the possible dangers that could have happened, you’ve faced it head on. You even took authority after the mysterious colt collapsed and had him sent off to the hospital for medical care. I admit, I was in shock as much as any pony here. Especially when you decided to take over after I’ve failed to calm him down. You saw something that not many of us have seen. Even though none of us could not understand what he said, you still managed to do that which not even I could do. You handled yourself well Luna and possibly saved a strangers life. I’m very proud of you, my dear sister.” Luna was shocked at what she heard from her sister and began to cry even more as she hugged her sister. Celestia hugged her back and attempted to nuzzle her sister’s head in order to comfort her more, but Luna pulled back. It was then Celestia knew something else was frightening her sister. Luna continued, “That’s not (Hic) the only thing that frighten me. (Hic) What frighten me was what he said.” “What…do you mean?” Celestia asks with a confused look. Luna responded with a hesitantly. “I… (Hic).I… (Hic)...I knew what he said sister! I can understand him clearly! I can understand his language!” Celestia looked on with a surprised look asking, “How? How sister? How is it possible? Even I couldn’t understand him. No pony present understood what he said. Do you know him? If you can understand him, tell me please. What did he say?” Luna looked back at her sister and responds, “I don’t know dear sister. I don’t know, but I do know is this. What he said was this ‘Please...Please! Help Me! I mean you all no harm.’ That’s why I backed away in fear. Knowing what he said to me as everypony else looked on, confused. I did not know what to do when he started to approach me. He was trying to reach out to me, asking for help. But I did nothing. I just backed away, watching him with sadness and fear. Then to have him collapse in front of me, BLEEDING!” Luna paused as she started to cry uncontrollably. “Why? (Hic) Why me? I don’t know him. I didn’t know (Hic) I could understand his language. (Hic) What language is it? How can I understand the words? It makes no sense to me. (Hic) All I could do was to ease his pain and have him treated. So (Hic) many questions that needed to be answered. (Hic) I have never been this scared in all my life. Whenever I looked at him, I became terrified and yet, (Hic) all I felt was sadness and pain at the way he looked while standing there in front of me. (Hic) I really wanted to help him, more than ever. It felt like, (Hic) Oh Equestria! My heart is beating really fast. Why won’t it slow down? What is this series of mixed emotions that are swelling within me? I never felt this way before. What is this feeling? (Hic) Is this normal? I don’t know what to do. Please sister tell me. What should I do? (Hic) I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO!” It was then Celestia knew her sister was in trouble and held her closer. Comforting her as much as a sister can give. Luna continued crying for a few minutes before quieting down. Celestia looked at her sister, seeing all the makeup that she has put on for tonight’s event has washed away. Worrying for her sister, Celestia put both her front hooves on her sister’s shoulders and calmly said, “Luna. I don’t what happening and what part you have in all this, but I can assure you this. Whatever’s happening, you’re not doing this alone. I’ll be here for you and this time, I’ll make sure to help you with this all the way. If you like, we can get the rest of our family and friends together and maybe they can lend a hoof on helping you through this as well. I know your future apprentice would love to help in this predicament. We can ask for her help, if you like?” Luna looked back at her sister with a smile, “I would very much like that, but do you think it’s a good idea to let her and the others know of this incident? It may prove to be too much for them to handle all of this.” Celestia replied back with a smile of her own, wiping away her sister’s tears. “They will find out eventually. Besides it would prove to be good experience to include Cadence, Twilight and Sunset on this, as well as their friends. Even Discord and Shining could lend a helping hoof (or hand) in this as well.” Luna looked back with a concerned look. “Discord? I don’t know. Last time he helped with anything, he created those brownies that wreaked havoc at the Hearts Warming party. Not to mention the incident with Tirek.” “He’ll be fine. He has been very helpful these past few months. You can count on him to be there to help.” Luna gazed at her sister for a few moments and then nodded, accepting the comment. Celestia then removes her hooves from Luna’s shoulders and sits in front of her. “Are you going to be okay after this ordeal? Maybe you should sit out tonight’s festivities and rest. I can arrange Twilight and the others to stay overnight and then you can give the news to your future apprentice later on. Would that be okay for you?” Luna shook her head from side to side. “No, that won’t be necessary Celestia. I’ll be alright. I’ll just clean myself up and met up with you at the Gala later on. By then I’ll be ready to give Nyx the news.” Celestia smiled at the response knowing that her sister growing more mature than ever. “Well. I’ll be heading back to my chambers to clean up. You go on ahead and start the festivities without me. I’ll catch up with you later. Okay?” “Okay Luna. Take your time.” Celestia watched as Luna walked back towards her room. Just as she was about to leave, Luna turned back to her left and asks, “What do you want to do with the damages dealt to the throne room?” Celestia looks over the room and replies, “Don’t worry dear sister. I’ll have the repair crew clean this up. Until then, let’s leave this place closed off for the time being. I’ll even have a couple of guards posted at the doors to ensure no one trespasses. Okay.” “Okay, but should twilight or the others ask. Could you show them the damage? I think by letting them see it, they would understand the situation a bit more.” “I couldn’t agree with you more Luna. I’ll show them should they ask about this ordeal.” Celestia says smiling back at Luna. “Okay. Well. I’m off. See you in a bit sister.” “Alright sister. Take care.” “And Celestia…” Luna pauses right at the doors. “Yes?” A brief moment of silence filled the room as Luna began to look over her left shoulder. Seeing Celestia in the distant and smiling, “Thank you. Thank you for being there when I needed help the most.” Luna says as a faint smile and tear could be seen going down her cheek. She then turns and walks back to her bedchambers. Celestia looks at Luna as she leaves for her chambers. Tears begins to form from Celestia’s eyes as she replies back quietly, “You’re most welcomed. My dear sister. You’re most welcomed and don’t worry. You’re not alone in all of this. Not this time. ” With that being said, Celestia wipes the tears from her eyes and continues to head out the door. As she leaves through the doors, Celestia turns around half way. Using her magic, she closes the doors leading to the throne room and locks it. She then creates a barrier around the room, preventing any pony access into the room. She also created an illusion outside the throne room in order to cover the hole from plain view and then orders a couple of sentries to stand guard should any pony gets curious. With the room sealed from the public, she turns and heads off towards the main ballroom. Towards the Grand Galloping Gala. > Treatment and Announcement > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- All is quiet at the Canterlot hospital. Only a few ponies working the night shift tonight. Sitting at the front desk was a white mare pony with a pink mane and tail. Her cutie mark was that of a red medical cross. Her name is Nurse Redheart. Nurse Redheart was sitting at the front desk doing paperwork on today’s medical reports and expenses. As she’s finishing up the med reports, Dr. Checkup, a brown unicorn pony with a black mane and tail, was leaving in the break room, drinking a hot cup of coffee and carrying another to the front. He, of course, was wearing a doctor’s lab coat. His cutie mark was that a notepad with check marks and a blue quill. He approached Nurse Redheart while she’s performing the day’s paperwork. “Would you like a cup Nurse Redheart?” say Dr. Checkup as he held the cup using his magic. “That would be lovely. Thank you.” Replied Redheart as the cup was placed on the desk near her. She then picked up the cup and took a sip before putting it back down and continued working on the paperwork. Dr. Checkup took a look at the clock noticing that it’s about half past eight in the evening. “It look like it’s going to be another normal, quiet night.” Dr. Checkup says as he takes another sip of coffee. “That it is Dr. I’m almost done with today’s paperwork. Is it okay to get off of work early today?” Redheart asks in reply to the Dr.’s previous comment. “I don’t see why not. All is quiet this evening and almost every pony is attending the Grand Galloping Gala tonight. The most recent patient was released this afternoon and there hasn’t been an emergency all day. I’m even think of calling it a day as well.” He then looks at Redheart with a blush and nervous smile, “I was wondering Miss Redheart”, he stutters for a moment. “Would you like to get something to eat? I know a new restaurant that just opened up in the northern side of Canterlot. Word has it the food is delicious. It’ll be my treat if you like. That is, if you don’t want to?” Nurse Redheart looked up at him after taking another sip of coffee, seeing a little blush coming from his cheeks as he looks down and away for a moment. She then smiles at him and responds, “I would love to join you. Though, I hope you don’t mind if we stop by my place. I need to change outfits. I live just north from here anyways.” Dr. Checkup looks up at her and blushes a bit more. “Sure. No problem. We can stop by on the way to the restaurant.” Just then, the sound of hooves can be heard coming from the outside getting louder and louder. There was also a sound of a carriage being dragged from behind the trampling hooves. Finally, the sound stopped right in front of the hospital. For a moment, silence. Then a sound of fast marching hooves started heading towards the door. “What in Celestia…” Nurse Redheart was about to ask the Dr., when she was cut short by a loud bang. The main hospital doors busted right open revealing three royal sentries and a commanding officer. “This is a priority one emergency! Princess Luna is requesting an emergency medical treatment immediately!” Shouted the commanding officer in front of every pony present in the hospital. Dr. Checkup and Nurse Redheart both rush up to the lead guard. “Commander Sentinel. What brings you here? Is Princess Luna injured?” Dr. Checkup asks with a serious look. “Is she alright?” Replied Nurse Redheart “The princess is fine. She’s requesting medical treatment not on herself, but on another pony.” The commander stated. “Then if the emergency is not for Luna. Then who?” Dr. Checkup asks as he and Redheart look on confused. Commander Sentinel signaled the other three to bring in the injured from the carriage. They turned about face and stepped out. The three sentries surrounded the figure in the carriage. Dr. Checkup and Nurse Redheart looked on noticing that the carriage belongs to Princess Luna. The sentries then lit up their horns. Removing the bind spell and begun carefully lifting the huge figure from Princess Luna’s Carriage. The two medical staff looked on with curiosity as the sentries carefully brought in the injured pony through the door. Their curiosity was then quickly replaced with shock and horror as the figure was brought into the light in front of them. It was indeed a pony, but an earth stallion of large stature. As big as the princesses themselves. It was nothing like they’ve seen before in all of Equestria, but the one thing that made the staff gasp was the physical state the stallion was in. Just as quick as they saw the injured stallion in shock and awe, both regained their mental composure. “Quickly! Get a stretcher here immediately!! Nurse Redheart! Have one of the operation room ready! We need to operate on him ASAP!!” Dr. Checkup yelled out the order as two more nurses brought forth a roller stretcher. “Right away Dr. Checkup!” replies Nurse Redheart as she’s running down the corridor towards the operation area. “Careful now. Don’t drop him.” Dr. Checkup pulled up a medical pad and quill from his coat. He then began the procedure of a medical check on the stallion, writing things down on a pad, as the stallion was carefully placed on the stretcher by the guards on his side. “Hmmm. Multiple lacerations, 2nd degree burns, front right hoof has multiple breaks and fractures in different locations, feels like a few broken ribs, lungs may be punctured, multiple bruises, broken jaw, a humongous gash approximately 3 inches in diameter straight across the chest, tremendous amount of blood loss, head trauma, pupils are dilated, possible spinal injury to the lower spine, breathing’s erratic, heart rate below normal. What happened to him? It looks like he came out of a warzone. It’s a miracle that he’s still alive up to this point.” “We don’t know what happened to him, but Princess Luna has ordered that he’d be treated immediately and with great care.” Stated the commander to Dr. Checkup as they both looked at the stallion on the stretcher. The mysterious stallion was not moving at all on the stretcher. “Yes sir. We’ll make sure he get the full medical treatment. Keep an eye on his vitals Nurse Patch. Nurse Vial, call Dr. Stitch, Dr. Scanner and Dr. Med in. We’re going to need their help with the operation. Also, retrieve a blood sample from the patient and find out what blood type he is. Once you retrieved the data, bring to the operation room several liters from the bank downstairs. Finally have a room ready for the patient in the I.C.U. ward.” “Yes doctor!” stated Nurse Loli as she took a sample of blood from the patient and started heading towards the lab area. Nurse Redheart then returned from the operations area. “Operation Room Three is ready Dr. Checkup!” Dr. Checkup turned to her. “Okay let’s get this patient into x-ray to check for further injuries and into the operation room.” They started to roll the stallion down the hall into x-ray when all of a sudden. “DOCTOR CHECKUP! His vitals are falling faster than normal. He not going to make it operations! WE’RE LOSING HIM!! ” Nurse Patch stated as she ran continuous magical vital checks on him. It was then Dr. Checkup notice that the patient’s breathing became even more shallow and erratic. He also began sweating and shivering as if he was running a fever. More blood began pouring out from the wounds and dripping onto the floor. He knew from this that the patient wasn’t going to last much longer. “BUCK! We’ll do the special x-ray in the operations room. WE’ VE GOT TO HURRY AND PUT HIM ON LIFE SUPPORT IMMEDIATELY! LET’S MOVE PONIES! WE’VE GOT A LIFE TO SAVE!” The requested doctors showed up at that time, as well as the nurse holding several bags of blood in a cart and some with her magic. “What’s the situation Dr. Checkup?” Ask one of the doctors. “I’ll tell you on the way to operation room three!” All the ponies then ran down the hall along with the patient on the stretcher towards operations. Meanwhile back at the Reception Room. The commander Sentinel turned to face the three sentries. “Head back to Canterlot and notify Princess Luna that we’ve arrived at the hospital safely and the stallion is being treated as we speak. Also, let her know that I’ll stay behind and keep an eye on things here if any changes happen during the surgery.” The three sentries nodded at the order and began to head back to Canterlot along with the news of the mysterious stallion. As soon as they are out of view from the commanding officer, he turned around and went back into the hospital. He then sat down in one of the waiting chairs in the Reception room. While sitting, he turned his head and looked straight at the door leading down the hall, towards the operations ward. He then thought to himself: ‘You better survive mysterious stallion. There are questions you need to answer for. Especially, what you are and how you got here?’ Back at the castle, the night’s event had already gone underway. Ponies from all over Equestria are arriving to celebrate this joyous night. Not knowing of what has just transpired after sunset. Everypony that came were all dressed in an elegant design. Celestia, who was still thinking over the events that happened early today, was standing near the entrance to the grand ballroom. Each pony that came in, greeted Celestia in the normal, formal manner and she greeted them back by lowering her head. She continues to maintain her royal posture as each pony continues to pass on through the main doors and into the ballroom. ‘I hope Luna’s alright. The event earlier before was too much for her. Maybe she changed her mind and decided not to attend after all. I’d understand if she didn’t come down. I mean seeing her reactions after the mysterious stallion collapsed and telling me what she felt after he was sent to the hospital. I probably wouldn’t show either. Everypony would understand if I told them she was not feeling well and could not attend tonight’s Gala. I don’t know. Maybe she’ll come after all. I can’t believe that Luna can understand his language. What language is that anyways?’ Celestia continues thinking unaware that her special guests have just arrived and are walking towards her. Arriving from the main gates of the castle, the main six had just arrived, along with Spike, Trixie and Nyx. Alongside them, was Princess Sunset Shimmer and her husband Prince LockOn. Their friends, Flash Sentry, Moondancer, Lightning Dust, Lyra, Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts, and Minuette weren’t far behind. Each of them wearing their gala outfits from previous years. All of them excited of this year’s event as they continued down the walkway towards the ballroom. “I can’t wait the see Shining and Cadence here tonight. This will be the best Gala ever!” Exclaimed Twilight with a huge grin across her face. “I gotta agree with ya there sugarcube. It’ll be great to see the two lovebirds’ again.” Replied Applejack as they continued walking. “Especially when there’s a little one on the way.” “Well I don’t know about you girls, but I’m just dying to see the new dresses, the princesses are wearing.” Rarity says with a fashion smile across her face. “No offense Rarity, but any dress made by you will no doubt be the best ever made”, says Sunset as she and LockOn looks on with a smile. “Oh, thanks darling. I just hope the princesses both feel the same way. Maybe I should have added some silver streaks on Luna’s dress or some additional gold on Celestia’s dress line.” Rarity responds with a worried look. Sunset places a hoof on Rarity calming her down. “Rarity. Everything will be fine. Trust me. Your clothing designs are the best. They’ll love it.” Rarity smiles back at Sunset as Fluttershy and Lemon Hearts continue on the conversation with LockOn. “How are the little ones doing? I know it must be hard to take care of four kids at once.” Fluttershy asks. “Oh my yes. I almost didn’t think you’ll have time for anything, much less for yourselves.” Twinkleshine says confirming with Fluttershy. “Don’t worry. Everything’s fine with our family thanks to you all.” replied LockOn. “Especially mother and Aunt Luna coming over from time to time helping to take care of our children and with Shadow’s help, everything in the household is fine. Oh Rarity. We must thank your sister and her friends for coming over and taking care of our kids while we’re here to enjoy tonight’s event.” “It was nothing darling. Sweetie Bell and her friends were ecstatic when asked if they could babysit your children.” “I hope they won’t be a bother to them. I hate to worry about what would happen while we’re away.” Sunset says with a little nervous voice. “Don’t worry your sweet little head. They have BonBon with them and the Cakes are a just a block away for extra support.” Lyra says with a self-assuring smile making Sunset and LockOn feel more at peace knowing how helpful their friends can be. Sunset then walked ahead a little bit so she would be right next to Twilight and Nyx. “So Nyx. Are you excited about being invited to your very first Gala?” Nyx looks at Sunset with a nervous smile. “To tell you the truth. I’m a bit nervous. I know the Gala is meant to be for adult ponies, but this is the first time a young filly like me got a personal invitation to this event. I don’t know if I’ll fit in well.” “You’ll be fine Nyx. We’ll all be here for you should you start feeling uncomfortable or afraid. Okay.” Twilight replies as she places her hooves around her to gives her a hug. “Thank you mommy. That means a lot to me.” Nyx gives Twilight a hug back in response. “So, who personally gave you an invitation to come tonight?” Minuette asks with a curious look. “Yeah who? It had to somepony important in order for you to come.” Rainbow Dash asks as she hovers above Nyx. Nyx was a little hesitant at first then Spike spoke out to the others in response to the question. “It was Princess Luna herself that gave the invitation to Nyx.” “WHAT! REALLY!” All ponies spoke out surprised at what they heard. “Spike!” Twilight looked at Spike with a stern look. Spike gave a sheepish smile and shrugged his shoulders. Twilight then rolled her eyes and smiled a bit. “It’s true. It was written in the letter that was sent to us days ago. Luna specifically requested Nyx to come here tonight. She says she has an important announcement to give to Nyx when she arrives.” “I hope it’s not bad. I’m a little scared of what she wants to tell me this night.” Nyx stood at the base of the stairs with a frighten look. Twilight and spike both walked up to Nyx and gave her a hug assuring her that everything will be fine. “I’m sure it’s nothing too serious Nyx. Of all the things you’ve done throughout the year with us, I’m sure she just wants to congratulate you on your achievements.” Nyx looked up at Twilight and smiled. “She’s right Nyx. I mean look at all the friends you’ve made while being in Ponyville.” she then looked back behind Spike and saw everypony smiling. She then returned the hug back. “Thanks Mom, Spike. You’re the best mother and brother I could ever have.” Everypony continued to go up the stairs towards the ballroom. Celestia still in heavy thought, did not realized that Twilight and other have just arrived and are now in front of her. They bowed and greeted the princess, unknowing to them that Celestia was not paying attention at all to them. Everypony then raised their heads confused as to what was on the Princess’s mind. “Mother? Mother what is it? Are you alright?” LockOn asks concerned about his mother’s state of mind. “Huh. What? Oh! I do apologize for not greeting you. Just thinking about some of the reports from earlier today. Nothing to be concerned about.” Celestia replies with a lie as she finally snaps out of her trance and regains her composure. “It’s wonderful to see you all here. Especially you Nyx. Luna is looking forward to speaking with you.” Everypony smiled except LockOn who, in his mind, knew that his mother was not fully telling the truth. Of his years being a prince and living within the castle, he knew his mother was hiding something. “It’s a real honor being here Princess Celestia, but where is Princess Luna? Is not here? Is she okay?” ask Nyx curiously looking around for Princess Luna. Before Celestia said anything, a voice was heard coming from behind Celestia. “I’m right here little one and I’m doing fine.” Everypony looked behind Celestia as she herself turned around a bit to see Princess Luna standing behind her. Celestia smiled as she saw her sister walking up next to her. “I apologize for not being here sooner. Had a little incident with my makeup.” Everypony bowed again to the princesses as Luna stopped right next to her sister. They responded by bowing back. Celestia then leaned over towards Luna and whispers to her quietly. “I’m glad you came down dear sister.” Luna smiles at her sister knowing that Celestia was worried about her. “Wow your highnesses! You look amazing in those dresses. You’ll definitely be the talk of Equestria.” Flash says as all are in awe at the dresses the princesses are wearing. “Thank you Flash, but do be careful. We wouldn’t want to upset your fiancé now would we?” Celestia says with a little smirk as Flash then slowly turns his head to see Moondancer looking back at him with a mean, stern look. Everyone laughed at the look Flash was giving as he tried his best to sweet talk Moondancer from giving him a good scolding. Luna turned to Rarity, “Thank you so much for the dresses and jewelry Rarity. They are simply wonderful. You really have outdone yourself in fashion.” Rarity smiled. “It was really nothing your highnesses. It was the least I could do for helping me become my models for the latest spring designs in Manehatten. They ‘re all now the rage thanks to you.” Twilight then turned back to Celestia and Luna, asking if Cadence and Shining have arrived. Just then a familiar voice was heard coming from the main doorway. Everypony turned around to see Shining Armor and Princess Cadence standing in their formal attire smiling at everypony. Twilight then rushed up to Shining and gave him a hug. She then turned to Cadence and hugged her as well. “It’s so good to see you two again Cadence. How’ve you been? Are you resting and eating well? Has my brother been taking care of you?” “Twilight calm down. I’m doing fine. Shining has been taking care of me. You don’t need to worry.” Cadence replies as she tries to calm her sister-in-law down. “Granted everything been a little bit more difficult now that I’m with child, but Shining has proven himself to be more helpful than ever handling all the responsibilities of the Crystal Empire.” Shining then walks up to Cadence and gives her a loving nuzzle. “Don’t worry Twilight. The promise I made to her at the hospital will forever hold strong and once I made a promise, I’ll never let it go unfinished.” Twilight looks at him with a serious look. For a few moments, no pony said a thing. They looked on with blank stares waiting for Twilight to say something. Twilight then smiles at Shining, “Okay! Make sure you give her what she wants when she asks for it.” She smiles while walking away from Shining, leaving everypony present dumbstruck at the quick change of emotions given to him from Twilight. Few minutes later, everyone laughed, including Shining and Cadence. After laughing at Shining’s little conversation with Twilight, Nyx then turned to Princess Luna. “By the way, what is it you want to tell me Princess Luna? In the letter, you said that you have something important to tell me.” Luna turns to Nyx who is looking back at her with a nervous look. At this time, everypony fell silent, looking at Princess Luna and Nyx. Each looking on with nervous intent on waiting to hear what Luna has to say to Nyx. Luna then looks up at her sister. Celestia gives an assuring smile to Luna and nods. Luna then turns back to Nyx and take a deep breath. “Nyx. I know that you have been trying real hard to make amends over the years. Throughout that time, you managed to make many friends. Helped out around Ponyville and helped your mother and brother fix a very old spell that changed the destiny of the other Elements of Harmony. Because of that, your mother became the Princess of Friendship. You have accomplished so much over the years that it has not only made your family proud, but us as well. So it with a great honor that I, Princess Luna, gives you the honor of becoming my very first apprentice.” Everypony became totally surprised at the announcement princess Luna gave. Nyx stood there in a state of shock, still processing the surprise announcement. “Really? You want me to be your apprentice?” “Of course. That is, if you want to Nyx. The choice is and always will be yours.” Replies Luna answering back Nyx’s question. Nyx’s eyes began to grow and shine like starlight. Her smile grew huge across her face. Without a warning, Nyx jumped up towards Princess Luna and gave her a hug so great, that she almost choked her. “YES! YES! YES!” Realizing what she was doing, Nyx let go of Luna’s neck and dropped to the floor. “I mean, of course I would like to be your first apprentice.” Nyx started to blush a little as she took a bow in front of Princess Luna. Luna smiled at the response given to her by Nyx as everypony else began the cheer and congratulate Nyx on her accomplishment of being Luna’s apprentice. “Well what are we standing around here for? LET’S PARTY!!” Yelled out Pinkie Pie who is hopping around excitedly. The Gala’s event continued on without a hitch. Everypony enjoyed the night more than ever now that Cadence is with child and Nyx’s acceptance to being Princess Luna’s apprentice. Halfway throughout the event, Prince LockOn and Sunset was dancing the night away when LockOn noticed that Celestia and Luna was nowhere to be seen. “What the matter LockOn? You seem distracted.” Asks Sunset with a concern look. “Its mother and Aunt Luna. I don’t see them anywhere.” “Maybe they went out into the gardens or probably wanted to use the facilities?” Sunset replies as she too looks around for the princesses. “I’m sure that there is nothing to worry about.” LockOn looks back at Sunset with a serious look. “I don’t think so dear. Somethings not right. You saw how mother was. Clearly she not her usual self tonight. I’m also sensing multiple spells cast near and around the throne room. Can’t put my hoof on it, but I know somethings wrong.” “Then let’s stop dancing and look for them. I’ve learned that your hunches are always accurate when it comes to our family.” Sunset smiles and gives LockOn a kiss on the cheek. LockOn blushes as they walked off the dance floor looking for the princesses. “Mom. Where are Aunt Sunset and Uncle LockOn going?” Nyx asks curiously as she and her mother watched the couple leave in a slight hurry. “I don’t know Nyx. It seem serious. Let’s follow them and find out.” Twilight and Nyx followed Sunset and LockOn quietly as they left the ballroom and headed towards the throne room. Sunset and LockOn were the first to approach the throne room. Surprised and curious to see why the doors are closed and locked by magic. They approached the guards who are assigned to guard the door. “Soldier! What is going on here? Why is the throne room locked up?” Asks LockOn with a serious look. “Sir! By order of Princess Celestia. No pony is allowed in and/or near the throne room for any reasons. The doors are to remain closed and locked until further notified by the princesses.” Just then, Twilight and Nyx arrived. Curious as to what is transpiring. “What’s going on Sunset? Why’s the throne room’s doors closed?” “We don’t know Twilight. The sentry says Princess Celestia has ordered the throne room doors to be closed and locked. She has also order the sentries to not let anyone in or near the room unless told by the princesses.” Reply Sunset as she turns towards Twilight. LockOn walked back to Sunset and Twilight. Showing a serious expression across his face. “I don’t like this. Something is definitely wrong here and I’m going to find out what it is.” “We’re going to find out what it is.” Sunset replies correcting LockOn last statement. “First we need to find the princesses.” “I saw them walking away from the Gala and headed towards the gardens.” Nyx stated as she points a hoof towards the royal gardens. “Okay Nyx. Let’s go and find out what’s going on around here.” LockOn, Sunset, Twilight and Nyx left the hall to the throne room and started heading towards the gardens. > I.C.U. Visit > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Over at the Canterlot Gardens, near the center of the area, Princess Celestia was sitting in the gazebo looking up at the moon and stars. Her head fill with mixed thoughts of Nyx accepting Luna’s offer and with the mysterious stallion. Just then, a familiar voice was heard coming from behind, “Are you alright sister?” Celestia then turned to see her sister, Luna coming up the steps into the gazebo. She could see a look of concern coming from her as she asked the question. “Yes and no dear sister.” Luna then sat next to her, also looking at the moon and the stars. “I’m happy that Nyx has agreed to be your student. I know she will learn a lot from you.” “Yes. I quite agree. Though, she has a unique way of showing her appreciation. I thought she was going to choke me to death over all the excitement of being my apprentice.” Says Luna as she rubs her neck, still sore from the hug. “Who knew she has strong hugs. Ouch.” Celestia chuckles as Luna gave her a glare while rubbing her neck. Just then, “Princess Luna, Princess Celestia.” Both turned to see the three familiar sentries that were assigned to take the mysterious stallion to the hospital. “We’ve returned from the hospital to report that the mysterious stallion was immediately taken in and is currently being treated as we speak. The commander has stayed behind to oversee the operation and will report immediately should anything new happens.” “Thank you three for your hard work. You may go ahead and retire for the night.” Celestia gave a nod as the three sentries gave a salute and marched away towards the barracks. Luna gave a sad and worried look in hopes that the mysterious guest will survive. Celestia saw this look and wrapped her wings around her, giving her a hug in the process. “It’ll be alright Luna. I’m sure he’ll make it through the operation and wake up to tell us who he is and he’s doing in Equestria.” “I hope so Celestia. I sure hope so. Seeing him like that in front of us. It’s really hard to tell if he’ll make it or not.” Luna looks back up to the sky as Celestia lets go. Just then, “Who will or will not make it Aunt Luna?” Both princesses became shocked as they turned around to hear LockOn speaking to them from behind. Standing in front of them was not only LockOn and his wife Sunset, but also Twilight and Nyx. Each of them has a stern look and was curious as to what Luna and Celestia were talking about. LockOn then looked at Celestia. “Mother, what is going on? You and Aunt Luna have been acting weird as of lately. You’re not your usual selves tonight. Did something happen?” “He’s right Celestia. You have been preoccupied a bit as of lately. You even spaced out when we arrived to greet you.” Twilight took a few steps in front of Luna. “Has something happened to the both of you? Has it got to do with the throne room? We’ve noticed a barrier around the throne room and the guards won’t allow anypony access into the room.” Nyx walked up to Luna and placed a hoof on her leg. Luna looked down at Nyx. She noticed a worried, and yet an almost sad look coming from her student. Luna placed a wing around Nyx and gave her a light nudge to assure her that everything will be fine. Everypony present saw this and smiled a bit. Celestia then placed a hoof on her sister’s shoulder. Luna looked up at her sister. For a few minutes there was silence, then Luna gave her sister a nod. Celestia turned to her family with a straight look. “Your both right LockOn and Twilight. Something did happen earlier on today. Something that concerned both Luna and I. An event happened in the throne room before you arrived. Though it would be best that you get your friends and the other family members together and meet with us at the Throne Room. We’ll explain everything from there.” Twilight, Nyx, Sunset and LockOn turned and left to get their friends and family from the ballroom leaving Celestia and Luna alone. About half an hour later, everypony was gathered at the door waiting for the princesses to arrive and explain of the events that took place before the Gala. Everypony was showing a mixture of expressions. Some confused, some worried, and some curious as to why the doors to the throne room was closed and sealed. Few minutes later, the princesses finally arrived at the throne room doors. Everypony present looked onto the princesses, curious as to what they are about to say. “Thank you all for coming. I know you have questions as to why you were all called her. What we’re about to show you is only for your eyes only. No else know of what has transpired here. If you think you’re not ready and should not see what lies beyond these doors, you may go ahead and return back to the Gala and enjoy the rest of the night.” Everypony present looked at each other and then each one gave a nod to Luna and Celestia indicating that they’re ready for anything. Celestia then began to remove the barrier as Luna continued to speak. “Shortly after the sundown, Celestia and I, as well as every other pony present, was startled by a loud noise coming from the throne room. What we discovered was something much unexpected to us.” As soon as she finished her sentence, Celestia completely removed the barrier and ordered the guards to unlock and open the doors. Everypony present watched with anticipation as the doors leading to the throne room began to open. As soon as the doors were opened, all feelings of anticipation was soon replaced with a feeling of shock as each pony saw the condition the throne room was in. Everyone walked into the throne room, observing the destruction left since after sunset. As soon as everypony entered, the doors were closed as to not let anypony see the destruction left in the room. “Whoa. What in tarnation happened here?” Exclaimed Applejack. “It looks like a tornado hit this place.” “Looks more like a meteor hit this place judging by the huge hole here.” Replied Lightning Dust as she hovers above the impact hole in the center of the room. Everypony then gathered around the impact crater, looking down to see how deep it went. Questions filled everypony’s mind as they continued to observe the impact crater. “What a hole! What in Equestria could have caused this?” Minuette asks as she looks down. Luna then responds, “Not a what, but who?” Everypony then looked up at Luna with a confused look as she continued on. “This impact was caused by a pony. He crashed through the ceiling and impacted here. Causing the tremendous destruction you see before you.” Confusion changed to shock as they heard that it was a pony that caused this destruction. Celestia removed the illusion spell just long enough to show the ponies the huge hole in the ceiling made by the pony. She then quickly put the illusion back up so it would not draw suspicion to the outside. “You’re kidding right. No way a pony could have this much damage.” Rainbow Dash replied in a rebellious tone. “And even if it were a pony that caused all of this. He would have to be big in order to create a crater of this size.” Rarity says as she measures the size of the hole with a magical measuring tape. “It’s at least about 4 yards in diameter.” “Um. Where did you get that measuring tape?” ask Lyra. “What? A fashion designer has to be prepared for any disaster. Thank you Spike” “No problem Rarity.” Spike replies while blushing at her. Celestia continued on as she walked past Luna. “As a matter of fact. The pony that impacted here was indeed big. He was as big as Luna and I. An earth pony unlike we’ve never seen before in Equestria.” Everypony was still in a state of shock as each of them try to process the information given to them by the princesses. “So this was done by a male stallion earth pony?” Shining asks as Cadence stood close to him. Luna and Celestia both nodded. “He was indeed an earth pony, but there was something different about this earth pony that gave us a feeling of fright and concern.” Celestia says as everypony stood there at the thought of a pony making even the princesses worry. “What do you mean mother. What would this earth stallion do to make you and Aunt Luna afraid of him?” LockOn asks concerning both his mother and aunt. Celestia continued on explaining as the others listened to the story. She told them of how the stallion had armor unlike any other soldier here in Canterlot. How he could shape and extend his mane and tail to the shape of a claw. Even the part of how his body changed right in front of them. Everypony was in a state of shock and confusion as Celestia continued on describing the mysterious stallion. Luna however was looking down, sadden as Celestia continued on. Nyx saw how sad Luna was and moved over to comfort her as much as she can. Luna smiled a bit seeing Nyx trying to make her happy. Multiple emotions ran throughout the room, but nothing could have put all of them in a state of shock and horror as Celestia told them of the condition the stallion was in when they first met him. All mares present, except for the princesses, started to show tears and the males stood by, still in shock of hearing the details. Even Spike showed signs of sadness upon hearing the news. As Celestia spoke of how Luna took control of the situation and helped the stallion get medical treatment, Luna started to cry even more as she remembers the words spoken to her and how he collapsed in front of her. Lemon Hearts and Moondancer, still shedding tears, noticed a huge stain on the floor. It coloration was different than the rest of the carpet. Lemon Hearts stutters as she asks, “Is t-t-t-this bl-bl-blood?” Every pony turned to the direction of where Lemon and Moondancer are standing. Looking down to see the huge stain. “Yes. Yes it is. That is where he was when he collapsed.” Luna slowly walked up to the stain as Nyx followed close behind. “You should have seen him. Heavily wounded, barely breathing, almost unconscious. Is as if anypony had ever wondered how he’s still alive.” Everypony watched as Luna looked down at the stain. She then started to cry even more to the point that Celestia walked and sat next to her to give her a hug. “You should have seen his face. The way he looked at me like a wild animal at first. I didn’t know what to do. I was so frighten, but for some reason, I couldn’t let him get hurt any more than he was when we first saw him. He was on the verge of dying and yet, he still wanted to attack us because he didn’t know if we were friend or foe. When I talked to him, he calmed down and then collapsed.” Nyx then sat next to Luna, giving her a hug as well to comfort her pain. Everypony started to show more sorrow at hearing Luna’s experience. “Oh My. That poor pony.” Fluttershy comments as she continues, “And you Princess Luna. It must have been a real experience going through all that. I hope he’ll be alright. Where is he now?” “The last thing we heard was that he was safely transported to the Canterlot Hospital and is being treated as we speak. Our commanding officer is there to oversee the condition of the pony.” Celestia stated, still holding Luna as she continues to cry. “But that’s not the only thing that frighten my sister. It’s what he said to Luna that made her frighten.” “What do you mean Celestia? What did he say to Luna?” Twilight ask with a sad look. “I’ll answer this one sister.” Luna then stood up and takes a deep breathe. “The stallion said ‘Please! Help Me! I mean you all no harm.’” Everypony became shocked to hear those words as Luna continued on. “After saying those words and collapsing to the floor, I stood there in the same state of shock as you are now. It was then, I noticed that every pony present at that time had confused looks.” “Why is that Aunt Luna?” Cadence asks. “It’s because no pony could understand what he said. He spoke a language that was completely foreign to every pony.” Celestia stated as sat, looking at Luna. “Celestia’s right. He spoke a language that almost no one knew.” “What do you mean almost no one?” Shining confused at the statement. Luna took another deep breath and sighed. “I mean almost is because. . . I was the only one in the room that actually understood the language.” What she said there brought everypony’s emotions to a standstill. Shocked to hear that Luna is the only one that could hear and understand the language spoken from the mysterious pony, a knock came from the door, startling everypony. “Yes. Come in.” Celestia spoke out as the door opened up. A sentry entered through the door. He marched down towards the princesses and gave a salute. “Sorry to intrude your majesties, but I’ve come with a letter from Commander Sentinel.” He then pulls and levitates a letter from his satchel. He hands the letter over to Celestia and Luna. “Thank you soldier.” The soldier salutes, turns around and leaves the throne room. Celestia opens the letter and levitates in front of her and Luna. Both then begin to read the letter. A brief moment of silence fills the room as the princesses read the letter. As soon as they’ve finished the letter, both princesses looked at each other and gave a smiling nod. Celestia then walked forward and spoke. “It would seem that the surgery was successful and the stallion is now in intensive care.” A sigh of relief could be heard throughout the throne room. “Could it be possible to go and see him?” Nyx asks. “Not at this time my student. It’s getting really late and you’re all probably tired from the night’s festivities. We can go see him later on in the morning.” Everypony agreed Luna as each of them expressed a feeling of being tired. “I’ll notify your love ones that you’ll be staying here for the night. We’ll have rooms ready for you. After a good night’s rest and some breakfast, we all can go see this mysterious pony.” Luna says looking at everypony. All agreed and accepted the offer to stay for the night. As each pony left the throne room and begun the head for their respected guest room, Nyx turned and looked at Luna. “Princess Luna. I may not have enough experience on handling tough situations like this, but I promise you. I will be there to help you not only as a student, but as a friend as well.” Luna looked down and gave a smile to Nyx. Suddenly Twilight took her hoof and wrapped around Nyx. Giving her a hug and says, “We’ll all help Nyx. It is the least we can do to help out a friend.” Everyone gave a smile, agreeing to help Princess Luna with this predicament. Every pony then joined in and gave a group hug to Luna. Luna smiled knowing that her sister was right and that her friends and family are there to support her in anyway. As soon as they finished their group hug, each pony left with an escort to their respective guest rooms. Nyx, Spike and Twilight gave Luna and Celestia a wave goodnight as they headed off. Celestia then ordered the guards to notify the repair crew in the morning to come in and repair the Throne Room. With all things said and done, the sisters headed to their bedchamber for a good night’s rest. _________________________________________________________________ Morning came and the sister’s performed their royal routine of raising the sun and setting the moon. Everypony was awoken to a good sunrise. After getting cleaned up and having breakfast with the princesses, they all loaded up onto multiple chariots and then headed off towards the hospital. At the Canterlot hospital, Dr. CheckUp and Nurse Redheart are performing one last check up before leaving for the day. As they continued to the I.C.U. ward, Dr. CheckUp looked over at Nurse Redheart. “I’m sorry I couldn’t buy you dinner last night. I guess things didn’t turn out the way we planned.” “It’s alright Dr. CheckUp. We didn’t expect quite an outcome we got last night. I’m just finally glad that we got him in stable condition.” Replied Nurse Redheart as they walked into room 2 containing the mysterious pony. “It’s indeed a miracle that he survived this long. With all the injuries he took and constant blood loss, it’ll be a miracle if he wakes up at all. By the way, how many liters of blood did we use to save him?” Dr. Checkup picks up the status board from his bed and examines it while asking. “We’ve used about 10 liter packets from the bank. We’re down to 14 liters. We’ve used more than expected due to the constant blood loss.” “Hhhhmmm. We’ll have to have another blood drive soon or we’ll be having problems should anything like this ever happens again.” Dr. CheckUp signs the medical checkboard and places back on the hook at the end of the bed. Both then walked out of the room and started heading for the main desk area. As they approached the main desk to sign out, Dr. CheckUp turned to Redheart, blushing a bit and asks, “If you like, if you’re not too busy or have anything scheduled later on this week. Perhaps you would like to try again and have dinner with me at the restaurant. It’ll still be my treat.” Nurse Redheart looked at him and saw him blushing as he asked her. She then gave a little smile and replied. “I’d love to Dr. I have Friday night off this week. We can go then, but right now I would like to go home and rest. After last night’s event, I’m ready for a nice long snooze.” Dr. CheckUp smiled. “Okay. Friday night it is then. I’ll pick you up at your place say around seven o’clock?” Nurse Redheart gave a smiling nod as they finish checking out of the work for the night. Just as they were about to leave, the main door opens up revealing the five Princesses, their family and friends. The two almost bumped into the group. The two ponies gave a bow to the princesses as they came in. “Your Highnesses! To what do we owe the honor of your visit?” “We’ve received a letter notifying us that the Mysterious pony is in stable condition and is resting. We would like to see him please.” Replied Princess Luna “Yes your highness. Right this way to I.C.U. Nurse Redheart, go on ahead and head home. I’ve got this. I’ll see you later on tonight.” “Okay Dr. Take care and I’ll see you tonight.” Nurse Redheart replied as she bows and says goodbye to the everypony else. Heading for home. Dr. CheckUp guided the Princesses and their friends to the I.C.U. ward and into the room where the injured pony from last night is healing. As they entered the room, they could see that he’s the only pony in the room. Every pony present were in awe as they saw how big he really is. He was lying on a custom made medical bed. It was custom designed in case any of the princesses were injured and brought here. They all saw that he was covered in bandages in multiple places. His right fore hoof was in a splinter and was hanging in a sling, elevated by a pulley. Both his back legs were wrapped in a light cast molds to prevent sudden movements, further injuring his body. His left eye and head wound was patched up with gauze and bandages wrapped around his head. He could be seen breathing steadily with the help through a respirator. Multiple IVs and other meds were hanging on a bag stand next to him with hoses hooked up and inserted into his left fore hoof. Many little sensors have been placed throughout his body. Each one hooked up to med scanners set specifically to monitor his vitals. All was quiet in the room as each pony looked on with a multiple emotions. The constant beeping from the monitors were the only thing heard in the room. Nyx then walked up to the bed and jumped up to the chair placed next to the bed. She takes a closer look at the pony as the others begin to look at each other. “Is he going to be okay?” Nyx asks as she looks back at Twilight. Everypony then looks at Dr. CheckUp for the status on him. “He stable at this point, though what his body has gone through, it’ll be a while before we can tell if he’ll fully recover and wake up.” “What do you mean?” Sunset asks as she holds LockOn’s hoof. “He has suffered multiple lacerations, 2nd degree burns, his right fore hoof was broken in multiple places as well as having fractures near his shoulder, bruises on his body. Through x-ray, he suffered multiple broken ribs, a punctured lung and has spinal injury along his back. Not to mention the tremendous amount of blood loss when he first arrived. The procedure was indeed tough, even with four medical professionals and a handful of nurses. We’ve almost lost him during the surgical procedure, but managed to bring him back to stable condition and finished with the surgery. We’ve patched up his eye and head wound as carefully as we could. As well as the 3” diameter gash across his chest. It took a while to patch up the hole, but we’ve managed to seal it. We’ve used up to about 10 liters of blood from the bank. All internal organs that are damaged have been patched up. He’ll be on life support for quite a while until his body becomes strong enough to survive without it.” As he finishes his report, CheckUp looked up to see Nyx was about to cry and every other pony has a frown across their face. “OH! Uh! I apologize for that. I forgot that you are still a filly and you’re not use to seeing things like this. I didn’t mean to upset you. I’m sorry.” “It’s okay. I know you’re just doing your job Dr. It’s just…” Nyx was just about to finish her sentence, when Twilight walked over and gave her a hug. Just then, Twilight notice something shining coming from the stallion’s left hoof. “What’s that?” Nyx and the others turned to see the object shining in the sunlight. Rarity walked over to the other side of the bed in order to take a closer look at the object in question. As she examines it closer, she could tell that it was well made. “It appears to be a silver bracelet. Very well designed might I add and yet, it looks incomplete.” “Why you say that sugarcube?” AJ ask curiously. “It appears to be missing some gems.” Stated Rarity as she points out the indentations within the bracelet. The bracelet seemed to house five gems total, except that four of the five gems appear to be missing from their respected places. The only gem present is one in the shape of a dragon’s iris and made from pure obsidian. “It’s definitely in needs some repair. I could probably just take it off and…” “I’m afraid that it is impossible to perform.” Everypony turned around shocked upon hearing a voice in a corner of the room. The pony that spoke walked out into the light. He was a unicorn pony of great build. His coat was a mixture of brown with white spots on his nose, leg and back area. His tail color was pure black. He was wearing the traditional pony armor for a high ranking officer. “Ah. Commander Sentinel. Thank you for volunteering to stay behind and keeping an eye on our mysterious guest. Tell us, why is it impossible to remove the bracelet?” Luna ask as she walks up to the commander. “The bracelet appears to be somewhat imbedded onto his arm. The doctors had a hard time trying to remove it from him. They’ve tried using magic to remove it, but it had no effect. The bracelet appears to be magic resistant and when one of the doctors tried to remove it surgically, the gem glowed and sent out an electrical shock as a sign of defense. The doctor was sent back half way across the room. He only suffered a minor headache though.” Rarity backed away wide eyed from the bracelet after hearing at what the bracelet was capable of doing. “Have you ever seen or heard of anything like this mom?” Sunset questions with a concerned look. Celestia shook her head left and right in response to having no answer. Sunset then looks back at the stallion in bed. “Wish we had a way to talk to him right now. He could tell us what we needed to know.” Just then Luna had an idea. “There is a way.” Everypony turned to look at Luna as she walks up to the stallion. “I could enter his dream and find out who he is. Then possibly he could answer all the questions we have for him.” “Your idea is indeed great princess, but are you sure you want to enter his dream? I mean, after your recent experience. Maybe it would be best if we would just let him rest.” Fluttershy asks while she twiddles her hooves. Luna nods her head, knowing what she must do. A few pillows were placed near the bed in a makeshift bed position. She then lays on the makeshift bed and readies herself to enter the dream realm. Just then she felt a gentle hoof next to her, it was Nyx’s. “Umm. If possible. Could I enter the dream realm with you? I would like to see the world from your view.” Everypony was surprised upon hearing Nyx asking to join Luna to enter the dream realm. Twilight walked up to Nyx. “Are you sure you want to do this? You just became her apprentice just last night.” “I made a promise to help in any way. I’ll never break a promise.” Nyx replied with a serious look. This made several ponies in the room smile, including Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Luna then took her wing and wrapped around Nyx, pulling Nyx next to her. Nyx then laid down on the makeshift bed next to her teacher. Luna looked down at her, changing her mood to a little serious look. “Now Nyx. What you’re about to see when you enter the dream realm, will indeed try to overload your senses. Just remember to stay calm and know that I’ll always be at your side. Should anything happen, I’ll use my magic to force us out of the dream realm. Okay, are you ready?” Nyx gave a nod signaling that she is ready. “Be careful, both of you. We’ll be right here waiting for you to return.” Celestia comments as she sits next to Luna. Twilight also sat down next to Nyx assuring her that she’ll be there when she awakens. Luna began to carefully guide Nyx on how to enter the dream realm. As soon as Nyx fell asleep, Luna used her horn and held it up to hers. Magic began to pulsate from the horn and soon, Luna too fell asleep. All the ponies can do now is sit and wait for them to return from their sleep. > First Battle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 Twilight, Nyx, Celestia and Luna continued to watch as the battle between the stallion and the giant lizard raged on. Surprised to see how well the stallion warrior could hold his own against the creature. The stallion moved around the area at speeds impossible for any earth pony could perform. Dodging any and all attacks made by the lizard. Blocking and parrying a few lightning attacks with his scythe and even using the horns on his helmet to redirect the attacks back. When an opening was made, he quickly moved in for a few good hits or slashed the creature with his scythe. His jumping capabilities was also unnatural as the four saw him jumped great heights above the lizard whenever the creature tries to swing its tail to hit him. Just then, electricity began to build up from the tip of the tail. They knew that he was indeed no ordinary pony. The stallion was about to perform a move in the air when he realized the princesses and little foal are within range of its attack. The lizard fired the electricity from its tail in multiple lightning strikes. Quickly, the stallion disappeared in mid jump and reappeared in front of the three as if done by magic. He then threw his scythe up high above him and crossed his arms. The wings on his back folded in front of him and harden to a metallic shine. He then braced himself as the attacks came at him head on. Each lightning attack has hit its mark, only to have them reflect back. “I can’t believe what I’m seeing. How’s this possible?” Celestia asks as all three watched the stallion defending them from the multiple attacks. “I don’t know sister, but I do know that this pony is the only one that can possibly save us all from this evil creature.” “Princess Luna. What’s he doing with his tail?” Nyx questions as Luna also looks down to see the stallion’s armored tail moving in a figure eight pattern. The sound of chains can be heard as he picked up speed. He then struck the ground with his tail, burying the talon underground. His tail then rushed further into the ground without stopping. A slight rumble could be felt coming from the ground as multiple chains busted out from multiple points of the ground. Each chain that came out begun to wrap around the lizard’s legs, tail, body, neck, and head. Each chain came out a total of thirteen times and wrapped around the lizard, immobilizing it from moving. This also caused the lightning attacks to stop. The stallion then removed his tail from the ground and opened his wings. With a flap of his wings, he flew high into the sky. He caught his scythe as it came back down. He raised the scythe over his head as he’s about to fall on top of the lizard. The scythe’s blade glowed silver as it changed it form to a crescent moon. With a mighty swing, he swung down at the lizard yelling in the process. It appeared to be the final strike until the blades on the back of the lizard began to vibrate rapidly. Faster and faster until the chains which held it were cut. As his attack was just about to connect, the lizard shifted a bit forward and blocked the attack with its still vibrating blades. The princesses and Nyx watched as electric sparks flew out wildly from the scythe as it hit the vibrating blades on the creature’s back. It appears to be a stalemate between the two until the lizard pushed up on his back, forcing the warrior to be pushed off into the air. It then swung its tail and with the claw at the end of the tail, grabbed the warrior by the leg. Before the stallion could do anything, the lizard swung around rapidly and smashed the warrior down into the ground. It continued throwing the warrior up and down continuously, creating multiple impacts on the ground and knocking him out. The lizard then throws the stallion up into the air. It then moves into position as it begins to charge up energy in its mouth. As the stallion falls, the creature fires a huge electric attack upwards towards the stallion. Before the attack could hit, the stallion awoke and curled into a ball. He then begun to spin rapidly as he continued to fall. The spikes on his back grew as he continued spinning, turning himself into a circular saw blade. With his momentum at top speed, he cut through the lizard’s attack without any hesitations. The lizard stopped its attack and managed to jump out of the way before the stallion made contact. The stallion stopped spinning and stood up to face the lizard. His scythe then started to grew dark as the lizard began to charge towards him. The ponies watched as he stood in place as the lizard charged at him. The stallion closed his eyes as his scythe began to change shape. He drew his right hoof back as he was prepared to strike with his armored fist. The shadow aurora from the scythe then wrapped itself around his fist and forearm, beginning to take shape. The lizard was less than a few feet away from attacking. “LOOK OUT!” shouted Nyx as the lizard leaped up and headed straight at the stallion with its mouth open. What happens next made the ponies gasps in awe. A crimson magical circle grew from the base of the stallion growing brighter and spinning faster as he reeled further back. The shadow aurora from the scythe’s previous form had finally taken shape on his right hoof and forearm in the shape of a huge obsidian drill. The drill then began to spin faster and faster as dark energy form around the drill. The stallion finally opens his eyes to reveal the change from blue to fire orange dragon eyes. “Umbra expellam!” He then took a step forward and turned with the drill straight at the lizard. “CHAOS NIGHTMARE DRILL!” Shouted the stallion as huge dark energy shot out spinning from the drill. His attack impacted the lizard’s abdomen with such force, it tore through and continued on spinning towards the sky. The lizard roared out in pain as the attack continued to pierce through. Everypony couldn’t believe what they were seeing. The same lizard that attacked them earlier. The same lizard that had almost knocked everypony out with electrical attacks and almost eating little Nyx. Being bested by an earth pony stallion, who can use a magic that no one has ever seen before. The lizard fell to the ground as the attack made by the stallion died down. The lizard cried in pain as it laid there with a hole in its abdomen. The stallion stood there for a moment as the drill finished spinning and turned back onto a scythe. All stood silent as both the lizard and stallion looked at each other. The conscious ponies quietly watched on as the stallion began to walk towards the lizard. Wondering what he’s going to do next. The stallion finally stopped right in front of lizard. Looking down as the creature cried out in pain. What he did next shocked the princesses and Nyx. The stallion knelt down, placed his hand on his forehead and looked into the lizard’s eye. “Custodem me malum facere tibi ignem pulsaretur portam reliquisti me sed non elit. Sub te scio ‘Nihil’ ... Et præcepit his innocentibus mannis faciem tuam ut percutiat. (I'm truly sorry for hurting you guardian of the fire gate, but you left me no choice. I know that you were tricked by "Nihil" and he has ordered you to attack these innocent...ponies.)” He says as he did a quick turn towards the ponies, giving a sort of confused look before turning back to look at the lizard. “Sed iam tempus est ad aethereum et campos. Illic sanctus eris ab isto ictu et conquiescere possit. Munda prius quam opus tuum. Tantum te oro vicissim exsecratio dira adiecta si necessarium industrios vestris uti licet. Ut ego utor tuis artibus? (But now it is over and it is time to return to the Ethereal Plains. There you'll be able to rest and recover from this wound. I need to cleanse and purify your spirit before you go. All I ask in return, is to use your special ability when needed in a dire situation. May I use your skills?)” The lizard looked back into the stallion’s eyes for a few moments and then gave a nod. The stallion thanked the lizard and stood up. He took a few steps back and held his scythe horizontally in front of him. A white magical circle began to form on the ground around the stallion. As he focused, the scythe began to float in front of him. “What is he doing?” Luna asks as with a confused look. “I…don’t…know dear sister.” Replies Celestia who is also confused as they watched the stallion performing some type of spell. “Spiritus modum abrepti tenebris conturbavit. Exáudi verba mea. Te a mundavero alteri ‚Nihil‘. Animæquior esto et ad inferos. Relinquere tua potestas me. Pure ad usum tenebris. In nomine antiquis ego vos. (Spirit tainted by dark chaos. Hear my words. I purify thee from the one called ‘Nihil’. Be at peace and go to the afterlife. Leave your power with me. To be used for pure darkness. In the name of the Ancients, I set you free.)” The magic circle then grew brighter as the stallion spoke the words. The circle started to spin, faster and faster as it levitated up above the stallion. The spell circle then moved towards the lizard and lowered itself down surrounding itself around the creature. The stallion’s eyes glowed a bright red as the circle surrounding the lizard spun even faster than ever, lifting up the creature in the process. The ponies were in awe as they witness the spell being performed in front of them. As the spell circle spun around the creature, the lizard began to fade from existence, leaving only a shadow outline of the creature. The stallion then grabbed his scythe and positioned himself as the circle began to rotate and circle around the creature. He raised his scythe over his right shoulder and slashed down as the circle stopped in front of him. He then rotated the scythe and slashed upwards on the same circle. Creating an x-shape across the spell. The spell circle then exploded, sending out a dragon made of puree darkness. The dragon the shot out a flame of darkness, surrounding the lizard in a dark, burning twister. A faint roar could be heard from within the twister. As the twister dissipated, the only thing left behind was an orb of red flame. The shadow dragon them ate the flame and disappeared back into the circle. The circle then shrank and floated down to the stallion, floating above his claw. With a nod from his head, the circle then flashed, transforming in a fire red crystal. The crystal glowed and pulsated as he held it in his claw. “Gratias agimus tibi propter amicum munus habeto pacem. (Be at peace my friend and thank you for your gift.)” The stallion says as he looks at the crystal and places it in an indentation on the side of the scythe’s blade. The crystal then sank into the blade, as if becoming one with the scythe. The scythe then glowed a bright shade of red before returning back to its original color. For few moments, the stallion stood there looking at his scythe. The princesses and Nyx looked on wondering what he’ll do next. He then turned around and started walking towards the fallen ponies. No pony could do anything as they were still feeling the effects of the lizard’s attack. This also put them in a predicament as he was still wearing his armor. He stopped and knelt down in front of Nyx, looking at her. Nyx then notice that his eyes had changed back from orange-red to light crystal blue. He placed his scythe next to him and used his armor like claws to remove the cut tongue from around Nyx’s body. The princesses looked at each other with feelings of intrigue as the stallion had completely removed the tongue from Nyx. Celestia then notices Nyx’s wing in very bad shape, possibly caused by the lizard crushing Nyx with his tongue. The stallion looked on at the damaged filly’s wing, carefully touching it with his claw. As he checked the little pony’s wing, Nyx whelp in pain as he lightly touched joint point before the tip, causing her to close her eyes in order to prevent tears from forming. He then removed his claw and stared straight at her with a calm expression. “Fortis fuisti parvulam nutriebat. (You were very brave little one.)” Nyx looked up at the stallion with a surprised emotion. “Permitte me Dominus ut curarem te et aliis. (Allow me to heal you and the others.)” The warrior then picked up his scythe as he stood up. Using the bottom of the staff, he stabs the ground in front of him. He then raised his forehooves and held it in front of him. Closing his eyes for only a few minutes. Then a calming wind blew from out of nowhere, creating a peaceful atmosphere in the area. He then spoke in a calming manner. “Calore cordis doloris mei. Da mihi virtutem sanandi vulnera? (By warmth of heart, your pain I feel. Grant me the power, your wounds to heal!). Suddenly a faint musical tune could be heard echoing through the wind as it continues to blow. The princesses and Nyx heard the lovely tune being played through the wind. “It’s beautiful. What a lovely tune.” Luna says as she listens in to the music. “Indeed Luna, but where’s it coming from?” asks Celestia as looks around trying to hone in on the music’s location. Just then, the stallion began to glow a greenish color as the trees and other plant life began to sway to the music as if they were slowly dancing. The green aura then flew out from the stallion and started covering the sky. The aura flowed towards Twilight and the others, covering them in the same green aura, then lifting them up carefully like a newborn foal. Even LockOn who was further from everypony else, was lifted as well. The aura carried everypony across the field towards the stallion casting the spell. Soon, the aura even surrounded the princesses and Nyx as well, lifting them up in the process. Each pony circled and hovered around the stallion as he focused his magic. As the music continued playing through the wind, Nyx notices the scythe glowing a bright green color. The scythe then let out a shockwave of magical energy, surrounding everypony in range with a bright green aura. After the shockwave had hit everypony, AJ, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Sunset, Spike and LockOn awoke from there unconscious states. Luna, Celestia, Twilight and Nyx could not believe their eyes as they saw their family and friends awaken. Nyx then began to notice that the pain in her wing had faded away and begun to flap her wings as if she wasn’t injured. Twilight saw this and began to notice herself that the numbing pain from the electrical attacks earlier had subsided. Her attention then aimed towards Rainbow Dash only to find that all visible wounds inflicted on her had vanished. Everypony began to notice that any pain given to them physically by the creature had vanished like they have never been injured at all. They all looked at each other for a moment and then turned to notice who was casting the spell as they hovered in place. The stallion then lowered his arms, at the same time, each pony covered in the green aura was carefully lowered as well to the ground. As each one landed safely on the ground, the aura surrounding them flew off their bodies and returned to the stallion. The aura disappeared from around him as the musical tune quietly faded into the wind. The aura surrounding the stallion was the last to disappear as he took deep breath and opened his eyes. “What in Celestia’s name?” Spoke Rarity as everypony looked at each other in confusion. “Uh girls. What the hay just happened to us?” Rainbow Dash looks at herself as she replies. “It was a healing spell. He just healed us.” Replied Nyx as she looks at the stallion. Luna and Twilight both walked up to Nyx. “How do you that Nyx?” asks Twilight with an eyebrow raised. “Because he told me that he was going to heal us.” The reply surprised everypony present. Even Luna was surprised and shock to hear that Nyx could also understand his language. “How could you know what he was saying? Even I couldn’t understand what he was saying when he spoke to you. This doesn’t make sense.” Twilight turns her head and looks at Luna. “First Luna and now, you. This information doesn’t match with any of the books I’ve read so far in my life.” Luna then lowers her head and look at Nyx. “If you do understand what he said, then tell us. What did he exactly say to you?” Nyx replied. “He told me how brave I was and then he chant a rhyme that healed us. I think the words were by warmth of heart, your pain I feel. Grant me the power your wounds to recover or something like that.” She looks down as she scratches her head with her hoof in heavy thought. AppleJack looks around with a confused look. “Hey yawl. Does any pony know what happened to that creature that attacked us? “Why don’t you ask him? He seem to know what happened.” Pinkie pointed at the stallion as he turned around and began to walk away from the group. “HOLD ON THERE PAL! Where do you think you’re going?” shouted Rainbow Dash as she speed right past and stopped in front of him. “As much as any pony here would like to thank you for stopping the beast. There’s still the question of who you are and where did you come from?” The stallion just stood there with a puzzled look. Other’s joined in on asking questions. “Yes dearie. What’s a fine pony such as yourself doing here and especially in that getup? Every pony looks at Rarity with a stern look. “What?” Sunset, alongside LockOn, walks up to the stallion. “We’d like to thank you for saving us and would very much appreciated if we knew your name.” The stallion looks at Sunset from behind with no emotions. He then turns his head and continues to walk away from everypony. Everypony present looked on with various emotions as the mysterious continues to walk away. Looking at each other with confusion on the situation at hand. Princess Luna galloped towards the stallion. Concerned of wanting to know who this mysterious pony is and can he be trusted. “W…Wait! Wait, please!” She stopped in front of him just as he slowed to a stop himself. Both peering at each other waiting for one to speak. Luna looks into the stallion’s eyes, seeing the light blue crystal eyes that shined a bit in the moonlight. With no signs of emotions coming from him, Luna speaks out with a calm comforting manner. “I know this is sudden, but please hear us out. We’d really like to thank you for saving us. Especially my apprentice Nyx and sister. To express our gratitude for this deed, we’d like to ask you if you join us for some dinner and talk with us. I’m sure you have questions as well to ask of us. We can really help each other if you would accept our offer and perhaps be friends.” For a few minutes, nothing happened as everypony looks on for his answer. He then walked on past Luna and into the Evergreen forest. Before entering the forest, everypony present saw his armor disappearing into a shadowy mist. As the armor disappeared from existence, the stallion fell forward landing on his fore hooves and continuing into the forest. Luna stood in place looking on as the stallion disappeared from site. She then sat down and looked down with a sad look. Nyx and the others walked up to Princess Luna and gave her a group hug to comfort her. “Gratias vobis oblatum non possum non recepi. (I thank you for the offer, but I cannot accept it.)” A voice coming from the forest echoes out to the others. “Was that him?” Fluttershy says as each pony peers into the forest to find the source of the echo. “It was indeed him.” Luna look on with a shocked expression. “This is getting weird.” Exclaimed spike. “Does any pony know what that voice said?” Luna stood up and walked to the edge of the forest. “Why? Why can you not accept our invitation?! Why can you accept our friendship?! We won’t harm you in any way!” She continues to shout into the forest as everypony watches on surprised on how Princess Luna was reacting to the voice. Princess Celestia however could only look on with sadness. Finally, the voice responds. “Credas mihi similem . Qui in tantum ut occiderent atque delerent ego ad me. Maledictus mea vita id sciant nec compuncti, ab amici vel . Si ea quae per circuitum tuum esse et quanti tu mihi te requiret . Periculum sequitur me ubicumque et vado. Id quod dixi antea , non nocet hoc dico , sed de vita et qui non consequuntur interfecerant quemquam in via ad me dubitare. (You cannot trust someone like me. I’ll only bring death and destruction to those who become close to me. My cursed life knows no remorse from friend or foe. If you value your existence and those around you, you will not look for me. Danger follows me where ever I go. As I said before, I mean this world no harm, but the others who are in pursuit of my life are and they will not hesitate on killing anyone in their way to get to me.)” Nyx attempts to translate every word possible to everypony as the others continue to listen in and understand what is happening. “Optimum foret oblivisceris me in animas vestras perrexit . Quisquam amicus esse non possum. (It would be best that you forget about me and continued on with your lives. I cannot be friends with anyone.)” “WHAT OTHERS!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN CURSE!? PLEASE TELL US!” Silence follows for a few moments. “AT LEAST GIVE US YOUR NAME!” It was then that the mysterious pony’s voice vanished. Luna stood there gazing into the Evergreen Forest hoping to hear an answer, but alas, nothing. Celestia walked over to her sister and gave her a comforting hug. “Come on dear sister. Let’s head home.” Luna looked over to her sister and gave a sad nod. Everypony decided not to tell any pony of the events that has happened tonight and headed for home.