• Published 21st Apr 2015
  • 733 Views, 11 Comments

Old Friends Off To War - Teal

In a war where your friends are in both sides, what is a poor mare to do?

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Chapter 2

June 29

The summer heat radiated throughout the countryside, as Celestia’s bright sun shed its golden rays all over the landscape below. Feeling the heat all around her, Applejack wished that she was taking a dip in a nice cool lake to relive her skin from the warm weather. The summer heat was a frustrating and sometimes stressful environment to work in, with the heat taking over ones thoughts almost all the time. Having to stand in such conditions was often tough and excruciating and it didn’t help her to have the army’s woolen jackets to cover her up and insulate the warmth within.

Taking cover under a tree, Applejack shaded herself from the sun, as she desperately tried to cool herself off. Taking off her hat and wiping off the sweat from her forehead, she held the wide brim Stetson with her hooves and began using it as an improvised fan.

“Hoowee…” She commented as beads of sweat continued to trail on her face. “…this sure is a hot day today.”

“Eyup.” Her brother commented, as he nodded his head. Being a stallion of few words, Big Macintosh seldom spoke and when he did speak, his words were kept to a minimum as they can be.

“Makes me feel pithy for those ponies down there, having to tolerate weather like this…” She said with a sympathetic voice, as she glanced at the long columns of armed ponies marching down the path.

Taking shade under a tree that was on top of a hill, both Applejack and Big Macintosh had a perfect view of the dirt road, which ran from Dodge Junction to Canterlot. From there, she could see parts of her army make their way up the road, trudging through the heat with their loads on their backs as they led the way for the entire army.

Applejack couldn’t help but feel pity for them as she watched them move, knowing all too well how hard it was to work under the hot sun. Having been a farmer throughout most of her life, she had worked through the long summer months at their apple orchard, soaking herself under the sun as she made sure that she and her family would have enough money to keep their way of life going.

She took great pride in knowing that all her hard work kept her family alive and happy, as all her sweat and aches were repaid by the warmth of their love. Her and her family’s hard honest work had kept her family going and for many years their apple orchard was the number one source of apples in the entire region. That was until other orchards, with magical machines, came into the picture, out producing and competing with them in the market.

When she first heard the news, she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She refused to accept the idea that a machine could do a better job than her and just shrugged it all off. But when their buyers started looking towards the machine operated farms, which were able to pick apples faster than she could buck them, she knew, then and there that something must be done.

Hoping to stay peaceful and talk things out, they had tried to do things diplomatically, like the sophisticated and well-mannered ponies they were. She sent a complaint to the local government that the new machines were taking its toll in her livelihood and that they should be shut down for the sake of everypony involved.

But when the rich unicorns who owned the machines fought back with their own words, Applejack soon learned that she was clearly outmatched, as well as every other ponies who fell victim to the machines.

When the talks had failed, armed rebellion started throughout the affected areas, with ponies taking up weapons and demanding what was right. When that still didn’t work, the heads of these groups decided to unite under one banner and start their own nation; a nation where they wouldn’t have to worry about the machines who seemed to bring nothing but ruin to them; a nation that was independent from the Kingdom of Equestria.

Three years after that, they were still here, fighting for their right to be free. Three years have passed since she took command of this army, and despite her audacious and decisive battles, the war didn’t seem to be close to an end.

As she watched the long columns of ponies march under the sun, she knew deep inside her that those ponies have endured things that were far worse than the blazing heat of the summer. She had seen them fight against ponies who they once considered friends, she had seen them march through nights and fight through long days, tired and weary. She had seen them watch their comrades die, as shell and shot rained all over them. She had seen them cry, mourning the loss of a close friend, as she herself cried with them. And she had been there with them to suffer all these pains.

By now, she knew that they were all tired. But not physically, rather spiritually, as their souls had enough of the war. Too bad the war had not yet had enough of their souls.

Keeping her gaze fixed at the road, she watched as the 2nd Baltimare passed by, colors blazing under the sun’s gaze. Compared to the other regiments, the 2nd Baltimare had been worn down by war, as their column was shorter than most regiments, while the ponies in the outfil were ragged and had war torn coats and hats. They have greatly dwindled in size due the battle they fought, yet the ponies in the regiment remained proud and strong.

Regiments like this were the ones who had fought the war since the start. Applejack knew them well, as she remembered the small scanty force that was now the backbone of the Republican Army. Once untrained, unprepared, and ill disciplined, those ponies were now veterans, highly skilled and well organized fighting machines.

Through bloody battle after bloody battle, they held on and kept their nation’s pride. From the fields of Fillydelphia, where the first battle was fought, to the thick forest at Hollow Shades, these were the ponies who won battles.

But they did so at a cost.

For every battle they fought, great amounts of casualties always awaited tem, as the fields were littered with dead friends and foe. Applejack could never get used to those sights, as the bloody fields were scarred in her memory. This was what she hated the most, to see the dead lying on the field right after the battle.

They shall haunt my dreams forever. She thought to herself. And Princess Luna would do nothing to stop it.

No matter how victorious they were in a battle, the dead were always there. Always in high numbers, always waiting, either to be buried or to rot. If battles that were as bloody as the last were fought over and over, then regiments like the 2nd Baltimare may soon cease to exist.

Crack units, no matter how good they were, would soon die due to attrition. And if veteran regiments like them should be erased from the army, then the Republican Army might soon wither away. Wither as the numerically superior enemy crushed them and always outgunned them.

With vast resources and a large population, the enemy they faced was comparable to a giant, while they were nothing more than mere ants. Despite having terrible leadership, they made it up with their numbers, as they kept on sending waves and waves of ponies into the battle.

Applejack had considered it a feat for her and her army to have won the battles they faced, but she knew that it would only be a matter of time till those battles take their toll on them. The ants can fight and bite the giant, all the while evading its stomps, but sooner or later it would be crushed under the giant’s weight.

With a smaller population and scarce resources, replacing the loses they took was very difficult. That was why veteran regiments were irreplaceable, as they evened the advantage with their experience. But veteran regiments would soon dwindle and their ranks would soon be depleted.

Unless a decisive blow to the enemy is done, the situation of attrition would continue to plague them. And if this decisive blow is not conducted soon, then everypony in the Republic knew that the nation might soon find itself on its knees.

But Applejack was not going to allow that to happen. Having pledged her allegiance and having sworn to protect the nation, she knew that she must conduct that winning punch. She was going to deliver the striking blow and end this was, once end for all.

I’ll end this war even if it’s the last thing I do…

“General, mam.” A voice called out from behind Applejack, distracting her from her thoughts and bringing her back to reality.

Turning around, Applejack found herself facing a brown earth pony who had a small smile on his face as he stood there saluting at her.

“Mornin’, Captain Turner.” She said, returning the salute. “Got any news for me?” She asked, knowing that Time Tuner only went to her when he had anything important to tell her.

As her aide-de-camp, it was his duty to send her any news about the situation of the army, as well as assist her in the various amounts of paper works and planning that must be done. For three years he had been helping her, and during those three years, she found him as an effective, high spirited and quick thinking pony, who never lets her down.

“Yes, mam…” He said, before reaching for something in his saddlebag. “…I also got some refreshing apple cider for you.” He said, as he pulled out a metal canteen, which was dripping in moisture from its cool content.

“Why thank you, Captain.” She said, accepting the canteen. “But I think I’ll drink after you’re report. I want to keep as level headed as possible.”

“Very well, mam.” He said, before pulling out something else from his saddle bag.

As she watched, Applejack could see bring out a folded up newspaper and pass it to her. “Our advance units managed to pick up some newspapers from a small village. This one over here was published the other day, and if you would look at the headlines, you would see why this might be a valuable piece of information, General.” He said, pointing towards the large bold letters in the front page.

Applejack’s eyes scanned the words in front of her as her eyes widened to what she saw. Looking away from the paper, she turned her gaze to Time Turner and gave him a questioning look. “Twilight Sparkle? Really?”

“Yes, mam, that’s what it says.” He said, nodding. “I already took the duty of reading the articles on the paper, and from what I found out, the newly promoted Maj. Gen. Twilight Sparkle has been appointed by Celestia as the new commander of the Equestrian Volunteer Army. I also read, from another article, that the defenses at Canterlot are being bolstered for a possible attack. It seems that they managed to catch word of our movement and believe that we are about to attack their capital. Knowing them, they would most likely pressure their new commander in setting up defenses between us and their precious capital, probably somewhere near Rambling Rock Ridge.”

“So…they’re sending Twilight to try and stop us…” Applejack mumbled, feeling excitement and sadness at the same time. Excitement, knowing that the enemy has finally appointed somepony capable and knowledgeable to lead them and try to stop her, yet sadness, knowing that it had to be one of her best friends. These emotions were mixing in her and she didn’t know how to express them.

Twilight has been her friend for years, and still is. But now, she has officially became her enemy at the same time. It had been fine when she was doing her small job as the Royal Observer, but now, her new appointment ruined everything. She now felt a hint of anger mixing in the already confusing conception of emotions.

Yet despite them raging inside her, she did her best to hide them. At least for now.

“Can we confirm your theory, Captain?” Applejack asked. “Rainbow Dash. Has she reported any movement conducted by the enemy army?”

“I’m sorry, mam, but we still have no word from Gen. Rainbow Dash.” Time Turner said, shaking his head. “We have sent our best couriers to find her brigade and contact them, but so far, we have not met any success.”

Applejack shook her head as she let out a short frustrated growl. “Darn it, Dash.”

Turning her gaze towards Big Macintosh, who was sitting by the tree, enjoying the view from the top of the hill, before turning it back to Time Turner, she let out a short sigh before shaking her head.

“No matter…” She reassured him. “…I do not care where the enemy is heading, as long as it’s not towards us. And from the looks of things, it might be that they won’t move at all.” She knew that if the enemy would decide to advance towards them, then the leading units of her army would easily detect them. “Besides, I think they will be surprised when they find out that we aren’t actually heading for Canterlot.”

“We aren’t?” Time Turner asked, oblivious to the plan Applejack had in mind. Having not yet given her officers an official meeting, the only ponies who knew the plan were her and Big Macintosh. But once the army takes its first brake then the plan would be revealed to all. Till then, she would just have to give Time Turner a quick preview.”

“Yes, Captain, we aren’t…” She said, as she pulled out her map from her saddle bag, revealing the intricate path that she routed out for the army to take. “…you see Captain, I’m not planning to attack Canterlot, at least not as of yet. We would need a lot of supplies before we can do anything like that. This here army is hungry and is in desperate need of new coats. Good thing I know the perfect place to find all of that we need.” She then pointed to the map, towards a forked intersection.” Captain, once we hit the next turn pike, the army would make a left turn, avoiding Rambling Rock Ridge, and head straight towards Ghastly Gorge. Once there, we shall head up north and towards Ponyille. With the Everfree forest to our right, we shall be screened by the forest and blocked from the prying eyes of the enemy. If things go according to plan, which I’m sure they will, we shall reach Ponyville without any significant resistance from the enemy. Hopefully, by the time the enemy realizes where we are, it would be too late and we would be at our target destination. They would then find out that their defenses are facing the wrong destination, as we would attack Canterot from the general direction of Ponyville.”

She was satisfied at this plan and believed that it would bring them to the goal they were struggling and striving for three years, ultimate victory.

Looking at her map, Applejack felt confident that her plan would work. The Everfree forest was a gigantic land mass and could easily conceal an army that was marching at its outskirts. The road that led from Ghastly Gorge to Ponyville snaked the edges of the Everfree and although the forest was a dangerous place, Applejack was sure that being only at its outskirts was safe.

It’s a good plan. Applejack told herself. A darn good plan.

She could only imagine the look on Twilights face when she realizes that she managed to misplace as an entire enemy army, as they disappeared from her sights. Knowing her, she would panic and probably lose half her mind before realizing what has happened to her. If Twilight was still panicking by the time a confrontation happens, then she is most likely to make irrational judgments that would bring things to Applejack’s favor. Once Twilight was defeated, then she would be able to capture Canterlot, and most likely being the war to an end, with victory for them.

But did she really have to face Twilight to end all of this?

The thought of facing Twilight in battle was bringing a large amount of mixed emotions to her heart, as she felt sorrow and anger for her friend. She knew that out there, Twilight must have felt sick at the thought of fighting her friends, as Applejack felt sick at the very prospect of it.