• Published 15th Apr 2015
  • 632 Views, 10 Comments

The Long Road Home - yourlocalhetheydisaster

***OLD*** Pinkie gets stuck in an alternate dimension.

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Turning on the device

I jumped in excitement at the thought of Equestria's newest invention. It was going to be able to transport ponies to different worlds. Twilight had been working with the princesses for a long time on this device. As you may know, well, duh everpony knows, there is already a device that takes ponies to different worlds, but that only took you to one. This made Twilight curious as to whether there were other worlds. She had begun this project almost as soon as she had came home from the mirror for the second time. She asked the princess's if they could help in her project. The princesses, of course, had decided to help her. They had seemed intrigued from the beginning. So, with the help of all three princess's, after several months of work, finished the project and decided to turn on the device tomorrow.

I galloped down the stairs to find Mr. and Mrs. Cake baking cupcakes as fast as they could. I had almost, and let me say almost because I never forget, forgotten about the party I had planned for today. I rolled out my party cannon and set it off sending streamers and confetti flying around the room. I quickly blew up balloons and set one on each of the chairs in the room. I placed the party hats on a table near the front of the room and got out a "Congratulations Princesses!" banner in the middle of the room. I smiled and said in my usual cheery voice, "This is going to be the best 'Congratulations-On-Making-A-Super-Awesome-Totally-Amazing-New-Invention-Party' EVER!" I giggled and walked to the kitchen to help the Cakes make more cupcakes.

About fourty minutes later somepony knocked on the door. I sprang up and galloped as fast as I could to the door and opened it. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were standing at the door. "Hey Pinkie!" Rainbow Dash said as I let her in.

"Hiya Rainbow!" I said. As soon as I shut the door another pony knocked on the door, causing Fluttershy to jump. I walked to the door and opened it to find Rarity and Apple Jack along with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They said hello and I welcomed them in. In about ten minutes the entire room was filled with ponies who I had invited, which included each of the princesses. I walked around helping the guests with whatever they needed. I saw three ponies gathered around the punch table watching as everypony was having a good time. I walked over and stood next to them.

"What are you guys doing over here? The party's over there you silly fillies!" I said. One of them looked over at me.

"We, um. Well, this is the first party we've ever been to, so we don't re-" I cut her off with a gasp.

"Miss, uh, what's your name?" I asked.

"Uh, I'm Frosting Glimmer, that's Snow Ball, and that's Poppy Seed." She said.

"Well, you guys will never know what a real party is like if you just sit on the side-lines while everypony else is having fun now can you?" They shrugged and I pushed them towards the middle of the party. They seemed awkward at first, but then got into the groove of the party, talking and having fun. I smiled as they laughed and talked to others. Princess Celestia and Luna were playing pin the tail on the pony, which in my opinion is the best party game ever, and I watched as Luna accurately pinned the tail on while Celestia pinned in on its snout. I saw them laugh and I laughed to seeing that the tail on its snout almost looked like a mustache.

An hour went by and I got up to the microphone. "Attention everypony!" I called. They all turned to me as I began my speech. "I know that the ending of a party is the worst part, but as you know, the party has to end at some point. So, before this party says its good-bye, I would like to give a shout out to the princesses of Equestria! Come on up you guys!" Everypony cheered as the four princesses walked over to the podium. "Let's hear one more 'woo hoo' for them guys!" Everypony cheered and I giggled. "Alrighty! Well, thank-you all for coming and have a great night!" I said as ponies walked out of the doors. I smiled and began picking up all of the mess from the party.


Today was the big day. I pranced down the stairs and quickly opened the door. The invention was in Canterlot, so I had to catch a train. As I walked toward the train station, All Aboard walked towards me. "Ticket, please." he said. I handed it to him and jumped on the train. Rainbow and the others had already boarded the train and had saved me a seat. I sat down and Fluttershy looked at Twilight.

"So, you're sure that this is absolutely safe?" She asked in her quiet voice. Twilight sighed.

"There is a small chance that somepony might be seperated from the group, but the chance is very slim." She said Fluttershy seemed scared and asked,

"How slim is the chance?" Twilight let out a slightly annoyed groan.

"I don't know, slim." She said. I needed to fix this unhappiness, so I turned to Fluttershy.

"What are you gonna do when we get to the new world?" I asked her.

"Oh, I'm going to see all of the new animals that are there." She said in a quiet voice. Rainbow pointed to herself and smiled.

"Well, I'm going to see how many records I can beat. Then I'll be the fastest pony there too!" she said arrogantly. Apple Jack rolled her eyes at Rainbow and spoke up herself.

"While someponies are making themselves stars, I'm gonna find the nearest apple orchard and ask em' about how they grow their apples." She said. Rainbow glared at Apple Jack and slumped in her seat. Oopsy. Guess I made that one worse. I thought. Rarity cleared her throat and spoke up.

"I'm going to see what styles of clothing they have, and give them my own ideas too. Hmm, I wonder what they will wear?" She looked down at the dress she was wearing and tapped her hoof to her chin. "Will they like what I'm wearing? What if they don't?" Her eyes went wide and she gasped. "WHAT IF THEY DON'T LIKE MY FASHION CHOICES?!?" Rarity began to freak out as Rainbow giggled along with Apple Jack. I looked towards Twilight.

"What are you going to do Twilight?"

"I'm going to learn all that I can about the other world. For instance, what are the people or ponies like there? What do they do for a living? Who is their princess?" Twilight then turned to me. "What are you going to do Pinkie?" she asked.

"What I always do!" I said cheerfully, "I'm going to make everypony, or everybody, smile!" We then changed the subject of what everypony thought the other world might look like. We continued this talk until the train stopped in Canterlot. I bounced out as the others calmly walked out of the train. Twilight looked at the clock on the tower and turned to us.

"We have another hour until the event." she said. "So what does everypony want to do until then?" she asked us. Rainbow Dash raised her hoof.

"I vote that we go to the Wonder Bolts Hall of Fame!" She said. Apple Jack rolled her eyes.

"I vote that we go to an apple convention." Apple Jack said. Rainbow glared at her.

"How is that any better than my idea?" Rainbow asked. The two growled at each other and I quickly spoke up.

"Why don't we go to a nice cafe?" I asked. "After all, a nice cup of coffee is good before traveling. Rainbow and AJ withdrew from each other and resorted to just glaring.

"I'm up for a cup of coffee." Fluttershy said. Rainbow sighed and looked away.

"Yeah, I guess a cup of coffee would be nice." Apple Jack nodded. Rarity looked down.

"I don't know about coffee, but I do know a nice cafe that sells tea." She said. Twilight nodded.

"It's settled then. We'll go to a cafe." We all began walking around and finally came to a small cafe. We each bought our drinks and sat at a small table. We drank our drinks and began walking to the town square where a colossal device sat in wait. I walked up to the line and Twilight looked at me funny. "Pinkie, you do know that we get to go first right?" I shook my head and followed them to the front of the line.

Celestia was waiting for us at the front. She smiled as she said, "Head on in girls." We walked in along with around fifty other ponies. Inside was a small box-like hole which, I assumed, was the trasporty thingy ma-bob. Twilight jumped in and the rest of us jumped in after her.

Actually traveling through the worlds was like walking through a nice spring day. It was fairly warm, while not being so warm it burned. I felt a change in my hooves as my front ones turned into the fleshy things Twilight had told me about. What were the upper ones called again? My brain processed it for a moment before remembering, Oh, yeah! Arms! My tail disappeared and was replaced with a skirt as my hind legs changed into human legs with blue and yellow socks along with pink flats with blue bows on them. My skirt was the color of my coat with my cutie mark on the side. The top half of my pony torso was replaced with a t-shirt the same color as my skirt. My snout was shortened to a snub and my pony ears were changed into smaller, weirder ones.

As I was admiring my new form, I was suddenly jerked away from the group. I screamed as I began to drift farther from my friends. Twilight reached her hand out to me. "Pinkie! Take my hand!" I reached out but I was jerked away so quickly I couldn't grab it. Soon, a suffocating blackness engulfed me as Twilight and my friends shouted out my name. The blackness entirely engulfed me and I closed my eyes.


When I opened my eyes, I found myself in a white void of nothing-ness. The only things inhabiting this place was a door and an almost featurless being. The only exception to it being featurless, was its mouth which was a large toothy smile. "Well, well, well. I guess I have a new person to torture." It said in a maniacal voice. I shuddered.

"Wh-who are you?" I asked, my voice shaky. It laughed.

"I'm truth. So, what did you do to come here hm? Human transmutation?" It asked. I had no idea what this 'human transmutation' was.

"I was just traveling through worlds, when I was seperated from my friends." It seemed to be confused.

"That's impossible. It's never been done before. Many have tried, but none have succeeded." I began to feel alone and hopeless.

"I don't even know where I am!" I said. It seemed to be thinking.

"How about this, I'll send you to this world to try to find your way back, and give you all of the secrets of alchemy, in exchange for your legs. Deal? If not, I can just keep you in here forever." I thought of having to stay here forever and it made me shiver.

"DEAL!" I practically shouted. It smiled and black hands grabbed me and pulled me through the doors. I began to feel like all of the knowledge in the world was being poured into my head. I gritted my teeth as the pain became worse. Soon, I saw a light and was heading straight for it. The pain soon became too much and I blacked out. Unaware of what I had just been thrown into.

When I finally came to, I felt cold metal under my body. I looked to my left and there was a blond kid with a braid. He was wearing a red coat with a strange symbol on it. I looked up and saw that I was being carried by a suit of armor. My eyes began to feel droopy and I passed out.