• Published 14th May 2012
  • 748 Views, 1 Comments

Wayward - SolarFlare_Solis

Equestria had fallen to corrupt government. Now only 3 siblings can save it. And they hate eachother

  • ...


The everfree forest was quiet. Unusually quiet and still. The only sound was the constant running river, and the occasional breeze through the countless trees, vines, and hundreds of other shrubs and plants making up the dense forest.

Two ponies walked side by side, cautiously avoiding the moonlight; sticking to the shadows as much as possible, out of sight. One, a small mare, was carrying memory core in her mouth, the other, a pegasus with a missing wing, had a saddle bag on his back. They had been walking for what felt like years, completely silent, and vigilant to their surroundings. They looked everywhere, like they were looking for somepony, or something, but nothing in particular.

After some time, they placed their items on the ground, and the duo stood, on the edge of the river. They stood still as statues, unwavering in the frostbitten cold air. There they waited. After a considerable amount of time, the mare, standing on the left on the stallion, decided to break the never ending silence.

"Why are we waiting then? Wasn’t she supposed to meet us here?" She was getting impatient; the longer they stood out here, the more chance of, well, she tried not to think about it. Put simply, they wouldn't be "well off" if they stayed. There was nothing else in her mind right now, other than giving the information, getting the money, and getting out. And how could there be? She was endangering her entire family, not to mention her own life by coming here. The only way she was finally convinced to pursue this stallion, was for the money. She needed the money. The abyss of penury her family was in, well, all of her town, almost everypony was in, put them all the greatest of depressions. Money was their only hope. Some got by by praying to "The God Ponies”; what were their names, Moon and Sun, right? Stupid names anyway. Praying to celestial bodies too, who does that? Crazy lunatics, that's who; ponies who can't fend and help themselves.

"Oi lady, I said, she's here"

"What? Oh, sorry trailed off there." She was getting drowsy, not a good time either.

"Just pay attention and don't talk unless I say. Got it?" He hadn't talked to her in a long time, but every time, it was in this sullen, and brusque manner. "I would hate for this meeting to go bad because of a stupid mistake made by a idiotic foal." The stallion always had this attitude whenever he brought somepony to meet her.

"Oh don't worry old friend. I won't bite, and nothing bad will happen while I’m here." The light, whispery voice seemed to come out of nowhere. It did come out of nowhere. There was not a pony, animal, or anything that could've made that sound. The two ponies looked around quickly, trying to find the source, until the looked behind them, away from the river.

Scarlet eyes that almost glowed stared back at them. Her coat was so black, not even the far reaches of space could compare. Like staring into a black hole. She had many cuts and scars on her body. The most pronounced feature though, was her cutie mark. No, 2 cutie marks. A different one on each side of her flank. On her right side, a giant red 'X'. Nothing else. On the other, a single word. "Vendetta". She was a unicorn, with a small magic manipulator around her horn.

"So, Hard Truth. How've you been then? Keeping out of trouble I presume?"

"Members of Mamba never keep out of trouble ma'am. And you know that." The stallion deadpanned. He was hoping for her to just get to the point. He, just like the small mare next to him, didn't want to stay longer than he had too. Hard Truth had a completely different reason though. He was part of a heist on a subway station in New Canterlot, and he was the key element. This was his retirement plan. If all went well, he could finally settle down on a small, tropical island somewhere. Out of the reach of the government. Finally happy.

"And you, Crystal Fire?" Crystal snapped out of her daze. She stared at the Mare in confusion and amazement. She had just used her name; her old name, a name she hadn't used in years.

"H-h-how? How do you kn–"

"Oh, I've known you for a long time Mrs. Fire. I've seen you grow. I've seen you mature. I even watched your face when you found out your filly was a pegasus; how your entire life melted away because of one, small, baby. You were living high, you and your husband. Two pure Earth ponies in New Canterlot. What more could you want? You had the perfect house, an endless supply of money, and power. One small baby, one small pegasus, took you down. Everything you strived to be; your life. Gone." Crystal stared at her. She stared into that red void of her eyes. No longer just scared, now an array of mixed emotions: Shock, anger, confusion, and above all, she was terrified. How could this one pony know so much; so much about her life, after only just having met her? "So, onto business," the dark mare continued. "What have you brought me?"

Crystal continued to glower at her, unsure of whether to actually give this pony her information. The stallion on the side nudged her. She had to make a choice now. "Why do you need this information? It's got to be important if you're paying this much for what I have. It's information about 3 births; who wants to know about ponies that were born more than 350 years ago?"

"Because," Vendetta started to explain, "those ponies, are still alive. I don't know how, and I don't know why; although based on my records, they live here, in this day and age."

"But what do you want with them? Even if they're still alive, they're sure as hell not causing any problems!"

"Have you ever read the book The tale of the 3 siblings? Did you ever read it to your kids, or did your parents ever read it to you?"

"No. I haven't even heard of the book." Crystal Fire said dully. "What does that have to do with anything?"

The scarred mare smirked. "Of course you haven't. Your parents, their parents, and probably every pony in that blasted Earth Pony mega-city doesn't know the story. Do you know why? Because you've all been BRAINWASHED into thinking you’re the 'superior race'!" Vendetta was raising her voice gradually, and her smirk quickly turned into a face of rage. "Look around you, Mrs. Fire. Everypony is hurt because of what the Earth Ponies brought upon us. I know you think I look like the enemy, and believe me, I FEEL like the enemy sometimes, but I need your help, because i'm trying to fix this world, and turn it back to the way it was before." A tear fell from her cheek.


"I'm sorry," Crystal Fire finally put out. "I had no idea, but what do you need me for? What is so important about these 3 ponies that may or may not be alive?"

"Hard Truth, give me your saddlebags, and you may leave." He handed over the bags, carefully, as if handling an ice sculpture. Vendetta turned and looked Crystal dead in the eye while she put the bags on her back. "Follow me."

Crystal followed after her without so much as a second thought. They walked through a stretch of woods get thicker as they moved down a hill. As they neared the top, a loud crack thundered behind them. Both ponies quickly turned their heads to the sound. They looked at eachother, then did a double take; they were thinking the same thing. Gunshot.

Vendetta took off running first, Crystal galloping in hot pursuit. Their hearts were racing, thinking only the worst; hoping for the best. Crystal's eyes were being seared by the harsh winds. She couldn't see, everything was becoming a blur around her. Her mind was racing; asking questions that she had no time to answer; that she couldn’t nor did she want to answer. And then, all she felt was pain.

The next thing the young mother knew, she was laying on her back, Vendetta standing above her, not moving, staring to the left, at the river. Crystal slowly got up, carefully avoiding putting pressure on her right leg. Extreme pain was ricocheting throughout her entire body. She stared at Vendettas face. It was one of pure fear, of sorrow, and worst of all, it was one of loss. Crystal's heart was pounding even harder, trying to break free of its’ prison, trying to escape this nightmare. It had to be a nightmare.

"Vendetta…." She breathed, her voice staggering. "VENDETTA, what's going on? What's happening?!"

The dark mare slowly lifted a hoof, pointing at the gently flowing river. Crystal traced it to where she was pointing at. Just a few meters away, caught between two rocks, a pony. Hard Truth. A mass of red color was flowing down the peaceful stream from the source, disturbing the calm.
