• Published 10th Apr 2015
  • 347 Views, 5 Comments

The tale of CarmicWing: Adventures in skyrim - SketcherPad

There's a tale of a pony who was born with a cutiemark. Marked from birth to be great, but only known to the ones who made it so.

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Chapter 3: A world unknown


who...who are you…?

Dovah, be ready...

Ready? Ready for what? Who are you!

Wake up, and learn of what you were born to do…

I open my eyes and felt a sharp pain in my leg. Looking down I see a gauze wrapped around and remembered what happened. I lay my head back on the pillow as I think of that dream.

“who...was that…?”

“who was what?” I flinch at the sudden voice beside me. Looking up I see a Grey Nordic earth pony, a lighter shade than Ralof. She had a similar mane color and a smile on her face, she seemed to be the one who took care of me.

“so you're Gerdur, Ralof told me about you” she smiles and chuckles.

“I hope it was good things.” laughing, I sit up flinching at the pain that ran through my body. While Gurdur went to get a healing potion for me I look around, taking in all of the stuff this place has to offer. It makes me a little home sick, it looks a lot like where I live...lived. I look at my hooves with a sad look on my face. I just want to go home and see my family, not getting mixed up in this mess of a war. I looked up to Gurdur handing my my potion, a sad smile on her face like she knew what I was thinking. Taking the potion in my hooves I push my mane from my face, sipping the healing drink.

“Here, let me help you with that” she grabbed a piece of yarn and came up to the right of me, where the Tuscan red part of my mane is and started braiding the section where it gets in my face. She finishes and hold up a mirror to me. I see my freckled face and smile at the braid.

“thank you Gurder...” said pony nods than looks down, fidgeting.

“I actually have a small favor to ask you. You see we need somepony to tell the Jarl in Whitrun about the dragon attacks and send some guards to help. I cant do it because I have to run the mill and Ralof has to go help some Stormcloaks in a camp near by. Do you mind going for us? Ill give you a map and supplies!”

I looked at her, eyes wide and mouth open. I could barely make it out of that cave let alone make it outside in this land. Than again...they DO need help and someone DOES need to know about the dragons….

“I’ll do it...” The look of relief on her face made me a little happier about all of this.

She trots over to a chest and rummages through it, pulling a few things out and a saddle bag. Packing them all in a bag, along with the map and some coin, she puts it on my back and walks me to the door.

“whoa! You mean right now!?” I frantically look at her.

“well we need to tell him as soon as we can.” gulping I see that we've made it to the edge of town. The path leads over a river and through the mountain across it.

“just follow the signs and the path. You should be there by nightfall.” I nod as I look over the river. “here take this, you'll need this to keep safe.” she hands me a short sword and straps it to my side. I remember what I did to that poor mare in the tower and shake my head. I wont have to use it on a pony I tell myself, I wont!

“T-thank you...”

Making my way across the bridge I look up to the top of the mountain and sigh, this is it.

I've been walking for a few hours now. My hooves hurt, im hungry and I just want to stop and sleep! Making my way around this rock I see a city surrounded by a giant stone wall, this must be the place Gurdur told me about.

“thank the god's...” I sigh in relief.

I start to flap my wings, hovering off of the ground to go faster and make it to the city to rest. I make my way up the path when I see a caravan with some strange looking ponies with cat like features. I slow down and trot over to one of them.

“h-hello ma'am..” She turns to me and smiles, giving off a motherly vibe.

“yes? What can Ru'leaf do for you?” looking at the other ponies and little tents I want to ask her and not sound rude.

“may I ask...what kind of ponies are you? Where I'm from we only have Redguard ponies...”

She chuckles and turns to her traveling partners.

“we are called Khajiit, we travel the lands selling goods and seeing the sights that Skyrim has to offer.” She looks so happy talking about it. Is this land really that beautiful? I say my goodbyes and walk up to the gates of the city where two unicorn guards await me.

“HALT! City's closed with the dragons about. Offical business only!” I stop and scuff my hoof on the ground.

“Riverwood c-calls for the Jarl's aid..” this seems to interest him.

“Riverwood's in danger, too? You better go on in. You'll find the Jarl at Dragonsreach, atop the hill.” I nod at him in thanks and I trot into the city after they opened the gates.

“this place is beautiful...” to my right is a blacksmith's, a mare out in front smelting some sort of ore. To my left I see a pub, to my best guess. A few ponies wave to me while I walk, fillies and colts running past me as they play. This seems like a friendly place to be.

“have you been to the Cloud District?” A nicely dressed Pegasus suddenly asks me. He looks me up and down, a look of snobbishness and disgust shown plainly on his face.

“oh what am I thinking. Of course you haven’t.” with a raised muzzle he smirks and walks away. Feeling rather self-conscious I keep my head low and continue my way to the Jarls home. I make to the top of the stairs and look at the amazing building.

It seems like I made it.

Author's Note:

this one hated me. i had writers block around the khajiit part.

But anyway thanks for reading

skyrim and MLP do not belong to me, only my OC's and ideas i own.