• Published 10th Apr 2015
  • 349 Views, 5 Comments

The tale of CarmicWing: Adventures in skyrim - SketcherPad

There's a tale of a pony who was born with a cutiemark. Marked from birth to be great, but only known to the ones who made it so.

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Chapter 2: The escape and the world ahead

“That was a dragon...why are they here?” Jarl Ulfric speaks to a pink Nordic pony. They start to move up the steps as one of them picks me up roughly and trots after them. We make it to the second layer of the tower before the wall caves in and the beasts head follows the rubble. Fire consumed our visions while we back up to shield ourselves.

“Dammit” I grunt, talking for the first time sense I got into this mess. The fire stops and the smoke clears a little, so we go back to escaping. The only way out is the front door and the wall, the rubble blocking everything else in our path.

“were going to have to jump” I mumble to the Jarl, looking to the building below us.

“You're right, you and SilverHandle go out this way and I’ll go out the front.” Said pony shifted me on his back and crouched down.

“wait WAAAIAAAAAHH!!” I end my question in a scream as he jumped out of the hole and into the next building. I roughly fall off of his back and slid into a barrel.

“ow….” He trots over to me and picks me back up and on his back. Running out of the space were the door was.

“now is not the time to be be in pain, you can after were safe!” I glare at the back of his head and snarl.

“well excuse me for being a living being and feeling pain!” Suddenly I was dropped, grunting in pain I look up to see SilverHandle and an orange unicorn fighting. I wiggle away hoping not to get killed by all the fire and swords flying around me. I get picked up again, that was happening a lot today, and was flung onto the back of a stallion wearing the red uniform that tried to kill us.

“stay with me if you want to live prisoner!” was mumbled to me while we go round a big wall chunk.

“like I have a choice...” I gritted out. Another scream like roar filled the sky as a dragon landed in front of a young colt, making him stumble and trip as he tried to get away from it.

“come here you can make it!” one of the ponies next to me calls, probably his father if the same coat color means anything. When the dragon flew away we made our way to a clearing of sorts, there running up to us was Ralof.

“hes alive..” I whisper. The back I was on tensed up and I could feel the cold glare from back here. And again, I was dropped painfully onto the rough ground. These are some gentlecolts here…

“i hope you all burn!” the guard runs out the gates which leaves Ralof and I to go our own way.

“come on..” and up I go. “lets get you inside and those ropes cut.” going to the big door we walk inside to an empty room with a body on the floor. We walk over to it as he kneels down to him.

“We'll meet again in sovengarde, brother..” standing back up he look at me and pulls out a dagger “Looks like we're the only ones who made it. That thing was a dragon. No doubt. Just like the children's stories and the legends. The harbingers of the End Times. We better get moving. Come here, let me see if I can get those bindings off.”

I lift up my tied hooves and feel the sudden relief of freedom. I rub the rope burns as he turns back to the limp stallion.

“May as well take Gunjar's gear...he won't be needing it anymore...” I flinch as I look at said pony.

“d-do I have to...I’ve never used this kind of stuff before…” he smiled at me and patted my shoulder.

“it's okay, I’ll make sure your safe” walking over to the metal barred door he jiggles it and grunts. “This one's locked. Let's see about that gate.” and again the door wouldn’t move.

“Come on, soldier! Keep moving!”

Shifting in this heavy armor, I start at the sound of the captains voice. Ralof gets out his sword and gets into a battle position. The wooden gate opens and he goes in for the attack, fighting the mare and stallion with only a blade between his teeth. I look at him and look at my ax, thinking hard at what im about to do. I grip the hilt between my teeth as I charge, slashing at the mare. Shes knocked back, the tip of her ear now cut off. I’m a horrible aim.

“you...you MILK DRINKER!” She screamed at me and charged, sword ready to kill me. I rush out of the way just in time and blindly throw my ax at her.


I slowly look over my shoulder, hooves moving my mane back, to see the captain on the floor. The ax I’ve just thrown impaled in her skull. My eyes widen and I choke back a sob.

I-i just killed somepony….

I actually murdered a pony who had a family, maybe even a husband and a filly. I turn away from her as I start to cry. Hearing a jingle I look to Ralof who has a set of keys in his hoof.

“these should be our way out, hang in there...you can get through this.” I don’t know if I’ll ever get use to this land.

We walk through the hallways fighting off guards, well he was, I was in the corner cowering. We finally made it to this cavern where a bear was sleeping, bathed in the sunlight.

“I'd rather no tangle with her right now. Let's try to sneak by. Just take it nice and slow, and watch where you step.” I nod. We start to move forward, slowly and carefully.

That is, until I trip over a rock and fall flat on my face.

Ralof quickly stood guard when the bear woke up and growled, spotting us rather quickly. It lunged at us while I was trying to run away, catching my leg with its claws. I screamed out in pain as Ralof swiped at it. I looked up at the angry creature with treas blurring my vision. Is this how it ends? After all of this?


The bear fell to the right of me as I stare at the now bloody gray stallion. He was panting, hilt still in his mouth and stood proudly over me and the body. He dropped the sword and knelt down to look at my leg, which no doubt needed stitches.

“we have to get you to my sister, she can clean you up.”

onto his back I go. I’m getting use to this I guess.

We now, at a much slower pace, make our way to the exit of the cave ahead of us. I can smell the fresh air finally, were almost there…..

the sky isn’t something I thought I would of missed to see but after a few hours in that cave I’m so happy to see the blue cloudy sky, tinted black from the burning smoke coming from that village we escaped from. I saw the black figure of the dragon fly off to the mountains in the distance. I hope its gone for good.

“No way to know if anyone else made it out alive. But this place is going to be swarming with Imperials soon enough. We'd better clear out of here.” Ralof shifts me around and starts walking. I don’t know where were going or what will happen. But I know one thing for sure. Something I can feel inside me.

My life will never be the same.

Author's Note:

ouo chapter two and she finally speaks!
This is where we finally get into the world of skyrim and more possibilities for this story.