• Published 21st Apr 2015
  • 510 Views, 4 Comments

The Friendship Detection Agency (FDA) - FlareGun45

An FiE spin-off of the character, Jerry Jam, and how he first joined one of Equestria's two major anti-disharmony agencies, the FDA.

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It’s been almost a year since the mission with the Sphinx Cartel, and things have been pretty peaceful lately with the DIF. They’ve been leaving us alone, sticking with their own missions, but I know for a fact that they’re planning something, I just don’t know what. I’ve been spending more time in Elusive’s Club than in the field. It’s been over a month since I last seen Merry May and Apple Fritter. Apple Fritter was back in Appleloosa, making fritters and protecting her hometown, while Merry May is back in Ponyville protecting that town as well as Cloudsdale. For all that’s worth, it’s been relaxing lately. My main problem pretty much is keeping Elusive sane. He’s been through more breakups this year than Orange Swirl threatens to strangle General Lee in a week when we were still in prison.

Elusive has been through a very tough time. I ask him to go on vacation, and after that, he’s been going on vacation nonstop. Spending his money trying to forget. He once spent three weeks at Magicland, two weeks in the Galactic Studios theme park here in LP, and then spent almost two months at the Mareami theme parks; he’s even taking money out of his own club! I’m starting to worry about him, so I went with Jelly to his place to check up on him.

“So you really want me to watch over Elusive, huh Jer?” Jelly asked.

“I’m really worrying about him, sis.” I said. “Elou’s been spending all his money on vacations so he could forget about his many ex-stallionfriends. He needs a loving friend to watch over him.”

“Why don’t you do it?” Jelly asked.

“Oh I am, but there are times that I’m needed on missions. You’re my only friend that’s not in the agency that knows I’m an agent.” I said as we walked over to Elusive’s door. “You’re the only one that’ll understand my schedule.” I take a key out and I unlock Elusive’s apartment door and walk on inside.

“But Jer, I’m really going through a major breakthrough here.” Jelly said. “I’ve written up a movie that’s going to give me a spot on the Trot of Fame! Daring Do and the Sapphire Statue: The Movie!”

“Jelly, you know movies that come from books are usually bad, right? Except for Harry Trotter, that was good.” I said as I pressed the elevator button to go up. “Besides, it’s going to be hard getting the rights of the movie from AK Yearling herself.”

“I know, but I just finished writing it and I think I’m going to publish it to Galactic Studios this week! I’m already getting goosebumps!” Jelly said as the elevator door opens and we walk inside.

“Hey you know I’m always proud of you, sis.” I said as I pressed the button to go to the fourth floor.

“And I know you’re always there supporting me, bro, and I’m truly thankful for it!” Jelly said.

“Mom and dad would be proud!” I said.

“Yep! They sure would!” Jelly agreed. Just then after a moment of silence, we both started laughing.

“For a second there I thought you took me seriously!” I said.

“As if!” Jelly said as we continued laughing and the elevator reaches its floor. We both walk through the hallway and approach Elusive’s condo.

“Here we are!” I said as I turned the key on the door and opened it. “Knock, knock!” I called out as we walked inside.

“It’s us!” Jelly called out, but there was no answer.

“Hello? Elou?!” I called out. Just then, we heard moaning coming from the bedroom.

“Bedroom.” Jelly assumed. So we both went over to the bedroom and we saw Elusive lying his head on the floor and his legs up on the bed. There was empty cider bottles everywhere. “Ok, now I know why you asked me to watch him.” she said.

“Come, Elou. Get up.” I said as I started to help him up. “C’mon, mate.”

“Uhhhh!” Elusive groaned again.

“Come on, nappy time over, partner. It’s almost time to open the club.” I said.

“Go away, I wanna die.” Elusive moaned.

“Ok, you put this on yourself.” I shrugged as I was carrying Elusive by his shoulders. “Jelly, turn on the sink.”

“Ugh, wha- wha are…” Elusive mumbles and then burps. I take Elusive over to the sink after Jelly turns it on, and then I dump Elusive’s head in the sink to wake him up. Elusive kept mumbling and spitting, and after a few seconds I take his face out of the sink and then Elusive starts coughing. Jelly then takes a towel to dry off Elusive’s hair.

“You alright, mate?” I asked.

“Y-yeah, yeah… I’m fine.” Elusive said. “Ooooh! Oh my head!”

“Had some night last time, huh?” I asked.

“Yeah… yeah… sure. Lot of candle-eating and…” Elusive mumbled.

“Want me to put your head in the sink again?” I asked.

“NO!” he yelled. “No, no, I’m fine!”

“Don’t let these exes get to you, Elou. You’re better than them and you know it!” Jelly said. “You know ponies use you for money!”

“But not us! You’re our friend and don’t forget it.” I said.

“Yeah… I’m so glad to have friends like you two.” He said.

“You feeling alright, mate? You have to get back on your hooves. The club needs you.” I said.

“I know… I know.” He said. “But I don’t want THEM to find me!”

“Them?” Jelly asked.

“Who’s them?” I asked.

“The mob… the… the mob.” He said.

“The mob?” I asked.

“He’s just hung over. Don’t worry about him. We need to help him get his tux on.” Jelly said.

“Alright, I’ll get it.” I offered as I walked over to the closet to find Elusive’s tux. There was a bunch of them in there and I didn’t know which one to get. “Elou, which one do you want?”

“The… the black one… the pink shirt…” Elusive mumbled.

“The one you always wear? Alright got it.” I said as I took it out.

“Ugh! I think I’m gonna be sick!” Elusive mumbled.

“You drank too much cider, Elou. You know, drinking sparkling fruit drinks won’t solve your problems.” Jelly said.

“Oh what do you know about me? You don’t know me! I’m Elusive! I’m the best club owner in Las Pegasus! I’m king of Applewood!” Elusive yelled.

“Uh huh, that’s nice, mate. How about putting your hooves up?” I suggested.

“And wave ‘em like I just don’t care?” he asked.

“No, so I can help you put your shirt on.” I said.

“Oh. Such a square, Jer! You’re such a… you’re such… round thing!” Elusive said as I helped him put his shirt on.

“Oi! I’m not that fat!” I complained.

“Ooooh, you look gorgeous, baby!” Elusive said.

“Uhh… thanks.” I said.

“No… no… you!” he said to my sister.

“Wow… he’s really losing it. He’s so hung over that he forgets the gender he’s attracted to.” Jelly said.

“That’ll make a bunch of ponies happy, that’s for sure, but not us. You are who you are, mate.” I said as I helped button his shirt.

“And don’t let anypony tell you otherwise!” Jelly added.

“SHUT UP!” Elusive yelled. “Shut up! You’re telling me… you’re telling me stuff I already know! Just… HUSH UP!” Just then, he started to cry. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry, darlings! You are my best friends!” he then starts to hug both Jelly and me really tight.

“There, there.” Jelly said as we both hugged him back. “It’s ok, Elou. It’s ok. We all make mistakes. We’re not mad at you.”

“I am.” I said.

“JER!” Jelly mumbled angrily at me.

“He’s got his hoof on my flank!” I mumbled back. Just then, my ear piece started ringing. “Oh, hang on. Can you take care of his jacket, Jell?” I asked her as I gave her Elusive’s jacket.

“Sure.” She said as I gave it to her.

I walked out of Elusive’s room, and back into his living room, and… oh I forgot to mention. Elusive has such a nice condo! It’s a 2-story condo, very luxury! Anyways, when I got to the living room, I answered my ear piece. “Oi.”

“Long time, no talk, Jer!” Merry May said on my ear piece.

“Merry! It’s so good to hear your voice, love!” I said.

“Likewise!” she said.

“I believe you’re called me for a better reason other than just to say ‘hello’?” I asked.

“Yeah, there’s a new mission in stock for us.” Merry said.

“So I guess we’ll meet at HQ?” I asked.

“Sorry, Jer. I won’t be able to join you on this mission. I’m actually at our HQ in the desert. I got another mission along with Apple Fritter. We’re trying to track some disturbance in Manehatten.” Merry said.

“Don’t you want me to join up with you?” I asked.

“Actually we will need your help later.” Merry said. “But HQ has assigned you another small job in Las Pegasus. The director told me to give you a message.”

“I miss the intense missions like the one with the Sphinx Cartel.” I said.

“Oh there will be another intense mission soon, don’t worry!” Merry said. “This one is just a quick little one. It has something to do with plagiarism. Shouldn’t be that hard. The director says to head to HQ for briefing. Oh, and Apple Fritter says howdy.”

“Tell her I said hi back.” I said. “Ok, it was nice talking to you, Agent May! I’ll see you real soon!”

“Nice talking to you as well, Agent Jam! See ya!” Merry said as she hangs up.

“NO! All wrong! All wrong!” Elusive yelled from his bedroom. I walked over to the room to check on what’s going.

“What’s wrong?” Jelly asked.

“You missed a button on my shirt! You missed a button! You messed the whole thing up!” Elusive yelled.

“Don’t look at me, Jerry did it!” Jelly said.

“Don’t bring me into this!” I said.

“Jerry, come and help me with Elusive!” Jelly instructed me.

“Sorry, Jell, I gotta… you know… do something really important.” I said.

“Uh, wha- OOOH! Oh, ok. I’ll take things from here.” Jelly said. “It won’t take too long, right?”

“Oh this one? Not too intense. I’ll be able to attend the club tonight, pretty sure.” I said.

“Alright, well I hope you have fun!” Jelly said.

“Oh yeah, I’ll have a BLAST!” I said sarcastically as I walked over to the front door and was about to leave the apartment. Just then, Jelly looks over and sees something familiar on the shelf. “HEY! This is that shake weight I asked Jerry to wait for in the mail, but then he ditched the house and I got a message saying it got delivered somewhere else! You had it this whole time, Elou?!”

“I need it! It helps me forget!” Elusive whined.

When I got to HQ, I went to the briefing room, and the director was already waiting for me on the communications monitor. “Ah, Agent Jam! The director is already ready for you!” an agent said.

“Oi, what’s going on, director?” I asked.

“Hello, Agent Jam!” the director said. “I hope things are going well!”

“Things are going very well, how about you, director?” I asked.

“Fine! So I have myself a small mission for you.” The director said.

“Whatever happened to finding clues about my parents?” I asked.

“Actually, Jer, I have some info for you on your parents!” the director said.

“Really? You found them?” I asked.

“Well… sort of. I don’t know where THEY are, but I know of some ponies that DO know.” The director said.

“Can ya tell me?” I asked.

“Once you complete this mission, I promise I will!” the director said.

“Hmm.” I smirked at the screen.”You drive a hard bargin, director!” I said mischievously. “Okie dokey then, what do you need me to do?”

“We’ve had reports on plagiarism coming from the Galactic Studios movie studio.” The director said. “It would seem some content from movies are being made without the approval of those that made it originally. I’ll need you to go under cover as a writer, send in a movie script that has to do with some sort of entertainment that was already made in the past, and we’ll see if the director of the studio will approve of it.”

“Well you’re in luck, director! My sister just finished on a movie script for Daring Do: The Quest for the Sapphire Statue! She didn’t get the rights from AK Yearling to publish it yet. Maybe this will be a good chance to expose those behind the plagiarism.” I said.

“Are you sure you want to do that, Agent Jam?” the director asked. “It’s your sister’s movie.”

“Don’t worry about it. If all goes well, we’ll be able to expose the ones behind this, and we’ll try to persuade them that it’s wrong, and they need to stop.” I said.

“And if that doesn’t work?” the director asked.

“We’ll have to tell AK Yearling herself that she’s being plagiarized. It’s the only other way.” I said.

“Very well then. You’re expert enough to know what to do! Good luck on your mission!” the director said.

“Thank you, director!” I said.

“Oh and before you go, Agent May did tell you about another incoming mission, right?” the director asked.

“Yes, another intense mission that has something to do with a disturbance in Manehatten. I guess you want me to go to the desert HQ once I’m done here?” I asked.

“No, after you’re finished, I want you to go whenever you’re ready, because a mission like this might be dangerous, and also might take a lot of time, so once you’re done with this mission, I want you to get your affairs in order before you leave.” The director said.

“Thank you for telling me, director.” I said.

“Now remember, Agent Jam, this is completely up to you. You can stand down.” The director said.

“Stand down from an easy mission like this? Pffft! Do you even know me, director?” I teased.

The director chuckled. “I’m talking about the Manehatten mission, silly!”

I chuckled along. “Yeah I know. Don’t worry, this mission will give me time to think about it. I’ll talk to you later, director!”

“Good luck! Director out.” She said as the call disconnects. Ok, so this mission should be a walk in the park, but I’m a bit nervous for the next mission. I’ll need to tell Jelly about it, and then tell Elusive that I’m going to have to take a few days off. With him going through a lot, it’s not going to be easy, but first, I need to persuade Jelly that I need to use her movie. She allowed me to use it thankfully, but I had to promise her that it wouldn’t ruin her chances to actually publish it for real. Also when it does get published for real, I have to give her credit for making it. So I did promise her.

I got myself a job at the Galactic Studios, and I went undercover. It wasn’t easy filling a resume, and I had to lie about ever committing a felony. Luckily the FDA helped me erase the files of me being in prison, so now I have a clean slate! One of the advantages of being a secret agent! When I got accepted the job, I was immediately called into the meeting room to plan out the next movie.

“Filles and gentlecolts.” The head of the company started the conversation. “Welcome to Galactic Studios! Now we’re here to discuss what shall our next movie be. As you may realize, our last movie was quite success, a true comedy! But now, it’s time to create an adventurous new movie, and this movie is from a famous storybook. Jerry Jam, take over.”

So it was time for me to stand up and pronounce my movie. “Oi! Good afternoon! My name is Jerry Jam!” I said.

”I told them that already.” The boss interrupted me.

“Of course, mah mistake, sir.” I corrected myself. “This new movie I have in store comes from the famous storybook series known as Daring Do. As you know, I am a huge fan of the Daring Do stories,” not really, I never even heard of her, “so I have decided to write up a new movie series based on the famous stories! It’ll be just like the Daring Do series. We start off with the Sapphire Stone story, Daring Do breaks her wing and crash lands in the jungle. She finds the temple, takes the stone, gets hit by traps and escapes. But now this time will be different. I mean yes, they all will happen, but there will be more story that takes place before Daring arrives at the jungle. It would turn out that Ahuizotl and Daring actually meet before the events of the Daring Do story.”

I started passing down the script to everypony in the room, and they all seemed rather impressed of the unique storyline that I added to the story. They all commented on the fascinating job that I did to the story and all agreed that we should give it a try.

“So, it seems the crew seemed to like your story, Jerry Jam. For all in favor of making this movie, say I.” the boss requested.

“I!” almost everypony in the room said.

“Eye!” one of the other ponies in the room yelled out, holding a plastic eyeball.

“For those who decline.” The boss added.

“NEIGH!” one of the ponies that looked more horse-like said.

“The eyes have it! It’s settled! The time has come to create Daring Do: The Movie!” the boss said.

“Thank ya, sir! Really, ya don’t know how thankful ah am of this!” I said excitedly.

“It’s no problem at all, my boy!” the boss said. “Now, if you would be so kind, I have a director that’ll fit perfectly for the job. He’s new, but he’s good!” the boss said.

“And who might this director be, if ya don’t mind me askin.” I requested.

“That would be we!” a pony said in an Elmer Fudd accent as he stepped into the room.

“Who might you be?” I asked.

“This is Director Hellman Mayo. I have seen some director work he did, and I must say I am quite impressed with his directing skills.” The boss said.

“I am wonfidant that we will be a wery weffective team, Wister Wam.” Hellman said.

“I know he has a funny accent.” The boss whispered in my ear. “But don’t worry about it. If he says ‘wut’, it actually means ‘cut’, if he says ‘waction’ he means ‘action’, just follow the W’s.”

“Got it, sir!” I whispered back.

“Now go out there and make a work of art, my boy! Make us proud!” the boss said, patting me on the back.

“Ah won’t let you down, boss!” I said as I stepped outside with Hellman. “So, Mr. Mayo.”

“Wease, call me Wellman.” Hellman requested.

“Ok….. Wellman.” I teased.

“You know what I wean.” Hellman said grumpily.

“Right, right, sorry. Now, I’ll need ya to study this script. We also need a good cast. I’m sure our producer can whip up a great cast!” I said.

“Mind if I find the actor for Waring Wo?” Hellman asked.

“Not a problem at all, mate! Be sure ya email the producer saying so. Ah also hope ya know what you’re doing.” I said.

“Won’t worry, Jer! Ol Wellman knows wexactly what he’s dwoing!” Hellman said smiling at me.

“If ya say so!” I said as he walked off to get to work on the movie. Hellman lifts his eyepatch revealing his cybernetic eye and he chuckles evilly. “Wext stop: Wonyville!” I could tell he was going to Ponyville to find the actress to play Daring Do. Like I cared about that. I needed to get to the bottom of what’s going on. The studio director pony, the one that’s in charge of this place, he just let us produce this movie just like that. Well, it is time to keep an eye on him. Time to see if he’s actually going to contact AK Yearling about this if he hasn’t already.

When I exited the studio, my phone started to ring. I answered it. “Oi, this is Jerry.”

“YO, HOMIE!” Orange Swirl yelled. “What up, dog? We haven’t heard from you in forever!”

“Orange Swirl! Oh… hey, mate! It’s been… yeah it’s been forever!” I said nervously.

“I hope you didn’t forget about us, holms!” Cesaer Salad assumed.

“Oh, you’re on speaker?” I asked.

“Yeah, dog! We both wanted to talk to our home-boy!” Orange said. “Where have you been? You haven’t called us, and when we come to visit in the club, that jerk bouncer wouldn’t let us in!”

“Mainly because of the way we’re dressed, holms. Ponies wouldn’t know good fashion if it hit ‘em!” Cesaer said.

“Ah.” I nodded.

“Can you meet up with us, dog? We miss you!” Orange said. “We need to see our homie again! We’ve been to prison together and all that! Don’t we mean anything to you?”

“Of course I do! You two are my best friends!” I said. “I mean now that I manage a club, mainly a night, time really hasn’t been on my side. Plus I’m helping my sister out in writing her movie ideas. Time is hectic for me.”

“C’mon, holms! We need to see you!” Cesaer begged. “I promise, we won’t complain about General Lee at all. In fact, we won’t complain at all! We’ll just hang out, grab a bite to eat, catch up on things, and just… chill!”

“Yeah, homie, chill!” Orange agreed. “That’s all we’re askin’! We’re not asking to rob, we’re not asking to fight anypony, we’re just going to chill. C’mon, homie, you can’t say no to that!”

“You know what? You’re right, mates! You’re absolutely bloody right!” I agreed. “I’ve been rejecting you for so long, and I should really make it up to you.”

“Nice, homie! When and where should we meet?” Orange asked.

“You pick where, but when? Well, I’m going to be busy for the next couple of days, but I’ve got a big trip to go to.” I said. “A very big trip. I promise, I’ll buy time to hang out with you two before I leave. Because, I’m told that before this trip, I have to… take care of my affairs.”

“That sounds creepy, holms.” Cesaer said.

“Yeah, dude, very creepy.” Orange said.

“No, no! Don’t take it like that!” I said. “No you’re right, we’ll chill. We’ll catch up on things, and before this big trip, I’ll tell you everything you need to know!”

“That’s good, Jer! We’re looking forward to it!” Cesaer said. “Just give us the time you’ll be available. We’ll always have time, amigo! We’ll be waiting for you!”

“Yeah, dog! Can’t wait! We’ll be patient, don’t worry!” Orange promised.

“I am so proud of you two for acting so maturely on this! I can’t wait to see you guys as well!” I said excitedly. I meant it, those two have acted more mature lately. It makes me more excited to hang with them again. I won’t tell them EVERYTHING, but I’ll be sure to plan out that night before then. While I’m trying to get this mission done, I’ll plan out what I should say to Cesaer and Orange when I meet with them.

“Alright, Jer, you take care now! Stay in touch!” Cesaer said.

“Yeah, Jerry! See ya ‘round!” Orange said.

“See you, mates!” I said as I hung up. Later that night, it was time to head to the club. Things were a little weird when I got there though. Before I headed into the manager’s office to check-in, I saw some strange looking ponies walk out of there. They gave me a strange look. I wonder who they were? When I went into the manager’s office, I saw Elusive shaking on the ground covering his face.

“Oi, Elou!” I cried.

“AAAAH!” Elusive screamed. “Jerry, darling! G-good to see you!”

“What’s wrong with you, mate? Where’s Jelly?” I asked.

“I asked her to leave.” Elusive said.

“Why?” I asked.

“N-no reason. Just because… she… she seemed tired.” He said.

“Well that’s a bunch of bull. Why are you covering your face?” I asked.

“No reason. Just… I… my hair’s messed up, I don’t want you to see me!” he said.

“Elou, you’re always beautiful to me.” I lied.

“Awww, thank you, darling!” he blushed. “But still, I don’t want you to see me. Go ahead, go to work. I’ll just be here… playing… playing Freecell.”

“Ok I’m not falling for that. I know you hate Freecell.” I said as I started pulling Elusive’s hoof. “C’mon, get up!”

“NO!” he cried.

“GET UP!” I demanded.

“I’M FINE!” he yelled.

“I don’t care, I wanna see your face!” I demanded.

“Are you coming onto me, Jer?” he asked. “Don’t look at me, I’m hideous!” and he was right. Once I saw his face, he had a black eye and a bloody nose.

“OH MY CELESTIA! What happened?!” I cried.

“N-nothing. I… I fell.” He said.

“You look a mess!” I said.

“Who were those ponies that left your office?” I asked.

“Nopony.” He lied.

“WHO WERE THEY?!” I yelled.

“They’re... they’re…” he stuttered.

“You want me to put your face in the sink again?!” I threatened him.

“AAAH! It’s the Mela Di Legno mob family!” Elusive yelled.

“What?!” I yelled. “Oi! You got yourself hooked on mobsters?! WHY?!”

“NO! I wasn’t datin’ them! I just… borrowed a little… money… for… the club.” He admitted.

“ELUSIVE! YOU IDIOT!” I yelled. “Don’t you know the kind of trouble you’re going to get us into?!”

“Uhh… is this a bad time or something?” Sky Net asked while sitting near the security monitors.

“Yes, very!” I said.

“Ok.” She said as she continued sitting there watching the monitors.

“GET OUTTA HERE!” I demanded.

“Wow, you’re so pushy! Can’t I just put on my headphones and listen to my music?” Sky asked.

“UGH! Fine! Put turn them up loud!” I ordered her.

“Are you trying to make me deaf or something? GOSH!” Sky complained as she put on her headphones to listen to her music.
“Elusive, I… I don’t believe you!” I freaked out. “Once you have beef with mobsters you could never get out of it! They’re going to make you flat-broke!”

“But… you’re filthy rich, right? You can help me pay for it?” Elusive asked.

“No. I’m Filthy Rich!” a pony named Filthy Rich said as he peeked his head inside the manager’s office.

“Oi! Guests not allowed in the office!” I ordered him as he left. “Elou, I’m not going to pay you outta this. You’re going to have to take care of… SKY! Stop singing out loud while you listen to that!”

“I can’t help it!” Sky complained.

“Ugh!” I groaned. “Like I was saying, I’m not helping you out of this. You’re going to have to take care of this yourself.”

“B-but… Jer… I need you!” he begged.

“The best way for you to learn your lesson is to fight your way out of this yourself, mate.” I said. “If I help you out of this, you’re just going to do it again. Trust me, it’s for your own good. I’ll give you advice if you need it, but I’m not paying for you.”

“Awwww!” he whined. “Can I at least have ice cream?”

“Ugh… you know I can’t say no to that!” I complained.

“With sprinkles?” he asked.

“Sprinkles are for winners.” I said.

“I understand.” He nodded. So I took him for ice cream, but still, if he is to learn his lesson, he needs to do this himself. Anyways, the next day came, and I headed back to the studio to see if I can find any clues about the plagiarizing. I had some FDA agents help me hack into the system so I can see any emails sent to AK Yearling. So far, I found nothing. I’ll give this boss a little more time, but I had a call from Director Mayo saying he found the actress that’ll play Daring Do in this movie, so I went outside the studio so I can meet her.

When I got out there, I saw the limo arrive to drop off the star, and there she was, some rainbow-haired pegasus pony. Following her was some gray pegasus in a suit, and after him came… OH MY GOODNESS! That third pony, that’s… that’s Crimson Flare Gun! I went to school with him! He was the one that got picked on by Herb Leafhorn! I’ve heard he’s made it big since he moved to Ponyville! Merry May kept saying positive things about him.

“Wow!” the rainbow pony said excitedly. “This is going to be so awesome! All the props look so realistic! But who’s going to be playing as Ahuizotl?”

“Oi!” I said as I walked over to them. “We’re actually gettin’ Mike Mares to play as him. He’s goin’ to be computer animated by the time he’s in his Aztec form.”

“Mini-me, you complete me!” Mike Mares said, holding a small figurine of Ahuizotl.

“Hello, I’m Jerry Jam. I’m the one wrote who wrote this film.” I said to the rainbow pony, shaking her hoof.

“Well, Jerry, I must say, you are SO AWESOME!” she then said in a high-pitched voice as she placed her hooves on her cheeks, and making a duck face. “I love the Daring Do series!”

“So do I! Can’t stop reading any of the books, ever!” I lied.

“Me neither! When I’m finished with a book, I always like to read it over again! I can’t believe you decided to make a movie out of this book!” she said excitedly. “You know, I actually met Daring Do in person!”

“What? No way!” I gasped

“Yeah way!” the rainbow pony yel- you know what? You know her name. Rainbow Dash yelled.

“That is amazin’!” I yelled in excitement.

“There she goes again.” Flare whispered to the gray pony. “Showing off, and telling others she met a fictional character from an unrealistic story.

“Have you even read the books yet?” the gray pony asked.

“No, but I did see some reviews online.” Flare said.

“Anyways, I can’t wait to begin filming!” Rainbow said excitedly.

“I know! I’m pretty psyched about it too!” I said.

“Psyche? Where is he?” Flare asked looking around.

“He means, excited.” The gray pony corrected him.

“Ah! Right!” Flare nodded.

“I’m going to be playing as Daring Do in this movie!” Rainbow said.

“Oh? You must be Rainbow Dash then!” I said.

“What was your first clue?” Rainbow teased.

“Director Hellman was right! You do look a lot like Daring Do! Just dye the hair and the coat, and you’d be an exact replica!” I said as I observed Rainbow.

“Thanks, Jer! So, what do we do first?” Rainbow asked.

“We have to go see the head of the company and sign some contracts. I’m taking these two are your agent and your lawyer?” I assumed, checking out Flare and the gray pony.

“I’m the agent! See me talking on my cell phone? That proves I’m the agent!” Flare said, holding his cell phone towards his ear.

“I’m her lawyer, Phoenix Wings.” The gray pony said, shaking my hoof.

“Pleasure, Mr. Wings! Please follow me. The boss is waiting.” I said. So I lead them to the boss’s office so they can talk to him. I couldn’t stay for the conversation, I used this chance to hack the system again, and see if the boss did anything about the copyright issues. So far I found nothing. You know, when I first heard about what Flare has been doing in Ponyville, I thought he was a pizza shop owner, not an agent. Oh… you know, not the me type of agent, I meant the getting their clients jobs type of agent. I also heard of some ponies that he’s friends with.

I’m no fool, that other pony is actually one of Flare’s friends. I dunno which one though. Not the engineer I’m pretty sure, and not the one mare either. That leaves the one with the armor, and the astronomer stallion with the feminine body. He didn’t look like he had a feminine body, and he wasn’t wearing armor, so that leaves the Wonderbolt, Blaze Goldheart. I didn’t want to say anything to them because it might compromise the mission, and it looks like they have their own little mission of their own. It’s best to wait till the end. I was dismissed for the day.

I didn’t leave the studio yet, because I wanted to have a word with the boss. I asked him if he had the rights to make this movie, but he told me yes. I asked him if he was sure, and then he started to get suspicious. It was best not to ask anymore questions. I’ll give him a chance to reconsider. If he doesn’t do anything by tomorrow, I’m calling AK Yearling. I didn’t wanna warn him because that might compromise the mission. Wow, so many things that can risk failing this mission! Well, this type of mission is considered an easy mission in FDA books. No pun intended.

The next day came and it was time to film the movie. I was with Director Hellman at the studio waiting for Rainbow Dash to show up. When they did show up finally, Hellman said excitedly, “Ah! Our star has arrived!”

“Hello, Director Hellman!” Rainbow said.

“Pwease, call me Wayo.” Mayo requested.

“Alright, Wayo. What do we do first?” Rainbow asked.

Mayo sighed and said, “NOT WAYO, WAYO!”

”That’s what I said!” Rainbow said.

Mayo sighed. “Whatever! Our first wart of the wovie takes place in a wungle, not the wungle from the Waring Wo story, a different wone. Wis is a different tweasure. Werry, show them.”

So I walked up to them and showed them a vase of some sort with a big red ruby on it. “This here is the Ruby Vessel, a treasure made by the griffons during ancient times. Now this isn’t the real one, it’s just a replica, but Daring Do must go into this temple and try to retrieve it. It’s not as intense as the temple that you’re used too. Daring uses her wings most of the time. In this movie, she realizes that she doesn’t need her wings to be awesome, but she doesn’t realize it until the original story. Not just that, Ahuizotl used to be a pony before he was in his Azetc form, and he’s Daring’s partner.”

“Yeah I know, it was mentioned that in the third story. I never realized that until then.” Rainbow said.

“Exactly! Since this is a movie, the book felt a little short, so we make the movie a bit bigger.” I said.

“What does Ahuizotl look like?” Rainbow asked.

“Like this.” I said, showing them a picture of him on my phone.

“That’s a mare, not a ‘him’.” Rainbow corrected me.

“Sorry, that’s my sister, Jelly Jam.” I said, putting up the right picture right after and showing them. “Here he is!”

“Ah that’s much better!” Rainbow said looking at the picture looks like blue earth pony with blonde hair and yellow lines on his face.

“Hey that looks like my friend Rush!” Flare said looking at it. “Not, not you.” Flare said to the pony he’s talking to on the phone. “I’m talking about the main antagonist of the story, but that’s beside the point. The game I want in the hotel room is Mancala, not chess. Chess is for nerds.”

“Alwight then! Time to start wilming! Weet us at Wudio 2 so we can get started.” Director Mayo said.

“Awesome! Well, wish me luck, Phoenix!” Rainbow said, following Mayo to Studio 2, and Phoenix, otherwise known as Blaze followed.

“You’ll need it.” he said.

“You two should wait in the dressing room for her.” I suggested. So I let Blaze and Flare wait in Rainbow’s dressing room. I should let those two relax and stay occupied. Flare was looking at me suspiciously. He must have a clue of who I am. I didn’t think he recognized me, because we only met one time. He wasn’t sure, but I didn’t want to stick around so he could have a really good look at me and remember.

The day is done; I’ve given the boss enough time. It was time to contact AK Yearling and tell her she’s getting ripped off. AK Yearling lives in solitude, so her phone number wasn’t easy to find, but the FDA have provided it for me. I know she’s probably busy, and for a pony that lives in solitude, she wants to be left alone, but if I explain to her what’s going on, she’ll have to listen. I hope she has a good lawyer. I took out a phone and gave her a call.

“Hello?” AK Yearling answered.

“Oi, is this AK Yearling?” I asked.

“No! Don’t call me again!” AK Yearling demanded.

“Wait! Don’t hang up, I’m calling you on business!” I said.

“I work alone.” AK said.

“It’s not that kind of business. It’s your story. Somepony is ripping you off.” I said.

“Likely story, fanboy!” AK said.

“No, it’s true! Galactic Studios in Las Pegasus is filming the Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Statue movie without the copyrighted permissions!” I explained.

“Who is this?” AK asked.

“My name is classified, but I am an agent of the FDA.” I said.

“I will not donate! Don’t ever ask that!” AK demanded.

“No I’m not here for your money.” I said. “You’re just getting ripped off, and we need you here in LP as soon as possible… with a good lawyer. You’re getting ripped off, Miss Yearling. It’s about time somepony did something about this.”

“How do I know I could trust you?” AK asked.

“Well if you want the cast, a pony named Rainbow Dash is playing your part,” I said, “and Mike Mares is-“

“Hold the phone! Did you say Rainbow Dash?” Yearling asked.

“Yeah, why?” I asked.

“You know what, Mr. Agent? I’m on my way to LP right now!” AK said. “It’ll take some time since I live in the middle of nowhere. I’m lucky just to have phone service!”

“When do you think you’ll get here?” I asked.

“I’ll be there tomorrow in the afternoon. Where should we meet?” AK asked.

“Aren’t you afraid of crazed fans?” I asked.

“Nopony knows who I look like as AK Yearling, don’t worry about it. You won’t even recognize me.” she said.

“Ok then. Meet me at the Horsebucks Coffee shop at the Buffalo Drive Alley Plaza.” I instructed her. “Usually it’s not crowded in the afternoon because coffee is usually for the morning, or when it’s cold, and since we’re in the middle of summer, it shouldn’t be a problem in the day time.”

“Ok, I’ll see you there.” AK said as she hung up.

“Ugh!” I groaned. “GOOD-BYEEEEE! It was nice talking to you!” I then hang up as well. “Some ponies, oy vey!”

The next day at the coffee shop, I was waiting for AK Yearling to show up. I’m already on my sixth cup of coffee I’ve been waiting here so long. What? You don’t expect me to just sit here not drinking any coffee, do you? Well the more coffees I drank, the more impatient and jumpy I got. I even started scratching my wrists and blinking a lot. Eventually, some brownish pony wearing a big cloak and a hat and glasses shows up and sits near me.

“You the agent?” AK asked.

“WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG?!” I yelled. Just then the entire coffee shop was silent… mainly because nopony else was here.

“You’re lucky nopony else is here! Also that’s how I recognized you.” AK said.

“Sorry… I’m just… I’ve just been drinking a lot of c-c-c-coffeee while waiting for you! I’m on my sixth large cup now! HA HA HA HA HA HA!” I freaked out.

“Is this a bad time?” AK asked.

“NO! No… no… no no no no noooooo! You’re here in a good time! I’m calm… I’m calm.” I took a deep breath. “I… am… calm.”

“Ok. So who’s been ripping me off?” AK asked.

“Galactic Studios. They’ve been plagiarizing content from other movies.” I said.

“I kinda figured. Somepony else told me about what was going on with the movie.” AK said. “I was hiring a hitpony to help me with my next book, but once he told me about one of my books becoming a film, I had to rush over here. So you’re not the only one that told me about this. Ugh! Galactic Studios! I didn’t even want them to publish my movie! I wanted Walt Magic Studios to do it!”

“Now I wouldn’t blame the studios itself.” I explained. “It’s the new CEO of the Las Pegasus studio branch. I’m on an undercover mission to help put some good into that studio, and the best way I know how to do it is for them to get caught by another writer.”

“Sounds reasonable.” She nodded. “Now normally I don’t trust working with ANYPONY, especially in my line of work, but in this case, I’ll make an exception. You seem to be the decent sort. But as you may know, agent, looks ain’t everything. If I see a smudge of betrayal or corruption on you, I’ll see that your belly button would be where your nose is supposed to be the doctors wouldn’t even recognize you as a pony. Do I make myself clear?”

“Oh I am corrupted, Miss Yearling. Very corrupted.” I nodded. “But I do what’s best for Equestria. If I corrupt, I’d have a very good reason to, and betraying you… well that’s not a very good one.”

“Hmm…” she nods. “You make a valid point, agent. Ok then, so how about you start off by telling me your name?”

“Jerry.” I said. “I’ll just give you my first name – Jerry.”

“Ok fair enough.” She nods. “It’s better than just ‘agent’. Ok, Jerry, where should we start?”

“Well we have to have the boss admit he’s plagiarizing, and what better way to do that than eavesdropping on him at his studio?” I asked.

AK Yearling smiles. “This isn’t the type of adventure I’d put in my books, but I’m always looking forward to some type of adventure. Lead the way, Jerry!”

Time is moving fast. We’re already at dusk once again and back at the studio, right outside it. AK and I are inside an FDA van, and luckily, Apple Fritter left me some of her spying equipment to use. “Ok, this is it.” I said. “We’re going to eavesdrop on the CEO of the place.”

“You know how to work this equipment?” AK asked.

“Yes, but I’ll need you to listen on these headphones while I turn the cordinance to the right angle. We don’t want to be eavesdropping the wrong ponies.” I said as I gave AK some headphones.

She puts on the headphones and said, “Got it.”

“Ok.” I said as I started pushing some buttons.

“I don’t hear anything yet.” AK said.

“I know… I didn’t turn it on yet.” I informed her.

“Ah, right.” She chuckled. So I continued pressing buttons and then she asked, “I hear static.”

“Yeah it’s on now.” I said.

“Ok, but I don’t hear any voices yet.” AK said. “Oh! Oh I hear something now. I hear a couple of ponies talking.”

“I know for a fact THOSE aren’t the voices we’re looking for.” I said.

“What makes you say that?” AK asked.

“Cause the radar is facing the sky, and the boss isn’t a pegasus.” I said as I continued pressing buttons and started turning knobs. “Ok what do you hear now?”

“I hear a lot of roaring.” AK said.

“There are multiple movies going on in this studio.” I said as I turned the knobs again. “How about now?”

“Just ponies complaining on how much they hate their jobs.” AK said. I turned the knobs again.

“How about now?” I asked.

AK’s face started to turn red. “Wrong studio! Turn it! Turn it now!” she demanded. So I quickly turned the knobs again.

“What did you hear?” I asked.

“You… you don’t wanna know.” She said in a very embarrassed tone. Just then, AK’s eyes lit up. “Wait… I hear something.”

“What?” I asked.

“I hear the CEO talking about my story.” AK said.

“Well don’t hog the headset, lemme here!” I demanded.

“Hey, this is more my business than yours, Jerry.” AK said.

“Fine, I’ll put it on speaker.” I said as I pressed a button that brings the whole conversation on speaker so the both of us can hear it at once.

“Alright, you two, get this done.” The boss ordered some ponies, or some… bodies. “She’s staying at the Hilton Hotel, and before you say anything, yes, it has very poor wi-fi service, so they’ll barely be able to warn anypony on their Ponyhoof accounts that they’re in trouble.”

“Of cou-“ we heard a voice but the other voice was staticy.

“Who is he talking to?” AK asked.

“I dunno, I can’t hear who he’s talking to. It’s too blurry.” I said. “It only does that when somepony is talking on the phone. So whoever he’s talking to is not there.”

“You must capture Rainbow Dash, bring her here, and have her sign the contract so she won’t get paid for her work.” The boss said.

“Oi! They’re going to capture the star!” I freaked out.

“Rainbow Dash can handle herself, don’t worry!” AK said.

“Do you want to take that risk?” I asked.

“Not really. She’s the deuteragonist on my previous book.” AK said. “I have plans on having her in my next story; we have to save her!”

“Whoever the CEO called is sending two ponies to the Hilton hotel to capture her. We should go assist them if we can.” I said.

“Hopefully we won’t be too late.” AK said.

“Good point, let’s go!” I said as I jumped out of the van, attached myself to the front and started pulling the van away from the studio and we were on our way to the Hilton. When we got to the Hilton, we saw we were already too late. The two ponies (I couldn’t see their faces, it was too dark), throw Rainbow Dash into the trunk of their carriage.

“It’s too late! They got her!” AK yelled. “Chase ‘em down, Jerry!”

“No! I’m not going to cause havoc on the streets trying to chase down these two thugs! We’re going to follow them, and see where they go, and when we get there, we’ll capture them, and rescue her.” I explained.

“Seems as good of a plan as any.” AK said. “Just remember, I heard that’s it safer to stay at least two carriage-lengths away.”

“That’s not a right distance. That’s just a poor excuse for these carriage-puller safety companies to be lazy with their tests.” I said.

“Whatever, they’re getting away!” AK yelled.

“Not for long!” I said as I started following them once they started riding away. We chased them throughout the entire streets of LP. We passed the club and I saw some suspicious looking carriages parked outside of it. “Hang on, I have to make a phone call.” I said.

“NO! Not while you’re chasing somepony!” AK yelled.

“Back there is the club I work at, and I saw some suspicious carriages parked outside it. I have the feeling it’s the mob.” I said.
“The mob?” AK asked.

“The Mela Di Legno mafia!” I said. “The Las Pegasus mob and one of the five mob families in the Commission. My partner Elusive borrowed money from them and now he’s in trouble.”

“Oh… yeah… wait a minute!” AK just remembered. “In one of my stories, I’ve had one of the five families play an antagonizing role. The Fillydelphia mob, the Fraterno mob family, led by Amore Fraterno.”

“These mobs have really been pretty big lately.” I said. “One of those five mobs has an alliance with some cartel I used to deal with, the Sphinx Cartel.”

“Really?” AK asked.

“Yeah, and even they know the Commission cannot be bloody messed with!” I said.

“I sense something is on the rise.” AK said.

“Me too.” I said. Later on, it turns out we went full circle. The two thugs have entered the studio. “Well if we would’ve known this would happen, we would’ve stayed here.”

“How are we going to get in?” AK asked.

“I have an undercover job working here.” I said.

“I thought the club was your undercover job?” AK asked.

“No that’s my real job.” I said.

“Then why are you part of the FDA?” AK asked.

“To fulfill debts I owe.” I said. “But really that’s the reason I joined. My debts have been paid for in full now. I’m only still here because I like working here.”

“Ah, I see what you mean.” AK nodded. “You a workaholic?”

“More or less.” I said as I walked over to the guard gate so the guard can let me inside the studio.

Once we got inside the office building, AK and I started looking around the dark corridors to see if we could find where the thugs have taken Rainbow Dash. Probably the boss’s office, but would they be that stupid? And as it all goes to show… yes… they are. AK and I eavesdropped at the conversation going on in there. I took out an audio diary at the same time so we could record the boss spilling the beans.

“Ah, Miss Dash! I am pleased that you could join me in this small meeting I have in planned for us.” The big boss said from the room.

“Big boss?!” Rainbow gasped.

“Yes, and thanks to my wonderful, clients….” The boss said, pointing to the gangsters that kidnapped Rainbow. I didn’t see them because the door was almost all the way closed. I couldn’t opened it slightly, but this looks like the type of door that squeaks.

“When you gonna pay us, homie?” one of the thugs asked.

“Wait a minute… who was… his voice sounded familiar.” I whispered.

“I can finally get you to sign the next part of my plan.” The boss said.

“What plan?” Rainbow asked.

“The plan I have for you, of course!” the boss said. Rainbow tried to pull the cuffs off her hooves, but she wasn’t strong enough.

“Ah, ah, ah!” the boss said in a high-pitched voice. “No escaping until I have discussed my plan.”

“I am sooooo not in the mood for your blather.” Rainbow said.

“Silence!” the boss yelled. “Galactic Studios is running low on profits, so I must take necessary precautions to make sure we stay in business. I’m going to force you to work for the studio for free. Your acting career will last as long as you live.”

“Blaze was right. There was something weird going on here. I should’ve listened to him.” Rainbow said to herself.

“Well, a lesson learned is lesson earned, my dear!” the boss said. “Now, I must contact my client. Since you’re working for this company FOR FREE now, I must take measures that could be….. pretty painful.” The boss said.

“Painful?” Rainbow asked.

“My client, Dr. Steelhoof has this chip he can install into your brain. If you don’t follow your orders, you will receive a nasty shock.” The boss said mischievously.

“Dude, this is illegal! You can’t do this!” Rainbow yelled. “I’LL FIGHT YOU IF I HAVE TO!” Rainbow tries harder to get free from her cuffs, but she was still unsuccessful.

“When he gives the signal. I’m going to go in and crash the party!” AK whispered to me.

“You’re free to do so. I have everything I need. He’s ruined.” I whispered back.

“Foolish rainbow pony, this is Galactic Studios, and I run it all! This is one of the most successful companies in all of Equestria. If this business somehow falls down into the Earth, it’ll be your life you’re throwing away!” the boss yelled. “Daring Do: The Movie is our best bet of keeping this business alive. This movie will be a sensation, and the company will return to it’s rightful glory! Then I will be rich, and there is nothing anypony can do to stop us!”

“Not if I have anything to say about this.” AK Yearling said as she walked inside.

“Excuse me? I asked for security not to invite anypony in.” the boss said.

“A pony that relies on other for protection? How pathetic!” AK said as she revealed herself from the shadows.

“Daring D- I mean, AK Yearling!” Rainbow said in excitement.

“Miss Yearling? What an unexpected surprise. What are you doing here?” the boss asked.

“I’m here because there is an unfortunate affair I have to deal with.” AK said.

“Oh yeah; and what might that be?” the boss asked.

“You, Mr. Boss!” AK yelled at him.

“Me? I don’t understand.” The boss said curiously.

“You are the manager of this company, are you not?” AK asked.

“No, I-I think you’re mistaken with somepony else.” The boss said nervously.

“AK Yearling, it is soooo cool to have you here!” Rainbow said excitedly.

“It’s really good to see you again, Rainbow Dash. How did you enjoy the latest book?” AK asked.

“It was to DIE for!” Rainbow said.

“Don’t jinx it!” the boss yelled at Rainbow.

“You have no rights to enslave your actors to save a quick buck, Mr. Boss; and you also have no rights to create movies that you do not have the rights to make!” AK yelled at the boss.

“What are you talking about?” the boss asked.

“The copyrighted laws of making this movie. I did not give you permission to make a movie out of MY stories. If you would’ve notified me, maybe we could’ve made a deal, but instead, you go around and steal other stories from hard-working authors!” AK explained.

“Ok, you got me. I don’t have the rights to make the certain movies my company makes, but you have no proof of it! I am a powerful stallion, Miss Yearling. There is no force that can arrest me.” The boss said.

“Oh I wouldn’t say that.” I said as I entered the room with AK.

“Jerry Jam?” Rainbow asked.

“JER?!” the two gangster ponies gasped, and… WHOA! Turns out to my surprise that the two gangster ponies were actually Orange Swirl and Cesaer Salad!

“Yes, and- wait…”I stopped as I looked at my friends. “Orange Swirl? Cesar Salad? What are you doing here, mates?!”

“We do what we’re paid to do, amigo.” Cesar said.

“Yeah, homie. What are you doing?” Orange asked.

“My job.” I admitted. “I’m also here to finish this case. Mr. Boss, you are under arrest for copyrighted violations, and kidnapping.”

The boss started laughing. “HA! Don’t make me laugh! You’re nothing but a writer.”

“Nope, that is just my undercover job. I’ve been keeping an eye on you ever since I started working here, Mr. Boss. Now I finally caught you right-hoofed, and you’re going to jail.” I said. He’s not really going to jail, but I thought it was fitting.

“Oh yeah? What are you going to do about it?” the boss asked.

“This.” Phoenix- umm, I mean Blaze Goldheart said, hovering behind him. The boss turns around and sees Blaze with an angry look. “This is for kidnapping my wife, and knocking out my best friend!” Blaze as he throws a punch at the boss’s face, and the boss gets knocked out. Blaze then says, “It’s just been revoked!”

“Speaking of copyrights, I’m going to sue this pony for every bit he has.” AK said.

“Oh yeah? For how much, Miss Yearling?” I asked.

Just then, Mike Mares (who is still in his Ahuizotl costume), places his tail pinky near his mouth and says, “For 100 billion dollars!”

“What how about those two?” AK asked, pointing to the two gangsters.

“Jerry… since when were you a fed?” Cesar asked feeling betrayed.

“It’s a long story, mates. I’ll talk to you about that later. I won’t arrest you two, because you’re my friends, but you two gotta get outta here, now!” I demanded.

“You have a lot of explaining to you, home-boy!” Orange yelled at me angrily.

“Yeah, Jer. We gotta know how long you’ve been hiding this secret from us.” Cesar said as they both run away.

“Orange! Cesaer! I hope you both realize the good I’ve done for you!” I cried out as they both ran away and didn’t look back. Wow, I knew the day would come, but I didn’t think that soon. I was caught. Orange Swirl and Cesaer Salad know my secret! They know I’m part of the FDA! Wow, once this mission is done, I have to go see them and explain everything!

Later that morning, the police arrive and arrested the boss. Blaze, Rainbow, AK, Flare, and I were chatting it up in the middle of the studio grounds. “Nice work, Rainbow Dash, Blaze Goldheart, and Flare Gun for helping us arrest this boss.” I said. “He’s been in FDA’s most wanted for a long time.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. What did Flare do to help?” Blaze asked.

“AK Yealing gave me a call, asking for a hitpony. This was certainly the last time I go by the name: Agent 47.” Flare said.

“Yeah, I needed to hire a hitpony for help for my next adventure.” AK said.

”You’re asking ponies to help you?” Rainbow asked.

“I learned that from you, Rainbow Dash.” AK said, smiling.

“AK I actually like that name. I have a relative with the same first name!” Flare said.

“Yeah, your agent mentioned something about Galactic Studios making a movie out of my books. I had to see what all the fuss was about. That’s why I’m here.” AK said to Rainbow.

“Well, this is a nice place, huh, sista? Las Pegasus. Doesn’t have as much heat as Mareami, but it’s very pretty, and it’s also where you’ll find most of the celebrities that’ll soon go to rehab.” Flare said.

“Well, now that that’s under control, please allow me to properly introduce myself.” I said as I took out my badge. “Jerry Jam, FDA.”

“FDA?” Flare asked.

“Friendship Detection Agency.” I said.

“What kind of organization is that?” Blaze asked.

“It’s Equestria’s primary elite force, fighting against disharmony and hate. Princess Celestia created this organization right after Nightmare Moon was banished.” I explained. “Disharmony and hate have been flowing a lot that year. It was the same year Discord came to power, and when King Sombra enslaved the Crystal Empire. Now, this task force will make sure Equestria stays in peace.”

“Sounds awesome!” Rainbow said.

“It is, mate. It really is!” I said.

“Jerry Jam… wait a minute… it’s starting to come to me.” Flare said. It looks like it all came to him. “You’re a Jam! You settled the war between the Guns and the Leafhorns when they were fighting for Mareami grounds. Aren’t you Blueberry Jam’s descendent?”

“That I am, mate, and you’re actually one of the reasons I joined the FDA.” I admitted.

“Really? Why?” Flare asked.

“That one time in fifth grade, I was there, watching you getting beat up by Herb Leafhorn. There was nothing I could do. I just watched you getting beat up.” I said. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there to help you, mate.”

“It’s all a thing in the past, brah. Herb and I are friends now.” Flare said.

“So I figured, counting he’s a part of the Friendship Mafia now. I saw him in action during that bank heist back in Mareami.” I said. “I found this FDA agent, and I discovered the agency, and I joined. I’ve been assigned here in LP, mainly to watch over night club owner Elusive.”

“That’s Rarity’s cousin, right?” Rainbow asked.

“He talks about a Rarity a lot, so… yeah, pretty much.” I nodded. “I also befriended a couple of gangsters; the duo that kidnapped you, Rainbow Dash, Orange Swirl and Cesaer Salad. They were friends of mine back in Mareami. They’re a dangerous pair, but I let them get away with crime… a little too much, might I add.”

“So what’s going to become of the Daring Do movie now?” Rainbow asked.

“Well, this news has already been released all over the internet. I guess we have no other choice but to finish it!” AK said.

“AWESOME!” Rainbow yelled in excitement. “I was totally afraid this movie would be cancelled. I’ve always wanted to see this movie on the big screen! Now I don’t have to be an egghead like Twilight anymore.”

“But this time....” AK takes off her disguise and she reveals herself as Daring Do. “I’m playing the leading role!”

Blaze and Flare were in shock, and I gotta say, I was too. I had no idea. “Daring Do?” Blaze asked.

“The one and only!” Daring posed.

“You’re….. real?!” Blaze asked.

“See? SEE?! I told you, Blaze! I told you!” Rainbow teased.

“You told me, huh? Well…. I certainly told you it wasn’t safe here! But did you listen to me? Nooooo. You just had to go sign that contract, and get yourself kidnapped.” Blaze complained.

“You’re right, Blaze. I’m sorry. I guess I got so caught up in the dream, and I was so excited of all the fame I was going to get, that I didn’t think about how dangerous the staff here really were.” Rainbow said.

“Speaking of which, what happened to Steelhoof?” Flare asked.

“Oh he’s been taken care of.” Blaze said mischievously.

“Well, Rainbow, to also be honest. I was being a little overprotective over you as well.” Blaze said.

“It’s no problem, Blaze.” Rainbow said as she hugged him.

“Well, Rainbow, I just got off the phone with Queen Haytifah, and she wants the world to know your story.” Flare said. “Aren’t I the best agent ever?”

“You sure are, Flare.” Rainbow said as she places her hoof on some necklace that was hanging around Flare’s neck, and it started to glow. “Thank you for being there for us. Without your agent skills, we wouldn’t gotten in contact with AK Yearling, and I’d probably be dead.”

“Aw c’mon, Rainbow! I’m the one that knocked the boss out epicly.” Blaze complained.

“Meh, anypony could’ve done that.” Rainbow said, winking at him.

“Well, mates, I must be on my way now. Duty calls.” I said.

“The bathroom is over there if you need to go duty.” Flare said, pointing to where the bathroom is.

I then chuckled and said, “I have the feeling we’ll be seeing eachother again soon. You’re Flare Gun, right?”

“No, I’m Crimson Blast.” Flare said.

“No need to hide your identity anymore, mate.” I said. “Anyways, I must congratulate you and your friends for taking out the Body of Evil. If you ever need the FDA’s help, you can always give us a call.” I gave Flare a card with the FDA’s number on it. I wanted to be able to help him when he was in need of it.

“Thanks, Jerry. I really appreciate it.” Flare said.

“This particular moment could go great for my next story.” Daring said.

“Hey, Daring, when do you think your next book is coming out?” Rainbow asked.

Daring chuckles and said, “Be patient. I just published the last one a couple of days ago. Give it time. Besides, the story will only go on if there’s anything to write about.”

“Miss Do, you’ll notice that all the sharks have laser beams attached to their heads. I think that every creature deserves a warm meal.” Mike Mares as Ahuizotl said as he places his tail pinky near his mouth.

Well, this simple mission was a complete success! I felt so proud of myself! But now that the easy stuff is over, I have to prepare for the incoming days. I was warned about a tough mission coming up soon. It would appear that I have to prepare. I have to set my affairs here in LP before I go though. I have to explain to Cesaer and Orange what I’m up to. I don’t want to lose them as friends. Plus, I have to make sure Elusive is in good hooves, as well as my sister Jelly. I have no clue if I’m going to be coming back, which is why the director asked me to get my affairs in order. I have to admit… I am pretty nervous.

Author's Note:

Just like chapter 10 of the Friendship Mafia, this chapter ties up with the chapter Jerry unites with Flare Gun in Friendship is Epic Book 3, on the fourth chapter, Daring Do: The Motion Picture. Now this chapter here was pretty easy to make, but it's going to get harder again later. Just to let you know now, I'm probably going to put FiE in a complete halt so I can finish the Friendship Mafia and the FDA stories, so then I'll be able to finish FiE without any trouble with spin-offs.

This chapter is also serves as a prologue that leads to the next 5 chapters, with Orange Swirl and Cesaer learning the truth of Jerry, and Elusive going into trouble with the mob.