• Published 8th Aug 2015
  • 586 Views, 4 Comments

Finding Home - flanigomik

eight years after the events of In Stitches Rainbow and her children along with new friends set out in search of home

  • ...

Chapter 2

The process took almost a hour, Rainbow perfectly still the entire time.

Storm stopped the spell. "Did... Did it work?"

She closed her eyes, now in quite a bit of pain "o- ow... I- I don't know..."

"Give them a bit of a break, if you saw even just light, its progress."

"Ow... It huuuurts." She said burying her face in her pillow.

"It will for a bit." He said putting a hoof on her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her.

"T- Thank you S- Storm Chaser... F- For trying."

"I- It must have worked... Y- Your eyes are just adjusting, is a-all."

"owww... Y- You sure?"

He managed a small smile. "I-I know it worked."

She whimpered, curling up into a ball.

He gave her a sad look. "I'm glad I could at least help a bit..."

"M- Me too... Th- Thanks Storm."

"Can you... Try opening your eyes again? Just look at me."

She opened her eyes slowly and immediately slammed them shut again. "it's too bright!"

"Here" He said closing the blinds making the room much darker "How is it now?"

"S- Still..." She whimpered with tears flooding her eyes. "damn tears... cut it out."

He hung blankets over the blinds, shrouding the room completely in darkness, the soft glow from his horn illuminating the pair. He wiped some if the tears from her face. "once more"

She opened them slowly. "Nothing, just blackness" She said sadly "h- hang on..."

Storm watched quietly, emerald eyes glowing softly. He was suddenly slammed over on his back, held to the grown. before he could react he was locked in a thousand hugs and kisses. Storm Gasped "I- I'm assuming i-it worked?"

She let go of him absolutely shaking in tears. "THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!" She cried, drowning him in kisses again.

He flinched back, blushing hard. "It was no problem, really... least I could do."

"Y- You don't know Wh- What it means to me... R- Really..."

He put a hoof on her shoulder. "A- And don't you DARE even think about owing me back. Just d- doing my duty to Equestria." He said still pinned under her.

"Do y- you know how long it has been? S- Since I have seen anything? A- And you want nothing?" she asked, tears flowing sounding completely blown away.

He shook his head. "please, nothing at all. It is enough knowing I made somepony happy..." He smiled. "Now, don't you want to see your fillies for the first time?"

She almost flew to the door, slamming it open and dropping to her knees. "O- Oww! My eyes... It's so bright!"

He Smiled. "It would probably be better if we brought them in here for the moment." He said closing the door again.

"Th- Thank you..." She said retreading back to the bed. "Can you get them? Please?"

"Where would they be?"

She sighed. "I can lead you I guess."

"Did we not just try that?"

"I- I can do it! Just... Just blindfold me."

"You sure?"

She sighed. "yeah. follow me." she said closing her eyes. She started out the door, walking down the hall blindly but expertly. She lead him this way and that for about five minute hissing in pain here and there sneaking peaks at the world. She stopped. "O- Okay. I think I got it" she said, opening her eyes looking strained. She looked around at everything. "I- It's so beautiful!"

Storm was pulled into another kiss being pushes against the wall. He could see a bewildered child behind Rainbow.

"M- Mommy? Wh- Who is this?" The filly asked.

He pushed her off. "M- My name is Storm, little one."

"Wh- Why are you kissing m- my mommy?"

"I- I..." He took an awkward step away from Rainbow who was just staring at the child. "S- She was just t- thanking me..."

"Th- This is my other d- da-" She started babbling and sobbing, hugging the confused filly"

"M- Mommy? A- Are you okay?" She said sounding legitimately worried.

"She... S- She can see, now..."

"Wh- What do you mean? Mommy could always see... Right?

Storm looked over at Rainbow who was still eye groping her daughter. "You... You know what blind means right?" He asked

"You can't see." she paused and made a horrified face. "Mommy is blind all the time?!"

"Apple Crumble... G- Go find your sister please..." she finally said

"O- Okay mommy..."

"Okay. Hurry along." She smiled. "I'll wait here."

Storm stood where he was and watched the confused filly ran off, still looking completely out of place.

Rainbow hugged him again. "They are so beautiful..."

"I... I concur. They are... lovable."

"I love you..." She suddenly went a flaming red. "I- I mean... Um Th- That umm..." she trailed off babbling like an idiot.

He blushed back, completely unsure what to say, ears drooped.

"S- Sorry... Ummm... Th- Thanks..." Rainbow fumbled

"N- No problem, like I said, Rainbow..." He replied back awkwardly.

"Mommy? Are you okay? You are all red..." Apple Crumble asked returning with her sister.

Storm chucked a bit.

Rainbow teared up "M- My girls... Y- You are so pretty..."

"Um mom? Are you okay?" Apple Crisp asked.

"She was blind all the time!" Apple Crumble blurted out. Her sister just stared at her and Storm chuckled a bit.

"Storm fixed my eyes. I can see now..." She said tearing up. "G- Give me a hug." She almost demanded, the two fillies coming close looking quite weirded out.

Storm smiled, eyes gleaming, as he stepped off to the side, not wanting to ruin the moment.

She released them after a long wait both children looking somewhat broken as if they didn't know what to do. "Thank you so much Storm... Anything... Anything you ever want..." She trailed off.

"I already told you... I do not need anything in return. I do not have any wants, beyond doing what is right." He spoke.

"Come on... There has to be something... How about a home?" She offered

His eyes widened a bit. "A- A home? I live in the forest" He protested.

She cringed at the word almost like it was a swear, her still present children looking like you just stabbed her. "N- No... Stay here... Please..."

"I... I am not welcome h- here... Those foals in the town, T- They were scared of me... So was Apple Crisp..."

"Pff... Can't be worse than anything I get." She replied giving the filly a glare.

"C- C- Can we g- g- go mommy?" Apple Crisp asked nervously.

"Yes girls, go and play." She said and the both bolted "try not to hurt your leg Apple Crisp!" She called after the limping filly. She turned back to Storm, dead set on keeping him here. "Come on... please?"

"I... W- Would the doctor mind?" He asked.

As if on que he walked up wearing a smirk. "Of coarse not... Although I do not have an extra room... He would have to share with you or your kids would have to share a room again"

"It is quite alright... I- I can sleep outside. I like the view o- of the stars..."

"Mine is plenty big enough!" she blurted out before she could stop herself earning a look from all present.

"R- Rainbow... its fine..."

"Y- Yeah." she paused blushing hard. "there is an observatory upstairs if you would like." She suggested.

"Good idea Rainbow. I could have a sleeping roll brought up there for you Storm." The doctor added.

"I... I suppose I could stay, then..."

"Okay... Thanks... Really..." She said looking anywhere but the two of them. "what were you laughing at before?" She asked changing the subject.

"Heh, the girls ran up to me screaming that some strange pony was in the house kissing and brain washing their mother"

"Those little..." Rainbow started turning the darkest red she can go.

"Rainbow... Your eyes." He said coming in close to look at them.

"He fixed them, H- He d- did it..." She smiled trying her hardest to not break down again.

Storm nodded. "It was a simple spell, really... Most unicorns could have done it."

"If there were any other unicorns..." The doctor replied drawing close to Rainbow.

"I... How are there no unicorns in this strange town? A- And whats with the flying boat?"

"I have never seen one. The doctor says they are pretty common tough... The boats that is..." Rainbow said, standing still as Monocles poked about her face.

"I... This place is so different."

"Well you made it new to me too." She replied pushing off the doctor.

Storm sighed "And t- then there is the... Mechanical wings."

"Yeeeaaahh... That one is a little weird for me... I wouldn't let the doctor take mine off."

"I mean, the technology is far beyond what I know..."

"Hang on..." She slowly let her wings out with a metal on metal sound like a sword unsheathing.

He examined them closely. "Wow."

She looked back at the half organic half metal recreation, only now getting to see them for the first time. "wow" She paused looking for more to say. "wow."

"How... The workmanship is incredible! And the technology. Far beyond what I know." He looked over at the doctor. "Is this your invention?"

"Weeelll..." He started "I had a pretty great assistant. I reverse engineered mine from hers, Then started creating them for others."

"Interesting." He started. "How are they powered? Magic?" He asked gesturing at his wings.

"No, I had a good look at Rainbows wings when I was fixing them. Hers are assisted by special magic glands. but it turns out earth ponies have the same muscles in that area, it just takes a little training and brain mapping is all. although, we do get tired a lot quicker without the magic."

"Incredible" He breathed, trying to take it all in.

"I could make you a pair if you would like."

"A pair... of wings? Oh no, that's alright, the last thing Equestria needs is an adhoc Alicorn!" He laughed.

"And what would they need to know about it?" Rainbow asked.

"There are other winged unicorns?"

Storm just stared at him blankly then remembered they didn't know about the Alicorns here. "yeah... You know, on second thought, lets do it."

"Great! I need to take some measurements then."

Storm nodded slowly "Measure away, Doctor."

"Heh... Later... We have some things to show Rainbow."

"Good idea" He smiled.

"I want to see the city, You have told me so much doctor, but I want to see it."

Storm's ears drooped a bit and she looked over at him.

"What? Is something wrong?" she asked concerned.

"I... Don't want to back out there... I'm a monster to them..."

"And I am the old hag on the hill... So what? Who cares what they think? I have lived just over nine years here now... You'll get over it"

Storm gulped, then nodded "lets go."
Comment with the word 'cheese' if you found this.

"At least this time I wont be guided around by a rope." She looked over and could see Storm nodding sadly. "What are you all sad about? Life is good again."

He smiled a bit "Nothing at all." He paused "lets go" He breathed starting for the door.

"Something is eating you... What is it?"

"Its..." He paused a long time. "Nothing, really" He finished, exiting the house.

"Come on, I have been blind for over ten years, I know how to tell when someone is upset."

"Look, I can assure you, nothing new, beyond the normal, is affecting me."

"Well then what is the old thing bugging you?" She demanded.

"I was... Banished, some time ago." He reluctantly told her.

"F- For what? I told you my story... Or part of it anyway"

"It was a spell... I couldn't cast it, but... Something, got into me. I cast the spell..." He sighs shakily "But with shadow magic."

"Oh." She said not fully understanding the significance. "Well... Why did you get banished?"

"Because, for a while, I could not stop. I completely lost control. A- And even tried to attack t-the princess..." He said with his head lowered.

"Well... You found me, is that worth anything?" She asked, trying to be supportive.

"M- More than you know, Rainbow." They headed to the edge of the cliff the house sat on where a railing that looks out of place is. Storm looked down, hooves on the railing, eyeing the city.

"The doctor built this railing for me" She Spoke.

He looked up at her. " Well, it was probably a good idea at the time." He looked down again, watching the town's ponies going about their business, some flying about with a metallic glint. "A bustling town, but stranger than any dream." He observed, scanning his surroundings with his emerald eyes.

"wow... it's so beautiful" Rainbow said.

"And mysterious..." Storm added. As he looked over at her he could see her looking back and forth at her metallic wings and cliff and they slowly unfold. He could see a bad idea coming a mile off.

"R- Rainbow... I don't think that is the smartest thing." He said nervously. She slowly unfolded them and crouched down, Storm could see the fear in her eyes. "Rainbow, I urge you not to!" He took a step towards her, watching as she took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "Rainbow Don't!" He watched in horror as Rainbow jumped the railing and began to fall, wings now pressed to her sides in the wind. "N- No!" He rushed to the edge, leaning over the railing, unable to help her now. He could hear ponies screaming, Rainbow fell farther and farther opening her wings less than a dozen feet above the roof tops. She went screaming into the air moving so fast Storm could actually hear it. There was a mach cone forming around here.

"What the... I- Is that... Rainbow?" The doctor asked approaching off to his left.

Storm nodded, a small smile creeping onto his face. "Rainbow Dash is back, Doctor"

"She has never flown on those wings! they could give out... what is she doing?!" He asked as the cone around her began to sharpen.

"Your about to see how I met her, Doctor." He said watching her "I highly recommend you cover your ears."

"Wait what? What is she doing?!" he demanded as the cone reached its sharpest point.

"A Sonic Rainboom." He Grinned. "Welcome back, Rainbow." The cone gave way and there was a huge explosion of color. Things tremble and some windows shatter. Rainbow seems to be having a hard time controlling herself. Storm's eyes went wide "S- She is losing control!"

"Oh boy... This can't end well."

Storm desperately looked for a way to help, before he had time to do anything she came in at high speed hitting the ground hard and cartwheeling to a stop. Storm was frozen.

The doctor reached her first. "R- Rainbow? you okay?"

She was unresponsive on the ground.

Comments ( 2 )

I want to see more of this story i hop you continue with it be i really do like it so far

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