• Published 5th May 2015
  • 355 Views, 1 Comments

Marked - Dark_Soliloquy

Years after our world was destroyed, we have thrived. We have prospered. Ponies have lost the ability to obtain cutie marks, so we artifically create marks. When I turn thirteen, I will get marked, and in turn gain freedom. But the Union lies.

  • ...

The Mark

"There you go! Your new mark." Nurse Redheart smiled.

The reciever of the mark gazed at the fresh symbol. The ink was still moist.

The nurse saw his face. "Is something wrong?"

It took the patient a while to answer. "No, it's just..." He paused. "It's nothing."

Redheart smiled sympathetically. "Now, how to use it. In most buildings, you will see a scanner. For example, if you're at a restaurant, you must scan your eye before purchasing." She brought out a scanner. "Try it now."

He pressed the button, and opened his right eye wide. The machine hastily scanned it, beeped, and its light turned green.

"If your mark ever gives you trouble, or any scanner light turns red, contact us." The nurse smiled and showed him the door.

"It's trouble, alright." The newly-marked stallion grumbled.

Finally. It was lunch. I've been sitting in a classroom all day!

"Hey, Blitz." A familiar voice called.

I turned around. It was my BFF, Ashley. (But she hates that, so we just call her Ash)

"Hey Ash," I reply.

"Did you see that new cute guy?" She smiles like a madmare and nods her head over at the new kid. He is kinda cute, but did I mention Ash is a little boy-crazy?

"The dude with the mark?" I ask. I can tell his mark is fresh.

"Is that the first thing you look at when you see a new pony? Wow, Blitz. It's just the mark. Oh, and by the way, I'm getting my mark tomorrow." Ash smiles. She always thinks the mark is the coolest thing since sliced hay.

"Good for you." I say, shrugging. I'm pretty sure I sound nonchalant, but that probably sounded a little cold. "I mean, I'm happy for you, I am. I know how much you want it."

"Yea. But it stinks that everypony has to get it right on their birthday." Ash rolls her eyes. "At least it doesn't take long." She takes a few more bites of her lunch. "When's your thirteenth birthday? Isn't it next week?"

"Uuuuhh.... Yea, yea it is." I sigh. "But, I don't think I want it."

Ash smiles warmly. "I know, Blitz, but it's the law. Hey, why don't we go to the mall on Saturday? I hear they have a new nanoarcade."

Ahh, Ash is the best.

"Yea," I say. "That'd be great."

"Now about that cute guy..." Ash starts. Great. More boy-talk.

"Master... We need more time..." A desperate voice ragged out.

"For what? It doesn't take long to kidnap a girl," A cruel mare replied. "And, after all, you are the best assassin there is." She smiled. "But, of course, if you don't want to do it..." The mare pulled out a nanodagger. "I'll do it myself."

"No, no, it's fine. I'll do it, really." Though this stallion was hardcore, at this moment he was very much afraid.

"Good. I want her by tomorrow, Blade. Midnight. If you are late..."

The stallion, Blade, nodded. "Yes... Miss Shimmer."

The mare growled. "You know I do not go by that name anymore..." Suddenly she stood. "How dare you...!" She turned away from his gaze. "Leave me."

"But Miss-"


"Um... Hi?" I said sheepishly. To whom, you ask? It's a long story.

Here's the short version: In a twist and turn of events, including an argument, Ash convinced me to go over and introduce myself to the new guy. Don't ask me why I agreed. Please.

The young stallion looks up. "Hi," He gives me an awkward smile. Gosh, why is it so cute when guys do that? "Do you need anything?"

Ok, out of dreamland and back to my regrettable conversation.

"No, I just..." I tried to regain composure. "I just haven't seen you around before. I wanted to say hi."

"Which you already did," He notes. "Do you do this to every new guy? Wow, you must be lonely." Wait, was that sarcasm? What's this dude's issue?

I try to keep my cool. "No, I do not do this to every guy, and no, I am not lonely. What's your problem, anyway?"

Good. That shuts him up. I trot away to my table, which thankfully has all of Ash's friends there, so it looks like (at least to the guy) I have lots of friends. So much for calling me lonely.

Seriously, though. What's his issue?!? Guys.

"In one week, you say?" Blade, the so-called leader of the Union, asked his assistant. But actually, he was more of a spokesperson. The true leader of the Union was unknown. But Blade knew her name.

"Yes, sir. In one week."

"Ahh. Perhaps there will be no need to... Ah, dispose of her. The Mark will do that, once she gets it."

"What do you mean?" His assistant was curious. Usually she kept to herself, but once in awhile she would be interested in her superior's doing.

Blade turned and looked at his attendant with interest. "Why, Miss Fluttershy... It is men's business. None of your concern."

With that, the yellow mare trotted out of the room nervously.

One week... One week... You can't possibly escape in one week...

You hear the alarm. Somepony tried to escape again. Did they succeed? Was there still a way to leave this wretched place?

A moment passes... No. He failed. Tried to use magic to look like one of the guards... Sloppy work. Since there are no cutie marks, there is no talent. You hear the scream as the guards do whatever they do to those who try to escape.

Wait... You hear them talk... About a girl... Blitz is her name. Wait... They want to... Kill her? Directly? Why? The Union doesn't usually do this... You must warn the girl. But how?

How can you? Tell her about the Union, its lies? You'll be dead in a week's time.

You listen in again. She's getting marked, in a week. She mustn't get marked! You are determined to warn her.

But how?