• Published 22nd Mar 2015
  • 1,182 Views, 14 Comments

Twilight Soldier - Equestrian Civil War - Gvozdi

The fall of the unified Equestrian republics results in a vicious civil war. A dark take on the world of Equestria, inspired by the vicious brother war of the former Yugoslavia - as written by an Eastern European who grew up in such an era.

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Pretty Villages - Burn Beautifully

Dear President Celestia,

This is your faithful and brave soldat, Twilight Sparkle. When you first sent me to Ponyville to discover friendship, I was unsure how to take it all in at first. This diversity, the numerous Unicorn, Pegasi and Earth ponies alike all lived in harmony. Equestria was once a homefront for equality. Our brave motherland had served these concepts well. But tell me, what will it all mean now that we have a generation of dislocated young fillies and colts, now without mothers and fathers? Reading for days on end, I always knew that war was a necessary thing. But I always speculated war against the decadent griffons or perhaps even a schism occurring within the Crystal Empire. Never have I ever anticipated that a community once full of harmony – would fall to pieces and so quickly. I will miss ponyville, I will have nostalgia for it – but above all, I will miss my friends who I have grown to know and love… only for us to be separated by such social constructs like ethnicity and nationalism.

I remember it like it was yesterday, Spike was tucked by my side asleep while I attempted to tell him that we had to quickly return to Canterlot. I remember the tears in his eyes; they were not so much of sadness as they were of pride. He had found a new home, his place among his friends and aspired to even marry one of them once he came of age. With our abrupt leave to Canterlot, I remember how he recalled all the fun times we had back in Ponyville on the train. Life is strange, is it not, President Celestia? I did not want to believe the first message you sent to me. The idea of cloudsdale suddenly seceding from Equestria was foreign, but not very unexpected. They were tired of the political set up and felt the need to flex their wings, with that came their apparent nationalism.

Soon, everyone became independent in Equestria. Just like the days before our great unity, here we were again – Unicorn, against Pegasi, against Earth Pony. The Windigos merely forced us to evolve and colonize again, but now they do not feed off our anger and hate. No, we are feeding well of that by ourselves well enough. It will not be a supernatural threat that pushes us away, this time to never reunite – it is the mere politics of all, who have degraded what it means to be under harmony. I was out there on the battlefield soon after I left Spike in Canterlot with you. You wanted to test me, test my loyalty to you and your sister – I hope I have proved it. We were loaded up with Zastava M21s, chambered in 5.56mm. I remember my rifle well, as when it was first given to me; I levitated it and studied it for hours before even firing it. I skimmed through the instruction manual, admittingly – not like it was much help. It was seemingly made for the illiterate, all pictures and very little written instruction. Unicorns can be prided with the fact that when it comes to magic, we will write volumes upon volumes explaining the most simple of things. But when it comes to weaponry, we are suddenly idiot-savants.

Designed by Poni Jekopito – this rifle was magic powered, rotating bolt. Could fire 680 rounds per minute with a muzzle velocity of 825 m/s. It had an effective range of 450 miles without optics, up to 60 with them. My optional mount optic was a parasprite wing, illuminated with a soft dot. My helmet was held a sigil just above my horn, the flag of Equestria proudly stamped on it. The Kevlar helmet was based off our cousins in the Hooviet Union, during the invasion of the nearing territories of Saddle Arabia. It felt like something out of the pre-classical era, because of that – I cherished it.

I remember my first battle. I recognized everything about it. Ponyville had been bombarded first by a coalition of Pegasi, once their ground forces landed – they immediately started to tear into the Earth Pony ranks. We came in at the very end of it, only to be greeted by hostility from both sides. Pegasi had bilateral combat advantage, dropping explosives and making shots from the sky. Earth Ponies had customized rigs for their firearms, many of them charged with blades in their mouths and some attached to their hooves. I recognized them; I remember those faces, those manes, those cutiemarks. And I shot them – I shot people I had grown to love. We were once neigh-bors. And it had come to this. As we cleared up the village, I looked over at the library you assigned me to. It was burnt to the ground. I think it was Starswirl the Bearded that once said, and I quote – regarding burning monuments from the great Griffon-Pony war. “Pretty villages still burn prettily. Ugly villages are still ugly when burnt.”

I was suddenly filled with anger though, as I came across a mass grave. I realized, President Celestia – that the creatures behind this had no souls. Beside Rarity’s Boutique, against the walls where several dead Unicorns, perhaps five in total – they were bound and gagged. Exit wounds and spray patterns indicate execution style. Their horns and front hooves were chopped off. Somepony even shaved off some of their cutiemarks with a cleaver. Near them was the end result of local ethnic cleansing from Earth Pony military and paramilitary groups. Each unicorn had their horn slowly sawed off; the evidence of rape to numerous genders and ages was also obvious. This desecration failed to fill me with nationalism, but instead with utter sorrow.

Rarity was nearby, receiving medical attentions from one of my comrades. She had barely survived the encounter. Her shop was being used to house our own paramilitaries, hone their skills – not to mention she used her outfit making capabilities to make numerous propaganda banners and uniforms to raise morale in these dark times. When the Earth Ponies found out about this, they used the timing of the Pegasi strafing run to their advantage. I only got to talk to her for a moment, soon afterwards – she left and began to construct crosses for the lost. To quote her, “Simply because darling, every soldier deserves a decently marked grave at the very least…” With her hoof, she whipped away some tears and then swept aside her bloodied, once beautiful and well-kept mane back under its helmet. “And I will be sure to make them reflect the glory of those lost today.”

I sought refuge in my old home, now that it was merely a charred tree. All of my books forever gone – some of my favourite things, some of Spike’s comics – all echoes of our now lost innocence were gone. The days of harmony were truly dead, as I found the remains of my own bed and decided to rest upon it. I soon realized that the holders of the elements of harmony will soon be deceased as well. Many of us were on different sides of the conflict and not even friendship could bring us back together. My peace, or lack thereof, was interrupted by one of my superior officers. He told me that they had sighted more Earth Ponies around the Everfree forest, rallying up and preparing for an attempt to liberate the city from our occupation. I slipped my helmet back on with my magic and quickly headed out with him.

At this point, I was debriefed that the Earth ponies were getting some reinforcements from radicals in Saddle Arabia and the Crystal Ponies. Meanwhile, Pegasi were getting their own mercenaries from the Griffon lands. This war had escalated far beyond simple civil conflicts. I could not believe my eyes as I trotted to the frontline, bullets and artillery already thundering in my head. A few crystal ponies and a number of Saddle Arabians were indeed in the ranks we were forced to cut down. These traveling warriors felt they almost had a religious duty to help reinforce the status of Earth Ponies during this civil war. After we had forced them into retreat, I saw some of our own begin to cast fire spells on their dead. Others were stabbing them with bayonets and I remember the sounds of rape specifically later on that evening. When the fires in ponyville calmed, the smell of burnt manes had ceased and flown up to Cloudsdale itself – we all thanked your sister, Vice President Luna for the comfort of night. We rested well for the first few hours.

I heard the flapping of wings and when I peeked out from my foxhole, I saw an entire treeline of the Everfree forest get wiped out with a single bomb. “By Celestia, Pegasi above!” one of my comrades yelled, I ducked back into my hole and was soon covered in the dust and debris of another bomb. “Everypony – stand now or forever disgrace our fatherland!” One of our Sgt.’s commanded. I hopped out and aimed my rifle into the sky as best as I could, my fatigue had weakened my horn and my levitation grip on the rifle. A few hot casings slipped down my mane and into my flak jacket, burning at the skin beneath my coat. Soon the Pegasi ceased, but only to fall back and return to their artillery positions – some to launch mortars and others to reload for another run. We had to get there before they could fully rearm and hit us with all they got. Half our company stayed behind to protect the strategically important border between the Everfree forest and the fringes of Ponyville. We hopped on an armoured train and soon we were one our way directly below Cloudsdale on a covert operation. Everypony stopped and saluted at the window as we past Canterlot. Knowing that you and your sister will keep us safe. When I finally rested however, Luna gave me no encouragement through dreams nor nightmares. Perhaps she was simply too busy as it was.

Several hours before you raised the sun, our train took a heavy barrage of fire from Griffon commandos. These mercenaries were hot blooded and they hit us from all directions. I flipped out of my bunk and quickly dashed through the first few carts, reloading my rifle as I went. Several good unicorns were cut down in front of me as bullets passed through out magic seals and dedicated armour on some of the windows. The assault did not last – as the mercenaries were struck by one of the most unlikely of foes. WETO – Western Equestrian Treaty Organization. A force originally compiled by the western nations to combat the Hooviet Union. Why were they here? Above all, why did they come to our rescue? I did not get a lot of time to comprehend, as soon our train was knocked off the tracks by a few well aimed bomb drops. The Pegasi had succeeded in their rearming, but now their positions were being struck by WETO forces. This was not their war. I do not know whether to feel ashamed by them or thankful for their intrusion. After all, it was because we were losing to the Pegasi and they saw this moment of weakness as a perfect chance to strike upon us. Praise the sun, President Celestia for their well-timed assistance, despite how it was not well received.

I crawled out of the damaged train car and many of my comrades miraculously survived the encounter too. We looked up at Cloudsdale itself – getting battered hard by WETO’s superior Pegasi and Griffon volunteers. I swore I even saw a draconequus get in on the action for a brief moment. Either way, I could tell that the battle was won – but not by our hooves. The Pegasi were smart, they had cast storm clouds upon us to hinder our escape. Rain hit us hard, but WETO kept them off of our backs. It did not seem like we were running as hard as we were at first, until I soon saw that we had passed Canterlot. The storm did not seem to cease and our only hopes of getting new orders were to go back to Ponyville. We walked for several days and went through our rations with little ceasing. We sneaked past a few prisoner camps, probably the infamous rape camps we heard of. The Pegasi believed that they were purifying the Earth Pony race, that their colts and fillies would be Pegasi and soon a new generation will be born out of their enemy. Screams and violent resistance were heard throughout the camps, as many as ten Pegasi waited outside a tent – waiting for their own turn at the poor victim inside. Our last remaining member of the recon unit scouted ahead and got a good overview of the camp itself. Shallow graves were everywhere.

Edging back to the Everfree forest, our tactical operations base was on full alert. Exhausted, we just wanted to sleep but they forced us back onto the battlefield. Earth Ponies had yet again set up a liberation attempt for the city, few in number – this was their last chance in the war to get back this strategic station. If they held Ponyville, they had an enclave in the middle of our territory for attacks on both Cloudsdale and Canterlot. A general yelled out “Hold the line! Hold the line! We lose here and we lose the war!”

The bodies from the last encounter were still at the fringe of the town, blood soaked into the grass and dirt now washed away by the mud generated from the rain. I was anticipating soldiers, instead – we got a few defensive troops trying to retrieve their dead. They wanted to give them a proper burial to those who were not already desecrated. These ponies could not have been mistaken for an offensive unit. Still, we cut them down and fired in their direction. The exchange was brief and eventually they retreated into the Everfree like before. But our general said that they were still high priority targets, so everyone went in with little ammo, little sleep and little rations. Some joked about cannibalizing their kills and taking their tails as trophies. For some reason, I knew that not all of them were joking.

Mud, vines, trees and the occasional branch in the road – we trotted through there as if we were already victorious. We did not know that this was their territory and that these skilled guerilla fighters merely lured us into a trap. I was about to remark that it was nice that we did not run into any of the dangerous wild life yet when a familiar star and space pattern camo caught my eye from the unit approaching us. They had been fighting in the forest for days now, we were hoping to meet up with them and take our fight to the heart of the enemy. I must admit, President Celestia – I lost my temper at my own, supposed comrade. “Trixie?!” I accused, judging by their immediate smirk, I was correct. I ran toward her and knocked her down, trying to hit her in the face with the butt of my rifle. The comrades were able to pull me off of her, but not before she forcefully chambered a round in my gun and jammed it.

“Yes! It is I, the great and powerful Trixie!” She arrogantly proclaimed, blood dripped from the lip I battered and I was sure I broke her orbital bone as well. “I expected more from you Twilight, but then again – I see you are not necessarily the commander of your own squad.” I gritted my teeth, but knew I had no right to speak against someone who outranked me. She was indeed an officer; probably joined around the same time I was put into the service to combat me. However, Trixie managed to see more battles than me. Not like it mattered, as we I got to see how good she was at combat first hand when we all heard the distinctive sound of a hoof cracking a stick among the soft patter of rain.

I heard a lever action rifle cock; we all docked down and readied our weapons. Or at least, I tried to – two bullets were jammed into the chamber and if I pulled the trigger, I’d probably blast the gun in my face as a result. I tried to manually eject the round but to no avail. Bullets hailed over me and a few comrades took some right to the neck. My team and the unit we regrouped with were forced to pull back, I tossed the rifle to the ground and removed my sidearm from the holster on my back leg. Pouncing out of the shrubbery, the bullets made a loud snapping noise as they zoomed just narrowly above my head and thankfully not clipping my horn.

We had treaded into a garden, someone’s back yard – I recognized it almost instantly. It was Fluttershy’s home; at least it was until the war tore everything apart. The coop was full of holes and the home itself riddled with shrapnel. The rain created a small pond at our feet, we were gracious to be able to only hear ourselves moaning and grunting from fatigue and pain from the rough terrain we just ran. “Trixie, what were you thinking?!” I blurted out, the pistol dropped to the mud and my own hooves used to pull of my helmet. I positioned my hoof into the pit of the helmet and swung it at her. She retorted by doing the same, only tossing her’s like a saucer with their magic. “Jamming my gun?! You could have killed me!” A solid swing later and the helmet left my grasp, striking her firmly against the horn.

Trixie pounced on me and successfully managed to pin me down. I kicked and bucked at her, but none of my comrades came to my assistance. My teammates and her own unicorn troops starred with vacant minds and weary eyes. Some lit a cigarette and admired what was apparently a humorous or even erotic sight at first. It didn’t matter to them, one of us could kill the other and they would not even flinch. They had more than enough with this never ending bloodshed. “You don’t get it, you never got it!” Trixie accused, while I tried to aim my biting motions for her throat. “You were going to show me up in battle, just like you do everything else!” Her hooves grasped the side of my head and began to slam it down into the rock it rested on. I remember it felt like my brain was in a tub of water when she stopped, I guess I got a concussion from it. I blacked out for a moment and when my vision came to – I saw Trixie give a triumphant, scat eating glare.

A bullet knocked it right out of her face. Entered her cheek and ripped through the show, pulverizing tissue, fragments of teeth, blood and saliva splattered against my face. Her jaw became almost completely unhitched as she fell off of me. I knew there was only one person that could make that shot, even though it would have been more appropriate to fire at me – as I was the most vulnerable and the ensuing shock would not allow Trixie to escape the same fate. I crawled over to Fluttershy’s house and put my flank against the bark with the others. They knew who it was as well; every Unicorn and Pegasis alike knew who was the Sniper of Apple Acres. “What is One-Shot Apple Jack, doing here?!” One of my comrades questioned as they spat out a cancer stick. They called my old friend that because her lever action sniper in combination with her superb marksman skills meant she only needed one shot. At this point, she was now moving to another vantage position and planned to pick us off one by one, just as we thought we were safe. “We are vulnerable out here, if she really did leave the farm – we are going to need to find better cover.”

They were right and as I poked my head out of cover, I saw the nearby bridge. It would keep us from being noticed from a vantage spot, not to mention it would cover us from the rain. That is how she even saw us in this darkest of nights brought upon by your sister. The rain made an outline and basically a bullseye on us. I used my horn to retrieve my helmet and slipped it on before I suggested to my own officer – who would be taking command of the late Trixie’s as well – to take refuge under the bridge. I did not even need to state my reasons, even though I had a verbal thesis paper prepared at the edge of my tongue. We trotted out and just as we made it, Applejack took another shot at one of us. A moving target at that. The slowest one in our group, who fell behind. Right in the end, I could tell because at this point, I was sadly accustomed to the audio of skull fragments hitting Equestrian soil. She knew we were heading to the bridge and now we had to bunker there until someone else was caught in her crosshairs.

We trotted up on it at first, before we jumped over the side and dived under the protection of its stony mass. Everything was silent besides the rain that grew harsher once again and made heavy ripples in the water around us. I heard something move in the water that was not one of my own men, I quickly turned with the pistol prepared and the others did the same. I saw a face I did not think I would normally see. “Fluttershy?” She was timid as always, shivering in the cold and had the uniform of the Pegasi’s medical unit. Her experience taking care of animals apparently could be applied well to field surgery, although she would be too scared to even ask if someone was hurt or not. When she recognized my voice, her bandaged face looked up and her oversized helmet slid over one eye.

“Oh-h-hohhi Twilight…” She looked over at my comrades, hardly armed, tired and exhausted. They still aimed their last few bullets at her and would fire if it were to come to that. It was a sad reunion; I could not bring myself to even reply again without some tears bubbling at the surface of my tear ducts. Her bunny Angel’s foot was on a decorated keychain, which she had dangling from her medical bag. It was the only thing she had left of the world she once lived in now. When we lowered our weapons and just looked out to the stormy skies, she petted the foot for luck and comfort. Our battle was not with her, she was not supposed to be here. That night, we finally rested – mane deep in water and with Applejack watching even the slightest of movements near our position.

In the morning, we got up and noticed that the timid Fluttershy managed to flee. There was no bloody, yellow Pegasus wing-feathers lying around – so it was apparent she managed to get away. It did not bother me one bit, she deserved to live her life, and I just hope that she got back to her commanding officers safely. But I remembered WETO, their next line of action was to put a strict perimeter around the airspace and hold it. Hopefully they would see her medic insignia and think twice about knocking her out of the sky. The marksman from Trixie’s team and his spotter were looking for One-Shot AppleJack. I pretended to be asleep, even though I was no longer tired, just to have my eyes closed was peace enough from all of this. At first, I did not even notice that my head rested on Fluttershy’s medical satchel – Angel’s bunny foot being the only thing removed from it. I can still just barely recount the back and forth between the spotter and sniper.

“No confirmation from the roof top, Comrade Glavamanje – any sights?”

“Yeah, yeah, may got positive on target. No scope glare, she’s using iron sights.”

“Iron sights? At this range, you got to be kidding me.”

“Boys back at the camp were talking about how her Granny Smith gave her the rifle after she passed. Apparently the Pegasi hit the farm lands hard with bombs and rain – gave the old pony a cold and she died from it. She lost half her family on the first days, now she is gunning to take down as many of us as she can.”

“That is crazy… they are calling here the ‘Scarecrow’ now. Rolled herself up in mud and then some hay, looked like just a pile of food – one that shot at you, that is. I mean, I know ponies can only use leather action rifles due to their limitations with just their hooves, but she is better than our most decorated marksmans.”

“Yeah – that is her alright. She seems to be scouting the sky. She has a spotter to her left, gave her away. Redbow – must be a sister or something. Just a young filly. Binoculars, to the right a few meters.”

“In the trees? Right there?”

“Yeah, right there.”

“Take the filly first.”

I patted my ears down with my hooves as I heard the loud shot ring out from above me. I heard the distinctive thump of something heavy in the distance. Soon, my comrade made another calculated shot and another loud thump echoed back to me.

“I guess Apples really don’t fall too far from the tree.”

The sun was up and it a beautiful day in an ugly war. We crawled out of the water and from under the bridge, we were 6 in total – now headed on our way back to the center of Ponyville where our TOC was. I just hope it was still there. We were slow and tired, even after the rest –I began to hallucinate as we moved past some flowers that blossomed after the storms of the night before. A little butterfly floated down and I extended a hoof to it, where it accepted the peace offering. The little thing landed and I figured I’d ask it something, taking a note or two from Fluttershy’s book. “Butterfly, what is your wisdom?” And I looked down at its majestic form, flexing its wings as if to show me its strength. “Fuck Cloudsdale”, it had whispered to me before it fluttered away. And so we went to war.

The town center held none of our own, no unicorn in sight at all – of course. We were going to have to sneak around as we noticed a pink pony tending to the suffering – who I mistook for wartime dead. The unit ducked behind a smoldering house and watched intently. It was none other than my old friend, Pinkie Pie. She was as happy and bouncy as ever, jumping up and down and handing out food to the dying. An accordion was strapped to her waist, probably a morale raiser for the war effort too. She was always very talented in cheering people up and encouraging them. I also could not help but notice that her helmet was rigged with a headset. Perhaps her pinkie –sense was a reliable form of espionage and counter-combat tactics. She seemed highly decorated, judging by the rank on her flank jacket.

Her tail twitched and she looked up to the sky. She went to call something in but several cackling shots struck her in the chest. Pinkie should have gone instantly – but as some Pegasi landed nearby, she laughed. I did not know if this was a fit of insanity, compassion or simply a way to hide her pain – but it was brave and courageous just as it was sad. She laughed at the face of death and even pulled out some balloons from her tactical vest. The Pegasi that trotted to her with weapons and bayonets ready did not look like traditional members of the guard. These were paramilitaries, nationalists enlisted alongside mercenaries and Pegasis fascist groups from the far west. Their faces barred skimasks and their wings were proudly displayed at all times. “D-did you come f-for the party?!” Pinkie asked, enthusiastically as ever. She began to blow into a balloon, with each huff – blood squirted out of the wounds in torso. Finally, a single Griffon hopped down from above and gave a fatal gash to her throat – their life dripping out onto the street.

“Haha, nice one Gilda!” The voice was familiar; the commander flew down and landed with grace. She wore a black beret and was leader of the Pegasi Volunteer Guard. Rainbow Dash was the only one of us to truly embrace this conflict in its entirety. She had no remorse for someone who was once her friend. She led a group of criminals disguised as soldiers. Reports and propaganda went as far to say that she insisted she was the leader of something along the militant equivalency to the Wonderbolts – who were training bomb-dropping fliers back in Cloudsdale. Even after a devastating counter measure by WETO, the primary air force may be crippled – but the Guard was an ever present threat. They piled up the dead and the masked soldiers flexed their wings, posing for a picture. Dash was in front – holding up a baby Timberwolf and a small grenade launcher rested in her other hoof.

Eventually they left and with only the deceased in front of us, we proceeded on. But that is when our marksman saw her – she was not the best flier, but she was the primary recon and messenger for the Pegasi forces still on the ground. Derpy was confused; she did not know why there were no official units still on deployment. She must not know that Cloudsdale took a heavy beating from WETO and now Ponyville was a proving ground for guerilla fighters, wannabe insurgents and criminals. We must have been the only actual uniforms on deployment. “Wait, stop-“ I tried to argue, but the marksman had already taken his shot. Derpy was just doing what she was told, she was just following orders. And he shot her, we shot her. We were all equally guilty. I saw her gasp loudly as the bullet went through her like Mrs. Cake’s gem cakes went through Spike.

They did not know why I came to her help; she deserved to at least see a friendly, familiar face before she passed on. When I came to her, Derpy was smiling. Her messenger bang fell open and a single note fell out, with a single, half eaten muffin as well. For once, her eyes were realigned as they should be – something that not even magic managed to correct in the past. Funny – a fall into a well put them in disarray and a fall back to the ground forced them back. I would have been happier for her, if she lived to see a relatively normal life alternatively. “Tw-twilight…” She raised a hoof to greet my face, smeared in her own blood. “I-I don’t kn-know what went wrong…” Derpy let her head down and her crippled wings fluttered one last time as she passed away.

All I could do was take the note, a personal note – of all things – addressed to you, President Celestia. Maybe she had intentions to defect; maybe she simply was calling for an end to this war, a council with NETO and the United Pony Nations. I do not know – I felt it was not my place to read this note. After all, I think Derpy wanted you to see it for a reason. My mane soaking wet, my eyes forever stained with visions I wish I could forget and here I am now – writing you this letter, President Celestia. I am sorry that our victory was not truly ours, but above all – I am deeply sorry that in the end, the friendship and harmony you wanted me to experience could never be true. I hope to return to Canterlot soon with Rarity – if she had survived yet another siege and liberation of Ponyville from the Earth Ponies. Friendship, while it lasted – truly was magic and I appreciate the opportunities it gave me. But now, all I can say regarding my experiences in this war so far is… the horror. The horror.


~Daer President Celestua

REMOVE PONY remove pony

you are worst pony. you are the ponyidiot and the pony smell. Return to manehattan. to our griffon cousins you may come to our contry. You may live in zoo….ahahahaha , canterlot we will never forgeve you, cetnik rascal poni FUck but fuck asshole pony stink canterlot sqhipare sqhipare … poni genocide BEST DAY OF MY LIFE. Take bath of dead poni ….ahahahaha PONYVILLE WE WILL GET YOU!! do not ferget great equestrian war 2. canterlot we kill the council, ponyville return to your precious crystal empire…. hahahaha idiot pony and unciron smell so bad even ican smell it!! REMOVE PONY FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. griffondor+cloudsdale+wonderbolts+muffins=killcanterlot… you will gew2/ Vinyl scratch alive in cloudsdale, vinyle scratch making album of cloudsdale, fast rap viynle scratch cloudsdale. we are rich and have gold now hahahahaha because of viynle scratch. … yo are poor stinky pony…. you live in a hovel hahaha, you live in a yurt.

Vinyl scratch alive number one #1 in cloudsdale…. fuckthe equestrian… FUCKk ashol ponis no good I spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. vinyl scratch aliv and real strong wizard like starswirl kill all the pony farm animal with rap magic now we the cloudsdale rule . ape of the zoo president Celestia fukc the great windigo and lay egg this egg hach and ponyville wa;s born. Stupid filly form the eggn give back our clouds we will crush u lik a skull of pig. cloudsdale greattst country



As a final result of the Equestrian Civil War, the casualties are as follow:

13,583 Unicorns
7,788 Unicorn volunteers
18 Unicorn mercenaries
10,533 Ethnic Unicorns
650 Other Unicorns working with paramilitaries

97,207 Earth Ponies
478 Foreign Earth Pony Volunteers

37 Griffon Foreign Legion
7,501 Pegasi Warriors
24,905 Pegasi Ethnics
2,238 Pegasi in quarrels after war
1,031 Pegasi volunteers and Paramilitaries
488-527 Pegasi Foreign Volunteers

Total deaths: ~130,000+
Displaced: ~4,000,000

Author's Note:

Originally posted on Deviant Art: http://fav.me/d7cpoq5

Even though I am Russian, I grew up in a time where the Yugoslavian union of states destroyed itself and all forms of unity, brotherhood and equality was destroyed in a matter of years
So I decided to put a similarly dark spin on the pony universe
This being my first written submission in the pony fandom - so I hope everyone enjoys!

Comments ( 14 )

This story was great. Good premise, good style, good action, and spot on military jargon. My only complaint was the fact that the grammar was not spot on.


Yeah, you are going to have to forgive me for that, my friend
English is not my first language, in fact - it is more or less my third/fourth
And it has gotten worse as of late due to lack of practice over the last two years since I stopped writing for a bit

But other than that, I am glad you liked what the story had to offer and I definitely wouldn't mind advice on the grammar in the future, since I kind of need to be retaught it anyways - haha

This pony sees peace,
The green is on the ground and in the trees.
This pony sees a kind regent,
There is no war in this region.
This pony sees freedom,
There is no lying in this Kingdom.

This pony sees distrust,
There is spite and disharmony under the rust.
This pony sees hate,
There is nationalists and extremists at the gate.
This pony sees supremacy,
There is fallout as far as the eye can see.

This pony sees fighting,
But all she feels is the biting.
This pony sees smoke,
The blood, fire and bombs make her want to choke.
This pony sees anger, evil and gore,
But she's beginning to go numb from the brutality of war.

I MADE A POEM FOR YO' STORY! :pinkiecrazy:


This is incredible!
Thank you so much ;-;
Best comment I have ever gotten

6424356 I was tired as shit when I wrote that.


It is usually in the carelessness of our fatigue - we find superb expression

6429803 Motivational. I like it. :pinkiehappy:

I feel for you I really do

i find this story related to Yugoslavian civil war.


Exactly the intention

they had Zaztvas? i was expecting AKs

no tanks if i remember correctly

should have had: MT-LB,BRDM-2,BVP M-80 or the OT M-60 (naming APCs and IFVs)

im a soviet war geek:fluttershyouch:

7378416 watched the movie no mans land. Sad movie I know some people who had there parents fight in that war.

6416592 wow never seen anyone write APoem on fimfiction.net

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