• Published 17th Mar 2015
  • 2,012 Views, 57 Comments

Luna Wants a Windigo - Lazauya

Luna wants a pet. Only her sister can help her.

  • ...


Two ponies walked down a corridor in Canterlot Castle. The taller one wore a pensive expression, and to any non-oblivious onlooker, she was obviously ignoring the smaller one. But the smaller one was oblivious, so it was not obvious to her.

"...And so, that's where we are with the petition to sever your head. I think—"

"Night Sky...?" Luna said slowly, cutting her assistant off.

"Y-yes, Princess?" Night Sky asked, surprised.

"Night Sky, if someone... someone important to you did something terrible—something that was utterly heinous and nearly unforgivable, what would you do?"

"Well I suppose it depends—"

"Your mother. You often speak fondly of her, what if she were to do something that you—no, that society was incapable of forgiving?"

"I-I...." Night Sky trailed off in thought, distressed by the question, "P-princess, why are you asking this question?" she asked, "If I may," she peeped out lastly.

Luna sighed sorrowfully. "I suppose... I suppose I should confess something to you, as I have gotten you involved. Night Sky, do you remember when we looked in Celestia's journal?"

Night Sky was taken aback. Celestia? she thought, my princess never calls her sister 'Celestia'. "Uhm..." she tried recalling, "No, not really. Did we actually do that? I thought there were still some kind of cipher spells on it."

"There were...." Luna paused, "There were, Night Sky, but Celestia... she tricked us. She erased our memories. Or rather, she made us believe they were dreams. She was right," Luna mused, "No, I apologize, I was right."

"Ah, I-I'm really not sure I understand, Princess. I-if I may ask, who is this 'she'? And why would... Celestia do that? And why do you keep calling your sister Celestia?"

"You may ask, and I may answer. This 'she'.... the night after we stole the journal, I had a strange dream about Nightmare Moon. That is the 'she' I... misspoke of. To this day I am uncertain of what that was. But that is irrelevant. Celestia made us think that looking in her journal was a dream so that she could cover up the contents. She did not want anyone seeing those pages, because—" Luna stopped, considering what she was about to say.

"Because what, Princess?" Night Sky asked frantically.

"Because... that's how she talks to the necromancer. Or rather, that's how the necromancer tells her things."

"The necromancer? That one N. Mare M. you were talking about?"

"Precisely. Or, at least, I think this is the case. I suspect that Celestia was cursed a long time ago after opening one of the necromancer's books. Perhaps... perhaps that is why my sister has been acting so strange," Luna's eyes started to water, "Oh, Sister, I'm so sorry! How could this have happened to you..?" she choked out as a tear dripped down her cheek.

The sight of her crying princess was too much for Night Sky. She felt lost in the moment, but wanted to console her Majesty. "Princess Luna, it's not your fault!" she nearly shouted, "There's nothing you could have done. I know it! If there was, you would have done it, because you're—you're... awesome!" The moon princess continued to look dejected even at her rouse, before she said, "Please don't cry...."

"Oh, Night Sky...." Luna said as she pulled the other mare into a hug.

"I-I thought you said you didn't like to be touched."

Luna gave a snort and a small smile. "Well, of course. But I'm the one doing the touching."

After the two calmed down some more, Luna continued. "Her conversations with the necromancer... those weren't the only secrets contained within that journal. I recently remembered the most disturbing contents. Night Sky, do you remember anything about the journal? Anything that we saw that night? Anything that pertains to... 'the body of a mare'?"

Night Sky looked stunned. "Why does that sound so familiar?"

"Because, it was written in her journal. She..." Luna contorted her face in disgust, "Celestia, under the influence of the necromancer..."

"What? What is it?!" Night Sky asked with obvious anxiety.

"Celestia got her student pregnant."

Night Sky was stunned into silence.

Luna continued. "She used... some kind of a potion without Twilight's knowledge. She wanted to... create a windigo; something about using the womb to shape the windigo matter. I am unclear on the details," Luna bit her lip, "But... she 'failed'. She did not create a windigo. She created a...."

Night Sky only looked at the princess with quivering frown.

"She created a sort of... pony-windigo hybrid. She used her student as... as some kind of test tube. Kind, sweet Twilight. And then... she discarded the foal, leaving it to die in some field. No remorse. Yesterday at dinner, she was still teasing me as if nothing happened..." Luna croaked out through a pained whimper. "And it all happened yesterday! I don't understand Night Sky, I want to cry so badly...."

"Sometimes it's okay to cry," Night Sky mumbled through her own misery.

"I don't understand, Sister, why has this happened? How could this have happened to you? How could you be so careless? I want to forgive you, but I don't know if I can! I don't know if I can!" Luna faced towards the floor, tears dripping onto the immaculate tiles.

Night Sky wiped a tear away from her right eye. She could feel the pain of her princess as if it were her own. But she remained skeptical of her own abilities. Can I even do anything for her? I don't see how someone like me could help a princess... But then it hit her—...all the stars in your namesake, she remembered. And she wasn't going to let her princess down. "Princess, I know everything is going to be alright. I know, because, like I said: you're awesome! And—and Princess Celestia—she's being... possessed by the necromancer, right? Right? So it's not her fault! Even Princess Twilight Sparkle would understand! I'm sure of it! And... well... no one knows about this besides you, me, and Twilight, right?"

Luna sobered up, but only a little. "Starlight Glimmer, Twilight's student, also knows. Ah—she's... looking after the child. I—"

"Then that's fine! I'm sure she can forgive her too! Right? She was that one that tried to mess up Equestria somehow, right? So she'll understand, I'm sure!"

Luna wore a pensive expression.

"So... so... y-you know about the curse-thing that's on Celestia, so why don't you go and... and try to fix her? I mean like, get some mages or something to try and fix her?"

Luna blinked slowly. "I... I'm not sure about everything you said, but I understand that you were trying to ease my anxieties. You are a good friend, Night Sky."

Night Sky blushed and wore a tiny grin.

"But you are correct. I can not move forward until I rid my sister of the necromancer's influence. This won't be easy, but it must be done by any means necessary. I'm afraid her condition will only degrade if I don't stop this. I must go to her."

Luna wandered the halls, anticipating her confrontation with her sister. She knew that her sister should be on break in the main hall, so she turned the corner through the doorway, looking up at her throne. "Hello, Sister"