• Published 17th Mar 2015
  • 2,012 Views, 57 Comments

Luna Wants a Windigo - Lazauya

Luna wants a pet. Only her sister can help her.

  • ...


"...And, so, the proposition just needs to be signed by you in order to be enacted. That's where we are with that."

"..." Luna stared ferociously.


Luna continued to stare at the mare.

"Princess Luna?!"

"Huh?" the Princess replied, startled, "Oh, Night Sky. Hello. Yes, yes, that's all well and good."

"So will you sign it?"

"My apologies, what were we discussing?"

"The proposition to give more subsidies to the farmers...?"

"Oh! Yes. Hm. Let me think some more on that. Sorry, I just had a troubling dream."

"Oh. Would you like to share, Princess? I don't know much about dreams but my mother always told me that sharing things can help clear them from your mind, and help you understand better how you feel."

"Yes, I suppose that is wise. Well, I had a dream in which... I saw myself as Nightmare Moon. Or rather, some pony named Nightmare Moon was there, who claimed that she was not me. But I know this is false... I do not see how that could be the case...."

"That is a strange dream indeed!"

"Yes, but, it is strange because my dreams are always lucid. My dream magic acts passively like that, as you know."

"Oh. I suppose it does, doesn't it?"

"Yes, and yet, this other me... she claimed to be a separate being. It was almost certainly a lucid dream; yet, this other entity existed. The only reasonable explanation that I can think of is if... if my magic malfunctioned, and the control over the dream was only dreamed."

"Oh, huh, weird. Is that possible? Can you dream that you had a lucid dream? Like, what is the base reality in that case... I mean, like, do you believe that all everything is something called a 'lucid dream'? I mean, okay, like, if you dream that you have a lucid dream, then.... Okay, like, because a non-lucid dream is you seeing stuff and assuming its reality, then in a fake-lucid dream, do you assume that the dream is reality, and that there is no such thing as 'waking up'? You know what I mean?"

"I'm not entirely sure I followed you through that novel. I am sorry."

"Oh y-yeah, of course. Sorry."

"It is of no consequence. I suppose there have been stranger things happening as of late. Oh well."


"Spike, I'm really not feeling well today."

"What's wrong, Twilight?"

"I don't know... I have this awful stomach ache.... There's a lot of pain."

"Do you need me to get the doctor?"

"If it doesn't go away, then yeah, I'd like to see a doctor. I think that'd be advisable."

"Alright, just say the word and I'll do whatever you need!"

"Thanks, Spike."

"Night Sky... thinking about it again, I think it must be the case that my magic malfunctioned. Right before that dream, I had a dream that felt so real, and yet I can only remember bits and pieces... I remember yelling at my sister, but her face just looked indifferent or annoyed. And I have to say... the dream was rather frightening. I can't help but think about this again."

"Huh. Princess, that's really interesting. I wish I knew more about dream magic. You know, I actually had a weird dream last night too. But I don't think it was as interesting as yours. In any case, I guess I should ask... does this happen with your magic ever? I mean, is it common?"

"No it is not common. But it has happened before."

"Oh, well that's reassuring."

"Yes, I suppose so."

"Say, Night Sky... what was your dream about?"


"Earlier you said you had a strange dream. What was it about?"

"Ah! Well... I don't know... it was scary," She paused, "There was a dream inside of that dream... where I found a book in a small room, and whatever was in really scared the bejeebies out of me because whenever I saw that book when I 'woke up', I mean, when I woke up, from the first layer of dreams, I was terrified by I it. I mean to say that the book existed inside and outside the first dream, and when I saw it outside I could remember the feeling. I still remember that feeling a bit.... It made my heart race."

"Hm. That is strange."

"Yeah, and the dream I had after that was even worse! My little sister found a pet cockroach, but they didn't every stop growing in this dream so you could see all it's bug parts in really gross detail. And then I had to crush it or something." Night Sky audibly gagged at this revelation.

"That, I must say, is a bad dream. But this book... do you remember anything about it?"

"No... not really. Bits and pieces, like that it had crazy writing in it and stuff. I remember it was hard to read, but when you read it, it was just disturbing. I don't know."

"Hum. Hum, hum, hum. Interesting."

"Is something bothering you again, Princess?"

"Not particularly.... Or rather, whatever it is, I just can't put my finger on it. I feel like I'm forgetting something."

"Well, I always keep notes, but I don't see anything on my list."

"That's just it.... I don't know if it would be an item of your list."

"Spike! Spike! Call a doctor! I can't take this pain anymore! Please, help me!"

"Oh jees. I'll get Starlight to teleport me!"

"P-please, hurry!" Twilight sat on her study's sofa, panting and sweating like never before as the pain in her abdomen ravaged her body. The blood vessels on her forehead were so bulbous and taught they looked as if they could pop at any moment.

Spike ran out of the room, calling for Starlight. Soon after, in her hazy state, Twilight heard the frantic speech of her pupil and the subsequent burst of light, hoping that whatever pain she was in would soon be gone.

Spike rushed back over to Twilight. "Twilight! Starlight went to the doctor. She can teleport back with them. They should be here soon."

"Spike, I think I might die," Twilight said with tears peeping out from the corners of her eyes.

Author's Note:

Im not done. I got plans yo.