• Published 14th May 2015
  • 984 Views, 27 Comments

A beginning in a new life? - Night_Striker

a swedish teennager find him shelf in equestria how will he handeling it and in a pony from? and will he ever return home well read and see what will happen!

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chapter 8 friends united

Some where in sweden.

I finally got home after school, damn nothing have been as it use to be after I heard the news on tv and on facebook that my best friend have gone clueless gone.

Allso not just that. It’s like he's birthday tomorrow and I don’t know what to do, but i can only hope that he's okej where ever he is.

I plonked down, on my sofa in my room, and started playing something on my bass.
when i started playing a bit off tones and music I saw my sword my friend and I bought in stockholm, starting glowing an odd light from it.

“Whata? okej that’s is weird, why are my sword glowing like that?”

Not really have anything else to do, I put my bass down and moved towards my sword and picked it up.

When I did that I felt warmth coming from it.

“Okej this is weird and why is this happening just to my sword? like seriously I don’t know what is happening here, but I guess I should draw it?”

But when my hand touched the handle to my sword, there was suddenly a bright light of flash and the next fing I know i felt whegt less?

Upon opening my eyes instantly I know I was falling.

“ ssshhhiiittt!” The next thing I did was basically yelling out off my lungs the only thing that struck my thought.

“FÖR I HELVETE!!!!!!!!!”

Offfff! “uuuggghhhh that could have gone much better than this uuuuuuggghhh”

The first fing that came to me was pain in my body, and when I whent to push myself up on my feet I suddenly felt unbalanced and crashed on my stomach again.

My ears caught some noises coming from bushes and rotated to that direction?

“Dafuq? okej sense when have I-”

I stopped that trieloff fought and picked up my sword and draw it from it protection, and turning toward the busch and prepared for the worst.

After a few minutes and out off the bushes appeared A fucking pony??
He looked at me and I noticed his sword and an familiar necklaces around his neck.

He or that is what i think he looks like, open his mouth to speak but I spoke first to the punch.

“´Who tha fuck are you? no nevermind don’t come close to me or I will cut that ugly face off yours head and tear you apart and..”

Rasmus aren’t sure what more to say for now but trying to come up with anything. but still not leaving the eye contact with the pony or at least that what he fink it are.

it’s eye’s suddenly got a bit larger as if it figure something out and then he did the unthinkable it said my name.

“Rasmus? är det där du? och ta bort svärdet för fan du vill väll inte skada din bästa polare nu eller hur?”

“That voice I know that voice! is it really? but he disappeared and”

Just like that he know that was his friend, that have suddenly disappeared for an unknown reason.

looking towards his friend he smiled. “Well now I know where you have been all days Martin”

But the reaction I got was not what I intended his smile disappeared and he got this no time for bull shit face.

I was about to question him about it when he spoke out.

“Rasmus have you seen how you looks like?”

I got totally confused when he said that.

“What do you mean look at my shelf i’m still an hu-”

And when i looked at my arm which i’m holding the sword whit was an hoof, a BLOODY HOOF!!!!???
That was not only it when my eyes moved after the hoof to the rest off the body, I saw I have been completely horse fied or is it pony fied?

But what I did made notis off was my wings. WINGS!!! cool I wonder how I use them.

But I got back to reality when i heard an “ahem” in front off me and returning my concentration towards my friend.

“Well i see that you have noticed that you're not human, and I must say that pony form fitts you, dark red coat orange and yellow mane and tail, mostly short cuted. And the thestral wings is an nice touch. And your ears looks quiet sharp looking almost horn like.”

“Wow thanks to pointing that out man, it’s not like I would like to figure that out shelf how i looks”

I said with a sarcastic voice.

“Anyway where are we? and why are we ponys?” I ask while looking around confused to try make sense of the situation I got into.

Martin seemed to have something to say when his ears suddenly shot to the side as if catching something and got this worried look.

“I will fill you in later but we gotta get outta here first so, common let's go!”

He help me get on my fe-er hoof? and urging me to follow him to whatever we are heading to. I had A little problem with moving my feet-hoofs whatever! but thankfully he gave me some pointer out how to move in relative more easy than i did awhile ago.

The forest we are in are quite peaceful but I don’t see what is worrying my friend so much. I thought about to speak to him but decided against it because whatever he was listening for.

After I not sure like 1h walking we finally stopped next to an river going down wards to our right, so now I thought is time to ask him where the hell we are some where.

“Hey Martin”

My friend head turns to me and ask. “Rasmus what is it?

I take a deep breath and ask the question i wanted to ask. “What have happen with you? and where are we?” I say while looking around the forest we are in it’s quite beautiful with the green lush trees.

I hear my friend *sigh* and looking towards him.

“Okej i’m just going to make this quick, you know the show my little pony?”

“I nod as i know the show but I haven't seen any of it”

“We are in that world but i don’t know if it exactly the same but so far it has kind of proven that right, so basicly i somehow manages to get out off the everfree forest without getting eaten.”

“yeah yeah i get it you woke up in a forest met ponies horses whatever, but why are you fleeing from them if they are friendly?” Rasmus asked.

‘sigh’ “apparently Celestia aka ruler of this land with her sister Luna didn't like my way off action, against discord because he's the one that actually are the reason to send me here.”

I did a double take.
“Wait… who is dis discord and how do we punch him in the face!” I say determined to give this discord bastard for actually kidnaping my friend to this world.

But my friend just waving it off with an hoof “Don't bother with him I doubt you would even get a hit on him right now, also he’s the spirit of chaos and he’s speeches is called drakonius”

“Well what should we do now then?” I ask and looks around us just to make sure it’s only us.

“Well we need to find an place to hide and come upp whit a name to you” he said.

“Wait an new name? Why would I need an new name” I ask confused and don’t really know why I would need to do that.

My friend gave and audible ‘sigh’ and turned to me and said firmly.

“Well for starter my name is Night Striker to fit with pony could sure whit name, also Rasmus are not and pony name same ash Martin”

“Okey so I need to come up with an name?” I asked not even sure what I would call my shelf.

“You want me to come up with an name don’t you” Night said with a knowing look.
I just gave him a nod to give him an go.

while Martin or Night as I should call him now. Was thinking and I heard him grumbling a few names that didn’t quite sound to match me.

But after a few min he looks like he got it and faced me.

“What do you say about Fire Wing?” he says with an expectation look.

“Sound good to me, also what are we doing now? we can't hide in the forest forever you know”

Night gave out an ‘sight’ and the said.

“Well they are just after me and not you man” he points out.

“Right, so where do I come in the picture?” I ask a little lost to what my friend have for an ide.

He puts a hoof underneath his jaw and finking.

While he is finking I move my new lims. It’s an bit weird to move something on your back when you are so use to not having them. allso i’m not even sure how I even manages to do that.

“Well first fing would be find a place to stay and train you so you can use those wings off you.” he says.

Then I got one ide. “Hey we should train with our swords so we get’s better whit fighting and all.” I say and my friend nods in agreement.

“Yes that is one thing I had in mind but c'mon we better get going”

So night rises up and started walking in one direction. I quickly collected my shelf and followed after.

“so” I begin to say to get my friends aten sun.

“where are we going to stay somewhere, because you are wanted man and all that or should I say pony” I said the last part to strike some fun in it.

but my friend just rolls his eyes and say.

“well I was thinking that we could stay in an abandoned castle in the ever free and all that”

I stopped moving and my friend kept walking for a bit, before he turned his head around and have one eyebrow raised.

“I’m not going to wait for you just so you know” he says while he walk’s.

I shaked my head and started catch up to my friend.

“so you are saying we are going to live in an castel, that are in the most dangerous place in this hole place, as far you have told me and live there?”

He just shrugs and answer with an yes

“what you don’t gonna tell me you are scared or something?”

I started laughing against that question.

“phhhtttt you know me i’m not scared and i’m just surprised that you have changed and all that in an shushan short time!”

We passed a few river banks on the way and my friend still looks quite tense about those guard I guess.

“changed? in what way?” He ask me with confusion on his face.

“well you kind of acting differently lately like a totally different person than your shelf” I pointed out.

Night stopped for a second to fink over what i just said and gave out an audible ‘sigh’ “I guess I have lately haven’t I?”

“yeah and how long is it two this castle off yours?” I asked slightly concerned that the night is about to begin soon.

he turns around and start walking again. “an long time possibly i’m not even sure how long it’s left”

“well it would be nice to know how long we have to go before we are there you know” I said.

“yeah yeah but we will be there in time and if we are lucky we won’t meet any timberwolf in the way” he said and was that anger in his eyes? shrugging it off as if just something my mind played on me we kept walking.


Canterlot Celestia's bed chamber. Celestia haven’t rested the whole day and she have been worried that this pony named Night Striker are up to something.

“to have so much magick power and not knowing how to use it are slightly worrying, and the night guards have still not found him. where could he ben somewhere? and what is he up to” she thinks to herself when she heard a knock on the door.

“come in” she says without to look to who come in.

Luna walks into her sister's room and close the door with her magick behind her magic. Luna walks next to her sister to watch out the window off to a familiar village off in the distant where an certain alicorn live with her friends.

“have your guards found him yet?” Celestia ask her sister without breaking that look from the window.

Luna gave out a heavy ‘sigh’ and shook her head with disappointment.

“i’m afraid we still haven’t found him yet and how can an unicorn straight out disappear without a sign where he head to” she says with a small hint of fascination? in her voice.

Celestia turns around to face the dark blue alicorn.

“are you certain that none of the gard’s met somepony that might be just a slightly off?”

Luna concentrate very hard to come up with something but to no success.

“i’m afraid i’m have nothing sister. But I have got some reports that some guards heard somepony screaming something out that was coming from the forest when they went to investigate they found nothing”

Celestia pondered that new she got and thinking on the location the forest is an where it is leading. Then her eyes goes wide with realization where he is heading somewhere.

“hes going to our old home in the Everfree forest” Celestia spoke out and her sister just gave her a question eye gesture.

looking back to the window again she says “what is he up to and what is he trying to accomplish with this”

“I don’t know sister but we are going to have to stop him whatever it is”

As she join her and looking out the window again and thinking to herself.

“I hope we can face whatever he have in store for us”