• Published 9th Mar 2015
  • 459 Views, 8 Comments

Chronicles of the Prince - ebonelbon

This is the origin story of my oc pony Drakeal-Arquin this is my very first story. This story will feature quite a few ponies while adding a few here and there. It will also include a lot of different places and countries. There may also be gore.

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chapter 1


I awoke to the sound of the annual celebration of The Majesty. It’s a festival celebrating the day that the demon king and his generals took over and our kingdom prospered. No one knows the name of our king because all orders, complaints, etc., goes through his generals. Only my father and his cohorts know his name. My father is one of the greatest generals there is. His name is Balarog the Conqueror. Don't let his name fool you; my dad is one of the nicest demons you can meet. Demons always get a bad rep due to all the legends saying we are evil and unholy spirits who torture and punish the damned but don't believe those, not all of us are mean. There is a demon prison where all the punishment to the damned goes on, but demons get employed there like any other job, and a lot of them are really nice. My father is in charge of security here so I get to meet all the guards and become friends with them. We have dinner at the prison a lot and I have gotten to know the guards very well. The prisoners are not too bad, either. Sure, there are thieves, arsonists, kidnappers, etc., but the murderers and sex offenders are put to death. I have met some of the prisoners and the ones that I have met are very nice.

“Can we get on with the story please the readers have the gist of it”

“Yeah alright fine”

That voice has been in my head for as long as I can remember - he calls himself The Author. I don't know what that means but he says he sees all, but he can't tell me what will happen next. He says that everything must flow in its place and-

“My god man get on with it, all this rambling you haven’t even stayed one topic for more than a few sentences”

“Ok fine, by the king you are touchy. You know some people may actually want to know this information and you are just-“


“Oh yeah, like you can do that. You said you only watched you don't actually do anything- OW”

“Ha see now look what ya gone and made me do now, if you could please get on with the story”

“Yeah ok”

I got up and started to get ready for my day. As I was walking out my door I used my magic to grab my signature sun glasses that cover my eyes entirely and placed them on my head. One lens was purple and the other was blue. Unlike most flyers I am able to use magic due to my demon blood but they require actual spells, charms, and seals. I never leave my room without wearing my sunglasses because of my eyes. When any one looks into my eyes they see their worst fear become real. It can get so bad that they person goes insane. I am able to see others fear without taking off my sunglasses. It’s kind of fun because I can play pranks on my friends and other people. I was in my usual attire of blue jeans, a t-shirt and my purple hoodie, my t-shirt color varies from time to time but usually it’s a plain shade of blue. I walked through my house until I got to the dining room where my brother Arquin and my sister Sif were waiting.

“Morning guys, is dad here”

“No sorry drak he had to go to the prison early today. The prisoners had to be let out so they can have their day of freedom. He also had to go to the doctor’s again.”

“If you ask me all those prisoners should be put to death.”

“ ARQUIN. You shouldn't say things like that.”

“Well it’s a good thing we didn't ask you. How in the name of the king are you related to us?”

“Well the king is a useless sack of meat who may or may not exist. He and the generals are all too compassionate and caring to get anything done. For all we know the king could not even exist.”

He was going to say more but he never got the chance. I had heard enough, I grabbed the collar of his red shirt with one hand and hit him once in the face with the other.


My voice was dripping with enough venom to take down a manticore as I waited for him to respond. He said nothing as my sister put her hand on my shoulder and I loosened up my grip on my brother. He felt as I started to let go and pushed away from me as he stormed out of the house. I always had a bad temper when I was young and it made me violent when I was angry. Fortunately there were only a few things that could anger me and the most prominent one was my brother. We honestly don’t know how my brother was related to us because he acts so much like an ass but all we know is that he was one of our quadruplets, and He was my polar opposite. His eyes still had the same effect as mine and he wore sunglasses but his had one lens red and the other was orange. In all there were four of us but we don’t know where our other sister was. My sister is the shy type who never boasts or brags. So we are assuming that wherever our other sister is she is the polar opposite of Sif. Sif never had to worry about wearing sun glasses because she was full demon we don’t know how only she got full demon blood when we were born all at the same time to the same mother but we don’t complain.

“I’m gonna go ahead and head out”

“Where are you going?”

“I’m gonna head out to the prison hopefully to catch dad before he goes to the doctor’s”

“Ok, take your cloak and saber. Dad said to wear them today for the festival.”

“Ok, if you head out tell me ill come home and go with you unless you want to head out with me now.”

“I think I will take you up in that offer.”

We started to leave but not before we grabbed our cloaks and sabers. My cloak is a blue fabric with purple design and trim. My saber has a simple handle including the handguard but, the blade is an odd metal that alternates between blue and purple in color. My sister has a simple light green cloak with a darker green trim. She carries no saber. Only the first born foal is given a saber because he is to carry on the job of the father when the father retires. I am the first born by only a few seconds. The only demons who carry the sabers are the demon hierarchy, I honestly don’t like carrying it because I prefer not to draw attention to myself. We walked across town to the prison and the whole way there people were bowing to us. My sister bowed back as per tradition and respect but, I kept my hood up and never stopped walking. The demons have come to expect this from me because they know I put myself on equal ground as them and they shouldn’t bow to me. When I meet another demon or family I will initiate the bow to the parents and I always get odd looks from them until I explain why. Most demons who are new to the city and have never seen me always think I am disrespectful and a stuck up noble who only cares for himself. I hate those types of nobles, so I tell them I’m sorry for not bowing but there is no reason for them to bow. We finally made it to the prison were let in. we walked to my father’s office where we hoped to find him. Fortunately he was there, but he was meeting with a strange stallion in a bowtie and over coat.

“Hey dad. Who’s this?”

“Hey kids, this is an old friend of mine. He is somewhat of my advisor and deputy.”

“Well I wouldn’t say advisor”

“Oh come now you have given me plenty of great advice over the years.”

“Well that’s true"

“Hello sir it is very nice to meet you”

I say as I initiate the bow oddly enough he didn’t seem perplexed of why I was the first to bow. He then bows back to me.

“It is nice to meet a child who has such good manners. Well I must get going I have much to do and little time”

“Oh come now you promised last year that you would stay this year. And we both know time is of no problem with you.”

“Oh very well I’ll stay”

“Splendid now we must get ready for the parade. Come children, oh by the way where is your brother."

“He is no brother of mine. He insulted you, your brothers, and the king.”

“Drak also punched him and Arquin ran off.”

“Drakeal you must that anger under control. We can’t have another incident like you had at school”

He lectured me while I remember the incident at school that got me expelled.

“Drakeal are you listening”

“Sorry dad I was remembering the school.”

“All right well we must get ready for the parade it seems obvious that your brother won’t be joining us again. I must talk to my friend for a minute alone if you both could wait outside.”

We walked out of the office and sat in the chairs that were outside.

“So drak how’s the author still being kind of annoying”

“You have no idea earlier he made me hit myself”

“I thought you said he only watches”

“Well he can apparently manipulate things as well”

We both looked to the office door as my father walked out of the room with his friend trailing behind him.

“Are you ready to go?”

“Eeeeyup we are following you”

We allowed our dad and his friend walk in front of us as we trailed just outside of earshot.

“What’s with you Sif you are extremely quiet today”

“Its dad’s friend he seems off somehow.”

“Well don’t worry if he tries anything ill make sure to protect you.”

“Thank you drak”

We continued walking as I put my arm protectively around her and got ready for what the day was about to throw at us. Or so we thought.