> Chronicles of the Prince > by ebonelbon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the beautiful land of Equestria the ponies are happy and everything is peaceful and everypony is happy. With the princesses ruling over them and controlling the sun and moon everything is in balance and peaceful. The land is lush and fertile with forests, villages, small towns, and huge cities all living in harmony through the magic of Friendship and the Elements of Harmony. But there is a place that all of the ponies fear - they call it Tartarus. That's where they send the most vicious and cruel ponies and monsters, so everyone who lives there must be evil, right? Wrong. There are huge cities, forests, and villages just like equestria but instead of princesses the have a single king and his generals. Most everypony's happy but some do not like the king. No one but his generals have ever seen him and there are ponies who think that the king is a made up tale to keep them in line; those ponies are the rebels. They want the power of the crown for themselves. But this is not a story for me to tell; I'll hand it over to my friend who has something very interesting to share with you. My name is Drakeal-Arquin. I am a Pegasus. My hair, tail, and wings are purple and blue, my eyes are green but you wouldn't know it by looking at me because of my sunglasses. I’m mostly like any other pony out there except for a few small, insignificant details. I had four siblings, one brother and three sisters. One is not biological but I love and protect her as any brother should. I have been on a tremendous journey that I think you should all know. I mentioned that I had some differences and, well, you should know at least one of them. My father is a high demon general of Tartarus and my mother was a normal unicorn gypsy, so I’m half demon. I was raised in the Underworld until I was about 6 or 7. But everything changed when the rebels attacked. > chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter1 I awoke to the sound of the annual celebration of The Majesty. It’s a festival celebrating the day that the demon king and his generals took over and our kingdom prospered. No one knows the name of our king because all orders, complaints, etc., goes through his generals. Only my father and his cohorts know his name. My father is one of the greatest generals there is. His name is Balarog the Conqueror. Don't let his name fool you; my dad is one of the nicest demons you can meet. Demons always get a bad rep due to all the legends saying we are evil and unholy spirits who torture and punish the damned but don't believe those, not all of us are mean. There is a demon prison where all the punishment to the damned goes on, but demons get employed there like any other job, and a lot of them are really nice. My father is in charge of security here so I get to meet all the guards and become friends with them. We have dinner at the prison a lot and I have gotten to know the guards very well. The prisoners are not too bad, either. Sure, there are thieves, arsonists, kidnappers, etc., but the murderers and sex offenders are put to death. I have met some of the prisoners and the ones that I have met are very nice. “Can we get on with the story please the readers have the gist of it” “Yeah alright fine” That voice has been in my head for as long as I can remember - he calls himself The Author. I don't know what that means but he says he sees all, but he can't tell me what will happen next. He says that everything must flow in its place and- “My god man get on with it, all this rambling you haven’t even stayed one topic for more than a few sentences” “Ok fine, by the king you are touchy. You know some people may actually want to know this information and you are just-“ “NOW, KEEP GOING WITH THE STORY OR I WILL MAKE YOU START TO BEAT YOURSELF” “Oh yeah, like you can do that. You said you only watched you don't actually do anything- OW” “Ha see now look what ya gone and made me do now, if you could please get on with the story” “Yeah ok” I got up and started to get ready for my day. As I was walking out my door I used my magic to grab my signature sun glasses that cover my eyes entirely and placed them on my head. One lens was purple and the other was blue. Unlike most flyers I am able to use magic due to my demon blood but they require actual spells, charms, and seals. I never leave my room without wearing my sunglasses because of my eyes. When any one looks into my eyes they see their worst fear become real. It can get so bad that they person goes insane. I am able to see others fear without taking off my sunglasses. It’s kind of fun because I can play pranks on my friends and other people. I was in my usual attire of blue jeans, a t-shirt and my purple hoodie, my t-shirt color varies from time to time but usually it’s a plain shade of blue. I walked through my house until I got to the dining room where my brother Arquin and my sister Sif were waiting. “Morning guys, is dad here” “No sorry drak he had to go to the prison early today. The prisoners had to be let out so they can have their day of freedom. He also had to go to the doctor’s again.” “If you ask me all those prisoners should be put to death.” “ ARQUIN. You shouldn't say things like that.” “Well it’s a good thing we didn't ask you. How in the name of the king are you related to us?” “Well the king is a useless sack of meat who may or may not exist. He and the generals are all too compassionate and caring to get anything done. For all we know the king could not even exist.” He was going to say more but he never got the chance. I had heard enough, I grabbed the collar of his red shirt with one hand and hit him once in the face with the other. “DON'T YOU DARE SAY ANYTHING AGAINST OUR FATHER, OUR KING, OR OUR UNCLES! IF YOU EVER DO I WILL TEAR YOU LIMB FROM LIMB DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!!!” My voice was dripping with enough venom to take down a manticore as I waited for him to respond. He said nothing as my sister put her hand on my shoulder and I loosened up my grip on my brother. He felt as I started to let go and pushed away from me as he stormed out of the house. I always had a bad temper when I was young and it made me violent when I was angry. Fortunately there were only a few things that could anger me and the most prominent one was my brother. We honestly don’t know how my brother was related to us because he acts so much like an ass but all we know is that he was one of our quadruplets, and He was my polar opposite. His eyes still had the same effect as mine and he wore sunglasses but his had one lens red and the other was orange. In all there were four of us but we don’t know where our other sister was. My sister is the shy type who never boasts or brags. So we are assuming that wherever our other sister is she is the polar opposite of Sif. Sif never had to worry about wearing sun glasses because she was full demon we don’t know how only she got full demon blood when we were born all at the same time to the same mother but we don’t complain. “I’m gonna go ahead and head out” “Where are you going?” “I’m gonna head out to the prison hopefully to catch dad before he goes to the doctor’s” “Ok, take your cloak and saber. Dad said to wear them today for the festival.” “Ok, if you head out tell me ill come home and go with you unless you want to head out with me now.” “I think I will take you up in that offer.” We started to leave but not before we grabbed our cloaks and sabers. My cloak is a blue fabric with purple design and trim. My saber has a simple handle including the handguard but, the blade is an odd metal that alternates between blue and purple in color. My sister has a simple light green cloak with a darker green trim. She carries no saber. Only the first born foal is given a saber because he is to carry on the job of the father when the father retires. I am the first born by only a few seconds. The only demons who carry the sabers are the demon hierarchy, I honestly don’t like carrying it because I prefer not to draw attention to myself. We walked across town to the prison and the whole way there people were bowing to us. My sister bowed back as per tradition and respect but, I kept my hood up and never stopped walking. The demons have come to expect this from me because they know I put myself on equal ground as them and they shouldn’t bow to me. When I meet another demon or family I will initiate the bow to the parents and I always get odd looks from them until I explain why. Most demons who are new to the city and have never seen me always think I am disrespectful and a stuck up noble who only cares for himself. I hate those types of nobles, so I tell them I’m sorry for not bowing but there is no reason for them to bow. We finally made it to the prison were let in. we walked to my father’s office where we hoped to find him. Fortunately he was there, but he was meeting with a strange stallion in a bowtie and over coat. “Hey dad. Who’s this?” “Hey kids, this is an old friend of mine. He is somewhat of my advisor and deputy.” “Well I wouldn’t say advisor” “Oh come now you have given me plenty of great advice over the years.” “Well that’s true" “Hello sir it is very nice to meet you” I say as I initiate the bow oddly enough he didn’t seem perplexed of why I was the first to bow. He then bows back to me. “It is nice to meet a child who has such good manners. Well I must get going I have much to do and little time” “Oh come now you promised last year that you would stay this year. And we both know time is of no problem with you.” “Oh very well I’ll stay” “Splendid now we must get ready for the parade. Come children, oh by the way where is your brother." “He is no brother of mine. He insulted you, your brothers, and the king.” “Drak also punched him and Arquin ran off.” “Drakeal you must that anger under control. We can’t have another incident like you had at school” He lectured me while I remember the incident at school that got me expelled. “Drakeal are you listening” “Sorry dad I was remembering the school.” “All right well we must get ready for the parade it seems obvious that your brother won’t be joining us again. I must talk to my friend for a minute alone if you both could wait outside.” We walked out of the office and sat in the chairs that were outside. “So drak how’s the author still being kind of annoying” “You have no idea earlier he made me hit myself” “I thought you said he only watches” “Well he can apparently manipulate things as well” We both looked to the office door as my father walked out of the room with his friend trailing behind him. “Are you ready to go?” “Eeeeyup we are following you” We allowed our dad and his friend walk in front of us as we trailed just outside of earshot. “What’s with you Sif you are extremely quiet today” “Its dad’s friend he seems off somehow.” “Well don’t worry if he tries anything ill make sure to protect you.” “Thank you drak” We continued walking as I put my arm protectively around her and got ready for what the day was about to throw at us. Or so we thought. > chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 When we got to the start of the parade ground we found our float and started to get ready. I summoned my trumpet to get it ready and warm up that’s when Sif walked up to me. “So you playing the trumpet for this one?” “Eeyup, this should be interesting.” “How come you're playing that instead of one of the other instruments” “Well, the ocarina isn't loud enough and it doesn't seem right for a parade and I have to sit to to play the french horn and I am going to stand on the float.” “So what are you gonna play?” “I have no idea. Hopefully I'll come up with something. What are you doing?” “ I don’t know. I may just hide and hope no one sees me.” “You could just do the same thing dad is doing and wave.” “Yeah maybe.” I start to freak out as the realization that I don't have anything to play sets in and I curl up into a ball. “Hey you don't have to play music, you could perform your magic.” My eyes shoot open as my sister gives me the brilliant idea. “Sis you an absolute genius.” I pull on the fingerless gloves that I wear while performing magic and started to meditate to focus my mind. The float starts to move as my eyes and hands start to glow. The cheering of the crowd reaches my ears as my hands and feet start to blaze with a bright fire and I start to show off my magic with a kung fu type of martial art that consist of spinning, jumping, and large fluid movements with the fire leaving trails when it moves. The parade was going amazing the crowd was absolutely astonished and were cheering louder than I had ever heard them before when suddenly our float explodes throwing me away from my family as everyone screams and scatter. I couldn't hear anything and my vision became blurry as I fade in and out of consciousness. The last thing I saw before I passed out was my brother holding my sister by the throat. > chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3 I could feel the cold metal floor on my face as I started to regain consciousness. I heard what sounded like a stallion's voice rambling to himself about some beauty and I heard a kind of mechanical groaning and noises. I groaned as I tried to sit up. “ No no no, don't try to strain yourself now. You went through quite an ordeal.” “Doctor, is that you?” “Yes, it's me. Now just stay lying down; you took quite a hit.” “Where are we and where is my family?" “I can only answer one of those. We are on what's called the T.A.R.D.I.S. It's my home and we can go anywhere and any when, but right now i'm taking you someplace you will be safe.” I lay there as the reality of my family being gone set in. I don’t cry because I know they wouldn't want me to cry for them. They would want me to move on. “So, Doctor, where are we going?” "First you may want to start speaking less like a prince and more like a common filly so that there won't be any way to guess by talking to you that you're royalty. Second i'm taking you to equestria to someone who you will be very happy to see.” “Sure doc, I can do that though I'll still be polite.” The doctor helped me up so I could stand on my feet and he opened the door to the T.A.R.D.I.S. to show a forest and we walk out. I looked back at it to see it’s a small blue box. I circled i.t looking confused. “Go ahead say it; they all do.” “What in the name of the king is a police box?” He looked shocked and confused as he closed his mouth and headed into the forest, me following him. “I'll admit i've never heard that one before.” I laughed as we headed towards a clearing with what seems to be a gypsy caravan with fillies playing outside. A mare walked up to us and spoke to the doctor. “Is this him, doctor?” “Yes ma'am, it is. Now I have to go and hopefully pull whoever is on your tail off of it.” He turned to me and knelt to be eye level with me. “You need to stay with her, do you understand? You will be safe.” I nodded as he ran off towards his blue box. I turned to the lady; she leaned down, smiling softly and caringly, and offered me her hand. “You will be safe here, do you know who I am?” I shook my head slowly, staring in to her eyes, her beautiful green eyes. “I'm your mother, sweetheart.” Tears fell from behind my sunglasses for the very first time that day as I utter like a small child “M-mama?” “Yes, sweetheart, it's me.” I jump into her arms and hug her tightly as my tears continued to fall as she picked me up like a child, and I pressed my head to her chest and felt the beat of her heart. She carried me back to the caravan and to her cabin where a filly about my age was waiting. “Mama who’s that?” She set me down on a bed and handed me a glass of water. “His name is Drakeal and he will be staying with us for awhile.” “But who is he?” “He's your brother, Trixie.” I perk up; my hands tightened, breaking the glass as I stared at my new sister from behind my glasses. We watched each other for awhile until I finally passed out again. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 I woke up to the cart shaking and bumping around. I sat up and was thrown out of bed when we hit a particularly hard bump. I got up off the floor groaning as i began to look around. I didn't take much of the room in when I first came in but now that i'm not being carried by my mother I could take it in. It was a cozy little house with a bed with a nightstand, a few trunks with my mother's and my sister's name on them and what I guessed was a fridge but it looked like was made completely out of wood. I looked back to the trunks and saw that there was a third one with my name on it. I panicked as I realized my glasses weren't on and I started to look quickly around the room. I saw them on the nightstand and calmed down as I put them on. I looked to the bed to find my mom and sister were asleep on it and thought. "Looks like i'll need to find another bed or something because that bed looks only big enough to fit the two of them." I looked up at the ceiling and saw that there was a skylight in it. I opened it with my telekinesis and lifted myself silently to the roof as to not disturb the other occupants. I closed the skylight and sat down looking to the beautiful night sky. "Wow thats amazing i've never seen the night sky before its beautiful." I looked around to make sure there was no one around and pushed my glasses on to my head revealing my eyes to the night. I noticed that the caravans were being moved by magic while looking around. I summoned my ocarina and began to play one of the songs I knew from memory. "Thats beautiful where did you learn to play like that." I panicked and closed and covered my eyes quickly dropping my ocarina to the ground as we rolled on over it smashing it to pieces. "W-who's there." "Its your sister trixie." I quickly put on my glasses and turned to see my sister. She was wearing blue pajamas with her silver hair pulled into a ponytail. I panicked as I realized I dropped my favorite instrument. "Oh by the king where is it. Did i drop it. Oh no we ran over it didn't we. Nononononono." I started to cry as I realized I had broken. Trixie came up to me and hugged my lovingly. "Hey its alright the next town we are visiting is known for their instruments maybe we can find you another one there." "You really think so?" "Sure I do, besides its not like anyone in the caravan would let playing like that be hid from the world im sure everyone would pitch in and help out with it." "But I just got here yall dont know me very well and yall dont owe me anything why would yall do that for me?" "Because we are all family dummy." I froze as i heard her say that word. thought, "family, could somepony like me really have a family outside of the underworld?" The cavan suddenly stopped as a deep menacing howl emitted from the woods around us while my sister started shaking and I stood up listening. "Trixie, where are the adults are they still asleep." "Yes we were set to stop here anyway so they won't have noticed." I jumped down from the roof and stood ready waiting for my foe to show himself. "What are you doing get back up here are you crazy you'll get yourself killed." I was about to answer as a pack of humanoid dog-like beasts emerged from the trees. I stood ready as they sniffed the air and all turned to look at me growling. "Drak my boy what the hell did you get yourself into now?" "Author now is not a good time to do this." A beast larger than the rest stepped out from the pack and spoke in a voice that sounded like he was gargling gravel. "You colt step aside or we will have your head." I didn't move as the fire of determination grew. "As you, wish take him." A single scrawny beast stepped out holding what looked to be an obsidian dagger. He charged me but just as he was about to stab me I spun and grabbing the blade out of his hand as I did so I cut his stomach open making his blood and organs spill onto the ground as he fell over dead. I snarled and showed my teeth which had turned into fangs as they all stepped back in fear leaving only the leader in front. "You think you scare me colt, brutes take him." Four large beasts dressed in what looked to be iron armor charged through the crowed at me. I jumped up and with the knife I cut the first one's throat open making him spew blood out of the wound. The second charged as I threw the knife into his throat and he fell to his knees. I ran at him and grabbed the knife as I pushed off his chest jumping into the air and at the other two who had now stopped and sliced the back of their necks as I flew past them severing their spines. The beasts at that point had all run off, all but one. "How could a colt like you do something like that you're nothing you're just a lowly gypsy?" I ran at the leader as he froze in fear. I rushed past him as I sliced the backs of his knees severing the tendons forcing him to the ground. I stood in front of him and pulled his weapon out of its sheath. His weapon was an obsidian short sword with edges so smooth it could have been iron. "No one harms my family do you hear me no one I will protect them with my life." I looked at him and i saw absolute fear in his eyes as I sliced his head from his neck making it bounce and roll away and I once more fell to the ground unconscious. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 I woke up to my mother shaking me and yelling my name and the morning. I jumped up still brandishing the sword and dagger. "What happened, what's wrong, and why am I covered in blood." I looked around seeing the dead bodies, then to the blades in my hands and then to the shocked and scared faces around me. "Oh yeah now I remember um heh heh heh sorry um...." I look around nervously and start to back away before everyone starts cheering for me. "Um I uh what..." My mom rushes up and hugs me tightly. "Um mom arent yall the least bit scared of me or anything." "Sweetheart no we have been bullied by those beasts forever and plus you found your talent." I looked down at the back of my hand to see a target with a sword going through the center, my cutie mark. "Huh yall arent scared? Like at all?" "No sweetheart of course not." "Yall obviously didnt see the fight. Wheres trixie?" "She locked herself in the room she wont come out." "Eeeeyup figured as much, she did see the fight." I took the belt off of the leader and placed it on my waist and put my new sword and knife away. "She'll be in there for awhile its happened before." I hop back on top of the carriage and lay on the roof and stare up at the sky and fall asleep <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> My mom called me down for dinner. I hopped down from the roof and followed my mom over to the campfire where everyone but trixie was sitting. "Oh forget this." I walked over to the carriage and knocked. "Trixie open the door." "N-no go away." "Trixie im comin in either way so open up." "No." "Im coming in now." I could hear her moving stuff to bar the door as I jump on to the roof and through the sky light "Would you knock this crap off now you're being an idiot." "I'm being an idiot? You deserve to be feared you're a freak." I freeze and my hair starts to stand on end as per what happens when I get mad. "IM A FREAK?!?! IM A FREAK?!?!? HOW DARE YOU CALL ME THAT I BECAME THAT BECAUSE OF YALL I PROTECTED MY FAMILY WHILE YOU WERE COWERING ON THE ROOF. SO DONT YOU DARE EVER CALL ME THAT.YOU NO NOTHING OF LIVING LIKE A FREAK." I walk out the door slamming it behind me and walk into the forest steam practically rising from my ears. I walk through the woods listening to the sounds of the birds and animals and trying to calm down. "Do you really think that was necessary my colt." "Author now is not the time you'll just piss me off more." "Oooo such a mouth on such a little one but really was that necessary." "Yes, no, maybe, I dont know." a man in a long black trench coat, long brown hair, and a mask covering his face appears in front of me. "Who are you?" "Wow you dont recognize your dear friend whos been with you since you were born? Im hurt little buddy." "Author?" "In the flesh little buddy at the moment you are the only one able to see me so ill be watching over you and helping your mother out a little bit by making sure you don't get into any trouble." "Why would i need you to watch me." "Cause you tend to let things sneak up on you." "No i dont." He points to somewhere behind me and I get hit in the head with something and pass out. > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 I wake up to a dull pain throbbing in my head. "By the king im really sick of getting knocked out." "Oh so you're awake then finally?" I look over to see a girl about my age with long raven black hair, toned arms and legs with tan skin. "By the king shes gorgeous." "Though that outfit even though its good for the job its kinda tacky." "Author shut up." The outfit in question was a white top that acted like a wrap covering her chest leaving her stomach exposed and a short pink skirt with a pair of tight, black, short shorts. "Soooooo who are you and why did you kidnap me?" "Well my name is Jasmine, and im a thief." "Well why did you kidnap me?" "Well you were talking to no one and i thought you were being crazy." "Oh no im fine but um i need to get back home." "Um.......d-do you t-think i-i could come with you." "Uh sure though where are my blades?" "Oh here." I grab the belt holding the blades along with her hand and we disappear in a puff of smoke. > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- By the time we go back to the caravan it was dark leading me to think I was unconscious longer than I realized. Suddenly I feel a bone crushing pressure wrap around me. "Where have you been we've been worried sick?" "Mom..... can't ...... breath." The weight receded off me and i pulled in a large grateful breathe of air. "Ok to answer your question I've been out with her." I point over my shoulder to Jasmine who is watching us nervously. "Um... hi" She waves slightly expecting my mother to start nagging and yelling at us. "Well as long as you two are safe." "Well mom she was um how should i put this....." "Ifyoudon'tmindiwouldliketostaywithyou?" We both look over to Jasmine both of us had a look of surprise. Jasmine and I were both waiting for my mom to answer. "What about your parents and family?" "They died. they were killed by diamond dog bandits." "You mean like the ones i killed?" "You killed those beasts?" "Well yeah the blades didn't tip you off?" "Well in that case you may stay but we will need to find you a place to stay." "Actually mom we'll need a place for me too. That cabin is too small for all three of us. "There's no arguing this is there." "No there is not." "Well we'll have to make a new cabin for you they won't be anything special just yet cause we don't have the time or the manpower." "Do we have the supplies to make two normal sized ones?" "No we have enough for one but not enough for two we need more wood." I smile as she says this and look at her excitedly. "Just get all of the supplies we need for one and leave the rest to me." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I stood at the pile of wood, nails, and scrap metal. "Is this all of it mom?" "Yeah but what are you gonna do?" My hands and eyes begin to glow red as my aura connects to the pile of supplies making them glow the same red color. " நான் உனக்கு உயரும் என் அழைப்புகளை கவனத்தில் கட்டளையிடகிறேன்." The pile of scrap starts to rise and float. "நான் நம்மை சுற்றி வீடுகள் வடிவம் எடுத்து உனக்கு விதிக்கிற." The scrap starts to morph and change into a replica of the other caravans. "H-how did you do that?" "Well mom I've been able to use magic my entire life but it requires spells and seals as you've just seen" "Thats amazing." "Hey blame the blood thats why I can do it, anyway that'll be Jasmine's home." "But what about your's?" "well Jas I'll take care of that right now." I turn around to the trees and my hands glow red once again. "நான் பூமியின் மற்றும் தீ உறுப்புகள் அழைக்கிறேன். எனக்கு உலோக மற்றும் உங்கள் மரம் கொண்டு. நம்மை சுற்றி இருக்கும் இது என்று சமமாக வீட்டில் இருந்து." Trees start to uproot themselves from the ground and form the planks that will be needed for the walls and roof. Metal ores from the earth rise from the ground and heat themselves to form pure metal and then to the nails. I start to sweat as the the caravan finishes and I pass out yet again. > Chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I wake up to a massive headache and a loud bang as I sit up groaning. "Wow boy that stunt now feels like a fit of tequila and an ass kickin'." I look over to Author who's sitting in one of the chairs at a large table. "How would you know how I feel Author?" "Cause I can feel everything you feel." I begin to look around seeing a very large spacious room. Inside the room placed about were: a large table with 10 or so chairs, a full kitchen including fridge, freezer, and the such, a coat/hat rack with my belt and weapons hanging on said rack, a couple of chests one baring my mark and the three others baring marks I haven't seen yet, and of course my bed that I am currently laying in with a nightstand beside it with my sunglasses on top. "Uh Author where are we?" "We are in your cabin, or more specifically a pocket dimension that I created inside the cabin giving you ample room plus I added a few spare rooms." He gestures to the single door that I hadn't noticed. "Let's not go in there just yet its not time." I shrug and slowly get out of bed holding my head the entire time and walk over to the chests against the wall. "So Author I see my mark but what are the other three?' "All in due time my boy, all in due time." I groan and facepalm at his cryptic words and walk out the door summoning my glasses as I walk or and stop suddenly and look around. We are no longer in the clearing that I had passed out in, but instead a large empty market place with the other gypsies setting up tables and setting out wares to sell. "How long was I out and where the heck are we?" "About three days we were starting to get worried. As for where we are, we are in a town just outside the dragon kingdom." I turn to look at my sister who had appeared beside me. "So where are mom and Jasmine?" "They are off looking at the other stalls." "Why?" "That's a secret I'll never tell." "You suck sis." "Yeah yeah now let's go explore and look around before we have to start preforming and working." We head off to wander around the market as the stalls open and people start come out of their homes to begin their shopping. We wandered further and further into the market soon realizing with a sense of dread from my sister: we were lost. "I can't believe this is happening. We could be kidnapped, stolen, sold into slavery...." I finally started to get annoyed by my sister's nervous rambling and grabbed her face. "Trix calm down." "How can I we are lost, we may never get back." I look at her with a deadpan face and extend my wings. "Oh right you can fly." Trixie looked down at her feet to hide her obvious blush of embarrassment as I began to chuckle "Wow Trix you're kinda cute when you're all flustered." She looked at me with an open mouth and a shocked expression before punching me in the chest. "Ow you know what fine I'll leave you here." I flew off leaving her with a look of confusion that quickly turned to panic. "Drakeal? Drakeal!?!?! You best get back her before I tell mom!!!!!!" She bagan to shake as the realization of being lost alone set in. Suddenly I swoop down and pick her up under the arms flying as fast as I can away from that spot. "Drakeal where were you why did you leave me alone like that!?!?!" I throw her up into the air as she begins to scream. I angle myself so that I'm directly under her as she lands on my back. "You're gonna wanna hang on sis." "Why?" "I kinda made some new friends." She looks back seeing three dragon teenagers chasing after us screaming death threats and other unspeakable things. "No Trix do not even ask I'll probably explain later." I begin to speed up as trixie wraps her arms around my neck. I dive sharply and pick up speed as I weave through the people in the market trying to lose the dragons. "oh shut up will you i cant concentrate with you screaming like that." she instantly shut up and i spied a young dragon kid and swooped over to grab him as we all three were suddenly back at my place. "thanks for the save there mate." i turn to the kid and stand up. "no problem kid why were they chasing us anyway?" "well they were chasing you cause you saved me from them when they were gonna beat me up. other than that ive got no idea, the names dracor by the way." "well kid i'd get out of here before they come looking for you. if they mess with you again just come looking for me." "thanks mate youre a friend for life if you ever need anything you just tell me." he runs out of the cabin and disappears into the crowed.