• Published 7th Mar 2015
  • 432 Views, 6 Comments

The Mists of Midnight - MidnightMare

After attending a wedding in saddle Arabia as an official princess Duty Twilight brings home a treasure as bid by Celestia, Discord knows he has a connection to the treasure but can't remember how.

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Visiting Emissary

In the dark, under the cover of night, dark feathers fluffed under a heavy cloak. Hooves beating, softened by the grass the mare looked around before galloping across the open field. To be out in the open was to be at risk, but going around would take far to long, she could only hope that the cover of dark would protect her, and the treasure she carried. Clouds shifted with the wind, the sliver of the moon barely casting it’s glow. The grass rippled with the breeze as she galloped on, legs weak, unused to being on solid ground. Pegasus that she was, Her legs had only ever known the softness of the clouds.

Her hooves bled from effort as she raced on climbing small rises and leaping over shrubs not daring to waste a second even to dart around the leafy brush. She wished more then once that she could still fly, but even if she could, such a thing would be far more noticeable. So she Galloped pushing her body harder and harder faster and faster. Finally crashing through the line of trees she slowed only a moment to catch her breath. And check on the bundle, her most precious possession.

The sound of a twig snapping shot through the air like the crack of a firework. Fear flooded her anew and she began to run again, she couldn't stop, not until she was certain her duty was complete, not until she was certain…


Chapter 1

Visiting emissary

The sun beat harshly down on the train as it rushed across the shining desert sands, the dunes looking like gold in the afternoon sunlight. Settled with her five closest friends Princess Twilight Sparkle sighed and stared, unseeing at the book before her. She knew that soon she would be arriving in the golden kingdom of Saddle Arabia. Becoming a princess had brought with it many new duties, the quest for the keys and the fight with Tirek had taken up much of her time and so now she had to fulfill her duties as a princess, and for now that duty was to act as an emissary bearing for the king of Saddle Arabia and his new bride, gifts from Celestia and Luna. Twilight was not to bring a gift, on the condition she and her friends came, The new queen was eager to meet the hero’s of Equestria and had requested to meet them as a wedding gift.

“Oh goodness darling I simply cannot decide what I should wear, a royal wedding in the Golden city! Whatever shall I do!” Rarity exclaimed Digging through a bag of jewelry hoping that a gem might inspire her on what to wear. Applejack, sitting beside the unicorn rolled her eyes but held her tongue, after all this time, she’d gotten used to Raritys focus on fashion. It didn’t make her any less of a friend even if AJ didn’t fully understand why Rarity took it so seriously, she did know that Rarity had built her career and business out of it, and AJ could respect that hard work and effort.

“Maybe you should wear a dress made out of cupcakes!” Pinkie Pie said popping up between the two with a grin bright eyes excited to see a new place and a chance to make new friends. Especially a queen who had asked to see them!

"I think this is the first wedding I get to be at where I don’t have to do a rain boom!” Rainbow dash exclaimed not sure if she was annoyed or pleased, should she be annoyed they didn’t want her spectacular talent or proud that they wanted her there at the ceremony… how complicated.

“It would be nice to see what sort of animals they have in saddle Arabia…” Fluttershy said softly smiling faintly at the idea this soft comment, above the others drew Twilights attention. Her Horn glowed with it’s Magenta colored magic, her book lifting silenced the other ponies as they watched it float over settling in front of Fluttershy open to a chapter about local wild life.

“I’m so nervous, you’ll get more from it then me at this point.” Twilight said with a soft sigh looking out the window at the rolling dunes. Walking over to Twilight AppleJack settled and tipped her head up “What’s wrong Sugar Cube? You said things in the other world had gone well, You got all of those books from the princess, and a new home.” She said gently Twilight sighed before sitting up properly front legs holding her tall and proud

“This is more than representing Celestia and just being her student. This trip is me, Twilight Sparkle as the Princess of Friendship… I’m barely used to having a title… I was worried about my place but now I have it, I’m scared I won’t be good enough for it, all the mistakes I’ve made already as a friend.” She said softly

“Oh what ever are you talking about dear? We’ve all made mistakes, but that’s what being friends means, Still being part of each other’s lives despite our mistakes right?” Rarity said with a smile trotting over to join AJ sitting by the purple flanked pony.

“And think of all the awesome things you’ve done with the magic of friendship!” Rainbow dash put in puffing up with pride “All the monsters you’ve beaten, Out thinking them, even beating Tirek after you gave him all the alicorn magic, because you didn’t let go of our friendship!” she exclaimed excitedly.

“You’ve even accepted me as a friend.”

The laughing tone of discord popped in seconds before he did his stained glass figure doing cartwheels across the train window. Twilight smiled looking up as Fluttershy nuzzled her gently, understanding the feeling behind it even if the shy Mare couldn’t find the words for it.

“I guess so, I want to do well do this right… You know me, the purple perfectionist, maybe they should of called me the princess of paranoid perfectionism…” she said absently, Pinkie staring a moment before bursting out laughing at the skillful alliteration.

“Then you’d be Princess Peepee!” Pinkie gasped through her laughter, drawing mixed expression from her friends before they all collapsed into helpless laughter at the absurdity. As her laughter subsided Twilight sat back.

“There’s something else…” she said softly, the cartwheeling discord stopped to watch as Twilight looked right at him “and, that’s why you’re coming with us… I don’t know the details, Celestia said you would understand when we got there… but there’s something we have to pick up… something important.” She said Rainbow dash Arched a brow

“What sort of something, is it a treasure?” she asked Rarity grinned “Oooh is it a gem stone? Or maybe a secret queens treasure Oh oh or an ancient diamond crown!” she exclaimed eagerly., Twilight frowned shaking her head “That’s just it, she didn’t tell me what it was, She said Discord would know when he saw it, any ideas?” she asked looking to the window but he wasn’t there, a banana peel plopped on the floor between them all before getting up and scuttling away like a spider to the trash bin.

“I haven’t the faintest Idea what Princess sun butt has in mind.” He said Loftily, Twilight knew she should reprimand him for the insult, but she also knew he didn’t really mean anything by it. Like how she sometimes teased her brother, there was a certain comrade in the insults that Celestia and discord exchanged, a long standing Kinship few could understand.

“Will you at least tell me when you know? Um, but discreetly, Princess Celestia seemed to think the King doesn’t know what he has, she feels it’s best if we try to convince him to let us have it without him knowing it’s value…” she said, Aj groaned “Aw, then why am I here? You know I can’t lie about something like that! Not just because I’m Honesty! I’m a business pony, and that’s shady business!” she exclaimed dragging her hat down over her disgruntled expression.

“I know AppleJack I’m not asking you or any of you to lie. I’ll think of something, once we know what it is, then we can figure out a way to bring it back with us.” She said thoughtfully, Flutter shy sighed “I hope it’s not to heavy, because if he says no it’ll be hard to bring it back.” She said softly the others nodded sagely in agreement.

“No way, if this guy doesn’t know what it’s worth then it’s probably something small.” Rainbow dash scoffed.


Rarity’s Squeal had everypony jumping with surprise “Look look look the golden city of Saddle Arabia!” she exclaimed excitedly, while the ponies moved to the window to look Discord remained hanging from the ceiling eating a chocolate banana that didn’t seem to end his expression one of a thoughtful frown. Was this a treasure from before being trapped in stone, or something perhaps he had heard about in the years since…

As the train came into the station The Ponies Trotted out looking around amazed, the city gleamed, made of marble and sandstone it really did seem like a city of gold! Unlike the dusty red desert of the west this desert shimmered like magic. Unlike Ponyvill and Canterlot with its Pastel soft colors, Saddle Arabia was rich with jewel like colors that stood out against the gold. Before they could leave however Three tall elegant mares draped in silken veils approached them Falling into deep respectful bows, Two wore brown, while the third possibly the leader did as well but hers was trimmed with golden embroidery.

“We would like to welcome the heros of equestrian to Saddle Arabia.” She said formally her accent was different and beautifully exotic. “we have been sent to Guide you to the Palace with the compliments of Lord Golden Dune.” Twilight nodded Stepping forward “Thank you for coming to greet us, I understand The king must be very busy, It was kind of him to send someone to meet us.” She said, the two mares behind the first twittered with laughter only to be silenced by the leader with a sharp command.

“Please forgive their Impertinence, You are six Mares Traveling alone You have used magic’s to protect this world yet you are Mares, it fascinates them.” She said turning to issue another order. The two mares trotted off to gather the Ponys belongings while the lead mare gestured for Twilight and her friends to follow.

“Lord Golden Dune is honored to be visited by the Princess of Friendship. He believes that By attending the Royal wedding Canterlot has once again extended the hand of friendship to us, He gladly accepts this offer.” She explained as they trotted through a street of market vendors. The scent of spices and herbs mixed heady in the air, Fine silks and linen draped over stalls. Ponys sold all sorts of treasures from exotic foods to elegantly crafted jewelry.

Gemstones gleamed in the sunlight while colored glass glittered on string casting shafts of colored light. The ponys looked around astounded by the beauty of the market Rarity squealing with delight every few seconds. Chuckling twilight trotted ahead to walk beside the mare

“As Rarity will probably have an aneurysm if I don’t ask, Will we get a chance to shop at the market during our stay?” she asked The mare chuckled nodding “I am sure that Lord Golden Dune will be happy to allow this, His chosen Bride Quiet enjoys market days and would be pleased to have other ladies to shop with.” She explained Twilight frowned thoughtfully

“I’m sorry I don’t think I caught your name.” she said suddenly as it dawned on her, the mare paused looking at Twilight Sparkle stunned That a princess would ask her name.

“Thank you, I am Spring Shade, I am in charge of the palace servants.” She explained pleased to be asked. Twilight nodded glancing back at the others who all seemed to have found things to talk about. Eventually they left the market, the tightly packed Buildings became more spaced and they arrived at the grand Palace of gold. Passing through the gates of the thick wall surrounding the palace they entered the gardens, Lush and green the flowers bloomed in a riot of colors and gave off enticing aromas drawing more exclamations of amazement.

“Oh how stunning!”

“That’s pretty neat.”

“It’s so Shiny!

“It’s certainly got plenty of green in here.”

“So many different butterflies, and birds!”

Twilight found her voice trapped in her throat, her nerves building, no turning back, Here she wasn’t a student, she was Princess Twilight Sparkle. She swallowed thickly, she could do this.

Spring Shade led them through the grand doors and into the Main foyer The floors where a large mosaic of different scenes crafted out of tiles Polished to a brilliant shine.

“AH! The Princess of Friendship herself!” The aged voice cut through with a friendly tone but loud volume robed Stallion made his way down the curving staircase. His robes where far finer then those that they had seen worn by the other Ponies in town though the same style, His hide was a sandy gold, while his mane was a dark brown streaked with grey. Even as he gestured them forward welcomingly a Mare trotted over entering from another room, She was garbed in light airy fabric While her coat was a pretty white her Mane was black the robes she wore where a pretty sheer teal color decorated with glittering glass beads in a slightly darker teal. Bangles rang around her forelegs she was lovely and to Twilights surprise, seemed close in age to the king, for some reason, she’d thought the king would be marrying a young Filly. What a rude assumption on her part.

“Thank you for Inviting us to your land and wedding. I bear gifts from the princesses Celestia and Luna, and bring as well their wishes of a happy future for you and your bride.” She said bowing formally, she didn’t need to look to know the others bowed behind her showing respect to the desert king.
As she rose again twilight was surprised when the Mare trotted forward with a delighted smile

“I am so glad You came! Stories of what you have done have traveled even this far and I have so wanted to meet you and your friends.” She said awed gesturing for them to follow, The king chuckled falling in step with them

“My lovely desert rose has not stopped speaking of you since you first liberated Nightmare Moon, in fact it was her fascination that caught my attention, so, in a way I have you to thank for our coming wedding.” He said with a chuckle, Desert Rose laughed moving to bump her flank against his in a playful affectionate gesture that struck Twilight as very sweet. A simple action but spoke more of their connection then any romantic kiss or murmured word.


The afternoon was spent in the company of the king and his bride to be, recounting tales of The power of the magic of friendship, between talking politics and a broad rang of topics, By the time supper was announced Desert Rose had charmed all of the Main six managing to hold conversation about all their interest while never excluding anyone for conversation. Mentally twilight applauded her skill, this was the sort of Mare suited to be a royal and a leader, Making sure no one was forgotten, keeping track of everything she could, and then building on that knowledge to keep up to date. Twilight imagined the Mare was probably very diplomatic, she was certainly confident.

As they made their way to the dining hall, Golden Dune and Rainbow Dash in a heated in depth discussion about the pros and cons of Storm Ball Desert Rose fell behind to walk along side Twilight seeming to have noticed the dip in her mood.

“Is everything alright?” she asked gently, something about her tone and expression made twilight think of her own mother, that gentle warm concern.

“It’s just that… You seem so suited to becoming a queen.” She managed to say pausing to look at a display of flowers spearing up out of a lovely bronze urn.

“You’re very confident… proud but not egotistical, everyone felt included, even me… and that’s wonderful, I thank you but…”

“But you worry about your own crown.” Desert Rose finished with a nod lifting a hoof “Wait one moment.” She said trotting over to a guard she spoke with him quietly, the guard nodded heading off to the dining hall while Desert rose returned to twilights side.

“I have sent him to let the others know to start without us.” She said gently leading twilight out into the gardens. The sound of water bubbling over stones in the fountains was soothing in the otherwise quiet night.

“Twilight Sparkle, I don’t believe you need to worry about how you will be as a princess.” Desert rose said gently settling on an ornate stone bench nuzzling the petals of a large white flower. “You have only in the last year obtained your title, before then you where a student and a librarian where you not?” she asked, twilight nodded settling beside the older pony.

“The reason I seem to suited to being queen is because I have been groomed for it since birth, I and several other mares where hand selected by the queen to be groomed as brides for her son. I was raised with the education and knowledge that I might one day be queen, and if not, then I would still be married into nobility, and as such, responsibility.” She explained lifting a hoof noticing Twilights shocked expression.

“Do not fret, while this was in part and arranged marriage, the reason many of us where picked was so that the king and his prospective bride could have a chance to fall in love. This tradition has been passed down, in honor of the love of the very first Saddle Arabian King and his First wife. She died giving birth, and he mourned her so deeply he swore love would be banned, no ponys where to ever show affection in public, he couldn’t stand to be reminded of love.” Desert Rose paused looking up at the night sky.
“What happened?” twilight asked, surely there had to be more, a reason Desert Rose was telling her this story.

“His son grew, as children do, to colt, to stallion, he grew into his own, a young and strong stallion, but one who had never known love. Oh yes he knew his father ‘loved’ him, but he did not know ‘Love’ as it could be. A traveling band of gypsies where invited to celebrate the coronation of the son, and among them was a beautiful Mare. More lovely than any other Pony he had ever seen, she danced and cast Magical illusions that took him places he had never known could exist.”

“That night he slipped away to meet her, and while she was free with her stories, she was not free with her heart, or her kisses, and each night he came to see her, he grew more and more determined. Time came that the gypsy’s had to move on and, desperate to keep the beautiful Unicorn with him The son Banned them from leaving, confining them to the garden, believing he could convince her to stay with him if he showed her the beauty of the palace.”

“Watching the plight of his son, the old king understood, By not allowing Love, his son, who now felt love for this unicorn, had no idea how to show her how he felt. And so, after his son slept he went to the Unicorn and they talked at length. When dawn came, the son entered the garden to discover the gypsies gone, freed by his father. Enraged he went to his father to demand an explanation, heated words were exchanged, then fell. Tears spilled from both as the Young king realized that, like his father, he had Lost his love, not through death but by not knowing Just what love was.” Twilight watched as desert rose clamped the stalk of the white flower in her teeth and pulled it free. The Alicorn followed the white Mare to a golden fountain and watched as she lay the flower in the water.

“As the young king cried and declared his love over and over, now understanding that love was indeed what he felt. He felt the brush of wind, he looked up to find the beautiful Unicorn standing before him, she had been on the balcony of the king, and had heard the whole thing. She told the Son she loved him as well, and would stay, not for his gold, or his jewels, but his love.” Desert rose smiled.

“That same day the King declared that love was something that could never be banned, and allowed Ponys the freedom of love again.” Twilight sighed Her hooves on the edge of the fountain she scowled at her reflection in the water

“That’s a beautiful story But… it doesn’t really…”

“Help?” Desert Rose chuckled “Do you not see parallels. The Son Never knew love, but when he felt it when it came to him, He knew it. Maybe not how, but he felt it in here.” She said gesturing to her heart

“You never knew you would be a princess, But, now you are one, you do what you can, You will learn what to do, as the son learned how to love. Though, I believe You have it easier.” Desert rose said chuckling “He had to learn Love, You just need to learn to rule fairly.” She said twilight blinked surprised by the statement, then the two mares began to laugh.


Dinner was well underway when they returned. When twilight sat Rarity, who sate beside her, asked if everything was ok

“I’m alright, actually I’m feeling a lot better now, I think… I think I heard what I needed to hear from someone who knows better than me.” She said cryptically smiling as she looked at the rich offerings on the table

“Please enjoy yourselves every pony!” the King announced seemingly satisfied that it was alright every pony began to eat enjoying what this different region had to offer.

“I’ll have to get some of these spices to take home, I can think of a dozen ways Granny smith can add to the recipes and give ‘em a real kick!” Applejack said. While they ate Discord moved in and out of shadows, he knew the drill stay out of sight, Having the Lord of Chaos show up right before a wedding was bad luck apparently.

He had been looking at every painting jewel and Mosaic in this place since they had gotten here and nothing stuck out. Oh there was a level of familiarity here and there, a sense of nostalgia for time gone by, when Saddle Arabia had been little more than a twinkle of a dream in the desert.

Why was Celestia so sure he could Identify this treasure? Why would she even want him to, it almost seemed like she was testing him, would Discord betray them again and keep a treasure for himself? No he wouldn’t, no, he was changed, Fluttershy had opened cracks in the stone around his heart… but Twilight had blasted through them, Saving him even after what he had done, giving up her alicorn magic… for him. Well and the others to but still.

He was getting sidetracked, the point was, even if he was the type to keep a treasure, he was a lord of chaos with unimaginable power, if he wanted some jewels or other such things he could just conjure them up with the snap of his fingers!

Conversation was fading as feasting slowed and sleepy eyed ponys bid goodnight to their host.

“Such a long journey no wonder you’re so tired, Please, These are My most respected servants, they will tend each of you during your stay, if you have need of anything please inform them, they will do anything to assure your comfort.” Clopping his hooves on the table Shrouded Mares came forward to each pony bowing respectfully.

“Take our guests to their rooms and see that they are comfortable.” He ordered. The mares nodded leading Each Pony away to their room. Twilight stood And looked to Desert rose with a smile and a nod silently thanking her. She hoped they would have another chance to talk soon, Perhaps not before the wedding but hopefully before she had to leave. She turned around and standing before them Shrouded in dark silks like the others was yet another servant, but something about the appearance of this mare had Discord freezing as he stared at her. She bowed as well silvery mane sliding out from the silken hood. It was strange the sudden mix of rage and horror seeing that silvery hair, Twilight paused turning to follow the mare when she saw discords Reflection in her glass instead of her own pointing to the faint reflection of the servant Mare behind her.

Her inside went cold, his meaning was clear but twilight didn't want to believe such a thing possible. No it couldn't be possible! The treasure Celestia wanted, the Valuable that Twilight was tasked with bringing back to Canterlot… was a pony?!