> The Mists of Midnight > by MidnightMare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Visiting Emissary > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the dark, under the cover of night, dark feathers fluffed under a heavy cloak. Hooves beating, softened by the grass the mare looked around before galloping across the open field. To be out in the open was to be at risk, but going around would take far to long, she could only hope that the cover of dark would protect her, and the treasure she carried. Clouds shifted with the wind, the sliver of the moon barely casting it’s glow. The grass rippled with the breeze as she galloped on, legs weak, unused to being on solid ground. Pegasus that she was, Her legs had only ever known the softness of the clouds. Her hooves bled from effort as she raced on climbing small rises and leaping over shrubs not daring to waste a second even to dart around the leafy brush. She wished more then once that she could still fly, but even if she could, such a thing would be far more noticeable. So she Galloped pushing her body harder and harder faster and faster. Finally crashing through the line of trees she slowed only a moment to catch her breath. And check on the bundle, her most precious possession. The sound of a twig snapping shot through the air like the crack of a firework. Fear flooded her anew and she began to run again, she couldn't stop, not until she was certain her duty was complete, not until she was certain… ---------------------- Chapter 1 Visiting emissary The sun beat harshly down on the train as it rushed across the shining desert sands, the dunes looking like gold in the afternoon sunlight. Settled with her five closest friends Princess Twilight Sparkle sighed and stared, unseeing at the book before her. She knew that soon she would be arriving in the golden kingdom of Saddle Arabia. Becoming a princess had brought with it many new duties, the quest for the keys and the fight with Tirek had taken up much of her time and so now she had to fulfill her duties as a princess, and for now that duty was to act as an emissary bearing for the king of Saddle Arabia and his new bride, gifts from Celestia and Luna. Twilight was not to bring a gift, on the condition she and her friends came, The new queen was eager to meet the hero’s of Equestria and had requested to meet them as a wedding gift. “Oh goodness darling I simply cannot decide what I should wear, a royal wedding in the Golden city! Whatever shall I do!” Rarity exclaimed Digging through a bag of jewelry hoping that a gem might inspire her on what to wear. Applejack, sitting beside the unicorn rolled her eyes but held her tongue, after all this time, she’d gotten used to Raritys focus on fashion. It didn’t make her any less of a friend even if AJ didn’t fully understand why Rarity took it so seriously, she did know that Rarity had built her career and business out of it, and AJ could respect that hard work and effort. “Maybe you should wear a dress made out of cupcakes!” Pinkie Pie said popping up between the two with a grin bright eyes excited to see a new place and a chance to make new friends. Especially a queen who had asked to see them! "I think this is the first wedding I get to be at where I don’t have to do a rain boom!” Rainbow dash exclaimed not sure if she was annoyed or pleased, should she be annoyed they didn’t want her spectacular talent or proud that they wanted her there at the ceremony… how complicated. “It would be nice to see what sort of animals they have in saddle Arabia…” Fluttershy said softly smiling faintly at the idea this soft comment, above the others drew Twilights attention. Her Horn glowed with it’s Magenta colored magic, her book lifting silenced the other ponies as they watched it float over settling in front of Fluttershy open to a chapter about local wild life. “I’m so nervous, you’ll get more from it then me at this point.” Twilight said with a soft sigh looking out the window at the rolling dunes. Walking over to Twilight AppleJack settled and tipped her head up “What’s wrong Sugar Cube? You said things in the other world had gone well, You got all of those books from the princess, and a new home.” She said gently Twilight sighed before sitting up properly front legs holding her tall and proud “This is more than representing Celestia and just being her student. This trip is me, Twilight Sparkle as the Princess of Friendship… I’m barely used to having a title… I was worried about my place but now I have it, I’m scared I won’t be good enough for it, all the mistakes I’ve made already as a friend.” She said softly “Oh what ever are you talking about dear? We’ve all made mistakes, but that’s what being friends means, Still being part of each other’s lives despite our mistakes right?” Rarity said with a smile trotting over to join AJ sitting by the purple flanked pony. “And think of all the awesome things you’ve done with the magic of friendship!” Rainbow dash put in puffing up with pride “All the monsters you’ve beaten, Out thinking them, even beating Tirek after you gave him all the alicorn magic, because you didn’t let go of our friendship!” she exclaimed excitedly. “You’ve even accepted me as a friend.” The laughing tone of discord popped in seconds before he did his stained glass figure doing cartwheels across the train window. Twilight smiled looking up as Fluttershy nuzzled her gently, understanding the feeling behind it even if the shy Mare couldn’t find the words for it. “I guess so, I want to do well do this right… You know me, the purple perfectionist, maybe they should of called me the princess of paranoid perfectionism…” she said absently, Pinkie staring a moment before bursting out laughing at the skillful alliteration. “Then you’d be Princess Peepee!” Pinkie gasped through her laughter, drawing mixed expression from her friends before they all collapsed into helpless laughter at the absurdity. As her laughter subsided Twilight sat back. “There’s something else…” she said softly, the cartwheeling discord stopped to watch as Twilight looked right at him “and, that’s why you’re coming with us… I don’t know the details, Celestia said you would understand when we got there… but there’s something we have to pick up… something important.” She said Rainbow dash Arched a brow “What sort of something, is it a treasure?” she asked Rarity grinned “Oooh is it a gem stone? Or maybe a secret queens treasure Oh oh or an ancient diamond crown!” she exclaimed eagerly., Twilight frowned shaking her head “That’s just it, she didn’t tell me what it was, She said Discord would know when he saw it, any ideas?” she asked looking to the window but he wasn’t there, a banana peel plopped on the floor between them all before getting up and scuttling away like a spider to the trash bin. “I haven’t the faintest Idea what Princess sun butt has in mind.” He said Loftily, Twilight knew she should reprimand him for the insult, but she also knew he didn’t really mean anything by it. Like how she sometimes teased her brother, there was a certain comrade in the insults that Celestia and discord exchanged, a long standing Kinship few could understand. “Will you at least tell me when you know? Um, but discreetly, Princess Celestia seemed to think the King doesn’t know what he has, she feels it’s best if we try to convince him to let us have it without him knowing it’s value…” she said, Aj groaned “Aw, then why am I here? You know I can’t lie about something like that! Not just because I’m Honesty! I’m a business pony, and that’s shady business!” she exclaimed dragging her hat down over her disgruntled expression. “I know AppleJack I’m not asking you or any of you to lie. I’ll think of something, once we know what it is, then we can figure out a way to bring it back with us.” She said thoughtfully, Flutter shy sighed “I hope it’s not to heavy, because if he says no it’ll be hard to bring it back.” She said softly the others nodded sagely in agreement. “No way, if this guy doesn’t know what it’s worth then it’s probably something small.” Rainbow dash scoffed. “OOOHH!” Rarity’s Squeal had everypony jumping with surprise “Look look look the golden city of Saddle Arabia!” she exclaimed excitedly, while the ponies moved to the window to look Discord remained hanging from the ceiling eating a chocolate banana that didn’t seem to end his expression one of a thoughtful frown. Was this a treasure from before being trapped in stone, or something perhaps he had heard about in the years since… As the train came into the station The Ponies Trotted out looking around amazed, the city gleamed, made of marble and sandstone it really did seem like a city of gold! Unlike the dusty red desert of the west this desert shimmered like magic. Unlike Ponyvill and Canterlot with its Pastel soft colors, Saddle Arabia was rich with jewel like colors that stood out against the gold. Before they could leave however Three tall elegant mares draped in silken veils approached them Falling into deep respectful bows, Two wore brown, while the third possibly the leader did as well but hers was trimmed with golden embroidery. “We would like to welcome the heros of equestrian to Saddle Arabia.” She said formally her accent was different and beautifully exotic. “we have been sent to Guide you to the Palace with the compliments of Lord Golden Dune.” Twilight nodded Stepping forward “Thank you for coming to greet us, I understand The king must be very busy, It was kind of him to send someone to meet us.” She said, the two mares behind the first twittered with laughter only to be silenced by the leader with a sharp command. “Please forgive their Impertinence, You are six Mares Traveling alone You have used magic’s to protect this world yet you are Mares, it fascinates them.” She said turning to issue another order. The two mares trotted off to gather the Ponys belongings while the lead mare gestured for Twilight and her friends to follow. “Lord Golden Dune is honored to be visited by the Princess of Friendship. He believes that By attending the Royal wedding Canterlot has once again extended the hand of friendship to us, He gladly accepts this offer.” She explained as they trotted through a street of market vendors. The scent of spices and herbs mixed heady in the air, Fine silks and linen draped over stalls. Ponys sold all sorts of treasures from exotic foods to elegantly crafted jewelry. Gemstones gleamed in the sunlight while colored glass glittered on string casting shafts of colored light. The ponys looked around astounded by the beauty of the market Rarity squealing with delight every few seconds. Chuckling twilight trotted ahead to walk beside the mare “As Rarity will probably have an aneurysm if I don’t ask, Will we get a chance to shop at the market during our stay?” she asked The mare chuckled nodding “I am sure that Lord Golden Dune will be happy to allow this, His chosen Bride Quiet enjoys market days and would be pleased to have other ladies to shop with.” She explained Twilight frowned thoughtfully “I’m sorry I don’t think I caught your name.” she said suddenly as it dawned on her, the mare paused looking at Twilight Sparkle stunned That a princess would ask her name. “Thank you, I am Spring Shade, I am in charge of the palace servants.” She explained pleased to be asked. Twilight nodded glancing back at the others who all seemed to have found things to talk about. Eventually they left the market, the tightly packed Buildings became more spaced and they arrived at the grand Palace of gold. Passing through the gates of the thick wall surrounding the palace they entered the gardens, Lush and green the flowers bloomed in a riot of colors and gave off enticing aromas drawing more exclamations of amazement. “Oh how stunning!” “That’s pretty neat.” “It’s so Shiny! “It’s certainly got plenty of green in here.” “So many different butterflies, and birds!” Twilight found her voice trapped in her throat, her nerves building, no turning back, Here she wasn’t a student, she was Princess Twilight Sparkle. She swallowed thickly, she could do this. Spring Shade led them through the grand doors and into the Main foyer The floors where a large mosaic of different scenes crafted out of tiles Polished to a brilliant shine. “AH! The Princess of Friendship herself!” The aged voice cut through with a friendly tone but loud volume robed Stallion made his way down the curving staircase. His robes where far finer then those that they had seen worn by the other Ponies in town though the same style, His hide was a sandy gold, while his mane was a dark brown streaked with grey. Even as he gestured them forward welcomingly a Mare trotted over entering from another room, She was garbed in light airy fabric While her coat was a pretty white her Mane was black the robes she wore where a pretty sheer teal color decorated with glittering glass beads in a slightly darker teal. Bangles rang around her forelegs she was lovely and to Twilights surprise, seemed close in age to the king, for some reason, she’d thought the king would be marrying a young Filly. What a rude assumption on her part. “Thank you for Inviting us to your land and wedding. I bear gifts from the princesses Celestia and Luna, and bring as well their wishes of a happy future for you and your bride.” She said bowing formally, she didn’t need to look to know the others bowed behind her showing respect to the desert king. As she rose again twilight was surprised when the Mare trotted forward with a delighted smile “I am so glad You came! Stories of what you have done have traveled even this far and I have so wanted to meet you and your friends.” She said awed gesturing for them to follow, The king chuckled falling in step with them “My lovely desert rose has not stopped speaking of you since you first liberated Nightmare Moon, in fact it was her fascination that caught my attention, so, in a way I have you to thank for our coming wedding.” He said with a chuckle, Desert Rose laughed moving to bump her flank against his in a playful affectionate gesture that struck Twilight as very sweet. A simple action but spoke more of their connection then any romantic kiss or murmured word. ------------------------------ The afternoon was spent in the company of the king and his bride to be, recounting tales of The power of the magic of friendship, between talking politics and a broad rang of topics, By the time supper was announced Desert Rose had charmed all of the Main six managing to hold conversation about all their interest while never excluding anyone for conversation. Mentally twilight applauded her skill, this was the sort of Mare suited to be a royal and a leader, Making sure no one was forgotten, keeping track of everything she could, and then building on that knowledge to keep up to date. Twilight imagined the Mare was probably very diplomatic, she was certainly confident. As they made their way to the dining hall, Golden Dune and Rainbow Dash in a heated in depth discussion about the pros and cons of Storm Ball Desert Rose fell behind to walk along side Twilight seeming to have noticed the dip in her mood. “Is everything alright?” she asked gently, something about her tone and expression made twilight think of her own mother, that gentle warm concern. “It’s just that… You seem so suited to becoming a queen.” She managed to say pausing to look at a display of flowers spearing up out of a lovely bronze urn. “You’re very confident… proud but not egotistical, everyone felt included, even me… and that’s wonderful, I thank you but…” “But you worry about your own crown.” Desert Rose finished with a nod lifting a hoof “Wait one moment.” She said trotting over to a guard she spoke with him quietly, the guard nodded heading off to the dining hall while Desert rose returned to twilights side. “I have sent him to let the others know to start without us.” She said gently leading twilight out into the gardens. The sound of water bubbling over stones in the fountains was soothing in the otherwise quiet night. “Twilight Sparkle, I don’t believe you need to worry about how you will be as a princess.” Desert rose said gently settling on an ornate stone bench nuzzling the petals of a large white flower. “You have only in the last year obtained your title, before then you where a student and a librarian where you not?” she asked, twilight nodded settling beside the older pony. “The reason I seem to suited to being queen is because I have been groomed for it since birth, I and several other mares where hand selected by the queen to be groomed as brides for her son. I was raised with the education and knowledge that I might one day be queen, and if not, then I would still be married into nobility, and as such, responsibility.” She explained lifting a hoof noticing Twilights shocked expression. “Do not fret, while this was in part and arranged marriage, the reason many of us where picked was so that the king and his prospective bride could have a chance to fall in love. This tradition has been passed down, in honor of the love of the very first Saddle Arabian King and his First wife. She died giving birth, and he mourned her so deeply he swore love would be banned, no ponys where to ever show affection in public, he couldn’t stand to be reminded of love.” Desert Rose paused looking up at the night sky. “What happened?” twilight asked, surely there had to be more, a reason Desert Rose was telling her this story. “His son grew, as children do, to colt, to stallion, he grew into his own, a young and strong stallion, but one who had never known love. Oh yes he knew his father ‘loved’ him, but he did not know ‘Love’ as it could be. A traveling band of gypsies where invited to celebrate the coronation of the son, and among them was a beautiful Mare. More lovely than any other Pony he had ever seen, she danced and cast Magical illusions that took him places he had never known could exist.” “That night he slipped away to meet her, and while she was free with her stories, she was not free with her heart, or her kisses, and each night he came to see her, he grew more and more determined. Time came that the gypsy’s had to move on and, desperate to keep the beautiful Unicorn with him The son Banned them from leaving, confining them to the garden, believing he could convince her to stay with him if he showed her the beauty of the palace.” “Watching the plight of his son, the old king understood, By not allowing Love, his son, who now felt love for this unicorn, had no idea how to show her how he felt. And so, after his son slept he went to the Unicorn and they talked at length. When dawn came, the son entered the garden to discover the gypsies gone, freed by his father. Enraged he went to his father to demand an explanation, heated words were exchanged, then fell. Tears spilled from both as the Young king realized that, like his father, he had Lost his love, not through death but by not knowing Just what love was.” Twilight watched as desert rose clamped the stalk of the white flower in her teeth and pulled it free. The Alicorn followed the white Mare to a golden fountain and watched as she lay the flower in the water. “As the young king cried and declared his love over and over, now understanding that love was indeed what he felt. He felt the brush of wind, he looked up to find the beautiful Unicorn standing before him, she had been on the balcony of the king, and had heard the whole thing. She told the Son she loved him as well, and would stay, not for his gold, or his jewels, but his love.” Desert rose smiled. “That same day the King declared that love was something that could never be banned, and allowed Ponys the freedom of love again.” Twilight sighed Her hooves on the edge of the fountain she scowled at her reflection in the water “That’s a beautiful story But… it doesn’t really…” “Help?” Desert Rose chuckled “Do you not see parallels. The Son Never knew love, but when he felt it when it came to him, He knew it. Maybe not how, but he felt it in here.” She said gesturing to her heart “You never knew you would be a princess, But, now you are one, you do what you can, You will learn what to do, as the son learned how to love. Though, I believe You have it easier.” Desert rose said chuckling “He had to learn Love, You just need to learn to rule fairly.” She said twilight blinked surprised by the statement, then the two mares began to laugh. ----------------------------- Dinner was well underway when they returned. When twilight sat Rarity, who sate beside her, asked if everything was ok “I’m alright, actually I’m feeling a lot better now, I think… I think I heard what I needed to hear from someone who knows better than me.” She said cryptically smiling as she looked at the rich offerings on the table “Please enjoy yourselves every pony!” the King announced seemingly satisfied that it was alright every pony began to eat enjoying what this different region had to offer. “I’ll have to get some of these spices to take home, I can think of a dozen ways Granny smith can add to the recipes and give ‘em a real kick!” Applejack said. While they ate Discord moved in and out of shadows, he knew the drill stay out of sight, Having the Lord of Chaos show up right before a wedding was bad luck apparently. He had been looking at every painting jewel and Mosaic in this place since they had gotten here and nothing stuck out. Oh there was a level of familiarity here and there, a sense of nostalgia for time gone by, when Saddle Arabia had been little more than a twinkle of a dream in the desert. Why was Celestia so sure he could Identify this treasure? Why would she even want him to, it almost seemed like she was testing him, would Discord betray them again and keep a treasure for himself? No he wouldn’t, no, he was changed, Fluttershy had opened cracks in the stone around his heart… but Twilight had blasted through them, Saving him even after what he had done, giving up her alicorn magic… for him. Well and the others to but still. He was getting sidetracked, the point was, even if he was the type to keep a treasure, he was a lord of chaos with unimaginable power, if he wanted some jewels or other such things he could just conjure them up with the snap of his fingers! Conversation was fading as feasting slowed and sleepy eyed ponys bid goodnight to their host. “Such a long journey no wonder you’re so tired, Please, These are My most respected servants, they will tend each of you during your stay, if you have need of anything please inform them, they will do anything to assure your comfort.” Clopping his hooves on the table Shrouded Mares came forward to each pony bowing respectfully. “Take our guests to their rooms and see that they are comfortable.” He ordered. The mares nodded leading Each Pony away to their room. Twilight stood And looked to Desert rose with a smile and a nod silently thanking her. She hoped they would have another chance to talk soon, Perhaps not before the wedding but hopefully before she had to leave. She turned around and standing before them Shrouded in dark silks like the others was yet another servant, but something about the appearance of this mare had Discord freezing as he stared at her. She bowed as well silvery mane sliding out from the silken hood. It was strange the sudden mix of rage and horror seeing that silvery hair, Twilight paused turning to follow the mare when she saw discords Reflection in her glass instead of her own pointing to the faint reflection of the servant Mare behind her. Her inside went cold, his meaning was clear but twilight didn't want to believe such a thing possible. No it couldn't be possible! The treasure Celestia wanted, the Valuable that Twilight was tasked with bringing back to Canterlot… was a pony?! > A Threat?! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rain fell heavy as the small dark colored Filly Staggered her way through the streets seeking any kind of shelter. The little lean to she’d made for herself had been taken by a big colt! She shivered flicking raindrops off her wings as she tucked close to cracked buildings seeking some relief from the storm. Tears mingled with rain on her face as her little legs finally gave out, tired and cold and wet. Just as everything seemed hopeless a dark figure appeared, Standing before her was a big grey stallion. His mane was long and black and his eyes were red, an earth pony. She shivered afraid he’d mock her, a Pegasus lost on the ground… but she wasn’t lost, she’d always been here. The stallion smiled instead stepping forward and crouching shielding her little body from the harsh rain. He spoke gently his voice soothing. She was so relieved he seemed so kind, and she was so tired and lonely, the little warning bells of instinct she’d developed in her short life went ignored. With promises of a warm fire and good food the Stallion led her to his home, and as the door closed behind her She had no idea it would never open again. --------------------------- Chapter 2 A Threat?! In her room, Twilight paced, wings fluttering with distress, Hanging from the ceiling Discord watched. Frankly, he didn’t know what to say right now either, He was trying to remember why that Servant had bothered him. She’d barely said a word, leading Twilight Sparkle to her guest room, and explaining if Twilight needed anything then she merely had to pull the bell pull and she would be right along, then she’d bid good night and had left, never once showing her face, keeping hidden by her shrouds. That silvery mane had been unmistakable though, he knew it, the shine, the texture. How, how did he know? If he wasn’t half mad already the frustration might have just pushed him over the edge. “I just can’t understand why Princess Celestia would want me to bring a Pony back… Don’t get me wrong everypony is special but… the way she spoke, It seemed like I was bringing back a very sacred treasure… I don’t want to be offensive but how can any pony be a sacred treasure?” she said distressed looking up at Discord. “You’re certain the maid is what she meant?” she asked hoping there might be some mistake, even though she’d already asked him a few times, the exact same question. “I’m sure of it, though I will tell you this, again, I don’t know how or why.” He said dropping and falling through the floor only to merge out of one of the leafy plants decorating the room. “I’m just as confused as you are, and that’s saying something as I know quite a lot.” He said proudly frowning then he stroked the white tuft on his chin. “No, it’s not that I don’t know… it’s like I can’t know.” He mumbled thoughtfully. Piquing Twilights curiosity she stopped pacing and looked over at him “Can’t know? What do you mean?” she asked Drawing a Scoff from the Draconoquis “Just like I said, The knowledge is there but I can’t get it, Hrmm in your terms, it’s a book that’s locked and I’m not allowed to have the key.” He said, his tone just a little sharp twilight lifts a hoof placating “I’m sorry that was a dumb question, It’s just such a weird situation I’m panicking, I’m sorry.” She said, Discord shook his head “No, We’re friends, That means you don’t need to apologize for my irritation, it’s not you I’m mad at, I don’t like not having access to what’s right there, It’s enough to make my head pop.” He said, which it promptly did so, like a balloon it simply burst drawing a startled yelp from the princess. As the headless card board cut out of his body fell over Discord slithered up behind Twilight chuckling “Oh don’t get so upset, If you don’t figure this out I’m sure I will, Something like this falls neatly in my realm after all.” He said playfully, Twilight frowned “It does, how so?” she asked not liking that idea much “Well think about all the chaos it’s already caused in your little pony head, Obviously the reason I recognize it is because it’s some aspect of chaos!” He exclaimed with his usual glee, when that idea had come to him his annoyance at not knowing had faded, replaced with the excitement of unwinding the puzzle, and oh did he love chaotic puzzles! “You should sleep for now Twily.” He said his voice mimicking her brothers perfectly as he used the nickname, “You have a big day the next few days.” He said poofing up his own personal grandiose bed, that hung upside down and seemed securely stuck to the ceiling, look at it Twilight arched a brow, uh… right, just… Just make sure no one spots that.” She said with a sigh shaking her head she trotted off to wash up before heading to bed, indeed, the next few days would be hectic helping the bride prep for her wedding. Thinking about Desert Rose and her words Twilight smiled as she settled on the soft, down filled mattress. Maybe she was right, And she just needed time to learn how to be a princess… ---------------------------------- The next morning twilight was relieved to discover that discord and the bed where gone and her room was perfectly in order. But she didn’t have time to waste. The servant who had caused so much stress the evening before came to collect her for breakfast with few words, and again Shrouded. While all the maids wore robes in different ranges of coverage This particular Mare seemed to be keeping herself unseen, only the vague gleam of grey eyes seen under her hood. “U-uh…” twilight swallowed, what did she say? She wasn’t sure the it hit her, she was the princess of friendship! Extend a hoof of friendship that’s it. “I never got your name last night, I’d like to know it.” She said trotting up beside the slightly taller Pony, she paused seeming almost thoughtful before bowing her head “Misty Midnight, your majesty.” She said formally then began walking again, Twilight huffed out a breath, a Mare of few words it seemed. Not that she could talk, remembering back to her arrival at Ponyville that very first day when this journey had started. “It’s a please to meet you Misty Midnight, Um, is it ok if I call you misty? You can call me twilight.” She offered but the mare shook her head “Such things would be most inappropriate for my station my lady, but You may call me Mist if you wish, I understand my Name is quiet a mouthful for conversation.” She said her eyes and tone giving twilight the impression of a smile. “I believe the Royal Bride wishes to attend to her final fitting today, she is hoping for the advice of Lady Rarity whose opinion would mean a lot to her highness.” Mist explained as they followed the long halls. “The plan discussed is for a small Breakfast and then into the town, after the fitting Her highness has offered to take you and your friends on a tour of the city.“ she stopped at the door of the dining room bowing her head respectfully “Should you require anything, please inform me I will be pleased to see to your needs during your stay.” She said, Twilight nodded frowning faintly, it was weird the way Mist said that See to her needs? What a weird way to say that. Shaking her head she went to the table smiling seeing her friends, Applejack arriving shortly after her, Desert Rose explained the Golden Dune was tending Duties as King and regretfully could ne be with them today. “He doesn’t need to feel bad, He’s a king of course he has important duties to see to.” Rarity reassured, feeling quiet pleased after such a good sleep in such a beautiful bed. “were your rooms satisfactory?” Desert rose asked, the ponies all voicing their appreciation “There where peacocks in my room, they were so beautiful and they let me feed them.” Fluttershy said her voice soft as ever but her delight clear. “Oh yeah? My room has a view of the aerial Tracks for the Races, it was great I got to watch the morning work outs of the Fliers it was great I saw some awesome maneuvers.” Rainbowdash exclaimed clearly more than eager to go up and show off her own moves. Desert Rose chuckled “I tried to picked rooms that would suits all of you and if I couldn’t I arranged for things you might like to be there for you.” She explained, Aj nodded “Yeah, Actually I was nervous my room would be all Fancy but it’s actually really cozy, and I really appreciate the spice samples, I was thinking I wanted to get some to take back, now I know which ones to get.” He said appreciatively. Twilight smiled Glad her friends had had such a good time. “What about you Twilight what did you get?!” Pinkie asked eagerly. Twilight blushed “O-oh books, but well I was so tired…” she mumbled sheepishly. She’d been so stressed the night before she hadn’t even glanced at the books in the room, It was unlike her. “That’s alright the journey here can be quiet exhausting, I’m sure you’ll find time to enjoy them this evening.” Desert Rose assured, thankfully not offended. Twilight nodded “Yes I’m feeling very well rested, and the bed was perfect so thank you very much.” She said hoping to at least offer a compliment and appreciation like the others. Breakfast was lovely, not the grand feast of the night before but nice. Calm and at ease the ponies ate while their assigned maids sat behind their chairs incase anything was needed. Twilight was relieved to note her friends seemed just as awkward about having maids as she was, even Rarity who approached most things with a level of dignity and acceptance. She had sort of expected Rarity to accept the maid as he ‘due’ but she seemed just as put off as the others, though showed it differently. Having a pony take your luggage, and having a Pony tend to everything you do, where two very different things after all. -------------------------------------------- The Day was a blur of shops and color. The golden city was amazing, from the architecture to the markets and closely knit community it was vastly different from the indifference of ponies in places like Manehattan. Twilight had been delighted to be taken to the largest book shop in the region, She’d bought several books on the royal legacy of the kingdom and general information about Saddle Arabia. She also bought a couple Comics, knowing Spike enjoyed them, hopefully he might like comics from a new place. Settled in the fitting room of the Sandy Seamstress Twilight and the others exclaimed over the wedding gown while Rarity worked with Sandy to make needed alterations, and a few, glittering improvements from raritys personal gem collection. “It’s a beautiful gown and I’m so honored you’re willing to let me work on it with you.” Rarity said her horn glowing with magic as she set glittering turquoise colored jewels in place on the gown. Sandy smiled Oh please, you flatter me, I’ve saw the designs at the Manehattan show there where beautiful.” She complimented, Desert Rose smiled looking at the gown in the mirror it was beautiful, it was white with swaths of draping turquoise fabric to add color, and trimmed with delicate but intricate golden Embroidery “It’s so pretty.” Fluttershy said warmly, it was a lovely gown, Rainbowdash tilted her head she couldn’t quite understand the need for such a fancy dress but well it did look nice… Ha but she’d never admit such a thing it would totally ruin her rep! “Ah wedding are great because weddings mean parties!” Pinkie pie said brightly. “Pinkie would get married just to have a party, Maybe if Cheese comes back?” Apple jack said slyly with a teasing grin at Pinkies shy blush “N-no I wouldn’t But it would be great if he came back…” she said softly wiggling in her seat she began to giggle chewing shyly on the tip of her of her mane. “I don’t know Twilight and That guard I think would be more likely to be our next bride and groom.” Rarity hummed looking over, Twilight gasped blushing and looking away as Desert Rose looked over “Oh, Is there a special somepony in your life?” she asked with pure feminine interest “Oh yeah! Twilight went to another world and met a boy and then she came back and he’s here to as a Pony! And he likes her to, but |I’m not supposed to tell her because he said it during a milkshake binge at Sugar cube corner!” Pinkie exclaimed before gasping “Ah… Oops, Forget that part ok Twilight?” But the princess only Gaped at her “H-he said that to you? Are you sure he was talking about me?” Twilight asked nervously Pinkie nodded “Yep yep yep because he was saying a soldier isn’t suited to a princess!” she said brightly then gasped and covered her mouth with both hooves “Ooohh! I didn’t pinkie promise not to tell now I’m telling but I said I wouldn’t tell stop asking.” She said flustered. Twilight nodded “No it’s fine I’ll stop, I don’t want to know anymore.” She said with a shy smile. “ooh so what is this stallions name?” Desert rose asked Rainbow snorted :Flash Sentry can you even believe it?” he said with a scoff Twilights feathers ruffled “Hey what’s wrong with that Flash Sentry is a nice name!” she said, but at a sideways glance from Rainbowdash and chuckles from the others twilight realized she’d been tricked, blushing she folded her wings and looked away “L-look it’s he’s just helpful is all…” she mumbled shyly Desert Rose smiled “The best thing about love is it’s always so, unexpected, from the hard crash of love at first site, to the slow silky slide from friendship to love, and everything in between.” She said as Sandy placed the veil and headdress on her head, arranging the flowers while Rarity helped with the Gems. “Being able to follow that love, is even more magical. Not everyone can, for one reason or another, something may stop their love, and that pain, could kill.” She said softly smiling at her reflection then turning to show the full gown “What do you think?” she asked she glowed with excitement at the prospect of getting married, her dress was a dream, everything about it was Bridal. Every pony sighed, Even Rainbow dash found herself charmed by the romance of it… “You’re positively stunning dear.” Rarity said lifting a hoof to wipe away a tear of admiration, oh she loved beautiful things but this, this she loved most of all seeing the joy and the glow of a happy perfectly dressed Mare. Granted all she did was add the sparkle of crystals, but still. Once the dress was removed and carefully packed away to be sent to the palace for the wedding the Mares went out, Rarity and the others eager to explore the Market they had seen the day before. Now free to enjoy Twilight noticed so much more, not just the look and smell, all the bustling ponies, the conversation, music played by gypsies and troubadours. There where open spaces where Ponies danced for coin and cheer, some ponies drew and sold their art, other sang to draw crowds to their stalls. But most of all was the laughter, so much going on and so many having fun. The ponies parted ways Going off to find what had caught their eyes the day before, Twilight trotting through the crowd hoping to maybe find more books, when something caught her eyes, the dark robes of the maid. She was at a stall selling flowers. Gathering them into a basket she paid and looking around Galloped off, intrigued Twilight followed, in a puff of smoke, Discord, a small figure on her shoulder held on to her hair “That Pony again? What do you think she’s up to?” he asked Twilight shook her head “I don’t know. I hate to be nosey but if she is who celestia wants we should try and understand why… besides… I don’t think she’s suppose to leave the palace grounds, Remember the ones yesterday they said they had been ‘sent’ and I haven’t seen any other maids outside the palace, I don’t think their allowed to leave those walls.” She said, as the crowds thinned and the paths became smaller, the quality of buildings deteriorated. Sand building up where the wind had blown in, the desert attempting to take back what belonged to it. Still Misty Midnight kept going and twilight determined to see what was going on followed. Eventually buildings stopped and the two ponies broke out into the golden dunes, Mist turning once they were out and glaring at Twilight under her hood “Why do you follow me?” she demanded, her reserved nature gone her eyes so sharp for a moment twilight thought she might have been mistaken she even took a step back as the mare flicked back her hood letting it fall away. Her coat was such a dark blue it was almost black, so starkly contrary to the silvery almost white of her hair and eyes. She was as Twilight thought, a touch taller, with a sharper muzzle rather like the Pony Flur de lis who Rarity had introduced her to. “I’m sorry I, I wanted…” but before twilight could finish Discord crashed up out of the sand between them snarling at Mist shielding Twilight from her. Misty took a few steps back slowly watching him her eyes wide “Discord?” she said slowly seeming stunned by his presence, not shock at seeing the fabled lord of chaos, but… stunned, as if she recognized him not his story. “Discord what are you doing?!” twilight demanded but the Draconoquis only hissed his wings flared large and threatening “Keep away from my friend.” He snapped snarling at Misty who took another step back, From what Twilight could see the mare almost looked ready to cry, she sighed “Do not fear me Discord oh lord of Chaos I have no interest in your friend, I will serve her as her maid while she is here, but beyond the palace walls I have no duty to her, and thus no care for her.” She said pulling her hood back up “I ask only one thing, do not speak of seeing me. While the king is aware I am out, he will not take action against me unless I am caught. He allows me this one thing I do not wish to lose it.” She said clasping the basket handle with her teeth and turning galloping off into the dunes. Watching her dark shape disappear Twilight was stunned by Discords unusual protectiveness. “What in Equestria possessed you to do that Discord?” she asked as he relaxed “I-I don’t know.” He snarled shaking his head “Each time I see her… I It’s strange I don’t like it, there’s chaos, something unnatural around her and I don’t like it.” He said disgusted “Twilight You might need to consider that The reason Celestia wants you to bring her back isn’t because she has good value, but because She’s Dangerous and Celestia intends to lock her away.” He said firmly he looked antsy and uncomfortable. Feeling sympathetic Twilight reached out “The desert is a big place, if you want, you can find a solitary area and cause some chaos this afternoon, I bet if you ask Pinkie pie she’ll be happy to play, she still loves your chocolate rain.” She said Discord looked over arching a brow before nodding “I think I’ll do that, an afternoon of causing havoc ah, Harmless, Havoc, would be nice.” He said and with a puff of pink smoke vanished. ---------------------------- The afternoon rolled into evening and into night, while the ponies ate and discussed their afternoon, Pinkiepie curiously secretive about a few hours she’d seemingly vanbished after they had come to the palace. Of course after Rainbowdash pointed out sticky spots of chocolate milk in Pinkies hair the other ponies suddenly understood and left her to it instead sharing about what they had purchased that afternoon. Though Twilight couldn’t see her sitting behind her waiting to be given an order, she knew Misty Midnight was there. She hadn’t thought that the mare would be a danger. Now she thought back, everyone she had ever faced had been… well very obviously evil, Nightmare moon, Fangs, world domination and an evil laugh? Bad guy, Discord, attempting to take over Equestria and mocking Celestia? Bad guy, Chrysalis, taking over Canterlot and trying to brainwash Shining armor? bad guy, Sombra? bad guy, sunset shimmer? Bad guy, Tirek? bad guy, the sirens? Bad guys! All of them they were just very… obviously evil from the way they acted right down to their motivations, which seemed to be general take over or destruction. But Twilight frowned. Not all evil was obvious. Some evil was quiet, calculating and cruel, a dark shadow that lingered ready to destroy. Could that be it, Was Mist acting nice and destroying something slowly from the inside? She just didn’t know. As the meal ended She walked slowly letting Mist lead her to her room before letting the mare leave. As she stepped into her room she found it empty, no doubt Discord was still reigning chaos over some secluded area of the desert . She needed to sleep and think, if Mist was a threat, then just being her friend wasn’t going to work. -------------------------- The garden was beautiful at night. Dark and quiet, with the light of the moon and twinkle of stars the only light. The silver shine twinkling on the rippling waters of the fountains and small horse made springs of the garden. Inside these walls was a paradise, and Oasis free of the vagaries of the desert. As every pony slept Misty Midnight dropped her head letting out a sigh. She felt so tired. Looking up at the clear night, and the beautiful moon shining in the sky. She flicked her head and let the veils spill away letting her silvery mane spill out glimmering in the moon light as she drew a deep breath and began to sing, the emotions trapped in her heart and mind pouring out through the music as she lamented having to leave. Even as she sang it the tears fall sliding down her dark face. She walked through the gardens, She loved the night, only because it was her only freedom. No matter what life, No matter what Pain, the night was her one and only joy, a freedom not even the darkest curse could take from her. She should have known this would happen, really ever since the stories of his freedom and subsequent defeat by the heroes of Equestria, Mist had wondered if she might see him again, The lord of Chaos… but, so different from others. She wasn’t surprised he didn’t know her, that was just one more term, Only ‘he’ knew her only his will could free her, and why would he? After her crime, this punishment was just… she knew this, knew it as true as the moon and stars in the sky… but she was just so tired, so many lives, So many deaths, and not a single solace but the cool and quiet night. Thoughts of it brought on a rush of memories, new ones hitting like a freight train that had her staggering wings flapping uselessly as she sagged against a tree gasping for breath. She could breath, she knew she could, could feel the air sucking in to her lungs as she desperately gasped, but, that didn’t change the feel of the rope strangling the life out of her the weight of her body heavy on her neck, it could have been quick, it could have been painless. But that defeated the point of punishment, how long had it taken, as she hung there strangling? She broke out of the horrific memory of death and fell to the ground coughing out a weak horrified sob. So much death, so many deaths. Did any other Pony really know how many ways there where to die? And just how painful it was, How lonely? Laying her head on her hooves she closed her eyes and cried quietly. It was easier not to have friends, then that aspect of punishment would not come into play. ”Weep and suffer, Suffer the way I suffer, You will know only pain. Till the end of time, forgotten by all, Suffer, and die again and again, it will never be enough” No it would never be enough, yes she accepted that, But the misery… even if she wanted to end it, oh and she had, in her lives she’d become proficient at it… but it didn’t end, because it just kept going on and on, never ending. “Punishment….” > Trying Again > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was loud, the roaring of the crowd of ponies as they looked on the criminal pony before them. Her dark coat was matted with dirt and blood, her mane and tail had been cut off, apparently by somepony with no skill as awkward tufts of silver stuck up randomly. Her wings, her one treasure, had been shredded during the interrogation, leaving only that scraggly body appendage hanging with a few mangled feathers. She stood without a word as the Unicorn magistrate beside her read the long list of thefts she had supposedly committed. There was no point in defending herself, no one would believe her, she had long since given up trying. She overlooked the yelling crowd they meant nothing to her, nameless faces bloodthirsty for what they believed was justice to slights against them. All of them so attached to the physical. Not one of them had any substance to her, not in this life, or any other. No, the pony who held her gaze was beyond the jeering crowd. His dark coat mingling in the shadows blue eyes watching her while he grinned. As the magistrate finished to Stallion bowed his head, almost mockingly before turning away as the unicorn addressed her. Did the Accused wish to say anything more before sentence was carried out? “Only that you realize, once my final breath has left me, that you where wrong. The thefts will continue, I have said I am not the one. You all choose to stay deaf to my words.” She said simply, the magistrate snorted with disgust, a lie to escape her punishment. His horn glowed as the rope settled around her neck tightened securely. Away from the roars of the crowd, away from death and false judgment, as one pony drew her final gasping breath, an infant gave its first shrill cry. ---------------------- Chapter 3 Trying Again The following days where a blur of excitement. While the Ponies would not be involved in the wedding, they took part in prepping, easing desert Rose as she grew nervous and unsure. Weddings where different here, Twilight found it fascinating. The two Ponies would pledge their Partnership before an Officiate of the temple, Blessing would be given by the officiate and the Ponies families. The family blessing where gifts given by the families for the couple to start their new life with. After that, the flowers Picked by the bride would be dropped upon the couple as a talisman of fertility. Desert Rose explained this after she’d refused the Ponies offers to help pick the flowers. She simply needed their help taking the flowers back to the palace. The flowers where picked at an Oasis where the temple was built, They where sacred and were said to carry the blessings of the desert. As she picked the flowers desert rose planted seeds. “For each flower, you plant a seed. This is the exchange, Picking flowers and not planting seeds, is considered theft from the desert.” She explained as she planted more seeds. “By stealing the flowers, you bring bad luck and the wrath of the desert upon your union.” She said passing a full basket to pinkie pie to carry “That’s nice, Replanting the flowers means that they don’t die out.” Fluttershy said The flowers themselves where beautiful, Brilliant white with Five large petals in a large star shape, and five smaller petals between the larger ones making a smaller star. As the petals got closer to the stem however they darkened to a rich gold color like the sands of the desert. “They’re so beautiful.” Rarity said, The others voicing agreement. Desert rose smiled “You think so? Mmm Actually that’s perfect. It’s tradition for the bride to give gifts to her aides during the wedding. Unfortunately you can’t be my proper aides because of tradition, But I’ll will gift each of you a seed of the desert star, when you grow them at your home the flowers will be the symbol of our friendship.” She said warmly. Twilight smiled “That’s wonderful What a beautiful gift.” She said delighted. Part of her felt she should refuse such a sacred flower but To refuse such a meaningful gift of friendship would be a horrible offense, and twilight had to admit, they were very very beautiful. “It would be a great way to start your own Garden twilight.” Apple Jack said as they walked along “The castle is nice and all, but with all that open land you should have your own little space.” she said Twilight nodded in agreement. “Actually me and Fluttershy have been talking about that, she said she’d give me a hand in learning how to take care of some flowers, and rarity said she’d help me design the garden so it suited me.” She said warmly. The idea of having her own garden was actually really nice, a place to relax and read. She hadn’t had a lot of time to just read in a while. Mmm her own, private little space of world. Oh she loved her friends dearly, but sometimes, she just wanted a little solitude, to read and relax. Once Desert Rose was satisfied with how many flowers she had, they started the trek back “So, who was the temple built for anyway?” Rainbowdash asked interestedly, it was like something out of a Daring Do book, she’d half expected Ahizotal to popup and steal a preasues treasure of something. Desert Rose Shook her head “No one actually knows, it was here long before the city was. But it was very badly damaged. Our ancestors repaired it and began their worship of the desert and it’s gifts. It was there we lived first before we began to build the Golden city.” She explained, Rarity nodded “Oh I don’t blame you, all this sand you’d have needed some place nice to get out of it, and the heat!” she exclaimed with a sigh. “Rarity.” Twilight hissed, desert rose had made it clear their culture honored the desert they shouldn’t besmirch it, but desert rose only laughed. “I imagine so. The Ponies who came here where not From the desert originally, so adjusting to it would have been difficult. But they persevered and through their hard work, Our beautiful home was built.” She said warmly not at all offended. She knew well that the desert was not a climate many pones where used to,, she was actually surprised no one had complained sooner. In fact Rarity hadn’t been complaining so much as, point out the discomfort. They returned to the city, the baskets of flowers taken by maids to be kept in a cool room until the wedding so they did not wilt. “I thank you for joining me on my collection. While we have only know each other a short time, I feel we are friends and The journey was not lonely as it would have been had I been alone.” The Arabian mare said warmly “Please take the afternoon to rest and relax, tomorrow the wedding begins You will need you’re stamina.” She said with a fun cryptic smile before trotting off, Rarity sighed “I’m going to do just that, I’m covered in sand.” She said almost instantly her maid appeared by her side and they trotted off Rarity fully intending to bathe and pamper herself so she felt and looked her best. As the ponies parted ways Twilight looked around, standing by the door waiting Patiently for an order, was Misty midnight. With refreshed determination Twilight trotted over and smiled “Hello again, uh… would you, like to walk in the gardens?” she asked awkwardly, when she made friends they generally came to her, so holding out the hoof of friendship was a little awkward. Mist bowed her head “If you wish My lady.” She said formally, Twilight huffed out a frustrated breath, she wasn’t going to make this easy was she? “No I mean do you want to? Or maybe come with me into the city or… I don’t… know…” she mumbled, If this was Ponyville she could list off all sort of things for them to do but this was a new place she didn’t know anything to do as friends. Mist seemed surprised by the offer, glancing around to be sure they were alone she seemed to relax a fraction as if she been tense before. “You’re guardian would not like you spending time with me.” He said, her polite and formal tone had dropped again. Her accent was lovely but she was detached. Strangely… she almost reminded twilight of Princess Celestia. She couldn’t put her hoof on why, something in the way she talked… even formally as a maid, was somehow…. Bigger, heavier? Gah, she didn’t know. “Discord isn’t my Guardian, he’s my friend. He was just confused that’s all.” She said hoping that might put Mist at ease. And that discord wasn’t around to hear her say that. He might not be to pleased. “I don’t believe so… but…” she trailed off seeming thoughtful before sighing resigned “If you wish… there is a nice quiet place I know where we can sit. You must be tired after your trek, crossing the dune can be tiring to those not used to it.” She said her expression had softened slightly with, concern? Maybe. “Yes that would be nice.” Twilight said eager to agree to just about anything to convince Mist she really wanted to spend time with her. Misty Midnight sighed, the best way to handle this was to just spend the afternoon with the pony and be done with it… She was the princess of friendship, she could try and feel satisfied she’d done her duty, then Misty could move on. As they walked Twilight looked around fascinated, she couldn’t get enough of the beautiful architecture, or the exotic smells. Soft fabrics hung over open windows, fluttering gently in the afternoon breeze, letting in enough light to see, but offering shade, preventing the worst of the heat. Eventually the ponies went outside into a different part of the garden. Cantering through Mist didn’t wait to see if twilight kept up. she pushed through plants and flowers carefully disappearing among the green. Twilight followed, gasping softly as she emerged from the thick brush in a small overgrown private garden. “How beautiful.” She exclaimed. Unlike the rigidly kept order of the rest of the garden, her plants had run free and wild. Flowered vines draped across branches, dappled green light shone through the leave providing a comfortable shade. Spilling from a Phoenix sculpture clear water fell into a basin lined with precious gems that sparkled beneath the water. “What is this place?” twilight asked settling across from misty taking in the rich smell of flowers. “This was once the private garden of the first Queen of this land. I believe desert Rose told you of our history? When the kings wife passed, he had her garden sealed away, he couldn’t bear to think of her. I stumbled across it as a Filly and often come here when I have private time.” She said smiling faintly she shifted pulling off her veil and hood shaking out her Mane. “There is little that belongs to only me, so, while I have it, I enjoy the peace of this small garden.” She said gently. Twilight reached a hoof out “Why not ask The king to let you keep it? Obviously no one uses it why not ask for it? He seems very friendly.” She said gently Misty smiled “No, I’m sure he would should I ask it of him. We may be servants but he has always treated us well. All of us who work in the palace where orphaned. We are taken in and given an education and training as servants, we can either get jobs in the palace or out in the city. Some even leave, move on to different lands to build lives for themselves.” She explained, Twilight nodded “That’s a wonderful idea, providing education and work.” She said :But I still don’t understand why won’t you ask him for the garden then?” she asked. Misty sighed softly looking at the fountain. “I don’t know when I will have to leave it. I’d rather enjoy it, be happy with the time I have, then to ask for more.” At this twilight fell silent, it was weird, twilight didn’t get the feeling Misty was talking about leaving the palace. ----------------------------------------- There are many different types of chaos, Why Hurt somepony, when you can have fun instead? With all that power, I’d rather make it rain chocolate, then hurt anypony. Discord frowned floating round the ceiling when twilight returned. The purple princess gasped to find the entire room upside down with seemingly no thought to gravity, as if it was all glued to the ceiling. Even the curtains seemed to ‘hang’ upwards “Discord what did you do?” she asked looking around stunned looking over the ‘remodel’ “Oh calm down here…” he snapped his fingers and all was back to normal, well, except for his own bed which he had brought back now evening was falling. “Are you ok? You’ve been so good about that.” She said concerned, Discord scowled “I’m fine I just , I don’t like knowing there is something I don’t know and can’t find out.” He said frustrated his ear twitched and he looked over as Twilight toyed with her covers before hopping into bed. “What did you do all afternoon?” he asked curiously “Pinkie came up to find me and said you’d been given the afternoon to rest for the festivities tomarrow… Should I give them a little something?” he asked with a smile tapping the tips of his fingers together “Discord.” Twilight said slowly before chuckling and shaking her head “No that’s fine, Please don’t I’m still not fully aware of the traditions of the area, if anything is added or taken away it could be considered a bad omen.” She said honestly, Discord sigh falling up aginst his mattress “oh you ponies.” He said then realized he’d sidetracked himself, and twilight, unlike useual, hadn’t redirected him. “Where were you this afternoon?” he asked again seeping the purple pony stiffen she shifted “I was… talking, I had a quiet afternoon just… chatting.” She said settling down her back to him. Knowing she was evading discord poofed beside her. “Chatting with who?” but he didn’t need her to say, he could smell it on her, that Pony, the servant assigned to her, the splinter in his mind that wouldn’t go away. “I told you she’s dangerous. Twilight I made a mistake trusting Tirek but I need you to trust me, there is something wrong about that Mare. We are friends, you saved me, let me do the same. I might not know what it is but something is wrong.” He insisted, Twilight pushed herself up with a growl “I don’t think so.” She declared finnaly before flopping down on the mattress with a sigh discord fell silent watching her. Being friends was hard, much harder then he had expected. He’d really grown to care about these ponies. They had wormed their way in, with their soft marshmellow selves, had filled the gaps in his life he hadn’t know… or rather accepted, he had. “I just…” twilight started hesitating, trying to find a way to voice what she felt. “I just don’t feel like she’s dangerous. When we spoke this afternoon she was relaxed and more at ease, probably because I didn’t out her the other day when we saw her in the desert. We sat in the garden and talked about all sort of things. but… Even though she smiled. It was empty. She spoke of many things, but, nothing about herself. As if she didn’t exsist I don’t know, she just seems more Lonely that evil.” She admitted weakly. “I did learn she’s an orphan. She works as a servant in the palace because the king takes orphans in so they aren’t on the street. She openly admitted many leave to lead lives out side of the palace or even saddle Arabia, but she didn’t show any interest. And…” Twilight hesitated looking away Discord found her hesitance strange “And what?” he prompted, maybe something Twilight had observed would trigger his own thoughts and knowledge, he found Ponies seemed naturally more Empathetic then his own breed. “And, I think, she expects to die soon…” she said finally shaking her head “It’s not that she came right out and said it but just, I don’t know the way she spoke about certain things.” she sighed resting her head on her hooves “What was worse about it all is how resigned she was to it, as if it’s expected… But, why? She’s not sick or anything, why should she be so resigned and expectant of death!” she moved so fast pounding her hooves into the pillow her venmenc making discord jump surprised by her sudden outburst. “I couldn’t tell you, We’ll just have to wait and see, but, if she does anything to hurt anyof you I can’t promiose not to hurt her back.” He said firmly twilight looked up, not sure if she should warn him off or feel touched by the offer and his protectiveness of her and the others. In the end she chose touched, he meant well. “Thank you Discord, I’m going to get some sleep now, the celebrations start early and it would be rude to fal asleep during them. Goodnight.” She said settling down to sleep, the lights went out but rather then heading to his bed discord went over to the window, looking out he could see the dark figure of the servant moving amoung the plants again. She did it every night, wandering in the garden aimeless. And he watched wondering why. Part of him hoped she’d sing again. Part of him hoped he could figure out what it was that made him hate her so. He’d never actively hated anyone, oh yes he’d teased Celestia and Luna Mercylessly but that was all part of the fun. So why, why did this one Mare, make him so angery. Her life would be a blink of an eye, and if twilight was right then it would be over all the sooner apparently. Good riddance then. There was nothing to worry about after she was dead. ---------------------------------- As they had been told, the celebrations started very early. The sun had barely risen when music rang out, cheering and wild happy singing filled the air. Heading down into the fray of celebrations Twilight and her friends got to see first hand, Just what Desert Rose had meant by needing their stamina, almost immediately the ponies where swept into a huge dance. Though they didn’t know the words they joined in the singing and the laughter. The feast was a spectacle to behold and sitting on a platform overlooking the feast Where the bride and groom a white shroud covering their heads so they couldn’t see. “The shroud is to symbolize the struggles of life. They sit there listening to everyone having fun and smelling the wonderful food. They weather this together, This is so that they may understand That hard times will come but they can weather them together.” Spring Shade explained to the Ponies as they sat for the feast. “After they are joined then they may take part in the festivities, this is so that they know that no matter how hard things are, good things will come as well.” Pinkie pie smiled “Wow that’s such a cool idea!” she exclaimed enthusiastically. “It is quiet romantic don’t you think Apple Jack?” Rarity said with a sigh AJ frowned “I guess, seems kind of excessive to me.” She muttered her nose wrinkling, Spring Shade laughed “Not all weddings are this big, you have to remember this is the wedding of our king of course the whole city is celebrating.” She chuckled, Rainbowdash surprisingly agreed with Spring Shade “Yeah Loosen up and enjoy the Party AJ, at least you’re not doing all the cooking.” She said with a laugh bighting into something then blanching at the gritty taste. “I think I just ate sand…” This drew laughter from the group which led flowingly into more enjoyment. The festivities never seemed to end, the whole day passed in food and fun, dancing and talking, stories shared and Tales told. Lunch was light leading into a slightly more subdued afternoon, but as evening fell the Party Picked up anew with a huge feast boasting delicacies from all over the land. And still the king and his bride sat in their place on the platform still shrouded Everyone made time to give the two their best wishes but not once was the shroud lifted, and the two ponies only partook of water and flat bread. “Wow their pretty dedicated huh?” Rainbowdash said Impressed, she knew herself well enough to know she’d get antsy after less than three minutes, let alone a whole day! The party went on longer well into the night, and, twilight was told, would proceed into the next day when the actual ceremony would take place. Exhausted she eventually gave in returning to her room to sleep, but not before once more wishing the couple congratulations and explain she simply couldn’t stay up any longer, Golden Dune and Desert rose where both very understanding as they wished her good night. Settling into bed to sleep Twilight had only the faintest wondering thought of where Discord might be before slipping into sleep. ------------------------------- Taking part in the celebrations was easy enough for the Lord of chaos, Disquising himself as a pony was one of his easiest skills. With a rish brown coat black mane and a grey gotee and brows he was just another pony at the party. He was drawn into conversation and dance. He had to admit these Saddle Arabians sure knew how to throw a party, this was certainly more exciting then those Silly Galas Celestia had every years, all somber and boring. This was noise and light and fun, laughter and strangly ordered chaos in the most wonderful way! Though as night grew darker and revelers entered the main hall to continue their celebrations He noticed one pony out of place, again in the gardens, Misty Midnight slipped through the greenery and away from the Party. Determined to find out more about this Pony Celestia wanted so badly Discord followed keeping in Pony form just incase. Galloping along the hall he followed alongside the dark figure as she galloped through the garden. Leaping through an opening he landed ahead of her track drawing her up short. “You’re in a hurry.” He commented cantering around her. Mist Shifted watching him as he made his circle. They where quiet aways from the party, there was no risk of being seen, only music could be heard echoing through the gardens. Tossing her head the hood fell away. “Only to get away from you.” She said her tone was cold but her eyes where blank, not holding the anger they should have for such words. “I’m sorry sir the Party is back that way Guests are not permitted in the portion of the garden.” She said briskly pushing past him. He moved the larger body of the stallion shoving hers against a tree “Not so fast, what did you do to Twilight.” He demanded, Mist struggled but didn’t have the strength to push him off. “I did nothing, she insisted on spending time with me, I thought it better to give her what she wanted and end it.” She snapped looking away “I understand, you don’t want any harm to come to your friend. Don’t worry, Friends of mine are never the ones hurt, You should know.” She snapped, he stared at her shocked. She used his surprise to push him off galloping ahead, but again he appeared before her, his head lowerd, horn pointing at her glowing with magic and looking wickedly sharp. “What do you mean I should know?” he demanded. She knew him, but how, how could she, and why would he know about her? Too much, he hated it, the secrecy. “It doesn’t matter, you’ll forget again anyway you’re better off not knowing the answers at all… some part of you must remember because you know to be weary of me.” She said tears welling to her horror. “You appearing here is just another punishment.” She shot at him, despite him not remembering she did, the pain was raw inside and she lashed out knowing, but not caring that he wouldn’t understand. “Punishment for what? So you are dangerous, a criminal Pony? Is that the chaos around you?!” he demanded advancing forward, Even as he did she took a step back robs flying off as large wing spread out feathers fluffed her own head down ready to challenge him “A criminal Pony? What a joke, no criminal would be punished this way, You would never understand!” she countered snorting her hoof pawing at the ground ready to charge, the two stared each other down, but, to discord surprise her wings drooped and she sank to the floor her head down weeping. “Do it then, just do it… end this as well, but it won’t stop.” She crying softly discord stepped forward slowly looking down at her “What?” he questioned quietly, as her miserable face lifted to look at him “Spear me, kill me, watch me die if it’ll make you happy, but it won’t end anything, the instant my body takes it’s final painful breath I will move to the next. So unless you plan to slaughter every newborn baby the exact moment they are born for the rest of eternity it will never end! I would never wish that on anyone to lose their children just because I’m tired.” She stood Tail flicking “You are lord of chaos, but, only one part, one aspect of true chaos. Yours is a fun chaos. One that brings a strange reality of the bizarre and abnormal. But there are other who rule a harder cruller chaos. They would kill you without a blink.” She said sighing she closed her eyes. “And they, with their great pride, lay down punishments that never end, for monsters like me.” > Changing Hooves > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deep in the back of a dark cave a Mare panted regaining her breath after having given birth to her second child. Twins, a beautiful blessing, Next to her, the stallion who had sired her children and with whom she’d built a home, cradled the first child, a son, who gave strong lusty wails of new birth. The parents nuzzled even as the midwife returned hesitantly carrying the bundle no doubt containing the second child… the bundle was still and silent. Fearful the mare tried to stand “My baby?!” she demanded when her partners hoof kept her down to rest. The midwife said nothing, cantering over and settling the small bundle between the two ponies. With a delicate move of his hoof the stallion uncovered the child, his questioning worry turning to an enraged scowl. Confused the mare pulled away the cloth and gasped. Laying curled up small and weak was a dark coated Pegasus. The Mare shook her head stunned, this could not be possible, two light coated earth ponies could not create a dark coated Pegasus! It simply did not happen! “You have betrayed me?!” the stallion demanded angrily, she shook her head desperate “No my love, never, I do not know what this thing is, it is not ours, it is not mine nor yours!” she insisted the midwife stood by nervously the stallion settled the son with his mother then loomed over the small bundle “If the creature is not yours then it should be destroyed.” He said simply, lifting his large hoof, but before he could strike the midwife rushed forward “No! If you do not wish this child, I will take it but do not kill it, bringing death to the birth room will bring illness to mother and child.” She said folding the cloth over the baby and plucking up the bundle stepping back “I will take this away, it will be forgotten.” She said nodding to the mare “She will need rest, Mind your wife and child, do not worry for this creature.” She assured. Once the stallion settled the Midwife turned and galloped out her hold careful on the bundle. ---------------------------- Chapter four Changing Hooves Twilight woke with a start, confused by the odd jumbled of images that had made up the most bizarre dream she’d ever had she was sure. Crawling off the bed She brushed out her hair and washed her face. Seeing Discord on his bed, surprisingly normal on the floor face down on the mattress he slept, his snoring a dark almost dragon like growl that ended in a strange whistle. Assuming he’d taken part in the party Twilight shuffled over quietly pulling up the covers so he’d be warm before slipping quietly from the room. Waiting by the door Misty looked over inclining her head gently “celebrations continue your highness the Ceremony will take place at noon, Once it has been done then the second half of the celebrations shall start, at this point the King and his bride will join in the festivities.” She explained “This is where it’s most important you remain in attendance, so if you wish to nap before lunch to ensure absolutely you can stay awake as long as possible inform me and I will make your excuses, Your friends will be ok but as the royal representative your attendance is most valuable.” Twilight nodded shifting her wings fluttering nervously “Uh right no pressure or anything…” she mumbled drawing to her surprise the first little chuckle from Mist. “You needed worry you will not be required to do anything, You presented the gifts the other day and Your friends being here is Your gift to the bride so You have no obligations, simply enjoy yourself, your friends have been.” She assured gently. The celebrations Twilight walked into where just as fun and loud as they had been the day before Not surprisingly Pinkie Pie was still partying up a storm, more then happy to take part in dancing and singing and laughter. She seemed to have attracted a crowd of admirers with her boundless energy. Rarity was awake and sitting with a few more subdued ponies holding what seemed like a very intense discussion. Apple Jack and Fluttershy where at one of the tables eating and talking quietly, while Rainbowdash was surprisingly nowhere to be seen. “Good morning.” Twilight said taking a seat on Apple Jacks other side. Receiving morning greetings from her two friends she nodded towards Pinkie. “She’s going to want to do two day long parties back home now.” Twilight said with a wealth of fondness for the energetic pony. Apple Jack chuckled. “Probably, that’s if we get her home, if this is tradition here she might wanna stay.” She joked “How did you sleep last night? I know my rooms quite a ways away from the party so it wasn’t to loud for me what about you?” Twilight asked “I slept well, my rooms pretty far away to, probably so the noise doesn’t upset the animals.” Fluttershy said with a smile shifting to move her mane from out of her face “A couple of the peacocks shed some older tail feathers, they said I could take them home with me, their very beautiful it was so kind of them…” she said softly pleased by the gift while Apple Jack shrugged “I slept ok, I’m used to the noise of the farm so it wasn’t too bad, though from what I can tell Rainbowdash tried keeping pace with Pinkie, that’s why she’s not up yet.” She said Twilight laughed “Well she’s always been competitive but even she should have known no pony out parties pinkie pie.” She said the three ponys laughing lightly as they enjoyed their breakfast. She felt a lot better after having slept. Taking part in the festivities. Eventually Rainbow joined them refreshed and ready. Shortly before lunch Rarity commandeered them dragging the others off to her room. “This is a royal wedding! We all must look our best!” she said firmly practically lassoing Dash and AJ to get them to her room. Each gown suited each pony, subdued and elegant rarity glowed with pride at having crafted outfits that wouldn’t overwhelm the beauty of the bride. They returned just in time for the start of the ceremony. It was beautiful, traditional music and song where soothing As the shroud was removed from the two ponies they turned to face each other. Sunlight glittered on the gems Rarity had added to Desert roses gown making some of the mares sigh enviously. Twilight didn’t understand the language the vows where made in but she didn’t need to to understand the meaning behind them. The look in the eyes of the couple was clear, they where pledging their love and life to each other. It was beautiful to see. She heard a sniffle and glanced over, rarity was dabbing at her eyes discreetly she smiled despite her tears. Returning her attention to the front as the couple began to sing. Their words mixing with that of the songstress as she began to sing again soon all ponies began to sing The Mane six doing their best to keep up. Once the song ended the cloth hanging above them fell spilling the beautiful white flowers they had collected across the couple to shouts of congratulations and well wishes. As if waiting for that signal, the party restarted. If the ponies of Ponyville had thought the party before had been intense that was nothing compared to the burst of celebration now that the couple where officially wed. With food and laughter and song The party was wild. Even pinkie seemed a little overwhelmed… well for the first few seconds. After that she jumped in with eager abandon, Seeming to pull her party Canon out of nowhere she let it blast to shouts of encouragement from the attendees as bright balloons and colorful streamers filled the room, the party spilling out into the gardens and the halls. As more ponies seemed to fill the palace to celebrate. As the party went one Desert Rose and Golden Dune made their way over to Twilight, who had sat after dancing for a while, catching her breath, she smiled to them noting just how happy they looked. Inside she felt a brief pang of longing, a partner of her own… love… “It was a beautiful ceremony and you both look so happy.” Twilight said with a smile. Desert Rose nodded leaning against Golden Dune a moment nuzzling him gently. The stallion smiled. “Desert Rose has told me she wishes to grant you and your friends each a seed, as a sign of your friendship as her gift to you.” He said Twilight nodded “Yes, it’s an incredibly generous gift we’re all very happy to receive it.” She said warmly. The king nodded regally accepting twilights thanks with dignity. “The friendship of you and the princesses has always been valued by us, as such I as well wish to grant you and your friends a gift for coming to celebrate this joyous occasion.” He said “ask me a boon and if it is within my power I shall grant it to you.” He said. It was on the tip of twilights tongue to turn down the offer, what could she ask for from a king, they had been so generous already! Then it hit her… the perfect thing. Perhaps this had been Princess Celestias intention all along. Seeming to understand her expression Golden Dune smiled “You have thought of something?” he questioned gently prompting. Twilight nodded blushing faintly. “Well… yes, if I may.” She started nervously Golden Dune smiled. “Anything, Your continued friendship is of great value to us, and the joy you have brought Desert Rose these last few days is a gift beyond measure.” He assured. With that Twilight nodded, well no hurt in trying right? “Then… I ask, May I take Misty midnight, The maid you granted me… back home?” she asked carefully. When a look of surprise crossed Golden Dunes face twilight barreled on “She’s been so very useful and kind, having her available made me realize I have no one to help me at my own palace, because of my duties I’ve had no time to arrange that sort of thing I could use such a competent aide.” She explained quickly, it wasn’t a lie, she didn’t have any staff at the castle at the moment. “Well, it’s certainly an unusual request…” The king said thoughtfully before finally nodding “But it is as you say she is quiet capable, and perhaps she may be happier moving on…” he said musingly twilight smiled as he nodded “Alright then, For your friendship, I grant you Misty Midnight. I will inform her after the celebrations.” He said twilight smiled bowing deeply “Thank you your highness Her home will be a happy one with me, your sign of friendship will never be forgotten.” She said formally. Standing she smiled at Desert Rose who nodded proudly, approving of Twilights formality her eyes twinkling with pride. “If you will excuse us, We must attend our other guests and of course grant the others each their own gift.” He said Twilight nodded as the royal couple moved off into the crowd. “Easier then you expected?” At discords voice twilight jumped, looking around for the Draconoques all she saw was a dark maned stallion, with a goatee. “Discord? I didn’t know you could, well … look like that.” She said amazing he huffed a breath “Looking like a pony is hardly difficult. It makes it easier to watch and be involved without ponies going all gaga.” He said rolling his eyes then he grinned “It’s more fun for me to, getting to mingle and observe without trouble. Watching from afar has its merits but being involved is much more enjoyable, especially if I get a chance to add… just a little chaos.” He said, there was a puff and groans. Looking over twilight frowned as Pinkie pie examined her Party canon which seemed to have stopped working. “Discord?” she said drawing his name out questioningly “Just a little fun, no harm.” He assured as with another puff the canon blasted chocolate and cotton candy coating pinkie and some of the closest onlookers. There was an instant of shocked silence before gleeful shrieks erupted, Pinkie looking particularly excited, obviously knowing where the sweets had come from “Woohoo Party on!” she declared too much enthusiasm. It was that joy that kept twilight from chastising the lord of chaos “Harmless fun, fair enough.” She conceded, discord grinned before nodding to the couple in the throng of revelers. “Offering you a gift was a lucky shot. You might not have convinced him for her otherwise, but I stand by what I said… I think she’s a danger, despite how you two where … I spoke with her last night, The Pony is strange, she knows things about chaos that she shouldn’t and dared me to kill her.” He said snorting annoyed there was more to it, but until he understood it he wouldn’t bring it up to Twilight… perhaps if he spoke with celestia on their return… He could always just go there now but, something held him back, not that he felt this strange Pegasus might hurt his friend in the brief time he’d be gone. No he just… didn’t feel like he needed to go and ask yet. It was strange. That’s what put him off about the whole situation. Just how strange it was. As lord of chaos, well, nothing should be strange to him. For him chaos was the ordinary and the expected. He knew it as well as a mother knew her babe, so why didn’t he understand this? The two went their separate ways to enjoy the party which lasted two more days after the ceremony. By the end of it all even pinkie pie was exhausted collapsing almost the instant they reached the train. “I will miss you very much, you will come visit right?” Desert rose said hugging the ponies as they stood on the platform. Twilight nodded “Absolutely, This has been absolutely wonderful, I’ll write often as well.” She assured, Rarity grinned she had extra bags bursting with all sorts of gems and fabrics, exotic feathers, ribbons and antique hoof weaved lace. “The gifts are just so generous please thank Golden dune again for me darling.” Rarity said delighted as she hugged Desert rose in turn. Each pony expressed gratitude for their gifts. Apple Jack had been given many different spices and plants to grow her own. Fluttershy, Peacock eggs to raise as her own, Rainbowdash had spent a day training with the saddle Arabian flight team and had been given an honorary pin, and pinkie pie had been given many pastry recipes to try at sugar cube corner. Every pony was happy… except Misty midnight, who stood by silently, hidden by her veils her quiet eyes watching them before looking back at her home. She knew not to get attached, things where so fleeting… but… this had been so wonderful. Yes she’d been an orphan raised as a servant, but she’d had a home, a warm bed and food. So many times she had not had even that. “Misty Midnight?” She looked up startled surprised that desert rose had approached her “I feel this journey will be a good step in your life. When twilight sparkle asked to bring you to her home… well… I will be sad to see you leave, you have been loyal and hard working. While others have taken advantage of the offer to travel and move on, you stayed loyal to us and Saddle Arabia. We love you as one of our own, but staying in one place, is to stagnate.” She said gently tipping up Mistys chin gently “Maybe, when you get there you will find that that is where you wish to be, or, maybe, after a while, you will wish to return. But, You will never know either way without trying.” Misty met her queens eyes and finally nodded “I understand your highness… I… I am surprised at myself. I had not realized how dear to me this place had become.” She said softly. Desert rose nodded. “It is not until we are gone, that we realize what we are left behind.” She said softly gently kissing either side of Mistys cheeks “Go now, and see what the world holds for you, and if your path brings you back here, you will be welcomed home.” She assured. Feeling bolstered by the words Misty Midnight nodded and, moving on impulse hugged the mare in an unusual show of emotion. Stepping onto the train she looked nervously at the ponies who watched her, Twilight smiled “Everyone, this is misty Midnight.” She said warmly. The girls greeted her warmly, and Misty, in a small secret place, felt warmth. Far away from thoughts of punishment. She enjoyed the few seconds of friendship and welcome. -------------------------------------- Trees and rolling grassy hills flashed by, inspiring a sense of nostalgia as Misty Midnight watched the window. Rainbow dash and Apple Jack had fallen asleep with Pinkie pie while Rarity Organized her gemstones and Fluttershy gently nurtured the eggs she’d been given and admired the colorful feathers she’d gotten from the birds. “It hasn’t changed so much….” She mumbled absently to herself, drawing Twilights attention away from her book “Hmm? Did you say something?” she asked Misty shook her head “Ah no, don’t mind me please.” She said sighing “It’s quiet beautiful.” She said after a moment shivering “hehe and colder.” She said slipping the veils off her face she sighed “It’s nice in some ways, hard in others.” She said finally Twilight nodded “Yes, it feels colder to me to after spending so long in such a hot place like a desert, but you’ll get used to it soon, it’s summer time so the days are pretty warm, you’ll be eased into winter through fall.” She said gently “Yes, I must admit, I’m a little excited to see snow, Even in winter we’re to far south for snow.” Misty explained Twilight nodded “It is nice, as winter comes just let me know when it gets to cold, Rarity always has a wonderful collection of winter wear we’ll help you find something comfortable.” Twilight said warmly “That’s… kind of you…” Misty said softly glancing back out the window, her shoulders slumping slightly. Twilight shifted “Misty… are you alright? You seem…” “Oh we’re home!” Pinkies exclamation startled everyone waking Apple Jack and Rainbow dash as she sprang up like a spring and rushed to the window “Ooooh Look look look everyone’s here to meet us!” she said excitedly as they passed into Ponyville Misty shifted nervously tucking back a bit, Noticing her nerves Twilight nodded reassuringly “Why don’t you stay on the train a moment while we greet everyone.” She offered Misty nodding quickly in agreement. As the train drew to a stop the ponies exited to much fanfare, and to Twilights surprise, a selection of the celestial guard and “F-Flash? What are you doing here?” she asked surprised blushing as she saw the armored stallion. He was so cute… not just that, it seemed the people of the other world where the same as their ponyville counterparts, meaning that the kindness of Flash back at Canterlot high, was the same kindness of The guard before her. “Princess Celestia has sent some of us to guard your Palace until you can set up a guard of your own, I’ll be in charge so if you need anything just let me know.” He said blushing faintly himself. When he’d initially heard that Celestia intended to Send a guard to Twilight he had worked hard to be noticed to earn a position on the team, but, to earn the commanding position! It was an honor and meant he could see Twilight Sparkle far more often. She seemed to glow in his eyes, her mane swept up off her long slim neck the feathers of her wings fluffed slightly in surprise. She was… beautiful. “Hey Flash!” Both ponies jumped as Pinkie Pie burst in between them “so you’re going to be staying here for a while? Awesome you can come check out sugar Cube corner, you’ll love it I got lots of recipes while we were gone!” she exclaimed. Twilight chuckled turning to the others, eagerly sharing their stories with family and friends. Assured the crowd had dissipated some Twilight headed back to the train to find Misty Midnight, who was still sitting where she’d been left shifting nervously from hoof to hoof. “You can come out, a lot of ponies have left now.” She said, Nodding Misty stood plucking up her small bag and followed Twilight Sparkle out of the train car. While Ponies went off with their families, Twilight and Misty Midnight made their way to the castle with the new guard flanked by soldiers on both sides Made Misty nervous. “Well, here we are.” Twilight said as the beautiful Crystaline structure showed itself as they crested the rise of a hill. “I was living in the Library, but During the battle with Tirek It was destroyed.” He said her voice hitching slightly. Misty looked over “You loved your home.” She said quietly. Twilight nodded” I really did… it’s surprising now to think of it, when I first got here I felt so resentful. I was princess celestias student, I had studies, magic to learn, why was she sending me here of all places?” Twilight smiled. “Now, I’d rather be here with my friends then anyplace else.” She said with a sigh as they entered “This is my home now, not just this castle but ponyville. I’ll always love Canterlot, but, not as much as Ponyville.” She admitted sheepishly, Misty found herself charmed by Twilight sparkles sheepish honesty nodding agreeably “That’s fine, I think it’s wonderful that you’re so happy.” She said Yawning she flushed “I’m sorry, I’m quiet sleepy, It’s been a long journey and I’m unaccustomed to such travel, may I sleep?” she asked, Twilight sparkle nodded “Oh yes absolutely here let me show you to an open room, uh, nothing really set up, so just think of it as temporary until we can arrange something you’ll like.” She said trotting along, there was a spring in her step that Misty midnight assumed came from more than just being back home, and probably involved the Orange Stallion guard who had walked on her side on the way to the castle. There had been sparks there, a romantic dynamic that While Misty had given up on for herself. She still admired and envied in a small way. “Don’t feel like you have to go to any trouble, just a room and a bed and a hot meal I’ll be happy.” She assured twilight shook her head “No, Look Misty, You’re not here just as a servant or a maid, I want us to be friends. I want you to have a nice room you can think of as home.” She said firmly before sighing. “I’m new, at approaching this on my own. All my friends, they all came to me first, I had no idea how to start a friendship or how to really… do this. But I know I want us to be friends, I know that, I want you to be happy here, not sad, or isolated.” She said Leaving Misty speechless. “I….I….” the dark colored mare couldn’t think of what to say, how to respond to such honest feelings. She held herself back, but at each turn Twilight Sparkle kept sticking into her weak spots. Her shyness, her friendliness her vulnerability. Mist sighed, This must be what an older sister felt. Looking at the princess Misty wanted to be her friend, to share with her and laugh with her and her friends. To be part of a tight knit group. “You don’t need to say anything now, settle and rest, there’s no rush ok? We’ll take things at your pace.” Twilight said finally pushing open a door to a small but pretty room “I hope this will suit for now.” She said gesturing “My room is right down the hall if you need anything ok? We’ll probably have dinner later, I’m tired myself but I need to see spike and see how things have been while I was one, so just relax, I’ll send someone to get you when it’s time to eat ok?” Twilight asked with a smile, Undone, Misty smiled and nodded stepping into the room, she set her bag on the bed and pulled of her cloak looking around, it was a very pretty room, climbing up onto the bed she sighed flexing her wings. She didn’t dare forget her punishment but… but it was difficult to remember, when faced with such kindness… but, the nicer twilight was to her, the tenser Misty became, waiting for the hoof to drop and tragedy to strike, a honed and wicked blade, aimed always for her heart. > Chaos Potential > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Her stomach hurt. That was the one thing she knew, a constant knowing painful hunger. She only managed to sate it occasionally, there wasn’t enough food for anyone, what little there was was given to the weak and infirm. The way her wings where, she qualified, crippled as she was, but, how could she take food when others needed it. She accepted her rations, and then gave them to others. She ate a little every so often, but she always made sure the foals where fed. Now as she lay in the darkness of the night, too weak to move or call out for help she found she couldn’t regret her decision. She’d been conned yes, but not by all of them. Yes there where Ponies out there who took advantage of others, Yes, she’d fallen afoul to one, and shortly would pay the price with her life. However, there were many others who weren’t like that, who had truly needed help. She would not be the first to starve, and as death came to collect, her emaciated body was only one of many that would soon be collected and buried far away an unmarked mass grave. In the years to come, negotiations with the Pegasus would finally bring a mutual peace, rain would return and crops and grass would grow fresh and healthy, the famine would end. Too late for many. Chapter 5 Chaos Potential Evening fell and As Twilight Stepped into the dining room of the castle she smiled at Misty who glanced around curious, but nervous. Everyone else was already there chattering amongst one another, to twilight quiet delight Flash Sentry stood head of guard closest to the head of the table where she sat. “Misty Darling, what do you think of the castle?” Rarity asked the quiet Pegasus, Misty smiled taking a seat as Twilight took hers “O-oh it’s, lovely, very different from home, but just as… mmm… bright, it’s hard to explain, it has the same feel to it?” she managed, Rarity nodded and Apple jack smiled “Yeah a welcome feeling?” she suggested Misty nodded “Yes that’s it, it’s pleasant.” She said glancing at Twilight nervously, She wasn’t sure how to approach this, she’d never been in this sort of situation. After a while she’d learned it was easier to stay away from other ponies, but, strangely there was something comforting being with the six that surrounded her. “Girls, Part of the reason I invited you to dinner, other than a chance to get to know our new friend misty, but also to let you know that Princess Celestia will be coming tomorrow.” Twilight explained drawing mixed reactions from the ponies around her. “Why is Celestia coming here, I thought we were going to go see her?” Pinkie Pie asked curiously Twilight Shrugged “I’m not sure, I got her letter through spike a little while ago, She did mention the trip must have been tiring, so Maybe she wants to come to us so we’re not traveling again right after coming home.” She suggested thoughtfully “That’s very considerate of her, Celestia always thinks of us.” Rarity said delighted. The meal passed with small talk and laughter, important things where passed over as the mares simply enjoyed being home. Misty answered questions when asked but didn’t volunteer much information. They didn’t learn much more then twilight had the afternoon they had spent in the small garden. Misty was an orphan raised in the palace, she’d had no close friends and preferred it that way. She’d chosen to stay at the palace in saddle Arabia for no other reason then there was nowhere else she particularly wanted to be. And she couldn’t fly. “Wow, I can’t even imagine what that would be like.” Rainbowdash said running a hoof down her own feathers. Flying was her life, not just her joy but a deep part of her, as important as breathing the idea of not being able to fly, it made her shiver. “Is there any reason why? Where you hurt?” Fluttershy asked softly worried Misty paused before shifting it was weird having other ponies worry about her in such a way. “I was born this way.” she said finally, there was a reason, but there was no need to discuss it with these ponies. Her wings shifted fluttering on her back the feathers fluffing out the dark blue plumage was soft and clean. “They move and stretch, so at least they are not immobile, I don’t mind so much.” She said “They are pretty and soft, so even if I can’t fly I’m happy with them.” She assured, offering a rare genuine smile. So often her eyes seemed flat and dead even when she smiled, but occasionally the grey warmed molten silver with deep feeling. “On that note, I’m rather exhausted, I have never traveled so far and am still sleepy, do you mind if I retire?” Misty asked looking to twilight, her request very much a maid to her mistress, Twilight figured Misty needed time to get around to the idea that she didn’t need to be so formal. She nodded her, and the others, wishing the dark pegasus a good night. As the door closed and the sound of her hooves faded the fruit at the center of the table shivered, rolling together to take the shape of Discord. “Phew, I didn’t think I’d get a chance to talk to you all without her around.” He said dramatically as the fruit fell away revealing his proper form. “What a mean thing to say Discord, She seems like a very lonely Pony.” Fluttershy said falling quiet as Twilight shook her head, in an unusual show of support for discords words. “Have you figured anything out?” Twilight asked him he’d been determined to find something, it was easy to reason that he had only come back because he had discovered something crucial. Discord nodded Twilight was quick, now they were friends he often found himself approving of her quick mind, and understanding just why Celestia had picked the pony to be her student. “I have, actually she gave me the clue, probably not realizing. The reason I’m unnerved around her is because she is surrounded by chaos.” He said simply, Pinkie frowned “I don’t get it, you’re the lord of chaos, why would that bother you?” she asked confused. Discord grinned “Quiet right Pinkie but, think about it, I am a lord of chaos this way.” with a snap of his fingers chocolate rain fell on Pinkie pie who squealed with delight. “My chaos is fun, admittedly you may not all see the fun in it, but while I enjoy chaos it’s not out of a desire to hurt Anypony. My chaos is all for my own enjoyment and entertainment. I’m not malicious or harmful this way, More thoughtless, and you showed me that.” He said, the Ponies smiling at his honest sentiment touched to have made that difference in his life. “But, There’s more to chaos then upside down houses and chocolate rain.” He began sitting in the air her crossed on leg over the other and was suddenly garbed in a tweed jacket one might expect of an older professor. “The fact of the matter is there are many types of chaos, and many who have control over these types. While my chaos is harmless, mostly, fun, there is other chaos that not like that. The chaos of a stampede. The chaos of uncontrollable weather, The chaos of a monster like Tirek or Sombra.” He explained. The ponies falling silent, even Pinkie pie realizing the seriousness of what he was saying fell silent. “I don’t know how, I don’t know why, but at some point your new friend Misty, has gone afoul of another chaos lord, one who doesn’t think of fun.” He said simply “The chaos surrounding Misty Midnight is, simply, a chaos, of total cruelty and malice. This is the kind of chaos that causes famine, the kind that kills slowly.” The very idea of it had the ponies exchanging fearful looks they had never faced Such violence. “But that seems like a lot. I mean, not even you could do that sort of thing Discord.” Apple Jack reasoned “Causing droughts and killin’ ponies and that sort of thing. That would take a lot of powerful magic I might not be a unicorn, but even I know that much.” “That’s true as well AJ, any normal Pony would never gain that kind of power, remember even Tirek struggled and even after he stole the powers of even all the alicorns he was beaten by something bigger, what granted you power.” He explained. Twilight frowned, she wasn’t sure Tirek hadn’t killed any pony… none of their enemies had, Yes Nightmare moons endless night would have caused problems but they had beaten her. Then again she hadn’t been what Discord was inferring, hadn’t had the power. “What Misty has done… has earned the wrath of a God.” Discord said quietly Later that evening Sitting on the balcony of her room twilight watched the moon Hooves on the rail her chin resting on them as she watched the silvery glow, the stars twinkling around it. The night was just as beautiful here as it had been in Saddle Arabia. The sounds where different but the feel was the same, soft calm and quiet. She’d never really thought about it before but it was pretty nice. “Thank you Twilight Sparkle, It is unusual to see you out at night.” The voice was firm and regal, but Princess Luna had learned well to lower her tone. The princess of the night stood on the other end of the Balcony watching the new princess in her contemplation. “Does something disturb you?” she asked, Twilight sighed stepping away from the rail “Maybe, I just. Me and my friends returned from Saddle Arabia today, it was wonderful, we made a lot of new friends. One even came back with us.” She said hedging Princess Luna stepped forward gently nuzzling the younger pony “You may confide in me, I may not be You teacher as My sister was, but I shall do my best to ease your worries.” She said gently Twilight smiled nodding The fact was she felt like she could confide in Luna, perhaps it was because Luna had known deeper struggles, Yes Celestia had made mistakes, but she’d never delved into darker places. “You know that Discord is with us now, He came with us to Saddle Arabia, to help me Identify something Princess Celestia wanted me to bring back with me, that something I thought was a treasure like a jewel, but it was a Pony. Now, Discord has told us that She’s surrounded by ‘the chaos of Cruelty’ and is cursed by a god.” She said softly looking down it was so confusing, so hard to wrap her head around! Luna stepped back giving twilight her space as she tried to think. Luna herself had to admit, it was an interesting situation it was rare to hear of gods spoken here. “A god hmm? I don’t know, I can’t tell you much, as I don’t know much about it. I do know there where powers here before me and my sister, strong creatures lived on this planet, not just Ponies either. Some of these creatures became so strong they , well sister once said they transcended existence.” She said thoughtfully seeing twilights confused expression she sighed frowning, how could she properly describe it? “The night you became a princess, it wasn’t just earning a crown, Your power, your magic Expanded so beyond what a unicorn body could naturally handle that you became an Alicorn.” Luna explained “It was the same with Cadence.” She said shifting lifting a hoof “From what me and my sister do know of this world, an Alicorn is the peak of evolution for ponies whose magical core expand past it’s natural potential. However Celestia and I were born Alicorn, given time, it’s possible we could evolve in the same way, and that would be transcending.” She said hoping that made sense. “Now take that a step further, Even when I became nightmare Moon, I remained and alicorn, though the fight with my sister weakened me, had I somehow won, and gained in power, and reached that point of evolution, It would have been an evil power, not a good one.” “It’s reasonable that if creatures who possessed good power could transcend like this, then Creatures of Evil could as well. It’s possible a creature like that, could be considered a god, But if that is the case, and they have transcended then why would such a powerful creature bother with cursing a single pony?” Luna reasoned finally, Twilight looked up smiling “That’s true I suppose…” she said Luna smiled “I’m not saying your new friend is not special, but you are all special in your own way. Perhaps my sister merely wanted to meet this pony for some special reason, maybe she knows her somehow I don’t know, I was in the moon of course.” Luna explained softly, glad to have eased Twilights mind. Stepping back she looked up at her beloved moon and smiled softly “My sister will be coming to see you, she has already told me so. Be at ease Twilight Sparkle tell her of your worries and she will reassure you, of that I am certain.” She said gently wings flapping as she leaped off the balcony soaring through the air her dark main flowing with stardust. “Sleep well young Twilight, rest and be at ease, leave worries for tomorrows dawn.” She said granting the new princess gentle dreams for the evening to ease her mind. Twilight watched long after the princess of the night vanished among the stars, a yawn drew her from her thoughts and she turned heading for bed, yes, rest. Princess Luna had made a very good point, Why would a god, any god Bother with one single pony. If this creature was as powerful as Discord seemed to think, why on earth focus on one pony and not a bunch? Ah yes, She felt a lot better now, when she had the chance she’d look through the books Celestia had given her and see if she could find anything more about ‘gods’ While Luna and Twilight spoke, the guest they spoke about stood at her window looking up at the sky, it was beautiful here as well. That was what she loved, no matter where, no matter when, the night sky was a constant. Alone she wondered why Princess Celestia would come to see her. She turned away from the window trotting across the room. No one long lived should be able to remember her, that was one condition of the punishment, as soon as the incarnation died all who knew her, forgot her. Yes, that was true, those who knew her forgot her when she died, He had after all, She smiled faintly, there was no reason to think she was the reason the princess of the sun was coming here. It was egotistical and vain to think she was the reason… More than that, it was a hopeless dream. To think she could be remembered, what foolishness.