• Published 1st Mar 2015
  • 2,250 Views, 17 Comments

Anything but Normal - mr. tallyman18

While Sunset mentioned she didn't like flash, she never mentioned anyone else she did like. But how do you describe someone so...Normal?

  • ...

Early to Sunset, Early to Rise

Author's Note:

Well, this was probably one of my hardest to write, worse yet its probably the one I've felt the worst about. No matter how I've done It I don't think I've ever gotten a version I'm completely happy with.
While I don't want to list off all the things that upset me here (I don't want to put any bias in your view of it) I'll say two big things were trying to write a narrated flashback sequence and the fact that, that flashback sequence sorta put Sunset in a position to be all mopey again.

Hopefully though this difficulty is just a speedbump and the next chapter will proceed much more smoothly, until then I hope you read this one and give me your thoughts on it.

PS: probably some grammatical errors, but it's late so my editing will have to wait until morning. If you see any feel free to point them out, it makes it easier.

"And so we all gathered here today to witness the coronation of Equestria's newest Princess! Sunset Shimmer!"

the gathered crowd filled Canterlot castle with thunderous applause, as Sunset Shimmer, the lady of the hour, stood in absolute radiance, her wings majestically unfurled for the whole world to see.

With a light gesture from her hoof the newly crowned princess called for quiet from her subjects, and slowly they all seemed to comply, their vigorous stomping and clapping eventually dying down.

"Let me just say how honored I am to be standing here before you today, not only a princess, but also a changed mare. For I admit, there was a time when I was scrambling in the darkness, searching for power and status without so much as a passing thought for others.
And I might still have been on that dark and resentful path to this day, had it not been for the intervention of Princess Twilight Sparkle...."

She pointed a hoof at a purple alicorn in attendance nearby, who blushed slightly as crowd began to cheer and applaud for her.

" ...The support of my nearest and dearest friends..."

At that a small group of humans, comprised of Pinkie,Rainbow Dash, Rarity,Applejack,and Fluttershy clapped loudly, their tall biped frames clearly visible even as far back as they were situated.

"....And of course, the affection and compassion of my dearly beloved, Norman!"

As Sunset spoke that name, the crowded sea of ponies parted, not that they needed to, for the young human for whom they made way clearly towered over all of them.

He gave a kindly smile as he walked over to the yellow mare, who gratefully returned it as she hovered up to eye level and nuzzled him affectionately, the warm show of affection met with a chorus of "aww's" from the gathered crowd.
Upon completion of the nuzzling, Sunset pulled back and looked into the warm amber eyes of her beloved, framed perfectly by his long, silky, brown hair.


He said briskly, his voice slightly more....."posh" then she remembered.

"Yes, Norman?"

"...Could you Please roll over or something, you're getting drool all over my new coat.."

Sunset snapped awake, quickly realizing that she had fallen asleep in the car and more to the point, was currently drooling on Rarity's shoulder.

She quickly moved away from Rarity's completely fabulous new designer jacket, wiping the drool off of her face and blushing in embarrassment.

"Sorry Rarity, guess i'm just really tired from.."

"Fighting a giant fire breathing lizard to the death with a flaming sword?"

"....yeah, that."

Rarity smiled and gave Sunset a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

"Think nothing of it dear, after all, I'm sure whatever dream you were having about this "Norman" person was certainly worth it."

Her comment earned a light blush from Sunset, as she thought back to the dream, and what humiliating things she might have said out loud had the dream not ended when it did.

Thankfully she didn't have to worry about it for too long as the car slowly pulled up to their destination, The Humble Apple family abode. Which was good, because being packed between Rarity and Applejack for the entire trip had put Sunset in the crossfire of their petty arguments, and truth be told, she wasn't entirely certain she could survive another scuffle at ground zero.

Pinkie Pie slowly pulled the "party van" into the driveway, her face eschewed with a rather uncharacteristic look of concentration. She'd always hated parking uphill, and it was especially difficult with the apple families vehicles already parked beside her.

Finally, after some very careful adjusting, pinkie brought the van to a stop and gave everyone else in the van an affirmative "thumbs up" , a gesture everyone took as a sign to begin piling out of the overcrowded van.

"he he....well if you all don't look like a bunch a wild turkeys on the night before thanksgiving, slow down there whippersnappers there ain't no rush."

came a kindly old voice just next to them, belonging to Granny Smith, who was currently being helped out of her own vehicle by Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle.

Eventually after some struggling, the six managed to escape the vehicle and enter the house. Inside the Crusaders had already begun recounting the events from earlier today at the Soda Club.

"-and then the big scaly monster thing grabbed Berry Punch!"

Squeaked Sweetie Belle to the two silently smiling and nodding adult figures, all the while clenching her fist to represent the creature holding Berry in its claw.

"And the cops were all like! "We have the area surrounded!"

Added scootaloo, who had her index finger and thumb out to form an imaginary "gun" which she pointed at the Sweetie Belle monster.
Suddenly Applebloom joined in, valiantly wielding a rolled up newspaper against the sweetie-beast.

"But then Sunset came outta nowhere and was like "get away from her you..bi-erm....you itch! and then she cut its head clean off! and it was all like bluuurg and she was all like-"

"Hehe...alright youngins ah think that's enough tall tales for one....."

Granny Smith found herself unable to finish, as she took a glance towards the doorway, and, thanks to the ample lighting of the apple family home, saw the state of each of the six girls.

The first was Sunset who's Signature leather jacket was torn in several places, revealing a number of vicious claw-marks she had earned in her battle, and in her hand was a replica broadsword, bought at a nearby pawnshop and currently glowing a dim teal color from it's vorpal enchantment.

Right behind her was an uncharacteristically grumpy looking Pinkie Pie, most likely upset with the many scorch marks on her hair and clothes, along with the tiny ember of flame still present at the tip of her hair curl.

Fluttershy was attending to a nasty looking bruise on Rainbow Dash's abdomen where the creature struck her with its tail.

Applejack fiddled with a makeshift bandage Rarity had applied to her head after the Jabberwocky had backhanded her, hard.

And Finally, Rarity herself seemed to be hiding whatever scarring or bruises she had earned behind a new jacket she'd acquired at some point, which she held tightly over her body.

"Well shut mah mouth an call me a jackalope, what happened to ya'll? an' please tell me why ya ain't at the hospital getting treated for all......THIS!"

Granny demanded as she moved to try and help Sunset over to the coach.

"Well, Applebloom and her friends covered most of it, as for why we're not at the hospital...it's.....well it's partly my fault.."

Sunset looked down guiltily, a painful expression crossing her face, although one couldn't be sure if it wasn't from her various wounds.

"...I, I didn't want to risk the doctors becoming suspicious of me, considering I've got no background, no family, no birth certificate.....and I guess I told the girls about this and..."

"And ah suggested that maybe we could come here and get a check up from the family physician instead."
Applejack interrupted, nervously scratching the back of her head as she was set upon by granny smith's harshest glare.

The Apple Family matriarch mulled over her granddaughter's request, silently considering the ramifications of going along with their little plan. She'd have to schedule an appointment and it was unlikely their physician would be able to come over tonight,she'd have to tell the other girls parents that she was having them over, and she didn't rightly enjoy lying to her neighbor's especially with something like this.
Unfortunately whilst pondering what to do about this situation Granny had made the mistake of looking towards Sunset's face, and was thus greeted by what could only be described as "weaponized puppy eyes".

"Ah suppose ah can schedule an appointment with Zecora tomarrow."

Granny Smith barely had time to react before Sunset clung to her in a spontaneous hug, small Tears forming in her eyes as she blurted out her gratitude.

"Thank you, Thank you, THANK YO-"

Unfortunately, Sunset's Acute sense of self awareness had managed to kick in too late, and only in the midst of her impromptu hug had she realized the awkward situation she had created for herself.

She looked around to the other girls, and while most tried to keep up a good poker face, they were all obviously either trying not to laugh, attempting to suppress the urge to "daaaw" at her, or some kind of combination of the two.

Sunset hastily let go of Applejacks grandmother, immediately straightening out her clothes and clearing out her throat in an ultimately futile attempt to deflect the embarrassment she had just earned.

"T-thank you very much Miss Smith."

"Aw ain't no trouble dear, but, how's about you girls try not ta make a habit a' getting this banged up."


After talking to their parents and assuring them that they were fine and had decided to spend the night at Applejack's, the girls made their way into the kitchen for a quick snack before going upstairs.

While Pinkie, Applejack and Rainbow were busying themselves gathering a bag of chips and some finger sandwiches, Rarity and Fluttershy had both decided to grab a much lighter plate of vegetables and dip.

Sunset meanwhile, looked on passively, her own snack limited to a can of iced tea and a few peanuts.

Applejack looked up from her sandwich to stare quizzically at Sunset and her meager portion of food.

"Is that all yer gonna have? Y'know their's plenty to eat and we sure as heck don't mind."

"No, that's alright Applejack, I'm actually not that hungry right now, I already ate pretty recently at the Soda Club this afternoon."

"Oh? and did you happen to eat in the company of this "Norman" fellow we keep hearing about?"

"W-well yes, but that doesn't mean anything, I was just hungry, so I ordered something to eat while I was talking with Norman about..."
Immediately something "clicked" in Sunset's head causing her to let out a severely agitated groan.

"urgh....dammit, I didn't get a chance to schedule our da-erm...our day off, his day off, with me, not mine of course because I don't really wor-"

Rarity placed her hand upon Sunset's shoulder, inturrupting the unicorn girl in the middle of her long winded explanation.

"Darling please, Just stop, you're not fooling anybody."

"Am I that obvious?"

"Well Sunset, you were saying his name in your sleep, I doubt you dream about just any boy you meet with."

Sunset gave a defeated sigh before helping herself to another handful of peanuts.

"Alright fine, so I've kinda got my eye on a boy, It's not a big deal, at least not compared to the giant lizard monster that we fought."

"Not a big deal! Sunset this could be your soulmate, your one and only, your knight in shining armor!"

"Or he could just be a guy.....A really cute, mature, and well spoken guy, but still just a guy, and you could stop digging into it so much."
In the midst of her arguing Sunset had already begun angrily cramming her snack into her mouth all the while continuing to level a glare at Rarity that told her to drop the subject.

"Y-Yes, dreadfully sorry darling, I didn't it mean to pry."

Sunset's expression softened, and after swallowing her food she gave her fashionista friend a warm smile.

"It's alright Rarity, I know romance tends to be one of your.....Interests, I just, dunno if I wanna get into all the details of my....relationship status, right now."

Rarity nodded in response and for the most part seemed to drop the issue.

Sunset had been able to enjoy the blessed silence for a few more minutes before another voice began to speak up, this time from Rainbow Dash.

"So when exactly did this start?"

The ex-unicorn gave an indignant huff before cramming another handful of food in her mouth and angrily looking away from the rainbow haired athlete, clearly not willing to dignify her question with any kind of response.

Suddenly, a gasp came from across the kitchen.

Everyone's heads swiveled around towards the direction of the sound, only to see Pinkie Pie, having nearly dropped her canned soda in her utter shock.

"Hold on a minute!"

Rainbow sighed as she prepared herself to help get her pink haired friend up to speed.

"You mean you all don't know?"

The eyes of the entire group widened in response to Pinkie's statement, each of them moving slightly closer to hear what their friend had to say.

"Sunny's been crushing on Norman ever since,well......probably forever."

Immediately Sunset began making a cutting motion with her hand at her neck, indicating she wanted Pinkie to drop this particular subject.

"Are you all right Sunny? Y'know you really shouldn't eat those peanuts so fast, you might get one caught in your throat or something."

Before Sunset could finish swallowing the food in her mouth so she could properly reply, Rarity saw her chance and spoke up.

"So, how exactly do you know this darling?"

"Oooh story time! gimmie a sec and i'll tell you!"

Pinkie chirped happily as she rummaged through her hair and eventually pulled out a large, well decorated book.

"It was a many moons ago....and by "many moons" I mean a couple months...."

I had been skipping through the hallways on my merry way to french class, On the way I noticed a guy in an orange jacket and a green hat.
I was about to wave to him when I noticed Sunset Shimmer and her two not-so-friendly friends Snips and Snails coming down the hall.
Thinking fast, I did a super-stealthy tactical roll behind a trash can to avoid their attention.

Herm.....so that wasn't a garbage goblin like I thought.
Thought Sunset as she listened to Pinkie Pie's sordid tale.

Wait, if she was behind that garbage can, then that means she saw.....no, no she couldn't have.
Thick beads of sweat rolled down Sunset's face as she thought of a way to escape this unfortunate situation.

Once I'd gotten behind my super secret hiding spot I peeked out to see if they were gone, Thats when I saw it, snips and snails each had Greenhat-boy by one of his arms, It was like tug a war, except kinda painful looking and....actually everyone involved was probably having more fun then they would in an actual game of tug a war.

"Hello Norman."

Sunset said as she loomed over him like a vulture...

"Uh...did I say vulture? what I meant to say was

Sunset loomed over him like a....uh....canary, yeah a canary,let's go with that. Anyways, after all the looming and dooming she moved in closer to him, smiled and put her hand on his cheek and I was thinking "Awwww, thats so sweet, maybe she's not so bad after all".

And then WHAMMO! she reels back and punches him in the stomach! and I immediately end up taking back all the nice things I was thinking about her.

So there he is sputtering and probably coming close to losing his lunch, or was it before lunch that this happened? no, I definatly had french class after lunch, anyways, Sunset turned to her two baddy-buddies and started bossing them around.

"Give him a couple more, otherwise he might get away"

They didn't look happy about being told to beat up a fellow classmate, but I guess nobody was really happy about the situation, Still, they gave him a few good...or bad from his point of view....punches before Sunset told them to ease up.

"Alright, he should be tired enough, get off him already."

So they let go of him, and he starts trying to walk, but he's all wobbly and shaky like whatever Granny smith has been serving as a side dish for the past week.

"For the last time Pinkie,It was just vegetable Jell-O."
Said applejack crossly,though her indignant rage was somewhat downplayed by Rainbow Dash's snickering.

"Unnatural is what it was, I mean carrots, spinach,broccoli, what has jello done to deserve that? But we're getting sidetracked and i've been told by the school counselor that that's one of my biggiest weaknesses."

Pinkie started looking over the book again to try figure out where she had left off, until she saw Sunset out of the corner of her eye, looking sullen and miserable, her eyes downcast in shame.

The other girls followed Pinkie's gaze, and immediately the entire room had begun to don their own shameful expressions, as they realized how damning the story must have been for her.

Setting her book aside, Pinkie walked over to Sunset and put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"I'm really sorry Sunset, I forgot how "uncomfortable" this story gets, I can stop now if you want."

Sunset looked up at her friends, all of their faces clearly expressing regret for their prying. If she asked them to drop it now they likely would, she'd never have to hear this again, Norman had already forgiven her, she could just continue on with a fresh start, as if none of it had happened.

But it had happened, and someone suffered for it. Despite what Norman said, a part of her knew it couldn't be that easy at the very least he didn't deserve to be swept under the rug like that after all he went through because of her.

"It's fine, go ahead Pinkie."

"Sunset, darling, just remember no matter what goes on in the story, we'll never think less of you."
Said rarity, as she joined Pinkie Pie in comforting the distraught unicorn

"Besides, you saved the day from a bunch of nightmare creatures at least three times already, pretty sure that cancels out anything you might have done."
Added Rainbow Dash
"Heh, I suppose so"
"Alright then, back to the story..."

Well Sunset grabbed the wibbly wobbly boy and swiped his hat, which seemed strange to me at first, I mean it wasn't even her color and I'm pretty sure she'd never been a hat person either.

So she keeps waving it in his face, and just when it looks like Normy is about to get ahold of it she always pulls it away, Norman doesn't seem to happy with this, so he yells for her to give his hat back and calls her a bunch of stuff that I don't wanna repeat in polite company.

She gets mad, madder then I'd ever seen her before and i'd seen her pretty mad back in those days, so that's when she gives him the meanest kick i'd seen since that chorus-line incident at band practice the other week right in the gigglebits.

The entire group, including Sunset, collectively winced.

Of course now he's in lots of pain and stumbling around, so then Sunny grabbed him by the jacket and pulled him towards her.
Right away something smelled rotten in canterlot, first off she doesn't have that queen meanie look on her face while she was doing this, in fact for the most part she looked kinda sad, either about all the super-no-no words he'd called her or the fact that she just kicked him in the fun-parts.

Plus, she held him alot closer and for alot longer than you would expect someone to hold their victim, I mean he was squirming, struggling, saying all sorts of swear words at her and she just kept on holding him and looking vaguely sorry.

But after a while, her friends got bored and started asking if she's done yet,from the surprised look on her face I'm guessing she'd forgotten they were there.

She gives them a big scary glare before telling them that they're free to leave if they're so impatient, which they do, probably because after asking she'd started glaring at them even harder.

So then it was just her and Norman, for the most part, I thought about stepping in, buuuuut I didn't think I had a good enough explanation for why I was watching people from behind garbage cans.

Eventually, after the one-sided cuddling was over she let Norman go, and by that I mean she angrily shoved him away, he on the other hand just spun around and glared at her.

I'm not sure EXACTLY what happened after that, but I think Normie spat on her shoes or something. Needless to say she got kinda mad and grabbed him by the collar, then she raised her fist, like she was about to sock him one and from his flinching I think he assumed it too.
Luckily she lowered her fist back down and let him go.

"A nobody like you isn't worth the hassle, get back to class before I decide to tell the teachers about how you've been spending your time skipping."

I tell you I'd never seen anyone as red in the face as Normie was that day, He looked so angry I thought he was gonna explode! or at least burst into flames or something.

But, he didn't seem to want to get in trouble, and to be honest I don't think he could have actually taken Sunset, I mean didja see that fight with that giant jabberwopper thing? although I guess he wouldn't have seen it since it hadn't happened yet, Unless he's some kind of time traveler or something, that would explain his weird clothes actually.

Speaking of weird clothes, after basically being told to just "deal with it" from Sunset he'd decided to try and grab his hat back from her, but just like before, once he started reaching for it she moved it out of his reach.

"You'll get this back later, if you're a good boy."

They were both really quiet for a while, Sunny was giving a slightly smug smile, while Norman looked like he was trying to glare her into a pile of ashes, eventually he walked off to class in a huff, leaving Sunny all alone.

"Hold on, this doesn't sound like much of an attraction."

Rainbow interrupted, loudly before shoveling a handful of chips into her mouth. The rest of the group mumbled slightly in agreement, none of them really seeing how a story of ball-kicking and hat-stealing was connected to romantic intent.

Pinkie looked over to Sunset, who after mulling it over a little bit, stepped forward, towards the center of the group.

"I think it's best if I finish the story, I want you girls to....understand where I was coming from."
The girls each looked at each other, before nodding in confirmation, inviting her to proceed with her part of the story.

"So, like Pinkie said I was left alone in the hallway, after i'd chased Norman off. Just standing around the empty hallway, eventually I decided to make my way back to my locker. It wasn't too far away, i'd actually only happened upon Norman on my way here."

"I wasn't in too much of a hurry though, especially since the whole affair left a bitter taste in my mouth."

Sunset's voice started to lower, as if she was trying, and failing to reconcile herself.
"Look, what you guys gotta understand is, back then, I was afraid to show weakness to anyone, I'd already climbed so high, and I felt like everyone else was kind of just waiting to push me down."

"On the way to my locker i'd started reflecting, I told myself it had only started as harmless fun, that he could have taken a few swings, that the kick to the groin was his fault for trying to piss me off."

"Even back then I knew that was bullshit, I'd wanted an excuse to get close to him, as much as I hated to admit it I really liked him, everyone else I knew seemed to scramble to find a spot or a role or an image in canterlot high, and Norman for the most part, just seemed content to be a face in the crowd or a shoulder to lean on."

"But unlike him, I needed to keep up appearances, if I was going to keep control of the school, I couldn't be seen going out with, or even being nice to someone like him. Plus, he was with that girlfriend of his, Blueberry Cake. Not that I cared, but it probably didn't help my chances with him."

"It frustrated me, and I started getting angry with him, which was stupid since it wasn't even his fault, but then I guess I was pretty stupid back then."

Sunset chuckled alittle bit, it was interesting how a hindsight worked, she'd spent so much time trying to forget what had happened, and yet here, looking back had already given her so much more insight into her situation.

"So either way, I got to my locker, grabbed my books, looked in the mirror to check my hair all that kinda stuff, and while I'm trying to do all of this I remember I still have Normans hat."

"To be perfectly honest, I've always hated the damned thing. It was puke green, ratty, and looked like something a stoner would wear. At first I'd figured I would just toss the rag in the trash and forget about it, but then I remembered it was Normans and I promised I'd give it back.
But, well, that thought lead me to another thought"

Sunset started to shift nervously as she recalled what she had done, the rest of the group giving her mildly concerned looks as she attempted to continue on.

"Well, that's when I realized that Norman wore it almost all the time, so, it probably.....smelled like him. So I started....kinda....sniffing it."
The entire room went dead silent.

Pinkie Pie was quietly twiddling her thumbs near the counter, her token attempt at occupying herself so as to not say anything that might exacerbate the situation.

Fluttershy was making an effort to hide within her own hair in an attempt to hide her blush while Rarity attempted to comfort her with a pat on the shoulder.

A loud and uncomfortable cough broke through the silence, it's source was Applejack, who after getting everyones attention, went on to speak.

"Ah gotta admit Sugarcube that seems ah might bit....."


Rainbow offered bluntly

"Ah was gonna say Odd"

Applejack responded irritably.

"It's not creepy!"

Sunset shouted defensively, causing both her friends to jump at the sudden outburst.

"I mean....Ponies...or...."Equestrians" have a more developed sense of smell than humans, so we tend to associate people by their smells more often than not."

"OHHHH What do I smell like Sunset?"

Asked Pinkie Pie excitedly.

"A Sugar coma"

Sunset replied flatly.

"So, I guess Pinkie saw yah doin....that and figured out you had a thing for the boy?"

Applejack asked tentatively.

"Well she was also mumbling his name while she did it, she also mentioned something about taking him on a "Pony Ride"."
Near instantly Sunsets face shifted from its usual warm, yellow tinge to a bright and all too obvious shade of red.


Sunsets scolding was quickly drowned out over Rainbows outburst of laughter.

"Bwhahaha, I'm sorry Sunny but that's just too rich, you must really have it for this guy."

The former unicorn mulled over the question briefly. A part of her always felt cheated in not being able to even express her interest in Norman, in having to be his bully rather than his friend or better yet, maybe his partner.

All this time, the past months, this week, tonight, she'd always ended up stewing over some past transgression.
Maybe she did some bad things, but she pushed through it, she kept a stiff upper lip and she got over it, and maybe now....maybe now she was entitled to something nice, maybe she deserved a little chance at love after all was said and done.

"I....I'd like a second chance with him, to show him how I've always felt about him, if he'll forgive me."

"Well, he....already has hasn't he?"

Fluttershy offered curiously

"I mean, you talked to him earlier today didn't you? I just...assumed if he wanted to talk to you, he might, well, be ok with you now."

Briefly, Sunset recalled the interaction, Norman did seem to forgive her at some point, but truth be told, she still felt dissatisfied with his reasoning.

"Yeah, I suppose he did."

"Of course he did Sunset"

Rainbow chimed in as she patted Sunset on the shoulder.

"Like I said you've changed, you saved the day from the Sirens, the windigo's and that nasty jabberwiki thing, you're practically a superhero by now, he probably hasn't asked you out already because he's so star struck, I know, I've had it happen to alot of guys around me."

A light, giggle escaped Sunset, which didn't go completely unnoticed by Rainbow Dash despite her decision to ignore it.

"You really think it'll be that easy Rainbow?"

Sunset asked with mild amusement.

Before the rainbow haired athlete could give a response, Pinkie Pie lept forward and responded for her.

"We'll help you get your studmuffin, right girls?"

"Well, um I don't think i'd discribe it quite like that, but um...."

"We'd be happy to help you darling"

"I dunno if ah'd be much good but I'm here for yah if yah need me"

The former unicorn smiled and blushed happily all the help she'd been offer, each of her friends, with smiles on their faces and warmth in their heart, had reminded her how much life had given her already, namely some great friends that she needed to spend more time with.

"Thanks girls, listen, i'm really glad you want to help, and I'm grateful. But let's not worry about that right now, I've got plenty of time for Norman and we haven't had a good get together like this in a while, tonight should be all for us."

True, she was still planning to try her luck with Norman but that would be later, right now she was planning on drinking over-caffinated drinks, playing video games that would give censorship companies heart attacks, and staying up all night with her friends.
With a slightly over-dramatic flourish Sunset grabbed her fairly lukewarm can of iced tea from the counter top and held it out in front of her.

"Here's to us!"

She said confidently, tilting the top of her can so as to indicate what she wanted them to do.

"Here's to us!"
They repeated happily as they tapped the tops of their own respective sodas/vegetable juices/totally-non-alchoholic ciders to hers.

And with that, the sleep over started in full force, Rainbow elected to start things off with a "Brutal combat 7" tournament, which of course Applejack won despite Rainbow Dash unplugging her controller by "accident". Though Pinkie Pie claims Applejack only won because Fluttershy had forfeit. (Fluttershy of course, declined comment.)

Afterwords, the night proceeded with a peculiar Board-game Pinkie Pie had somehow dug out of the cold depths of the apple families cupboard called "Betrayal at the Twin Sisters Mansion!" Wherein Rainbow Dash had managed to get her revenge on Applejack by commanding her army of superpowered serial killers to dismember Applejacks frail, slightly insane, pocket knife armed, small child character.
Unfortunately Rainbow's victory was short-lived, as her armored, spear wielding warden-possessed Movie star, fell to a round of buckshot fired from Sunset's pump action shotgun, Which caused Rarity to comment that her character was almost as good at monster hunting as Sunset was in real life.

Finally the night winded down to a close as the girls all came off their respective Sugar highs and showed Signs of sleepiness.
Fluttershy had made the Suggestion that they watch a quiet movie together to help them all get to sleep, which all of them gladly agreed to. Rarity had suggested the film they ended up watching, it was an old black and white film that they were all honestly Surprised the apple family even owned (including Applejack herself) called "Casabronco".

The film opened with a somewhat familiar scene, a lively bustling club tended by a cold and distant bartender.
Sunset smirked lightly at the irony, she supposed she couldn't completely dodge her feelings for the rest of the night, the movie continued onward with tales of sinster secret police, brave freedom fighters and lost and bitter lovers even as she found her eyelids growing heavier and heavier.

She gave a quick glance towards the other sleeping bags, their own occupants already showing signs of descending into sleep with their various yawns and half lidded eyes.
Immediately after she gave her own yawn, indicating she too was succumbing to sleep. She would finish watching the movie later, she decided.

As she settled into her sleeping bag, and let the slow piano music lull her closer and closer to dreamland, she found her thoughts drifting back to her own soft spoken bartender.

I wonder what he's thinking about right now.

And with that, the ember haired girl concluded her weird, wild, and wonderful day, and drifted off to sleep.