• Published 1st Mar 2015
  • 2,250 Views, 17 Comments

Anything but Normal - mr. tallyman18

While Sunset mentioned she didn't like flash, she never mentioned anyone else she did like. But how do you describe someone so...Normal?

  • ...

A regular magical unicorn crush

Of course he wouldn't just be out in the front of the school, that'd be too bucking convenient wouldn't it.

Sunset shimmer grumbled as she paced nervously down the halls of Canterlot high, each click and clack of her large black boots grating more and more on her already frazzled nerves as she continued to search for the object of both her affection, and frustration, silently reassuring herself as she pressed on.

Alright Sunset, you can do this, all you have to do is find him and ask him out. Sure, you've bullied him for as long as you've been attending this school, turned into a rampaging she demon, tried to enslave him, and magically mutate him to send him out on a path of destruction against an innocent race; but he's not gonna dwell on that, right?

After numerous instances of looking through classrooms and lockers, and finding naught but the occasional drunk teacher and instances of student and staff engaging in some "after school extra credit"(She subsequently made a mental note never to touch the ruler in Miss. Harshwhinny's class, ever) Sunset eventually found who she was looking for.

He was young, though only slightly younger that she was. With light peach skin, chocolate brown hair, and a figure that could be generously described as "lanky" and more likely would be described as "stick figure".

His wardrobe was somewhere between a very well off hobo and a very poor swinger, featuring a prominent green beanie cap sat atop his head, and garishly bright, orange jacket, draped over his slender frame.

Currently he was leaning against a locker, discussing something with Berry Punch, whom Sunset admittedly only knew for her striking visual similarity to Miss Cheerlie as well as her admirable devotion to her little sister, Ruby Pinch.

"So, you'll be okay to host Ruby's party Norman? y'know I'll be happy to help with any of the preparations, balloons, banners, cupcakes, whatever."

Berry asked, all the while rather testily attempting to shove a wrapped box tied up with a bow into her backpack, presumably a gift for the aforementioned party.

"Norman" simply smiled and gave a light shake of his head in response, clearly finding amusement in Berry's frustration.

"Chloe, and Cherry are both setting everything up as we speak Berry. We put up the decorations, I've got the catering order all ready, and we even booked alittle entertainment for it, trust me, you're in good hands."

Sunset smiled at the exchange, It always warmed her heart to see the students of Canterlot High looking out for each other, it was a sign of old wounds healing and perhaps a chance at undoing all the damage she had caused.

"Oh you're a lifesaver Norman, Mom and I thought we were out of luck when the skating rink canceled on us the other day. Without you, we never would have come up with something in time."

Finally after a bit more struggling with her backpack,Berry finished packing her gift and continued her conversation with Norman.

"Well if all thats done I guess all that's left to get is the birthday girl, I'll bring her by at around two if thats alright."

"That's fine, I'll see you there."

Berry gave Norman a quick smile and wave before heading down the hall towards sunset, whom, if she'd seen she gave no acknowledgement towards as she scampered along towards the exit. Not that Sunset would have minded at all, as she was currently in the process of pondering the conversation she'd just listened to.

Unfortunately Sunset hadn't been aware that the party berry was discussing was today, This development would likely put a damper on her plans, as it would have kept her, already admittedly busy crush occupied for the rest of the day.
She certainly didn't mind rescheduling her proposed "date", but she couldn't really figure out a time on the spot, and she doubted Norman would have the time to discuss it with her as he was probably already needed back at his workplace to get everything in place for the aforementioned party.

Still, she traversed half the school, consequently seeing horrors no teenage unicorn girl was ever meant to behold, it'd feel like a waste if she didn't even attempt to ask, and the worst he could do was say no.

Well no, actually there were a number of much harsher things he probably could have said besides "no", Sunset knew that all too well in her experience at Canterlot high after the fall formal event. Still, she'd heard it all before, and it didn't hold her back then either.
Tentatively,almost apologetically, Sunset shuffled towards Norman, who seemed to be currently occupied by mobile device of some sort, tapping and scrolling on the little touch-screen device with a rather contemplative expression on his face.

"Hey Norman whats u-"

Norman's amber colored pupils, which were still locked on the device, shrunk with fear at the sound of the Unicorn girl's voice.

In that instant countless scenarios of terror and humiliation flooded into his mind, and in a moment of pure reflexive instinct, he immediately scrambled into the familiar safety of his locker.

Sunset winced at the harsh sound of the locker door slamming, a sound she used to revel in back when she'd torment Norman just to hold up her "bad girl" image.

I suppose can't really blame him for wanting nothing to do with me after the way I treated him, oh well, maybe I can go over to sugar cube corner and drown my sorrows in a nice, big, bucket of deep fried-


Ventured a rather timid Norman from inside the locker, interrupting Sunset in her most depressing thoughts.

"Yeah, it's me, you alright Norman?"

Sunset heard a dry chuckle come from behind the locker door in response.

"Well, I've been a little stressed at work lately, I've gone through a rather hard breakup recently, haven't had the best grades this year....oh and what was that other thing? ah yes, i'm currently stuck in a tiny green box."

Sunset chuckled slightly, such a joke would have probably not gotten the same reaction had it been told by anyone else, which was mostly because very few people she knew could put such amusing dispassion and smarm in their voice. It was the kind of tone he often used at the front desk of his family's soda shop to repeatedly drone out to his somewhat slower customers that, no, refills were in fact not free for some beverage items and that they could in fact, not sit around and buy absolutely nothing just so they could use the free wifi or watch the television.

"Alright, spare me you're life story, I'll get you outta there."

Sunset teased as she took hold of the combination lock and began turning it to the proper position, guided not by the sequence of numbers, but rather by pure muscle memory born from the many times she'd needed to dig Norman out of his locker to intimidate and bully him at her leisure.

It wasn't a particularly nice thing to recall, she admitted, but it did thankfully give her the skill needed to remove her crush from his current predicament.

Which he wouldn't be in if I hadn't treated him like crap. So, I guess there's one trot forward and two trots back.

Once she aligned the lock's pointer with the final number on the wheel she'd heard the distinctive "click" of the bolt unlatching, and swung open the door.
Inside was a slightly rattled Norman, who flinched a little at her silhouette, but otherwise looked fine.Eventually, after a brief pause of uncertainty from both parties he finally spoke up.


He stated plainly, his voice retaining it's neutral tone though with a measured degree of appreciation and the ghost of a smile present his face.

" You're welcome."

she replied, offering a tender smile and outstretched hand, both of which he accepted gratefully.
As she helped him out of the locker and back out into the hall; She took a moment to appreciate the feel of his hand, which, while somewhat rough and a little callous in places, had "well worn" feeling that she quite enjoyed.

Unfortunately, a dry and awkward cough interrupted her thoughts, to which she looked over and saw Norman, casting a quizzical eyebrow and an expression of suspicion before looking down at her hand, still clasped onto his.
She immediately jerked her own hand away from his as if she'd just touched a burning kettle. With a slight blush she looked back up at him and began to hastily apologize.

"S-sorry, I uh....just wanted to make sure you wouldn't lose your footing."

Norman simply smirked at the young unicorn girl's antics, and with a small amount of amusement evident in his voice, replied.

"S'okay, anyways what did you need?"

Sunset blinked in confusion for a moment before remembering that before all these shenanigans she'd actually had a point to approaching Norman.

"Oh right, well I was just gonna ask you, if you're not too busy maybe we could go hang out? maybe catch a movie or watch something on TV?"

She ventured hopefully as Norman frowned slightly in response, though sunset could tell it wasn't quite an angry or upset frown as much as a contemplative one.

"Unfortunately "too busy" is probably most of what i'm going to be today."

She expected as much, but at the same time was at least glad to have seen it through this far.

"Thats fine, maybe another time then."

Before she could turn around and walk off, Norman spoke up again.

"Actually, why don't you come by the shop today, then maybe on my break we can discuss a time that works for both of us."


She agreed enthusiastically, internally berating herself for such a transparent outburst; which thankfully seemed to go unnoticed.

"Alright, glad to hear it."

And with that, the boy began a brisk run towards the exit,hurrying to get over to his workplace and prepare.
Sunset stood patiently in place for a few moments, until she was completely sure Norman was out of both visual and auditory range, before giving a loud and triumphant "Squee" and jumping into the air.

"Well, someone's certainly excited."

A soft voice commented coyly, causing sunset to freeze in midair with horror, before dropping down and hastily trying to look casual.

"C-Counselor Cadance!"

she identified the voice, as belonging to the school's Counselor, a rather young member of staff who had recently married the chief of police. Currently she was propped beside an open classroom door, regarding the flustered student with look of mild amusement.

"So....how long have you been standing the-"

"The whole time."

Sunset frowned harshly at the teacher, a vibrant red blush slowly spreading across her face. Both of which earned a kindly, somewhat sympathetic chuckle from the counselor before she continued on.

"Seem's cupids arrow found its mark, wouldn't you say Sunset? Y'know if you need any advice, my door is always open to you."

Sunset's frown lifted somewhat in response, her eyes shifting away from the staff member as she gave the offer some thought. She didn't really know Cadance personally and to be fairly honest, the older woman's interest in her personal life was a little off putting to her; sure she was the school counselor,but it still seemed a little too forward and random for Sunset's tastes.

"With all due respect Miss Cadance, I don't think this is the kinda thing i'd like to discuss with school staff, In fact if you could do me a favor and keep this whole thing from getting out i'd appreciate it."

"Of course, and you know if you ever change your mind, i'm here for you."

Sunset smiled and gave a nod of agreement before thanking Cadance and making her exit, the same way Norman and Berry made theirs, subsequently contemplating if there was anything she'd actually wanted to see at the theater this week as she made her way out.

Cadance waited until she was certain Sunset had left before carefully pulling out a pink cell phone and dialing up a familiar number.

"Hello, who is this?"

came the voice of a young man on the other end.

"It's me Flash, Cadance"

"Ah, Miss Cadance, you need me for something ma'm?"

"As a matter of fact I do have something I need you for, my number one assistant. How would you like to help me play matchmaker?"

Author's Note:

alright decided to take another stab at writing after my last computer (and subsequently my last fanfic) bit the dust, this time it's a little push for a pairing i'd seen popping up in a few places that i'd adopted as my OTP, Normsun!