• Published 25th Mar 2015
  • 224 Views, 2 Comments

Guardians of the Neighborhood - IvyBower101

Two fillies explore their neighborhood.

  • ...

We Get Sidetracked Frequently

Graceful Tale wandered sluggishly into the kitchen to get her breakfast. Her mom looked up from cooking eggs on their gas stove.

"Graceful before you eat I have something for you."

Graceful gave her a confused look.

"What is it?"

She asked curiously.

" A letter arrived for you this morning."

Graceful looked even more confused, then it dawned on her.

"Oh ya, Radiant Light said she was going to mail me an invitation today for a play date."

Grabbing the letter her mom gave her, Graceful scarfed down her breakfast and bolted into her room. Once inside she took the letter and opened it. Inside was Radiant's invitation for a play date that day.

You are invited to Radiant Light's house for a play date,

Please come at 1:30,

We will be celebrating finishing dissecting frogs

Clutching the invitation, Graceful ran out into the hall to see the clock. Breathing a sigh of relief, Graceful went back to her room to get ready.

It was only 12:00 so she had plenty of time. She set the invitation down on her vanity before entering the bathroom. Sniffing herself, Graceful decided she needed a shower. Running the water until it was hot but not scalding, Graceful climbed in with a happy sigh. She sat in the water for a few minutes before reaching for her soap. Rubbing herself down, Graceful couldn't help but notice she always smelled like daisies after she washed.

"Hmm must be the soap."

She thought absentmindedly while she rinsed. Stepping out of the shower she wrapped a towel around her middle and her mane. Graceful slowly rubbed herself down saving her wings for last. Carefully raising one wing after another, she dried then down one feather at a time. Finishing she combed out her mane until it looked presentable. Graceful walked out of the bathroom trailed by a cloud of steam. Checking to make sure she looked good in her vanity, Graceful went into the hall. seeing the clock see nearly shrieked! It 1:15! She only had fifteen minutes! Galloping into the kitchen she skidded to a stop in front of her mother.

"Mom! I have to go! I'll be in a few hours!"

Graceful said already heading for the door.

"Alright take care."

Her mother said as Graceful galloped through the door. Luckily, Radiant's house was only a few minutes away. Graceful galloped halfway before slowing down. Trotting the rest of the way, Graceful gasped for breath. Thankfully she arrived at Radiant's house in only a few minutes.

Walking careful up to the stoop, Graceful knocked on the door. Within a few minutes, Graceful heard the sound of hoof falls coming to the door. Radiant opened the door with a wide smile.

"Hey there, your just on time."

Radiant said happily. Graceful smiled hugely and stepped inside.

"Thanks I try to be."

Graceful said while she followed Radiant upstairs to her room.Radiant practically bounced her way up the stairs.

" I have to show you you the cat i'm babysitting he's so cute."

Radiant said as they made their way to her room. Radiant opened her bedroom door and let Graceful in.

"Ta Da!"

Radiant said proudly pointing to the kitty in a bed.


Graceful went over and petted the gray spotted cat.

"He's soo cute!"

Graceful exclaimed cooing at the sweet kitty. Radiant handed her a kitty toy and Graceful ran around the room with the kitty tailing her for a few minutes. Radiant and Graceful giggled so hard the fell on the bed to catch their breath.

"Okay, enough of that or we'll die of lack of oxygen."

Radiant said wheezing. Graceful nodded in agreement.

"Hey I know."

Radiant said sitting up suddenly.

"You've never been to the art room right?"

Radiant asked Graceful quizzically. Graceful shook her head.

"Nope never."

Graceful replied. Radiant clapped her hooves in excitement and hauled Graceful off the bed.

"Well than lets go see it."

Radiant said pulling Graceful downstairs and into a room of to the side of the living room. Inside were boxes of art supplies and piles of books scattered here and there. Graceful whistled under her breath at some of the paintings sitting tilted against the wall.

"Hmm what should we make."

Radiant said tapping her chin thoughtfully and sitting on the couch squeezed against the far wall.

"Oh I know!"

Graceful replied her eyes shiny. She quickly grabbed the supplies she needed.

"What ya doing?"

Radiant asked.

"Making a race track for the kitty, but I need another box."

Graceful said regretfully.

"Oh not worry we have plenty more in the shed."

Radiant replied.


Graceful exclaimed. Radiant turned and led Graceful out of the art room to the shed. The shed was connected to the house by a heavy door and had a large door that opened to the outside. Radiant opened the door and led Graceful inside. The inside of the shed was littered with all sorts of odds and ends. From boxes to swings and balls to scooters. They looked for a box but before they could find one something caught Graceful's eye. A bright red scooter was set in the far corner of the shed. Curiosity overtook her and she went over to ride it. Graceful tried to get it started but she kept falling over. Radiant caught on to Graceful after a few minutes. Chuckling Radiant came over and showed Graceful how to ride the scooter. But no matter how hard she tried Graceful could not ride the scooter! Shaking her head Radiant went over to the large door that led outside.

"Why don't we go outside and try it."

Radiant said pulling up the big door. Graceful nodded and came over. Radiant took the scooter and demonstrated how to ride the scooter. After a few minutes there original purpose for being there was forgotten.

"Hey you know what Graceful I should take you to the Three Cities."

Graceful looked over too her with a confused look.

"What's the Three Cities?"

Graceful asked.

"Oh there three pieces of land that no one owns."

Radiant answered.


Graceful replied.

"So do you want to see them?"

Radiant asked.


Graceful answered. Leading them out of the shed Radiant mounted the scooter and Graceful flew after her as they went to the Three Cities. They soon reached the first city.

"This is Manehatten."

Radiant said when Graceful asked the name.


Graceful answered while surveying the city. To anypony else Manehattan was a small grass lot but to the fillies it was an endless city. The two fillies walked though the city admiring the tall buildings made of steel and concrete. They gasped at the beautiful saddles and horse shoes in the shops dotting the streets. They inhaled the exquisite smells of fresh pastries in the bakeries on every corner shop. They giggled at the dog jumping though hoops and another jumping on it's hind legs.

"This place is amazing!"

Graceful looked at the grand city around her with glittering eyes.

"You're so lucky you can come here every day!"

Graceful exclaimed looking at Radiant with a jealous expression.

"I know! I barely believe my luck sometimes."

The two fillies giggled at each other before sadly exiting the city.

"So where to next?"

Graceful asked Radiant expectidly.

"To city number two of course."

Radiant answered with a big smile.

"Oh what's the cities name?"

Graceful asked barely keeping in her excitement.

"You'll know when we get there."

Radiant smiled mischievously before bounding to her scooter and racing away. Shouting protests between giggles, Graceful soon followed.

Author's Note:

Whew done! Sorry for not posting stuff for so long. I've had lots to do! Hope you like!:pinkiehappy:

Comments ( 2 )

Good Start. I'm lookin' forward for more

There are quite a few punctuation errors, a your/you're error, a couple of formatting issues, and at least one missing word error. ("I'll be in a few hours!" could use a word like "home" or "back" in there.) I strongly recommend finding an editor/proofreader to work with so you can polish this.

That said, it seems cute and looks like it has potential. Keep going, but don't be afraid to have someone help you improve it.

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