• Published 7th May 2012
  • 2,715 Views, 107 Comments

A Hoof In Two Worlds - Raven Smite

Tory's Life is turned around when he is summoned to Equestria. Reposted for a friend of mine.

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War on the Horizon

A Hoof in Two Worlds
‘War on the Horizon’

Taking the first step onto the cobblestone path that led back to Ponyville, Tory felt his face began to hurt. From the moment he picked Fluttershy up, he couldn’t stop grinning. He had his wife back, and this time, he planned to keep her. Nopony or any mythical creature would separate him from her. Looking down at Fluttershy, still in his arms, Tory couldn’t help but kiss her again.

“T-Tory,” Fluttershy giggled playfully. “Q-quit that! That’s the tenth one since we left the castle!”

“Can you blame me?” he asked her, his smile making the golden pegasus blush. Then he lowered his voice, but he kept the grin. “I have you back Fluttershy, how can I not kiss you?”

She wrapped her hooves around Tory’s neck, and put her head on his chest. She let out a content sigh, and he began to stroke her hair. The wind blew gently, and the sun shone brightly. It was almost as though the forces of the universe understood that today was special, and sent its blessing. The group continued into town.

It didn’t take long for three of the ponies in town to notice them. It was The Cutie Mark Crusaders. Rushing over, Tory couldn’t help but laugh at how innocent they were. He was actually a fan of theirs, but of course they had no idea who he was.

“Tory,” Applebloom called out, trotting over and catching him by surprise. So much for not knowing him. “You’re back, yay!”

“…How is it that you three know me?” he asked them, actually interested in what they had to say.

“Cory told us!” Scootaloo said, walking over to the other human. “He’s cool! He told us how you fought Discord single-handedly, and won!”

“What can I say,” Cory asked when Tory looked at him with a gleam in his eyes. “They got me talking, and I couldn’t stop. They wanted a cool story, and well…fighting Discord is pretty big.”

“Oh yeah? What else did you tell these three?”

“Only that you can do ANYTHING!” Sweetie Belle spoke up, looking at him with shining eyes. “Like make all kinds of cool things, and fly, and…”

It was at that moment that she noticed Fluttershy, who simply smiled, her old self forgotten, along with the shyness. The other two Crusaders came over, and cried out in joy, nearly breaking the group’s eardrums. Other ponies nearby heard the commotion and turned to see what was going on. When they noticed Fluttershy, they ran over and began to ask her all sorts of questions.

“Is that really you Fluttershy?” one asked.

“Am I dreaming? If I am, don’t wake me!” another said.

“Oy!” Tory broke in loudly, catching everypony’s attention. “Give her some breathing room, and we’ll explain what happened…That’s better. Now before we begin, let’s go somewhere comfortable, like the fountain. That’s a nice spot to explain things.”

They all walked over to the fountain, attracting more attention. Some ponies on the outside of the group told them what happened, and more began to join them. Soon, a majority of the village was at the town fountain, waiting to hear how Fluttershy came back. Tory managed to get them through the crowd, along with his friends, and they took a seat.

He began by telling them how Rainbow Dash had mysteriously vanished, and that he had tracked her to the Everfree castle. Then Rainbow broke in, taking over from there. She explained that she knew it was the right thing to do, bringing her back. Tory looked at her with slightly hurt eyes, and she turned towards a group behind her to avoid his stare.

She told them how the two had faced all of the trials and fought Discord who had possessed Eric, an old friend of Tory’s. The ponies listened in silence, staring in awe as Rainbow told them of his power, and how he sent the demonic being away.

“I wasn’t really all that good,” Tory broke in.

“He’s just being modest,” Rainbow countered.

The Crusaders came over, tackled him to the ground, and scuffled with him playfully. He pretended to fight back, acting as though he was a monster. Everypony laughed at this. Tory let Scootaloo push him into the water, and in return he splashed her. The four of them played like this for another minute, until Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash pulled the kids off of him.

Fluttershy flew over to Tory, and settled down on his lap. He spawned a towel, and laid it down under her, so she wouldn’t get wet. The Crusaders gasped as he did that. To them, it was like he had just performed the best magic trick. Then Scootaloo walked over.

“Hey Tory,” she began. “How did you get your mark?”

“I don’t think you’ll enjoy that story Scootaloo,” Tory said with a chuckle. “Its kind of emotional, and I know how you are about those kinds of things.”

“But we wanna hear!” Sweetie Belle whined.

“Okay okay!” Tory gave in. “How should I start?”

“How about when you first came to Equestria?” Fluttershy suggested.

Tory nodded, thanking her for the idea. He told them how he wasn’t really from Equestria, or any surrounding regions. He explained that he was from another world, and that Zecora came to him one night with a choice. Obviously, he took it. Then he explained how he came to meet Fluttershy, and how they had spent so much time together. It took Tory about an hour to tell them his story, leading up to when they came back from Earth, and he received his mark when he swore to himself that he’d spend his life protecting her.

The crusaders just listened in silence, even Scootaloo. The orange pegasus took the most interest in the fight with Aaron, and listened intently after that. When he finished, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom sighed happily, enjoying the story.

“I liked the part where you knocked that one guy around without even trying!” Scootaloo said. “Can you teach me those moves you used?”

“Maybe one day,” Tory told her. “But for now, I’d like to spend the day with my friends, and Fluttershy.”

Tory kissed her once more, and the crowd sighed in pleasure. It was great to see them back together again. The ponies began to break apart, going to find their own friends, and talk about the great news with them. Twilight and Cory walked away, knowing that the two lovers would want to be alone. They had their own plans too…nothing like that though!

Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Applejack took the Cutie Mark Crusaders away to play, and Rainbow followed slowly. She cast one last look at Tory, and flew off. He saw what her eyes held: lost love. There was no way things could be the same between them. He sighed once, and shook his head. It was truly heart breaking, but she was the one that had decided to end things. Tory was grateful for that, but he still loved her.

Turning back to Fluttershy, he picked her up, and spread his silver wings. They sparkled in the sunlight, and he kicked off the ground. He soared up to a soft, white cloud, and set Fluttershy down. He pulled another over, and pushed the two pieces together, making a cloud big enough for the two of them.

“When did you get wings?” his lover asked playfully. “Have you been breaking all the natural laws of the universe Tory?”

“No,” he said in a joking defensive tone. “Just the one…two…three…Okay, I broke a good amount of them, but I always put things back to the way they were before. If I summoned something, I dispelled it soon after.”

“I’m just teasing Tory,” Fluttershy laughed. “You’re so cute when you’re like that!”

“Hehehe, not as much as you though.”

The two of them talked on the cloud for a good number of hours, just enjoying their time with the other. They both had some catching up to do, even though Fluttershy had been watching Tory a good amount of the time. The sun was setting when they had realized that they had pretty much spent the entire afternnon talking. Getting up, Tory stretched his wings once more. Fluttershy got up herself, and the two of them flew back to her cottage.

“Home sweet home,” Fluttershy said, opening the door.

Angel bunny came running up to her, and hugged her tightly. She patted him on the head, and called out all of her friends that she hadn’t seen in forever. They crowded around her, the birds sang, and the small creatures jumped on her lovingly.

Tory had forgotten that she kept so many animals in her home. How had they managed to maintain this level of health while she was gone? Looking around, he found a note on the table. The handwriting was quite neat, and it made Tory smile.

I knew you’d bring her back. I’m glad that you two can stay together.
I took the liberty of caring for Angel and them while you were gone.
Your welcome,

Tory put the note down, and came over to his wife. Angel hopped over to him and kicked his shin. Tory didn’t really feel it, but he still had a heart, so he pretended to fall over, and Angel proceeded to jump on him. He squeaked out something, which Tory had never heard him make any noise at all. Working his magic, Tory tuned his ears to understand rabbit. How he managed to succeed, even he is unsure.

“You jerk! Why did you keep her away?!” the bunny yelled at him. “That purple thing was terrible! He didn’t understand what we needed at all! Next time you take Fluttershy away, give us some warning!”

“Okay Angel, I’m sorry.” Tory apologized. “I’ll make sure to do that if it ever happens again.”

Looking pleased, the bunny hopped off of him, and extended a paw. Tory took it in two fingers, and shook it gently. They got up, and walked over to the futon, where Fluttershy had been watching them. As they sat down, Fluttershy wrapped her hooves around Tory, and kissed him on the cheek.

“What a day,” she said. “I think I need to sleep for a week.”

“Oy, don’t make those kinds of threats!” Tory replied. “We don’t want that.”

“Okay, I won’t.” Fluttershy promised in between laughs. “C’mon, let’s go to bed.”

The two lovers walked up to the master bedroom, and crawled under the covers. They cuddled together, and relaxed in each other’s embrace. They slept peacefully that night. It had been one of the best days that Tory had ever experienced…


The next day had been interesting, to say the least. When Fluttershy woke up, she heard a soft sound coming from the back yard. Getting up, she walked over to the window, and saw Tory playing his guitar once more. She opened the window, listening as he sang with the tune. It was the song he had written for her. It sounded just as beautiful to her as the first day she heard it.

When he finished, she glided out of the window over to Tory, and wrapped her hooves around the back of his neck. He looked around, and smiled. He reached behind his head, and tried to grab her, but she moved playfully out of his reach.

“Hey no fair,” Tory complained jokingly. “I can’t reach right there!”

“Oh well,” Fluttershy said teasingly. “I guess you’ll never get my gift to you.”

“But you already gave it to me,” Tory smiled. “You give it to me every time I see your smile.”

She blushed, and he picked that moment to suddenly turn around and hug Fluttershy. She snuggled into his chest, and looked up at him. Her blue eyes showed all of her love for him. Tory looked into them, wishing he could spend forever like that.

“Hiya guys!” came a bubbly voice behind them. Pinkie walked up with Derpy. “What’s going on?”

The two lovers looked at Pinkie with a smile, and then Derpy saw Tory. She flew over to him, and tackled him to the ground, rubbing her head against his chest. Fluttershy huffed in a jealous tone, and Tory laughed at this. Her JEALOUS?

“Hi Derpy, it’s good to see you again,” he said, getting up. “What brings you out here?”

Derpy just looked at him with those amber eyes. She tilted her head in an adorable way, and Tory couldn’t help but smile at how innocent she was. It was like having a second Fluttershy in front of him, just one that was more random.

“Th-Thank you…Tory,” came a soft voice. He stared at Derpy like she had just become an alicorn. The same could be said of Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. “I’m glad…you came here.”

“Whoa…Derpy, you talked!” Tory said in surprise. “That’s amazing!”

“I…Well,” the gray-ish pegasus stammered. “I d-don’t really t-talk much because I’m…really nervous around others…Th-they always made fun of me…But not you! Tory, y-you were so n-nice to me…I was sad wh-when you went away…”

“R-Really?” he asked. “Thanks. I know ponies tend to make fun of you, but that day when we walked to the Everfree forest, I knew that you were nice. It was thanks to you that Fluttershy and Pinkie caught me, and we managed to get together. Thanks for that.”

Derpy blushed, and Tory laughed kindly. Fluttershy began to giggle, and soon Pinkie joined in. The gray-ish pegasus flew off of him, and landed beside Fluttershy. The two exchanged a friendly look, and Tory knew that something…different had passed between them. He felt a shiver run down his spine, and decided to keep things moving.

“I’m glad that we can all be here, in Equestria.” he said. “It’s great being with all of you…But it makes me sad that the others from Earth can’t seem to understand how awesome you girls are.”

“Do you miss them Tory?” Fluttershy asked. “Should we go back again?”

“…I don’t know,” Tory started. “After what happened last time, I think maybe I should just stay here. If I go back, then I gotta explain that note I left, and I’ll have to go back to school…”

“Well this time, you’ve got us!” Pinkie said. “What could go wrong?”

“…Crap!” Tory shouted.

“What’s wrong?” Derpy asked.

“I don’t have a choice now!” he began. “Why Pinkie, why did you have to use that phrase? Now I have to go back AND deal with some unfortunate event!”

“What do you mean Tory?” Fluttershy asked.

“Back on Earth, anyone that used the phrase ‘What could go wrong’ always had something bad happen to them. It’s like a bad luck charm!” he explained. “It’s inevitable!”

Fluttershy flew over to him, and wrapped her hooves around his neck. Tory smiled, and hugged her back. Derpy and Pinkie joined in, making them all collapse on the ground. They laughed for a few seconds before Fluttershy spoke again.

“Well, if it happens, it happens,” she said. “If anything goes wrong, we can still escape back here.”

“…True.” Tory agreed after adopting his thinking pose for a second. “I hadn’t thought about it like that. I guess we can go then.”

“Then we should get over to Zecora’s hut right now! Let‘s go let‘s go let‘s go!!!” Pinkie exclaimed, jumping in the air excitedly.

“Why?” he asked. “Don’t you remember? I can make portals too. I sent Discord to one of the deserts that occupy my world.”

“Oh,” Pinkie said, putting a hoof to her lip in a thinking pose. “Then we should get ALL of the ponies to join us! I’ll go grab everypony!”

“Wait Pinkie, I can’t-” Tory started, but the pink earth pony was already galloping away. He sighed in defeat, and turned back to his friends. “I guess we’ll have to wait for them then.”

He sat down on the warm grass, and looked at his two friends that were still with him. Fluttershy and Derpy came over, and sat beside him, his lover on his right side, and his friend on his left. He stroked Fluttershy’s hair softly, and ruffled Derpy’s playfully. They just sat there and talked until the rest of the group came back.

“So Derpy, is that your real name?” Tory asked her randomly.

“N-No, not really,” the gray-ish pegasus replied. “My original name is Ditzy Doo, b-but after I crashed into a tree one day, m-my eyes changed. First, one pony started calling me Derpy when I tried to adjust and crashed into all sorts of things, and then others did it, and now…”

“I see,” he said, nodding solemnly. Then he snapped his fingers, and looked at her. “If you want, I can try to fix that up for you?”

“C-Can you?” Ditzy asked, a hopeful expression on her face.

“Worth a try,” he told her. “Relax, lay down, and close your eyes.”

Ditzy did as he instructed, and closed her eyes. Tory rubbed his palms together to warm them up, and brought them over the pegasus’ head. He concentrated on the concpet of her eyes returning to their original line of sight. Ditzy moaned in pain as her eyes tried to follow the magic, but she didn’t move. Tory felt the sweat beginning to dot his forehead, but he didn’t remove his hands. He kept the magic running, and squinted when a drop began to run down his face.

Fluttershy noticed this, and wiped off his forehead slowly. He smiled, but didn’t turn away. Tory had to keep his thoughts on reforming Ditzy’s eyes, or he could very well injure the gray-ish pegasus permanently…again. His energy was draining fast, and he wasn’t sure how well he was doing. He forced out a little more, and let his power fade.

Tory fell back, and sighed exhaustedly. Ditzy struggled to her hooves, and opened her eyes. She blinked rapidly, as her pupils readjusted. It looked like Tory had succeeded for a minute, but then her left eye drifted off a bit. It wasn’t as much as it used to be, but it still meant failure.

“Dang it!” Tory said. “I guess I either don’t have enough power yet, or I don’t know enough about the anatomy of ponies and their eyes yet. Honestly, I’m thinking it’s the second one. But I‘m sorry Ditzy, I tried.”

“It’s okay Tory,” she replied with a smile. “I can see a bit clearer now though.”

“…Hey, I just noticed something.” he said suddenly. “Ditzy, your not really mentally challenged are you?”

“N-No,” the pegasus told them. “I wanted everypony to think that…so they wouldn’t bug me about my eyes.”

“It’s okay Ditzy,” Fluttershy said, putting a hoof on her. “They won’t bother you about it now that you’re our friend.”

Tory nodded, and smiled at them. Before he could speak though, Pinkie came bounding back with the rest of the group, Grace, Big Macintosh, Luna, and Celestia behind her. He could only gap at how she managed to convince both of the princesses to come along. Tory wondered if he would be able to keep their secret if they came along.

The moment all of them arrived on Earth, most of these ponies would be humans like Fluttershy had been that one time. Tory had spend many hours trying to figure out why that happened. His only conclusion was that something must’ve mixed with her body and caused a strange reaction that altered her form. His initial theory was that she had breathed in a certain chemical the air contained, and since it was not found in Equestria, Fluttershy’s body rapidly adapted to it, making her a human, save for the wings…Which reminded Tory of something…

“Um, Rarity,” Tory asked the white unicorn. “Is there any chance we can get a massive order in before we head out? When we get there…well you girls won’t have any clothing and…”

“Oh my!” Rarity exclaimed. “You are absolutely right! I must prepare something for all of us!” She turned to Grace, and motioned for her to follow. “I’d best get started on that right away!”

“Um, don’t forget hats for every pony with a horn…That’s four hats.” Tory called out to her. She signaled that she heard, and left with Grace. “Since we have clothing settled, I guess we need to go over all the details. Let’s start with basics, living arrangements.”

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked.

“I can’t put all of you ponies up in my room. I don’t have that much space.” Tory said. “I don’t have any guest rooms, and none of you can really sleep with my dad or brother…ugh.” He felt a shiver run down his spine at the thought. “My brother has a tent that I can put you in, but I still don’t think it’d be large enough for all of you. At most, it could probably fit eight of you ponies.”

“But there are thirteen of us, including you, Grace, and Cory,” Rainbow put in.

“Well,” Tory started, getting into his thinking pose. “What if Cory and Grace take one to their place? That would take care of four right there. And naturally, two would able to stay in my room…That would leave seven left over for the tent. Perfect!”

“But who should Cory and Grace take?” Twilight asked, blushing this time. “I don’t really know if it’d be wise for me to stay at his. The same for Grace and Big Macintosh…”

“Heheheh,” Tory laughed gently. “Good point…What if Cory takes Big Macintosh, and Grace takes whoever? That way, all uncomfortable incidents are left behind.”

“I could see that working,” Celestia said, speaking for the first time. Then a teasing gleam appeared in her eyes. “But what about you and Fluttershy? Do you two plan on sharing a room?”

He blushed, as did Fluttershy. Everypony began to laugh, but in a good way. Tory looked at Rainbow, and saw she wasn’t though. She turned away, and Tory felt sad. He still loved her, but now… Things were different. Feelings remained, but the situation wasn‘t the same.

“Tory” came the small voice of Scootaloo beside him. He looked down and saw that the Crusaders were beside him. They looked at him with those stereotypical puppy eyes that kids used to get what they want. “Can we come too? We promise to not be a bother.”

“Sorry Scoots,” Tory said, unfazed by the look. He got down on one knee so he was eye level with the small pegasus. “I wouldn’t be able to keep you out of trouble since you’re all to young to go to high school….Now that I think about it, Celestia and Luna might not be able to as well, since they’re fully grown.”

“I think me and Luna will be alright on our own,” Celestia said, her sister nodding. “We just have to avoid attracting attention.”

“…Okay then,” Tory said, accepting this. “Me, Twilight, and Fluttershy will go over the rest of the details together. I guess all of you should go prepare a few things to take along, since it’ll be a little while until Rarity finishes those clothes.”

The group broke up, and went their separate ways. Tory saw Rainbow Dash fly off in a rush, and sighed once more. He wanted to talk to her, to say that at least they could be friends. But she always rushed away from him now. Her actions were understandable, but that didn’t mean Tory had to like them. Twilight snapped him out of his musings when she spoke up.

“So, what else is there to worry about?” she asked.

“Public appearance mostly,” Tory explained simply, shaking his head back into reality. “Last time, Fluttershy walked around the school with me, and we kind of drew attention to ourselves. If all of us stick together, for every class, people are gonna start wondering what’s going on.”

“So we should split up?” Fluttershy questioned beside him. “Won’t we all get lost?”

“Not if we separate into groups of three,” Tory told her. “I’m still working out some of the details, but what if Grace, Cory and I take three ponies around each? We’d still draw attention, but not as much as a large group of seven or more.”

“I see where you’re going.” Twilight said. “Then we should get to work on that.”

It took them merely ten minutes to work out what groups would be good. After that, Twilight left and Tory started packing some things. After his return trip, he didn’t really have much left. All he really had was his guitar and whatever he carried with him. It took him all of three minutes to pack up. He chose to load up his backpack with whatever he could make. It ended up carrying a bunch of clothing similar to what Rarity made him.

Now reminded of that, Tory looked at his clothes to see they were completely filthy. He hadn’t had a shower since he’d been back. In fact, Tory’s last shower had been before he left Earth the last time. He estimated that added up to about eleven Equestria days. If his guessing skills were right, then he’d only been gone about a week in Earth time. It seemed like his old world moved at a slightly slower rate, about two thirds of an Equestrian day.

Grabbing a towel, Tory went upstairs to clean up. It wouldn’t do to smell like a pig when he went back. What would his dad think if he did?..Which reminded him that he still had to figure out how to explain the note and why he left.

Turning on the shower, Tory thought about his options. He could tell the truth, but how in the name of Celestia would they believe him? He could lie, but as Luna said yesterday, he was a terrible liar. He could try to ignore the question, but then they’d pester him about it until it came time to leave.

Sighing once, Tory let the hot water run down him. It felt good to brush off all the muck and grime he’d collected over the past week and a half. He let his mind drift around, eventually coming to Rainbow Dash.

Why were things always difficult for him? Yeah, he loved Fluttershy so much, but during the time she was gone, Rainbow had tried to and successfully filled the void. His first love had even said she wanted this. Now that she was back, Rainbow had been dodging him like he had some sort of contagious disease. Tory just couldn’t understand why there always had to be good and bad things at the same time.

“Because it’s the law,” Tory whispered to himself, thinking back to one of his other anime shows. “The Law of Equivalent Exchange states that in order to change one thing, something of equal value must be given…Yeah, that sounds right. My love of Fluttershy, for my love of Rainbow Dash. How detestable!”

Tory slammed his hand into the wall, and let his anger seep out. It wasn’t fair, no matter what was said, or how he looked at it! Things just always seemed to nip him in the bud, and take the fun out of everything! Life had it’s good moments, that was true, but how can one enjoy them when he knows that another must suffer for it?

Turning off the water, he stepped out and began to dry off. Tory wasn’t going to let this get to him. He was going to make things work out, even if he had to put in all of his time! It would suck in the short run, but the long one was what really mattered. If he did things right, he could make both of the girls he loved happy, and he’d finally he happy. Tory smiled at this. He had no idea what he would do, but he knew that a chance would present itself soon. It always did in the MLP show, so it should work for him, right?…Right?

Putting on a clean pair of light blue pants and another silver shirt, Tory opened the door into the hallway to find Fluttershy waiting for him. She held a small breakfast on her hooves, and Tory smiled at her. He walked down the stairs beside her, and sat down on the futon. Handing him the plate, Fluttershy flew back into the kitchen.

Tory dug in right away, starting with the eggs. He had to admit, Fluttershy was a great cook. Maybe he should learn how she does it so he could do something nice for her one day after everything was settled? It wouldn’t be right to rely on her for everything like food and lodging. Tory had to haul his own weight around Ponyville, and the best way to do that was learning something practical, or at least getting a job that earned a steady pay. If he could manage that, then he’d be set.

Finishing up the eggs, Tory turned towards the kitchen to clean up his mess. That was something he had a talent for actually. He had decent organization skills, and was able to clean up pretty well. The only reason he didn’t was because he was lazy as hell, but since he came to Equestria, Tory had definitely become more active. He could always help around the cottage when he wasn’t working. You know, take care of things when Fluttershy was out making her rounds to the animals that had homes.

“Tory, can you help me with something?” Fluttershy called from the kitchen closet. “I need a hand with this large bag of feed.”

“No problem,” he said, coming over. He placed one hand under the bag and another around it. He hauled it up onto his shoulder, and carried it outside, where Fluttershy asked him to drop it. Dusting off his hands, Tory smiled at his wife, and she smiled back. At least he could help her with a few things.

Shaking his heads clear of these busy thoughts, Tory looked up at the sky, where it was a bright and beautiful day out. He smiled and felt the urge to just fly about and forget his worries. Is this what Rainbow felt whenever she flew about the skies? Tory turned to Fluttershy, and grinned.

“Hey Beautiful, wanna go for a fly around the town?” Tory asked, calling out to his lover. “It seems too good a day to not go flying, and we won’t get a chance once we’re on Earth.”

“Sure,” Fluttershy said, blushing at the nickname. She spread her golden wings, and took of into the sky.

Tory couldn’t help but laugh at her enthusiasm. She was so different now than she had been when he first met her. It was almost like her personality had pulled a 360*! The only thing that hadn’t changed was her voice, her beautiful soft voice. Tory knew how lucky he was when he could wake up every morning to that. And those gorgeous blue eyes of hers! Oh Celestia, he was truly blessed! He was willing to put up with any problems, so long as he had Fluttershy beside him.

Spreading his silver wings, Tory jumped into the air after her. As he ascended, he lost sight of his beloved. Looking around, he couldn’t find her, and wondered where she had managed to sneak off to. He was about to fly straight to town when he heard a gentle giggling behind him. Turning around, Tory saw a bit of pink sticking out of a cloud. He smirked, and flew around it as quietly as he could.

Fluttershy was just hovering behind the cloud, waiting to catch Tory by surprise. It would’ve been funny to see his face when she scared him. Too bad she forgot to hide a bit of her mane, and that had given her away…

Tory creeped up to her, and slowly wrapped his arms around Fluttershy without touching her. As he came within reach of her neck, he accidentally brushed her mane, and she jumped backwards into him. The action caused him to be pushed back, but not before he managed to lock his arms around Fluttershy. Tory hugged her to him, and she realized that it was just her lover. She leaned into him, and let his fresh scent of pine surround her. It was intense, but inviting at the same time.

Tory felt Fluttershy’s mane tickle his nose, and breathed her in. She smelled like rose, so beautiful and amazing. It was a flower that held so much grace, charm, and capability. The most gorgeous of roses still had sharp thorns, and that could also be said of the golden pegasus. She was always calm, peaceful, and kind, but she could get serious and dangerous if the need arised. Fluttershy was the most amazing pony Tory had ever known. She was just too damn adorable and lovable!

Fluttershy thought the same thing about Tory. He was always so kind to others, and held to his beliefs firmly. He always had this smile on his face that made others brighten up, and she found it irresistible. He truly was like a pine tree. He was strong, and never gave in. He brought joy to others, like the tree during the holidays. And he just had that kind of personality that made you know there was something deeper to him, you just wasn’t sure what it was.

“Tried to be sneaky, did you?” Tory teased playfully.

“Hehehe, you tried too,” she said in her honey sweet voice.

“That I did,” he admitted. “Heheheh.”

“..It’s so beautiful up here,“ Fluttershy said after a few seconds.

Indeed it was. The sun was still rising in the sky, creating a stunning horizon in front of them. The clouds looked golden in the light, and the blue of the sky blended with the orange red, making a soft color that was pleasing to the eyes. It truly was a beautiful morning. Tory looked down at Fluttershy, and saw how her eyes sparkled in the sunlight. He ran his fingers through her soft mane, and she giggled.

She loved how he did that. It felt great to her. It was better than any spa treatment she had ever received. Tory’s hands were so gentle, and brushed her hair like she was a princess. Hell, Fluttershy bet even Celestia didn’t get this kind of treatment! There was something about the way lovers treated each other that not even the best groomers could copy.

“Fluttershy, I’ve never been so happy to be beside you,” Tory whispered in her ear, his breath tickling her. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“Let’s pray you never find out,” she said with a smile. She turned around and kissed him on the cheek. “Bet you can’t catch me!”

“Oh yeah?” he asked. “That sounds like a challenge.”

Before he even finished, Fluttershy was already flying away. Tory knew he could catch her with ease, but half of the fun was the chase, so he let her build up a bit of speed. He aimed himself at her, and glided along at a semi-fast pace. It was enough to make her think he was chasing, but still keep himself at a controlled speed. Fluttershy looked back at him, and winked playfully.

Tory was wondering what she was planning when she flew into a mass of clouds. He smiled as he saw what she was doing. He stopped as he approached them, and crossed his arms in faux defeat. He shook his head and turned around.

“Oh no,” he said in an obviously fake tone. “She’s gone into the clouds where I cannot see her. I hope she doesn’t come out the way we entered!”

Tory hid behind another cloud on the side, and waited patiently. Sure enough, Fluttershy came back through the same path, and he jumped out to catch her. She had been expecting it though, and put on a burst of speed that made Tory wonder if she was a secret Wonderbolt in training.

The two played ‘hard to get’ for a good hour before Fluttershy ran out of energy, and collapsed on a cloud. Tory landed next to her with a thump, and kissed her between the eyes. She used a wing to tickle him in the neck, causing him to bust out laughing.

They stayed like that for a few minutes before he ran out of breath, and he was begging Fluttershy to stop. As he tried to catch his breath, Fluttershy giggled at how cute he could be sometimes. Her laughter made Tory smile harder, and he couldn’t help but laugh again.

“Oh, it feels good to laugh like this!” Tory said.

“This is too much fun,” Fluttershy agreed in between gasps for breath.

“Well, it looks like the two of you are having a good time,” came an majestic voice behind them. “Mind if I join in?”

The lovers turned at the sound of the voice, to see Celestia behind them. They lowered their heads in respect, since they couldn’t bow while laying on a cloud. She held out a hoof for them to stop, signaling that she wasn’t here to be formal.

“What brings you to our cozy little cloud,” Tory joked. “It can’t be the new furniture we put in, can it?”

“Heheheh, no,” Celestia returned with a smile. “I came to see how well you two are getting along.”

“It’s been so much fun Princess!” Fluttershy put in, bouncing a bit to show how happy she was. “I can’t believe what I missed out on!”

“I’m glad to hear that,” the Princess said. Her expression darkened, and she looked at the two of them seriously. “ But I’m afraid things are not going to be pleasant all the time. Unfortunately, war is almost upon us…Tory, I think you’ll want to hear this.”

Celestia’s horn glowed brightly, and all three of them were teleported over to Canterlot. As his eyes adjusted, Tory saw that they were in the throne room, with the other ponies beside him. Even Rarity was there, which meant it must be important. Very few things could drag Rarity away from her work when she felt it was important. Taking her seat beside her sister, Celestia looked at the group before her.

“As I’ve said to all of you,” she began. “We are on the brink of war. Not only do we have issues with Discord, and whatever problems he causes, all of Equestria is being threatened by the Griffons. They have become exceedingly bold as of late, and are attempting to seize more of our land with each passing day. It is almost as though they know we are struggling with our old enemy…”

“What are you suggesting Princess?” Twilight asked.

“She is trying to say that we need a plan.” Luna explained. “If we do not halt all advancing forces, there may not be an Equestria when the Griffons finish. They will take each piece of land we possess, and use it against us to claim even more.”

“What have you tried so far,” Tory questioned.

Having spent so much of his life playing video games and watching TV, Tory had a wealth of knowledge in certain areas. It just so happened that one of them involved tactics, and predicting the movements of opponents. He’d played many war and strategy games, so he was easily able to formulate plans to halt, counter, and defeat many forces. It could be said that Tory was a decent strategist. Not a great one, but one that could get the job done. All he needed was an update on all movements, an understanding of resources available, and Tory could bring about a plan that would give Equestria a much needed boost in morale and strength.

“We’ve set up border patrols, placed scouts and others at certain points to intercept messages, and attempted to make peace so far.” Celestia told him. “So far nothing has worked.”

“Not surprising,” Tory said, crossing his arms. “With what you’ve said, it sounds like you’re barely trying, and almost like you don’t care. Border patrols? The Griffons could sneak over during the night, and take out your troops with ease under the cover of dark. That alone lowers the number of troops you have, and cuts morale by a good margin. Scouts? Even if they could manage to warn your troops, it would only give them a bit of a heads up, and the Griffons would swarm them before they were completely ready. You might be able to do a bit more damage, but it wouldn‘t be enough to make the enemy back off.”

“You sound as though you’ve been in a war before,” Luna commented.

“Not a real one, but I’ve done a bit of war games in my time,” Tory told her calmly. “I know many strategies that could help in many situations. Would you like my advice?”

The two sisters nodded at him, and Tory asked to see where they held their war meetings. Leading him to a side room, he was not surprised to see the six war generals arguing over what their next move should be. Tory sighed once, and walked up to the table.

“Um, can we help you?” one of them asked, noticing him. It was a black earth pony, one of two in the room.

“I’m just here to see what things look like right now,” Tory said. “By the looks of things, it seems that the Griffons are almost ready to make a final rush at us.”

“…And how is it that you would know this, Mr…?” the earth pony asked, trailing off.

“His name is Tory,” Luna said. “He is the human that is prophesized to end the war.”

The generals, all six of them gasped at this, and began to whisper to each other. Tory ignored their stares, and looked at the map that was laid upon the large table. In the center looked to be what he thought was the Equestrian troops, their positions marked with white flags. The entire northern front held a large row of black flags, which must indicate the Griffon militia.

“Looking at this formation,” Tory started, pointing at the collection of black flags. “They have us outnumbered and have our foreign connections around them cut off…Look at this. See this small group of Griffon troops near the Eastern border? It looks like there is a small pass through the mountains where they could slip around us. Do you have any soldiers stationed near there?”

“Just a couple of unicorns,” one of the unicorn generals explained. She was a light gray with spots of white on her shoulders. “They’re fresh recruits, and we felt they needed to keep away from the battles.”

“Not good,” Tory said quietly, shaking his head. “By putting them there, you’ve invited attack, and given the enemy a tactical advantage. They could easily overpower those recruits, and get around the main army. Then the Griffon troops on the front could attack, and we’d be completely focused on them. The smaller group that snuck around could attack us from behind, and we’d be caught.”

“Oh no,” the other unicorn general spoke up. This one was white with brown spots on her back. “We need to send more veteran troops over right away!”

“Wait, not yet,” Tory said, holding up a hand to stop her. “You can’t just move troops from the front lines to the side. If you do that, then you’ll alert the enemy and they’ll take countermeasures. Our best bet would be to try and ambush them with those few troops already stationed at the pass. What equipment do you have against the Griffons?”

“Simple things,’ the first earth pony told him. “Mostly nets and large projectiles to knock them from the sky. Our catapults have managed to take many of those cursed beasts from the clouds.”

“Hmmm,” Tory started, getting into his thinking pose. “If they’re adequately equipped, and are informed that the enemy might try to get past using that area, an ambush could work. But there are still a few factors left out…Here, at this little break in their ranks!”

Tory pointed to a small gap between the Griffon troops near the Western border. There was a large river that ran between them, which if used just right, could sneak a few Equestrian troops right past.

“If we take a small cell of advanced troops,” Tory started. “We could send them to destroy enemy supplies, and assist in a counterattack. It’d have to be only a few ponies though. Most likely, the Griffons have taken into account how much space is between their soldiers. Our troops could really cause some damage if they do good enough though.”

“I’ll get a team out on that,” a pegasus general said. He was purple, with a white mane and tail. “How many should we send?”

“No more than five,” Tory told him. “We can’t spare too many troops, or spread them too thin. We’d be inviting more attack that way. Send only the best on this mission. They have to be able to keep out of the way, and able to escape easily if their cover is blown.”

Celestia and Luna looked at each other in surprise. This was a side of the human boy they’d never seen before. He had changed into one that almost frightened them. Tory turned to them, and motioned that he would need some time to focus on this.

“Maybe we should just step out,” Twilight suggested, seeing his look as well. “We don’t want to be in the way…”

“Um, hold on a second,” Tory said, stopping his friends. “I’ve got an idea! Twilight, what if you were to head to the Eastern pass to supervise? If I give Cory a bit of a boost, and sent you two together, do you think you would be able to organize, and ambush the Griffons successfully?”

“Do you really think that is wise?” the white unicorn general asked. “What if something with Discord occurs while she is gone?”

“Nothing will happen,” Tory reassured her. “He’s still too weak from our last encounter. If anything, he’ll be recovering from his injuries.”

“I guess I could take over there,” Twilight said nervously. Cory placed an arm on her shoulder, and smiled at her. “…I mean, yes! I can get the job done!”

“Great!” Tory said, clasping his hands together. “Then you two had best get some sleep. I intend to teleport you there at the first sight of dawn!”

“What ‘bout us?” Applejack asked. “What should we do?”

“Applejack, I need you and Rarity to head back to Ponyville, and keep doing what you were.” Tory told her. “We still have to prepare for Discord, and the more time we take for that, the better we can do against him.”

The orange earth pony nodded, and left with her unicorn friend. Twilight looked at Cory, and the two also left. The only ones remaining in the room now were Tory, Grace, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Big Macintosh, Celestia, Luna, and the six generals.

Looking at each of them in turn, Tory had to think of what would be best for each thing at the moment. Obviously, the princesses couldn’t leave, and neither could the generals. Grace didn’t have any fighting potential whatsoever, so she was out too. Which meant that Bic Mac was also unavailable, since he wouldn’t go without Grace. That left him, Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Pinkie.

“Hmmm,” Tory started. “If we had just one more member, I could lead the cell across enemy lines…Princess Luna, you’ve got an eye for capable ponies, right? Do you know of a good pony that could help round out the team? It doesn’t matter who they are, so long as they can follow orders, and are skilled at what they do.”

“It just so happens that I DO know of a unicorn that would be perfect for the job,” Luna said with a smile. “Oh, I think you’ll quite enjoy having her along. She is an interesting one!”

“Well then, I’d love to meet her,” Tory replied, stepping closer to Fluttershy. He had a strange feeling at the moment. “Where would she be right now?”

“Oh Fanta-a-a-asia-a-a-a!” Luna called out loudly with a grin. “Where a-a-a-are you-u-u-u?!”

“F-Fantasia?” Rainbow asked. “Who’s that?”

As if on cue, a large cloud of purple smoke burst from the ground beside Princess Luna. As it dissipated, Tory saw a small unicorn within. Her body was a soft white, much like Rarity’s. Her mane and tail were light purple, with darker streaks running between every few strands. Her eyes were a bright blue, much like Fluttershy’s, but not as gorgeous. She wore a pearl necklace that shined faintly. On her flank was a castle held aloft by a large cloud. There were strange tribal marks under her eyes. They looked cute. Still, nothing compared to Fluttershy!

“You called Teacher?” the unicorn asked.

“Yes I did,” Luna said wih a gentle smile. She pointed a hoof at Tory. “Meet Tory and his friends. They’re-”

“They’re the ones that beat up Discord!” the pony exclaimed, cutting off the princess. She noticed what she did a second later, and became embarrassed. “I’m…sorry Princess. I just…got excited.”

“It’s okay Fantasia,” Luna told her calmly. She turned back to the group. “Tory, this is my apprentice, Fantasia. I’ve been training her for a few weeks now, and I’ve noticed her talent. I think she’d be perfect for your little mission.”

“It’s not so little really,” Tory countered. “If this goes according to plan, we could severely cripple the Griffon army. That would pave the way for Celestia and yourself to stop this war.”

He walked up to the small unicorn, and held out a hand. She backed away for a second, a slight blush on her face. Tory smiled at her, and Luna gave her a slight push. With a trembling hoof, Fantasia reached out, and began to shake his hand. When Tory let go, she retracted her hoof quickly, and took a step back.

“I’m s-sorry,” Fantasia apologized. “I-I-I get r-really n-nervous around certain p-ponies.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Tory said with a smile. “Fluttershy was the same way around me when I first met her. Isn’t that right, Beautiful?”

“Y-yes,” Fluttershy said, still blushing at the nickname. “It took us a few days to get comfortable around each other…”

“She’s still so adorable,” Tory whispered into Fantasia’s ear. The golden pegasus blushed deeper, as she had heard it too. Tory had to try really hard to not laugh at how cute she looked right then.

“Will…Will you be okay with me…tagging along?” Fantasia asked nervously. “I-I don’t want to be a bother…”

“…Fantasia, let me ask you this,” Tory started, getting down on his knees so he was eye level with her. She took another step back. “Can you take orders? Can you put up with me, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and especially Pinkie?”

“Hmph!” Pinkie Pie huffed. “What is THAT supposed to mean?”

“Oh, nothing,” Tory said with a laugh. He turned back to the small unicorn. “But again, can you put up with us? Are you willing to go all in, and bet your life to help Equestria?”

“Y-Yes,” Fantasia stammered quietly. Her comment was almost inaudible.

“I can’t hear you,” Tory told her. “You’re gonna have to speak up.”

“Y-Yes, I can,” she said, just a bit louder this time.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that,” Tory kept up. “You speak so quietly…”

“I…I…I can!” Fantasia said, much louder this time. “I can and I will!”

“Much better!” Tory exclaimed with a smile. “Welcome aboard Fantasia!”

He got off the floor, and turned back to his other friends. They smiled at him, and came over to welcome Fantasia to the group. As they approached her, she shrank back a bit. Tory couldn’t help but laugh just a bit at how timid she was.

“She’s not usually like this,” Luna commented, coming up to him. “On a daily basis, she’s commonly found chatting away with everypony she meets. I wonder what brought about this sudden change in personality…”

“I’ll bet it was because she thinks so highly of us,” Tory said, putting his arms behind his head in a relaxed manner. “To her, we must be like heroes. Now that she’s actually met us, she’s kind of scared to come out of her shell. I don’t blame her.”

“Oh, and you know so much about her kind?” Luna questioned.

“I should, considering I was like that before,” Tory told her. “I used to be the most outgoing person I knew. I’d talk with everyone that was within my line of sight, and I’d chat them up like Pinkie would. THEN the bullies came along…Hehe, kinda made me lose myself back then. But I don’t care anymore.”

“Why is it you seem to know so much about everything?” the alicorn of night asked.

“I could tell you,” Tory started. “But you wouldn’t understand. You’d need a basic knowledge of humans and our culture…Hmmm. I wonder if there is a spell that allows one to copy and share knowledge with others? That would be useful at so many times!”

“I believe there is a spell like that.” Luna told him. “It’s normally reserved for alicorn use, but since you were one before…I think you’ve earned the right to it.”

“Thanks,” Tory said. “This’ll save so much t-”

“But before I give it to you,” Luna started, cutting him off. “You need to know something…Follow me.”

The princess walked away, making Tory wonder what she had in mind. Something told him it involved Two Tail, and his connection with Luna. Gulping once, the human followed the alicorn. He turned around at the double doors to see Fluttershy staring at him curiously. Tory flashed her a big smile, and gave her a thumbs up, indicating that nothing would happen. At least, Tory prayed nothing would…

Luna led him up a large flight of stairs, and then down a couple of corridors, then it was back to stairs. As he reached the top of the ninth flight, Tory was panting heavily. He could’ve used his wings, but they weren’t allowed unless permission was given or there was an emergency. Since Tory hadn’t asked if he could use his wings, and there wasn’t any problems within the castle, he had to suck it up and walk the whole length.

The princess finally stopped at two small, dark doors that held two cresent moons on them. If Tory had to take a guess, he was standing outside Luna’s bedroom. Gulping again, he walked inside. He was not surprised when the door slammed behind him. The alicorn of night turned to him, and motioned for him to take a seat.

“No one will bother us here,” she said. A gleam appeared in her eyes.“Now, where to begin…”

“Umm, Luna,” Tory started, his voice betraying his fear that was now building.

Tory had read a story where Luna had tried to force herself onto another character. While he did enjoy the thought of Luna wanting him, he was married, happily he might add. Tory was not keen on the idea of cheating on his wife. Not. At. All.

“I’m kidding!” Luna said with a laugh. “What, did you think I was really going to try something to a married man? I’m far above that sort of thing Tory, you should know that.”

Tory smacked his forehead, cursing himself for letting his mind enter the gutter like that. He was truly a fool for acting the way he did…That, or Luna was really good at trolling. Honestly, the second one sounded better to him.

“So, what did you bring me to your room for?” Tory boldly asked.

“I needed a place where I could talk to you in private.” Luna explained. “Before you learn that spell, I figured it would be a good time for you to learn the truth about Tails, and how he came to be you.”

“So, you’re about to tell me a love story that features you and me?” Tory joked. He knew it was serious, but life sucked that way.

“Oh, I’m not going to say anything,” Luna said ominously. Her horn began to glow a dark blue. “You are going to remember.”

Before Tory had a chance to ask her what she meant, Luna’s magic began to float away from her horn in dark strings, wrapping around him, almost mummifying the boy. The only part of him that wasn’t covered was his face. The strings began to meld into his skin, causing an itching sensation. Tory squirmed around in his magical cocoon, but he had no luck in breaking the strings.

“Just relax,” Luna said soothingly beside him. “The magic is trying to find the memories of your past life. It will delve deep into your mind, and check every crack in your consciousness. Don’t worry, it doesn’t hurt…At least, not yet.”

“Wh-what do you…” Tory tried saying. His energy was being drained from his body, and he felt as though he was about to pass out.

“Your brain has only had to keep track of YOUR memories up until now,” Luna explained. “When these new ones appear, the part of your brain that stores memory will become overloaded, and will take time to create the extra space. It is going to hurt…a lot. But I intend to render you unconscious when the first sign appears, so you will feel less pain, your body won’t spend as much energy, and it can expend the excess power towards making a place for the new memories.”

“A…A l-little…warning…next time,” Tory said tiredly.

Luna smiled at him in a creepy way, and his face was covered with the magic strings. Tory felt a massive migrain enter his head, and he cried out in pain. Almost at once, all of his senses became dull, and he couldn’t feel anything. Tory’s eyes closed slowly, as sleep struck him immediately…

I.I.I Memory Recollection 1 I.I.I

“Relax yourself Two Tail,” came a gruff voice in front of Tory. “You won’t be able to cast magic while stressed out like that.”

Tory shook his head, opening his eyes and looking around. He was in the castle still, but this time it looked like he was in some sort of training room. Taking a step forward, he realized that he could feel the floor on his hands. He looked down to see that his hand was no longer human, but it was now a hoof.

Tory nearly cried out in shock. He was a human, so how and why was he not right now?! Turning around, he noticed a mirror on a nearby wall, and trotted over to it. Tory saw his reflection, and noticed four things right away. The first was that he had a green body, the deep green he loved so much. The second was that his normally light brown hair was darker, longer by a large amount, it spiked out at odd spots, and it was flowing behind him, as though there was a wind in the room. He noticed that he had wings, but this time, they were pegasus wings, instead of angelic wings, and they were green like his body, not silver like the ones he made. The fourth and final thing Tory noticed was the long horn that held itself high upon his forehead.

He was an alicorn, and a very familiar looking alicorn at that. What had that one voice said his name was? Oh right, Two Tail…TWO TAIL?! Tory took a step away from the mirror, realizing that he indeed was the alicorn of legend at the moment. It wasn’t right, for him to have this body, even if he actually was Tails at one time. A gruff coughing came from behind Tory, and he turned around to see another alicorn standing there, looking displeased.

The second alicorn was white like Celestia, but his short hair was a shade of black with gray streaks. He stood about a foot taller than Tory did right now, who was actually pretty small at the moment. If Tory could take a guess, he was a really young version of Two Tail, maybe about seventeen. But getting back to the point, the other alicorn had a chipped horn, and his wings were dull. A single scar ran down across one eye, which was red and pierced Tory like an inferno. Tory was actually scared of this alicorn.

“Now that you’re done observing yourself in the mirror,” he said in a deep, gruff voice that reminded Tory of an old video game character. It had the same monotone that the character had too. “Maybe you’d like to get back to training? We still have to go over the basic manuvers for dodging magic attacks in mid air…Two Tail, are you okay, you don’t look so good.”

“I’m uh, not sure really,” Tory told him. He was shocked to find his voice was still the same. That scared Tory more than the appearance change. “I think I just need to…clear my head.”

“Hmmm,” came the gruff voice. “Very well then, a five minute break will be allowed. Go ahead and clear out any unnecessary thoughts. When you get back though, I expect to see you working hard.”

The older alicorn walked away, leaving Tory to wonder just what happened. He remembered being in Princess Luna’s room, and how she worked her magic on him..but that was it. Wasn’t he supposed to be reliving Tails’ memories? Why was he able to control and move about in them?

“Maybe if I step outside, the fresh air will help me think clearly,” Tory said to himself. He shook his head and sighed. That was a bad habit of his, a remnant of his paranoia.

Walked into the halls, Tory realized that he had no idea where he was. He’d only seen the rooms that the show had presented, and that wasn’t very many. He could try to walk around, but then he could get lost. He had five minutes to himself at the moment, he couldn’t just wander around!

Returning to the training room, Tory walked over to a window, and pushed it open. A gentle breeze greeted him, and he breathed in the fresh scent it held. By the smell, it was close to Autumn. The crisp scent of falling leaves passed his nose, and he breathed it in deeply.

Tory had a love of all strange scents. He couldn’t explain it. The scent of burning fuel was a personal favorite of his. But no scent compared to that of nature at its finest. The trees during spring and fall gave off such a fragrance, Tory just felt lightheaded whenever he smelled them. It amazed him to no end how strange he was.

“Ahhhh!” Tory sighed happily as he let the breeze ruffle his mane. “This feels great!”

“Having fun there ‘Split Ends’?” came a young, mocking, female voice behind him.

Turning around, Tory saw a small alicorn. Her body was midnight blue, and her mane was a deep indigo. Her eyes were the same color as well. There was only one alicorn Tory knew of that looked like that, and she had forced him backwards in time…Princess Luna.

“Yup,” Tory said with a grin. “Just enjoying the breeze, clearing my head…you know.”

“That sounds pathetic,” Luna mocked, her voice a higher pitch than he was used to. ‘Why enjoy the breeze when you can have company like me?”

That comment caught Tory off-guard. He wasn’t expecting Luna to be so…different. He knew that she wasn’t going to be like she was during his time, but he figured she wouldn’t be a jerk. Then again, everypony is at one point in their life.

“Company is good and all,” Tory started. “But if you don’t stop to enjoy nature every now and then, you’ll start to lose yourself.”

“There you go again, trying to be deep,” the young alicorn said exasperatingly. “When will you learn that you suck at doing that?”

“Well,” Tory began, trying to keep his smile. “Someone fell out of bed this morning, didn’t they?”

“I-I did not!” Luna defended.

“You’re certainly trying to get under my fur,” he commented. “Are you sure?”

“Hmph!” she quickly turned around, held her head up, and walked away in what she probably thought was an attempt to save face. It might’ve worked, if she hadn’t tripped over a piece of carpet that stuck out.

“Well, that’s one way to do a push-up,” Tory commented, laughing. He walked over and extended a hoof. “Here, let me help you up.”

“I don’t need your help!” Luna snapped at him. She quickly got off the floor, and stood up shakily on her hooves. “I can do things perfectly fine on my own!”

“Like walking?” Tory snickered at his own joke.

“And just what is so funny to you?” the young alicorn asked irritably.

“Oh, nothing,” Tory said. “Just how much fun it is to actually laugh again.”

“You are so weird Split Ends,” Luna commented, using that strange name for him again.

“Split Ends?” Tory asked. “What, couldn’t think of an actual insult to use for me?”

Luna huffed, and walked out of the room again. Once more, she tripped on the rug, causing Tory to laugh again. He offered his han-I mean hoof- and this time she took it. Unsure of how strong he was, he acidentaly pulled her up to fast, and she fell onto him. As his head hit the floor, he felt something else smack him in the face.

“Ow!” Tory said, rubbing the cheek where the pain resided. He opened his eyes to see Princess Luna on top of him. He blushed, and turned his head. “Um, sorry. I guess I don’t know my own strength.”

“Ummm, its okay?” Luna replied, also blushing. She got off of him, and took a few steps back. “Are, um, you okay?”

“Ahem!” came the gruff voice by the door. Turning towards it, Tory and Luna saw that it was the white alicorn from before. His face was firm, but his eyes held a small gleam that Tory had seen before. “Is that what was distracting you? If this was it, all you had to do was ask.”

“Its not like that!” Tory said quickly, defending himself. “Luna tripped and I tried to help her up!…I kinda pulled a bit too hard and well…”

“So you say,” the alicorn replied. “But all I saw was our Princess on top of you. In my book that counts as-”

“Master Katsu,” Luna cut him off, speaking firmly. “Are you implying something?”

“Um, no Princess,” the alicorn named Katsu said nervously, avoiding her gaze. Even when she was young, Luna still had that commanding voice. God, that was cool!

“Right then,” she nodded. She turned back to Tory, and her eyes softened, but not by much. “Try not to yank my hoof off next time, will you?”

“Heheh, right,” Tory replied, scratching a spot behind his head with his hoof in embarrassment. Did Luna just say ‘next time’? Was she asking him out? He had to be crazy after all! “I’ll be more careful.”

The young alicorn smiled, and walked out of the room. Getting off the floor, Tory shook his mane, which was kind of pointless since it was always moving anyways. Tory figured it had to be an alicorn thing, instead of his initial theory of power radiating off the pony. That upset him, he hated it when any of his theories, even the slightly pointless ones, were proven wrong.

“Alright,” Katsu said getting his attention. “Time to get back to work. We’ll continue with where we left off in basic maneuvers in the air…What are you waiting for, Winter?! Give me three backflips and two barrel rolls in a single jump without using your wings! Now!”

Surprised by the sudden change in attitude, Tory cringed at his voice. No longer was the gruffness there, but instead an intense commanding voice. Quickly recovering, Tory jumped into the air to at least try to do as his teacher asked. He managed to get two flips in, but his head smashed into the floor on the third one. The actual impact had left a dent and a few cracks on the floor.

“Pathetic!” Master Katsu scolded. “You are too slow, and focus entirely on a single action at one time. Don’t focus so much on performing the actions, let your instinct take over, and move with it. Once more!”

Shaking his head, Tory crouched low to build up for his jump. He felt something inside him try to release itself, and he gave in to it. Jumping up, Tory felt his body turn on its own, and he went with it, moving much faster this time. He flipped and did a roll at the same time, getting one, two, three…four flips and rolls down as he landed perfectly on his hooves. He looked over at the alicorn that must’ve been his mentor, and waited for his reaction.

“Not bad,” Katsu commented. “But you must learn to control your actions more. I said three flips and two rolls…you did four of each Two Tail. In a fight, the time you spent doing the extra one could’ve gotten you stabbed and killed. Again!”

Tory sighed once, giving in to the demand. He let his instinct take over once more, but this time he kept himself in check. He jumped and started to roll, letting two flips move with the single spin. He flipped again, much slower this time, as he picked up speed for the spin. Landing once more, Tory let out his breath, and sucking in air deeply. That had put a strain on his body that he was unused to.

“Much better,” the old alicorn praised. Tory gave him a simple grin, trying not to act too proud of it. “I’m surprised though… Two Tail, you’re not acting like yourself. Usually, you can’t even get a single roll done, and you didn’t jump for joy when I complimented you. Are you sure you’re okay?”

Tory cursed himself for getting carried away. He forgot that he knew next to nothing about Tails, and his personality. The boy had just assumed that the two would be similar, being the same character and all. Evidently, Two Tail was less…controlled than Tory.

“Uh yeah,” Tory said, raising a hoof to wave away the older pony’s concerns. “I guess that I just did a bit of thinking, and well…”

“You, think?” Katsu asked incredulously. “That’s new!”

“If you say so,” the human/alicorn replied, trying to ignore that last comment.

“…You really aren’t yourself then,” the older one said. “You didn’t take offense like usual, you’re not hyper and asking for secret techniques to use…Just what were you thinking about?”

“Oh, this and that,” Tory told him, trying to think up an excuse. Then he blurted out something he hadn’t really thought through. “Like how awesome Luna is!…”

After realizing what he said, Tory groaned and slammed his hoof into his face, and felt his face get hot. He looked up at his ‘mentor’ to see the alicorn smiling, that gleam in his eyes again. Why did Tory let that slip? Usually he thought everything through, very rarely saying something on the spot. Curse those rare moments!

“I’ve got to learn to control myself more,” he whispered to himself.

“I’ll say,” Katsu said, that gleam making Tory feel uncomfortable. “Just try to keep your hooves to yourself, okay? I didn’t see or hear anything…”

The older alicorn turned around, and walked out of the room, signaling that the session was over. Tory smiled at that, and began to walk out himself. As he came to the hallway again, Tory realized that he had no idea where he was supposed to go, or what he could do. He turned towards one end of the corridor, and began his walk.

It took Tory three minutes to get lost. As he tried to find his way back, Tory only became more lost, as he had forgotten to keep track of his steps. Taking yet another left, a right, and another right, Tory found himself in front of two dark doors. They reminded him of Luna’s room, except that they were bare. Then he realized that Luna hadn’t received her mark yet. She must not have realized that she was meant to control the moon and the heavens of the night yet.

Gulping once and steeling his nerves, Tory walked over to the doors, and knocked three times. A few seconds later, they opened and Luna stepped halway out. When she saw it was him, she turned her head and blushed a bit. Tory couldn’t help but smile at that. While he still thought of himself as married to Fluttershy, even though he was nearly a thousand years back in time, Tory had to admit that Luna looked cute. Still not as adorable as his wife, but she had her own special glow about her.

“Uh, hey Luna,” Tory started nervously. “I uh, just came by to apologize again.”

The young alicorn looked at him like he was crazy. She surveyed the surrounding area to see if anypony was watching. When she found that it was clear, she motioned for him to enter, and he reluctantly did. As he passed through the door, Luna slammed into him, and pushed him up against the wall. His head smacked the hard wood, and he let it fall forward. The dark alicorn held his hooves to the wall, a strange glare on her face.

“Okay, who are you?!” Luna hissed at him. “Tails didn’t act nice to anypony, and he certainly wouldn’t apologize! You’ve done nothing to act like him! Are you some sort of spy, sent to destroy us from the inside?!”

“What, no!” Tory said defensively. “Okay true, I’m not EXACTLY Two Tail, but at the same time I am!…SHIT! Why can’t I control my thoughts today?! Ugh! Okay listen, I am Tails, but at the same time, I somepony else…or actually, I should say someONE else.”

“Wh-what are you talking about?” Luna asked, confused now. “Explain yourself!”

“Princess, you wouldn’t believe me if I tried to,” Tory replied. “Trust me.”

“Oh, try me,” Luna countered. She pulled off of Tory, and let him fall to the floor.

Shifting to a comfortable position, Tory tried to find a way to tell her why he wasn’t…himself? That had been weird. He told her that he was later killed and was reincarnated into a different form. Then he told her that a certail spell was making him relive the events. He left out any specifics, like why he/Tails died, and who had performed the spell on him. Luna just stared at him like he was crazy.

“You honestly expect me to believe this?” she eventually asked after Tory finished.

“No, not really,” he answered casually. “I even said you wouldn’t before I began telling you. Remember?”

“Oh, right.” she nodded.

“Don’t worry, I should hopefully be ‘back to normal’ and out of your mane soon,” Tory told her, stressing ‘back to normal’. He couldn’t do any air quotes since he didn’t have fingers, so he had to try using his voice.

“And what about when you’re not ‘normal’?” Luna asked, stressing the word as well.

“Then everypony will have to put up with me like this,” he said dismissively. “I don’t know when this whole experience will end, but I pray it’s soon. I kind of want my old body back.”

“What were you before you ‘changed’?”

“Hahahaha! Oh wow, I’ve never had to explain myself like this! It’s actually kind of fun!” Tory started with a laugh. “My old form was…not really what you would expect. How should I explain?…Oh, I got it! You know what chimpanzees look like?” When Luna nodded, he continued. “Well, straighten out their back, make them a few feet taller, remove all of their hair besides any bit over the head, cave their mouthes in a bit, then throw a few pieces of clothing over them, and you have a human. That’s what our race is called by the way. It’s not really exact, but it’s…close enough?”

“…That looks terrible!” Luna commented after she imagined the creature.

“I’d have to actually show you a real human for you to get the right picture,” Tory told her.

“I’m still not sure if I believe you,” she said quietly.

“I don’t expect you to,” he replied simply.


“…I guess that I should leave now,” Tory said after a minute of silence. He got up and walked to the door. “I may not be…myself?…but I need to at least try to follow the ‘memories’ like it’s normal…This is going to be hell.”

“Wait,” Luna spoke up as he reached for the handle. She walked over to him and placed a hoof on his shoulder. A slight blush could be seen on her face. “Maybe it would be best if you stayed here for the night. If what you say is true, then you have no idea where to go or what to do, right?”

“Well, yeah, but…” Tory trailed off, a blush on his face as well. “I don’t really think it would be wise for me to stay in YOUR room.”

“It’s either that, or have everypony think you’re a spy,” Luna said sternly. “Your choice.”

“When you put it like that, it sounds like I have no choice at all,” he commented.

“Now you’re getting it!” the dark alicorn said with a smile. Her eyes gleamed playfully, and Tory turned his head away, trying not to get attached to her.

Again, things were complicated enough for him, with Fluttershy and Rainbow. True, Luna liked him already, but if he started to return the feelings…Oh God! A shiver ran down his spine at the thought. Tory shook those thoughts out of his head, and turned back to Luna.

“I guess I’ll try to get some sleep then,” he said, faking a yawn. He walked over to the bed, and curled up on the floor. Human or not, he could still be a gentleman, and do what was right.

“Why are you on the floor?” Luna questioned.

“Well, we can’t really share the bed now, can we?” Tory said, raising his head to look at her. He was slightly annoyed at having to answer an obvious question like that. “Isn’t that considered taboo, even back during this time period?”

“Um, right,” Luna nodded, blushing at realizing what he was getting at. She crawled under her blankets, and curled up herself. “Goodnight then, ‘Split Ends’.”

“Night…” Tory wanted to give her a fun little nickname, but he couldn’t think of one at the moment. He sighed as he let his eyes close. The exhaustion griped at him, and he fell asleep…

“Not even the past will keep me away Tory,” came Discord’s voice. “I will hunt you down and kill you…”

Tory snapped his head up, breathing heavily. He looked around, but the dark preventing him from seeing anything. He kept turning his head, trying to find Discord within the shadows. Yet nothing happened. He felt a light tap on his shoulder, and jumped a bit. Tory turned to vaguely see Luna looking at him from her bed.

“Tails, are you okay?” she asked. “You’re shaking badly.”

“I uh…bad dream,” he lied. “It’s nothing…”

“You feel cold,” Luna said, placing a hoof on his forehead. “…I’m sorry, I forgot how cold the nights get. You need to warm up…”

“I’ll…I’ll be fine,” Tory said, actually telling the truth. Temperatures didn’t really affect him, he’s been through so many temperature changes within his life. “I just need to get some fresh air.”

“And freeze to death?” the dark alicorn asked him. She was silent for a second, before speaking again. “…Maybe you should get under the covers.”

“I, uh…I-I-I don’t…” Tory stammered, feeling his face get REALLY hot. This didn’t sound good at all. It was almost as though the universe was trying to test his loyalty to Fluttershy. “I…I c-can’t.”

“I won’t take no for an answer,” Luna said firmly. She picked Tory up with her magic and placed him next to her on the bed. “Besides, its not like you’ll try anything, right?”

“I didn’t intend to,” he agreed. He still felt uncomfortable though.

“Then you have nothing to worry about,” she told him.

Tory reluctantly slipped under the sheets, and used his teeth to pull his part of the covers up. He let his head fall on the soft pillow, and sighed in content. Then he felt something on his shoulder, and became even more uncomfortable. Luna had just moved closer to him, and put one of her hooves over him. Tory said he wouldn’t try anything, but what about her? She might’ve had feelings for Tails this early on, so it would make sense. He squirmed a bit, not really feeling relaxed anymore.

“Heheheh,” Luna giggled. “You may not be Split Ends, but you’re just as awkward around me as he was.”

“You drag every guy with two tails into your bed?” Tory asked with a bit of humor in his voice.

“Only the cute ones,” Luna teased him. He could almost see the blush on her face when she said that. His face felt really hot too. “Heheheh, Tails had the same reaction when I told him that!”

“I can’t imagine why,” Tory said sarcastically.

“Oh don’t be so sour,” Luna commented, giggling again. “I’m just having a bit of fun with you.”

“I know, but I’ve never been the kind of guy that’s actually around girls,” Tory admitted. “I’ve always been the loser that tries to keep away from everypony…and they try to keep away from me.”

“Then they are fools,” the dark alicorn told him soothingly. “I can’t see why you should have to be alone.”

“I’ve never truly been alone, and I’m grateful for that,” the human/alicorn said truthfully. “I’ve always had family, and at least one good friend wherever I’ve been…But even they can’t completely fill the void…”

Luna moved closer to him, embracing Tory in a hug. He squirmed again in her hold, still uncomfortable about this. After a few seconds, he resigned himself to the young alicorn’s hug, and returned it. The princess smelled faintly of violets, which was kind of funny to him. Why shouldn’t she smell like a flower she resembled so closely in color? Tory smiled at how crazy his life was, and how grateful he was to now have all of these ponies beside him. He broke the hug, and looked into Luna’s violet, piercing eyes.

Almost instinctively, Tory felt his body lean forward. Luna did as well. Their lips were an inch apart, and they could feel the other’s warm breath. At the last second though, Tory pulled away, regaining his mental and physical control. He looked into Luna’s eyes again, and saw how hurt she was.

“I’m…I’m sorry Luna,” Tory apologized. “I can’t really…you know. I’m not supposd to be here, Tails is. He was supposed to…Nevermind, I’ve said too much.”

“But you are Split Ends!” the dark alicorn argued quietly, trying to keep her voice low. “You look like him, sound like him, even act like him…mostly!”

“But I’m not him!” the human/alicorn said, getting off the bed. “My name is Tory Mills, I’m a human, not an alicorn! I’m not from this time period! I was born and raised nearly a thousand years from now! I have my own life to live, not somepony else’s!”

“Then why are you here?” Luna countered. “If you don’t belong here, then why did you bother coming back?!”

“Because you made me!” Tory told her, his voice beginning to rise. Two seconds later, he realized just what he said, and smashed his hoof into his forehead as hard as he could. “Ah, God dammit! Why can’t I control my mouth today?!”

“I…I did this to you?” Luna asked incredulously. She got out of the bed as well, and walked over to Tory. “I sent you back in time, looking like Split Ends?!”

“Curse my luck,” Tory muttered under his breath. He looked at the dark alicorn, and nodded slowly. “Yeah, but you were supposed to make me regain the memories of someone, not make me relive them. I don’t know what happened, but something went wrong with the spell I think. Luna please understand, things shouldn’t be this way! I can’t be Two Tail, I can’t live his life…I can’t…have feelings for you…”

Tory said the last part so quietly, Luna had almost missed it. As she listened to him, she felt herself blush. It wasn’t a light one either, it nearly turned her whole face red. She looked at the alicorn that said he was not what he seemed, and saw the same blush on her face. It was really hard to notice in the dark though.

She slowly walked over to her desk, pulled out a candle and match, then lit up the room. She carried it over to Tory, who was starting for the door. Luna used her magic to pick him up and carry him back to the center of the room. As she placed him on the ground, the green alicorn tried to rush for the door, but he tripped on the rug. Luna giggled at that.

“That’s one way to do a push-up,” Luna said still laughing. She held out a hoof for him to take. “Let me help you off the floor.”

“I’ll be fine,” Tory told her, slowly getting to his hooves. They wobbled as he stood up. “I can do things on my own.”

“Like walking?” she asked him. Then she broke out laughing.

“What so fun-…” Tory started. Then he realized what just happened. “O-o-okay then…that happened. I guess that’s payback for earlier. Thank you Karma!”

Tory broke out laughing himself, and fell back onto the floor. This time, when Luna extended her hoof, he graciously accepted. She pulled him up, and Tory decided to play a little joke on her. When he reached a certain point, he leaned with the momentum, and fell on top of Luna. He blushed after he realized what he did, and took a step back. The dark alicorn was blushing too, but she was still smiling.

“Move for move, just different roles,” Tory said jokingly.

“You planned that, didn’t you?!” Luna asked him playfully.

“Ma-a-a-aybe!” he teased back.

Luna tackled him to the floor, and the two tussled for a few seconds before she was holding him down with her hooves. Tory tried to struggle free, but his laughter kept him from putting any real strength behind the actions. He kept trying for a couple more seconds, before he was out of breath.

“Okay…You got me,” Tory said, admitting defeat. The gleam never left his eyes though. “Now what will you do with you poor victim, Princess Luna?”

The dark alicorn smiled, and leaned down towards his ear. She whispered something that cannot be put into words due to the level of explicitness, and Tory blushed madly. Luna saw his expression, and broke out laughing. She let her hooves come off him, and sat down on the floor beside the human/alicorn.

“You don’t honestly think I intend to do that, do you?” Luna asked him, her voice still sweet and seductive. “Not on the first date!”

“Oh, dating now, are we?” Tory smiled at her. “But we just met!”

“But it feels like I’ve known you forever!” Luna commented with a grin.

“…Okay, I guess I’ll give you that,” Tory said, returning the smile. “Just don’t try anything funny, you got that?”

“Never even crossed my mind,” Luna told him, raising a hoof.

“…Why do I feel like you’re not really telling me the truth?” he asked, feeling a shiver run down his spine.

“Because I’m not,” she replied, the gleam in her eyes again.

Luna pounced on him again, and began to tickle him. Tory tried to not laugh, but she seemed to know where all of his weak points were. Covering his mouth with a hoof to prevent too much noise from escaping, he laughed so hard he began to cry. The dark alicorn kept this up for another minute, before Tory was begging her to let him breathe.

“You may not be Split Ends mentally,” Luna commented. “But you’re still him physically.”

“I…hate you,” Tory huffed. He smiled at her before rolling onto his back to help ease his breathing. “Why you…gotta…do that…to me?”

“Because it’s so much fun!” she replied.

“Oh…” he sighed. “I think I could sleep for a week!”

“Yes, I’m feeling tired myself,” Luna admitted. She prodded Tory in the side, and pointed to the bed when he looked over. “Let’s get some rest, before someone wakes up and notices you’re in my room.”

Tory simply nodded, and forced himself to his hooves. He walked over to the bed, and flopped down onto it with a sigh. He slowly pulled the covers over him, and rested his head on the pillow. Luna crawled under the other side, and smiled at him. He grinned back, and closed his eyes. Before he fell asleep, Tory felt the bed move, and opened his eyes to see Luna right in front of him.

She leaned in, and kissed him on the cheek lightly. Tory blushed, as did she, and he put a hoof around her. Luna turned around, and scooted closer to him. As she snuggled up to him, he couldn’t help but think maybe it was fine for him to like Luna, so long as he was trapped in this freaky timeline. Tory had already liked her from the show, and she was pretty awesome in real life too, so why not? She seemed to return the feelings too.

As these thoughts drifted through his head, Tory felt exhaustion weigh him down, and he closed his eyes once more. He listened to Luna’s soft breathing, and soon fell asleep…

I.I.I Memory Recollection 1 Complete I.I.I

“Think he’ll be okay,” came a really soft voice.

“If we leave him alone, he’ll soon wake up. He’s just regaining the memories of his past life.” said a regal voice.

Tory opened his eyes slowly, and saw three things that he liked immediately. Standing to his right was Fluttershy, her expression held nothing but worry and love for him. To his left was Rainbow Dash, who also held a caring expression for him. At the foot of the bed where Tory was resting, stood a much older Luna, fully grown and looking at him with a now familiar gleam in her eyes.

“Uhn,” Tory groaned as he pushed himself up. “Remind me to pay you back one day Luna. That was one hell of a ride!”

“Tory!” Fluttershy and Rainbow cried out at the same time.

They both wrapped him in a hug, and he began to suffocate. As he gasped out his reply of ‘Glad…to see…you too.’, they realized what they were doing, and released him. As he got his breath back, he smiled at the two of them. Tory planted a kiss on their cheeks, and they blushed lightly. He couldn’t help but chuckle at how awesome they were.

“Did you enjoy yourself?” Luna asked him.

“Kind of,” he replied. “I’m going to have to talk to you about that later.”

“I’ll look forward to it,” she said, and walked away.

“Um, what just happened?” Rainbow asked, confused.

“Let’s just say that me and Tails definitely are the same person,” Tory told his girls.

“How?” came Fluttershy’s question.

“Me and him both felt something for Luna” Tory thought to himself.

As he watched the alicorn of night round a corner, he knew he wanted her. Yet, he knew that he could never have her as well. Tory still had to figure out a way to fix things between him and Rainbow Dash. There was no way he was going to turn this love triangle into a…would it be called a love square? That didn’t sound right unless all four involved in it held feelings for at least one of the others. Either way, Tory wasn’t going to add to his problems by throwing Luna into it. Besides, she could really hurt him, being royalty and all, if something bad were to happen.

“Oh, me and him seem to share many of the same interests,” Tory replied, smiling at the two pegasi in front of him. “But at least I can say that I’m the only one that loves both of you.”

Tory pulled them both into a hug, and they returned it. He was glad to have both of them beside him. It felt wrong, not having one or the other. It was even worse without both of them. Tory knew how much they meant to him, and he was willing to do anything to make sure they were happy and safe. That was a promise he intended to stick to. He would put his life on the line many times over for them if they so much as hinted at it. He was that devoted to his two girls. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were the focal points of his life, and he was happy to have it like that…

I.I.I Author’s Note I.I.I

If you’re wondering, I’m still trying to work everything out, down to the last minute detail. I hate to leave holes in the plot, even though I’m sure a good amount have gotten past me. Call me dense, but at least I try, right?

I’ll try to get these chapters out as fast as I can, but until summer comes around (heh, another song) I’m kinda in a jam, since my only other source of internet is my friend’s house, and I hate to use them like that. I’ll probably be writing these chapters and get around to posting like, three at one time during the intervals. So, at least you get to look forward to two or three chapters instead of one when I post something!