• Published 7th May 2012
  • 2,715 Views, 107 Comments

A Hoof In Two Worlds - Raven Smite

Tory's Life is turned around when he is summoned to Equestria. Reposted for a friend of mine.

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Fires of Love

A Hoof in Two Worlds
‘The Fires of Love’


Discord’s laughter rang throughout Tory’s head as he struggled in the demon’s grasp. He saw Celestia and Luna standing there, their magic useless against the monster. The Elements of Harmony had been defeated. Rarity had been turned into a gem, Rainbow Dash was stone, Pinkie Pie was surrounded by mini-Discords, Applejack lay at her feet, too injured to speak, and Twilight Sparkle was nowhere to be found. The only pony that had stood her ground was Fluttershy.

“Fluttershy, run away!” Tory shouted. “You have to live, please!”

“I’d rather die than be apart from you!” She cried out.

“That can be arranged,” Discord said, grabbing her. “How would you like it? Shall I kill you both at the same time, and spare you from living without the other for even a second? Or would you prefer I slowly cut you to pieces while your boyfriend watches? Either way, your deaths will be slow and agonizing…No choices? Cut to pieces it is then!”

“No! Not that!” Tory cried out. “DON’T YOU DARE BASTARD!!! I’LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!!!”

“You‘ll do no such thing!” Discord said, squeezing him. Tory felt his bones being crushed, and let out an agonizing wail. “You should have joined me Tory. I could have made you so powerful. I could have let you and her live. Instead, your punishment shall be to watch your precious Fluttershy die a most slow and painful death! Just remember boy, you brought this upon her.”

Fluttershy began to hover above Tory, her body unable to move. Swords began to spin around her, getting closer and closer with each rotation. As they came within reach, they slowly began to curb down towards her. Fluttershy screamed again, the same scream from Tory’s dreams.

“Tory! Please help me!” She cried, tears falling down her face.

“Discord, please don’t do this!” Tory begged. “I’ll do whatever you want, just please, let her go!”

“It’s too late for that,” Discord said laughing. “Her fate is sealed, as is yours.”

With a wave of his arm, Discord brought the blades down on Fluttershy. Tory shut his eyes as tight as they would go. He waited for the agonizing scream of his true love, but nothing came. Not even the sound of metal on metal as the swords crossed paths.

Tory opened his eyes, gasping for breath, to see the bright sun peering over the trees through the window. He looked to his left to see Fluttershy, wide awake and staring at him with concerned, loving eyes. He leaned down and kissed her.

“Tory, you were talking in your sleep,” she said quietly. “What happened? Did Discord visit you again?”

“No he didn’t,” Tory replied. He wished the demon had though, instead of that terrible dream. “Don’t worry about it Fluttershy. Just a bad dream.”

“Tory, I’m scared. Today feels so dark.” she whispered. “I don’t know what to do…”

“I’ve got an idea,” Tory said, forcing a smile. “Why don’t we go to Canterlot today? We can talk with Princess Celestia, and see what she has to say. We’ll check Discord’s statue, and spend the day in town, enjoying each other’s company. Does that sound good?”

Fluttershy nodded, brightening up at the thought of visiting the castle. They got out of bed, and went downstairs after Tory redressed from his now dirty pair of jeans and personal design shirt, to his black jeans and silver shirt that Rarity made for him.

Tory flinched at the thought of Rarity, who had been turned into a gem. What if that dream had been a vision? Tory had those kinds of dream on many occasions, but none of them had ever been that evil. He shook the thought out of his head, and followed Fluttershy into the kitchen.

Everyone was sitting at the table, even Grace. But what caught Tory off-guard was seeing her talking with Big Macintosh. The red guy was just sitting there, listening intently to what she said. Tory could almost say there was a glint of love in his eyes, but he dismissed that thought. He didn’t know the guy well enough to make assumptions like that.

“Mornin’ you two,” Applejack said as she saw them sit at the table. “I was wonderin’ if I was gonna hafta drag ya outta that room, ya‘ll were in there so long.”

That got everyone laughing, even Grace. Tory blushed madly at the thought, and that made them laugh even harder. He looked over at Fluttershy to see her blushing as well. He smiled at her, and turned away.

“Okay ya’ll, settle down” Applejack said. “So Tory, Fluttershy, when do you plan to, you know, tie the knot?”

This made everyone go quiet as they waited for an answer. Tory looked at Fluttershy, and found she was looking at him too. He blushed again, and thought quickly about what to say. It’s true, he was planning on marrying Fluttershy, but he hadn’t decided when yet. Finally, he spoke up.

“A day hasn’t really been decided yet.” he said. “I wanted to know everyone’s schedules beforehand, so I could set it for a day when everyone would have the day off to be there. Then I planned to go to Pinkie Pie and see what she could do in the allotted time.”

Everyone nodded their heads, realizing that made sense. Fluttershy sighed in relief, and Tory grabbed her hoof under the table to reassure her. He wanted to marry her so badly! He couldn’t wait for the day it would come!

“Well I’ll talk with Twilight, an’ see what she says. She keeps a record of everyone’s daily jobs at the library.” Applejack said.

“Oh no, you don’t have to!” Tory insisted, tensing up at Twilight’s name. “I think me and Fluttershy will stop by there later.”

“Oh, got some business” Applejack asked.

“We’re going to Canterlot,” Fluttershy said quietly. “We need to speak with Princess Celestia, and we figured Twilight might want to talk with her as well.”

“Shoot!” Applejack said suddenly. “That sounds like a great idea! I think I’ll join ya! I’ve been wanting to sell these apples to those snobby royals for a long time. They need to know what a good apple taste like! Hell, why don’t we all go? It’ll be a good chance for everyone to get together again!”

“Well uh,” Tory started. “I’m not so sure. I mean, don’t you and Cory have too much work to do?”

“No no, I insist.” Applejack said. “And Cory here deserves to see Canterlot, don’t you think?”

Tory sighed in defeat. He knew there was no way to convince Applejack once she made up her mind. But he wanted to talk with Twilight and Celestia alone, well almost alone. He was sure that he could convince them of his good intentions if he and Fluttershy did a good enough job explaining. Things just seemed to really like turning against him. His only solace was Fluttershy, and her beautiful smile beside him.

As they began to eat, a door slammed somewhere in the house, and Tory suddenly felt weightless. He looked down to see he was floating, and then he took off. He tried to resist, but his body refused to move. Everyone followed him outside, where he landed at the hooves of Twilight and Rarity. Tory could almost feel the hate rolling off them in waves.

“So, you thought you could come back and not tell us,” Twilight said in a faux sweet tone. “I’m really hurt Tory, I thought we were friends.”

“As did I,” Tory countered, struggling to his hands and knees. “Until I heard you and Rarity telling Fluttershy that I had to leave.”

Everyone gasped at that news. Rarity looked like she would die on the spot, she looked so guilty. Twilight just kept her gaze on Tory.

“Don’t try to pin this on us,” she said. “Look, we know you’re a spy. Why else would you arrive very conveniently in our town a day after Equestria suffered a massive heat wave that nearly crippled us? We know you’re trying to sabotage us! That’s why you wormed your way into Fluttershy’s heart!”

“Now hold on an apple pickin’ second!” Applejack said, coming up to her other friends. “Tory ain’t no spy! If he was a spy, why would he act so nice to all of us, even Derpy? If he was a spy, all he’d have to do is ask Fluttershy about our weaknesses.”

“Looks like he managed to trick you too Applejack,” Twilight said. “We need to get you away from him before he completely turns you against us.”

“Easy girls,” Tory said, getting to his feet. “Let’s all go talk with Zecora. She can vouch for me!”

“How do we know you didn’t brainwash her too?!” Rarity retorted. Tory flinched under her stare. He recalled his dream again, and saw her as a gem once more, so beautiful, yet soulless. The pause was all she needed to validate herself. “You see? He can’t even stand up for himself!”

“Tory, you and I are going to take a little walk…All the way to Canterlot!” Twilight spat out the last part.

“Not without me you’re not!” Fluttershy said, coming over to join her love.

“No Fluttershy, you don’t have to go.” Tory said calmly. “If you stay here, you might be able to avoid trouble.”

“Oh how noble,” Rarity hissed. “Trying to leave his ‘lover’ behind so she doesn’t see him admit the truth! Such trash!”

“At least I’m willing to say something to someone’s face, unlike you two!” Tory retorted.

“Silence you spy!” Rarity spat. “Your kind are not wanted here! That means your little friends will be joining us.”

Without warning, Rarity picked up Cory and Grace with her magic. Twilight did the same with Tory, and everyone began the long trek to Canterlot. Not a single word was spoken the entire trip. By the time they reached the castle, the sun was standing high above them.

Everyone entered the castle in single profile. As they reached the throne room, two guards stopped the group. After explaining their reason for being here, they stepped aside to let them pass. One of them spit on Tory as he went by.

The room was larger than Tory remembered, but TV distorts everything, so he wasn’t surprised. Atop the throne, sat the majestic Celestia. Her hair waved gently, even though no breeze was present. Tory believed that was because her magic was so powerful, it basically radiated off her body, creating an energy surge around her. As everyone approached, they kneeled down respectively, even Grace, who didn’t really know about these things.

“Ah, Twilight Sparkle, my most hard working student,” Celestia said kindly. “What brings you here today?”

“Grave news Princess,” Twilight said. “We’ve discovered this spy, sent to sabotage us. Luckily we caught him before he completed his goal.”

“Are you sure he is a spy Twilight?” Celestia asked. “Do you know where he is from, or who sent him?”

“Well…We know he is from Earth, another world that we cannot see. Unfortunately, we are not sure who he works for.”

“Did you say another world?” Celestia asked, her voice getting more serious. She turned to Tory. “You there, what is your name, and what race are you?”

“My name is Tory Mills, your Highness,” he said. “I’m…I’m a human.”

“Then it is you!” she exclaimed.

“Princess?” Twilight asked.

“Twilight, he is no spy!” Celestia said suddenly. “Zecora summoned him here from his, Earth.”

“Are…Are you sure?’ Rarity asked. Tory thought she had to be absolutely sure of his guiltiness if she was willing to openly challenge the Princess.

“I am sure.” She simply said. “Zecora came to me on the night of the Hellfire Wave, and told me of one from another world that would save us. Tory was it? Were you the one summoned by Zecora?”

Tory nodded, and began to explain how he arrived in Equestria again. Then he went beyond that and told her his entire story. The sun was halfway down the sky when he finished.

“That’s quite a story,” Celestia said. “And you never knew of the prophecy?”

“No I did not your Highness“ Tory said respectively.

“He will come on two, and save us all,” Celestia said, recalling Zecora’s words. “But he and she together will fall. Harmony will return forever more, but only at the cost of war."

Everyone gasped at those words. Tory was perhaps the most araid of all of them. If the prophecy was indeed about him, then the ‘she’ must be Fluttershy. He let the second line run through his head. Any way he looked at it, that mean he and Fluttershy would die. Even fate itself seemed to not want them together!

“Tory,” Twilight said, looking upset. “I…apologize. I judged you too quickly. I let my paranoia get the best of me, and that made me a bad friend. When Fluttershy told me about your past, I thought it was just a lie so you could get closer to her. But now I see that it was the truth. I spurned you like your bad friends did. Can you fogive me?”

“And me?” Rarity asked beside her.

Tory looked from one pony to the other. His expression was unreadable, and both ponies feared they had gone too far. Finally, Tory let a smile break out on his face, and spoke happily to the two of them.

“Hey, we all make mistakes,” he said. “You two were just trying to protect the things you love. I can’t be angry about that. You’re forgiven.”

Twilight and Rarity sighed in relief, and everyone laughed. Celestia smiled at them, and let herself laugh as well. Tory looked around the room. When he had started his new life, he didn’t have a single person he could call a friend, now he had too many to count, and one of them he planned on marrying. Which reminded him…

“Hey Twilight,” Tory asked. “Any chance I could get everyone’s schedules?”

“What for?” Twilight curiously asked.

“Well, I think it’s time me and Fluttershy got married,” he told her.

This got everyone’s attention, even Celestia’s. Tory was acutely aware of the silence that gripped the room. Twilight was about to respond, when Princess Celestia stopped her and spoke instead.

“Tory, do you really wish to marry Fluttershy?” she asked. Tory nodded, he was never more sure of anything. “Then you may hold it here, in the castle. After everything I’ve heard, I can see no better solution than the best wedding for you two.”

Tory’s mouth dropped straight to the floor. Fluttershy gave a delightful cry, and flew over to him. She landed on top of him, knocking both of them to the ground. She began to kiss him rapidly, making everyone and everypony in the room laugh.

“Tory, I can’t believe it!” she cried out happily. “You and me, married! Oh Tory, I love you so much!”

“And I love you Fluttershy,” Tory said. “Nothing will ever change that.”

Tory looked out the window, and saw the sun had set. His time was up. Any second now, Discord would knock him out, and demand his answer. Yet nothing came to him. Tory wondered if Discord had been bluffing. Celestia noticed his worried look, and spoke out.

“Tory, what’s wrong,” she asked. “You look like the end of the world is here.”

“Princess,” Tory said. “I’ve been thinking. What if Discord is the one behind everything? Is it possible that he was the one that sent the Hellfire Wave?”

“I had that thought at one point,” Celestia admitted. “But once I checked the statue, I was reassured. Discord is sealed away tightly. But it couldn’t hurt to check again. Come with me.”

Everyone walked outside towards the maze, where Discord’s body was put on display (can anyone say issues much?). As they neared his statue, Tory felt his body grow hot. Each step made his eyes unfocus, and his breath come in shallow amounts. When he got within ten feet, Tory felt so weak, he fell to the ground. His body refused to move, and he waited for the cold embrace of Discord’s dream. Yet none came, and he didn’t pass out.

“Tory! Tory please, not yet!” Fluttershy cried. “Not again!”

Discord’s voice began to emanate from everywhere. His laughter chilled everyone to the bone. Tory felt his body begin to rise, and it glided over to the statue. The sky began to darken, and a cold wind blew in from everywhere.

“I really should thank you boy,” came the demon’s voice. “You‘ve been such a nice container. Just for that, I‘m going to let you live longer than the others.”

“Discord!” Celestia spat. “Where are you?!”

Tory’s body began to glow black, and he felt the life being sucked out of him. The energy that swirled around him began to flow into Discord’s statue. Fluttershy cried out for Tory, but he couldn’t move or speak. He looked into her eyes, and gave her a look that said ‘Run please! I don’t know what I’d do if you got hurt!’ Fluttershy looked back at him, her expression showing one of conviction and she held her ground.

Discord’s statue cracked down the middle, and black beams of energy burst out. His laughter echoed around the clearing once more. An explosion formed behind Tory, and he felt a large claw grab hold of him.

“Hello Celestia, it‘s good to see you yet again. And you as well Twilight. You two haven‘t aged a bit. Oh, is that you Tory? I‘m glad you could make it on time. Now I get to meet you in person. Hahaha! So you‘re the human boy from another world, a weakling that was treated like shit? Honestly I can see why. Oh how ironic that you fell in love with the weakling of the Elements!”

“If you so much as lay a finger on her,” Tory threatened.

“That depends on you,” Discord said. “Now is the time to choose Tory. Will you join me, or side with them?”

“You really want to know what I’ve decided on?” Tory asked. “I’ve decided that I want to kick your ass again. You were never going to make me turn traitor to Equestria! I’ll die before then!”

“Oh don‘t worry boy, you will.” Discord said maliciously. “But for now, you get to sit there and watch me kill off your friends!”

“You release Tory now, you ruffian!” Rarity called out.

Discord lifted a finger lazily, and Rarity grew stiff. Tory knew what was happening. He called out to her, but she didn’t respond. Her eyes glazed over, and Rarity’s white body hegan to harden into diamond. Everyone gasped as she fell over, and Discord laughed.

“How‘s that for irony eh?” Discord joked. “She was always collecting and drooling over gems, and now she is one! HAHAHA!”

“You twisted bastard!” Tory shouted at him. “Turn her back!”

“Compliments will get you nowhere Tory, you should know that. And no, I think she‘s better like this. At least she‘s quiet now.”

Applejack charged at Discord, but he simply swatted her aside, as though she were a fly. He snapped his fingers, and miniature clones of him spawned around her. They began to relentlessly assault her. Then something forced them to stop.

Up in the sky, Luna descended upon the celaring with Pinkie on her back and Rainbow Dash at her heels. Luna’s horn lit up, and the clones dissipated. Pinkie jumped off her back, and went to check on Applejack.

“Luna, your timing could not have been more perfect.” Celestia said, welcoming her sister.

“But I’m afraid we’ll have to cut this reunion short sister,” Luna said. “Twilight, go now! You know what to do!”

“How dare you!” Rainbow shouted at the demon. “HOW DARE YOU HURT APPLEJACK!!!”

She charged at Discord, and managed to get a few good hits in. Then Discord managed to grab her, and a black aura appeared around Rainbow. He dropped her, and she began to turn to stone, just like in Tory’s dream. Discord snapped his fingers, and both Celestia and Luna lost their horns. They cried out, and were promptly silenced by Discord making a zipper appear around their mouths.

He snaped his fingers again, and more mini clones circled Pinkie and the injured Applejack. Tory knew what would happen next. He looked down at Fluttershy. Her eyes said everything.

“TORY!!!” She cried out.

“No Fluttershy!” he called out. “Please run away! He’ll kill you! I can’t bear to see you die!”

“I’d rather die than be apart from you!” she shouted.

“That can be arranged,” Discord said, grabbing her. “How would you like it? Shall I kill you both at the same time, and spare you from living without the other for even a second? Or would you prefer I slowly cut you to pieces while your boyfriend watches? Either way, your deaths will be slow and agonizing…No choices? Cut to pieces it is then!”


“Hardly the time to be making threats you can‘t go through with!” Discord said with a laugh.

Just as in his dream, Fluttershy flew upward against her will. The swords appeared once more, spinning again around her. They curbed downward, aimed to slice Fluttershy to ribbons.

“Tory please! Help me!” she cried out. The tears that fell down her face made Tory feel empty inside. His rage tipped over, and he struggled with a hidden well of strength. He broke free of Discord’s grasp, and ran along his arm.

Discord realized what happened too late, as Tory brought his foot into the demon’s face. He kicked off, and went straight up. Doing a front flip, Tory brought down his heel with as much force as he could muster. Discord went down, and Tory got to experience having a leg break from smashing it into something indestructible.

Fluttershy was released from the spell, and the swords vanished. As Tory hit the ground, she raced over to him. She lavished him in kisses, and he sat there, holding her. His worst nightmare had been avoided.

“How DARE you use my own magic against me!” Discord shouted, his voice full of hate.

“You’re magic?” Tory asked, confused. “But I can’t do magic.”

“Don’t play coy with me!” the demon said. “You just used Maker Magic to strengthen your attacks! I‘m the only being in Equestria that can use it!”

“Magic?” Tory whispered to himself, examining his hand. “Maker Magic? Does that mean I can create anything?”

Tory had a basic knowledge of magic, and knew that it was all in the mind. He concentrated a thought around his hand, and made a slashing motion. Sure enough, his hand flashed white, and a broad sword appeared. It was different this time though. Instead of a purely golden sword, only the blade was gold. The hilt and guard was pink, and Tory smiled.

“Okay then Discord!” Tory shouted, staring down the demon. “I’m going to kill you! Every second that you breathe is a plague on Equestria! Prepare to die!”

Tory charged at him, gripping his sword in both hands. Then a green portal appeared in front of him, and he leaped through. Discord felt something pierce his back, and cried out in pain. Tory had warped behind him and lanced his sword into his spine. Discord grabbed him, and wrenched him out. He hurled the teen across the clearing, but Tory made another portal, and came back beside Fluttershy.

Looking around, Tory realized that his friends had managed to pick themselves back up. They must have gotten their courage back after seeing him stand up to the demon. Tory willed his magic again, and Rainbow Dash returned to her original form. The diamond around Rarity melted, and she shook herself free from it.

Twilight had returned now, carrying a jewel encrusted blue box. He knew it contained the actual Elements of Harmony. He charged at Discord once more, hoping to buy them time. He super charged his legs, and jumped into the sky above. He raised his sword over his head, willed the dark storm clouds above to part, and release the sunlight upon them all. Discord hissed, but Tory was unfazed.

“I’ve always wanted to do this,” Tory said to himself, smiling. He crossed his index and middle fingers in a plus fashion, and cried out the familiar words. “KAGE BUNSHIN NO JUTSU!”

The sky was covered in a thin smoke, and there was suddenly a hundred copies of Tory. Each one of them fell upon Discord, letting their swords tear him to shreds. The demon swatted each of them away, dispelling them. Tory didn’t mind though, he was enjoying this. He made more clones, but this time Discord would get a nasty surprise.

Each clone attacked the demon, letting the rage of the original Tory shine through. Discord managed to destroy a few of them, but others his hand just fazed right through them. Tory remembered reading a story where Naruto had made illusion clones spawn with his real ones. The illusions couldn’t hurt Discord, but they could slow him down, and tire him out faster, while Tory pressed for more time.

Tory remembered an old anime he watched a long time ago called Buso Renkin, and the weapons they used on that show. Tory willed his magic to form a silver trench coat around him. It was the weapon of a minor character in that show, but it had a nice effect. He let his body fall to the ground, and charged at the demon.

Discord tried to slash at Tory, but the coat stopped the attack instantly. Tory didn’t even budge. He raised his sword again, and slashed Discord’s arm off. The demon cried out in pain, and stepped back. His eyes grew blood red, and raced towards the boy again. Tory simply dodged left, and kicked at Discord, sending him into the dirt.

Looking over at his friends, he saw that they had almost finished charging their magic to seal away Discord. Discord saw this as well, and rushed at them. Tory put his spirit into his next spell, and made a giant golden shield with a pink heart in the center block the demon’s path. Discord tried to get around it, but Tory made another appear, and another. Soon a complete circle of shields surrounded his friends, preventing Discord from getting to them.

“Face it Discord!” Tory shouted to his opponent. “You’ve lost! In a few seconds the spell will be ready, and you’ll be a statue again!”

“Not if MY magic has anything to say about it!” Discord said.

Beofer Tory could react, a massive sword appeared over Fluttershy’s head. She didn’t notice it though, as she was focusing the magic needed to defeat Discord. Tory cried out for her to move, but she didn’t hear him. The sword came down upon her, and Tory shut his eyes. When he didn’t hear Fluttershy’s cry again, he opened them to see Cory had pushed her out of the sword’s path. It stuck harmlessly into the ground, and dissolved.

Tory sighed in relief, sending a silent thanks to his friend for his selfless action. He turned back to Discord, and let his rage spill over once more. Tory charged at him again, shedding the silver coat as he ran. The thing protected him, but it was exceedingly heavy. He opened a portal in front of him, and about ten that surrounded Discord. He jumped through his, and reappeared in front of the demon. Tory brought his sword down on Discord once more, and it tore through his body, all the way down to his tail.

Letting out a terrifying screech, Discord fell to the ground. He didn’t move, he didn’t breathe. Tory flicked the blood off his sword, and stabbed it into the ground. Everything in the clearing was quiet once more. Tory looked back at his friends. They smiled at him, and he dashed over.

Fluttershy ran to him, and they embraced each other lovingly. She kissed him repeatedly, and he just held her, glad that it was done. Discord was dead, and nothing had managed to hurt Fluttershy. Everyone else came over more slowly, and cheered for Tory.

“Did I really see all of that?!” Cory asked, incredulous. “Did you just use magic, and kill Discord?!”

“Yeah,” Tory said, smiling. “I didn’t realize I could do magic though. I guess it just took the right time to reveal itself.”

“Actually, it’s not your magic,” Luna said beside him. “Discord has been using you from the very beginning, storing his magic power inside of your body. The spell that sealed him in stone also made his magic leak from his body constantly. It was a failsafe designed to make sure the target couldn’t escape. When Discord found you, he made his magic pour into you, and your body acted as a sponge, absorbing all of the energy.”

“So that’s how he managed to break free,” Twilight said. “When you got close enough to him, he pulled out the collected power, and used it to free himself from his bonds.”

“Correct Twilight,” Celestia replied, praising her student. “It seems that there was an excess amount of energy though, and Tory’s body adapted it so he could use it. The end result being Tory able to cast Discord’s magic.”

“That’s amazing!” Grace said beside Macintosh. The two had been helping Pinkie carry Applejack over. The orange pony groaned weakly, and Tory felt bad.

“Celestia, can Maker Magic heal wounds?” he asked the alicorn.

“Possibly,” she replied. “But I imagine it can only repair shallow wounds and mend bones. Nothing truly powerful.”

“That’s all I need,” Tory said getting down beside Applejack. “Come on Applejack, you can’t die on us. You’re like our big sister! Where would we be without you?”

“In a whole heap o’ trouble,” the orange pony said weakly. “Who else…is gonna keep the ponies from fightin’ with each other?”

This made everyone laugh, and Tory began to try his magic. His guess was that Applejack had broken bones, and bruised organs, so he focused on those first. Sure enough, when he began to work, Applejack began to recover her old energy. She didn’t move though, she waited until Tory finished. He stepped back, and let her get to her legs.

“Well don’t that just buck your apples!” she said, testing her legs by kicking out behind her. “I feel good as new!”

Everyone smiled as Applejack stretched. Everyone was fine, and the crisis had been averted. But no one noticed the bit of movement that came from Discord. He saw the sword that pierced the ground beside him, and forced his magic to grab it. It hovered unsteadily above him, and aimed the blade at it’s owner. It raced towards him with lightning speed.

Fluttershy had turned to look at Tory. She was happier than ever. Discord was defeated, and she was going to marry Tory. She flew up and kissed him gently. Out of the corner of her eye though, she saw the golden blade rise into the air.

As it charged at Tory, Fluttershy instinctively pushed him out of the way. The action forced her into his spot though, and the sword pierced her. Everyone gasped as they saw it happen. But the most pain was felt by Tory.

“FLUTTERSHY!!!” he cried.

"I warned you Tory!” Discord spat at him, his body dissolving “I told you I would kill her! You have only yourself to blame for her fate!”

Discord vanished into nothingness, leaving only specks of his blood in the clearing. His laughter reverberated around everyone, and sent shivers down their spines. Then he spoke softly, and maliciously. His words gripped them like ice.

“You think you’ve won, but this is only the beginning! You haven’t seen the last of me! I’ll be back, and I’ll kill all of you!”

Tory was oblivious to Discord’s warning. He quickly wrenched the sword out of Fluttershy. Knowing that he had to stem the blood flow, and ripped his shirt off, pressing it onto the wound. He looked into Fluttershy’s eyes, and saw all of his fear.

“I-It’s going to be okay,” Tory said, trying to reassure himself as well as Fluttershy. “We’re not going to let this stop us!”

“Tory…stop,” Fluttershy said weakly. “You don’t…really mean that.”

“But I can’t live without you!” Tory cried, the tears rolling down his face. “We…we were going to be married! We were going to settle down, start a family! Fluttershy, you mean everything to me!”

“I know,” she said, her voice cracking. “But it’s too late.”

“Celestia!” Tory shouted. “Please, peform the ceremony! She deserves this!”

The alicorn stepped forward, her expression unreadable. Tory knew he had to be strong, for Fluttershy’s sake. Celestia began the speech, her voice cracking with each word. As they neared the end, Tory could see the light leaving Fluttershy’s eyes.

“Tory,” Celestia said, her eyes brimming with tears now. “Do you promise to stay by Fluttershy’s side, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall…live?”

‘I do!” Tory said, his tears flowing unbound. He chocked up when Celestia said the last word. “With all of my heart and soul!”

“And Fluttershy,” Celestia said, stopping herself from crying. “Do you promise to stay by Tory’s side, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?”

“I do,” Fluttershy said weakly. Then she turned to Tory, her eyes holding a single spark of life left. Tory knew she had only a few minutes more. “With all of my heart and soul.”

“Then I now pronounce you man and wife.” Celestia said, finally breaking. “Tory, you may kiss the bride!”

Tory enveloped Fluttershy, and gave her the most passionate kiss he could. Everyone cried. Not in joy, but in pure uncontained sadness. As they broke the kiss, Fluttershy smiled at her new husband. Tory forced himself to smile too.

“Tory,” Fluttershy said, her voice almost inaudible. “Can you sing me that song? Just one more time?”

“Sure Fluttershy,” he said, biting back the emotion that caught in his throat. He breathed in deeply, and began to sing. He spoke softly, just barely loud enough for everyone to hear.

“The sun will rise,, and the sun will set.
But I’ll always be here, on that you can bet.
I know you’re so pure, so kind and so strong.
As I look at you now, I know that you can do no wrong.”

“I can’t say good-bye! I can’t go away!
I want to stay with you here, all night and all day!
Your soft gentle simle, it warms me to my core!
Oh how I love you today, for now and evermore!”

“Your sweet pink mane, your lush blue eyes!
You’re the love of my life, and for you I would die!
You’ve been at my side, through the good and the bad!
You’re the only true friend that I have ever had!”

“You‘ve given me hope, and kept by my side.
You‘re the only pony, in which I can confide.
Every time I‘m with you, and I look at your face,
I see all of your love, and my heart begins to race!”

“As the sun begins to set, and brings an end to our day,
I look into your eyes, and find I can‘t turn away.
You kissed me just once, and it made my heart melt.
And I realized right then, it was the best I ever felt!”

“Your sweet pink mane, your lush blue eyes!
You’re the love of my life, and for you I would die!
You’ve been at my side, through the good and the bad!
You’re the only true friend that I have ever had!”

This tore at Tory’s heart so badly. He knew he couldn’t live without Fluttershy. As he finished the chorus, he chocked up. Tory couldn’t bear to say the next verse. He looked at Fluttershy, and knew he had no choice. He wanted her to be happy, even in death. As he sang out the lines, his sobs catching him, everyone just broke down.

“Without you I feel, so incomplete!
I can only be happy when you are with me!
My one true love…I know that you are!
With you ar my side, the limits are the stars!”

“…Your sweet pink mane, your lush blue eyes!
…You’re the love of my life, AND FOR YOU I WOULD DIE!
You’ve graced me so much, with all of your love!
My heart beats with yours, like the wings of a dove!”

“…The sun will rise…and ths sun will set.
But I’ll always be here…on that you can bet.
Your soft gentle smile, it warms me to my core.
…Oh how I love you today…for now…and evermore.”

“Tory,” Fluttershy whispered with the last of her energy. “I’m glad that I spent this day…my one life…with you. I wouldn’t have had it…any other way”

“Niether would I Fluttershy,” Tory cried, kissing her one more time. “I love you…so much!”

Tory watched the last spark leave Fluttershy’s eyes. He felt her body go limp in his hands, and knew she had left him. He cried out her name to the heavens, begging her to come back. Tory couldn’t even hold his head up anymore, and he fell to his side. He stared at Fluttershy’s empty eyes, and saw nothing. He lightly brushed his hand down her face, closing them.

“FLUTTERSHY!!!” Tory shouted to the heavens. “PLEASE DON’T LEAVE ME!!! I NEED YOU!!!

Rainbow Dash came up to him, and rested a hoof on his shoulder. He didn’t even acknowledge that she was there. Rainbow curled up beside him, and spoke so softly. She tried to soothe Tory’s pain, but she knew they were just empty words.

“Tory please,” Rainbow said. “It’s over. Fluttershy sacrificed herself to save you. You need to pull yourself together.”


He got up and turned to Celestia, his eyes pleading for something. She knew what he was about to ask. It hurt her so much to hear it.

“Celestia please,” Tory begged. “There must be some kind of spell that can bring her back! I don’t care what I have to do, just tell me!”

“I’m sorry Tory, there isn’t a spell like that.” Celestia said, shaking her head.


Tory turned around, and picked up the sword. Fluttershy’s blood still covered the blade, and it dripped down the hilt onto his hand. Tory ripped a part of his pants off, and wiped the blood away. He took the scrap, and tied it to his arm, as a way of keeping Fluttershy with him always.

Tory turned away from his friends, and ran out of the clearing. Grace was about to follow him, but Cory caught her arm, his look saying ‘he needs to be alone right now.’ They all watched as he rounded a corner, and lost sight of him.

The funeral for Fluttershy was held the next day. All of Equestria was in attendance. All, save for one human boy…

I.I.I Author’s note I.I.I

This is, without a doubt, the worst chapter I have ever written. I found myself crying with every line after Fluttershy was pierced. I hope I never write another chapter like this again! I’m sorry to all of the loyal Fluttershy fans that read this! I know you guys feel my pain too! And I’m sorry it’s so short! I just couldn’t keep going after all that…

Original credit of story to Kovuthelion15. I do not claim any rights to My Little Ponies.