• Published 12th Feb 2015
  • 407 Views, 6 Comments

darkening skies - Duskblaze

Dusk Blaze learns of his father. His real father, the dark king Sombra. Learning his father's plan for him he sets out to confront Sombra.

  • ...

From day to night

For those of you who wanted more. Here is more. I'm glad there are people who like this. At least I think there are people who like this.


I led in bed that night thinking about what was said. All I knew was that my parents had kept a secret from me, I was adopted. But I didn't care. Some people would but I just didn't. The only thing I cared about was me being taken away by "her". My final thought before drifting of into sleep was where I would be taken.


A month passed after eavesdropping on my parents. I couldn't stop thinking about it and I hid it pretty well. No one noticed, except one person. Sunset.

"What's the matter Dusk? I have asked you at least 5 times by now, tell me what's bothering you. Every time I ask, you say that nothing's wrong."

"Okay, you deserve to know. But not here." I whispered "too many people."

"How about we talk at your place? Is 7 okay? Good! Gotta go." She said to fast for me to reply to any of her questions and she ran off just as fast. Can Pinkie turn into other people?


I told my informed about Sunset and told them that she was not my girlfriend and that they were not to joke about it. Of course they completely disregarded the "rules" that I had set.

At 6:48 Sunset knocked on the dark wooden door. I ran/crept (I can do it) down the stairs and opened the door. Sunset stepped through the doorframe as I held my left index finger to my lips. It was pointless for me to do so as my father walked into the kitchen to get food. (You have failed me total wipeout: Equestria. You weren't entertaining enough to distract him.) He looked over but immediately walked off back into the living room pretending not to have noticed.

As soon as we got into my room I switched on my tv and PS3 (pony station 3. I haven't said it before.) I passed Sunset a controller.

"We can talk while playing Minecraft." I announced. "So what do you wanna know first?"

"I'm pretty sure I only asked one question, a lot."

"I don't know why I'm telling you this but, I overheard my parents talking about a month ago. Talking about me. They said something about them not being my real parents, I don't care about that (still), and that after I turn 17 some woman will come and take me somewhere. Away from you. And the others." I said imagining a large wall of text for some reason. Well it wasn't that long, I guess.

"Okay, so that means tha—" she was interrupted by my mother shouting from the bottom of the stairs.

"Me and your father are going shopping. Be good you two" I felt so relieved that she wasn't up here saying that. I could feel my face burning. Then I imagined my face literally on fire. Me and Sunset both turned away from each other. Was she blushing too?

"Sunset, I've been wondering, why is it that people hate you? Pinkie told me what happened at the battle of the bands. I now know that magic is somehow a thing. But why would people hate you if it was you who played a major role in freeing them from mind control."

"I used to be a bully. A really bad bully. I ruled the school and no one opposed me. At least until Twilight came. You know about the pony world right? Has Pinkie told you?

"Yes. I know about the mirror and statue. Twilight Sparkle and spike. That's about it."

"In that world there are these things called the Elements Of Harmony. I can't be bothered to explain them to you now. Anyway, I stole Twilight's for use as the queen of the fall formal's crown certain that I'd win. She came to retrieve it and I ended up putting it on, turning into a demon and turning the entire school, sans our friends and twilight, into mindless zombies." She said. Hey more walls of text. "And that is why people still hate me."

She was fighting a hard battle. She was fighting against the tears welling up in her eyes.

"I don't care if you cry Sunset. I won't think any less of you. Your my friend. It must have been painful reliving that and I'm a horrible person for making you, sorry. I apologise from the deepest recesses of my hear—" I stopped speaking the moment she placed her head on my shoulder, wrapped her arms around me in a tight embrace and begin to quietly sob. We sat like that for a good few minutes. She eventually stopped crying and smiled at me.

"You...are a good friend Dusk. I'm glad that you still like me and are still willing to be my friend."

"Why wouldn't I want to be your friend? That was the old you. The Sunset I'm friends with is a great person. The new you."

"You can be really sweet sometimes. Also, blue fire is one of the best kinds of fire. Along with black."

"Hey, look someone who shares my views on fire." I joked. "So, when do you need to be home?"

"It doesn't matter, what time is it?"

"7:48" I replied glancing over at my clock.

We talked until 9:00. My parents didn't seem to care when Sunset went home, I'm not sure that they'd even care if she stayed until half past midnight. I stayed up until 1:27 am for some reason I couldn't get to sleep. The dream I had that night was the weirdest one I had ever had (and I have visions of the future).

A woman in a black coat knelt before me, black wings furled over her back. Sunset stood next to me stepping closer as the woman started to speak "My liege, I have come to retrieve you and take you home. To Alma. The king is waiting."

Neither me nor Sunset had any idea what was going on until my parents burst burst through the back door of the house and start shouting my name. Soon after the five girls from school walked out, a purple haired girl in the center. Everything melted away but me, Sunset and the woman. If it would make you happy I could bring your girlfriend and friends too. I had a girlfriend? Dream me accomplishes so much more than real me. I could barely hear the woman saying "by your facial expression I'm guessing that this girl here isn't your girlfriend." With the shouting of my parents.

I awoke and buried my head in my pillow but the shouting would not cease. Was I still dreaming? The answer to that was no, my parents were trying to wake me up to tell me Sunset was at the door.


Pinkie has taught me how to make tiny dents in the fourth wall. Next week I'll meet her teacher,
Wade Wilson.

Pinkie pie is a changeling. Also Chrysalis will be in a later chapter. And so will peanut butter crackers. Which I love. Oh so much. But not as much as I like maple syrup. Don't tell Pinkie Pie but I have made maple syrup, Nutella, and peanut butter crackers. She must never know. I may die. Don't tell her if you want to see the ending of the fic.

Why is Sunset at Dusk's door? What did the dream mean? (I think people reading this would know) Why is blue and black fire so awesome?

Find out the answer to some of these questions in the next dragon ball Z.

Dusk: your in the wrong franchise.
Person: oh sorry.
Dusk: why did I call this a franchise?

Author's Note:

If there is anyone wondering why I named the chapter from day to night it is because Sunset and Dusk are both at the end of the day. I also only just noticed that Sonata and Aria's surnames are Dusk and Blaze.

Comments ( 4 )

It's nice to know that I have a fan. Whenever I had tried writing before it was complete and utter rubbish. But now (apparently) the ones I write now are relatively good. Maybe I shouldn't have used ones, this is my first one that I have written for a while. I will try to get new chapters out each week, but I have no set day.

Jopp Blue and Black Fire are awsome.

Interesting. I will be watching this story with interest. :moustache:

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