• Published 7th May 2012
  • 1,962 Views, 27 Comments

Scars of the past. - Sim D

A young and confused alicorn appears in Equestria for reasons he does not know.

  • ...

Chapter 2: Meet the Elements. Pt.2

*Gasp* – The yellow coloured pegasus pony let out a silent gasp.

"Nice going Frost. " – He thought. "*Ahem* Sorry if I startled, but i just couldn‘t help but hear singing over that little hill and i just had to see who was it. "

The pegasus pony flew down on the ground, but didn't respond, just turned her head a little to the right, avoiding looking him in the eyes. Frostbite smiled sheepishly and finally spoke.
"So, what‘s your name? "

"Um..my name is Flutershmm... "

"I‘m sorry, didn‘t quite hear that? " – Frostbite took one step closer.

"My name is uhm..Fluttershmh" – She took one step back. Frostbite knew that wasn‘t her full name. She was propobly just shy...really shy. He didn‘t know what to do, he‘s never met a pony who would be too shy to even pronounce her name. He understood the "Flutter“ part in her name, but the rest was a mystery.

"Alright, um..Flutter, I won‘t trouble you no more, farewell. " – Frostbite stood another second to hear her responce.

"Mhhmmh" – The only responce he got.

"Alright then.. " – Frostbite spread his wings and ascended into the air. "What a strange little pony" He thought. "But her quiet attitude is somehow..warm and relaxing, as if, though awfully shy, she has absoloutely no troubles in this world. Hmph, wish it was that easy in mine. Hm, her shyness kind of reminds me of Searing Petal. I wonder if she too can...No, what am I thinking, an innocent filly like her couldn‘t secretly be like him. " – Frostbite flew back to Ponyville.

The sun has gone down and the moon has risen right above Ponyville. Things were not at all going to Frostbite‘s plan. He had a whole day to examine the defences of this world, but all that he has done was waste time meeting ponies, who will soon be his father‘s slaves.
"Waste...But, is enslaving them really the right thing to do, father? " – Frostbite landed near a wide tree.

"No, I can‘t let myself be distracted by emotions. I promised my father i won‘t fail like Crimson and i won‘t! We‘ve waited for this for a thousand years and...My, that is a strange looking tree. " – Frostbite tilted his head. "Wait, is this supposed to be a house? Now I‘ve seen everything. " – He chuckled, but then noticed a sign near the entrance with a picture of a book.

"Oh, so it‘s a library..That doesn‘t really make it any less stranger. " – Then he remembered what the building looked like in his world. - "Right, like I‘m one to talk. "
The it hit him. "Wait, a library has books, books have information, information is what i lack right now and I‘m a complete idiot, why didn‘t i come here sooner? " – Frostbite glanced at the windows, the lights were out.

"Well, not like somepony would live in a library anyway. " – He stood in front of the door and checked if it was locked. It opened.

"Hm, somepony isn‘t very responsable, leaving the door unlocked like that. " – Frostbite stepped inside the library. - "Wow, it‘s as dark as a dungeon in here. Well, nothing like a little illumination magic can‘t-"


Frostbite almost jumped in shock, he looked around and saw everypony he‘s met so far, as well as other ponies from Ponyville. The next minute, a pink pony appeared out of nowhere. It was the same pony who gasped and flashed away when Frostbite first came to Ponyville.

"Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie, and I threw this "Welcome to Ponyville" party just for you!Were you surprised?Were you, were you, huh huh huh?" – The pink pony started jumping around happily around Frostbite, who as still slightly frustrated to how his plan to hide in the library and gather information just flew through the window.

"Yes, very surprised, nopony told me there was going to be a party for me."

"Well duh, It wouldn‘t of been a surprise party if you knew about it. You see, I saw you when you first got here, remember? You were all like "Hi" and I was all like *Gasp*,remember? You see, I've never saw you before and if i never saw you before, that means you're new, cause I know everypony and I mean everypony in Ponyville, and if you're new, that meant you've never met enyone yet and if you haven't met anyone yet, that means you don't have any friends, if you don't have any friends then you must be lonely and that made me so sad and i had an idea, and that's why i threw a great, ginourmous, super-duper surprise party and invited everyone in Ponyville.See? And you you have lots and lots of friends."

Frostbite‘s eyes were spinning. He never met a pony who could talk so much and so fast. Well, nopony except Boo. Despite how everyone one of the generals took their duties seriously, Boo was always there to cheer somepony up, even in their saddest states. That‘s very rare in Frostbite‘s world, a pony who would are enough to comfort others. But returning to the matter at hoof, Frostbite realised what this Pinkie Pie just said.

"Friends..." – He lowered his head. In his world, "Friend" has always been just a word to him, it had no actual meaning. Even among those who served in his father‘s castle, the more common words were "servant" are at the most "collegue".

"I hope she's not bothering you too much?" – A purple unicorn approached Frostbite and asked. - "Hello, I think I‘m the only one in Ponyville who hasn‘t introduced herself to you, my name is Twilight Sparkle. And you‘re Frostbite, right?

"Uhm, pleased to meet you. No, I don‘t think we‘ve met before, but how do you know my name?

"Oh, well it would seem that you‘ve already met my best friends, they told me about you before you came to the library. But I have to say, your name is a little...odd. "

"..Is she suspecting me? This place is so crowded, my cover might be blown. " – Frostbite thought and gulped.

"I mean no offense, of course. " – She suddenly changed her tone. "It just seems..different. Is it because you‘re usually cold? " – Twilight put her hoof on Frost‘s chest.

"A little personal space please? " – He thought.

"My, you do feel cold. Are you sure you‘re alright? " – Twilight looked at him concerned.

"Alright, this is so strange. Why does she look so concerned? We‘ve only just met, yet it feels like she‘s privileged to feel concerned about me. I just don‘t understand them. " – Frostbite thought. - "It‘s fine, really. I‘ve my body has always felt this cold for some reason. " – He said. "I mean, it‘s not like I could tell her: Oh, I‘m the prince of a dark world who uses ice magic and I‘m here to spy on you. "

"Well, if you say so. " – Twilight was not a stupid filly, she was not convinced.

"See Twilight? He has a horn and wings, just like the princesses." – Applejack said.

"Hey, you‘re right. Mister Frostbite, if it isn't a secret, mind telling us where exactly is it you come from? " – Twilight looked curious, but suspicious aswell.

Frostbite broke out a cold sweat. He couldn't possibly tell them where he‘s from and why is he here. - "I'm, uh...I'm not sure. I just woke up on a cliff, atleast a mile from here, and saw this village, so i decided to visit.." - "Oh yeah, great explanation there Frost. " – He thought.

"It‘s strange" – Twilight said. "But ever since this morning, I‘ve felt a strange..presance. As if, I dunno, something other-wordly was brought into Equestria. "

Frostbite‘s eyes widened. How is it possible that she could feel his presance, if not even the princess could? Or perhaps she has. Maybe the princess knew he was here from the very moment he arrived. But if that were the case, why hasn‘t she appeared yet? Wouldn‘t something like this attract her attention immediatly?

"Wait, you‘re not saying Frost has something to do with it? " – Rainbow Dash landed next to Twilight.

"No, of course not. But, what Im trying to say is, if what Applejack said is true, that AJ met him this morning, and that‘s when i had this feeling, maybe he knows something about this presance I felt. " – Twilight looked Frost in the eyes.

"C‘mon Twilight, It‘s Frostie‘s party, this isn‘t a time to be a super-smart-smarty-pants. " – Pinkie Pie said while bouncing. "Where does she get all that energy to constantly bounce all the time? " Frost thought.

"Yeah, you‘re right Pinkie. " – With that said, Frostbite sighed in relief. "But still, I should write this to Princess Celestia. I‘m sure she must‘ve senced the same thing. " – And then he broke a cold sweat..again. His situation was dire, strong as he was, he wouldn‘t be able to defeat the Princess on his own, especially if she were to be accompanied by her sister, aswell as some of her royal guards.

"That will not be necessary, Twilight." – Suddenly, a kind voice spoke and in the middle of the library, a bright light appeared. Out of the light, stepped the Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Everypony was so surprised by this unexpected visit from the princesses, they kneeled immediatly.

The princesses recognised the ponies in the library, but one caught their attention.
"Sister, is he the one? " – Luna was first to speak.

"Yes, I‘m sure of it. I can feel the same presance within him as I did this morning. " – Celestia answered and locked her eyes on Frostbite.

His situation just got a whole lot worse. There were no guards to be seen, but even without them, if a battle were to occur right now, Frostbite would surely lose.

"Princess Celestia, what‘s going on? " – Twilight asked the princess nervously.

"All will soon be clear, my dear student. " – Celestia answered and locked her eyes on Frostbite again. "I don‘t know exactly who you are, but i know where you‘re from. Why have you come to Equestria? What is it you seek here? "

Frostbite was in a state of panic, but stood his ground. His plan just went down the drain. Though if he thinks about it, he hasn‘t accomplished even one objective all day, what with all the distractions he had to go through. But one thing was clear, his mission has failed. It doesn‘t matter if the princess doesn‘t know who he is, knowing where he‘s from is enough.
"Fine. " – He thought. "There‘s no escape from here. Even if I were to teleport myself away from here, how long would I be able to keep hiding before getting caught?

"What‘s goin‘ on here suger‘cube? " – Applejack asked.

With a slight sigh, Frostbite had finally spoke - "My name is Frostbite..Prince Frostbite. "

All ponies started gossiping and whispering:
"Prince? " , "What‘s he talking about? " , "Is something going to happen? " , "Where are the muffins? ".

Frostbite continued - " I was sent her by my father, King Ragnarok, with orders to-"

"ENOUGH FROST!" – Suddenly, a loud voice boomed through the library and could possibly be heard in the whole village.

Celestia wasn‘t expecting it, but did not falter. "Who are you? Show yourself! "

"Is that how you speak to your guests, Princess Celestia? Why don‘t you come out and see for yourself. " – The voice was coming right outside the library.

Both princesses and the six friends stormed through the door, where outside they have witnessed multiple figures standing. There were eight in total, while two larger one‘s were standing in the middle.

"It can‘t be. " – Celestia spoke.

"Sister, what is wrong? " – Luna looked at Celestia concerned.

"B-Brave Heart, is that you? " – Celestia looked straight at the alicorn standing next to the one who spoke:

"Greetings ponies of Equestria. After so many years of trying, we can finally see each other face to face. It‘s truly an honor..for you, that is. " – Ragnarok smirked.

Right next to Ragnarok was Brave Heart, Who was avoiding Celestia‘s and Luna‘s eyes.

"B-Big brother. " – Luna spoke silently.

The six friends both said in union - "Brother!? "

"Brave, why are you here? No, how are you here? You shouldn‘t have been able to return to Equestria.

Brave Heart didn‘t respong, just stood there. Then Ragnarok said - "Yes, he wouldn‘t be able to return here, but that doesn‘t mean I couldn‘t. "

"Who are you? What is it you inted to do in Equestria?! " – Celestia said angrily.

"Ohohoh now, my dear. You can‘t possibly think I would just tell you about my plan. Besides, soon you won‘t have to worry about that, I assure you. " - Ragnarok glared at Celestia.

"Hey, nopony talks to the princess that way! " – Rainbow Dash flew straight at Ragnarok.

"Rainbow Dash, wait! " – Twilight shouted to Rainbow, but she didn‘t stop. Right before Rainbow would have made contact with Ragnarok, a flash of red lightning knocked her back at the six ponies.

"Rainbow Dash! " – the ponies yelled in unison.

"Woah there, hot head, ain‘t nopony gonna attack our king like that" – the ponies turned to a colored pegasus, who seemed to give out small electrical charges.

Ragnarok laughed - "Well, now that that‘s taken care of, where is my dim-witted son? "

"We don‘t know who you‘re talking about. " – Twilight said after helping Rainbow Dash up.

"Father! " – Frostbite ran out of the library to Ragnarok and kneeled.

"Father!? " – The ponies said in unison...yes, again.

"Forgive me father, I wasn‘t going to tell them our plan, I simply-"

"FOOL!" – Ragnarok charged a spell and knocked Frostbite away.
"What was I thinking? Sending you on such an important task. Your boasting on how you would have succeded in this, where Crimson could not, were all just empty words.

"Crimson? " – Celestia thought. He can‘t mean Brave can he?

"Hm, by the look on your face, Celestia, I can tell what you‘re thinking. Yes, the one which you call "Brave Heart" is Crimson Heart, my first born son.

Both Celestia‘s and Luna‘s eyes widened. The young alicorn who they‘ve met all those years ago, was the son of some evil tyrant?

"Brave, please, tell me he is lying. " – Celestia turned to Brave. But he did not respong, merely frowned and looked away.

"Oh I assure you, every word I say is true. Including this – by leaving your castle, you left the so called Elements of Harmony completely unprotected, and that was the chance I‘ve been waiting for so long. "

"But that doesn‘t make sense, the Elements of Harmony are only what keeps the balance of this world in order, stopping any dis-harmony or chaos. "

"Or so you thought. I‘s sure if I know some of your history, you should know it all. The elements were originally created by the King and Queen of Equestria not only to keep the balance of this world, but protect it aswell. However, that was far too difficult, even for them. They needed someone keep that protective power up. So in short: think of yourself as a magic energy source, that keeps the Elements charged and protecting Equestria. The moment you went too far from them, I used that to my advantage. So...here i am. " – Ragnarok smirked once more.

Everypony was in awe. What is about to happen to their home?

"So sending your own son was just a decoy maneuver. " – Celestia looked back at Frostbite, who was lying on the ground, motionless.

"Correct. I suppose there is no reason to hide it any longer. There was no real task for my son to gather information about how well guarded Equestria is. I merely needed him to create a..well, call it a distraction if you want, to separate you from the Elements far enough. "

"..F-Father.. " – Frostbite grunted in pain, regaining his consciousness.

Brave Heart glared at Ragnarok. Though he isn‘t that fond of Frostbite, the way his father used him made him sick.

"Well, as much as I would love to quickly end your life here, I have different thoughts in mind. Until we meet again. " – The group turned around and walked away slowly. "Oh, and Carter, if you would kindly.. "

"He‘yes sir"- said a brown earth pony. "Yeee-" He lifted his front hooves "-Haaw! " and slammed the ground with great force. The earth began trembling and bulding cracked. Everypony was losing their balance, except the pegasus ponies, who flew in mid air.

"Woah nelly, what the hay was that" – Applejack spoke, barely keeping her balance.

"A meer demonstration of our strength. Do not worry, for there will be more. " – Said Ragnarok before entering a portal he conjoured up. The other‘s, including Carter and Brave Heart, followed.

"Brave! " – Celestia shouted.

Brave heart had stopped for a moment. He turned around and said:
"Celestia, forget everything you know about me, nothing has ever happened in the past. The scars from which the history of Equestria has suffered in the past, none of us will forget it. that goes the same for you Luna." – With that said, Brave once again turned around and dissapeared along with Ragnarok and the other ponies. Before he entered the portal, Celestia saw him blink twice. She was sure that, in their past, that was a sign Brave used to use.

The portal had closed, and the group was gone. The rumbling had also finally stopped and the ponies could finally stand straight. Twilight, who was still in shock, approached Celestia.

"Princess Celestia, what will we do now?

"For now, my fateful student, we must remain calm and come up with a plan to ready ourselves. "

"Dear sister, what shall become of him? " – Luna pointed at Frostbite. He was still lying on the ground, still motionless. However, his wound wasn‘t taht serious, he just couldn‘t move, because his father had forsaken him. Celestia approached him and leened down.

"What of you, Frostbite was it? Do you still see yourself as oru enemy? Will you stay by your father‘s side and continue to do as he commands?

"What father? He is no father to me, just a power hungry monster that won‘t stop at anything until he gets what he wants. " - He slowly stood up. "What of me? I don‘t care anymore. Lock me up in a dungeon, banish me, destroy me, do what you want. I‘m nopony‘s prince anymore.

Suddenly the six ponies surrounded him and looked at the Princess.

"Princess Celestia, please, mister Frostbite never wanted any of this. " – Twilight spoke first.

"Mister isn‘t really necessary.. " – He whispered.

"Yeah, Frostbite is a really cool guy, it was all that Ragna-whatever‘s fault. " – Rainbow Dash backed her up.

"He is just a little colt who didn't know right from wrong. " – Followed by Fluttershy.

"I‘m sorry, little? I‘m a thousand years older than you. " - Frostbite thought.

"Hm..Tell me Prince Frostbite-"

"Please, don‘t call me that. Like I‘ve said, I‘m nopony‘s prince anymore. "

"Very well. Frostbite, you‘ve only been here for one day, but how do you feel in this world?

Frostbite lowered his eyes for a moment, then looked up and said:

"This world, is absolutely nothing like mine. It‘s so...peaceful here, so warm, kind.
My world is filled with chaos and disharmony. Everypony follow‘s the words "Only the strong survive", there is no place for those who can‘t fight for them selves in our world.
You would find no kindness, generosity, joy, honesty, loyalty, nor magic, that is so pure like in Equestria.
But my father does not care about such things, for he only seeks power, to make it easier to control his subjects. " – Frostbite kneeled before the princess.

"Please! I never thought i would have to say this, but I don't want this world to fall to him! I don‘t want it to end up like ours has. Please, let me help you! That‘s the only choice I have now. "

Celestia closed her eyes - "Twilight, is Spike around? "

"Right here Princess" – A small dragon came out of the library "Woah! What happened here? " – Spike jumped in shock.

"Spike, how could you have slept through all this? " – Said Twilight.

"I dunno, but...Hey, who‘s this guy? " – Spike pointed at Frostbite.

"Spike, take a note please. " – Said Celestia/

"Wha? Uhm, ok?" – He sprinted back to the library and back with a quil and a sheet of paper.

The princess spoke:
"I, Princess Celestia, hereby decree, that the alicorn - Frostbite, shall take on a new mission upon himself. from this day forward, he will help everyone protect Equestria from all harm from his new home-town – Ponyville. "

With that said, everypony cheered from joy, including the mane six, who were smiling at him.

"Thank you, princess. I swear, on what honor I have left, i will help protect Equestria as it were my own home. " – Frostbite stood proudly, but couldn‘t stand for no longer. It seems the blast made by Ragnarok was more powerful than he thought. He collapsed on the ground.

"Frosty! " – Pinkie shouted and helped him get up.

"Ughh..What kind of name is Frosty..? " – Frostbite groaned.

Pinkie giggled - "I think it suits you. "
"Either way" – Twilight spoke "We should propobly get you to the hospital. That blast hit you bad. "

"Thank you, but I think I can manage, just show me where it is, I can walk there myself. " – Frostbite walked slowly. Then he noticed he was surrounded by the six ponies.

"No way, partner. We ain‘t lettin‘ no friend of our‘s on his own. " – Applejack said while trotting ahead.

"Look. " – Frostbite stopped "Why are you calling me your friend? We‘ve only met this morning, we haven‘t even spent that much time together and on top of that, just a few minute‘s ago, I was your enemy without you even knowing that. " – Frost lowered his head, avoiding their eyes. "How can you just forgive like that? My actions could have meant your end. "

The ponies looked at each other. They realised it must have been painful in his world, having no friends and following a very strick law. This made them sad. The first to speak up was Rarity.

"Oh darling, don‘t torture yourself with these details. You were simply confused with what is right and wrong. In the end, you made the right choice, you chose to protect us and for that we are greatful. " – Rarity‘s words made Frost rise his head once more.

"Yeah, dude. I mean, you‘re nothing like those chumps.You‘re a good guy, we all think so. " – Rainbow Dash continued after Rarity.

"Well, everypony in Ponyville is my friend. And now you‘re here too, so you‘re my friend too silly. " – Pinkie giggled.

"I‘m sorry i couldn‘t introduce myself properly earlier. I‘m Fluttershy. I‘m just always shy in front of ponies I‘ve never met before. You‘re not like those other scary ponies, your voice is kind and heart warming, and i feel safe around you. " – So far, Fluttershy‘s words were the one‘s that touched him the most. How can such kindness even exist?

Twilight spoke up - "We all think you‘re a good pony, mister-"

"Please, enough with the formalities, Frost is just fine..Or Frosty, I think I‘m beggining to like it" – Frostbite smiled, finally feeling relieved.

Twilight continued - "We all consider you our friend, Frost. And like you promised us you would protect us, we‘ll do the same for you. "

Frostbite looked at the night sky. "Guess this is where I belong for now. You were right Crimson, this world is worth protecting. And by my honor, I will. Good luck, brother. " – He thought.

And so the ponies and Frostbite continued to walk to the hospital, while other‘s returned to their homes. The princesses, still concerned of what‘s about to happen, returned to the castle.

*Meanwhile, many miles away from Ponyville. "

"Yes, these ruins will serve a perfect hide-out for you. " – Ragnarok turned and smirked at his soldiers.

""You? " – Arcane spoke "Your highness, don‘t you mean us? Will you not stay in Equestria? "
"No, Arcane. I must return to our world. Though it is chaotic enough, what will happen if there sn‘t a king to control it all? For now, I am promoting you to be the leader of this group. I hope you won‘t dissapoint me. "

"Never, your highness. " –Arcane kneeled. "But why me? Wouldn‘t it be better to give this position to prince Crimson Heart? "

"No. Crimson has almost learned his full potential. However, his bonds with this world have not yet ceased. I am already risking my plan with letting him stay here, but you will need his power to defeat the equestrians. " – Ragnarok glared at Brave Heart, who was looking at the night sky. "

Then, out of nowhere, Boo sprinted in between Ragnarok and Arcane.

"Big news, king Ragny! " – Boo yelled.

"Boo, what have I told about calling your king that? " – Arcane said angrily.

"It doesn‘t matter, Arcane. Now tell me Boo, and do it fast, for I must return to my world. "

"I saw it with my own eyes, you highney. Prince Frosty be-friended the ponies. "

"Well done, Boo. But listen, ALL of you listen! As of now, Frostbite is no longer your prince or ally. Now, he is, like the rest of this world‘s inhabitants, your enemy. Do not underestimate him, but do not show mercy before him either. Am I clear!? "

The six soldiers stood silently, but they had to listen to their king. They said in Unison:

"Y-Yes sir! " – All except for Brave Heart. Afterwards, Ragnarok dissapeared in his portal, leaving his best soldiers and Brave on their own.

"I believe in you Frostbite, don‘t let me down. " – Brave Heart whispered.

"Hey uh, prince Crimson Heart, sir? " – The orange pegasus approached im slowly.

"It‘s alright to call me by my first name, Red Clash. "

"Uh, Crimson, sir? Arcane was chosen to be the leader of this operation. Are you ok with this? "
"I‘m more than ok with it really. Actually, I‘m glad he didn‘t choose you instead, for I need you to keep a secret. Think you can do that? "

"Sir, i‘ve always been the most loyal soldier to the royal family, so yeah, my lips are sealed. " – Red Clash stood proudly.

"Hm, very good, now come closer. " – Brave Heart leened and whispered to his ear.

"S-Sir? Are you sure about this? " – He said surprised.

Brave Heart nodded - "But for now, keep this a secret from everyone, including my father. "
Red Clash was still shocked from what he‘d just heard. But and order is an order and he will carry it out until the end.
To be continued..