• Published 7th May 2012
  • 1,962 Views, 27 Comments

Scars of the past. - Sim D

A young and confused alicorn appears in Equestria for reasons he does not know.

  • ...

Chapter 1: The arrival.

Chapter 1


He was more than a brother

The day He was born, he was just a little colt like any other, but he was something different. He was one of the rarest type of ponies - an Alicorn like Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. The day he had arrived into Equestria, he was alone and confused, he didn‘t know why he was here or what was he supposed to do. With no other choice given, he began exploring the land of Equestria.

For days, weeks, he has travelled across Equestria, but sadly met nopony, only all kinds of landscapes, sights, sometimes even animals, both harmless and dangerous.He was not once attacked by beings like Manticores, cockatrices and other. But in the end, He was always able to survive, whether he had to escape or fight, he always prevailed.

Then finally, he saw something he hasn‘t seen in a long while: other ponies. Two tall Alicorns and two smaller ones. He approached with caution, as this was his first time meeting other ponies.The one who quickly noticed the approaching little one was a tall, dark maned Alicorn. His mane reminded him of the night sky, it looked more like an aura than a regular mane. He was flying in atleast 10 hoof height with one of the smaller ones.After both of them landed, the little one hid behind the large one on his back, as he approached this never before seen alicorn.

The first thing He had noticed was that the little pony was also an Alicorn.He thought that the four of them were the only one's.After a quick examination, He spoke:

"Well, hello there little one, are you lost?"

His voice was kind and gentle, didn't seem to have a "pinch" of agression.
The little one started to introduce himself and told his story up until this moment. The day he somehow appeared here, how he has explored this world and how many times he was attacked. After he was done, they had felt a little sorry for him, and also concerned from his story. He has gone through so much at such age?

The two elder alicorns started to discuss about him, while the 2 little one's slowly approached him. In front of him stood one with a pink mane, tail and white body. Behind her was a smaller filly, looked like she was only recently born, but very curious of the pony standing in front of her sister.Though it was the slightly older pony standing in front of him, the first to speak was the younger one, saying:

"Hi, my name is Woona, this is my sister Cewestia".

"Cewestia, Woona? Funny names you two have."

"It's actually Celestia. And little Luna is still small so she can't pronounce my name right, or her‘s.“

‘‘So, what‘s you name?“

‘‘I don‘t know“ He frowned ‘‘I can‘t remember anything before coming here, not even my name..if i have one to begin with.“

Then the two sisters started asking about his adventures, things like: weather it was true that he had to fight his way through dangerous beasts and what kind of sights did he saw. For the first time since his appearence in Equestria, he finally felt warmth and joy, chatting with other ponie's was very exciting to him. As they were chatting, the two larger Alicorns stepped in. The one who spoke was a female alicorn with beautiful wings and mane.She spoke with a very tender and gentle voice. It relaxed him very much, as if the events upon his arrival had never happened and all the stress just dissapeared.

"Well then, little one, seeing as you already befriended our daughters, and you seem not to have a place to call "home"...

The darker one continued...

"Would you perhaps like to come stay with us?"

He was shocked with their offer. They‘ve just met him and yet, they seem so caring, loving, they would adopt him just like that. He never thought he'd meet somepony this kind and genorous, His heart never felt this warm.With a quick pause he answered:

"I would love to!"

The parent Alicorns were delighted to hear that, and so was Luna it seemed.

"Yay Blacky is our big brother!"

"B-Blacky?" – He blushed.

The dark alicorn chuckled.

“That dosen‘t seem like a very fitting name for a strong little colt liek you. How about we name you...Brave Heart?"

"Brave Heart“ – He was confused.

"I think it fits you very well.“ The mare alicorn lowerd her head to his head-level. "There aren‘t many ponies who can perform such acts at such age."

"Brave Heart..I like the sound of that!" – He bounced in approval.

"Well then, welcome Brave Heart“ – The elder colt smiled welcomly.

Brave Heart was so happy. In one day, he received a name and even got the closest thing to call a family.Even though they were not at all related, Luna kept calling him "Big brother" , while Celestia, thinking his full name was a mouthfull, called him „Brave“ in short. It didn‘t seem to bother him at all.

Time went by fast.

The three foals grew up and their magic grew stronger. Both Luna and Celestia began learning how to change night to day, while Brave Heart acted as a gurdian throughout all of Equestria, keeping peace in the last and protecting other ponies from harm.

Up until now, that was their parent‘s duty, keeping this balance in Equestria. But the time had come for them to pass down these duties to their son and daughter‘s. Afterwords, the parents dissapeared, they mentioned having bussines elsewhere, however decided not to tell them about it.

Despite being new to these duties, all three alicorns got the hoof of it in mere days and were declared the new ruler‘s of Equestria.

However, Brave Heart declined this offer.

Even though Celestia and Luna offered him to be a prince time and time again, he refused, reminding them that they are not of the same blood and it would be wrong to call him a prince. Instead he became captain of the royal guards and a personal protector of Celestia and Luna.

The colt's all over Equestria, at that time, looked up to him and respected him for his heroism and bravery. And the mares seem to be big fans of him, often sending love letter‘s and party invitations.

While he did appreciate these kind acts, he had somepony else in mind.

Sometimes, when Acheron leaves the castle to enjoy the lively streets of Canterlot, he would hear whispering about him and Celestia.Things like:

"Hey, are Sir Brave Heart and Clesetia going out maybe?" or "I wonder if They‘re gonna get married someday?"

Brave Heart felt embarassed in those situations, but just kept letting out silent chuckles and moved on.

A few weeks after, there has been something that kept bothering Brave. He felt as if he was being watched by an unknown force. He did not like that...

And they had only become worse. Every new day, Celestia felt something changing in Brave. She noticed that even some of her guards felt uneasy when Brave was around, as if he had a dark aura around him.

Both of them were standing in the main hall of the castle, Celestia approached him.

"Brave, are you feeling alright? You seem to be tired, whithered "

There was a pause of silence.

"I‘m fine, Princess. Maybe I‘ve just been getting too caught up in my duties. "
"But.. " – Celestia looked in his eyes worried.

"Don‘t worry" Brave spoke up smiling "Maybe I should just have some bed rest. I assure you, It‘s nothing you should worry about. "

"Very well" The conversation ended, but Celestia knew better, something just felt different about Brave, something...dark.


The moon has risen and Luna awakened from her slumber, whilst everypony else went to bed, iccept for the night guards of the castle.

Brave Heart was now fully asleep, however, though he had hoped some rest would loosen him up a bit, but it was actually the night, when everything about him changed.

He began having the worst nightmare of his life. He dreamt he changed into a dark being. He was destroying the castle, killing every guard in his path and opening what seemed to be some portal to another realm. He saw both Luna and Celestia standing in fron of him, begging him to stop what he‘s doing, but he did not listen. His body moved on it‘s own and what he did made him wake up and yell in terror.

"NO! " – He was holding out his fore-leg to the ceiling, whilst sweating cold sweat.

"What was that? It felt so real." He stepped out of his bed and came closer to his balcony/

"Was that me in my dream? What was I doing? Did I actually at-attack Celestia and Luna?"

Then suddenly, he heard a whispering voice.

"You know what you must dooo..."

"What the?" – Now he knew something was going on.

"It is your destinyyy..."

"Who‘s there!?" – Brave started to unleash his magic, but was shocked from what he felt.

"What is this?" – A mixture of black and red mist began surrounding him "Am..am I doing this? This isn‘t my magic."

"Of course it is" the voice spoke up again "You have forgotten yourself, why you are here, what you must do."

"Show yourself coward!" Brave‘s patience was getting thin.

"I see you‘ve lived up to your current name: Brave heart, what a rediculous name for somepony as you, though they weren‘t far off."

"You watch what you say. That name was given to me by the precious rulers of Equestria and I am not letting you disgrace it! "

"Ah yes, the Queen and King of Equestria. And where are they now? They mean nothing to you, they were merely an illusion. You think they truly thought of you as their son? "

"..Shut up. "

"It‘s time for you to wake up, time to do what you were meant to do"

"Shut up! "

"Unleash your true form, Crimson Heart! Use your great power, open the portal, destroy Equestria, my son! "

"No..." – Brave answered silently.



"It is your destiny...destroy equestria and enslave every living being there! "




Brave strugelled, but to no avail. He has fallen into the darkness. His true self has awakened.

After that, Celestia was awakened by some dark presence.There was black magic in the air.

She didn't want to admit it, but even though it was dark, cruel, she had felt Brave within all that magic.

"No, It can‘t be" – Celestia jumped out of bed and ran to the main hall, where as Luna was hurrying back to the castle after taking a night stroll in the clouds.

On her way, Celestia ran into one of the night guards, injured from battle.

"Your Highness, it's Sir Brave Heart, he has gone insane, he started destroying the castle with some strange, dark magic!"

Celestia was shocked and with not a second spared, She charged through the hallway until she came to the grand hall. What the guard said was true, the hall was destroyed and Acheron was standing there around defeated guards performing some strange ritual.

"Brave Heart! What is the meaning of this?" – Celestia yelled with a terrified manner.

"Celestia" – Brave turned around "There will be things i will do that you will not understand. Please know, I take no pleasure in this...”

Celestia gasped. Who was this Alicorn, was it really the same Brave Heart?

No, he was different, his eyes were glowing red and his body was surrounded by a dark aura, even stronger than before and now clearly visible.

"Don't worry Celestia, I'll try to make this as painless as possible" Brave prepared to launch an attack.

"Big Brother!" - yelled Luna while running in to the hall "Brave? Brother, what have done, who did you become? "

There was a short pause, when Brave spoke.

"Hm, It would seem that I get to finish you both at a time” .

"Whatever is going on Brave, you must stop!What happened to you?" Celestia still couldn‘t believe what was happening. There he was, the little colt she met all those years ago, the one who played with her and Luna every day, protecting them from even the most dangerous creatures. Now has become a monster himself.

" Forgive me Celestia, but...I was born to do this."

With that said, he quickly charged at Celestia and Luna, charging up a dark spell to finish this quickly.

But something stopped him, he looked down to see his legs being trapped by some blue aura. It was Luna‘s doing.

"I‘ve underestimated you Luna, but don‘t think this can hold me"

While Luna‘s magic can match up to Brave‘s, his physical strength was too great. Luna was struggling to hold him in place, but she couldn‘t do it for much longer.

Then there was flash of multiple lights lighting up the whole main hall. Brave looked to Celestia, who was surrounded by some jewels. Then he realised, it was the Elements of Harmony.

"What are you planning Celestia? You should know better that even with the Elements you can‘t kill me! "

Celestia stood silently. Brave was now binded by a bright yellow aura and held in mid-air.

"I could never do something like that to you..But I cannot allow you to continue this madness" – As she spoke, streams of tears began flowing from her eyes.

"Celestia.. " Brave turned to Luna, who‘se eyes were also over-flowing with tears. "Luna.. " Brave had feared this the most. He thought he could finish this quickly, without seeing the Princesses cry for his doings.

Celestia's horn started to to shine imensly, as Brave himself was being pushed to the dark portal was trying to open.

He did not struggle. After witnessing the sadness in Celestia‘s and Luna‘s eyes, he was too overwhelmed with sorrow. He never wanted this, everything was just like in his dream. He had no control over himself, only now, when in this sad state, he forced himself to stop. Just as he was about to be thrown in his own portal, he looked at both of them.

"Celestia. Luna" Both raised their heads and looked in his eyes "I‘m so sorry.. "

The portal closed. Brave Heart, Guardian of Equestria and closest friend of the princesse‘s, was gone.

"Sister...Why did big brother...?" – Luna spoke in a sad tone.

"I don't know Luna" – Celestia came closer to hug her tightly "What has become of Brave, I do not know. "

They both sobbed, realising what has happened, their heart‘s were sinked in sorrow.

After that incident, the only who knew of what happened were Celestia, Luna and some guards of the castle.The Princesses did not want this news to spread. Whenever somepony asked as to where Sir Brave Heart was, they would answer that he has set out on an important journey and will not be back for a long time.

A few days after, Celestia was walking down the hall-way and stopped next to the door which used to be Brave‘s room. She hesitated, still sad as to what heppened, but forced herself to come in.

Nothing out of the ordinary: A couch, a fire-place, a bed and a stool with a box on it.

Celestia was curious of what was inside that little box. She opened the box and in there were two diamond rings and a letter, saying:


The day I met you, it was the first time I have ever felt this warm tingly sensation. At first, I didn‘t know what it was, but as time flew, my feeling became stronger for you and it was then i realised, I fell for you. I couldn‘t hold these feelings for much longer. And even though you are royalty and I am a guard, I must know if your feelings towards me are the same as mine are to you. What I‘m trying to say is:
Will you marry me? "

A tear dropped from Celestias eyes. She opened her mouth slowly and softly said:


“Dear sister?” – Luna was standing behind Celestia.

“Luna, I feel that Brave may come back, but...not as the one we knew for so long..”

“What will we do?”

“For now, we must prepare for the worst, that is yet to come.”

Celestia took a closer look at Luna. Her mane was darker than ussual and her eyes had changed aswell.

"Luna, are you alright? " Celestia spoke nervously.

Luna looked up to her "There‘s something I want to discuss with you, Celestia."

*Meanwhile, in a another realm..*

“You see? I told you Crimson wasn’t up for it, the time he spent in that world “Equestria” has made him soft and his powers weak. You should have sent me, I may be younger, but I could’ve handled it. This is your fault you know.” – Spoke a slightly dark blue coloured alicorn.

“Yes...this is indeed dissapointing. Crimson, what do you have to say for yourself?” – Said an alicorn sitting on a throne, shrouded in darkness.

“...There’s nothing i want to say to you...father. When the time comes, I will re-open the gate, just as you planned, but I will NOT hurt Celestia or Luna!” – Spoke Brave with an angered tone.

“...Just like your mother...Frostbite was right, I should have sent him instead of you.”

“Seriously big brother, just what did you see in that Celestia? We’ve been waiting here for a thousand years for that gate to be opened, and now it’s gone.” – Frostbite ended that sentance in a dissapointed tone.

“Yes...but It is not all taht bad as it would seem, look. It seems our princesses are having a little- or should I say, a huge quarel.

“What!?” – Brave yelled in shock.

As the three alicorns were watching through a green orb, the one on the throne spoke up.

“Well, well, fancy our luck my son‘s. Princess Luna‘s refusal to lower the moon cost het to be banished to the moon. “ The alicorn began to laugh menasingly.

“Oh, and poor little Celestia, lost her close friend and now her own sister...this may put our plan to an advantage. “

“Luna...” Brave lowered his head.

“Well then, all that is left now is to wait for the gates to open again, but this time, I will send you there Frostbite. And you Dreadsteed, you better start learning how to use your original powers, that display while fighting Celestia was just pathetic.”

“C’mon brother, I’ll remind you how to use them” – Spoke Frostbite in a happy tone.

“Fine...” – Brave was not happy with this at all. This isn’t how he wanted everything to turn out.

The two colts left the throne room, leaving the one still sitting on his throne.

“Just you wait Equestria, soon, you will know what true chaos is...and ALL will worship they’re future king – King Ragnarok!”


Another one thousand years have past since that day. The plans of Ragnarok did not go as he had anticipated, for Princess Luna has returned to Equestria and all in Ponyville were celebrating.
After the party, which was naturally planned by Pinkie pie, the Princesses returned to the castle. Soon after the arrival, Luna spoke “Sister, has Brave, by any chance, came back?”

Celestia paused for a second. So, Luna hasn‘t forgotten about him either. But Luna has matured aswell, no longer she calls Brave „big brother.‘‘

“No Luna dear, no news about him, even after so long. “

Luna lowered her head. No matter what happened, Brave was dear to Luna as if he was her real brother. It sadened her knowing he has not yet returned. And even if he did, would it have been better? Would he return as the old Brave Heart they both loved?

“Do you still believe he will? “

“After such a long time, I stil lhave not lost fate that he will, Luna” – Celestia put a warm smile.

*Meanwhile, back in the dark realm, inside The Black Castle*

“Well son, I assume you know what to do.”

“Yeah, yeah. Enter the gate, Sneak into the castle and without hesitating, open the Gates.”

“Good, as soon as it opens, our six captain’s will start chaos across Equestria, starting with the castle and that small village.”

There stood six ponies, kneeling to Dread Stallion. Two earth ponies, two pegasus and two unicorns.

“YeeeHaaw! They won’t know what hit them!” – Said a large, brown earth pony, wearing a black cow-colt style hat.

”Yeah, I’ll bring up a storm they’ll never forget!” – Said a pegasus with orange colored body and black, spikey mane.

“Um...Let’s just try not to destroy everything, alright?” – Said a pegasus with a yellow body and a long red mane.

“You’re one to talk, you control fire remember? That‘s as destructive as anyone can get” – Answered a purple unicorn pony with a blone mane.

“My, my, anxious as always i see.” – Said a unicorn pony with a white body and blue mane.

“I wonder what food they have there...” – Said an earth pony with a grey body and white mane. He did not seem to be intrested in the upcoming event, rather than he is about the food.

“Let’s just get this over with, father.” – Spoke Frostbite.

“Very well, I will open the gate now.After you travel through it, you will appear near that little village.If i were to send you straight to the castle, you would be immedietly sensed by the Princess and you wouldn‘t be strong enough to defeat everypony all on your own. From what I can gather, they are still well prepared even after all these years” – Ragnarok answered.

The gate was opened, and Frostbite jumped into it.

“Now watch closely Crimson. Your younger brother will show you, how one needs to do exactly, as planned.” – Ragnarok turned to Brave with a smirk.

Brave stood silently.

“Celestia...please be safe...” – He whispered.


*Just a few miles away from Ponyville...*

The portal had opened in Equestria, and out of it, came out Frostbite.

“Hm, strange. This place actually looks better than I thought. It so..warm. “ Frostbite stoof for a few minutes, observing his surroundings.

“Hm, nevermind, I have a mission to do.” - Frostbite walked up on a small cliff.

“I almost feel sorry for this world. Seems to be a waste if father decide‘s to turn it into something like ours. Oh well, I hope you‘re as ready as father predicts Equestria. “ Frostbite looked at the castle in a distance with a smirk.

To be continued...